Repairs Design Furniture

Ideas made of tires for the garden. Crafts from tires do it yourself - beautiful crafts from automotive tires (125 photos). Stock Foto Country crafts from tires

To make something beautiful and useful things are always nice. A visual example of such creativity is beautiful flower beds. It is easy to build them, and the benefits of them are huge. But on this fantasy of country masters is not limited. Of the old wheels, which often simply roll on the road and pollute the environment, they make outdoor furniture, sculptures for the garden and even remove small children's towns.

Such a simple and unsightly look at the first eye, as old car tires, in fact, as if specifically created in order for each dachnik to feel like a real artist and decorate his plot with real designer flower beds and original copyright sculptures. Cut from tires can be, without exaggeration, anything. Such crafts are along with those that are made of plastic bottles all year round will delight the eyes of the owners and guests of the cottages, and most importantly, they will not require special financial investments.

It is also nice that the benefit from the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking crafts with your own hands from the tires is double: on the one hand we will dispose of a wheel that contaminated the environment, and on the other we get original garden decoration or flower bed.

Crafts from rubber, used tires, are affecting the variety and how much the fantasy of their authors. Here are the ones that are most common:

In the photo - flower beds from tires

Small flower beds. The easiest way to manufacture a bed of tires is to leave the tire as it is, it is only bright to decorate it and fill the earth. Nothing difficult. Even a weak woman or child will cope with this, and such a flower garden will look great.

On this photo - Cups made of old wheels

Floral flower beds from old tires in the form of various items. Make them harder. The tire is cut into two unequal parts and the one is more, turned inside out. It is worth noting that the edges of the tires can be made of various shapes, the whole thing is only in fantasy and agility of hands. In such a technique there are flower beds in the form of a mug, flower, vases. A huge rubber cup of tires looks very funny. And some craftsmen, thus, build a whole tea service on their plot.

Turtle from old wheels

Flowers and sculptures in the form of animals and fabulous heroes. Funny tire frog, good gnome, mysterious unicorn, beautiful swans, three-headed dragon, turtle, luxurious carriage, huge phone - easier to list what is not made from this available material. The only condition is to think over the composition from the very beginning so that there is no unpleasant surprises later.

In the photo - multi-tiered flower beds for flowers or berries

Multi-tiered flower beds from multiple tires. The simplest performed is a three-core, but the number of parts can be more. There are several identical or different tires, put on each other or in a checkerboard order. Speecually looks at a tire well, stylized under the real and equipped with all the attributes inherent in it: a chain, a visor, a bucket. Such a flower garden can be used as a vertical bed for growing berries and vegetables.

Tire beds for strawberries

The flower bed for strawberries from the tires will take at least a place and give a rich harvest. It is perfect for the cultivation of seedlings, greenery, pepper. From such a flower, you can make a fence for the bush of raspberries or currants or make them a few and distinguish between the vegetable garden to cultural zones. It is worth mentioning that the tire well often make not only decorative, and they mask the drainage pit or septic tank.

Experienced masters and masters know many secrets that help them create garden sculptures and flower beds with their own hands. They understand the best of all, how to make unique and unique copyrights from an old nobody. Here are just some of these secrets:

  • The best tires are suitable for work, as the rubber on them is softer and easy to cut it. But for their lack of absence, domestic products will rise. In principle, and they are fairly easy to process and allow you to give different shapes from them.
  • Tires intended for operation in winter roads, more pliable, lungs in stripping and convenient in processing than those used in summer.
  • The longer the tire was used and the more she was worn out, the more thinner, softer and the easier it will work with it: cut and turn.
  • Before proceeding with the creation of the crafts, the material must be prepared: thoroughly clean from dirt, but before painting degreases.
  • For cutting of automotive tires, use a sharp knife, with a subtle volat. Check how well it is sharpened, you can spend the blade by a notebook sheet, holding it on weight. If the knife does not cut or bloom the paper is not acute enough.
  • Cut the car tire for garden sodes is more convenient if you periodically lubricate the knife with machine oil. So it will be easier to enter the rubber. The oil is suitable and spent.
  • When you need to cut some curly elements, markup is applied to the bus. It will help achieve a more accurate and accurate result. Apply it is most convenient than the usual white chalk, as a last resort, the marker.
  • From what paint to paint rubber, the durability of crafts depends. For old wheeled tires, both automotive paints and any paints for street work are suitable.
  • Before painting the tire, its surface is recommended to be primed. The primer with the addition of a small amount of PVA will strengthen the strength of the coating and will reduce paint consumption.
  • Paints in aerosol can accelerate the process of staining to 20-30 minutes, and the stainable layer itself makes more uniform.
  • Decorative finish can be made of girlfriend. For example, plane the surface of pebbles, bottled fragments, or lay out pictures of colored covers from plastic bottles.

