Repair Design Furniture

Tire bed options. Flowerbeds of tires for your summer cottage: a large selection of photos and instructions. Crafts from tires in the form of flower beds require preparation

There are many ways to improve the look of your garden, front garden or lawn for free.

For example, from old tires you can make various and that will decorate the local area.

In this article we will tell and show in the photo:

  • how to make flower beds and flowerpots from car tires;
  • how to make flower beds and flower beds out of tires;
  • how you can make a basket or pots out of a tire;
  • what other crafts for plants can be made;
  • how to paint the wheels.

There are several basic types of tire beds that are ubiquitous. In order to do any of them, need to cook:

  • tire;
  • knife or electric jigsaw;
  • paints;
  • brushes.

Depending on the model may be needed additionally:

  • drill;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • rope;
  • or plywood.

For example, to make a flower bed in the form of a chrysanthemum, you will need an old cup or any round container through which you can circle circles to cut petals. Step-by-step instructions are shown in the photo below.

The knife must be taken with a sharp one. because the rubber on the tires is very thick. Cutting will not always be convenient, but do not be discouraged.

It will go faster if you use it instead of a knife jigsaw... It is possible that the first time nothing will work out, but having filled your hand, you can make flower beds from improvised material, not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones.

It takes masculine strength to turn the tire out and shape it. You can just make a flower bed, or you can use the cut out part to add volume to the structure... In this case, the cut out circle is set down instead of the leg and a beautiful flowerpot of tires is obtained.

A multi-tiered flower bed looks attractive, in which flowers are selected, both in color and in height.

For the manufacture of this structure, 14 tires are required, which must be carefully positioned and filled with nutrient soil. It is problematic to find so many old tires, therefore only 7 pieces can be used, after cutting them in half.

In the second case, the tires will perform 2 functions: decorative and as a side of a multi-tiered flower bed. Such a flower garden will not only please the eye, but will also significantly save time during weeding. Even if weeds penetrate there, it will not be difficult to remove them.

Nutrient mixture before laying in a flower bed, you need especially check carefully for weeds.

If a piece of the root of any weed falls into a confined space, it will soon be difficult to get rid of it.

The final stage is painting the sides flower beds. For this, oil paint of the desired color is selected.

Before painting, you need to wash off the dirt from the tires and dry them.

To prevent the formation of small cracks in the paint, it is necessary apply at least three layers... The layers should be thin.

A white flower bed will always look spectacular. The rest of the colors must be chosen carefully, realizing that the color determines the first impression. The sides of the flower beds of the same shade as the blossoming flowers that will be planted there look harmoniously.

Making a flowerpot

In order to independently make a flowerpot from tires, it will take a little time and effort. Necessary prepare the following materials and tools:

  • tire;
  • jigsaw;
  • round container;
  • chalk or white marker;
  • brushes;
  • oil paint.

Instructions for making a flowerpot:

  1. Remove disc cover for a while.
  2. Apply to surface tires chalk outline... If round petals are supposed, then you need to draw circles around the perimeter using a cup or round container. If there are teeth, then you need to first cut out one part from paper or cardboard and, applying it, draw identical figures around the entire perimeter.
  3. Along the drawn contour cut curly board flowerpot. The resulting circle does not need to be thrown away, it will serve as a leg for the resulting flower garden.
  4. Turn out the tire, giving it the desired shape.
  5. Insert the cap into place, giving rigidity to the entire structure.
  6. Substitute the circle cut out earlier under the flowerbed, making a leg for the flowerpot out of it.
  7. Clean the surface from dirt and dust. Dry.
  8. Paint with oil paint.

Such a flowerpot looks spectacular both on the terrace and on the lawn. You can plant flowers and ornamental plants of different heights in it: these can be low marigolds and a spreading castor oil plant. In this design, ampelous plants look good.

Baskets and planters for pots

Looks attractive among the greenery of the garden or on the lawn swans from tires. They can be left as garden decor, or used as planters for short pots. To make them, take a tire and draw a contour on it, along which you then need to "go" with a jigsaw or a sharp knife.

