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Garden in the apartment: growing tomatoes on the window in the winter. Indoor tomatoes - Growing in winter on the window It is possible to grow in winter tomatoes at home

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, it is possible to grow tomatoes on the windowsill, and at any time of the year. There are many varieties capable of giving good crops in roommates. It is not more difficult to grow than ordinary tomatoes on the garden, besides, they are not afraid of a drought, no Colorado beetle. To enjoy fresh tomatoes in the winter cold, you need to study all the nuances of such cultivation, but the most important thing is to choose the right grade.

Tomatoes on the windowsill in winter

Features of indoor tomatoes

Room conditions differ significantly from the conditions on the garden, therefore, not every variety of tomatoes will be able to grow normally and fruit indoors. A varieties intended for cultivation on the windowsill have the following characteristics:

  • littleness. Due to the limited space, only low-speed and dwarf tomatoes are able to form a crop. Tall tomatoes require not only a lot of space, but also a large amount of nutrients, and in a flower pot too little soil for this;
  • stabble. Not everyone knows how to form a bush, but this is an important condition for tomato yield. Stambling varieties have a durable central stem and a dense crown, it does not need to be pausing, nor tapping;
  • resistance to lack of lighting and diseases. Indoor plants get less light, especially in winter, and therefore they really need extra backlight. But there are tomato varieties that are normally fruit in a short day, and the backlight is needed only on cloudy days. Their genetic feature are short interstices, thanks to which the stalks are not pulled out. From diseases of tomatoes, the black leg is most threatened (during the cultivation of seedlings) and sheet mold. Hybrids are most resistant to them, which make up 90% of the total number of potted tomatoes.

Cherry tomatoes on the windowsill

In addition to these features, indoor tomatoes are characterized by the highest tasteful qualities, and are rightfully considered to be champions among tomatoes in the content of vitamins and sugars. But the yield can not boast all of them, because some varieties are more decorative, and form very small, the size of cherry, fruits. Of course, they are also edible, but they are too small, and therefore use them most often for decorating dishes.

Indoor Tomatoes

If you need tomatoes for daily use, choose yields with larger fruits. As a rule, the mass of indoor tomatoes varies within 15-130 g, depending on the variety. The best of them form low bushes are completely styled fruits. On average, one bush can give for a season to 2 kg of delicious, commodity type of tomatoes.

There are one more feature in potted tomatoes - they are perennials. If, after collecting the last fruits, the bush does not throw away, then a new sheets will appear on the stem. Typically, such tomatoes grow and fruit for 5 years, although the most abundant yields give in the first 2 years.

Growing tomatoes on the windowsill

The best varieties of house tomatoes

The range of indoor tomatoes is less than ordinary, but also impressive. The varieties differ in shape, size and color of fruits, height and shape of the bush, maturation and other parameters. Every year their list replenishes new varieties and hybrids from leading breeding firms. Below are the most popular tomatoes for growing on the windowsill.

Balcony miracle

This early grade forms stumbling bushes with a height up to half a meter. He has red, round, with a large content of sugars. Unlike most potty tomatoes, tomatoes of this variety grow up to 70-100 g. With good care, yield from one plant is about 2 kg. The balcony miracle adapts well to the lack of light and can be perfectly fruit in winter

Room surprise

Rape, strambed. The height of the bushes does not exceed the half-meter, and the weight of bright red elongated fruits collected in the borders, equals 25-30 g. The flesh of these tomatoes is very tasty and fragrant, they are great for salads. In winter, the plant requires a backlight, otherwise the crop will be quite weak
Neat lush bush up to 30 cm high. Tomatoes of this variety have a rounded shape and a rich red color, the weight of the fruits - 25. With good care, each plant gives 1 kg of delicious tomatoes of the commodity

Micron NK

To date, it is considered the most miniature type of tomatoes, the height of its bushes is only 12-15 cm. Round, small fruits (10-12 g) are yellow and red. Large harvest to wait from him not worth it, but on decorativeness, the variety is ahead of most pot tomatoes. Ideal for winter cultivation, because it does not depend on the length of the daylight


One of the best pots. The plants are not high, a maximum of 30 cm, denominating, compact. The mass of the fetus is about 20 g, the color is red. One bush gives from 1 to 1.5 kg of tomatoes, which are suitable not only for salads, but also for canning. In the summer it can be grown in beds, and in the fall of bushes transplanted in pots and enter the house
Its fruits ripen in 85-90 days after germination. The variety of strabamic, universal use, is well fruit in a short day. Pomators are small, weighing 25 g, red, fragrant. The bush itself looks very decorative during the ripening of fruits

Florida Petit

Popular grade applied to high yield. Bushes have a compact form, heights do not exceed 30 cm, do not need step-in. It has small fruits (20-40 g), red, with a very sweet pulp. Provisions are collected in long brushes, and during the ripening of the leaves is almost not visible under the fruits. The grade has resistance to reduced illumination and perfectly fruits in winter

Honey bunch

Yellowstod and rapid grade. You can grow on the windowsill, and in the open soil. The height of the strambed bushes does not exceed 40 cm, the crown is dense, does not need to form. The weight of tomatoes about 40 g, the yield is very high. Skin Fruits Thin, Orange Color, Sweet and Juicy

Window yellow

New, while still rare variety. Plant Stambling, 25 cm high, in the period of fruiting, the entire bush is covered with clusters of yellow small tomatoes round shape. The mass of fruits rarely exceeds 30 g, the flesh is very sweet. The variety is neutral to reduced illumination, so good fruits in winter
Rosinely popular dutch variety. Fruit regardless of the time of year and the degree of lighting. The height of the bushes is about 30 cm, in the open soil can grow up to 50 cm. Weight of tomatoes 12-14 g, color red, pulp in moderation sweet

Ampelny varieties

In addition to stumbam varieties, ampel tomatoes are used in lover of indoor cultivation of tomatoes. They can be planted in suspended porridge or in high pots, of which shoots will be beautifully freeze to the windowsill. The care of them is a bit more complicated than behind the usual varieties, and the yield is less, but all this is compensated by the magnificent taste of tomatoes and the high decorativeness of the bush. The selection of ampel varieties is still small, and seeds can be purchased only in several domestic agrofirms.

Garden pearl

A sprawling bush with shoots up to 50 cm. Stems in the plant are thin, but durable, and do not break under the weight of numerous fruits. A steening bush is not needed. Round tomators weighing 15-20 g during maturation acquire raspberry color and become translucent. On one plant can be up to three hundred fruits of the commodity type. The variety is very decorative, perfectly feels in room conditions and outdoors.

Citizen F1

Spectacular raw hybrid. It can grow vertically (but then it is necessary to tie stems) and as an ampel plant. His tomatoes have round, red, with a characteristic tomato taste, weighing about 30 g. The hybrid is specifically derived for growing in room conditions, so it develops well and fruits regardless of season

Cherryplants F1.

New yield hybrid for ampel cultivation. Soots are low-grayscale, length up to half a meter, durable. Little red fruits have an extended shape, attached to the long brushes of 8-10 pieces. Tomators are suitable for billets for the winter, when heat treatment is not cracking. In good conditions, the yield of one bush equals 1.8-2 kg
One of the new ampels. Superradia, has a cascade shape of a bush, tomato mass of 25-30 g. The taste of fruits is excellent, the average yield is about 2 kg. With a lack of lighting, the number of fruits is slightly less


Already a well-known ampel variety of domestic selection. Refers to the medium, the bush is quite compact, shoots up to 55 cm long. Egg-shaped fruits of red, the average weight of about 40 g. When growing in the open ground, the mass of fruits is almost twice as much. The grade is distinguished by a stretched fruiting, and very abundant. Juicy tomatoes, tasty, can be preserved

Red abundance F1

Very attractive yield hybrid. Soots grow up to 60 cm, in steaming the plant does not need. Brushes are thickly engraved with small (20g) sweet red fruits, which are suitable for canning. The bush is rapidly growing, so he needs a lot of space. In winter, the plant must be highlighted, otherwise the yield will decrease

Agrotechnology of growing indoor tomatoes

As well as ordinary varieties, household tomatoes are best grown through seedlings. And at this stage there are no differences, except for the timing of seeds others. On average, potted tomatoes begin to be fron after 90-100 days, after germination, and if you want to get the first tomatoes to a specific date, consider this factor. For example, to remove the first harvest in January, seed seeds at seedlings at the end of September.

Two ways to check seeds for germination

Before sowing, seeds are disinfected by soaking by 15-30 minutes in a weak solution of manganese, and then leave in a wet fabric for a couple of days for silent.

Tomato seed preparation

Summary into a common container with ordinary land or by a reached substrate to a depth of no more than 1 cm. The distance between the seeds should be within 2-3 cm so that the shoots are not thickened.

Tomato growing capacity

Tomatoes in the box

In separate containers, the seedlings are transplanting, as soon as the seedlings are formed by 2-3 real sheets. The size of the pots are selected depending on the varieties of tomatoes: for dwarfs, the volume is 1.5-2 liters, for ordinary rooms 3-4 liters, for ampels - at least 5 liters. All pots must necessarily be with drainage holes. It is very important to properly prepare the soil, because the development and fruiting of the bush depends on its composition.