Collect the flowerbed from the tire is better not only with external, but also from the inside. So they will look more aesthetically, and black rubber will not break from the inside.

Of course, each wizard has their own secrets, and all of them are unrealistic. And when you do this exciting business - a tire sculpture, they will certainly appear with you.

Several master classes for making crafts from old tires

As mentioned above, crafts from tires are diverse. Their appearance and purpose are limited only to the fantasy of the wizard. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the basic models. After reading them, you will learn how to make a flowerbed from the tires with your own hands and you can create original, unlike other and useful garden accessories themselves.

Simple flower bed

A small flower bed, made as a chamomile from one tire - the simplest basic model. Such flower beds can be done somewhat, arrange them hardly and decorate the approach to the house. Sometimes they are placed on asphalt or paved tiles.

We need:

  1. One old tire.
  2. A sharp knife.
  3. Marker or chalk.

Marker are placing a cut scene. We will cut the tire on them, from thickening to thickening.

Before cutting the tires, make sure that they do not have metal cord that can spoil the knife. Usually they are inserted into the tires for trucks.

We cut the tire throughout the circumference with smooth zigzag petals of any form on your choice (triangular, oval, semicircular).

I turn over the tire and work with its back side. Driving a knife along thickening, cut the circle from the back side.

Then throughout the circumference inside the tire approximately every 20-25 cm we make transverse cuts from the cropped edge to bend (the end of the tread).

After that, the tire must be turned out. Flowerba is ready. It remains only to paint it, giving it a more attractive look, fill the earth and plant plants.

For greater visibility, see the following video:

Garden Vase from Old Wheel

From the old wheel in a short time you can make a beautiful garden vase.
Such vases look better in a pair in front of the house, on different directions of the door or a porch. Consider a step-by-step master class in their manufacture.

We need:

  1. Tire with disk.
  2. A sharp knife.
  3. Chalk or marker.

With a chalk or marker along the entire frontal circumference of the tire, place a zigzag line, on which we will cut. Thanks to her, the vase will look like a large flower with a lot of petals.

Cut the tire along the placed line with a sharp knife. To facilitate the process, the knife is periodically loose into the machine oil (suitable and spent).

After the wheel is cut, check whether it is not left to the end of the cut plots, and proceed to turning it. It is better to do it together with an assistant, not in a hurry, in parts.

After we managed to turn the tire for future flower beds, it turned out that there is a camera in the wheel. It must be cut and throw it out.

Vazon ready. Its bowl turned out of the main part of the wheel. Disk from tire no need. It serves for a vase with an elevation and stand, and the tire remains at its base is an extra support.

We can only clean, degrease and decide how beautiful to paint our new garden vase. When you fall asleep in the bowl of the earth, do not forget to put the gasket on her bottom, so that the Earth does not pour and do several holes in it for draining water.

Video Instructions for the manufacture of a vase:

Swan from the old tire

Most popular garden sculptures from tires - swans. Usually they are placed near the artificial pond, which gives the site a stunning view. You can land the grass and in the bird itself, then the impression will be created that it looks out due to vegetation. Make it will help detailed step by step instructions with photos.

We need:

  1. A sharp knife.
  2. Electrode to do the holes for entering the knife rubber.
  3. Grinder or file.
  4. Electrolzik.
  5. Chalk or marker (better still marker).
  6. Wire 5-6 mm in diameter (rigid, to give the shape of the neck "Swan").
  7. Plastic clamps (for giving the shape of the head).
  8. Roulette.
  9. Gloves.

According to the scheme, we place on the surface of the bus surface of the future swan to the following video, in which the author uses the size of inches, calling them in the international measurement system - Inch. Inch (1 inch) \u003d 2.54 cm.

