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Short story Malachite box. P. Bazhov. Malachite Box

Information for parents: Malachite Box - famous fairy tale Pavel Petrovich Bazhova is a popular Writer of the Urals. Talks about Nastasya, who had a malachite box, full of gems. Her gave a girlfriend to the wedding hostess of the copper mountain. Only no one could wear those decorations, except for the daughter of Nastasi - Tanya. In these decorations, she wanted to appear on the reception to the Empress in the Malachite Hall. But she deceived the groom. Whether Tanya was able to survive the betrayal learning children from 8 to 12 years old in the instructive fairy tale "Malachite Box".

Read a fairy tale malachite box

Nastasya, Stepanova, the widow, the Malachitov box remained. With every female device. Rings there, earrings and protections on the female rite. The mistress of the Copper Mountain bestowed Stepan with this box, as he was still married.

Nastasya in the orphanhood grew, was not accustomed to eclo-richness, and not the lover of the lover was fashioned. From the first years, how they lived with Stepan, it was put on, of course, from this box. Only not to the soul she had to. It puts on the ring ... Exactly just fit, does not pick up, it does not roll, but will go to the church or to visit where it hits. As a chant finger, at the end of Nali will come back. Earrings will hide - worse. The ears will pull out that the lunches are swollen. And to take on the hand - not harder what Nastasya always wore. Six seven rows just once followed. Like the neck of the neck, and do not warm up. For people, those busks did not show at all. It was ashamed.

- Iha, say, what kind of queen in the field is imprisoned!

Stepan also did not argue his wife to wear from this box. Once even somehow said:

Nastasya and put the box to the lowest chest, where the canvas and the protection of the reserve are kept.

As Stepan died, yes pebbles in his dead hand were, Nastasya, and one box was accomplished. And the one who knows the pebbles about Stepanov, and says Nastasya later, as the people hit:

- You look, do not wash this casket for trifle. Large thousand it stands.

He, this man, from, a scientist was also from free. The wound went to the pike, yes it was removed: Oslab de People gives. Well, and Vints did not disappear. Also, the Zabatska Zatka was, it was not that be remembered, the late head. And so in everything correct. Watch, write, wash the sample, there are signs to look around - I did everything on the conscience, not as a different protesting, abona to eat half. To whom, and he will bring a glass of festive business. So he lived in our factory to death. Near the people was fed.

Nastasya from her husband heard that this sigger is correct and intelligently intelligent in the affairs, for nothing that the whip was raped. Well, and he obeyed him.

"Okay," says, "a smoking day. - And put the box on the old place.

Schoronii Stepan, Food was sent honor to honor. Nastasya - Baba in juice, and with sufficiency, began to be assigned to it. And she, a smart woman, says one thing:

- Although the golden second, and all the robets are a fault.

Well, behind time.

Stepan left a good family provision. House right, horse, cow, getting complete. Nastasya Baba Drinking, Distribution Robbs, do not live. Year live, two live, three live. Well, they worn after all. Where is one woman with youngsters a farm to help! After all, after all, and a penny is necessary somewhere. On salt at least. Here Rodna and let Nastasya hum in the ears:

- Sell the casket! What is she to you? What's likes to lie! Everything is one and the Tanya, how to grow, we will not wear. Won there are stucks! Only bars and buy merchants to buy. With our banner, do not wear eco space. And people would give money. Oblosts to you.

One word, crucial. And the buyer, like raven on the bone, flew away. From the merchants everything. Who gives one hundred rubles, who are two hundred.

- Roby-de Your Sorry, on the Widden Regulations, we do.

Well, we get a bunch of Baba, but did not come to that.

Nastasya remembered well that she spoke old sick, she does not sell for such a trifle. Also sorry. As-in no ghenihovo gift, male memory. And the way of that girl has the younger tears survived, asks:

- Mamonka, do not sell! Mamonka, do not sell! I'd rather go to people, and Halp the memo is overgrown.

From Stepan, you see, three robets remained. Two guys. Robets as a robust, and this, as they say, not in the mother, nor in his father. While Stepanova, as a small one was, on this girl people were breeding. Not that the girls - women, and the men Stepan said:

"It's not different with you, Stepan, fell out of the brushes. Who only originated! Monken himself and basar, and green eyes. On our girls, it seems not at all.

Stepan will joke, happened:

- This is not a difference that Chernahka. Father, after all, from the small years, cried in the ground. And that the eyes are green - they also do not have to dig. Did you never know Malachit Barina Turchaninov nubble. Here the memo and remained.

So this girl is a memo and called. - Well, you, my memo! - And when it happened that she was to buy, so the latter either, or a green will bring.

That girl grew on the girl on the people. Exactly and the Garusinka from the festive belt fell out - it can be seen. And even though she is not chib to span to someone else, but her Tanyushka da Tanyushka. The most enviable Babets and those admired. Well, like, - Beauty! All cute. One mother walked:

- Beauty is a beauty, but not ours. Exactly who replaced me a girl

According to Stepan, this girl was killed. Purely ulled everything, I lost weight from my face, some eyes remained. Mother and invented to give Tanya TU Box Malachitov - Pushcham delas. Although the little, and the girl, - from the small years they are flattering on themselves. Tanya and engaged to disassemble these things. And here is Divo - which is trying, that and on it. Mother is different and did not know what, and this all knows. Yes, still says:

- Mamonka, how good is the dick! Heat from him, as if you sit on the prieng, and someone who strokes you softly.

Nastasya herself sang, remembers how she had a finger, her ears were sick, the neck could not warm up. So thinks: "It's not good. Oh, no reason! " - Yes, as soon as the casket is then in the chest. Only tanya from that time there is no no and will ask:

"Mamonka, let me play with Haliny give!"

Nastasya when and grows, well, the mother's heart will regret, the casket will give, only punish:

- Do not break what!

Then, when Tanyushka grew up, she herself became a casket to get. Mother will leave with older packed packed or where, Tanya will stay home. At first, of course, I will manage that the mother punished. Well, the cup-spoons are jumped, the table was shaken, in the hut-wearing a broom to rotate, the chickens feed the stern, to look in the stove. Contact all as soon as possible, and for the box. From the upper chests by that time, alone remained, and that lonely became. Tanya will move it on the stool, will get the box and moves the pebbles, admires, on itself.

Hipichiper once climbed. Whether he burst into the fence to the backup, or then he was imperceptibly used, only no one was seen from Soussey so that he was passing down the street. The person is not enough, but in the case of the case - someone brought him down, all the order dragged.

As Nastasya left, Tanya escaped a lot of things in the housework and climbed to play his father's pebbles. Put on the head, the earrings hung. At this time and puff in the hut This Hitnik. Tanyushka looked around - on the threshold a peasant unfamiliar, with an ax. And the ax. In the senks, stood in the corner. Just that the Tanya rearranged him, as in the Senks of Mela. The Tanyushka was frightened, sitting, as I froze, and the man jumped, the ax dropped and the eyes were captured by both hands, as they burned them. Stonet screaming:

- Oh, Batyushki, Elept me! Oh, blind! - And the eye itself rubs.

Tanyushka sees - it was wrong with man, began to ask:

"You're like a uncle, came to us, took a fuel ax?"

And the one know, moaning my eyes is rubbing. Tanya him and regretted him - he buried the waters of the water, I wanted to file, and the man strangled my back to the door.

- Oh, do not come! - So in the Senks and sitting and the doors pinched out so that Tanya was not jumped into the Tanya. Yes, she found the move - ran through the window and to the wort. Well, came. Began to ask what kind of person? He broke down her little, explains - the passing-de, Milostinka wanted to ask, but something with his eyes pursued.

- As the sun hit the sun. I thought - flew at all. From the heat, or something.

About the ax and pebbles Tanya Soussees did not say. Those think:

"Easy thing. Maybe herself forgot the gate to lock, here is passing and went, and then something happened to him. Never knows "

Before Nastasya, did not let go of the passing. When she came with her sons, this man told her that he told the Soussees. Nastasya sees - everything is in preservation, not to knit. That man left, and the woven too.

Then Tanya Mother and laid out how it was. There is Nastasya and realized that he came after the box, but to take it, it can be seen, not just.

And he herself thinks:

"To protect it, I need to be successful."

I took yes slowly from Tanya and others we robbed and buried the box in Golball.

We left all the family again. Tanya has enough boxes, and it happened. Gorky it seemed to the Tanyushka, and then suddenly it was jealous. What is the thing? Where? Looked around, and from under the floor. Tanya was frightened - did not fire? Looked in Golball, there is light in one corner. I grabbed a bucket, I wanted to splash - only after all the fire is not there and the smoke does not smell. I breathed in that place, sees - casket. Opened, and stones even more painted steel. So burn with different lights, and light from them, like with the sun. Tanya and the hut did not drag the box. Here in Golball and played out.

So since that time it was necessary. Mother thinks: "That was well hidden, no one knows," and the daughter, both to home and gives an hour to play expensive fatherly donating. What about the sale of Nastasya and speaking relatives did not give.

- The world will come to the world - then selling.

At least she had to be cool, but strengthened. So many years wounded, then I went on to correct. Senior robust began to earn a little, and the Tanya did not sleep with a folded arms. She, I heard, I learned to sew and sew with silks. And so learned that the plain boric craftsmen clapped their hands - where does the patterns come from where the silk gets?

And also the case came out. Woman comes to them. Slightly growing, hot, in Nastasiy for years, and East Kazakhstan and, to see everything, Schamugo is that only hold on. On the back, Kretchochka canvas, in the hand, the cherry muggy, it seems like a wanderer. Asks Nastasya:

- Is it possible, the hostess, do you have a day to relax? Shuts are not carried, and not close.

Nastasya first thought, whether he was not asked again behind the box, then she lasted.

- It's not a pity. Do not break, look, and you will not take it with you. Only here is a kind of orphans. In the morning - on beams with quasom, in the evening - quads with a loaf, all and change. You are not afraid to sleep, so please, you need to live.

And the wanderer I put my badge, the kitomka put on the plot and the louds are removed. Nastasya, it did not have to morally, but was silent.

"You are notching! They did not have time to bring it, and she was nako - she took off and unleashed kittomka. "

Woman, and right, Kotomochka unzipped and finger manits Tanya:

- Go, dyatyatko, look at my handicraft. If the will happen, and you teach you ... See, the chain eye will be on it!

Tanyushka approached, and a woman and gives her a little shirin, the ends were embroidered. And such, hear-ko, a hot pattern on that shirinka that exactly in the sleeper was lighter and warmer.

Tanya so eyes and drank, and a woman laughs.

- I looked through, to know, my daughter, my needlework? Want to teach?

"I want," says.

Nastasya and went down:

- And think forget! Salt to buy nothing to what, and you came up with silks to sew! Supplies, like, money is worth.

"We don't worry about that, the hostess," says the wanderer. - There will be a concept of daughter - there will be supplies. For your bread-salt will leave her - enough enough. And then you will see. For our skill of money pay. I do not give a gift. Slice we have.

There was Nastasya to give up.

- If the supplies pay, so we will not learn about. Let us take off, how many concepts are enough. Thank you for you.

Here is this woman and took up Tanya to teach. Surrenced Tanya all adopted, as if he knew before. Yes, that's what. Tanya is not the fact that there was a stranger, to his nobascious, and this woman is so flane and flax. Nastasya Skosa braked:

"Found a new relative to himself. I will not suit my mother, but to the vapor stuck! "

And that even smoothly teases, all the Tanya with a dietary and her daughter calls, and the bare name did not remember the sample. Tanyushka sees that the mother is offended, and can not keep himself. Before hearding, he got into this woman that he told her about the casket!

"There is," says, "we have dear Tatiet memo - the Malachite box. That's where a stone! The century would have looked at them.

- Show me, daughter? - asks a woman.

Tanyushka did not even think that it was impudent.

"I'll show you," says, when there will be no one at home from the family.

As such an hour turned around, Tanyushka and called that woman in Golball. Got the Tanya Casket, shows, and the woman looked little and says:

- Innight-ko on yourself - will be more visible.

Well, Tanya, - not the words, - began to wear, and that, knew, praises:

- Okay, daughter, okay! You only need to fix the droplet.

It came closer and let's push the finger in the pebbles. Which will come - he will light differently. Tanyushka is clearly visible, other - no. After that, a woman says:

- Stand-co, daughter, straight.

Tanyushka got up, and a woman and let's slowly stroke her hair, on the back. I thought, and he himself instructs:

- I will make you turn around, so you look, do not look around for me. Go forward, notice what will happen, and say nothing. Well, turn!

Tanyushka turned - in front of her the room, of which she did not have to speak. Not that churches, not that. The ceilings are high on pure malachite pillars. The walls are also put in the growth of man with Malachite, and on the upper eaves, the malachite pattern passed. Right in front of the Tanya, like in the mirror, there is a beauty, about which only in fairy tales. Hair as night, and the eyes are green. And she is still dear stones, and a dress on it from a green velvet with overflow. And so this dress is sewn, like the queen in the paintings. What only keeps. With shame would be our factory burned in people to wear this, and this green-eyed costs himself calmly, as if necessary. People in that room are full. The Lord is dressed, and all in gold and merit. Who is overwhelmed from whom someone is NCT, and who has from all sides. See, the most grazing authorities. And they have them immediately. Also, the horsors, holrors, stones are hung. Only where to the green-eyed! None in the junction is good.

In a row with green-eyed, some kind of whitebear. Eye of the doctor, Ears of Purnesch, as there is a hare. And we have to go on it - the mind is perky. This gold appeared a little, so he, hear-ko, asked for both stones. Yes, so strong that, maybe, at ten years one will find one. Immediately see - the breeder is. He bursts that hare of green-eyed, and she would have led an eyebrow, as if he was not at all.

Tanyushka looks at this lady, is divided into her and only here noticed:

- After all, a stone on it is Herity! - Cooked Tanya, and nothing became.

And the woman is laughing:

- did not bother, daughter! Do not tillage, in time to live.

Tanyushka, of course, is perhaps - where is this room?

"And this," says, the royal palace. That tent, keeper by the local malachite is amused. Your deceased father mined it.

- And who is in Halific Uporakh and what kind of hare with her?

- Well, I won't say that I will soon find out.

On the same day, as Nastasya came home, this woman began to gather on the road. She bowed to the lowest hostess, served a tanyushka a nodule with silks and beaded, then I got a bug of Mahonka. Whether it is from the glass, whether from the dope on a simple face of beloved,

Serves her Tanyushka and says:

- Accept-ko, daughter, a memo from me. How to forget at work or a difficult case will suit, look at this button. There will be an answer here.

She said so and left. Only her and saw.

Since then, Tanyushka has become a craftswoman, and even in the years it became, the bride looks at all. Factory guys about the Nastasyin's eyes brake braking, and it is afraid to approach the Tanyushka. You see, Nalaskaya, it is awesome, and for the serfs where the free will go. Who hunting a loop to wear?

In the Barsky house, too, they also guessed about the Tanya because of the skill of her. Spend steel. Lacey is a label and put on the Lord Punish, the clock with a chain will give and send to the Tanya, as if for the matter what. Think whether the girl will be lit on the ego well done. Then you can fix it. I still did not come out. Will say Tanya what in the case, and other conversations of that lacquerless attention. Testech, so the narrow will adjust:

- Step-ko, kind, go! Waiting after all. They are afraid, look, no matter how your clock then did not go and the chain did not remember. Hit, without a habit, how are you calling them.

Well, the lacquer or other Barskoy these words, like a dog boiling water. It runs as a scalded, snatching about myself:

- Is this a girl? Statues stone, green-eyed! I will find such a thing!

Fyrchit is so, and the most overwhelmed. Which will be sent, forget not can Tanyushkin beauty. How the place awesome is pulling to that place - at least pass by passing, look into the window. On holidays, almost the entire factory bachelor is a matter of that street. The road from the winds was stuck, and Tanyushka does not look.

Sousses really became Nastasya to rive:

- What do you have Tatyana chibko higraced yourself? There is no girlfriends, it does not want to look at the guys. Tsarevich-Koroleica is waiting for Al in Christ the bride goes?

Nastasya only sighs on these persons:

- Oh, Babonki, and herself does not know. And so I had a girl's girl was, and the witch was made by this passing thoroughly. We will talk to her, and she stares on her witchcoping butt and silent. So it would have thrown this damned button, and in case she is good for her. How silk change or what, so in the junction and looks. I can't and me, yes, I can see, the eyes of stupules began, I do not see. I would give up the girl, yes, you see, she has a diligence. Read, her work only live. I think I think so and glow. Well, then she will say: "Mamonka, because I know that there is no fate. I do not go anyone and do not go to the playing. What is in vain people in longing to drive? And what I sit under the window, so my work requires. What come for me? What did I do thin? " So answer her!