Preparation of soil

The optimal option is the following composition:

  • 5 pieces of garden soil;
  • 2 pieces of sand;
  • 5 parts of the recovered compost;
  • 1 part of the peat.

It is necessary to add on a bucket of such a mixture on the Matching Box of the Urea and Potassium Sulfate, the handful of sifted wood ash. All this is thoroughly mixed. Now you can proceed to landing seedlings.

Step 1. At the bottom of the pots, a drainage layer made of fine gravel, pieces of a crust, a crumple or other material are poured. Fill the tanks to the top of the soil and make a small deepening centered.

Filling a pot of drainage and soil

Step 2. Pre-polished seedlings are carefully removed one by one and planted into the pots, blocking to seedy leaves. Gently watered.

Landing of seedlings of tomatoes in a pot

The soil should be soaked in moisture so that water gets on the roots

Step 3. Potted pots on the windowsill (preferably from the south) and regularly once every 2 days unfold them with the other side to the light. In the mornings and evenings, as well as under cloudy weather, a phytolamp plant should be heated.

Blindness of tomatoes phytolampace

After a week, the plants feed the half dose of nitrogen fertilizers necessary for growth. During the flowering period, to increase the percentage of pollinity, the stalks of the plant are very lightly shaken and spend on the flowers with a feature or a soft tassel. After the formation of the barriers requires feeding with potash fertilizer every two weeks.

At varieties that need the formation of a bush, are removed by steps, pinch the top of the main stem, cut off extra inflorescences to increase the size of the fruit. High bushes are tied up to the backups that stick to the ground along the edge of the pot.

Tomato care

If there are signs of damage to the fungus, all plants spray the phytoosporin or another anti-gribal effect. To extend the fruiting, regularly break ripe fruits, remove the dried leaves, do not forget about feeding and irrigation. The land in pots need to periodically loose, trying not to hook the roots. With this care, your tomatoes will delight you with an abundant harvest of sweet, delicious fruits.

Video - Tomatoes on the windowsill in winter: best varieties

Video - Tomatoes on the windowsill in winter: the best varieties and the order of growing tomatoes at home

Which of us does not dream of fresh vegetables that can be eating not only for season? Why walk in winter to the supermarket for imported tomatoes, which they do not even smell when you can grow natural tomatoes on the windowsill?! Moving the room flowers and freeing the place for several pots, fragrant and delicious tomatoes are easy to get even at home. How to do it correctly, so that all the year to indulge your native vitamins, tells a small selection of practical councils and recommendations with which we offer to familiarize yourself.

Time sowing seeds

Dates, when the seeds of tomato seeds should be seed for suboolent cultivation, do not have such restrictions, as if the seedlings are obtained for open soil. It all depends on what period it is planned for fruiting: whether it will be year-round "exploitation", or the substantive ripening of the harvest in winter.

In order to have fresh vegetables throughout the year, it does not depend on the weather, the seeds can be planted in 4 attendance: autumn sowing in October and November will provide winter harvest, and the February and March landing will guarantee the production of fruits in the summer.

Preparation of planting material

Plow tomatoes are grown in the same way as garden crops - through seedlings. Seeds can be used by their own self-collected from home tomatoes, or purchase in the store. However, regardless of origin, all seeds must be pre-prepared for sowing. For this:

  1. Sorry the hollow seeds, seeing everything in salted water (those that pop up - they are not suitable for seedlings).
  2. Disinfection, leaving half an hour in a solution of manganese.

To speed up the germination of seeds, they can be put in a tissue bag, well moisten it and leave it on a scene for a few days so that the seeds are swollen.

Choosing soil

Special attention should be paid to the substrate to grow tomato on the windowsill. It should be loose, nutritious and neutral acidity. The easiest way to contact the same store, where the seeds were bought, and acquired ready-made special soils for the seedlings of tomatoes. It will be especially important when winter sowing, besides, shop land already contains all the necessary nutrients, and there is no need for additional components.

If there is a desire and opportunity, the soil for growing tomato on the windowsill can be prepared independently by choosing one of the proposed variants of the mixture, namely:

  • 1 sand share and 2 shares of garden land;
  • humus, peat and nerd land in equal shares;
  • 1 proportion of vermiculite, as well as 4 shares of the turf and compost.

The land from the garden or the garden is necessary before use to be disinfected by throwing boiling water or leaning in the oven.

Sowing seeds and creating conditions for seedlings

For growing tomato seedlings, you can use both a common container and individual cassettes, cups or peat pills. In the first case, a shallow capacity to fill the nutrient land and well moisturize it. Seeds should be spread at some distance from each other (1-2 cm), deepening no more than 2 cm, otherwise they will germinate for a long time. Then sprinkle a thin layer of soil and slightly tumped.

Seed seeds should be in greenhouse, that is, the container must be covered with a lid or film and put on a light window. Periodically, the greenhouse is to ventilate or make several small holes in the film to avoid the accumulation of condensate. The optimal temperature conditions for seedlings at this stage of growth range from 22 to 24 degrees of heat during the day and below 20 degrees - at night.

Care of seedlings of the Tomatoes is such events:

  • ventilation;
  • lid removal after seed germination;
  • regular watering;
  • thinning too thick crops;
  • reading with special lamps on cloudy days and shading from direct rays into sunny (the length of the day of the day should be at least 13 hours);
  • supporting a weak solution of the mineral complex after forming 2 leaves (about 20 days after sowing).

Strong grown seedlings can be divened to the pot, laying pre-bottom drainage layer. Selection of tanks depends on the specific variety:

  • for dwarf tomatoes, there is enough volume in 2 l;
  • 4-liter vases are suitable for mid-grade plants;
  • for ampel species, the tomato needs pots of 5 liters.

Further care for tomatoes in the pot

In order for tomatoes on the windowsill, the fruits develop well and tied, they need to provide good lighting, putting a pot to the southern window sills. Every two days, the vases must be rotated so that the bushes have not grown by one-sided, and if the sun is not enough - to heal.

It is also important to observe and irrigation regimen, moistening the soil twice a week. You can not allow complete drying of the soil, otherwise the maritime and fruits are crushed, but the convergence threatens with grinding diseases. To feeding bushes after a transplantation to a permanent place, you can start in 20 days - during this time they adapt. It is enough to 3 times the introduction of complex mineral fertilizers within a month, otherwise there is a risk that tomatoes will go to the growth of deciduous mass, which will entail a decrease in yields and the grinding of fruits.

Fertilizers are necessary for wet soil, preferably the next day after watering.

Dwarf varieties of tomato do not need mealing and garter, but at higher species should be installed and form a bush into one or two stems, as well as pull down the steps.

There are still some tricks that will increase the yield of tomatoes, namely:

  • when bushes bloom, several times you need to gently shake the plants - it contributes to better pollination and, accordingly, will affect the amount of harvest;
  • if a lot of zeroshi was formed, at each stem, no more than 6 brushes should be left, leaving the rest - so you can get less tomatoes, but they will be larger;
  • at varieties that ripen unevenly, relieve the harvest is better at the stage of the seedness - then the bush will have more power for the tomato remaining on the branches, and the torn vegetables will quickly reach, if they decompose them next to the pot on the windowsill.

We protect tomatoes from diseases

Another point to pay attention is to protect tomatoes in pots from diseases, because even room conditions will not be able to guarantee their complete absence. One of the main enemies is phytoofluorosis. To prevent its manifestations, it is important not to pour bushes and merge water from the pallet. Another fungus does not tolerate fresh air, so it is necessary to speed the room more often. As prophylaxis, it is possible to make plants with a homely cooked from such components:

  • 3 l of water;
  • 100 g of garlic (crushed);
  • 1 g of dry crystals of mangarteese.

Tomatoes for indoor cultivation

Choosing a tomato variety for growing on the windowsill, you should give preference to low-speed, early and yields due to limited space. They will not take a lot of places and at the same time will delight early in spring delicious fruits. Some of the most sought-after grades are such tomatoes:

And in order to have fresh vegetables not only in the spring, but also before the new year, you can plant more tall (up to 1 m in height) hybrid varieties of Cherry tomato. On the windowsill, they will take more space and require the formations and garters, but they will be fron down before the winter.

One of the new, but already conquered the popularity of hybrids are such varieties of Cherry: Ira F1, Lisa F1, Maksik F1, F1 leaf. Small, but very tasty tomatoes of red or yellow grow with whole clusters and quickly ripen.

The pot from Cherry for the summer period is better to take out to the street or on the balcony, not forgetting to pick up a snap-on.

The cultivation of tomato on the windowsill is a fascinating activity that will not only allow to pass long winter days, but also will provide a diet with vitamins. Squeeze and eat health!

Recently, the cultivation of tomatoes on the windowsill has become a popular occupation among amateurs gardeners. However, due to the lack of knowledge, a good harvest is not possible: tomatoes are sick, poorly grow or tied little fruit. What conditions need to provide tomatoes in the apartment so that they are well fruitful at home?

Features of growing tomatoes on the windowsill

The technology of growing miniature indoor tomatoes is very similar to the cultivation of ordinary tomatoes on the plot. At the same time, there are several features that need to be taken into account by deciding to acquire low-spirited tomatoes in the apartment:

  • for good fruiting, they need to be heated by phytolampa;
  • indoors where pots are needed to maintain a stable temperature and humidity;
  • purl the tomatoes can not, otherwise they will get sick with a black leg;
  • capacities for growing should correspond to the size of the plant;
  • tomato flowers need to be pollinated independently: during the flowering period, a soft tassel is spent on the flowers 2-3 times a day.