For fixing a long neck you can swan use thick wire which you can then paint over.

In order for the paint to hold better, you need to degrease the surface of the tire and additionally prime it before painting. For the swan, two types of paint are most often used: white and black.

Crop beds

Old tires can also come in handy for growing vegetables in the garden. Their main advantage is that in such beds practically no grass grows.

As you know, weeds significantly hinder the development of cultivated plants, and sometimes they simply drown them out.

To make the beds, you will need an electric jigsaw. They cut out the side surfaces of the tires.

In such small beds you can plant radishes, greens and other healthy vegetables. Such a bed has undeniable advantages if the site is virgin soil where nothing grows.

A few beds and a little land are enough to grow a good harvest of pumpkins and zucchini. Under such a bed, even the most vicious weeds will not be able to develop and will gradually rot. To speed up the process can be put under the tire several layers of newspapers, and then fill the bed with earth. To make a long ridge, the tires need to be cut and then fastened together to form a curb tape.

The second advantage will be the ability to shelter delicate plants from cold snaps... It is enough to fix a thick wire on the tire, on which you can put a film or spunbond.

High ridges can be equipped with tires, hoisting them on top of each other. Such a bed is very useful for plants, since it is half filled with various organic waste: branches, weeds.

All this decomposes, forming compost. Pumpkin plants grow well on such beds.

What else can you make with plant tires?

Old tires give room for creativity to those who are engaged in gardening. If you add wheels to the flower bed, then you can bring other original ideas to life and get from them interesting detail in the garden landscape- in front of us in the photo is a trolley made of a tire, which carries flowers.

Tires of different sizes also make a beautiful multi-tiered flower bed. And for those who have little space in the garden, you can make a vertical bed out of several tires.

The video demonstrates various interesting design options for flower beds made of tires:


Useful and beautiful flowerpots, flower beds, pots can be built from things that have worked out their days. Instead of littering the surrounding nature, tires can serve for many more years as a decorative piece Location on.

We talked about other ways to get rid of old tires. And their advantage in the garden compared to other materials is obvious: they are lightweight, they can be easily transferred from one end of the garden to the other.

In contact with

Very often, gardeners accumulate things in their summer cottage, which it is a pity to throw away, and what to do with them so that they serve a second life is unclear. However, it is worth imagining a little, and the garden area will be decorated with beautiful flower beds made of tires and other improvised material. And old tires that have already served their time can help in the design of flower beds.

How to make beautiful flower beds from old car rubber tires, how to paint them, will be discussed below.

Choosing and preparing tires for making flower beds with your own hands

Old car tires will feel softer and easier to shape after long-term use. Tires can be asked from neighbors - motorists who do not need them. You can also pick up used car tires at service stations, as there they would otherwise simply be thrown into a landfill. And if there is an opportunity to choose between domestic and imported tires, then it is better to make flower beds from imported tires. because tires of foreign manufacturers are much softer, so it is easier for them to be shaped, turned out, etc.

Dirty tires should be preliminarily cleaned from dirt and sand as much as possible. Indeed, it is more pleasant to work with clean material, and the blades of knives will become dull faster when working with tires soiled with dirt and sand.

Before making a flowerpot or flower girl from an old tire, you should carefully consider its appearance: in the form of a bowl, which will have smooth edges, a flower bed, in which the edges will be cut off by waves, or a flower-shaped vase with petals and fringes.

You can come up with any shape for tires, but it is usually always in the form of a "pan - lid": the bottom of such a flower bed will be deep, and the top must be cut off. Cut contours can be easily applied with regular chalk.

If the owners decided to make a flower bed out of the old tire, then along the edge of the product, draw the contours of the petals with chalk, and then cut along the contour with a sharp knife. Each of the petals should not be more than 12 cm. If the petals are made larger, then the tire cannot be turned out, and the shape of the flower bed will be uneven.