Well, to live all the way okay became. Tanyushkino needlework fell. Not that in the Al in our city's factory, in other places they learned about him, orders send and money pays considerable. Dobro Men fit to raise so much. Only here the misfortunes of them and entered the fire - the fire happened. And at night it was. Prounce, brown, horse, cow, tackle all - all burned down. With that, only remained, what they jumped out. Casket, however, Nastasya snatched, had time. Another day and says:

- It can be seen, the edge came - there will have to sell the casket.

- Sell, Mamonka. Not negative only.

The Tanya was glanced by the snout, and there is green-eyed looming - let's sell. Gorky became Tanyushka, and what can you do? All the same will leave the Otzova a memo in this green-eyed. Sighed and says:

- Sell to sell. - And he didn't even look at those stones to look. And that say - the neighbors were sheltered where they are laid out.

Invented this way - to sell something, and the merchants are already here. Who, maybe himself and arsogue-from set up to take possession of the cabinet. Also, after all, Narodisko something - the marigold, chasing! They see, - Robets have grown, - give more. Five hundred there, seven hundred, one to a thousand came. By the factory, money is considerable, you can get on them. Well, Nastasya even requested two thousand. Go, it means to her, rust. They make little glad, and they are taking apart from each other, they cannot consist among themselves. Hit, a piece of such - no one to retreat reluctance. As long as they went, a new clerk came to the field and arrived.

When they are - cuzzles - they are sitting for a long time, and in those years they happened to them. A stuffy goat, which under Stepan was, the old barin on Krylovsko behind the stench set. Then he was fried back. His workers put him on the blank. The Nirjan Debobets passed here. This again the hostess of the copper mountain in empty breed has shifted. There are two more whether three were some, and then this came.

He affects, from alien lands was, in all sorts of languages \u200b\u200bit was called, and in Russian worse. Purely spoke one thing - to smoke. Human so, with a stretching - pa-even. What shortage it will be focused on, one shouts: steam! His couples and called.

In fact, this couple was not chib to be thin. He though shouted, and the people did not chase at all. There are no business for the host and things. He sighed a little the people at the same party.

Here, you hang, something in what. Old Barin for the time at all the clogged became, I barely moved my legs. He came up with his son to marry some kind of decanter whether or. Well, and this young Barin had a loveliever, and he had a great commitment to her. How to be? Awkward all the time. What new woven will say? Here is the old barin and began to stipulate that woman - the sown is a lovelist - for the musician. Barina served this musician. Robbs on music taped and so a conversation as a stranger, as they go on their position.

"What," says, "you can live on thin glory, you get married." I dodged you Odel, and my husband will send a clerk to the field. There is a right thing, let us only keep the people. Enough, look, is that this is a sense, though the musician. And you will live better with him in the field something. The first person can be said will you. Thank you, respect from all. What is bad?

The butterfly came out. Whether she was in the cutter with a young Barin, or the trick was raped.

"For a long time," he said, "I had a dream about this, but I didn't say anything.

Well, the musician, of course, first harmed:

"I don't wish," Schibko about her Huda Glory, Potskomoch like.

Only Barin - Starichonko Chitra. No wonder the plants have come. Vivid broke this musician. I scattered than Ali settled, either drowned - their now the matter, only the wedding was cordious, and the young went to the field. So the parot appeared in our factory. For a short time he only lived, and so - that in vain to speak - a person is not harmful. Then, as one and a half Hari instead, he passed himself - from her factory, he even regretted this parmet.

He arrived with the wife of a parot just at that time, as the merchants did not catch the merchant. Parotina Baba was also prominent. White and ruddy - one word, a lovelist. I suppose I would not have taken a barin. Also, I called, chose! Here is this paryotine wife and smoke - the casket is sold. "Dai-ko," thinks, "I'll see, maybe that is worth it that." Lively stroke and rolled to Nastasya. After all, they are the sorts of factory are ready!

"Well," says, "cute, show, what such pebbles sell?"

Nastasya pulled the casket, shows. Parotina woman and eyes ran. She, hear-Co., was brought up in St. Petersburg, in the abroad, there were various with young Barin, the sense in these outfits had. "What is it," thinks, is that? At the very queen of seeak decorations, and here is Nako - in the field, in the chambers! No matter how much the purchase was not broken. "

- How much, - asks, - ask?

Nastasya says:

- Two would take thousands of hunting.

- Well, honey, get together! We will go to me with a box. There will get money in full.

Nastasya, however, was not filed for it.

"We have," says, "there is no such custom that the bread for a belly walked." Bring money - your box.

The lady sees - what a woman is, - vividly twisted for money, and herself punishes:

- You're cute, do not sell the box.

Nastasya answers:

- This is hoping. From my word not to work out. I will wait until the evening, and then my will.

Parotina's wife left, and merchants came up all at once. They hang, watched. Ask:

- Well, how?

"I said," Nastasya responds.

- How many?

- For two, as prescribed.

- What are you, - shout, - the mind decided Ali what! In other people's hands give, and refuse to refuse! - And come on - to focus.

Well, Nastasya did not peck on this fishing rod.

"This is," says, "you are lost in the words to twist, and I did not have anything. Having founded a woman, and conversation end!

Parotina Baba Crutehonko turned around. Brought money, handed out from the handle to the handle, picked up the box and Ida home. Only on the threshold, and towards Tanya. She, you wish, went somewhere, and all this sale was without it. She sees - some kind of lady with a cable. Tanyushka stared at her - they say, not that, after all, which then saw. And Parotina's wife was crowded in the forest.

- What kind of induce? Whose one? - asks.

"People name is a daughter," answers Nastasya. - The most as is the heir to the casket, which you bought. I would not sell, I didn't come to the edge. From the youngsters loved to play these utensils. Plays Yes, I praise - as de from them warm and good. What to talk about it! What I wanted with Palo!

"In vain, honey, so you think," says Parotina Baba. - I will find I will place these stones. - And I think about myself: "It's good that this green-eyed strength is not depleting. We show as such in St. Petersburg, the kings would be a spit. It is necessary - my fool did not see her for a fool. "

So and diverged.

Parotina wife, as arrived home, boasted:

"Now, a friend is kind, I am not what you, and Turchninov do not agree." Slightly - Goodbye! I will leave in the Sam-Petersburg either, that is better, in abroad, sell the box and such husbands, like you, two dozens buy, if necessary will happen.

Boasted, but show the new one's still hunting. Well, like - a woman! Ran up to the mirror and the first thing the head was attached.

- Oh, oh what is! - There is no patience - turns and tread the hair. I barely wrought. And neurouted. Earrings put on a slightly liner did not break. The finger in the ring was Sunuil - I caught, I barely gone with soap. The husband laughs: Not so, it can be seen, wearing!

And she thinks: "What a thing? We need to go to the city, Master show. Picks as it should, just stones did not change "

No sooner said than done. On the other day I drove in the morning. On the factory triple, because not far. I learned what the most reliable master, and to him. Master old-Warry, and in his dock. Looked at the box, asks who bought. The lady told what he knew. I looked at the master casket again, and did not look at the stones.

"I don't take it," says, "what I want." Do not place these masters work. We unorded with them to hide.

The lady, of course, did not understand what was burned here, snorted and ran to other masters. Only everything as they conspired: the casket will look like, they admire, and they do not look at the stones and refuse to work out. The lady then went to the tricks, says that this box brought this box from St. Petersburg. They did everything there. Well, the wizard she was splating, just laughed.

"I know," says, "in what place the box Delaware, and there is a lot of herself about the masters. To all our shoulder with him. For one whom that master cares, it will not suit the other that I do it.

The lady and here did not understand the whole thing, just that, and I enabled - it is impudent, they are afraid of someone's masters. I remembered that the old hostess said, as if the daughter loved these seats to wear.

"Not for this green-eyed caught? That misfortune! "

Then again turns into the mind:

"Yes, I'm what! I will sell what a rich fool. Frams are worn, and I will have money! " With this and went to the field.

I arrived, and there is news: the news got-old Barin ordered to live long. Hitrenko with a couple of something he arranged, and death overwhelmed his death - she took and knocked. Son did not have time to marry, and he now became a complete owner. After a small time, Parotina wife received Pisemyshko. So, my kind, by whether water I will come at the factories to seem to you, and your musician is a corporate. A parota about it somehow learned, noise-scream raised. It's a shame, you see, he is before the people. As - in no way the clerk, and here is that - the wife is selected. He began to drink hard. With employees, of course. They are glad to try to darker. Once poured. Some of these stuff and praise:

- Grow-de with us in the plant Beauty, the other you will not soon you soon.

Parota and asks:

- Whose one? In which the place lives?

Well, he was told about the casket, they were remembered - in this de family, your wife bought the box. Parota and says:

- Would look, - and the stuffing and the pork found.

- At least now let's go - to investlee whether they set a new hut. Family at least from free, and in factory land they live. In the case of which you can press.

Lee went two, three with this couple. The chain was dragged, let me do, if Nastasya was killed in someone else's estate, whether the tops come out between the columns. We are lifted, one word. Then they go to the hut, and the Tanya was just alone. She looked at her a parot and the words lost. Well, in no lands of such beauty did not see. Standing like a fool, and she sits - I am praising, as if her case does not concern. Then he moved the little of the couple, began to ask:

- What do you like?

Tanyushka says:

- By order, she saw - and the work has shown.

"To me," says a couple, "can you make an order?"

- Why not, if the price is happening.

"You can," asks again a couple, "can I embroider with my myself with myself?"

Tanya looked slowly on the button, and there is green-eyed to her sign feeds - take an order! - And the finger points on your finger. Tanya and answers:

- I will not, I will not, but I have a woman alone in expensive stones, in a tsaritsyn dress, I can embroider. Only weekly will cost such a job.

"On this," says, do not be able to, at least a hundred, at least two hundred rubles will pay, if only similarity with you was.

- Person, - replies, - similarity will be, and others are gaining.

Sit down for a hundred rubles. Tanya and the term prescribed - in a month. Only the couple is not-no, but it will be told that you know about the order, and at all it is not at all on the mind. Also, it was chosen, and the Tanyushka is exactly and not at all notice. Will tell two or three words, and the whole conversation. Watching the parmotes to puzzled above it became:

- Here, de will not break. In vain boots flung!

Well, she embroidered Tanya that pitt. Looking a couple - Fu you, my God! Why it is she is the most, the clothes and the stones are incense. Submits, of course, three hundredth tickets, only the Tanya did not take two.

"Not liking," says, "we are gifts to take. Whether you feed.

I came ran to a couple of home, admires on the pitt, and he keeps his wife. It became less to drink, to the factory affair to delve little started.

In the spring came to the plants of a young barin. In the field rolled. The people were moved, the prayer was served, and then in the Lordsk House, the tons of calls went. People, too, two veil barrels rolled out - to remember the old, to change the new Barin. The seed, it means that they did. On this all Turchaninov masters were. How to plunder the Lord's charm is a dozen of their own, and there is no matter what holiday will seem, and I will come to verification - I washed the last penny and at all. On the other day, the people of work, and in the Lordsk house again Pirovl. Yes, and went. Suck how much yes again for the golyak. Well, there, on boats ride, on horseback goes to the forest, brand on music, but you never know. And the parot is drunk all the time. Deliberately put the Barin of the most talked pithhobes - Pumping de before the failure! Well, those try to rely on the new Barina.

Parota at least drunk, and it is feeling, what the matter is to know. He is uncomfortable to him. He speaks at the table, at all:

"It's necessary for me that Barin Turchantov wants to take my wife. Pushy lucky! I do not need this. I have someone who is! - Yes, and gets from the pocket that silk pitt. Everyone is so painted, and the paryotine of Baba and the mouth cannot close. Barin also eaten eyes. It became curious.

- Who is she? - asks.

Parota Known Praise:

- Polon Table Gold Mound - and I will not say!

Well, how not to say, if the factory is immediately recognized by the Tanya. One before the other is trying - Barina is explained. Parotina Baba hands-legs:

- What do you! What do you! Okolzitsytsu smell like a bit! Where did the factory girl come from a dress and still a stone expensive? And the pit of this husband from abroad is brought. Even before the wedding, I showed me. Now with a drunk eye, you never know what is mad. It will not remember yourself soon. Iha, the whole whole!

A parota sees that his wife is not nice, he and let's cherry:

- Story you, Stram! What are you whirlpools you, Barina in the eyes of the sand throw! What am I a Patret showed you? Here I was sewed. That the very girl about which they say they say. About the dress - I will not lie - I do not know. What a dress what you want to wear. And they had stones. Now you have locked in the closame. I myself bought them for two thousand, and I could not wear. It can be seen, does not fit the cow Cherkassky saddle. I know the whole factory about buying!

Barin, as he heard about stones, now:

- Well, show!

He, hear-ko, little was, motovish. One word, heir. There was a strong addiction to stones. He had nothing to do, - as they say, no growth, nor voice, - so though stones. Where neither will be ashamed about nice stone, Now to buy is laid. And he knew in the stones, for nothing that was not smart.

Parotina Baba sees - there is nothing to do, "the box brought. Barin looked immediately:

- How many?

She bought at all unheardly. Barin ridden. At half, and the Barin borrowed paper has signed: it was not, you wish, the money with me. Put the barin in front of him the casket on the table and says:

- Call-to this girl about which conversation.

Ran out for the Tanya. She immediately went, "what a big order thought. It comes to the room, and there the people are full and in the midst of the very hare whom she then seen. Before this Zaiga, the casket - fathers. Tanya immediately recognized the Barin and asks:

- Why called?

Barin and words can not say. Stared at it and that's it. Then still found a conversation:

- Your stones?

"There were our, now there is their own," and showed a wife to the parmot.

"My now," Barin praised.

- This is your business.

- And I will give, I will give back?

- Note nothing.

- Well, you can try on them? Take a look at me hunting how these stones on the man will come.

"This is," Tanyushka answers, "you can."

He took the box, disassembled the clothes, - the usual thing, - and their place attached to the place. Barin looks and only ahaet. Oh yeah, no more and speeches. The Tanya stood in the vacation and asks:

- Wally? Will be? It's not from simple pores here - there is a job.

Barin here at all and says:

- Marry me. Agree?

Tanya only grinned:

- Not to say exactly Barina to speak. - removed the seed and left.

Only Barin is not lagging behind. The next day you came to win. Requests Molite Nastasya: Give me a daughter for me.

Nastasya says:

- I do not take your will with her will, as she wants, but in my opinion - as if it does not fit.

Tanya listened, listened and palloon:

"That's what, not that ... I heard that there is a chamber in the Tsarist Palace, the malachite of the extraction was deprived. Now, if you show me in this chamber to me - then I will marry you.

Barin, of course, I agree to everything. Now in the speakers of St. Petersburg, the Tanya with him calls - horses, says you will give you. And Tanya answers:

- According to our rite and the bride does not go to the crown on the groom's horse horses, and we still have no one. Then we will talk about it as you will carry our promise.

"When," asks, "will you be in St. Petersburg?"

"To cover," says, "will certainly. Do not be able to do about it, but while leaving you.

Barin went, a parmot of his wife, of course, did not take, does not even look at her. How to go home in St. Petersburg-from arrived, let's praise about stones around the city and about your bride. Many casket showed. Well, they really aligned the bride to see. To the autumn, the Barin Apartment was prepared by Tanyushka, the dresses of all sorts of visa, both, and she sent a news and she sent, "here she lives at such a widow on the outskirts itself. Barin, of course, is now there:

- What do you! Is there a mentioned matter to live here? Quarterly prepared, first grade!

And Tanya answers:

Rumor about a stone and Turchaninovsku bride and reached the queen. She says:

- Fruit Turchnins will show me his bride. Something a lot of things are lying.

Barin to Tanya, they need to get ready. The outfit is so sewing so that you can wear stones from a malachite casket. Tanya replies:

- On the outfit is not your sadness, and I will take the stones on the User. Yes, look, do not try to send horses behind me. I will be on my own. Wait just at the porch, in the palace.

Barin thinks - where does it have a horse? Where is the dwarf dress? - And they still did not whistled.

I got to gather to the palace. On horseback, everyone drives up, in silks and velvet. Turchaninov Barin Spaceku at the porch is spinning - his bride is waiting. Another too curious to look at it, "immediately stopped. And the Tanya put on a stone, tied to a handkerchief in factory, she poured his shubey and walks his swinger. Well, the people - where is this? - shaft for her shall. Tanyushka approached the palace, and the royal lackers do not let me in - not allowed, they say that the factory it is. Turchaninov Barin Farming Tanya Survo, only he was ashamed before him, that his bride was on foot, and even in Ekaya Shubekka, he took and hid. Tanya here opened her shubey, Lakely look - the dress is! There is no such tsarica! - Immediately let. And how Tanyushka removed the handkerchief and the shubeyka, they peeled everything around:

- Whose one? What land is the queen?