Taking note of these nuances, which are painted in detail below, the chance that the cultivation of tomatoes on the winter window or at any other time of the year is crowned with success increases at times.

What varieties are suitable for growing on the windowsill

For cultivation in the apartment it is better to choose determinant (lowered) varieties of tomatoes that do not need to be taped, unpretentious to the composition of the soil and the length of the daylight. Most varieties with such characteristics are strambed hybrids. Depending on the wishes, you can plant superrand or secondary varieties. Superb characteristics have such varieties of tomatoes as bonsai, balcony miracle, pigment, pinnocko, indoor surprise.

Despite the fact that tomatoes of these varieties do not grow more than half a meter, plants form about 2 kg of yellow or red fruits with a weight of 15 to 100 g. Among the many tall varieties of tomatoes for growing on the windowsill are cherry, which do not require the creation of special conditions.

How to plant and grow - features, conditions and step-by-step instructions

Grow tomatoes in the apartment is quite simple, if you exactly fulfill the recommended requirements. To enjoy bright juicy tomatoes in the middle of winter, every wishes will be able to have proper concerns.

Video: How to grow tomatoes on the windowsill

What should be the place

In order for the plants as much natural light as possible, tomatoes are best placed on the southern or eastern windows. If there is no such possibility, you can put pots on the West window, but the culture will have to be heated. It is not recommended to grow light-minded tomatoes on the northern windows.


Growing tomatoes on the window is very important to maintain the right temperature mode. Deviations from the established ranges is fraught with slow development and poor yield of vegetable culture. Growing tomatoes on the window at home, it is worth adhere to such recommendations:

  • Seeds quickly and together germinate at a temperature of + 23- + 25 C.
  • When the seedlings turn 7 days, the temperature is reduced to + 20- + 22 C. Being in more cold conditions, seedlings will not stretch, which often happens with tomatoes in closed rooms. Reduce the temperature can be carried out during the half an hour - the plant is not afraid of drafts.
  • The optimal temperature at night - + 15- + 16c.

Important! During the coldest days, when the batteries are strongly glowing to protect the leaves of tomatoes from the effect of warm air, the heating devices are covered with a wooden panel.


Spray the tomatoes grown on the window, it is necessary only if the air indoors are strongly over. When the temperature in the apartment is below +20 with spraying plants, it is impossible at all: excessive humidity and cold air are the main causes of the black leg.


Due to the fact that tomatoes are plants that need a long lighting day to form a lot of high-quality fruits at home, they need to be highlighted. Lamps include from 8 to 11 am and from 16 to 19 pm. The recent invented hybrids are unpretentious to the amount of light, however, for better yields, even their advances to be heated in the shortest days of winter.

Important! Without additional lighting, indoor tomatoes can be grown from mid-February.

Despite the fact that tomatoes love to dwell on bright window sills, the leaves of young seedlings can get burns under the influence of bright spring rays. To protect the plant from such injuries, the pots are transferred to the eastern and northern windows. If it is impossible to make such a permutation, in the brightest hours they are diagnosed with gauze or paper.

Sliding and stepsing

The overwhelming majority of hybrids and tomato varieties intended for cultivation in the apartment on the window or windowsill do not need to be taped because they are endowed with a low powerful stem. Only some varieties are needed in the supports, the height of which exceeds 50 cm. The average tomatoes are formed in 2 stems, tall - in one.

Which container to plant

The seedlings of tomatoes are initially planted in rampants, and as soon as it becomes closely, transplanted into separate peat pots or plastic cups with a volume of more than 200 ml. Using peat cups, it is necessary to control the volume of irrigation, otherwise the capacity may simply disarm.

During the next transplant, when plants appear 4-5 pair of real leaves, tomatoes plant in a permanent pot. The size of the planting tank must be chosen based on the characteristics of the grown variety: the more compact plant, the less the volume of the planting capacity should be.

Based on this rule, for planting dwarf varieties you need to use pots of up to 2 liters. Indoor tomatoes are recommended to plant 3-4 liters, ampel - in 5 liters. Regardless of the size in the bottom of the planting capacities, drainage holes should be for outflow of excess water.

Which soil plant

For landing of low-spirited tomatoes, the apartment uses a special substrate substrate or self-cooked mixture: mixed garden soil, overwhelming compost and peat in a ratio of 5: 5: 2: 1. Matching boxes of potassium sulfate and approximately the same urea are added to the bucket of the soil mixture. The mixture is peeling in the mixture and stirred thoroughly. The finished substrate is falling asleep in the containers and start planting.

Important! Regardless of the origin of the soil, it is necessary to roll or curb: a high or low temperature will destroy pathogenic bacteria and insect larvae. Moreover, to prevent infection of tomatoes with dangerous diseases, you need to roll a tool that will be used when working with soil at home.

Preparation of seeds for landing

First of all, the poor planting material is rejected. In the container with salt water, seeds fall asleep and stirred thoroughly. A few minutes after the water ceases to spin, the good seeds will be devastated to the bottom, and the bad - will remain on the surface. The pop-up seeds merge along with water, and the remaining - continue to prepare for landing in the apartment.

To destroy the causative agents of diseases on the surface of the seeds, the planting material is soaked for 15-20 minutes in a weak solution of manganese. After the end of time, they are taken from the tank and lay out on a paper towel. After drying, they are treated with a growth stimulant in accordance with the instructions. The substances contained in such preparations accelerate the germination of seedlings and increase the sustainability of seedlings to diseases.

Direct landing

Place indoor tomatoes in the same way as the usual, intended for growing in the open ground. Landing is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The disinfected planting material is laid out in a wet fabric and put in a warm place so that they are frightened. Please note if the cloth dries it to spray it, otherwise the embryos are dried, and the seeds do not bother.
  2. In a seed capacity, the prepared soil or a special substrate is covered and the grooves depth 1 cm. Singing tomatoes for a depth of more than 2 cm is not recommended: the period of the appearance of seedlings is doubled. At a distance of 2-3 cm, the seeds unfold apart.
  3. Sowing rushing the earth and slightly moisturize. Until the appearance of sections, the box is covered with a film or glass, which from time to time remove so that the soil does not sleep.
  4. As soon as the seedlings will throw 2-3 a couple of real leaves, it is transplanted into the corresponding pots, the bottom of which is laid by drainage material.

Video: How to grow indoor tomatoes in winter

How to care after landing and before harvest - tips

The health of tomatoes and the volume of crop depends on the quality of the care. In order for indoor tomatoes to develop rapidly in an apartment and tied the maximum amount of fruits, they need to water and fertilize.


To form the fruits and their ripening of the soil in the pot should be slightly humid. Tomatoes react poorly both on drought and overflow: in the first case - the fruits can be attacked during the formation, in the second - the plant is ill with a black leg, phytoofluorosis.

Since chlorine for plants is harmful, it is necessary to water the room tomatoes only well accumulated water. So that the particles of the chemical element fall on the bottom of the water must be defended for a week. Reduced water preparation time to several hours can be filter. As soon as the soil is dry, seedlings are mild.

When compliance with the temperature regime and normal air humidity, watering is carried out 1 time in 5 days. Outside the tomatoes over the day before the transplant: to extract rhizome from the wet soil is much easier and less painfully for the plant.


At the beginning of development to achieve weekly age, the houses in pots are fed by nitrogen fertilizers, which activate the growth of plants. During the tying of the fruits and their pouring into the soil, potash feeders make.

Fertilize seedlings can be both conventional mineral mixtures twice as diluted with water. In order not to burn roots, the feeding is made 2 hours after watering. Optimal time for manipulation - cloudy weather. All kinds of fertilizers contribute no more than 1 time in 2 weeks in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

It is worth knowing!Under adult plants, feeding can be made on a sheet or under the root. Young seedl with gentle leaves feeding on the sheet is contraindicated.

Time to shoot and harvest

When creating the right conditions in the apartment, the seedlings of tomatoes are shown on the surface after 6-10 days after sowing. The deadline for the appearance of germs can be adjusted to the most side if the premises are too cold or seeds are sown too deep. In such cases, seedlings begin to arouse only on April 14-17.

Depending on the selected variety, the tomatoes grown on the window ripen out 85-110 days after landing.

The cultivation of tomatoes on the windowsill is not only an exciting, but also a useful occupation, thanks to which you can replenish the stock of the vitamins of the whole family, which is especially relevant in winter.

Video: Cultivation of tomatoes on the windowsill

In winter, when a blizzard and cold knocking in the window, fresh tomatoes on the windowsill seem something exotic, unattainable and only more attractive. How much to grow them in the stern season? If you know small nuances of "Agrotechnology in pots", no more difficult than ordinary tomatoes on the beds. When there is a warmed balcony, the cultivation of tomatoes can be organized on it.