The accuracy of markup depends on how beautiful and neat our sculpture will turn out.

Start cutting out. In the initial section, the drill drill 3-4 holes at a distance of 3-5 cm and cut the tire between them with a knife. Insert the jigsik into the resulting section and start cutting the swan.

After all the contours are cut off, turn the tire. We try to do it carefully, since careless movements in the most subtle places can be broken.

To the figure of the bird looks more neat, all sections are smoothing along the contour of grinding.

To give a shape, swans insert wire into it. For this, in the center of the neck and to the end of the body every 20 cm drills holes. We put the wire and fix it in the holes with soft brackets.

We form your head. We make longitudinal feeders and holes, as shown in the photo and with the help of the same wire or plastic clamps give the swan's head.

Our tire swan is ready. It remains to paint it and make a stand.

Swan can be painted white or not to paint, leaving black. Kryv make red. Very nice looking swans in a pair: black and white.

Without stand, soft rubber swans will not stand. As it, you can simply take any bus and paint, for example, in a blue color. Thus, it will symbolize the pond. And you can not be lazy and make it curly.

Figure stand is made similarly. Location on the bus tire, according to which we cut, cut the tire on it, turn and paint.

In a similar technique from tires, you can make any figures: animals, birds, fairy creatures.

But if you do not want to mess with complex markup and sharp, you can do it easier. For example, assemble from the whole tires of a cute frog.

In the photo - Flowerbed in the form of a frog

A frog made of tires is very simple. From one or more tires rarely collect the body and head, from small wheels, for example, from a baby carriage - eyes, and from rubber cuts of the paws.

Flowerbed Romaista

The decoration that is being done is easier than this flowerba is difficult to come up with. Despite the fact that there are several automotive tires for her, it is possible to assemble it literally for 15-20 minutes, it looks pretty, carefully and will never be superfluous.

We need:

  1. Three old tires of the same size.
  2. A sharp knife or Bulgarian.

All tires, pre-denotably sections, cut in half. Before cut to find out if metal cords are in rubber. The knife will not take them, so use the grinder.

To give the future flowerbed aesthetics, you can paint the tires. Do it better in advance, immediately after cutting.

:Nick Nikitina: Horribly. The fact that many still do not know that tires are made of superoxic materials. What will grow?
Galina Levitskaya: "Tire lovers club"
Valentina Yatsuk: Flowers grow up, save the mice of lily
Maria Mikhailuca: Nightmare!
Oleg Abramenko: Nick, first of all, these are old tires, and during many years of exploitation, most of the "poisons" have already successfully migrated into the atmosphere. Secondly, these tires are painted and thus further migration toxic compounds into the atmosphere are blocked. (Especially thus neutralizing carcinogenic asbestos sheets - paint and the layer of paint interferes with solidification and migration of fibers). And if you do not eat these tires instead of food, then harm from them is no more than from solar radiation.
Ksenia Kotelnikova:
Nick Nikitina: Oleg, Wow! You would have told the Europeans, right. And then the guys are tormented, for money tires for processing pass. And then once, and fertilizer for the garden ...
Ivan Zavadsky: Nick, it became interesting to me, from which such ultraxicual substances the tires do, eh? And what about environmental standards, without which you do not sell anything in a normal country at all. Rubber she and Africa rubber.
Nick Nikitina: Ivan, I'm not a tire manufacturer. Google to help, if really, interesting. From myself, I can only say one thing: we planted 6 lips in the yard. For one someone smart put on a bus like these "borders". Five-beauties, sixth, small and non-zeysh. Guess what? For me, the argument, I do not know for you. PS: And I have old tires in the barn lie. Three years of departure. Stink still.
Ivan Zavadsky: Nick, tire, reliable on the trunk, prevents normal access to the roots, which is especially important at an early stage. If vulcanized rubber products were so toxic, then the consequences we would certainly feel. Yes, and the same rubber boots are also made of rubber. The same foam, which is toxic to an order of magnitude, since it allocates styrene. And the myth about the toxicity of the tires heard a long time ago, but stubbornly refuse to believe it. Otherwise, how to explain the presence of life in urban reservoirs, where many hundreds of these top tires are recessed.
Nick Nikitina: Ivan, you are an adult and you can believe anything) I will not agitate you. Russia is big, a lot of land.
Ivan Zavadsky: Nick, just for information. Be that tire of poisonous, all six lips would crack. So, the flower garden is quite good. And I do not understand why you drew attention to the rubber, but completely ignored the paint. Here it is, just can easily make it easy.
Nick Nikitina: 1. Ivan, we removed it. Late a little, apparently. 2. Because tires for flower beds are Fuuuu. With paint, without, at least with rhinestones.
Ivan Zavadsky: Nick, yes here is a matter of taste. I would also prefer a tree or natural stone, but in a variety and the beauty of the world.
Oleg Abramenko: Nick, you confuse toxicity with the ability to decompose and recyclable. PET bottles are also processed, but, however, they spill drinking water. But the poisons of Ricin and Kurar instantly kill a person, but at the same time fully organic origin and quickly decompose ...
Lily Karanova: And I believe that the garden must decorate beautiful well-groomed plants, and not painted barrels and tires.
Lyubov Nekrasova: I also had a dispute because of such a nonsense. Indeed, this is a matter of taste. I, for example, on the plot there are a pair of carved cans, of which the spouse made such masterpieces - in one, I sit a long-term carnation, in another beautifully hanging out of the audience and not the first year they are pleased with abundant blossom.
Elena Kotelnikova: The idea is terrible! Like autobias. You are striking me those people who can like this .......