And Barin Turchanins is here as here.

"My bride," says.

Tanya Edak strictly looked at him:

- It is still ahead will look! Duty you deceived me - did not wait at the porch?

Barin therea-here, - Malley-de came. Excuse me please.

They went to the chambers of the royal, where it was ordered. Looks Tanya - not the place. Turcherinova Barina asked Strigger:

- This is what kind of deception? It is said that in the ward that Malachite is desenty of the work of work! - And went through the palace, how at home. And senators, generals and protections behind it.

- What, they say, is it? It can be seen, there ordered.

The people gained full, fully, and all the eyes from Tanya do not drive, and she became the most Malachite wall and waiting. Turchaninov, of course, right there. I am bursting to her that after all, it is impudent, not in this room, the queen waiting for it. And Tanya stands calmly, at least she behaved like the Barina is not at all.

The queen went into the room, where appointed. Looks - no one. Tsaritsyn Nazashniki and bring - Turcheninovska Bride of all in Malachitov's chamber took. The queen turned, of course, - what kind of self-defense! Poverty with my feet. I was worried, it means a little. Coming the queen in the ward Malachite. It all bowed to it, and Tanya stands - it will not move.

Queen and shouts:

- Well, show me this gravy - Turcherinovskus the bride!

Tanyushka heard it, at all the eyebrows brought, says Barina:

- This is what else came up with! I told me the queen to show, and you set up me to show me. Again deception! I don't want to see you! Get your stones!

With this word leaned against the wall of Malachite and melted. Only it remains that on the wall, the stones sparkle, like stuck to those places where the head was, neck, hands.

Everyone, of course, was frightened, and the queen was unable to floon in fearlessness. Sounded, raising steel. Then, when the turmoil fell up, rustled and tell Turchaninov:

- pick up at least stones! We will detach. Not some place - Palace! Here the price know!

Turchaninov and let's grab those stones. Which grab, he will turn into a droplet. Inina, the drop is clean, like a tear, isna yellow, and then again, like blood, thick. So nothing has collected. Looks - on the floor, the button is lying around. From bottle glass, on a simple face. Almost tricky. With grief, he grabbed her. Just took in hand, and in this button, like in big mirror, green-eyed beauty in a malachite dress, all expensive stones, laughing, laughs-poured:

- Oh, you, pollen oblique hare! Do you take me! Are you a couple of me?

Barin after this and the last Umishko lost, and did not throw the button. No, no and will take a look at it, and there is all one thing: it is worthwhile, laughing, laughs and offensive words says. With grief Barin, let's drink, debt, just with it, our plants with a hammer did not go.

And the couple, as he was removed, went through the kabaks. It was poured to the reverge, and that Silk Coast is pitt. Where this pitt sweat is then not known to anyone.

Parotina's wife did not be launched: I like, get on borrowed paper, if all iron and copper are laid!

About the Tanya from that time in our factory neither rumor neither spirit. As it was not.

He loved, of course, Nastasya, but not from strength too. Tanya, you are hanging, even though the warden for the family was, but everything is Nastasya as someone else's.

And then say guys from Nastasya by that time grew up. Married both. Grandchildren went. The people in the hustling of the huston became. Know turning - you're doing something else ... Do you have a boredom here!

The bachelor - the longer did not forget. All under the Nastasy windows trampled. Whether the Tanyushka will not appear at the window, so they did not wait.

Then, of course, it was buried, but no, no and remember:

- Well, what about our girl in the plant! Another such in life will not see.

Yes, after this, the note came out. They said that the hostess of the copper mountain was doubled: at once, two girls in Malachite dresses were seen.

Nastasya, Stepanova, the widow, the Malachitov box remained. With every female device. Rings there, earrings and protections on the female rite. The hostess of the Copper Mountain bestowed Stepan with this box as he was still going to marry.
Nastasya in the orphanhood grew, was not accustomed to eclo-richness, and not the lover of the lover was fashioned. From the first years, how they lived with Stepan, it was put on, of course, from this box. Only not to the soul she had to. It will put on the ring ... Exactly just fit, not taking, it does not roll, but will go to the church or to visit where it hits. As a chant finger, at the end of Nali (even. - Ed.) Surrive. Earrings will hide - worse. The ears will pull out that the lunches are swollen. And to take on the hand - not harder what Nastasya always wore. Six seven rows just once followed. As an ice around the neck, and do not warm anything. For people, those busks did not show at all. It was ashamed.
- Iha, say, what kind of queen in the field is imprisoned!
Stepan also did not argue his wife to wear from this box. Once even somehow said:
- Remove - to where from sin away. Nastasya and put the box to the lowest chest, where the canvas and the protection of the reserve are kept. How Stepan died yes pebbles in his dead hand It turned out to be, Nastasya and accomplished (I had to. - Ed.) TU Box of other people show. And the one who knows the pebbles about Stepanov, and says Nastasya, then, as the people hit:
- You look, do not wash this casket for trifle. Large thousand it stands.
He, this man, from, was a scientist, too, from free. The wound in the pike (mountain crafts. - Ed.) Went, yes it was removed; Oslab de People gives. Well, and Vints did not disappear. Also, the Zabatska Zatka was, it was not that be remembered, the late head. And so in all the correct. Watch, write, wash the sample, there are signs to look around - I did everything on the conscience, not as a different protesting, abona to eat half. To whom, and he will bring a glass of festive business. So he lived in our factory to death. Near the people was fed.
Nastasya from her husband heard that this shorter is correct and intelligently in the affairs, for nothing that the whip was raped. Well, and he obeyed him.
"Okay," says, "the black day be walked. - And put the box on the old place.
Schoronii Stepan, Food was sent honor to honor. Nastasya - Baba in juice, and with sufficiency, began to be assigned to it. And she, a smart woman, says one thing:
- Although the golden second, and all the robets are a fault.
Well, behind time.
Stepan left a good family provision. The house is right, horse, cow, getting full. Nastasya Baba Driving, Distribution Robbs (obedient. - Ed.), Do not coolness (not hard. - Ed.) Live. Year live, two live, three live. Well, they worn after all. Where is one woman with youngsters a farm to help! After all, after all, and a penny is necessary somewhere. On salt at least. Here Rodna and let Nastasya hum in the ears:
- Sell the casket! What is she to you? What's likes to lie! Everything is one and the Tanya, how to grow, we will not wear. Won there are stucks! Only bars and buy merchants to buy. With our banner (rags. - Ed.) Do not put on eco space. And people would give money. Oblosts (help. - Ed.) To you.
One word, crucial. And the buyer, like raven on the bone, flew away. From the merchants everything. Who gives one hundred rubles, who are two hundred.
- Roby-de Your Sorry, on the Widden Regulations, we do.
Well, we get a bunch of Baba, but did not come to that. Nastasya remembered well that she said to her old pike, does not sell for such a trifle. Also sorry. As-in no ghenihovo gift, male memory. And the way of that girl has the youngest tears, asking for:
- Mamonka, do not sell! Mamonka, do not sell! I'd rather go to people, and Halp the memo is overgrown.
From Stepan, you see, three robets remained.
Two guys. Robets as a robust, and this, as they say, not in the mother, nor in his father. While Stepanova, as it was at all, people were breeding on this girl. Not that the girls - women, and the men Stepan said:
- It is not different with you, Stepan, from the brushes fell out ( beautiful girl Compared with a garusinka that fell out of the belt brushes, which was worn before in the Urals and men and women. - V.A. Bazhova). Who only originated! Black herself and Basse (beautiful. - Ed.), And the eyes of Zelelenka. On our girls, it seems not at all.
Stepan will joke, happened:
- This is not a difference that Chernahka. Father, after all, from the small years in the ground scratched (scrubbing in the ground. - Ed.). And that the eyes are green - they also do not have to dig. Did you never know Malachit Barina Turchaninov nubble. Here the memo and remained.
So this girl is a memo and called. - Well, you, my memo! "And when it happened that she had to buy, so worried about the blue or green would bring."
That girl grew on the girl on the people. Exactly and the Garusinka from the festive belt fell out - it is clearly visible. And even though she is not chib to span to someone else, but her Tanyushka da Tanyushka. The most enviable Books and those admired. Well, like, - Beauty! All cute. One mother walked:
- Beauty is a beauty, but not ours. Exactly who replaced me a girl.
According to Stepan, this girl was killed. Purely ulled everything, I lost weight from my face, some eyes remained. Mother and invented to give Tanya TU Box Malachitov - Pushcham delas. Although the little, and the girl, - from the small years they are flattering on themselves. Tanya and engaged to disassemble these things. And here is Divo - which is trying, that and on it. Mother is different and did not know what, and this all knows. Yes, still says:
- Mamonka, how good is the dick! Heat from him, as if you sit on the prieng, and someone else would stroke you.
Nastasya sama himself, remembers how her fingers were ill, the ears were sick, the neck could not warm up. So thinks: "It's not good. Oh, no reason!" - Yes, as soon as the casket is then in the chest. Only tanya from that time there is no no and will ask:
"Mamonka, let me play with Haliny give!"
Nastasya when and grows, well, the mother's heart will regret, the casket will give, only punish:
- Do not break what!
Then, when Tanyushka grew up, she herself became a casket to get. Mother will leave with older packed packed or even where, Tanyushka will stay home. At first, of course, I will manage that the mother punished. Well, the cup-spoons are jumped, the table was shaken, in the hut-wearing a broom to rotate, the chickens feed the stern, to look in the stove. Contact all as soon as possible, and for the box. From the upper chests by that time alone remained, and he became light. Tanya will move it on the stool, will get the box and moves the pebbles, admires, on itself.
Hipper (thief - ed.). Whether he burst into the fence to the backup, or then he was imperceptibly used, only no one was seen from Soussey so that he was passing down the street. The person is not enough, and in the case it sees - someone brought him, all the order complicated.
As Nastasya left, Tanya escaped a lot of things in the housework and climbed to play his father's pebbles. Put on the head, the earrings hung. At this time and puff in the hut This Hitnik. Tanyushka looked around - on the threshold a peasant unfamiliar, with an ax. And the ax. In the senks, stood in the corner. Just that the Tanya rearranged him, as in the Senks of Mela. The Tanyushka was frightened, sitting, how I froze, and the man jumped down (screamed from surprise. - Ed.), The ax dropped and with both hands captured them, as they burned them. Stonet screaming:
- Oh, Batyushki, Elept me! Oh, blind! - And the eye itself tert.
Tanyushka sees - it was wrong with man, began to ask:
"You're like, Uncle, went to us, took a patch?"
And the one know, moaning my eyes your tert. Tanya him and regretted him - he buried the waters of the water, I wanted to file, and the man strangled my back to the door.
- Oh, do not come! - So in the Senks and sitting and the doors pinched out so that Tanya was not jumped into the Tanya. Yes, she found the move - ran through the window and to the wort. Well, came. Began to ask what kind of person? He broke down her little, explains - the passing-de, Milostinka wanted to ask, but something with his eyes pursued.
- As the sun hit the sun. I thought - flew at all. From the heat, or something.
About the ax and pebbles Tanya Soussees did not say. Those think:
"A trifle case. Maybe herself forgot the gate to locate, here's passing and went, and then something happened to him. Little happens."
Before Nastasya, nevertheless did not let go. When she came with her sons, this man told her that he told the Soussees. Nastasya sees - everything is in preservation, not to knit. That man left, and the woven too.
Then Tanya Mother and laid out how it was. There is Nastasya and realized that he came behind the box, but take it, it can be seen, not just.
And he herself thinks:
"It is still necessary to defend it all yours."
I took it slowly from Tanya and others we robbed and buried the box in Golball (underground. - Ed.).
We left all the family again. Tanyushka had enough casket, and it happened. Gorky it seemed to the Tanyushka, and then suddenly it joined it with warmth. What is the thing? Where? Looked around, and from under the floor. Tanya was frightened - did not fire? Looked in Golball, there is light in one corner. I grabbed a bucket, I wanted to splash - only after all the fire is not there and the smoke does not smell. I breathed in that place, sees - casket. Opened, and stones even more painted steel. So burn with different lights, and light from them, like with the sun. Tanya and the hut did not drag the box. Here in Golball and played out.
So since that time it was necessary. Mother thinks: "That was well hidden, no one knows," and the daughter, both to home, and the surrender of the chance to play expensive fatherly donating. As for the sale of Nastasya and speaking relatives did not give.
- The world will come to the world - then selling.
At least she had to be cool, and she strengthened. So many years wounded, then I went on to correct. Senior robust began to earn a little, and the Tanya did not sleep with a folded arms. She, I heard, I learned to sew and sew with silks. And so learned that the plain boric craftsmen clapped their hands - where does the patterns be with where the silk gets?
And also the case came out. Woman comes to them. Slightly growing, hot, in Nastasiy for years, and East Kazakhstan and, to see everything, Schamugo is that only hold on. On the back, the cat canvas, in his hand, the cherry's badges, it seems like a wanderer. Asks Nastasya:
- Is it possible, the hostess, do you have a day to relax? Shuts are not carried, and not close.
Nastasya first thought, was not selected again behind the box, then it still let it.
- It's not a pity. Do not break, look, and you will not take it with you. Only here is a kind of orphans. In the morning - on beams with quasom, in the evening - quads with a loaf, all and change. You are not afraid to sleep, so please, you need to live.
And the wanderer I put my badge, the kitomka put on the plot and the louds are removed. Nastasya, it did not have to morally, but was silent.
"You are not boriving (unremarkable. - Ed.)! To bring it, I did not have time, and she was on-Ko - she took the hoops and unleashed the kitom."
Woman, and right, Kotomochka unzipped and finger manits Tanya:
- I go, dyatyko, look at my handicory. If the will happen, and you teach you ... See, the chain eye will be on it!
Tanya came up, and a woman and gives her a little shirin, the ends of silk are embroidered. And such, hear-ko, a hot pattern on that shirinka that exactly in the sleeper was lighter and warmer.
Tanya so eyes and drank, and a woman laughs.
- I got ready, to know, my daughter, my needlework? Want to teach?
"I want," says. Nastasya and went down:
- And think forget! Salt to buy nothing to what, and you came up with silks to sew! Supplies, like, money is worth.
"We don't worry about that, the hostess," says the wanderer. - There will be a concept of daughter - there will be supplies. For your bread-salt will leave her - enough enough. And then you will see. For our skill of money pay. I do not give a gift. Slice we have.
There was Nastasya to give up.
- If the supplies pay, so it is about what to learn. Let us take off, how many concepts are enough. Thank you for you.
Here is this woman and took up Tanya to teach. Svorchongko Tanya passed everything as if he knew before. Yes, here's another. Tanya is not the fact that they were someone else, to his nobascious, and it breaks down to this woman and pours. Nastasya Skosa braked:
"I found myself a new family. It is not suitable for the mother, but it adhesive to the vagabol!"
And the one still teases, all the Tanya with a dietary, but a daughter calls, and the baptized name did not remember the sample. Tanyushka sees that the mother is offended, and can not keep himself. Before hearding, he got into this woman that he told her about the casket!
"There is," says, "we have dear Tatiet memo - the Malachite box. That's where a stone! The century would have looked at them.
- Show me, daughter? - asks a woman.
Tanyushka did not even think that it was impudent.
"I'll show you," says, when there will be no one at home from the family.
As such an hour turned around, Tanyushka and called that woman in Golball. Got the Tanya Casket, shows, and the woman looked little and says:
- Innight-ko on yourself - will be more visible. Well, Tanya, - not the words (immediately. - Ed.) - I began to wear, and that, know, praises:
- Okay, daughter, okay! You only need to fix the droplet.
It came closer and let's push the finger in the pebbles. Which will come - he will light differently. Tanyushka is clearly visible, other - no. After that, a woman says:
- Stand-co, daughter, straight.
Tanyushka got up, and a woman and let her slowly stroke her hair, on the back. All publicated, and herself instructs:
- I will make you turn around, so you look, do not look around for me. Forward Look, notice what will happen, but do not say anything. Well, turn!
Tanyushka turned - in front of her the room, of which she did not have to speak. Not that churches, not that. The ceilings are high on pure malachite pillars. Walls, too, in human growth, malachite laid out, and on the upper eaves the malachite pattern passed. Right in front of the Tanya, like in the mirror, there is a beauty, about which only in fairy tales. Hair as night, and the eyes are green. And she is still dear stones, and the dress on it from a green velvet with overflow. And so this dress is sewn, like the queen in the paintings. What only keeps. With shame would be our factory burned in people to wear this, and this green-eyed costs himself calmly, as if necessary. People in that room are full. The Lord is dressed, and all in gold and merit. Who is overwhelmed from whom someone is NCT, and who has from all sides. See, the most grazing authorities. And they have them immediately. Also, the horsors, holrors, stones are hung. Only where to the green-eyed! None at the notes are suitable.
In a row with green-eyed, some kind of whitebear. Eye of the doctor, ears with penets, as there is a hare.
And Odea on it - the mind is perky. This gold seemed a little, so he, hear-ko, on both (shoes. - Ed.) Stones asked. Yes, so strong that, maybe, at ten years one will find one. Immediately see - the breeder is. He bursts that hare of green-eyed, and she would have led an eyebrow, as if he was not at all.
Tanya looks at this lady, is divided into her and just noticed here:
- After all, a stone on it is Herity! - Cooked Tanya, and nothing became. And the woman is laughing:
- did not bother, daughter! Do not tillage, in time to live.
Tanyushka, of course, is perhaps - where is this room?
"And this," says, the royal palace. That the Chamber, Kooy, the local malachite is amused. Your deceased father mined it.
- And who is in Halific Uporakh and what kind of hare with her?
- Well, I won't say that I will soon find out.
On the same day, as Nastasya came home, this woman began to gather on the road. She bowed to the lowest hostess, served a tanyushka a nodule with silks and beaded, then I got a bug of Mahonka. Whether it is from the glass, or from the dome on a simple face of believing.
Serves her Tanyushka and says:
- Accept-ko, daughter, a memo from me. How to forget at work or a difficult case will suit, look at this button. There will be an answer here. She said so and left. Only her and seen. Since then, Tanyushka has become a craftswoman, and even in the years it became, the bride looks at all. Factory guys about the Nastasyin's eyes brake braking, and it is afraid to approach the Tanyushka. You see, Nalaskaya she, sad, and for the serfs where free will go. Who hunting a loop to wear?
In the Barsroom house, too, they also guessed about the Tanya because of her skill. Spend steel. Lacey is a label and put on the Lord Punish, the clock with a chain will give and send to the Tanya, as if for the matter what. Think whether the girl will be lit on the ego well done. Then to fix it (subordinate to himself. - Ed.) You can. I still did not come out. Will say Tanya what in the case, and other conversations of that lacquerless attention. Teste, so still adds a set:
- Step-ko, kind, go! Waiting after all. They are afraid, look, no matter how your clock then did not go and the chain did not remember. Hit, without a habit, how are you calling them.
Well, the lacquer or other Barskoy these words, like a dog boiling water. It runs as a scalded, snatching about myself:
- Is this a girl? Statues stone, green-eyed! Whether we find it!
Fyrchit is so, and the most overwhelmed. Which will be sent, forget not can Tanyushkin beauty. As the place awesome, the place is pulling - at least pass, to look in the window. On holidays, almost the entire factory bachelor is a matter of that street. The road from the winds was stuck, and Tanyushka does not look.
Sousses really became Nastasya to rive:
- What do you have Tatyana chibko higraced yourself? There is no girlfriends, it does not want to look at the guys. Tsarevich-Koroleica is waiting for al in Christ the bride goes?
Nastasya only sighs on these persons:
- Oh, Babonki, and herself does not know. And so I had a virgin girl, and the sorceress of this passing thoroughly made it. We will talk to her, and she stares on her witchcoping butt and silent. So it would have thrown this damned button, and in case she is good for her. How silk change or what, so in the junction and looks. I can't and me, yes, I can see the eyes of stupid steel, I do not see. I would give up the girl, yes, you see, she has a diligence. Read, her work only live. I think I think so and glow. Well, then she will say: "Mamonka, because I know that there is no fate here. I don't go to anyone and I don't go to the playing. What is in vain in longing to drive? And what is sitting under the window, so my work requires. For What come to me (blame me. - Ed.)? What did I do thin? " So answer her!
Well, to live all the way okay became. Tanyushkino needlework fell. Not that in the Al in our city's factory, in other places they learned about him, orders send and money pays considerable. Dobro Men fit to raise so much. Only here the trouble entered them - the fire happened. And at night it was. Prounce (construction for livestock. - Ed.), Venchnya (surviving construction of milking cart. - Ed.), Horse, cow, tackle all burned down. With that, only remained, in which they jumped out. Casket, however, Nastasya snatched, had time. Another day and says:
- It can be seen, the edge came - you will have to sell the casket.
Sons in one voice:
- Sell, Mamonka. Not negative only.
The Tanya was glanced by the snout, and there is green-eyed looming - let's sell. Gorky became Tanyushka, and what can you do? Anyway, the ottzova remind this green-eyed. Sighed and says:
- Sell to sell. - And he didn't even look at those stones to look. And then say - Soussey was sheltered where they are decomposed.
Invented this way - to sell something, and the merchants are already here. Who, maybe himself and arsogue-from set up to take possession of the cabinet. Also, after all, Narodisko something - the marigold, chasing! They see, - Robets have grown, - give more. Five hundred there, seven hundred, one to a thousand reached. By the factory, money is considerable, you can get on them. Well, Nastasya demanded all the same two thousand. Go, it means to her, rust. They make little glad, and they are taking apart from each other, they cannot consist among themselves. You see a piece - from such - no one to retreat reluctance. As long as they went, a new clerk came to the field and arrived.
When they are - cuzzles - they are sitting for a long time, and in those years they happened to them. A stuffy goat, which under Stepan was, the old barin on Krylovsko behind the stench set. Then it was fried back. His workers put him on the blank. The Nirjan Debobets passed here. This again the hostess of the copper mountain in empty breed has shifted. There are still two whether three were some, and then this came.
He affects, from alien lands was, in all sorts of languages \u200b\u200bit was called, and in Russian worse. Purely spoke one thing - to smoke. Human so, with a stretching - pa-even. What shortage it will be focused on, one shouts: steam! His couples and called.
In fact, this couple was not chib to be thin. He though shouted, and the people at the fire at all (the place where the workers were tied. - Ed.) Not drove. SHOWERSHIMES (offenders. - Ed.) Not at all. He sighed a little the people at the same party.
Here, you are hanging, something else. Old Barin for the time at all the clogged became, I barely moved my legs. He came up with his son to marry some kind of decanter whether or. Well, and this young Barin had a loveliever, and he had a great commitment to her. How to be? Awkward all the time. What new woven will say? Here is the old barin and began to stipulate that woman - the sown is a lovelist - for the musician. Barina served this musician. Robusts on music trained and so conversation to a stranger, as being conducted in their position.
"What," says, "you can live on thin glory, you get married." I dodged you Odel, and my husband will send a clerk to the field. There is a right thing, let us only keep the people. Enough, look, is that this is a sense, though the musician. And you will live better with him in full-way. The first person can be said will you. Honor to you, respect from all. What is bad?