Varieties that "stay" in the house

All "Tomato Works" are tightly linked to the presence of free space. If there is enough space on the balcony, you can choose for landing almost any varieties - high, low, branched or not very. When all the free space on the windowsill is available all year round, Cherry varieties are suitable for growing, miniature bushes specially used for "home dilution", quickly "giving" yields. Among them can be both red and yellow varieties of tomatoes. Qualitative composition from external color does not depend.

Cherry varieties:
Bonsai, balcony miracle, bebi, balcony charm, Golden bunch, Chinese room, room surprise, rowan beads, bullfinch, Japanese dwarf and others.

Conventional tomatoes that are suitable for the winter window sill: White Pouring, Bull Heart, Leopold, Siberian Street, Florida Petit, Yamal.

Varieties of tomatoes for balcony cultivation can be taken slightly higher "by growth" and with larger fruits, the rest of the care will be the same as the vegetables on the windowsill.

It is important to check the expiration time, which always indicate factory packages with seeds. Often, inexperienced vegetables can not understand why their indoor tomatoes do not give sprouts in winter. It is possible that this is the result of an overdue term of implementation.

Miracle on the balcony

Special love of the gargetnikov "at home" has gained a tomato "Balcony Miracle". It is a compact determinant grade, up to 50 cm high, ultra-overpower (maximum maturation duration of 90 days), weight of each bright red tomatoes up to 65 g, rounded shape. Habitual yield - up to 2 kg with bush. If the plant "will allocate" the large area - the crop in the winter can be obtained above.

Before germination, the seeds are grown in greenhouse conditions, then the temperature of the week is reduced to 15 degrees, then raise again. When sprockets will rise to 15 cm, they are pricted in large containers. Tomatoes "Balcony Miracle" love light (although they are affected in conditions of its deficit), do not require tapping and removing steps.

The positive effect of winter cultivation will be given: help in pollination, good watering, fertilizer, neat loosening of the soil, the formation of the bush.

Versions of feeding:

  • Special preparations.
  • Lithing solution: 5 g of superphosphate mixed with potassium sulfate and urea - for 1 g.

The most productive feeders in winter during the flowering period and the formation of fruits.

The cultivation of the house "Balcony Miracle" will allow you to collect excellent tomatoes for salads, blanks and even freezing from the windowsill in winter.

Main conditions of cultivation

The cultivation of tomatoes on the balcony or windowsill requires the observance of a number of necessary conditions:

  • The best location is at southern windows. Almost impossible - on the northern.
  • Disinfected, not clay soil. Not less than 5 liters per bush.
  • For the bottom - drainage with clay and sand.
  • Air humidity up to 65%.
  • Light day for seedlings at least 12 hours even in winter, better 13-16.
  • If necessary, freeze lamps installed not closer than 30 cm from seedlings.
  • Water tomatoes on the balcony or windowsill cautiously, warm water, without oveurgement, but also without cutting. On average every 3 days.
  • Air temperature indicators: During the day 25-26 degrees, at night to 15-16. If it is hotter - to ventilate, tomatoes are not afraid of drafts.
  • On the balcony without insulation, do not grow before April.
  • Soil loose and suck on the need.
  • It is possible to spray the leaves, the branch garter.
  • Pots with bushes do not rotate so that there is no discharge of tomatoes from the branches.
  • Set the capacity is preferably on rush stands.

Do not stand tomatoes in winter often fertilize nitrogen and organic fertilizers. Otherwise, powerful, coarse bushes will grow with a minimum of small fruits.

Instructions for the wintering of tomatoes on the windowsill

Before you "run" at home, the winter process of growing tomatoes needs to be stockpit all the necessary materials. "Hand" should be:

  • Seeds of famous manufacturers with a "fresh" shelf life.
  • Sowing cups.
  • Capacity for planting after dive - "cutting" bottles, pots.
  • Lamps for reading.

The main stages of work

  • Preparation of containers and tools. High temperatures (in the oven) or to treat the drug from fungi and bacteria. In the case of using new peat pots, soak them in a solution of mineral and organic fertilizers before planting, drying.
  • Preparation of land. Tomatoes on the windowsill, as well as at street cultivation, prefer "breathing", pure earth. The usual soil can be shed with hot manganese, disappear on a water bath or seriously blocked. Examples of mixtures for self-preparation: on the equal part of the earth, humid, peat and sand; In two parts of the Earth, 4 "measures" of humus and peat, 1 - sand. It is good to shed a mixture of urea and potassium sulfate, ranging to 10 liters of water in the volume of the matchbox. Pour the same handful of ash. Grinding ground increases peat or sawdust.
  • Seaming seeds.For the prophylaxis of phytoofluorosis, soak them into a slightly pink solution of mangartages for half an hour, dry and process growth stimulant. For the extension of the seeds to "wash" with warm water and leave on a damp cloth in a warm place.
  • Rules of sowing varieties for balconies and windowsill. Sprouted tomato seeds plant in a slightly political soil into small pits (up to 1 cm), 1 piece. Dry plug in 2 or 3 copies with a distance from 2 cm. Top covered with a film or laid glass and transferred to a warm place, but without a "African baker." To obtain a yield of tomatoes on the windowsill in the winter and early spring, sowing is carried out in October and late November. The continuity of the collection of tomatoes can be provided with the following crops in mid-February and late March.
  • "Moving" to a permanent place. When shoots appeared, the covering material is removed, and the pots are rearranged closer to the window. Next, it is important to ensure that the lights and warmth will grab in winter.

Capacity with tomatoes from time to time to lift to see if excessive moisture accumulated in the pallet. It must be removed. Water water to room temperature.

  • Pricing.During the appearance of 2 permanent leaves. After the "procedure", the strongest sprouts get a more spacious "container" for growth - liters by 7-10. The roots of seedlings are plugged by 3 cm, watered. Tomato growing on the balcony will occur in such large capacities. Larger varieties are immediately tied to pegs. Any tomatoes in winter after transplanting do not touch about a week so that the bushes are calmly rooted. When the street is still cool, tomatoes from the balcony are better to enter the room. With the onset of heat, all landings "move" to the balcony.
  • Winter dressing of tomatoes on the windowsill. Seedlings "supply" once every 10 days - organic and ready-made mineral fertilizers. Act according to the instructions on the packaging, do not forget to neatly loosen the land around the trunk. With the advent of 2 present leaf, the seedlings in winter are easy to make a solution of trace elements. The most important rules of work: for young plants, the dose, reduced by 2 times compared with the instruction, is carried out on a damp soil, it is advisable not to be assisted.
  • Painting and pruning. The stalks that begin to grow from the sinuses of the leaves are called steps. They are cleaned so as not to take power from the aging fruits. For the formation of 2-3 stems in short varieties, you can leave the appropriate number of steps. The rest are removed manually, it is better in the morning until there is no strong sun. The lowered and stramb varieties can not be pausing, but also the bush is not thickened. Patients and yellowed leaves cut off. After the formation of the brushes, you can cut down and the bottom leaves.

You can not remove all the leaves. In this case, the synthesis of organic materials will be disturbed.

  • Formation of a bush.After tying fruits on each trunk, 4-5 brushes leave. All others are removed along with the top of the stem and inflorescences. When the fruit formation itself begins - the tipping and removal of blooming brushes is performed.
  • Help in pollination.Tomatoes "Balcony" varieties are also self-polishing, but also help in this winter does not hurt. Slightly shake the tassels of colors and tapping on the stalk. So that the zero does not disappear, the bush is permissible to make a solution of boric acid - on 5 liters of water 1 g and add a little manganese.
  • Prevention of diseases.Without the right departure, tomatoes in the winter can get sick during growing on the windowsill. If they are "fill" - mold, rot, rot or phytoofluorosis. For its prevention, a mixture of the following composition is good: half a cup of garlic and a slightly manganese (half of gram) are added to the three-liter water capacity of water. You can use the spraying "phytosporin". The appearance of the whiteflink even with winter cultivation on the window promotes the acidification of the soil. Warned overlaughter will help mala, ash, dolomite flour or gas lime. There are special drugs deoxidizers.

Responsibly causing the bushes with all preventive measures can be confident that tomatoes mature in the right amount.


To grow a full harvest on the windowsill, it is important to collect fruit on time. In winter, they take off the pouring tomatoes, which began to pose slightly. They are laid for pouring on the window or in the dark box. The process will pass to the end, and all the released useful substances will "throw" the cultivation of the remaining fruit on the branches.

Knowing how to grow tomatoes at home on the windowsill or balcony, you can pamper "delicious landings" close not only in summer, but in winter. It will especially make these children who, with the greatest curiosity, will be considered every plant and certainly spell small delicious "Tomatics".

Is it possible to get a harvest of tomatoes at home? At this stage of selection development a lot of varieties are derived, which are adapted for growing at home in winter. Even a beginner agronoma will be able to grow a good crop of tomatoes on his windowsill.

The advantages of such cultivation lies in obtaining healthy tomatoes in the winter. Also, agronome can be confident that his crop will be environmentally friendly. The taste qualities of tomatoes will be practically the same as the summer harvest with an open soil.

It is also worth saying that the cost of tomatoes from the window sill will be much smaller than those purchased in the store.

The minuses of landing of tomatoes in the apartment can be considered the fact that it is not always possible to grow tomatoes. BUT sometimes fruit in size may be too smallWhat kind of cultivation may be inappropriate.

Training activities

What should be the place?