You can participate in the discussion by clicking on the page

It is not suitable to throw what you can use repeated.

This is especially true of materials harmful to the environment, like tire rubber.

Tires used are valuable material for folk craftsmen.

At home, in the country and in the courtyard you can build many interesting crafts From old tires.

The skilled hands of the masters turn them into proud swans, decorative wells, comfortable shops.

How to make furniture made of tires with your own hands - further in our article.

There are several options for creating tables from tires. Let us dwell on each of them.

On two stacks of wheels

Washed, dried, low-fat rubber wheels without discs for a start painted - acrylic, bituminous, enamel paints.

The most acceptable coloring mixture for tire processing - rubber paint.. It can withstand hundreds of cycles of sharp temperature differences, as well as atmospheric precipitation, not cracking and not deformed.

Tires are stacked by one to another in the place where it is necessary to stand the table. You need to install two stacks Tires 4 pieces, preferably different colors, at a distance of an approximately halfter between the outer walls.

From above two stacks of multi-colored tires, a rectangular sheet of a strong material is superimposed, which is at hand:

  • flat plywood;
  • plastic;
  • tolstoy unbelieving;
  • metal sheet.

To the top tire of each stack countertop fixed four screws diagonally In the places of fit.

The edges of the sheet must be for the outer diameter of the tires at least 10 centimeters.

The table lid can also be painted in any pleasant eye color.

In order for the wheels not shifted, there are two ways to fix them:

  • inside each stack of tires pour earth or sand;
  • every jack between tires lubricate the binder layer - hot 1 cm thick, which will allow tires after drying to securely stick to each other.

Depending on the execution, such a table will be perfectly used to give a cottage to the playground, in the garage.


This type of product is made of one tire, but larger sizes. By the same principle you can make stools and chairs.

In the form of a full dining table, it, of course, will not fit, but it can be perfectly served as a coffee table.

Let's proceed:

  1. Tire of the desired size wash and dry.
  2. To find four legs From the old chair or make them yourself.
  3. Fasten Legs to tire screws.
  4. From above put a circle From glass, plywood or plastic to close the seat for disk.
  5. Decorate - Completely wind the tire from all sides of the yarn or create a pattern on the tabletop.

Such a decorative table on the legs will serve as an effective stand for a beautiful vase, magazines, pocket things.


The following method will require a little more effort and creative skills.


  1. Cut the tire from the truck along the tread for two equal half. One half will serve as a worktop.
  2. Cut off the outdoor boards from five passenger tires of a smaller diameter to work out five rubber rings.
  3. Screw screws Four rings from below from four sides vertically countertop. Fifth ring to connect together vertical rings on the floor surface. This will be the reference plane of the table.
  4. Residues of rubber bands bind the seat For disk in the tabletop.

At this table, you perfectly play board games in the evening at the cottage, read the newspaper.