The butterfly came out. Whether she was in the cutter with a young Barin, or the trick was raped.
"For a long time," he said, "I had a dream about this, but I didn't say anything.
Well, a musician, of course, first supervised:
"I don't wish," Glory's glory, which seems to be chibko about her.
Only Barin - Starichonko Chitra. No wonder the plants have come. Vivid broke this musician. I scattered than Ali settled, either drowned - their now the matter, only the wedding was cordious, and the young went to the field. So the parot appeared in our factory. For a short time he only lived, and so - that in vain to speak - a person is not harmful. Then, as one and a half Hari instead, he passed himself - from her factory, he even regretted this parmet.
He arrived with the wife of a parot just at that time, as the merchants did not catch the merchant. Parotina Baba was also prominent. White and ruddy - one word, a lovelist. I suppose I would not have taken a barin. Also, I called, chose! Here is this paryotine wife and smoke - the casket is sold. "Dai-ko," thinks, "I'll see, maybe, it is worthwhile that". Zivuchonko squirmed and rolled to Nastasya. After all, they are the sorts of factory are ready!
- Well, - - says, dear, show, what such pebbles sell?
Nastasya pulled the casket, shows. Parotina woman and eyes ran. She, hear-Co., was brought up in St. Petersburg, in the abroad, there were various with young Barin, the sense in these outfits had. "What is it," thinks, is this? There is no tsaritsa, there are no such decorated decoration, "and here is Nako - in the field, in the pusshers! As it were not for the purchase."
- How much, - asks, - ask?
Nastasya says:
- Two would take thousands of hunting.
- Well, honey, get together! We will go to me with a box. There will get money in full.
Nastasya, however, was not filed for it.
"We have," says such a custom, so that the bread goes behind the belly. Bring money - your box.
The lady sees - what a woman is, - vividly twisted for money, and herself punishes:
- You're cute, do not sell the box.
Nastasya answers:
- This is hoping. From my word not to work out. I will wait until the evening, and then my will.
Parotina's wife left, and merchants came up all at once. They hang, watched. Ask:
- Well, how?
"I said," Nastasya responds.
- How much?
- For two, as prescribed.
- What are you, - shout, - the mind decided Ali what! In other people's hands give, and you refuse to do! - And come on - to focus.
Well, Nastasya did not peck on this fishing rod.
"This is," says, "you are lost in the words to twist, and I did not have anything. I won a woman, and conversation end!
Parotina Baba Crutehonko turned around. Brought money, handed out from the handle to the handle, picked up the box and Ida home. Only on the threshold, and towards Tanya. She, you wish, went somewhere, and all this sale was without it. She sees - some kind of lady with a cable. Tanyushka stared at her - they say, not because he was then seen. And the paryotine wife was puzzled:
- What kind of induce? Whose one? - asks.
"People name is a daughter," answers Nastasya. - He herself is the heir to the casket, which you bought. I would not sell, I did not come to the edge. From the youngsters loved to play these utensils. Plays Yes, I praise - as de from them warm and good. What to talk about it. What I wanted with Palo!
"In vain, honey, so you think," says Parotina Baba. - I will find I will place these stones. "It thinks about myself:" It's good that this green-eyed strength is not depleting his own. We will show this in my People, the kings would be a spit. I needed - my fool did not see her. "
So and diverged.
Parotina wife, as arrived home, boasted:
"Now, a friend is kind, I am not what you, and Turchninov do not agree." Slightly - Goodbye! I will leave in the Sam-Petersburg either, that is better, in abroad, sell the box and such husbands, like you, two dozens buy, if necessary will happen.
Boasted, but show the new one's still hunting. Well, like - a woman! Ran up to the mirror and the first thing the head was attached. - Oh, oh what is! - There is no patience - turns and tread the hair. I barely wrought. And neat. Earrings put on a slightly liner did not break. The finger in the ring was Sunuil - I caught, I barely gone with soap. The husband laughs: Not so, it can be seen, wearing!
And she thinks: "What for the thing? We need to go to the city, the master show. Picks as it should, just not replaced the stones."
No sooner said than done. On the other day I drove in the morning. On the factory triple, because not far. I learned what the most reliable master, and to him. Master old-Warry, and in his dock. Looked at the box, asks who bought. The lady told what he knew. Lookane once again the master box, and did not look at the stones.
"I don't take it," says - what do you want. Do not place these masters work. We unorded with them to hide.
The lady, of course, did not understand what sniffing, snorted and ran to other masters. Only everything as they conspired: the casket will look like, they admire, and they do not look at the stones and refuse to work out. The lady then went to the tricks, says that this box brought this box from St. Petersburg. They did everything there. Well, the wizard she was splating, just laughed.
"I know," says, "in what place the box Delaware, and there is a lot of herself about the masters. To all our shoulder with him. One of whom that master is customized, the other will not suit that I want to do.
The lady and here did not understand the whole thing, just that, and I enabled - it is impudent, they are afraid of someone's masters. I remembered that the old hostess said, as if the daughter loved these seats to wear.
"Doesn't you have customized green-eyed? Here's the trouble!"
Then again turns into the mind:
"Yes, I'm something! I will sell what a rich fool. Frams are worn, and I will have money!" With this and went to the field.
I arrived, and there is news: I got the news - the old barin ordered a long time to live. Hitrenko with a couple of something he arranged, and death overwhelmed his death - she took and knocked. Son did not have time to marry, and he now became a complete owner. After a small time, Parotina wife received Pisemyshko. So, my kind, on wearing water, I will come at the factories to seem to you and you will take you, and your musician is a long time. A parota about it somehow learned, noise-scream raised. It's a shame, you see, he is before the people. As - in no way the clerk, and here is that - the wife is selected. He began to drink hard. With employees, of course. They are glad to try to darker. Once poured. Some of these stuff and praise:
- Grow-de with us in the plant Beauty, the other you will not soon you soon.
Parota and asks:
- Whose one? In which the place lives? Well, he was told about the casket, they were remembered - in this de family, your wife bought the box. Parota and says:
- Would look, - and in the stuff and the pricer (preposition. - Ed.) Fought.
- At least now let's go - to examine, whether they put a new hut. Family at least from free, and in factory land they live. In the case of which you can press.
Lee went two, three with this couple. The chain was dragged, let me do, if Nastasya was killed in someone else's estate, whether the tops come out between the columns. We are lifted, one word. Then they go to the hut, and the Tanya was just alone. She looked at her a couple and words lost. Well, in no lands of such beauty did not see. Standing like a fool, and she sits - I am pushing as if her case does not concern. Then the couple's smallness moved, began to ask:
- What do you like?
Tanyushka says:
- By order, she saw - and the work has shown.
"To me," says a couple, "can you make an order?"
- Why not, if the price can come down.
"You can," asks again a couple, "can I embroider with my myself with myself?"
Tanya looked slowly on the button, and there is green-eyed to her sign feeds - take an order! - And the finger points on your finger. Tanya and answers:
- I will not do my patch, but I have a woman alone in expensive stones, in a tsaritsyn dress, I can embroider. Only expensive will cost such work.
"On this," says, do not be able to, at least a hundred, at least two hundred rubles will pay, if only similarity with you was.
- In the face, - replies, - similarity will be, and others are different.
Sit down for a hundred rubles. Tanya and the term prescribed - in a month. Only the couple is not-no, but it will be told that you know about the order, and at all it is not at all on the mind. Also, it was chosen, and the Tanyushka is exactly and not at all notice. Will tell two or three words, and the whole conversation. Watching the parmotes to puzzled above it became:
- Here, de will not break. In vain boots flung!
Well, she embroidered Tanya that pitt. Looking a couple - Fu you God! Why it is she is the most, the clothes and the stones are incense. Submits, of course, three hundredth tickets, only the Tanya did not take two things.
"Not liking," says, "we are gifts to take. Whether you feed.
I came ran to a couple of home, admires on the pitt, and he keeps his wife. It became less to drink, and in the factory case to delve little started.
In the spring came to the plants of a young barin. In the field rolled. The people were driven, prayer served, and then in the Lordsk house, tonns-bells (dancing, fun. - Ed.) Let's go. People, too, two veil barrels rolled out - to remember the old, to change the new Barin. The seed, it means that they did. On this all Turchaninov masters were. How to fill the Lord's charm with a dozen of his own, and there is no matter what holiday will seem, and I will go to verification - I washed the last penny and nothing at all. On the other day, the people of work, and in the Lordsk house again Pirovl. Yes, and went. Suck how much yes again for the golyak. Well, there, on boats ride, on horseback goes to the forest, brand on music, but you never know. And the parot is drunk all the time. Deliberately put the Barin of the most talked pitukh, pumped up to failure! Well, those try to rely on the new Barina.
Parota, though drunk, and it is feeling, something is going to know. He is uncomfortable to him. He speaks at the table, at all:
"It's necessary for me that Barin Turchantov wants to take my wife. Pushy lucky! I do not need this. I have someone who is! - Yes, it gets from the pocket that silk pitt. Everyone is so painted, and the paryotine of Baba and the mouth cannot close. Barin also eaten eyes. It became curious.
- Who is she? - asks. Parota Known Praise:
- Polon Table Gold Mound - and I will not say!
Well, how not to say, if the factory is immediately recognized by the Tanya. One before the other is trying - Barina is explained. Parotina Baba hands-legs:
- What do you! What do you! Skolzitsytsu Speak! Where did the factory girl have a dress and still a stone expensive? And this husband brought this husband from abroad. Even before the wedding showed me. Now, with drunk eyes, you never know what is mad. It will not remember yourself soon. Iha, the whole whole!
A parota sees that his wife is not nice, he and let's cherry:
- Story you, Stram! What are you whistle plates (gossip. - Ed.), Barina in the eyes of the sand throw! What am I a Patret showed you? Here I was sewed. That the very girl about which they say they say. As for the dress - I will not lie - I do not know. What a dress what you want to wear. And they had stones. Now you have locked in the closame. I myself bought them for two thousand, and I could not wear. It can be seen, does not fit the cow Cherkassky saddle. I know the whole factory about buying!
Barin, as he heard about stones, now:
- Well, show!
He, hear-ko, little was, motovish. One word, heir. There was a strong addiction to stones. He had nothing to do, - as they say, no growth, nor voice, - so though stones. Wherever will be ashamed about a good stone, now buy it. And he knew in the stones, for nothing that was not smart.
Parotina Baba sees - there is nothing to do, "the box brought. Barin looked immediately:
- How many?
She bought at all unheardly. Barin ridden. In half they came together, and the boring paper was signed: it was not, you wish, money with me. Put the barin in front of him the casket on the table and says:
- Call-to this girl about which conversation.
Ran out for the Tanya. She immediately went, "what a big order thought. It comes to the room, and there the people are full and in the midst of the very hare whom she then seen. Before this Zaiga, the casket - fathers. Tanya immediately recognized the Barin and asks:
- Why called?
Barin and words can not say. Stared at her, and that's all. Then I found the conversation:
- Your stones?
"There were our, now there is their own," and showed a wife to the parmot.
"My now," Barin praised.
- This is your business.
- And I will give, I will give back?
- Note nothing.
- Well, and you can try on them? Take a look at me hunting how these stones on the man will come.
"This is," Tanyushka answers, "you can."
He took the box, disassembled the clothes, - the usual thing, - and their place attached to the place. Barin looks and only ahaet. Oh yeah, no more and speeches. The Tanya stood in the vacation and asks:
- Wally? Will be? It's not from simple pores here - there is a job. Barin here at all and says:
- Marry me. Agree?
Tanya only grinned:
- Not to say exactly Barina to speak. - removed the seed and left.
Only the barin is not lagging behind. The next day you came to win. Requests Molite Nastasya: Give me a daughter for me.
Nastasya says:
"I don't take your will from her, as she wants, but in my opinion - as if it does not fit.
Tanya listened, listened and palloon:
"That's what, not that ... I heard that there is a chamber in the Tsarist Palace, the malachite of the extraction was deprived. Now, if you show me in this chamber to me - then I will marry you.
Barin, of course, I agree to everything. Now, in the speakers of St. Petersburg, the Tanya with him calls - horses, says you will give you. And Tanya answers:
- According to our rite and the bride does not go to the crown on the groom's horses, and we still have no one. Then we will talk about it as you will carry your promise.
"When," asks, "will you be in St. Petersburg?"
"To cover," says, "will certainly. Do not be able to do about it, but while leaving you.
Barin went, a parmot of his wife, of course, did not take, does not even look at her. How to go home in St. Petersburg-from arrived, let's praise about stones around the city and about your bride. Many casket showed. Well, they really aligned the bride to see. To the autumn, the Barin Apartment was prepared by Tanyushka, the dresses of all sorts brought, both, and she sent a news and she was, "here she lives at such a widow on the outskirts itself. Barin, of course, is now there:
- What do you! Is there a mentioned matter to live here? Quarterly prepared, first grade! And Tanya answers:
- I'm fine here.
Rumor about a stone and Turchaninovsku bride and reached the queen. She says:
- Fruit Turchnins will show me his bride. Something a lot of her lies.
Barin to Tanya, they need to get ready. The outfit is so sewing so that you can wear stones from a malachite casket. Tanya replies:
- On the outfit is not your sadness, and I will take the stones on the User. Yes, look, do not try to send horses behind me. I will be on my own. Wait just at the porch, in the palace.
Barin thinks - where does it have a horse? Where is the dwarf dress? - And they still did not whistled.
I got to gather to the palace. On horseback, everyone drives up, in silks and velvet. Turchaninov Barin Spaceku at the porch is spinning - his bride is waiting. Another too curious to look at her, - immediately stopped. And the Tanyushka put on a stone, tied to the handkerchief in factory, the cake thrown out and goes silent. Well, the people - where is this? - shaft for her shall. Tanyushka approached the palace, and the royal lackers do not let me in - not allowed, they say that the factory it is. Turchaninov Barin Farming Tanya Survo, only before him, he was ashamed that his bride was on foot, and even in Ekaya Shubekka, he took and hid. Tanya here opened her shubey, Lakely look - the dress is! There is no such tsarica! - Immediately let. And how Tanyushka removed the handkerchief and the shubeyka, they peeled everything around:
- Whose one? What land is the queen? And Barin Turchanins is here as here.
"My bride," says.
Tanya Edak strictly looked at him:
- This is still looking forward! Duty you deceived me - did not wait at the porch?
Barin therea-here, - Malley-de came. Excuse me please.
They went to the chambers of the royal, where it was ordered. Looks Tanya - not the place. Turcherinova Barina asked Strigger:
- Is it still what deception? It is said that in the ward that Malachite is desenty of the work of work! - And went through the palace, how at home. And senators, generals and protections behind it.
- What, they say, is it? It can be seen, there ordered.
The people gained full, fully, and all the eyes from Tanya do not drive, and she became the most Malachite wall and waiting. Turchaninov, of course, right there. I am bursting to her that after all, it is impudent, not in this room, the queen waiting for it. And Tanya stands calmly, at least she behaved like the Barina is not at all.
The queen went into the room, where appointed. Looks - no one. Tsaritsyn Nazashniki and bring - Turcheninovska Bride of all in Malachitov's chamber took. The queen turned, of course, - what kind of self-defense! Poverty with my feet. I was worried, it means a little. Coming the queen in the ward Malachite. It all bowed to it, and the Tanya stands - it won't move.
Queen and shouts:
- Well, show me this gravy - Turcherinovskus the bride!
- Tanyushka heard it, at all his eyebrows brought, says Barina:
- That's what else came up with! I told me the queen to show, and you set up me to show me. Again deception! I don't want to see you! Get your stones!
With this word leaned against the wall of Malachite and melted. Only it remains that on the wall, the stones sparkle, like stuck to those places where the head was, neck, hands.
Everyone, of course, was frightened, and the queen was unable to floon in fearlessness. Sounded, raising steel. Then, when the turmoil fell up, rustled and tell Turchaninov:
- pick up at least stones! We will detach. Not some place - Palace! Here the price know!
Turchaninov and let's grab those stones. Which grabbing, he will turn into a droplet. Inina, the drop is clean, like a tear, isna yellow, and then again, like blood, thick. So nothing has collected. Looks - on the floor, the button is lying around. From bottle glass on a simple facet. Almost tricky. He grabbed her with grief. Just picked up, and in this button, like in a large mirror, green-eyed beauty in a malachite dress, all the dear stones are, laughing, stalls:
- Oh, you, pollen oblique hare! Do you take me! Are you a couple of me?
Barin after this and the last Umishko lost, and did not throw the button. No, no, yes, and it will take a look at her, and there everything is one thing: it is worthwhile, laughing, laughs and offensive words. With the grief of Barin, go-to to drink, the debts endowed, a little with it, our factory with the hammer did not go.
And the parota, as he was removed, went through the kabaks. It was poured to the reverge, and that Silk Coast is pitt.
Where this pitt sweat is then not known to anyone.
Parotina's wife did not begin: under-co get on borrowed paper, if all iron and copper are laid!
About the Tanya from that time in our factory neither rumor neither spirit. As it was not.
He loved, of course, Nastasya, but not from strength too. Tanya, you are hanging, even though the warden for the family was, but everything is Nastasya as someone else's.
And then say guys from Nastasya by that time grew up. Married both. Grandchildren went. The people in the hustling of the huston became. Know turning - you're doing something else ... Do you have a boredom here!
The bachelor - the longer did not forget. All under the Nastasy windows trampled. Whether the Tanyushka will not appear at the window, so they did not wait.
Then, of course, it was buried, but no, no and remember:
- Well, what about our girl in the plant! Another such in life will not see.
Yes, after this, the occurrence came out. They said that the hostess of the copper mountain was doubled: at once, two girls in Malachite dresses were seen.