Tomatoes are light-minded culture. Therefore, it is best to give preference to the southern sides of the room. If there is no possibility to place tomatoes in the southern part, then you should take care of additional lighting. Remember that the light day for tomatoes should last at least 12-13 hours. Light lighting lamps, luminescent, as well as energy-saving lamps, can be used as an artificial light. Now there are special phytolamba. Additional lighting must be placed at an altitude of 25-30 centimeters from plants.

As for the air temperature, it should persist at 22-24 degrees of heat. At night, the temperature can be reduced to + 16-18 degrees. If the air is heated less, tomatoes will not go into growth. And with a strong hot air, the culture will begin to dry. If there is very hot in the room, it follows more often to air the room, saving the formation of drafts.

Make sure that the air in the room is quite moisturized. It is impossible to place containers with tomatoes near heaters, because they are very dried air and the plant itself. It is best to put a water container next to the tomatoes, which will serve as a homemade moisturizer.

Special varieties for the winter period

To obtain a good crop, you first need to choose the right variety For landing. Since not every kind is suitable for growing at home. Choose low or medium height bushes. Well, if it is Cherry tomatoes, since it is this species that can easily experience the lack of lighting and heat, as well as it is characterized by shorter maturation. There are a lot of varieties intended for growing at home. Among the most popular you can allocate the following:

  • Pearl.
  • Balcony miracle.
  • Hummingbird.
  • Pearl yellow.
  • Pinocchio.
  • Angelica.
  • Head.
  • Alpatyeva 905 A.
  • Muscovite.

What should be a pot?

In order to grow seedlings for winter cultivation at the initial stage, conventional plastic cups are suitable, which need to do drainage holes. But more suitable special peat cups. As soon as the seedlings are ready for picking, it must be moved to pots, the volume of which is 7-10 liters. Vase material is especially unimportant. Plastics, and clay, and ceramics.

Features of the soil

The soil can be purchased ready in the store, and you can prepare it yourself. For this we take soil, humus, large river sand and peat. The components are taken in the following proportions: 5: 5: 2: 1.

For every 10 liters of the substrate, you need to add a little urea (no more match box). In the same amount you need to take potassium sulphate, as well as a tablespoon of wood ash. All components are thoroughly mixed and scattered in tanks.

Step-by-step landing instructions on the windowsill


Reference! Before sowing seeds, it is better to soak in the growth stimulator. Otherwise there is a risk that the seeds will not sprout.


Before this procedure you need to prepare containers. For this:

  1. The drainage layer is stacked in the vases. It can be prepared from brick crumbs or small gravel. The pot is completely covered with the substrate. In the middle of the vase, you need to make a small deepening, which is carefully moistened.
  2. Saplings are watered from the root and move to the prepared vases. Once again watered. Soil slightly tamper.

    Important! Experienced agronomists do not advise to plant two sprouts in one vase. They will not give a good harvest or die at all.

  3. Pots put on a well-lit place. Capacities over the course of the day rotate twice so that the plant develops smoothly.

How to care for houses in winter: Step-by-step instructions

Watering and fertilizer

The size of the fruits and their taste depending on the correct moisturizing regime of the soil. The soil must be constantly wet. It is important to prevent complete drying of the substrateSince this can lead to a dropping of tomatoes. However, it is worth remembering that excess moisture can lead to the rotation of the root system.

Since it is not enough for the full development of the root system in pots of place, the roots must be fed to grow. First feeding need to spend seven days after picking seedlings. Most often, agronomists use the following drugs: solver, nitropask and aquarine. Fertilizers are entered three times a day, because mineral elements are nowhere to take.

Starting with the third feeding, the concentration of fertilizers increases slightly.

Trimming and pinching

Capture tomatoes need, starting from the growing season. As soon as the first fruits begin on tomatoes, you need to remove the top of the tomato on two leafs above the last brush. You only need to do this well-sharpened and disinfected tool.

The most suitable place for these procedures is an early morning or evening after sunset. Sections of sections need to be treated with ashes or ashes. Prior manipulation Tomatoes will give a rich harvest.

Backup and hanging

Often, low grade is used for home cultivation. Such a bush is able to withstand up to two kg of fruits. Therefore, in the backups there is no need. But this procedure is necessary because most often the pots with the soil may not withstand the weight of fruits and tip over.

  1. First you need to choose a suitable place to accommodate a vase. Well, if the vase will stand near some wall or windows, which will rely on the whole bush.
  2. Then you need to put wooden peasants in pots (one support for each bush).
  3. A bush is tested to the peg - do it need it as high as possible.

Diseases and pests, ways to combat them

Of the ailments, the following are most often found:

  • Phytoofluorosis. In this case, brown spots appear on tomatoes, which over time increase. You can fight tincture of garlic. Spraying is carried out several times with an interval of 5 days.
  • Fusarious fading. It is characterized by fading and yellowing the lower sheet plates. Over time, other leaves begin to shrust. To get rid of this ailment, you need to treat the plant with a barrier or xome. After that, it is important to loosen the land as often as possible.
  • Alternariasis. Differs in gray small stains that look apart. Fight with this disease with the help of such drugs as Anthrak, Consense, Tattu.

We call the pests of tomatoes.

  • Bellenka. This insect causes the yellowing of the leaves, which will soon be black. Fight with a blonde need a drug confident.
  • Slug. Eating leaves and fruits. The affected plants begin to rot. For the prevention of the slugs, it is necessary to process the soil with a solution of ash, tobacco dust or lime.
  • Cobbled tick. Looks like tomatoes in the form of small points. Sasses juice from a plant that leads to death. The tincture of garlic or dandelions will help. In solution, you can add a household soap.
  • Medveda. Pretty large insect, the length of which comes to 5 centimeters. Amazes in the main root system of the plant. The struggle is carried out with the help of a tincture of bitter pepper or vinegar.

Tomatoes in the apartment in winter are quite possible. And it is not much difficult. Therefore, if you want to have tomatoes of your own cultivation in the winter period, you need to make a little effort and give it time. The main thing is to wish.

Useful video

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In any season in the store you can buy fresh vegetables and fruits, only their taste does not always correspond to a high price. You can grow greens, cucumbers and tomatoes in winter on the windowsill, even novice gardens this task is quite bye. Do not mind immediately for the complex tasks, start with several bushes of one low and the most endless variety. When you want experience, you can consume long lianams with multi-colored fruits.

The easiest way

If you have never worked with the ground, then cook seeds, follow the young shoots, as a small child, will be too tiring, and the delicious fruits will have to wait a very long time. With one thought about growing and picking seedlings, highlighting, problems with pollination are lowered. Therefore, green onions, dill and grow on the windowsill many families, and vegetable crops plant units. If you are afraid of difficulties, there is an easier method and faster.

In August or September, cut down the steps with that part of the tomato bush, where there are already fruit brushes. Choose a plant with small fruits. Scroll down into the water, you can add the root formation stimulator into the liquid. When the roots begin to appear, put shoots in boxes or pots with fertile land. It is necessary to care for such landings as adult plants, a bush from the process will develop quickly, and you will soon suffer with delicious tomatoes.

Since various varieties of harvest with a step can be received for open soil and growing indoors in the premises. This method is good for beginners: the first winter you will learn to care for adult bushes, in the next season, master the cultivation of seeds. If there is no cottage plot, you can also plant tomatoes in the room or on the balcony. Then you do not have to buy vegetables, pumped chemistry, your garden will supply the seven vitamins all year round.

Do not make mistakes with a choice of variety

With the cultivation of tomatoes in the room there are difficulties unfamiliar to dacnis, working only with open soil or greenhouses. Breeders take into account these features when removing indoor varieties. The novice garden may not pay attention, whether there is an inscription on the pack that tomatoes can be grown indoors or on the balcony.

If we take plants intended only for open soil, various problems may occur:

  • the powerful root system requires a large amount of land;
  • high heavy bush can overturn pot;
  • there are no insect pollinators in the room.

For cultivation in the room, it is desirable to choose dwarf varieties or strambed hybrids. They are compact, do not occupy a lot of space. If necessary, the pot can easily be transferred to another window.

  • "Dubok";
  • "Pigmey";
  • "Balcony miracle";
  • "Bonsai";
  • "Little Red Riding Hood";
  • "Room Surprise";
  • "Leopold".

You can buy the most suitable for homemade grade, but the seeds can be nonsense, and all work will be done in vain. So that empty boxes with single weak sprouts spoiled the mood, check the quality of the sowing material in advance. You can wrap in a wet napkin for 10 grains from each package and hold them warm for several hours. Look how many seeds swollen and get to release the roots - so many plants you get out of a dozen seeds.

Good soil is important for crop

For the cultivation of tomatoes at home, you can purchase a special soil or soil for seedlings. It is believed that the land is supplied completely ready for filling in drawers. You can believe the manufacturers for the word, but it is better not to risk. Try all the soil, frolite tight lumps, see if there are large fertilizer granules in the ground. Only when the entire mass becomes small crumbly and homogeneous, you can use it for planting and growing any cultures.

To raise heavy bushes, you can cook the ground yourself. Take 5 parts of the garden land and overworked compost, 2 pieces of sand and 1 part of the peat. To each bucket of the mixture, add a tight of ash and on a matchbox and potassium sulfate.