When the tire is cut along the contour, then along the grooves it is necessary to cut the tires in the longitudinal direction (the distance between such cuts is up to 10 cm).

In order to create a flowerpot from a tire on a leg, the tire is first turned inside out. Many gardeners don't get it right the first time. In fact, turning a tire out this way is not easy.

The metal cord is usually cut with a grinder in several places. The rubber is cut smoothly with this saw. The cuts are made over the entire surface of the tire at an equal distance from each other (about 15 cm). And only then can the tire be turned inside out. It should be remembered that it is difficult to turn out only the first piece of the tire, then the product will turn out much easier.

How to make a flower bed out of tires with your own hands (video)

How to cut a tire for a flower bed: options and technology

Any tool used to cut car tires must be well sharpened. Old tires can be cut with a boot knife. To facilitate the cutting process, the blade of such a knife is lubricated with liquid soap.

It is great if you can use a jigsaw to cut surfaces. Using this tool, you can cut various shapes and crafts from the wheels.

To cut metal discs, you need to use a saw - a grinder.

You can cut tires in different ways, depending on the shape of the future flower bed. You can cut the tires in half, or only cut the top off.

However, it is not enough to give the old tire an unusual shape. After all, black or dirty - gray flowerpots look ugly against the general background of the garden plot. Therefore, it is necessary to paint the outer part of the flowerpots, which were made from wheel slopes.

To paint these rubber products, use any type of paints:

If the outer part of the tires is clean, then the paint will fall on it evenly, and it will last more than one season on the tires. You can use car paint to decorate flowerpots.

Craftsmen use spray paint cans for painting. In this case, it is possible to paint all prepared flower beds from car tires in a short period of time. It is better to use light shades of paints when painting tires - in this case, the soil inside the tires heats up less.

Most often, gardeners paint only the outer part of the tires. However, it is much more aesthetically pleasing to paint the tire from the inside (at least its upper part).

There can be a great variety of design options for flower beds from car tires - it all depends on the imagination of the owners and the availability of various paint colors.

You can combine different colors as well as shades. Moreover, you can paint the lower part of the flower bed with a darker paint, and the upper one with a lighter one. You can apply an ornament of a different shade to the main color. However, do not try too hard when painting the tires - when the flowers grow, they can completely cover the outside of the flower bed.

Some craftsmen do not stop only at painting such flower beds - they can stick glass pebbles on the tire petals, creating a dew effect.

The correct combination of colors when dyeing flower beds from car tires, which is "consonant" with the colors of the plants planted in such flower beds, will give the garden plot a unique flavor.

Original ideas for decorating a flower garden from car tires

When decorating flower beds with car tires, you should not restrain your imagination. After all, from old tires you can build not only flower beds, flowerpots and bowls for flowers. Tires can be used in the manufacture of garden swings, armchairs and ottomans, various decorations for the garden, hedges and much more.

  • The tires can be cut in half and dug in around the flower garden or along the path, separating the planting area from the garden path. These tires can be painted in a variety of colors, as well as painted with flowers or ladybirds, for example.
  • You can install the main tire with petals cut out in the upper part on a plinth of several tires, stacked on top of each other and painted in different colors.
  • Vases made of tires, installed on legs, like stools, look original. You can install a smaller tire on the lower tire, filled with earth, and plant flowers in a circle in the lower tire, and in the upper tire, place flowers throughout the space of the flower bed.
  • Craftsmen cut various birds or animals from the tires, planting flowering plants in the inner part of such flower beds.
  • Tires look interesting - flower beds, suspended or screwed to the wall of a house or utility room.

If the garden area is small, then it is more appropriate to arrange flower beds of car tires, carved in the form of a frog, a beautiful swan, a carriage from a fairy tale, a bright firebird or an exotic parrot. But on a large-sized lawn, flower beds made in several tiers or structures made vertically will look better.