We went once two of our factory grass to watch. And they had a long-range rest. Over the Severushka somewhere.

Festive day was, and hot - passion. Pynes clean. And both robili in the mountain, that is, that is. Malachite ore was mined, Lazorovka too. Well, when the king with the turns came across and there a protector, which is suitable.

One-from the young guy was, a negress, and in the eyes of the greenery it became. Another older. This and invertible. In the eyes of green, and the cheeks seemed by the greens. And he coughed the beloved man.

In the forest is good. Ptashchi sing-rejoice, from the ground. Reference, the spirit is light. They, hear-ko, and crushed. Reached to the Krasnogorsk mine. There, then the iron mines mined. Loilde, it means that they are on the grass under ripper and immediately fell asleep. Just suddenly young, - exactly his who pushed him under the side, "woke up. Looks, and in front of him on the breast of ore from a large stone, a woman sits some kind of. Back to the guy, and in the spit see - a girl. Spita-black and not as our girls hang out, but smoothly adhered to the back. At the end of the tape, not the red, not the green. Through the light and finely blocks are called, as if sheet copper. The guy is divided into braid, and he himself takes further. The girl of a little growth, from himself a bad and such a cool wheel - it won't sit on site. Ahead will be leaning, exactly under your feet is looking for, then again it will be thrown back, it will be angry at that side, on the other. I will jump on my feet, hands over your hands, then again bent. One word, artut-girl. Pray - I will burst something, and in what is unknown, and with whom he says - not visible. Just a laugh of everything. Fun, visible to her.

The guy wanted to pray the word, suddenly it was knocked on his head.

- You are mine, but the mistress itself is! Her clothes. How did I immediately notice? I took my eyes obliquely my own.

And just and true such that you will not find another in the world. From silk, hear-Co., Malachita dress. The variety is so. Stone, and eye as silk, even though to stroke.

"Here," the guy thinks, "the trouble!" As if only legs to carry, until noticed. " From the old people, he, hear, heard that the mistress of this - Malachyman - she loves to wise over man.

Just thought so, she looked back. Fun on the guy looks, teeth scalit and says joke:

- You are what, Stepan Petrovich, on the virgus, the beauty of the eye of the eye? For the look-of-because money takes. Go closer. Let's talk small.

The guy was trivial, of course, but it does not. Fastened. Although she is a secret force, but still the girl. Well, he is a guy - he, it means, and ashamed to the girl to endure.

"No time," says, "I speak. Without cheap, and the grass went to watch.

She laughs, and then says:

- There will be a guarantee to you. Go, I say, there is a case.

Well, the guy sees - there is nothing to do. I went to her, and she looms, wander-de ore, on the other hand. He walked around and sees - lizards here is increasingly. And everyone, hear-ko, different. Some, for example, green, other blue, which in blue fall, and then like clay or sand with golden specks. Some like glass or mica, shine, and others, as the grass faded, and which are again patterns.

The girl laughs.

"Not a ripple," says my army, Stepan Petrovich. You are won as much so heavy, and they are small. - And herself sledged her own, lizards and fled, Dali's road.

But the guy approached closer, stopped, and she again sledged in his palm, and he says, and everything is laugh:

- Now you have nowhere to step. Let us dissolve my servant - the trouble will be.

He looked at his feet, and there and the lands of the frank. All the lizards came down in one place, - as the floor was patterned under his feet. Stacking Stepan - Batyushki, but this is a copper ore! All sorts of grades and well polished. And the micother is right there, and the deception, and glitters are all sorts of, who go to Malachite.

- Well, now admitted me, Stepanushko? - asks Malachnitsa, and the laugh itself is flooded.

Then, little weather, and says:

- You do not let. I woof you woof.

The guy worked out that the girl was mocking on him and still these words say. He was sorted hard, even shouted:

- Who can I be afraid, if I rode in the mountain!

"That's right," Malachiritz meets. "I just need this that is not afraid of anyone." Tomorrow, how to descend in the mountain, there will be here your factory cradle, you tell him, yes, look, do not forget words something:

"The hostess, they say, the copper mountain ordered you, stuffy? Mu goble so that you will be removed from the Krasnogorsk mine. If you still wake this my iron cap, so I'll go there all copper in the hums in Humushki that I could not get it anyhow. "

She said it and squinted:

- Did you understand, Stepanushko? In Mount, you say, Robish, are not afraid of anyone? So tell squeezing, as I told, and now go and what is with you, nothing, look, do not say. He is crushed by a man that he was disturbed and inserted into this business. And so Von Ladadoevka said that she had a little longer for him.

And again praised in the palm, and all the lizards ran away. He also jumped on his feet, grabbed his hand for the stone, jumped up and, too, like a lizard, ran through a stone. Instead of hand-legs - paws from her green steel, the tail was leaned, the black strip is half a half, and the head of man. Raced to the top, looked around and says:

- Do not forget, Stepanushko, as I said. Tried, they say, to you, - stuffy? Mu goat, - to get out of redogorki. You will do in my opinion, married you!

The guy even slipped in the warmness:

- Ugle you, what a trash! So that I got married on the lizard.

And she sees how he spits, and laughs.

"Okay," screams, "then let's talk." Maybe you think up?

And now, for a slide, only the tail Green flashed.

The guy remained alone. At the mine quietly. It is only audible, as the baby's baby swells over the baby. Woke it up. They went to their shorts, looked at the grass, in the evening home was packed, and Stepan had one on the mind: how to be? To tell Claudist Such words - it's not small, and he is still, - and right, - stuffy? I was - some kind of rot in the larriness, I've been thinking. Not to say - also is afraid. She is the hostess. What kind of hisp ore can perch up. Perform then lessons. And worse, ashamed to give himself a shame.

I thought, thought, leaked:

- Was not, I will do how she ordered.

The next day, in the morning, how the people gathered for the trigger drum, the factory quarry approached. All, of course, the caps were removed, silent, and Stepan fits and says:

- I saw the church of the Copper Mountain evening, and I ordered her to tell you. Does she tell you, stuffy? Mu goat, to get out of redogorki. If you are talking to her this iron hat, so she will lower all copper on the hums in her hums, that it does not get anyone.

At the order, even the mustache shook.

- What are you? Drunk Ali's mind decided? What is the mistress? Who do you say such words? Yes, I'm sorrowing you in Mount!

"Your will," says Stepan, "but only so I ordered."

- Spit it, - Crack shouts, - Yes, to shove in the mountain and to nasty! And not a heart, give him dog bunting and the lessons ask without a cross. A little bit - to dry mercilessly!

Well, of course, a guy's population and mountain. The warden is mining, "the dog is also not the latter," the hammer took him - there is no place worse. And the wet here, and the ores are not good, it would be necessary to quit. Here and chained Stepan on the long chain, so that it was possible to work. It is known what time it was, the fortress. Above gone over man. The warden also says:

- Cool here is small. And the lesson with you will be pure malachite so much, - and appointed at all unagusable.

Nothing to do. How the warden was deployed, became Stepan Caelak to flush, and the guy is still taks. Looks - okay because. So malachite and rolls, exactly who throws his hands. And the water left the slaughter somewhere. It became dry.

Listen to fairy tale Malachite Box. Part 1 Online:

Nastasya, Stepanova, the widow, the Malachitov box remained. With every female device. Rings there, earrings and protections on the female rite. The hostess of the Copper Mountain bestowed Stepan with this box as he was still going to marry.

Nastasya grew up in the orphanhood, was not used to eclo-richness, and the lover was wrong to output. From the first years, how they lived with Stepan, it was put on, of course, from this box. Only not to the soul she had to.

It will put on the ring ... Exactly just fit, not taking, it does not roll, but will go to the church or to visit where it hits. As a chant finger-from, at the end of Nali will come back. Earrings will hide - worse. The ears will pull out that the lunches are swollen. And to take on the hand - not harder what Nastasya always wore. Six seven rows just once followed. As an ice around the neck and not warmed by anything. For people, those busks did not show at all. It was ashamed.

Caideri, say, what the queen in the field is improved!

Stepan also did not argue his wife to wear from this box. Once even somehow said:

Nastasya and put the box to the lowest chest, where the canvas and the protection of the reserve are kept.

How Stepan died yes pebbles in his dead hand turned out to be, Nastasya, and tended the box to other people. Show. And the one who knows the pebbles about Stepanov, and says Nastasya later, as the people hit:

You look, do not wash this casket for trifle. Large thousand it stands.

He, this man, from, was a scientist, too, from free. The wound went to the pike, yes it was removed: Oslab de People gives. Well, and Vints did not disappear. Also, the Zabatska Zatka was, it was not that be remembered, the late head. And so in all the correct. Watch, write, wash the sample, there are signs to look around - I did everything on the conscience, not as a different protesting, abona to eat half. To whom, and he will bring a glass of festive business. So he lived in our factory to death. Near the people was fed.