In any land there are harmful microorganisms, fungi, insect larvae. And its own, and buying the soil you need to hide in the oven to destroy the infection. Do not forget to also disinfect the containers, tools and gloves.

Before laying the Earth in pots and boxes, make sure that the drainage holes of the containers are well passed by moisture. At the bottom of the gravel layer, then fall asleep the soil. It is better not to donate the soil with hands or special tools - you will not be able to correctly calculate efforts. Sweep with water with water, and she will fall as needed. There are methods of growing vegetables in a small amount of soil or in one nutritional solution. You can try a hydroponic method, but the fertilizers of tomatoes do so much. Useful products can be obtained only from natural soil.

How to sow seeds?

In rare cases, it is possible to keep the tomatoes assembled at the cottage to the new year. From the end of December and before the summer, tomatoes can only be purchased in the store. If you need fruits for the winter, seed seeds in 2 stages: beginning of October and end of November. When the first landings completed fruiting, the second batch of bushes will grow up. If you want to collect a harvest from the windowsill all year round, add another 2 sowing: in February and at the end of March.

If you have not checked the seeds on the germination, in front of sowing, dissolve a tablespoon salt in a glass of water and throw the grains into the liquid. Sunflower instances can be sown, and the emerging for this purpose are not suitable. So that the shoots were strong and do not hurt, put the sowing material for 20 minutes into a weak solution of manganese, and then process the growth stimulant. After that, it is possible to wrap the grains into a wet napkin and leave in a warm place to puncture.

Seedling does not like tightness. Seit grains are not closer 2 cm one from the other. After sowing, spray seeds with a layer of soil 2 cm thick, lose weight and close the film. Before the appearance of sections, keep the landing at a temperature of about + 23⁰ C, it is desirable that the bottom of the boxes also warmed up. After about a week, seedy leaves will appear, and other conditions will be required for young plants.

Grow seedlings are comfortable in a special greenhouse for the windowsill. When choosing a model, give preference to the design in which the lower heating is provided.

Care of young landings

When shoots appear, the temperature needs to be reduced to + 20 ° C. If the room is cool, leave them under the film, but do not forget to avoine daily. During this period, the greatest danger is, which in a few days can destroy all plants. The causative agent of the disease loves high humidity, low temperature and stagnant air. Provide your pets the right conditions and good care so that the fungus does not start in the home garden.

Plants need light, but the bright sun can burn the leaves. On a clear day, sample their tumul or the paper screen. Do not let the earth displace, but do not water too often and abundantly. The surface of the soil should always be slightly wet, then the root system will be comfortable, and the fungus on the landings will not settle.

Chlorine is harmful to tomatoes, so it is better to use rain or melting water for watering. If you take a liquid from the water pipe, let it stand for about a week.

When the second real sheet appears, the seedlings can be filled with microelements. Drain the solution twice as smaller concentration than the instruction recommends and the landing. Work should be carried out in cloudy weather or temporarily transfer boxes on the northern window. On dry soil pour nutritious composition of undesirable - sprinkle the plants, and after a couple of hours, adapt.

How to grow strong seedlings?

It is necessary when the third real sheet will develop. Take the plastic glasses with a volume of 200 ml and highlight each bush a separate container. Peat pots are better not to use: in the warm room they dry out, they crack from moisture. Transparent vessels are also undesirable: in the light of the earthen lump, it will be pretty moss on all sides.

The first three weeks watering the planting with nutritional solutions is not necessary. The injured root system should take care and start working in full force. After that, twice a month, feed the seedlings with a complex fertilizer, which includes a manganese. Leuting nutritious solutions carefully around the stem so that the splashes do not fall into green parts of the plants.

When the roots fill the entire volume of the glass, the transplant is required for a permanent place. Containers and pots for them should be no less than 3 l, and for tall varieties and 5 liters may not be enough. The day before the transplant is well like the soil so that overnight the moisture is good soil. From a wet land easier to extract the root system, not traumating the process.

Care of adult plants

Too thick greens is harmful to tomatoes even on open beds, and on the windowsill in a small amount of soil this rule is especially important. If you grow high bushes, leave only one strongest stem. Middle size varieties can be resolved in 2 barrels, dwarf tomatoes do not need to form. On time and remove the lower leaves - these benefits are not brought, and nutrients require a lot.

In winter, the light day is too short, because of this, the bushes are growing elongated, the fruits are poorly tying. Solve such a problem is easy: set the luminescent lamps above the landings and turn them on in the morning and in the evening. The best tomatoes grow and develop if the bright time lasts from 7 to 19 hours. For cultivation in the room or in the winter greenhouse, it is recommended to use self-pollized varieties, but if tomatoes help, the fruits will begin to get involved more active. You can "rush up" with a soft tassel flower, and you can safely shake each bush.

With a limited amount of soil, plants are constantly required. Make comprehensive fertilizers twice a month. When choosing a composition, take into account that for the active development of green mass plants require nitrogen. When the fruits begin to get tie and poured, nitrates need to be limited, but add more potassium. Adult plants will not harm and extractive feeding, but young seedlings can be pouring solutions only under root so that the drops do not fall on the leaves.

In a small volume of land, Tomatoes will not be able to develop all the fruits that were formed on them. When the ovary will appear, leave no more than 5 of the strongest brushes on the bush, and cut the top and other fruit shoots. As soon as the tomatoes on the window are started to repose, put them on and put them on a ripening in a wooden box. In this case, the plant will remain more forces for the development of the rest of the fruit.

Problems in the cultivation of tomatoes on the windowsill

Carefully watch your pets, and they will report themselves if some problems arise. Sometimes an inexperienced gardener himself creates discomfort plants. Tomatoes grow well at daytime temperatures about + 22 ° C and night + 17⁰ C. Thermometer in the middle of the room can show just such values, but on the window, the solar rays are heated by a bush, then the battery allows hot air flows. Yellow twisted leaves show that tomatoes are hot, and the bluish shade occurs when the temperature drops from the wind from the open window or cold air jets from the unclosed window slots.

Tomatoes can be accurate from illiterate irrigation. It is useless to moisturize the top layer of the soil often, because the roots take water from the depths. Water landing about once every 5 days, but it is plentiful that the fluid seems to be in the pallet.

The wrong composition of fertilizers is also immediately reflected in the appearance of plants.

  • With a lack of nitrogen, yellow lower leaves become yellow, and with calcium deficiency - upper.
  • Wrinkling leaves indicate that you have reacted the landing of calcium and this element does not give them to absorb potassium.
  • Thick and hard leaves become when the plant lacks sulfur.
  • Yellow Kaimka on the edges of the sheet speaks of a lack of magnesium.

In winter, when a blizzard and cold knocking in the window, fresh tomatoes on the windowsill seem something exotic, unattainable and only more attractive. How much to grow them in the stern season? If you know small nuances of "Agrotechnology in pots", no more difficult than ordinary tomatoes on the beds. When there is a warmed balcony, the cultivation of tomatoes can be organized on it.

Varieties that "stay" in the house

All "Tomato Works" are tightly linked to the presence of free space. If there is enough space on the balcony, you can choose for landing almost any varieties - high, low, branched or not very. When all the free space on the windowsill is available all year round, Cherry varieties are suitable for growing, miniature bushes specially used for "home dilution", quickly "giving" yields. Among them can be both red and yellow varieties of tomatoes. Qualitative composition from external color does not depend.

Cherry varieties: Bonsai, balcony miracle, bebi, balcony charm, Golden bunch, Chinese room, room surprise, rowan beads, bullfinch, Japanese dwarf and others.

Conventional tomatoes that are suitable for the winter window sill: White Pouring, Bull Heart, Leopold, Siberian Street, Florida Petit, Yamal.

Varieties of tomatoes for balcony cultivation can be taken slightly higher "by growth" and with larger fruits, the rest of the care will be the same as the vegetables on the windowsill.

It is important to check the expiration time, which always indicate factory packages with seeds. Often, inexperienced vegetables can not understand why their indoor tomatoes do not give sprouts in winter. It is possible that this is the result of an overdue term of implementation.

Miracle on the balcony

Special love of the gargetnikov "at home" has gained a tomato "Balcony Miracle". It is a compact determinant grade, up to 50 cm high, ultra-overpower (maximum maturation duration of 90 days), weight of each bright red tomatoes up to 65 g, rounded shape. Habitual yield - up to 2 kg with bush. If the plant "will allocate" the large area - the crop in the winter can be obtained above.

Before germination, the seeds are grown in greenhouse conditions, then the temperature of the week is reduced to 15 degrees, then raise again. When sprouts will rise to 15 cm, they are pricted in b aboutleap tanks. Tomatoes "Balcony Miracle" love light (although they are affected in conditions of its deficit), do not require tapping and removing steps.

The positive effect of winter cultivation will be given: help in pollination, good watering, fertilizer, neat loosening of the soil, the formation of the bush.

Versions of feeding:

  • Special preparations.
  • Lithing solution: 5 g of superphosphate mixed with potassium sulfate and urea - for 1 g.

The most productive feeders in winter during the flowering period and the formation of fruits.

The cultivation of the house "Balcony Miracle" will allow you to collect excellent tomatoes for salads, blanks and even freezing from the windowsill in winter.