Slides from waste tires look original. The height of such slides depends only on the imagination of the site owners. Small slides of several tires look beautiful, staggered on top of each other. Moreover, in each of these tires, you can plant different varieties of flowers.

The size of such slides, both in width and length, and in height, depends only on the imagination of flower growers and the size of the area allocated for such flower beds.

You can paint tires in such a flower garden both in the same way and by combining shades.

How to choose flowers for planting in a flower garden from tires

It is better to plant flowers in flower beds from car tires, which will delight with their flowering all season. Flowers planted in a flower garden from tires are usually unpretentious.

Moreover, you can plant flowering plants of various heights and shades of flowers. Curly flowers can be used.

These can be such plants:

The free space between flowering plants can be supplemented with fir cones - such decoration looks interesting, but next year such cones have to be replaced with fresh ones.

By combining different types and varieties of flowers, you can create extraordinary beauty compositions in flower beds from old car tires. It all depends only on what colors the florist wants to see on his site.

Old car tires can be great for improving the overall interior of your garden. Most often they are used precisely for decorating flower beds or flower beds. And here it all depends only on the imagination of the owners - and there are a great many options for flower beds from old tires.

Many people believe that only an experienced specialist can develop a beautiful landscape design. But practice shows that this point of view has nothing to do with reality. Everyone is capable of making a garden or a personal plot - there would be a corresponding desire.

The basics of landscape design

In order for a dacha or an adjoining territory to look decent, often neither high professionalism nor significant financial costs are required. Anything can be used: fragments of bricks, stones, plastic bottles, old watering cans and much more.

Flowerbed of tires

For example, an alpine slide, which is the object of dreams of many owners of suburban areas, may well be built without the involvement of specialists. The most important thing is not to be afraid to experiment and boldly combine different objects and objects.

Interesting. Often old junk, which, it would seem, is time to throw it away, can do a good job in decorating the territory.

So, for example, from an old wobbly chair you will get a beautiful stand for a flowerpot. With an old chest of drawers, if you tint and decorate it appropriately, you can decorate any blank wall by planting bright flowers in its boxes.

More complex designs can be made from scrap materials, for example, having a metal rod and flower pots at hand, you can build a very interesting vertical flower bed.

Among domestic gardeners and owners of suburban areas, flower beds from tires are in high demand. They will be discussed below.

Types of flower beds from tires

To start creating flower beds from tires with your own hands, you do not need special experience and knowledge. The most important thing is to have the necessary tools and basic information on hand.

By the type of construction, tire beds are:

  • low;
  • high;
  • single-tiered;
  • multi-tiered;
  • curly;
  • suspended;
  • round.

Round flower beds made of wheels are the easiest option in execution. All that is required to organize a flower garden is to take tires, paint them in arbitrary colors, fill them with soil and plant plants.

Interesting. To get an interesting composition from a material such as a tire, you can paint the wheel material in bright colors and, stacking on top of each other, form tall flower beds.

As for multi-level structures, they are created from tires of various diameters. They are placed on top of each other according to the principle of a toy pyramid (in descending order of size) and filled with soil. This design is perfect for planting ampelous plants.

Layered tire construction

Suspended flower beds made of tires can be attached in different ways: to a pipe, chains or a rope to a tree branch, etc. Only first you should not forget to cover the bottom of the improvised pots with some material.

Step by step instructions

Before proceeding with the manufacture of flower beds from tires, you should decide on the dimensions and design.

Flower-shaped flower bed

Do-it-yourself flower beds look very stylish. For work, you need a tire, a sharp knife capable of cutting through thick rubber, and a marker (or chalk).

Flower-shaped flower beds Manufacturing work is carried out as follows:

  1. Marker marks the cut points.
  2. The tire is cut around the circumference in the form of zigzag petals (oval, semicircular or triangular).
  3. The tire is turned over and, driving a knife along the thickening, a circle is cut out from the back side of the tire.
  4. Around the circumference inside the tire, transverse cuts are made at a distance of 20 to 25 cm from each other, starting from the cut edge to the end of the tread.
  5. The tire remains unscrewed, and the design of the flower bed is ready.