Nastasya from her husband heard that this shorter is correct and intelligently in the affairs, for nothing that the whip was raped. Well, and he obeyed him.

Okay, "says, - beyond a black day. - And put the box on the old place.

Schoronii Stepan, Food was sent honor to honor. Nastasya - Baba in juice and with sufficiency, began to be assigned to it. And she is smart, says one thing:

Although the golden second, and all the robets are faithful.

Well, behind time.

Stepan left a good family provision. The house is right, horse, cow, getting full. Nastasya Baba Drinking, Distribution Robbs, do not live. Year live, two live, three live. Well, they worn all the time. Where is one woman with youngsters a farm to help! After all, after all, and a penny is necessary somewhere. On salt at least. Here Rodna and let Nastasya hum in the ears:

Sell \u200b\u200ba casket! What is she to you? What's likes to lie down. Everything is one and the Tanya, how to grow, we will not wear. Won there are stucks! Only bars and buy merchants to buy. With our banner, do not wear eco space. And people would give money. Oblosts to you.

One word, crucial. And the buyer, like raven on the bone, flew away. From the merchants all. Who gives one hundred rubles, who are two hundred.

Roby-de Your Sorry, on a widow position a descent to you.

Well, we get a bunch of Baba, but did not come to that.

Nastasya remembered well, so she spoke old pike, does not sell for such a trifle. Also sorry. As-in no ghenihovo gift, male memory. And the way of that girl has the youngest tears, asking for:

Mamonka, do not sell! Mamonka, do not sell! I'd rather go to people, and Halp the memo is overgrown.

From Stepan, you see, three robets remained. Two guys. Robets as a robust, and this, as they say, not in the mother, nor in his father. While Stepanova, as a small one was, people were breeding on this girl. Not that the girls - women, and the men Stepan said:

It is not different with you, Stepan, from the brushes fell out. Who only originated! Black herself da basenka, and green eyes. On our girls, it seems not at all.

Stepan will joke, happened:

This is not a difference that Chernidka. Father, after all, from the small years, cried in the ground. And that the eyes are green - they also do not have to dig. Did you never know Malachit Barina Turchaninov nubble. Here the memo and remained.

So this girl is a memo and called. "Well, you, my memo!" And when it happened that she was to buy, so the latter and the green will bring green.

That girl grew on the girl on the people. Exactly and the Garusinka from the festive belt fell out - it is clearly visible. And even though she is not chib to span to someone else, but her Tanyushka da Tanyushka. The most enviable Books, and those admired. Well, like, - Beauty! All cute. One mother walked:

Beauty is beauty, yes not ours. Exactly who replaced me a girl.

According to Stepan, this girl was killed. Purely ulled everything, I lost weight from my face, some eyes remained. Mother and invented to give Tanya TU Box Malachitov - Pushcham delas. Although the little, and the girl, - from the small years they are flattering on themselves. Tanya and engaged to disassemble these things. And here is Divo - which is trying, that and on it. Mother is different and did not know what, and this all knows. Yes, still says:

Mamonka, how good is the dick! Heat from him, as if you sit on the prieng, and someone else would stroke you.

Nastasya sama himself, remembers how her fingers were ill, the ears were sick, the neck could not warm up. So thinks: "It's not good. Oh, no reason! " - Yes, as soon as the casket is then in the chest. Only tanya from that time there is no no and will ask:

Mamonka, let me play with thatyin dick!

Nastasya when and grows, well, the mother's heart will regret, the casket will give, only punish:

Do not break what!

Then, when Tanyushka grew up, she herself became a casket to get. Mother will leave with older packed packed or even where, Tanyushka will stay home. At first, of course, I will manage that the mother punished. Well, the cup-spoons are jumped, the scatter shake, in the hut-sighing broom, drove, the chickens feed the stern, look in the stove. Contact all as soon as possible, and for the box. From the upper chests by that time alone remained, and he became light. Tanya will move it on the stool, will get the box and moves the pebbles, admires, on itself.

Hipichiper once climbed. Whether he burst into the fence to be sprinkled, or then it is unnoticed where she climbed, only nobody saw from the neighbors so that he passed down the street. The person is not enough, and in the case it sees - someone brought him, all the order complicated.

As Nastasya left, Tanya escaped a lot of things in the housework and climbed to play his father's pebbles. Put on the head, the earrings hung. At this time and puff in the hut This Hitnik. Tanyushka looked around - on the threshold a peasant unfamiliar, with an ax. And the ax. In the senks, stood in the corner. Just that the Tanya rearranged him, as in the Senks of Mela. The Tanyushka was frightened, sitting, as I froze, and the man jumped, the ax dropped and the eyes were captured by both hands, as they burned them. Stonet screaming:

Oh, father, landing me! Oh, blind! - And the eye itself tert.

Tanyushka sees - it was wrong with man, began to ask:

You like, uncle, went to us, took a pole, took?

And that know the moaning yes my tert. Tanya him and regretted him - he buried the waters of the water, I wanted to file, and the man strangled my back to the door.

Oh, do not come! - So in the Senks and sitting and the doors pinched out so that Tanya was not jumped into the Tanya. Yes, she found the move - ran through the window and to the wort. Well, came. Began to ask what kind of person? He broke down her little, explains - the passing-de, Milostinka wanted to ask, but something with his eyes pursued.

As the sun hit the sun. I thought - flew at all. From the heat, or something.

About the ax and pebbles Tanya Soussees did not say. Those think:

"Easy thing. Maybe herself forgot the gate itself was locked, here is passing and went, and then something happened to him. Little happens. "

Before Nastasya, all the time they did not let go. When she came with her sons, this man told her that he told the Soussees. Nastasya sees - everything is in preservation, not to knit. That man left, and the woven too.

Then Tanya Mother and laid out how it was. There is Nastasya and realized that he came behind the box, but take it, it can be seen, not just. And he herself thinks:

"It is still necessary to defend it all.

I took yes slowly from Tanya and others we robbed and buried the box in Golball.

We left all the family again. Tanyushka had enough casket, and it happened. Gorky it seemed to the Tanyushka, and then suddenly it joined it with warmth. What is the thing? Where? Looked around, and from under the floor. Tanya was frightened - did not fire? Looked in Golball, there is light in one corner. I grabbed a bucket, I wanted to splash - only after all the fire is not there and the smoke does not smell. I breathed in that place, sees - casket. Opened, and stones even more painted steel. So burn with different lights, and light from them, like with the sun. Tanya and the hut did not drag the box. Here in Golball and played out.

So since that time it was necessary. Mother thinks: "Here it was well hidden, no one knows," and the daughter, both to home, and the surrender to play expensive fatherly donating. As for the sale of Nastasya and speaking relatives did not give.

The world will come to the world - then selling.

At least she had to be cool, and she strengthened. So many years wounded, then I went on to correct. Senior robust began to earn a little, and the Tanya did not sleep with a folded arms. She, I heard, I learned to sew and sew with silks. And so learned that the plain boric craftsmen clapped their hands - where does the patterns be with where the silk gets?

And also the case came out. Woman comes to them. Slightly growing, hot, in Nastasiy for years, and East Kazakhstan and, to see everything, Schamugo is that only hold on. On the back, the cat canvas, in his hand, the cherry's badges, it seems like a wanderer. Asks Nastasya:

Is it possible, the hostess, do you have a day-other relax? Shuts are not carried, and not close.

Nastasya thought at first, was not placed again behind the box, then still let the same.

Places are not sorry. Do not break, look, and you will not take it with you. Only here is a piece of orphans. In the morning - on beams with kvoma, in the evening, alum with a loaf, all and change. You are not afraid to sleep, so please, you need to live.

And the wanderer I put my badge, the kitomka put on the plot and the louds are removed. Nastasya, it did not have to morally, but was silent.

"You are notching! They did not have time to lend her, and she was nako - she took off and someone unleashed. "

Woman and truly kotomochka unbuttoned and fingers manit to himself Tanya:

Go-ko, dyatyko, look at my handicory. If I will take a look, and teach you ... Looking for a chain eye, from it will be!

Tanya walked up, and a woman and gives her a little shirkaya, the ends of silk seas. And such, hear-ko, a hot pattern on that shirinka that exactly in the sleeper was lighter and warmer.

Tanya so eyes and drank, and a woman laughs.

I got ready, to know, daughter, my needlework? Want to teach?

I want, "says.

Nastasya and went down:

And think forget! Salt to buy nothing to what, and you came up with silks to sew! Supans, and look, money is worth.

Do not worry about it, the hostess, "says the wanderer. - There will be a concept of daughter - there will be supplies. For your bread-salt will leave her - enough enough. And then you will see. For our skill of money pay. I do not give a gift. Slice we have.

There was Nastasya to give up.

If the supplies pay, so what to learn about it. Let us take off, how many concepts are enough. Thank you for you.

Here is this woman and took up Tanya to teach. Svorchongko Tanya passed everything as if he knew before. Yes, here's another. Tanya is not the fact that they were someone else, to his nobascious, and it breaks down to this woman and pours. Nastasya Skosa braked:

"Found a new relative to himself. I will not suit my mother, but the vapor stuck! "

And the one still teases, all the Tanya with a dietary, but a daughter calls, and the baptized name did not remember the sample. Tanyushka sees that the mother is offended, and can not keep himself. Before hearding, he got into this woman that he told her about the casket!

There is, "says, we have dear tattin memo - the Malachite casket. That's where a stone! The century would have looked at them.

Show me, daughter? - asks a woman.

Tanyushka did not even think that it was impudent.

I'll show you, "says, - when there will be no one at home from the family.

As such an hour turned around, Tanyushka and called that woman in Golball. Got the Tanya casket, shows, and the woman glanced her little, and he says:

Forward-ko on yourself - it will be more visible.

Well, Tanya, - not the words, - began to wear, and that knows praise.

Okay, daughter, okay! You only need to fix the droplet.

It came closer, and let's push a finger in the pebbles. Which will come - he will light differently. Tanyushka is clearly visible, other - no. After that, a woman says:

Get up, daughter, straight.

Tanyushka got up, and a woman and let her slowly stroke her hair, on the back. All publicated, and herself instructs:

I will make you turn, so you, look, do not look at me. Forward Look, notice what will happen, but do not say anything. Well, turn!

Nastasya, Stepanova, the widow, the Malachitov box remained. With every female device. Rings there, earrings and protections on the female rite. The hostess of the Copper Mountain bestowed Stepan with this box as he was still going to marry.

Nastasya in the orphanhood grew, was not accustomed to eclo-richness, and not the lover of the lover was fashioned. From the first years, how they lived with Stepan, it was put on, of course, from this box. Only not to the soul she had to. It will put on the ring ... Exactly just fit, not taking, it does not roll, but will go to the church or to visit where it hits. As a chant finger, at the end of Nali (even. - Ed.) Surrive. Earrings will hide - worse. The ears will pull out that the lunches are swollen. And to take on the hand - not harder what Nastasya always wore. Six seven rows just once followed. As an ice around the neck, and do not warm anything. For people, those busks did not show at all. It was ashamed.

- Iha, say, what kind of queen in the field is imprisoned!

Stepan also did not argue his wife to wear from this box. Once even somehow said:

- Remove - to where from sin away. Nastasya and put the box to the lowest chest, where the canvas and the protection of the reserve are kept. How Stepan died yes pebbles in his dead hand turned out to be, Nastasya and accredited (I had to. - Ed.) TU Box in someone else's show. And the one who knows the pebbles about Stepanov, and says Nastasya, then, as the people hit:

- You look, do not wash this casket for trifle. Large thousand it stands.

He, this man, from, was a scientist, too, from free. The wound in the pike (mountain crafts. - Ed.) Went, yes it was removed; Oslab de People gives. Well, and Vints did not disappear. Also, the Zabatska Zatka was, it was not that be remembered, the late head. And so in all the correct. Watch, write, wash the sample, there are signs to look around - I did everything on the conscience, not as a different protesting, abona to eat half. To whom, and he will bring a glass of festive business. So he lived in our factory to death. Near the people was fed.

Nastasya from her husband heard that this shorter is correct and intelligently in the affairs, for nothing that the whip was raped. Well, and he obeyed him.

"Okay," says, "the black day be walked. - And put the box on the old place.

Schoronii Stepan, Food was sent honor to honor. Nastasya - Baba in juice, and with sufficiency, began to be assigned to it. And she, a smart woman, says one thing:

- Although the golden second, and all the robets are a fault.

Well, behind time.

Stepan left a good family provision. The house is right, horse, cow, getting full. Nastasya Baba Driving, Distribution Robbs (obedient. - Ed.), Do not coolness (not hard. - Ed.) Live. Year live, two live, three live. Well, they worn after all. Where is one woman with youngsters a farm to help! After all, after all, and a penny is necessary somewhere. On salt at least. Here Rodna and let Nastasya hum in the ears:

- Sell the casket! What is she to you? What's likes to lie! Everything is one and the Tanya, how to grow, we will not wear. Won there are stucks! Only bars and buy merchants to buy. With our banner (rags. - Ed.) Do not put on eco space. And people would give money. Oblosts (help. - Ed.) To you.

One word, crucial. And the buyer, like raven on the bone, flew away. From the merchants everything. Who gives one hundred rubles, who are two hundred.

- Roby-de Your Sorry, on the Widden Regulations, we do.

Well, we get a bunch of Baba, but did not come to that. Nastasya remembered well that she said to her old pike, does not sell for such a trifle. Also sorry. As-in no ghenihovo gift, male memory. And the way of that girl has the youngest tears, asking for:

- Mamonka, do not sell! Mamonka, do not sell! I'd rather go to people, and Halp the memo is overgrown.

From Stepan, you see, three robets remained.

Two guys. Robets as a robust, and this, as they say, not in the mother, nor in his father. While Stepanova, as it was at all, people were breeding on this girl. Not that the girls - women, and the men Stepan said:

"It's not differently that you have, Stepan, fell out of the brushes (a beautiful girl compared with a garusinka that fell out of the belt brushes, which was worn before in the Urals and men and women. - V.A. Bazhova). Who only originated! Black herself and Basse (beautiful. - Ed.), And the eyes of Zelelenka. On our girls, it seems not at all.

Stepan will joke, happened:

- This is not a difference that Chernahka. Father, after all, from the small years in the ground scratched (scrubbing in the ground. - Ed.). And that the eyes are green - they also do not have to dig. Did you never know Malachit Barina Turchaninov nubble. Here the memo and remained.

So this girl memo and called. - Well, you, my memo! "And when it happened that she had to buy, so worried about the blue or green would bring."

That girl grew on the girl on the people. Exactly and the Garusinka from the festive belt fell out - it is clearly visible. And even though she is not chib to span to someone else, but her Tanyushka da Tanyushka. The most enviable Books and those admired. Well, like, - Beauty! All cute. One mother walked:

- Beauty is a beauty, but not ours. Exactly who replaced me a girl.

According to Stepan, this girl was killed. Purely ulled everything, I lost weight from my face, some eyes remained. Mother and invented to give Tanya TU Box Malachitov - Pushcham delas. Although the little, and the girl, - from the small years they are flattering on themselves. Tanya and engaged to disassemble these things. And here is Divo - which is trying, that and on it. Mother is different and did not know what, and this all knows. Yes, still says:

- Mamonka, how good is the dick! Heat from him, as if you sit on the prieng, and someone else would stroke you.

Nastasya sama himself, remembers how her fingers were ill, the ears were sick, the neck could not warm up. So thinks: "It's not good. Oh, no reason! " - Yes, as soon as the casket is then in the chest. Only tanya from that time there is no no and will ask:

"Mamonka, let me play with Haliny give!"

Nastasya when and grows, well, the mother's heart will regret, the casket will give, only punish:

- Do not break what!

Then, when Tanyushka grew up, she herself became a casket to get. Mother will leave with older packed packed or even where, Tanyushka will stay home. At first, of course, I will manage that the mother punished. Well, the cup-spoons are jumped, the table was shaken, in the hut-wearing a broom to rotate, the chickens feed the stern, to look in the stove. Contact all as soon as possible, and for the box. From the upper chests by that time alone remained, and he became light. Tanya will move it on the stool, will get the box and moves the pebbles, admires, on itself.

Hipper (thief - ed.). Whether he burst into the fence to the backup, or then he was imperceptibly used, only no one was seen from Soussey so that he was passing down the street. The person is not enough, and in the case it sees - someone brought him, all the order complicated.