Making chairs

To make chairs from the tires, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Prepare one whole tire - wash, dry, degrease.
  2. From another clean dry tire cut one outdoor.
  3. Paint Both blanks in any color you like.
  4. Peep Four round wooden chumbs with a diameter of 6 cm. Two of them are 90 cm long, and two seconds are 45 cm.
  5. Close disk hole In a plastic mesh, sewing it with a harsh thread to the sidewall. It will be the seat of stool.
  6. Tighten and sew The same grid to the board cut off from the second tire. It will be the back of the chair.
  7. Fasten Long screws to the whole tire two short chumbacks on one side - it will be two legs. Also boil the screws two long chumbacks from the opposite side - it will be two other legs with a back.
  8. Screw to the back between two high scrabble sliced \u200b\u200bround board from the second tire with a stretched plastic mesh.

The country chair is ready, you can relax on it in the interruptions between work on the plot.

Country armchairs from old tires

There are several options for creating a product. Let us dwell on the most popular, spectacular and simple.

  1. Cut off At one of the tires. Cut the resulting ring on one side.
  2. From the second tire cut off one third with the board.
  3. Paint Two whole tires, one piece with sliced \u200b\u200bsides in the form of a cut ring, and a second part representing one third of the tire with a side.
  4. For the manufacture of one chairs from bald tires need fold Two whole tires on each other.
  5. For fixing the joints between them need loose hot bitumen mastic. On the upper tire to glue or sew a harsh thread with a lattice of plastic.
  6. To the top covers touch screws Or bolts vertically one third of the tires with a side of the lower part.
  7. To the top of the vertical one third of the tire with a side also fasten the middle Details with sliced \u200b\u200bsides. Ingubs this item in the form of the back and handrails of the chair.
  8. Lower ends secure screws or bolts to the top underlying tire.

It turned out a very comfortable chair from tires for cottages, private householders, recreation centers.

It is best to build several such chairs for all family members.

Another chairs:

  1. It will take one entire tire, and from the second tires you need cut sector one third.
  2. Both parts wash, dry, paint black rubber paint.
  3. Find legs from the old armchair or from the Soviet TV. Screw the legs of screws To the bottom of the whole tire.
  4. Peep two or three wooden bar About 5x5 cm in size, 40 cm long sand, paint with black rubber paint.
  5. Hole for a disk in a whole tire top close up plywood around, covered leatherette. It will be the seat of the chair.
  6. The inner cavity and ends of the second tire with a cut sector also close the plywood and cover the leatherette. It will be the back of the chair.
  7. Collect design: touch screws Two or three bars to the surface of the tire protector.
  8. The back also fasten with screws above to the bars.

It turned out a cozy chair with minimalist and concise design.

It can be both in the photo or a little upgraded depending on the materials that were at hand.

What is not a plumbing leather chair from the designer furniture salon!

Such not ashamed to furnish not only the country darik, but also creative interior Apartments or houses.

In Europe, such furniture in residential premises have long been not uncommon, because the ecological trend is gaining popularity every year.

Other furniture and crafts

At the cottage is happy to each object, every useful thing. Here is the spirit of fantasy and creativity. Each seemingly unnecessary subject there is always its application. Worn automotive rubber is a valuable material, strategic raw material.

It makes excellent, parisades for flowering plants and green plantings. Bright colored houses are obtained from the tires.

Waves for seating, rocking places, funny bugs and striped caterpillars, flowers for flowers - this list of use of old tires can be listed infinitely.

Useful video

In this video, the process of creating furniture is shown more clearly:


The main process of creating crafts is a flight of fantasy and collective creativity. The whole family can be attracted to the manufacture of furniture, children will also take part. So the country masterpieces are born out of old worn tires.

In contact with

Tires are not easy processing material. This is a rigid product made from a number of elastic, but durable elements. Processing must be carefully close, neatly, observing safety measures. It is advisable to attract children to work only at the end stage of creating crafts.

For work you will need:

  • electrode, set of drills;
  • electrolovka, Bulgarian;
  • paints, brushes, solvent;
  • self-tapping screws, sets of nuts, bolts, washers.

From auto strokes you can make various items. Can be used for:

  • economic need;
  • creation of decoration of the territory;
  • equipment of game zones.