Flower bed

Then you need to paint the product in a beautiful color, fill it with earth and plant flowers. Oil paint is best suited. Other types of paint may peel off.

Pot from an old wheel

Pot from an old wheel

Another interesting master class, which will be useful to lead, is devoted to making a stylish garden vase from a worn wheel. For work, you need to prepare a tire, which has a disc, knife and marker. Then they act according to the following scheme:

  1. A zigzag line is marked along the circumference of the tire, along which it will then be necessary to cut.
  2. Cut the tire. To facilitate the cutting work, it is recommended to periodically dip the knife into machine oil.
  3. Turn the tire inside out. It is better to turn it out together and in parts.
  4. The pot is ready. All that remains is the same painting work.

Important! Before pouring earth into such a vase, you must remember to put a gasket on the bottom, in which small holes should be provided to remove excess water after watering.

Flower bed chamomile from tires

This is another simple and interesting option, how to quickly make a flower bed in the form of daisies from the wheel. To work, you will need several tires and a sharp knife. In general, work will take no more than half an hour. The step-by-step workflow is as follows:

  1. All tires are cut in half.
  2. A figured fence in the shape of a flower is formed.
  3. They cover the ground and plant the plants.

Form the heart of the chamomile from flowers. Alternatively, it can be in the shape of a circle, laid out from a material such as a plastic bottle (bottoms to the top) or a stone.

Flower bed chamomile from tires

If you approach the process of creating flower beds from tires creatively, original ideas will not keep you waiting. Answers to the questions: is it worth using additional plastic material, how and with what to paint the wheels for the flower bed, and what to plant in the flower garden as a result, you will find along the way.

Parrot cache-pot

To create an original pots in the form of a parrot from an old wheel, you will need the following materials:

  • a tire with a shallow radial tread;
  • a strip of iron for the clamp;
  • washers, nut, bolt;
  • spanners;
  • drill.

Parrot cache-pot

The work is done in the following order:

  1. With a knife, symmetrical cuts are made in the tire 2/3 along the bead ring.
  2. The side part and the tread are cut at a distance of 1/3. On the larger side, the side part is separated by means of a triangular cutout.
  3. The tire is turned inside out.
  4. The bird's beak is cut from the side.
  5. A smaller part of the tire is cut along its entire length (the cut should be slightly larger than the size of the future beak).
  6. Using a clamp, insert the beak and squeeze the halves.
  7. Drill a hole with a drill.
  8. The halves of the head are pulled together with washers, nuts and bolts. (To make the head narrower than the body, part of the tire must be cut off).
  9. A tail is cut on the larger side of the tire.
  10. The workpiece is painted.
  11. A clamp is made from an iron strip, with which the sides of the pots are pulled together (as an option, an ordinary rope can be used).
  12. Color the parrot in full.
  13. Hang the pots on a rope or screw them with wire to a horizontal structure.

How to turn out a tire

It will take some effort to turn the tire inside out. To facilitate the work, it is recommended to make large cuts - up to the tread. First, one side is turned inside out, then, slightly flattening the tire into an oval, they do it completely.

If you still do not have enough strength, you should cut the part of the flower bed opposite the petals in a circle to remove the steel cord. True, in this case there is a risk that the structure will not keep its shape well enough.

Tire handling

How to cut a tire

You will need a sharp knife to cut the tire. First, a small hole is made in the tire. Then a cutting tool is inserted into it and the material is cut according to a predetermined marking. The knife should be periodically dipped in water or machine oil. This will greatly simplify the task.

How to paint the wheels for a flower bed

When the structure is ready, it remains to paint it. To do this, the surface is completely degreased (for example, with acetone or white spirit) and allowed to dry.

The surface can be additionally primed, but this condition is not necessary, since even without this, the paint on the rubber lays down quite well. The staining process itself does not differ from similar works on another object.