As Nastasya left, Tanya escaped a lot of things in the housework and climbed to play his father's pebbles. Put on the head, the earrings hung. At this time and puff in the hut This Hitnik. Tanyushka looked around - on the threshold a peasant unfamiliar, with an ax. And the ax. In the senks, stood in the corner. Just that the Tanya rearranged him, as in the Senks of Mela. The Tanyushka was frightened, sitting, how I froze, and the man jumped down (screamed from surprise. - Ed.), The ax dropped and with both hands captured them, as they burned them. Stonet screaming:

- Oh, Batyushki, Elept me! Oh, blind! - And the eye itself tert.

Tanyushka sees - it was wrong with man, began to ask:

You like, uncle, went to us, took a pole, took?

And the one know, moaning my eyes your tert. Tanya him and regretted him - he buried the waters of the water, I wanted to file, and the man strangled my back to the door.

- Oh, do not come! - So in the Senks and sitting and the doors pinched out so that Tanya was not jumped into the Tanya. Yes, she found the move - ran through the window and to the wort. Well, came. Began to ask what kind of person? He broke down her little, explains - the passing-de, Milostinka wanted to ask, but something with his eyes pursued.

- As the sun hit the sun. I thought - flew at all. From the heat, or something.

About the ax and pebbles Tanya Soussees did not say. Those think:

"Empty business. Maybe herself forgot the gate itself was locked, here is passing and went, and then something happened to him. Little happens. "

Before Nastasya, nevertheless did not let go. When she came with her sons, this man told her that he told the Soussees. Nastasya sees - everything is in preservation, not to knit. That man left, and the woven too.

Then Tanya Mother and laid out how it was. There is Nastasya and realized that he came behind the box, but take it, it can be seen, not just.

And he herself thinks:

"It is still necessary to defend it all.

I took it slowly from Tanya and others we robbed and buried the box in Golball (underground. - Ed.).

We left all the family again. Tanyushka had enough casket, and it happened. Gorky it seemed to the Tanyushka, and then suddenly it joined it with warmth. What is the thing? Where? Looked around, and from under the floor. Tanya was frightened - did not fire? Looked in Golball, there is light in one corner. I grabbed a bucket, I wanted to splash - only after all the fire is not there and the smoke does not smell. I breathed in that place, sees - casket. Opened, and stones even more painted steel. So burn with different lights, and light from them, like with the sun. Tanya and the hut did not drag the box. Here in Golball and played out.

So since that time it was necessary. Mother thinks: "Here it was well hidden, no one knows," and the daughter, both to home, and the surrender to play expensive fatherly donating. As for the sale of Nastasya and speaking relatives did not give.

- The world will come to the world - then selling.

At least she had to be cool, and she strengthened. So many years wounded, then I went on to correct. Senior robust began to earn a little, and the Tanya did not sleep with a folded arms. She, I heard, I learned to sew and sew with silks. And so learned that the plain boric craftsmen clapped their hands - where does the patterns be with where the silk gets?

And also the case came out. Woman comes to them. Slightly growing, hot, in Nastasiy for years, and East Kazakhstan and, to see everything, Schamugo is that only hold on. On the back, the cat canvas, in his hand, the cherry's badges, it seems like a wanderer. Asks Nastasya:

- Is it possible, the hostess, do you have a day to relax? Shuts are not carried, and not close.

Nastasya first thought, was not selected again behind the box, then it still let it.

- It's not a pity. Do not break, look, and you will not take it with you. Only here is a kind of orphans. In the morning - on beams with quasom, in the evening - quads with a loaf, all and change. You are not afraid to sleep, so please, you need to live.

And the wanderer I put my badge, the kitomka put on the plot and the louds are removed. Nastasya, it did not have to morally, but was silent.

"You are notching (unremarkable. - Ed.)! They did not have time to lend her, and she was on-ko - the clocks took off and unleashed Kotomka. "

Woman, and right, Kotomochka unzipped and finger manits Tanya:

- I go, dyatyko, look at my handicory. If the will happen, and you teach you ... See, the chain eye will be on it!

Tanya came up, and a woman and gives her a little shirin, the ends of silk are embroidered. And such, hear-ko, a hot pattern on that shirinka that exactly in the sleeper was lighter and warmer.

Tanya so eyes and drank, and a woman laughs.

- I got ready, to know, my daughter, my needlework? Want to teach?

"I want," says. Nastasya and went down:

- And think forget! Salt to buy nothing to what, and you came up with silks to sew! Supplies, like, money is worth.

"We don't worry about that, the hostess," says the wanderer. - There will be a concept of daughter - there will be supplies. For your bread-salt will leave her - enough enough. And then you will see. For our skill of money pay. I do not give a gift. Slice we have.

There was Nastasya to give up.

- If the supplies pay, so it is about what to learn. Let us take off, how many concepts are enough. Thank you for you.

Here is this woman and took up Tanya to teach. Svorchongko Tanya passed everything as if he knew before. Yes, here's another. Tanya is not the fact that they were someone else, to his nobascious, and it breaks down to this woman and pours. Nastasya Skosa braked:

"Found a new relative to himself. I will not suit my mother, but the vapor stuck! "

And the one still teases, all the Tanya with a dietary, but a daughter calls, and the baptized name did not remember the sample. Tanyushka sees that the mother is offended, and can not keep himself. Before hearding, he got into this woman that he told her about the casket!

"There is," says, "we have dear Tatiet memo - the Malachite box. That's where a stone! The century would have looked at them.

- Show me, daughter? - asks a woman.

Tanyushka did not even think that it was impudent.

"I'll show you," says, when there will be no one at home from the family.

As such an hour turned around, Tanyushka and called that woman in Golball. Got the Tanya Casket, shows, and the woman looked little and says:

- Innight-ko on yourself - will be more visible. Well, Tanya, - not the words (immediately. - Ed.) - I began to wear, and that, know, praises:

- Okay, daughter, okay! You only need to fix the droplet.

It came closer and let's push the finger in the pebbles. Which will come - he will light differently. Tanyushka is clearly visible, other - no. After that, a woman says:

- Stand-co, daughter, straight.

Tanyushka got up, and a woman and let her slowly stroke her hair, on the back. All publicated, and herself instructs:

- I will make you turn around, so you look, do not look around for me. Forward Look, notice what will happen, but do not say anything. Well, turn!

Tanyushka turned - in front of her the room, of which she did not have to speak. Not that churches, not that. The ceilings are high on pure malachite pillars. Walls, too, in human growth, malachite laid out, and on the upper eaves the malachite pattern passed. Right in front of the Tanya, like in the mirror, there is a beauty, about which only in fairy tales. Hair as night, and the eyes are green. And she is still dear stones, and the dress on it from a green velvet with overflow. And so this dress is sewn, like the queen in the paintings. What only keeps. With shame would be our factory burned in people to wear this, and this green-eyed costs himself calmly, as if necessary. People in that room are full. The Lord is dressed, and all in gold and merit. Who is overwhelmed from whom someone is NCT, and who has from all sides. See, the most grazing authorities. And they have them immediately. Also, the horsors, holrors, stones are hung. Only where to the green-eyed! None at the notes are suitable.

In a row with green-eyed, some kind of whitebear. Eye of the doctor, ears with penets, as there is a hare.

And Odea on it - the mind is perky. This gold seemed a little, so he, hear-ko, on both (shoes. - Ed.) Stones asked. Yes, so strong that, maybe, at ten years one will find one. Immediately see - the breeder is. He bursts that hare of green-eyed, and she would have led an eyebrow, as if he was not at all.

Tanya looks at this lady, is divided into her and just noticed here:

- After all, a stone on it is Herity! - Cooked Tanya, and nothing became. And the woman is laughing:

- did not bother, daughter! Do not tillage, in time to live.

Tanyushka, of course, is perhaps - where is this room?

"And this," says, the royal palace. That the Chamber, Kooy, the local malachite is amused. Your deceased father mined it.

- And who is in Halific Uporakh and what kind of hare with her?

- Well, I won't say that I will soon find out.

On the same day, as Nastasya came home, this woman began to gather on the road. She bowed to the lowest hostess, served a tanyushka a nodule with silks and beaded, then I got a bug of Mahonka. Whether it is from the glass, or from the dome on a simple face of believing.

Serves her Tanyushka and says:

- Accept-ko, daughter, a memo from me. How to forget at work or a difficult case will suit, look at this button. There will be an answer here. She said so and left. Only her and seen. Since then, Tanyushka has become a craftswoman, and even in the years it became, the bride looks at all. Factory guys about the Nastasyin's eyes brake braking, and it is afraid to approach the Tanyushka. You see, Nalaskaya she, sad, and for the serfs where free will go. Who hunting a loop to wear?

In the Barsroom house, too, they also guessed about the Tanya because of her skill. Spend steel. Lacey is a label and put on the Lord Punish, the clock with a chain will give and send to the Tanya, as if for the matter what. Think whether the girl will be lit on the ego well done. Then to fix it (subordinate to himself. - Ed.) You can. I still did not come out. Will say Tanya what in the case, and other conversations of that lacquerless attention. Teste, so still adds a set:

- Step-ko, kind, go! Waiting after all. They are afraid, look, no matter how your clock then did not go and the chain did not remember. Hit, without a habit, how are you calling them.

Well, the lacquer or other Barskoy these words, like a dog boiling water. It runs as a scalded, snatching about myself:

- Is this a girl? Statues stone, green-eyed! Whether we find it!

Fyrchit is so, and the most overwhelmed. Which will be sent, forget not can Tanyushkin beauty. As the place awesome, the place is pulling - at least pass, to look in the window. On holidays, almost the entire factory bachelor is a matter of that street. The road from the winds was stuck, and Tanyushka does not look.

Sousses really became Nastasya to rive:

- What do you have Tatyana chibko higraced yourself? There is no girlfriends, it does not want to look at the guys. Tsarevich-Koroleica is waiting for al in Christ the bride goes?

Nastasya only sighs on these persons:

- Oh, Babonki, and herself does not know. And so I had a virgin girl, and the sorceress of this passing thoroughly made it. We will talk to her, and she stares on her witchcoping butt and silent. So it would have thrown this damned button, and in case she is good for her. How silk change or what, so in the junction and looks. I can't and me, yes, I can see the eyes of stupid steel, I do not see. I would give up the girl, yes, you see, she has a diligence. Read, her work only live. I think I think so and glow. Well, then she will say: "Mamonka, because I know that there is no fate. I do not go anyone and do not go to the playing. What is in vain people in longing to drive? And what I sit under the window, so my work requires. For what you come to me (blame me. - Ed.)? What did I do thin? " So answer her!

Well, to live all the way okay became. Tanyushkino needlework fell. Not that in the Al in our city's factory, in other places they learned about him, orders send and money pays considerable. Dobro Men fit to raise so much. Only here the trouble entered them - the fire happened. And at night it was. Prounce (construction for livestock. - Ed.), Venchnya (surviving construction of milking cart. - Ed.), Horse, cow, tackle all burned down. With that, only remained, in which they jumped out. Casket, however, Nastasya snatched, had time. Another day and says:

- It can be seen, the edge came - you will have to sell the casket.

- Sell, Mamonka. Not negative only.

The Tanya was glanced by the snout, and there is green-eyed looming - let's sell. Gorky became Tanyushka, and what can you do? Anyway, the ottzova remind this green-eyed. Sighed and says:

- Sell to sell. - And he didn't even look at those stones to look. And then say - Soussey was sheltered where they are decomposed.

Invented this way - to sell something, and the merchants are already here. Who, maybe himself and arsogue-from set up to take possession of the cabinet. Also, after all, Narodisko something - the marigold, chasing! They see, - Robets have grown, - give more. Five hundred there, seven hundred, one to a thousand reached. By the factory, money is considerable, you can get on them. Well, Nastasya demanded all the same two thousand. Go, it means to her, rust. They make little glad, and they are taking apart from each other, they cannot consist among themselves. You see a piece - from such - no one to retreat reluctance. As long as they went, a new clerk came to the field and arrived.

When they are - cuzzles - they are sitting for a long time, and in those years they happened to them. A stuffy goat, which under Stepan was, the old barin on Krylovsko behind the stench set. Then it was fried back. His workers put him on the blank. The Nirjan Debobets passed here. This again the hostess of the copper mountain in empty breed has shifted. There are still two whether three were some, and then this came.

He affects, from alien lands was, in all sorts of languages \u200b\u200bit was called, and in Russian worse. Purely spoke one thing - to smoke. Human so, with a stretching - pa-even. What shortage it will be focused on, one shouts: steam! His couples and called.

In fact, this couple was not chib to be thin. He though shouted, and the people at the fire at all (the place where the workers were tied. - Ed.) Not drove. SHOWERSHIMES (offenders. - Ed.) Not at all. He sighed a little the people at the same party.

Here, you are hanging, something else. Old Barin for the time at all the clogged became, I barely moved my legs. He came up with his son to marry some kind of decanter whether or. Well, and this young Barin had a loveliever, and he had a great commitment to her. How to be? Awkward all the time. What new woven will say? Here is the old barin and began to stipulate that woman - the sown is a lovelist - for the musician. Barina served this musician. Robusts on music trained and so conversation to a stranger, as being conducted in their position.

"What," says, "you can live on thin glory, you get married." I dodged you Odel, and my husband will send a clerk to the field. There is a right thing, let us only keep the people. Enough, look, is that this is a sense, though the musician. And you will live better with him in full-way. The first person can be said will you. Honor to you, respect from all. What is bad?

The butterfly came out. Whether she was in the cutter with a young Barin, or the trick was raped.

"For a long time," he said, "I had a dream about this, but I didn't say anything.

Well, a musician, of course, first supervised:

"I don't wish," Glory's glory, which seems to be chibko about her.

Only Barin - Starichonko Chitra. No wonder the plants have come. Vivid broke this musician. I scattered than Ali settled, either drowned - their now the matter, only the wedding was cordious, and the young went to the field. So the parot appeared in our factory. For a short time he only lived, and so - that in vain to speak - a person is not harmful. Then, as one and a half Hari instead, he passed himself - from her factory, he even regretted this parmet.

He arrived with the wife of a parot just at that time, as the merchants did not catch the merchant. Parotina Baba was also prominent. White and ruddy - one word, a lovelist. I suppose I would not have taken a barin. Also, I called, chose! Here is this paryotine wife and smoke - the casket is sold. "Dai-Ko," thinks, "I'll see, maybe, it is worthwhile that". Zivuchonko squirmed and rolled to Nastasya. After all, they are the sorts of factory are ready!

- Well, - - says, dear, show, what such pebbles sell?

Nastasya pulled the casket, shows. Parotina woman and eyes ran. She, hear-Co., was brought up in St. Petersburg, in the abroad, there were various with young Barin, the sense in these outfits had. "What is it," thinks, is that? There is no auspicious tsaritsa, "and here is Nako - in the field, in the chapters! No matter how much the purchase was not broken. "

How much, - asks, - ask?

Nastasya says:

- Two would take thousands of hunting.

- Well, honey, get together! We will go to me with a box. There will get money in full.

Nastasya, however, was not filed for it.

"We have," says such a custom, so that the bread goes behind the belly. Bring money - your box.

The lady sees - what a woman is, - vividly twisted for money, and herself punishes:

- You're cute, do not sell the box.

Nastasya answers:

- This is hoping. From my word not to work out. I will wait until the evening, and then my will.

Parotina's wife left, and merchants came up all at once. They hang, watched. Ask:

- Well, how?

"I said," Nastasya responds.

- How much?

- For two, as prescribed.

- What are you, - shout, - the mind decided Ali that! In other people's hands give, and you refuse to do! - And come on - to focus.

Well, Nastasya did not peck on this fishing rod.

"This is," says, "you are lost in the words to twist, and I did not have anything. I won a woman, and conversation end!

Parotina Baba Crutehonko turned around. Brought money, handed out from the handle to the handle, picked up the box and Ida home. Only on the threshold, and towards Tanya. She, you wish, went somewhere, and all this sale was without it. She sees - some kind of lady with a cable. Tanyushka stared at her - they say, not because he was then seen. And the paryotine wife was puzzled:

- What kind of induce? Whose one? - asks.

"People name is a daughter," answers Nastasya. - He herself is the heir to the casket, which you bought. I would not sell, I did not come to the edge. From the youngsters loved to play these utensils. Plays Yes, I praise - as de from them warm and good. What to talk about it. What I wanted with Palo!

"In vain, honey, so you think," says Parotina Baba. "I will find I will place these stones." - And I think about myself: "It's good that this green-eyed strength is not depleting. We show as such in St. Petersburg, the kings would be a spit. It is necessary - my fool did not see her by Turkhanin. "

So and diverged.