Main conditions of cultivation

The cultivation of tomatoes on the balcony or windowsill requires the observance of a number of necessary conditions:

  • The best location is at southern windows. Almost impossible - on the northern.
  • Disinfected, not clay soil. Not less than 5 liters per bush.
  • For the bottom - drainage with clay and sand.
  • Air humidity up to 65%.
  • Light day for seedlings at least 12 hours even in winter, better 13-16.
  • If necessary, freeze lamps installed not closer than 30 cm from seedlings.
  • Water tomatoes on the balcony or windowsill cautiously, warm water, without oveurgement, but also without cutting. On average every 3 days.
  • Air temperature indicators: During the day 25-26 degrees, at night to 15-16. If it is hotter - to ventilate, tomatoes are not afraid of drafts.
  • On the balcony without insulation, do not grow before April.
  • Soil loose and suck on the need.
  • It is possible to spray the leaves, the branch garter.
  • Pots with bushes do not rotate so that there is no discharge of tomatoes from the branches.
  • Set the capacity is preferably on rush stands.

Do not stand tomatoes in winter often fertilize nitrogen and organic fertilizers. Otherwise, powerful, coarse bushes will grow with a minimum of small fruits.

Instructions for the wintering of tomatoes on the windowsill

Before you "run" at home, the winter process of growing tomatoes needs to be stockpit all the necessary materials. "Hand" should be:

  • Seeds of famous manufacturers with a "fresh" shelf life.
  • Sowing cups.
  • Capacity for planting after dive - "cutting" bottles, pots.
  • Lamps for reading.

The main stages of work

  • Preparation of containers and tools . High temperatures (in the oven) or to treat the drug from fungi and bacteria. In the case of using new peat pots, soak them in a solution of mineral and organic fertilizers before planting, drying.
  • Preparation of land. Tomatoes on the windowsill, as well as at street cultivation, prefer "breathing", pure earth. The usual soil can be shed with hot manganese, disappear on a water bath or seriously blocked. Examples of mixtures for self-preparation: on the equal part of the earth, humid, peat and sand; In two parts of the Earth, 4 "measures" of humus and peat, 1 - sand. It is good to shed a mixture of urea and potassium sulfate, ranging to 10 liters of water in the volume of the matchbox. Pour the same handful of ash. Grinding ground increases peat or sawdust.
  • Seaming seeds. For the prophylaxis of phytoofluorosis, soak them into a slightly pink solution of mangartages for half an hour, dry and process growth stimulant. For the extension of the seeds to "wash" with warm water and leave on a damp cloth in a warm place.
  • Rules of sowingvarieties for balcony and windowsill. Sprouted tomato seeds plant in a slightly political soil into small pits (up to 1 cm), 1 piece. Dry plug in 2 or 3 copies with a distance from 2 cm. Top covered with a film or laid glass and transferred to a warm place, but without a "African baker." To obtain a yield of tomatoes on the windowsill in the winter and early spring, sowing is carried out in October and late November. The continuity of the collection of tomatoes can be provided with the following crops in mid-February and late March.
  • "Moving" to a permanent place. When shoots appeared, the covering material is removed, and the pots are rearranged closer to the window. Next, it is important to ensure that the lights and warmth will grab in winter.

Capacity with tomatoes from time to time to lift to see if excessive moisture accumulated in the pallet. It must be removed. Water water to room temperature.

  • Pricing. During the appearance of 2 permanent leaves. After the "procedure", the strongest sprouts get a more spacious "container" for growth - liters by 7-10. The roots of seedlings are plugged by 3 cm, watered. Tomato growing on the balcony will occur in such large capacities. Larger varieties are immediately tied to pegs. Any tomatoes in winter after transplanting do not touch about a week so that the bushes are calmly rooted. When the street is still cool, tomatoes from the balcony are better to enter the room. With the onset of heat, all landings "move" to the balcony.
  • Winter dressing of tomatoes on the windowsill. Seedlings "supply" once every 10 days - organic and ready-made mineral fertilizers. Act according to the instructions on the packaging, do not forget to neatly loosen the land around the trunk. With the advent of 2 present leaf, the seedlings in winter are easy to make a solution of trace elements. The most important rules of work: for young plants, the dose, reduced by 2 times compared with the instruction, is carried out on a damp soil, it is advisable not to be assisted.
  • Painting and pruning. The stalks that begin to grow from the sinuses of the leaves are called steps. They are cleaned so as not to take power from the aging fruits. For the formation of 2-3 stems in short varieties, you can leave the appropriate number of steps. The rest are removed manually, it is better in the morning until there is no strong sun. The lowered and stramb varieties can not be pausing, but also the bush is not thickened. Patients and yellowed leaves cut off. After the formation of the brushes, you can cut down and the bottom leaves.

You can not remove all the leaves. In this case, the synthesis of organic materials will be disturbed.

  • Formation of a bush. After tying fruits on each trunk, 4-5 brushes leave. All others are removed along with the top of the stem and inflorescences. When the fruit formation itself begins - the tipping and removal of blooming brushes is performed.
  • Help in pollination. Tomatoes "Balcony" varieties are also self-polishing, but also help in this winter does not hurt. Slightly shake the tassels of colors and tapping on the stalk. So that the zero does not disappear, the bush is permissible to make a solution of boric acid - on 5 liters of water 1 g and add a little manganese.
  • Prevention of diseases. Without the right departure, tomatoes in the winter can get sick during growing on the windowsill. If they are "fill" - mold, rot, rot or phytoofluorosis. For its prevention, a mixture of the following composition is good: half a cup of garlic and a slightly manganese (half of gram) are added to the three-liter water capacity of water. You can use the spraying "phytosporin". The appearance of the whiteflink even with winter cultivation on the window promotes the acidification of the soil. Warned overlaughter will help mala, ash, dolomite flour or gas lime. There are special drugs deoxidizers.

Responsibly causing the bushes with all preventive measures can be confident that tomatoes mature in the right amount.


To grow a full harvest on the windowsill, it is important to collect fruit on time. In winter, they take off the pouring tomatoes, which began to pose slightly. They are laid for pouring on the window or in the dark box. The process will pass to the end, and all the released useful substances will "throw" the cultivation of the remaining fruit on the branches.

Knowing how to grow tomatoes at home on the windowsill or balcony, you can pamper "delicious landings" close not only in summer, but in winter. It will especially make these children who, with the greatest curiosity, will be considered every plant and certainly spell small delicious "Tomatics".

Having your own land plot, we can rummage with fresh fragrant tomatoes, growing them on the balcony or windowsill. Most often, people want to grow vegetables on the windowsill in winter, when the summer season is far away, and I want to tinker from the ground. But in the warm season, this is an excellent solution for residents, such as apartment buildings. Of course, this is not a way to completely feed the family, but the possibility is not only to save a little, but also get moral satisfaction. Each pleasant not only to see the result of his work, but also to taste him, because vegetables grown with their own hands are always the most fragrant and tasty, and most importantly, useful and not treated with pesticides.

Growing tomatoes And the care of them in the conditions of the apartment is not very different from their cultivation in open ground and leaving at indoor plants. But there are some features. The breeders withdrew a large number of tomato varieties specifically for growing in the room. If you want to grow tomatoes on the windowsill, it is better to choose the lowest varieties, for example, Florida Petit (Little Florida) and Dubok. On the street, plants grow 25 - 35 cm tall. In the room they are pulled up to 40 - 50 cm, but at the same time, the trunk of the plant is strong enough and planting plants will not have.
They are distinguished by the compact sizes of the bush and high decorativeness. Fruits on them are small, but very tasty. And due to the fact that there are a lot of them on every bush, the crop is quite decent. Also, such low-spirited varieties as "Pinocchio", "Bonesai", "Micron NK", and T. D.

If you have a big, well-lit balcony or loggia, then you can try to plant large-scale and tall varieties: "Bullie Heart", "Cream", "de Barao", "White Pouring", "Carlson". But in this case, it is necessary to take into account that for one such bush you need a minimum of 10-15 liters of soil.

Planting tomatoes

So that shooters appear faster, the seeds must be pre-dunk. To do this, it is necessary to put them in a pale pink solution of manganese minutes by 10-15. Then throw away the seeds that did not fall on the bottom, and the rest are removed, wrap in the wet cloth and wait when to get into the way. If the manufacturer has a special protective and nutrient film, the soaking is not necessary to produce.

For planting tomatoes is suitable "Universal" soilwhich you can buy or do yourself, mixing in equal proportions of black mill, sand and peat. To enrich land with minerals, it is better to add sidewood charcoal. Before boarding, the ground should be boiled water, and then give it to cool. Thus, it is disinfected, warms up and well moisturizes.

For sowing seeds You can use 200 ml plastic cups. Glasses It is advisable to choose transparent to be controlled by water. Do not make holes for water at the bottom, since with a small amount, the ground will not have time to absorb enough water. The glass should be fill in the earth, leaving at the top somewhere on his finger of free space. Make a hole in a depth of 2 cm, put 2 grains, pour the recess of the soil. After that, the glasses should be covered with a polyethylene film in order to avoid moisture evaporation and put in a dark place with a temperature of 24-26 ° C. On the third or fourth day, as soon as the first sprouts appear, we transfer crops on a cool windowsill with artificial lighting, so that the seedlings are unnecessarily stretched, and do not water until the upper layer of the soil gets up to avoid the development of fungal diseases.