Planting flowers and rules of care

Having dealt with the question of how to make a tire out of a car wheel and how to cut and overlay everything correctly, it's time to understand what is better to plant in a flower bed of tires. Of course, there is no clear instruction as to which flower is best to place in flower beds made of handmade tires.

Cover with flowers

Nasturtiums look no less bright. But, when planting this flower in flower beds from tires, it should be remembered that the culture does not tolerate transplantation very well. Accordingly, nasturtium should be placed in a permanent place of growth in the form of swollen seeds or ready-made seedlings in peat cups.

In addition, you can plant marigolds, vervain, viola and other not too whimsical flowers.

It is allowed to plant in homemade pots and perennials. These can be chrysanthemums, carnations, daisies, ornamental bows and much more.

The main condition is that the flowers planted in tires should be unpretentious and require minimal maintenance.

No matter how interesting the idea is, and no matter what kind of flowers were planted in an impromptu flower garden, the structure itself should be placed in such a way that access to it remains free. This will allow the plants to be properly cared for. Only in this case the use of tires as flower beds will be justified.

As for the care of flowers, it largely depends on what is specifically planted, and does not differ from the manipulations performed with a similar plant planted in open ground or a flower pot.

Concluding the conversation about how you can make a flower bed out of the wheel, it is worth noting that such a constructive solution within the framework of creating landscape design has a number of undoubted advantages:

  • the durability of the flower bed;
  • good tolerance to temperature changes;
  • practically zero financial costs;
  • high rate of aesthetics.

Rubber is a very malleable material, and the question should not be about how to make a flower bed out of a tire (especially since it is very easy), but which version of a flower garden is better to make from a set.

Currently, there is an opportunity to buy a summer cottage flowerpot in special garden stores. However, such an element of decor for a summer residence can be made independently.

Typically, plant pots are made of clay, wood, plastic and plaster. They are of high quality, of various shapes and colors, and also have a long service life. The cost of such garden fixtures depends on the type of material, size and manufacturer. An alternative solution to saving money is a flowerpot, which looks no worse on a personal plot. Such an unusual craft can be made from a car tire.

To work, you need to have:

  • a tire from a car;
  • cement with sand and primer;
  • paint and soap solution;
  • plaster mesh or wire;
  • small crushed stone or pebbles.

You should also have the following tools in your arsenal:

  • knife, hard brush;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • brush and trowel;
  • Grinder;
  • concrete bucket.

Master class pot made of tires

First, we cut off the side part of the tire, giving the contour a figure for originality, the second part is left intact. Before starting work, draw a border, you will need to cut off the tire along it, then lower the knife into the soapy solution so that it cuts better. For a more complex figure of the edge of the flowerpot, use a jigsaw.

Now you can start making the legs of the flowerpot. For this, a disc from a wheel is suitable. We mount two parts of the tire (sidewall and the remaining piece) on the disc. The base of the flowerpot is ready.

Let's start decorating the base. To begin with, the rubber and the disc must be coated with a primer, then painted with the desired tone. It is worth noting that light-colored paint does not fade so much under the sun.

In the first case, an ordinary flowerpot made of a tire is already ready for use, but for a more attractive look, we advise you to decorate the disc with a solution of concrete and pebbles.

First, you need to wrap the disc with wire or a plaster mark so that the solution is securely attached to the rubber. It is necessary to knead a solution of water, cement and sand - 0.5 / 1/3. Make the solution thicker, then it will better attach to the disc. Using a trowel, apply the solution as if scattering it. During the priming of the disc, the flowerpot should be removed to the side so as not to stain it. Immediately after applying the cement, you can decorate the leg of the flowerpot with pebbles.

To do this, you need pebbles or broken glass of various colors. After fixing the solution, the pebbles must be washed and the excess cement must be removed with a stiff brush.

To prevent the concrete leg from cracking, you need to moisten it with water for 3 days. Now fill the flowerpot with black soil and plant the seeds of beautiful plants!