Parotina wife, as arrived home, boasted:

"Now, a friend is kind, I am not what you, and Turchninov do not agree." Slightly - Goodbye! I will leave in the Sam-Petersburg either, that is better, in abroad, sell the box and such husbands, like you, two dozens buy, if necessary will happen.

Boasted, but show the new one's still hunting. Well, like - a woman! Ran up to the mirror and the first thing the head was attached. - Oh, oh what is! - There is no patience - turns and tread the hair. I barely wrought. And neat. Earrings put on a slightly liner did not break. The finger in the ring was Sunuil - I caught, I barely gone with soap. The husband laughs: Not so, it can be seen, wearing!

And she thinks: "What a thing? We need to go to the city, Master show. Picks as it should, only the stones did not change. "

No sooner said than done. On the other day I drove in the morning. On the factory triple, because not far. I learned what the most reliable master, and to him. Master old-Warry, and in his dock. Looked at the box, asks who bought. The lady told what he knew. Lookane once again the master box, and did not look at the stones.

I will not take it, - says - what do you go. Do not place these masters work. We unorded with them to hide.

The lady, of course, did not understand what sniffing, snorted and ran to other masters. Only everything as they conspired: the casket will look like, they admire, and they do not look at the stones and refuse to work out. The lady then went to the tricks, says that this box brought this box from St. Petersburg. They did everything there. Well, the wizard she was splating, just laughed.

"I know," says, "in what place the box Delaware, and there is a lot of herself about the masters. To all our shoulder with him. One of whom that master is customized, the other will not suit that I want to do.

The lady and here did not understand the whole thing, just that, and I enabled - it is impudent, they fear someone's masters. I remembered that the old hostess said, as if the daughter loved these seats to wear.

"Not for this green-eyed caught? That misfortune! "

Then again turns into the mind:

"Yes, I'm what! I will sell what a rich fool. Frams are worn, and I will have money! " With this and went to the field.

I arrived, and there is news: I got the news - the old barin ordered a long time to live. Hitrenko with a couple of something he arranged, and death overwhelmed his death - she took and knocked. Son did not have time to marry, and he now became a complete owner. After a small time, Parotina wife received Pisemyshko. So, my kind, on wearing water, I will come at the factories to seem to you and you will take you, and your musician is a long time. A parota about it somehow learned, noise-scream raised. It's a shame, you see, he is before the people. As - in no way the clerk, and here is that - the wife is selected. He began to drink hard. With employees, of course. They are glad to try to darker. Once poured. Some of these stuff and praise:

- Grow-de with us in the plant Beauty, the other you will not soon you soon.

Parota and asks:

- Whose one? In which the place lives? Well, he was told about the casket, they were remembered - in this de family, your wife bought the box. Parota and says:

- Would look, - and in the stuff and the pricer (preposition. - Ed.) Fought.

- At least now let's go - to examine, whether they put a new hut. Family at least from free, and in factory land they live. In the case of which you can press.

Lee went two, three with this couple. The chain was dragged, let me do, if Nastasya was killed in someone else's estate, whether the tops come out between the columns. We are lifted, one word. Then they go to the hut, and the Tanya was just alone. She looked at her a couple and words lost. Well, in no lands of such beauty did not see. Standing like a fool, and she sits - I am pushing as if her case does not concern. Then the couple's smallness moved, began to ask:

- What do you like?

Tanyushka says:

- By order, she saw - and the work has shown.

"To me," says a couple, "can you make an order?"

- Why not, if the price can come down.

"You can," asks again a couple, "can I embroider with my myself with myself?"

Tanya looked slowly on the button, and there is green-eyed to her sign feeds - take an order! - And the finger points on your finger. Tanya and answers:

- I will not do my patch, but I have a woman alone in expensive stones, in a tsaritsyn dress, I can embroider. Only expensive will cost such work.

"On this," says, do not be able to, at least a hundred, at least two hundred rubles will pay, if only similarity with you was.

- represented, - replies - similarity will be, and Other Other

Sit down for a hundred rubles. Tanya and the term prescribed - in a month. Only the couple is not-no, but it will be told that you know about the order, and at all it is not at all on the mind. Also, it was chosen, and the Tanyushka is exactly and not at all notice. Will tell two or three words, and the whole conversation. Watching the parmotes to puzzled above it became:

- Here, de will not break. In vain boots flung!

Well, she embroidered Tanya that pitt. Looking a couple-fell my God! Why it is she is the most, the clothes and the stones are incense. Submits, of course, three hundredth tickets, only the Tanya did not take two things.

"Not liking," says, "we are gifts to take. Whether you feed.

I came ran to a couple of home, admires on the pitt, and he keeps his wife. It became less to drink, and in the factory case to delve little started.

In the spring came to the plants of a young barin. In the field rolled. The people were driven, prayer served, and then in the Lordsk house, tonns-bells (dancing, fun. - Ed.) Let's go. People, too, two veil barrels rolled out - to remember the old, to change the new Barin. The seed, it means that they did. On this all Turchaninov masters were. How to fill the Lord's charm with a dozen of his own, and there is no matter what holiday will seem, and I will go to verification - I washed the last penny and nothing at all. On the other day, the people of work, and in the Lordsk house again Pirovl. Yes, and went. Suck how much yes again for the golyak. Well, there, on boats ride, on horseback goes to the forest, brand on music, but you never know. And the parot is drunk all the time. Deliberately put the Barin of the most talked pitukh, pumped up to failure! Well, those try to rely on the new Barina.

Parota, though drunk, and it is feeling, something is going to know. He is uncomfortable to him. He speaks at the table, at all:

"It's necessary for me that Barin Turchantov wants to take my wife. Pushy lucky! I do not need this. I have someone who is! - Yes, it gets from the pocket that silk pitt. Everyone is so painted, and the paryotine of Baba and the mouth cannot close. Barin also eaten eyes. It became curious.

- Who is she? - asks. Parota Known Praise:

- Polon Table Gold Mound - and I will not say!

Well, how not to say, if the factory is immediately recognized by the Tanya. One before the other is trying - Barina is explained. Parotina Baba hands-legs:

- What do you! What do you! Skolzitsytsu Speak! Where did the factory girl have a dress and still a stone expensive? And this husband brought this husband from abroad. Even before the wedding showed me. Now, with drunk eyes, you never know what is mad. It will not remember yourself soon. Iha, the whole whole!

A parota sees that his wife is not nice, he and let's cherry:

- Story you, Stram! What are you whistle plates (gossip. - Ed.), Barina in the eyes of the sand throw! What am I a Patret showed you? Here I was sewed. That the very girl about which they say they say. As for the dress - I will not lie - I do not know. What a dress what you want to wear. And they had stones. Now you have locked in the closame. I myself bought them for two thousand, and I could not wear. It can be seen, does not fit the cow Cherkassky saddle. I know the whole factory about buying!

Barin, as he heard about stones, now:

- Well, show!

He, hear-ko, little was, motovish. One word, heir. There was a strong addiction to stones. He had nothing to do, - as they say, no growth, nor voice, - so though stones. Wherever will be ashamed about a good stone, now buy it. And he knew in the stones, for nothing that was not smart.

Parotina Baba sees - there is nothing to do, "the box brought. Barin looked immediately:

- How many?

She bought at all unheardly. Barin ridden. In half they came together, and the boring paper was signed: it was not, you wish, money with me. Put the barin in front of him the casket on the table and says:

- Call-to this girl about which conversation.

Ran out for the Tanya. She immediately went, "what a big order thought. It comes to the room, and there the people are full and in the midst of the very hare whom she then seen. Before this Zaiga, the casket - fathers. Tanya immediately recognized the Barin and asks:

- Why called?

Barin and words can not say. Stared at her, and that's all. Then I found the conversation:

- Your stones?

"There were our, now there is their own," and showed a wife to the parmot.

"My now," Barin praised.

- This is your business.

- And I will give, I will give back?

- Note nothing.

- Well, and you can try on them? Take a look at me hunting how these stones on the man will come.

"This is," Tanyushka answers, "you can."

He took the box, disassembled the clothes, - the usual thing, - and their place attached to the place. Barin looks and only ahaet. Oh yeah, no more and speeches. The Tanya stood in the vacation and asks:

- Wally? Will be? It's not from simple pores here - there is a job. Barin here at all and says:

- Marry me. Agree?

Tanya only grinned:

- Not to say exactly Barina to speak. - removed the seed and gone

Only the barin is not lagging behind. The next day you came to win. Requests Molite Nastasya: Give me a daughter for me.

Nastasya says:

"I don't take your will from her, as she wants, but in my opinion - as if it does not fit.

Tanya listened, listened and palloon:

"That's what, not that ... I heard that there is a chamber in the Tsarist Palace, the malachite of the extraction was deprived. Now, if you show me in this chamber to me - then I will marry you.

Barin, of course, I agree to everything. Now, in the speakers of St. Petersburg, the Tanya with him calls - horses, says you will give you. And Tanya answers:

- According to our rite and the bride does not go to the crown on the groom's horses, and we still have no one. Then we will talk about it as you will carry your promise.

"When," asks, "will you be in St. Petersburg?"

"To cover," says, "will certainly. Do not be able to do about it, but while leaving you.

Barin went, a parmot of his wife, of course, did not take, does not even look at her. How to go home in St. Petersburg-from arrived, let's praise about stones around the city and about your bride. Many casket showed. Well, they really aligned the bride to see. To the autumn, the Barin Apartment was prepared by Tanyushka, the dresses of all sorts brought, both, and she sent a news and she was, "here she lives at such a widow on the outskirts itself. Barin, of course, is now there:

- What do you! Is there a mentioned matter to live here? Quarterly prepared, first grade! And Tanya answers:

- I'm fine here.

Rumor about a stone and Turchaninovsku bride and reached the queen. She says:

- Fruit Turchnins will show me his bride. Something a lot of her lies.

Barin to Tanya, they need to get ready. The outfit is so sewing so that you can wear stones from a malachite casket. Tanya replies:

- On the outfit is not your sadness, and I will take the stones on the User. Yes, look, do not try to send horses behind me. I will be on my own. Wait just at the porch, in the palace.

Barin thinks - where does it have a horse? Where is the dwarf dress? -And to ask all the time it did not whine.

I got to gather to the palace. On horseback, everyone drives up, in silks and velvet. Turchaninov Barin Spaceku at the porch is spinning - his bride is waiting. Another too curious to look at her, - immediately stopped. And the Tanyushka put on a stone, tied to the handkerchief in factory, the cake thrown out and goes silent. Well, the people - where is this? - shaft for her shall. Tanyushka approached the palace, and the royal lackers do not let me in - not allowed, they say that the factory it is. Turchaninov Barin Farming Tanya Survo, only before him, he was ashamed that his bride was on foot, and even in Ekaya Shubekka, he took and hid. Tanya here opened her shubey, Lakely look - the dress is! There is no such tsarica! - Immediately let. And how Tanyushka removed the handkerchief and the shubeyka, they peeled everything around:

- Whose one? What land is the queen? And Barin Turchanins is here as here.

"My bride," says.

Tanya Edak strictly looked at him:

- This is still looking forward! Duty you deceived me - did not wait at the porch?

Barin therea-here, - Malley-de came. Excuse me please.

They went to the chambers of the royal, where it was ordered. Looks Tanya - not the place. Turcherinova Barina asked Strigger:

- Is it still what deception? It is said that in the ward that Malachite is desenty of the work of work! - And went through the palace, how at home. And senators, generals and protections behind it.

- What, they say, is it? It can be seen, there ordered.

The people gained full, fully, and all the eyes from Tanya do not drive, and she became the most Malachite wall and waiting. Turchaninov, of course, right there. I am bursting to her that after all, it is impudent, not in this room, the queen waiting for it. And Tanya stands calmly, at least she behaved like the Barina is not at all.

The queen went into the room, where appointed. Looks - no one. Tsaritsyn Nazashniki and bring - Turcheninovska Bride of all in Malachitov's chamber took. The queen turned, of course, - what kind of self-defense! Poverty with my feet. I was worried, it means a little. Coming the queen in the ward Malachite. It all bowed to it, and the Tanya stands - it won't move.

Queen and shouts:

- Well, show me this gravy - Turcherinovskus the bride!

- Tanyushka heard it, at all his eyebrows brought, says Barina:

- That's what else came up with! I told me the queen to show, and you set up me to show me. Again deception! I don't want to see you! Get your stones!

With this word leaned against the wall of Malachite and melted. Only it remains that on the wall, the stones sparkle, like stuck to those places where the head was, neck, hands.

Everyone, of course, was frightened, and the queen was unable to floon in fearlessness. Sounded, raising steel. Then, when the turmoil fell up, rustled and tell Turchaninov:

- pick up at least stones! We will detach. Not some place - Palace! Here the price know!

Turchaninov and let's grab those stones. Which grabbing, he will turn into a droplet. Inina, the drop is clean, like a tear, isna yellow, and then again, like blood, thick. So nothing has collected. Looks - on the floor, the button is lying around. From bottle glass on a simple facet. Almost tricky. He grabbed her with grief. Just picked up, and in this button, like in a large mirror, green-eyed beauty in a malachite dress, all the dear stones are, laughing, stalls:

- Oh, you, pollen oblique hare! Do you take me! Are you a couple of me?

Barin after this and the last Umishko lost, and did not throw the button. No, no, yes, and it will take a look at her, and there everything is one thing: it is worthwhile, laughing, laughs and offensive words. With the grief of Barin, go-to to drink, the debts endowed, a little with it, our factory with the hammer did not go.

And the parota, as he was removed, went through the kabaks. It was poured to the reverge, and that Silk Coast is pitt.

Where this pitt sweat is then not known to anyone.

Parotina's wife did not begin: under-co get on borrowed paper, if all iron and copper are laid!

About the Tanya from that time in our factory neither rumor neither spirit. As it was not.

He loved, of course, Nastasya, but not from strength too. Tanya, you are hanging, even though the warden for the family was, but everything is Nastasya as someone else's.

And then say guys from Nastasya by that time grew up. Married both. Grandchildren went. The people in the hustling of the huston became. Know turning - you're doing something else ... Do you have a boredom here!

The bachelor - the longer did not forget. All under the Nastasy windows trampled. Whether the Tanyushka will not appear at the window, so they did not wait.

Then, of course, it was buried, but no, no and remember:

- Well, what about our girl in the plant! Another such in life will not see.

Yes, after this, the occurrence came out. They said that the hostess of the copper mountain was doubled: at once, two girls in Malachite dresses were seen.

For the first time published in 1938 (the newspaper "for shift", Sverdlovsk. From September 18 - until November 14, 1938 and the Almans "Ural Contemporary", Sverdlovsk, KN. 1st, 1938). Initially, the tale was called "Tatino delivered", when preparing for printing, the author replaced this title to another - "Malachite Box". The replacement was successful, the name became common to the whole book of tapes, marked in 1943 by the Stalinist premium of the second degree. In the advanced newspaper "Pravda" ("Laureates of Stalinist Prizes", March 20, 1943) says: "The homeland is the road to us and the vigorous pigeons with their own, and wide rivers, and the mountains, and their people, they are talking, who are tested and legends. Our people loved the old Ural Fairy Tale P. Bazhov. His "Malachite Casket" contains the gems of folk poetry.

The book "Malachite Casket" was repeatedly reprinting the first edition was published in the city of Sverdlovsk, in 1939, the Stalinist Prize was awarded to the author for the second edition of the book, published in the Moscow Publishing House "Soviet Writer" in 1942. The third edition - released Goslitizdat in 1944 ; fourth - Sverdlgiz, 1944; The fifth edition came out in Moscow in the Publishing House "Soviet Writer" in 1947; Sixth - released Goslitisdat, M. 1948; Seventh - Sverdlgiz, 1949; The eighth is the last lifetime edition, which the author participated in the compilation - was issued by the Lenzdat in 1950.

In 1944, the book was released in England. In this regard, P. Bazhov was interested in the nature of the translation and publication. He wrote: "After all, for the author, for the tales, which, as you know, partyally aimed, is far from indifferent who will publish ... when they translate their own, there may be sometimes funny in the rise in adequate expressions, but there is complete confidence, That perversions will not be the main thought, and in fact, in a private publishing house, they can put on the legs, and then allocate one tinsel. " (From the archive of P. Bazhov. A letter of February 25, 1945) From foreign publications "Malachite Casket", you can still call - "Steinblomsten", Falken Forlag, Oslo (Norway), 1946, "La Fleur Depierre", Editions du Bateau IVRE (France), 1947; The book came out in Slavic countries, in particular in Czechoslovakia (1946). Separate tales are published on chinese - magazine "Literature and Art", Shanghai, E25. 1946.