Economic crafts

Most often used to care for livestock, garden. When breeding poultry, both drinkers, feeders are used. For the arrangement is cut into two halves, exhibit to the walking section. Drinking, feeders are preferably installed on the stand. Tires can be used as petitions. Making elementary, will not cause difficulties when creating. It is enough to set several tires, fill with straw, hay.

Device Grokeok.

Of these, it is convenient to equip beds under vegetables grown by a bush. For the manufacture of the base of the bed on both sides of the tire cuts the middle. The resulting side is installed on a certain place of the garden. Filled with earth and fertilizers. Plants are planted in the created bed.

For growing cucumbers, tomato, eggplants are preferable to auto strokes of passenger cars. Salad, parsley, celery It is advisable to land in beds equipped with tires of trucks.

Furniture manufacture

Furniture necessary economic element. Tables, otfiki, chairs are always in demand. Manufacturing does not cause difficulties, but the process is longer, requires decoration.

Materials, accessories:

  • fat plywood, chipboard;
  • electrolzik, drill;
  • selflessness, set of furniture bolts with nuts;
  • foam;
  • glue for plastic, foam rubber;
  • the cloth;
  • furniture stapler;
  • paint enamel.

Process of creation

For the manufacture of the table, there will be three tires. For the manufacture of puff two. Autoras with self-tapping screws or bolts fasten each other. From plywood, chipboard cutting the table top, puff seats. We glue the foam rubber on the seats, we are tightening with a cloth, pinch the stapler to the seat. Screws, bolts fix the countertop. Collect table details, pouf. Furniture Zone leisure is ready.

Decorating the territory

The nearest view of the territory near the residential building is always pleased with people. Refining the territory of the right, pleasant occupation. Beauty, the uniqueness of lawns, paths cause a sense of respect, add pleasant impressions. Most often to create a decor are equipped with flower beds, kashpo.

Required details:

  • auto strokes;
  • plywood, chipboard;
  • paint.

Production procedure

From the plywood, the circle covering the tires covering the rumble, screws to the base. Capacity is painted. After drying, it is exhibited on the land plot. Earth falls asleep, fertilizes, planted with flowers. Such flower beds are degrees the entire territory of the site.

Impressively looks flower bed, folded from several tires. Flowerbed may consist of several rows. The easiest option is a two-row of the flower. In the central part, flowers are the basis of the idea. Flowers, grass creating a common background are searched in the lower.

Mastery Kashpo

For manufacture, you will need:

  • specified tools;
  • tire;
  • rope;

Order of creation

On the tire chalk we carry a straight line on the top of the inner rim. Lobzik cut off the remaining sidewall. I turn over to another Storron, we carry out the same manipulations. It turns out a rubber basket. I paint, after drying, we hang on the designated place. I fall asleep the earth, landflowers.

These are the simplest elements. The complex elements include animal figures, cartoon characters and fairy tales. But they can be manufactured. Fantasy, patience, the desire will help to carry out any tasks.

I equip the playground

Children's playground is a special place. It must be equipped with various playing places, to merge the eyes with the interior, to ensure the safety of the transition. The use of auto strokes will ensure the execution of these conditions.

From auto strokes are made: trees, sandboxes, labyrinths, swing, tunnels. In sports grounds, they are used as airbags in the equipment of jump zones. For entourage, decorate the playground figures of your favorite cartoon characters, animals.

To create a swing need:

  • tire;
  • chains, rope;
  • 4 brackets;
  • drill.

Production procedure

Collect the auto stroke bright color. On the top of it, we drill holes equidistant from each other. In the holes, secure brackets. To the brackets clinging the chain or tie the rope. We post on the crossbar, a branched tree.

The second option of the swing. Used:

  • one tire;
  • wooden bar;
  • board;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • doorknobs.

Production procedure

We cut the tire into two equal half. On the cut line, we install a bar equal to the tire diameter, attach the screws. Drag the outer, inner surface. After drying, we attach to the bruster polished, painted the board. On both sides of the board, at an equal distance, screw the door handles. Swing are ready, set to the site.

Craftsman "Cheburashka"

One of the favorite children's characters is Cheburashka. This cartoon hero always makes presence.