!!! Mushroom diseases, the appearance and distribution of which contributes to dampness for tomatoes. The development of the disease is hampered by solar lighting and free access of fresh air. A good facility to combat plant diseases is a burglar mixture. For its preparation, it is necessary to dissolve in 0.9 liters of water 10 g of copper sulfate in glassware, and 20 g of hazed lime to dilute 0.1 liters of water. Lime milk pour into a thin flow into a solution of a sulfate, with continuous stirring. The finished mixture is stored no more than 24 hours.

When two or three "real" leafs appear, transplant tomatoes in large pots. For dwarf tomatoes, there will be a capacity of 4-5 liters, but the more space, the better. At the bottom of the pot put a clamzite or pieces of foam, pour a layer of sand in 2-3 cm and a little soil. Slightly pour the seedlings, and then carefully remove from the glass along with the land. Place a sighter into a pot, and the free space is filled with soil. If more than one sprout has grown, then it is better to leave one heavier, and the rest to pinch the root with their hands. Sleep from above 2-3 cm of the Earth and pour. Thus, the pot must stay free 5-7 cm to the top edge. This will give the opportunity to plug in the pot as the plant grows, thereby replacing the dip.


Water tomatoes Depending on the refund and time of the year, it should be different. In the first month of the life of tomatoes, the ground must be moisturized, every day or every other day, but moderately. Next, plants can be watered more abundantly and less often. When tomatoes begin to bloom, and zerovy will appear, not allow the earth to dry out. Tomato does not like high humidity. Watering the plants preferably a couple of times a week, abundantly wasting the soil. For watering it is better to use water with a temperature of 20-25 ° C. No need to wash the soil under the bush - it is enough so that it is wet. It is best to water the plants in the evening. If it happened that it is necessary to pour in the afternoon, then it is better to do it through the pallet. Do not water tomatoes on a sunny day. Water should not fall on the leaves or barrel of the plant, as water droplets, like small lights focus the sun rays and plants can get burns. In particularly hot summer days or if there are very dry air at home, spraying can save. During this period, adhere to the rules "it is better to pour than to not be cheat." But the winter period and cloudy days, on the contrary, "it is better to nourish than to overcome."


Tomatoes are very demanding on lighting. In order not to use artificial illumination, it is better to plant seeds at the end of March - early April, and plants are placed in the south or south-east. For uniform lighting, once every two days you can rotate the tomatoes with the other side to the window.

In cloudy short winter days, grow lush bushes in the apartment without additional lighting is simply impossible. It is no secret that the light is the main component of the photosynthesis important for the plant, without which the normal growth and development of the plant does not occur.

You can organize the shower using fluorescent lamps of white and daylight. Such lamps give the lighting lighting similarity and do not emit heat. Therefore, they can be placed close enough to plants. Also, in specialized stores you can buy phytolamba adapted precisely for indoor growing of vegetables.

Pod. Tomato

For better fruiting times in two weeks, it is recommended to conduct feeding plants with organic fertilizers. It is not necessary to use chemicals, since the risk of overdo it with dosage and get fruit, full nitrates, because, if manure, ash and other organic fertilizers are provided by nature itself and plants will take exactly so many nutrients as they need, then chemical fertilizers are absorbed by the plant uncontrolled. And if you reconcile, then at best, the plant will die, and at worst (for you) case, plants will become magnificent and beautiful, but their fruits can be poisoned. Therefore, only organic fertilizers are better to use for fruiting plants.

It is possible to feed the tomato divorced in water well overwhelmed. It can be prepared in advance at the cottage, give it to renovate, and stock for the winter, and put it overnight on the balcony. When the manure stresses, it smells strong enough. If you need to fertilize, and the balcony, where the manure in any container could have been repeated, then you can feed the horsepower. He when heats up, practically does not smell. They can be picked up and non-interrupted. Fingering with water, infused on manure, should be carried out once a week or two. You can alternate it with stealing ash.

Undercalinking with manure stimulates the growth of plants and formation of colors. But the plants may not cope with the abundance of color, and the flowers will fall off, without forming the string ( when 2-3 clusters of tomatoes are tuned, remove the rest of the color paintings and steps to reduce the load on the plant). In this case, the output from the situation will be ash. It contributes to the formation of uncess, as well as growth and aging fruit. Slash can simply sprinkle the earth around the plant or dilute in water and feed this solution.

For feeding the manure is enough two tablespoons of manure (with a slide) dilute in a liter of water. For feeding ash - one teaspoon of ashes should be divorced in a liter of water.


Further departure for plants certainly includes such items as steaming and forming a bush. From the sinuses of the leaves are growing so-called meats. For their growth, quite a lot of nutrients needed for flowering and fruit formation are needed. In order for the fruit to be more, the steps should be deleted, so that the yield does not suffer. It is best to do it when the stepper rose 1 - 3 cm long, having hands, and not cut to avoid infection of plants.

In the formation of the bush, only one steppe leave - under the first inflorescence of the brush, thus forming a plant in two stems. As needed, the stems are clinging to the pegs. In addition to the steps, it is advisable to remove the yellowed and damaged leaves.


All varieties of tomatoes, with the exception of low-speed, require tapping. Otherwise, the plant may not withstand its own weight and its barrel can break. If tomatoes grow on the balcony, then you need to think in a timely manner, where the plants will be lied.

The average grades can be tested to the peg. When planting tomatoes in a large pot, together with the plant, there are also pegs, 50 - 60 cm long (from the ground level). When the plant reaches the desired size, it will be possible to bind it to this peg without any problems.
If you do not prepare in advance and not insert the peg, then later when the plant is already big, they can damage the roots.
You can be tied up with an old kapron stocking, or a strip of flannel rag. Just do it need it carefully, the node should not be placed on the plant.


Tomatoam does not require artificial pollinationBut for a better tying you can slightly tap the stalk slightly in a week, shaking floral brushes. After the main part of the fruit is formed, the top of the plant, like the blooming brushes, should be removed, as they will not allow you to fully develop fully formed.

With poor ventilation, high ambient temperature, insufficient soil moisture and poor light, plant leaves are not twisted, and the flowers and fruits are embarrassed. It is often necessary to air the room and water the plants, carefully monitor the temperature regime. With excess watering and feeding, on the contrary, a powerful dark green bush is formed with weak floral tassels. In this case, the plant is less likely to feed, the soil do not watered for about a week, and the flowers are pollinated by hand using cotton sticks.

Very nice (and tasty) looks lemons grown in the apartment.

The main recommendations of the successful cultivation of tomatoes on the windowsill or balcony

- It is better to give preference to fine-forming, but high-yielding hybrids and tomato varieties.On a small area, the plant is difficult to fill large fruits, there will be few them or they will ripen. Small fruits crumble gradually, which will provide fresh vegetables every day.

- An important role is played by the right choice of seeds.. For cultivation in the conditions of the urban apartment, self-polls will be self-polished rapid low or bush hybrids. Nowadays, special varieties are also displayed for home cultivation (in this case, on bags with seeds it will be indicated "Suitable for growing in the apartment").

- To get a beautiful, juicy, fruitful bush from the seed.The plant needs to provide a suitable temperature and the required amount of light. Groans with vegetables need to be located on the southern or south-eastern windows. In short winter days, it is necessary to read the daylight lamps.

- Do not allow soil drying.In the heat of the plant can reset flowers and marking. If there is no time to monitor the soil moisture, you can arrange a "watering system". To do this, it is necessary to wear a plastic bottle into the ground, having previously done several holes in it. Which side it is to boil, depends on the size of the pot. The main thing is that the surface is a funnel for the bay of water. Thus, the roots will constantly get moisture, and from above the earth will not be covered with a crust.

- Pilter plants just once a month. During flowering, the twigs need to shift a little to improve pollination. For these purposes, you can use universal fertilizer for room colors or specialized growth concentrates. But it is very important not to abuse fertilizers, saying "porridge oil will not spoil" here is inappropriate. Norma specified in the instructions for fertilizer cannot be exceeded. And it is even better to divide it twice (it is better to feed more often). In order not to burn the roots, the plant first should be poured with clean water, and then then - a solution of fertilizer.

- Pots with seedlings and adult bushes you need to turn 180 degrees once a day. It is necessary that the bushes are even, since the plants have a property of bending towards light. And at the same time, it is necessary to protect the plants from the scorch rays of the sun. Burns on the leaves and the crop can significantly reduce, and the appearance of the plant will spoil. To do this, you can "toned" glass with white paper - and the room will not be so hot, and the plants will become more comfortable.

- It is not necessary to tear tomatoes for unworthy. Spying on a bush, they become fragrant and juicy. This is what we lack in purchased fruits.

- Do not force plants to compete.Having put two bustles in one pot, you can not only not increase the harvest, but to lose it at all. If unnecessary plants have nowhere to transplant - it is better to throw them at all, and then the remaining will be delighted with a generous harvest.

P.S. It is no secret that many insects, including mosquitoes and ants, do not endure the specific smell of tomato tops. Several pots with plants tomato on the windowsill They will be a reliable barrier on the path of mosquitoes in the hot season.