Also see a photo selection of how to paint flowerpots from tires

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Summer residents try to improve their plot with the onset of the first warm days.

Old tires will help to decorate the infield. It is not difficult to make a vase from a tire of stunning beauty.

The desire to turn the site into a cozy corner leads to new, sometimes unexpected, design solutions. To create an exclusive product, you will need a little free time, imagination, a couple of old car tires, a knife and bright waterproof paints.

The creative process begins with the marking of the tire, i.e. drawing a pattern on it. For this, chalk is used.

Along the outlined lines, cuts are made with a sharp knife. A very beautiful pattern is obtained in the form of thorns, waves or scales.

After the tire is cut, you will have to try to turn it out. The main thing here is to find an area that can be slightly turned out. After that, the process will go faster.

When the tire dries well, you can start painting the art object. The pattern is easily applied to the surface, since it remains perfectly smooth inside, no matter how worn the tire is.

It will take a little imagination to turn an old tire into an amazing flower vase. A very beautiful vase made of a tire with your own hands. But, if you use not a tire, but a wheel, the product will look even more attractive.

Vase on a stand

To make such a vase, cut a pattern on the side of the tire with a knife. What it will be depends on the abilities of the author. To greatly facilitate the process, it is recommended to lubricate the knife periodically in soapy water.

Having turned the tire with the disc depth downward, apply efforts to turn out the upper and lower parts alternately.

You can paint the craft with flowers or apply a landscape to the tire.

And you can also paint based on "Khokhloma" and "Gzhel".

And these will be incomparable vases! But such adorable flowerpots need an appropriate environment that will accentuate their charm and charm. On "modest" sites, they will look inappropriate.

Having filled the product with soil, it is given stability. Now is the time to plant flowers.

Turning it over with its petals down, they get a new version - no less attractive. Changing the shape of the petals, you can make a vase in the form of a peony and chamomile, aster and periwinkle.

  • instead of chalk, use a felt-tip pen or marker for marking;
  • if a jigsaw is used for cutting with a petal, first you need to cut through the cut with a knife;
  • work with a jigsaw at low power;
  • it is possible to simplify the turning process by using a tire that is worn out as much as possible.

Decorating a flower vase from a tire

An unpainted black vase will not decorate the site, so it is advisable to decorate it.

The easiest way is painting. But, a monochromatic flower bed will be boring, so you need to come up with a pattern in advance, choose colors that are combined with each other. Enamel, nitro and oil paints, as well as car spray cans are suitable.

Of great importance in the color of the vase is the place where it is planned to be installed. Vases with images of animals and toys look great on playgrounds. Balls, rainbows, etc. For the garden, options for the image of fruits and vegetables, flowers and landscapes are possible.

Plants for vases from tires

The selection of flowers for planting in a vase is very important.

The best option would be perennials that do not require periodic updates:

  • daisies;
  • Carnation;
  • viola;
  • rezuha, etc.
  • Although annual plants look amazing in a vase:
  • calendula;
  • matthiola;
  • petunia;
  • morning glory, etc.

If there are a lot of tires, you can create a three-dimensional composition. The process of its creation is more laborious, but the result is more spectacular. Compositions for open areas are perfect, but you need to think about their order in advance. You can decorate vases in one or different colors, make them monochromatic or apply patterns.

If you place them successfully and pick up plants for planting, the composition will decorate the site, making it different from others. The vase looks original, the lower part of which is painted in green tones, and the upper part is floral, imitating flowering plants.

Ornaments can be drawn on vases. They are much more attractive in this decor.

In a word, you need desire and a little time for the site to transform: decorating it with wonderful flowerpots of car tires that have served their due date on the roads, which can be found practically for nothing.

Such products for growing flowers in suburban areas are popular due to their ease of manufacture, minimal costs, attractiveness and mobility - they can be installed anywhere, if necessary.

Video: How to make a vase from a car tire. Master Class.