For the arrangement you will need:

  • 3 tires;
  • paints;
  • plywood sheet;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • small furniture corners.

Production of figures

Tires of passenger cars are used to create. In two auto strokes insert the Phaneru, which we attach self-draws. The base is painted in dark brown. Phaneru inside the tires chop up a lighter thank. Auto strokes with inserts fasten each other. We install vertically on the tire laid horizontally. Cut from plywood ears, braces are brapping on the head of the figure. The paints are applied elements of the face of Cheburashka.

On the Internet there are many photos of crafts from tires. They will help make decisions in the manufacture of crafts. This occupation will bring the family favor, joy. Inspire on new creative deeds.


Contemporary applied art has no boundaries, therefore, for its implementation, any healthy material is suitable. So, for the arrangement of the country area, the household territory of the house or playground create decorative products from tires. From rubber it is easy to make original flowerbeds, vases, furniture items and figures in the form of animals.

How to make crafts from wheeled tires do it yourself

In the hands of a creative person, a car tire can find the second life as a landscaped decor. To create a craft from tires, you only need to have a fantasy, the desire to create and the tools: a sharp knife, household gloves, paint and chalk for circuit marking. Before the start of the creative process, it is advisable to make a sketch of the future subject on a piece of paper, and after already placing the contours on the tire. The manufacturing process does not take much time, the instructions are elementary, and the masterpieces are obtained.

Car rubber is ideal for open-air spaces, because it easily transfers any weather conditions. Charming crafts will be able to decorate your cottage or playground for several years in a row. However, the rubber is too heated in the sun. This fact should be considered when creating furniture on which you plan to relax in the summer season. Crafts from old tires practically do not require care - they need to be occasionally washed with soapy.

Interesting crafts made of tires for the garden and garden do it yourself

Modern dachas seek to show creativity not only in the garden, but also during the design of the nice territory and the garden. They make their plot more well-kept, beautiful and original. Crafts from automotive tires can carry not only decorative character, but also become a practical and useful thing for the economy. The auto stroke is a practical technician material, which is easy to make an original thing even a person who has never faced his hand work.

The charming figures of animals are created from rubber tires. Taking one or a couple of tires, making a slot in the right places and where you need, bent, you can get a bear, a frog, giraffe, caterpillar, crocodile, donkey, a dog, an elephant or a turtle. If you wish, you can create a multiplication hero in the form of minion, Luntik, Matryoshki, Machine or Fixikov. Additional details of the crafts are made of plywood. Upon completion of the creative process, crafts from tires are painted in bright colors and put in the yard to joy to everyone.

If you do not know what you can make from ancient tires, start with the flower beds. Fencing for flowers from auto strokes are the easiest way to decorate the garden. If you show a little fantasy, cutting and turning tires, you can create original porridge or vases where the soil is embanked and plants are planted. Sades often use tires as a compost well, placing one tire to another. Attractive swings, sandboxes, steps, fences, chairs - for these products, machine tires applied to the second life.

Cover Chair

Tires can be adapted for interesting furniture, which is necessarily useful in the country and will become an attractive novelty for all guests. It will not be a rubber construction, but a comfortable leisure object for a terrace, veranda or open space. To create a chair from tires, you should take:

  • old car tires - 2 pcs;
  • flexible Phaneur - a piece of 100x90 cm;
  • porolon - a couple of pieces: thick and thin;
  • felt;
  • tools: screwdriver, screws and stapler for furniture.

If all the necessary components are at hand, then it's time to proceed to the immediate manufacture of garden furniture:

  1. One car tire is placed on another, they are fixed with self-draws.
  2. At the bottom of the potential product, that is, to the bottom tire, the corresponding felt piece is attached with a stapler. Due to this element, the chair can be easily moved along the flooring.
  3. Plywood, which serves as a back, bends and fixed on the tires using self-press.
  4. After that, you need to cut the circles from the foam rubber. One make out of thick material on the outer diameter of the tire, and a pair of others is thin. A large circle is shoved in the inner part of the tire, which is placed on top. Thin circumference are placed on top of the auto strokes to give the product comfort. Details are fixed by the stapler.
  5. The back is processed. Thin foam on Faneur is thrown.
  6. Last barcat - Case from quilted material.

Pinds of the tire do it yourself

What can be made of old tires? The exclusive solution for the cottage and house will be the pen. It can be done in a simple way, but for this you should take:

  • car tire;
  • durable thread in the form of a twine or a hemp rope;
  • a piece of plywood to have enough for a couple of circles;
  • tools in the form of self-tapping and adhesive pistol;
  • lacques for coating.

The stuff of the tire will become an interesting design solution for the arrangement of the modern interior, because the piece of furniture is not only beautiful, but also comfortable. The manufacturing process is as follows:

  1. The circles of plywood are placed on the bottom and on the top of the tire, fasten with self-drawing.
  2. Be proceeding with the top of the Purphic, which will consist of the twine. Thanks to the adhesive gun, a rope or rope is fixed to the plywood of the coil behind the turn on the principle of snail, starting from the center. So they do until the tire closes completely.
  3. Upon completion of the creative process, the twine is covered with varnish, which will protect the product from the negative impact of environmental factors, such as moisture.

Swans from tires for giving

Animals, birds and water inhabitants from car tires look amazing. So, the chic works of art are swans from used tires. For their manufacture should be taken:

  • old tire;
  • white chalk;
  • paint (desirable water-level);
  • lobzik, drill, screws;
  • plate.

The process of making crafts is not the most complicated, but requires consistency and care during operation:

  1. Sketch on the prepared tire, drawing a swan's head in the form of a rectangle 9x2 cm, starting with beak. Then they draw the neck on the tire, which is conducted from the head and takes more than half of the tire circle. Straight lines draw carefully to not fall into the slice. The tail line will be in the area of \u200b\u200bthe beak and will take approximately twenty centimeters.
  2. Start cutting the swan, which carries out a drill, and then the jigsaw.
  3. Turn the bus, giving the silhouette of the swan. The widest part will be a support that is turned into the inner side.
  4. The head and neck without a solid stand will not hold on, so the plate should be attached to this site.
  5. When the product is ready, it's time to proceed to painting.

Decorative crafts from wheels for the playground

What can be made of old tires on the playground? There are a lot of ideas that reincarnate the subject to the beautiful items to decorate the courtyard area. From old tires, you can decorate the playground, turning it into a fabulous town, where the kids will always be fun and interesting to spend their leisure. Winged swings, mini sandboxes, beasts, cartoon heroes made of tires will become a colorful addition to the recreation area for girls and boys.

Sandbox made of tires

Games in the sand - a favorite occupation of kids in the playground. However, not every courtyard can boast an interesting sandbox. A comfortable and beautiful sand tank can be made from a kamaz tire. To do this, lock the rubber on the selected area, thoroughly paint and fill in sand. The process of manufacturing the sandbox can be done with the child, believe me that the baby will be very interested in painting a future sandbox with different colors.

Children's swing

From the old machine tire, you can make not only a beautiful sculpture, but also a children's attraction. So, swing from the automotive tire will allow the child to have fun at the cottage. It is worth noting that they are less traumatic than wooden and metal models. There are many options for swings from tires, but starting standing with simple. First thing:

  • prepare an old machine bus;
  • take a sharp knife;
  • find the rope or chain;
  • then find a solid twig on the tree that will serve as a support.

The step-by-step process of the homemade swing device does not represent anything complicated. Initially, at one end of the rope, make a strong loop, which is transferred through the selected bitch. The second end of the rope is skipped through the wheel and start in the loop. The swing to hang vertically, perpendicular to the ground at the level of ninety centimeters. The product is designed not only for children, but also on adults with moderate weight.

Sun of tires and bottles

Sun of the bottles will decorate any playground or garden. To make such a homemade, a machine bus will be required, a piece of plywood, self-tapping screws and half-liter plastic bottles that will serve as races. To create a one-piece design, you need to knit the plywood on the tire, to fasten the bottles around the circle to the outer side, go through yellow paint a couple of times, and on the plywood to draw the face of the sun.

Video: What can be made of tires

Crafts from machine tires are an affordable and beautiful decoration that can be made independently. In the skillful hands of the wizard, unused car wheels are stopped into charming sculptures. Watch the video with step-by-step instructions and understand what you can do from tires. If several unsuitable tires were lit in the garage, then do not miss the opportunity to give them a second life, creating several works.