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Unpopular female names. Beautiful names for girls born in the year of the yellow dog

modern medicine allows future parents to know the sex of the child long before it is born. And, of course, dad and mom immediately think about the name for their baby. Our advice is dedicated to the future parents of girls - we hope they will help you choose a name for your princess! We studied the trends and concluded which names for girls in 2016 will be the most fashionable.

How to choose a name for your daughter in 2016?

First, remember: when choosing a name, it is not enough to be guided only by fashion or popularity. You should also take into account the time of the girl's birth, the euphony of the name and its compatibility with the patronymic and surname, family traditions and religious beliefs. Everyone knows that the name is reflected in the fate of a person - and we all want your daughter to have a happy and wonderful life.

The church name guarantees your daughter the patronage of the Saint of the same name!

For a long time, the problem of choosing a name did not exist - the child was named in accordance with the church calendar. On the one hand, this is a tribute to traditions and, according to the church, the patronage of a guardian angel for life. Perhaps it is. If you choose this path, then there is nothing to worry about - the name of your daughter is written in the calendar!

By the way, there is an opinion that names with double letters (Anna, Inna, Ivanna) give their owners two guardian angels at once! Some parents at baptism give a name that is written in the calendar, but in worldly life they call the child differently - this is an ancient custom-amulet. The name of the guarding saint of your daughter will be known only to close people, which means that this will help protect her from the evil eye, damage and slander.

Fashionable names for girls in 2016

  • Anna- a Hebrew name meaning "grace, merciful." It is considered a popular female name, and deservedly so: Anna is artistic and beautiful, this is a woman with a big heart, ready to warm everyone. She has a delicate taste and is reputed to be a needlewoman - any work she does is excellent. All kinds of art are subject to Anna. She is always neat, attentive, disinterested and trusting, has a subtle intuition and never regrets what she has done. Self-confident Anna will never fall under the influence of others, and she always makes her own choice.
  • Olga- This Old Norse name will undoubtedly be very popular in 2016. It means "great, sacred". Olga is serious, thoughtful, ambitious and feminine, an excellent hostess and wife, very emotional and a little touchy. She will never cause problems for her parents and teachers, because she is not impudent and does not act as a hooligan, but she has a penchant for kind and charitable deeds. Remember: Olga achieves everything she wants in life, and she will definitely have a happy family!
  • FaithSlavic name with the same meaning: "faith, belief". Faith is always reasonable and prudent, from childhood it has worldly wisdom and a logical way of thinking. As a rule, she does not upset her parents - a girl with that name is obedient, quiet and non-capricious, but invariably affectionate and gentle. Having chosen the path, she confidently follows it and does not turn off the intended goal. Possesses beautiful appearance and good heart, always ready to help. And natural modesty makes Vera a real treasure. In addition, a caring mother and a faithful wife will grow out of Vera.
  • Hope- also Slavic ancient name. Nadezhda is always restrained and purposeful, but not without adventurousness, cheerful emotionality and noisiness. She will always follow the motto: “business is time, fun is an hour”; this allows her to achieve a lot in life and never need. For Nadezhda, family values ​​​​and the authority of the mother are important. Sociable and intelligent, she becomes a real support for friends and family.
  • Milena- a rare beautiful Slavic name that will definitely be popular in 2016. Milena is a light, gentle, kind and soft girl who strives to learn new things. Milena needs protection, so her family is of paramount importance to her. Faithful and virtuous, she is loved by her parents, her husband and the team.
  • Nina- an undeservedly forgotten Greek maiden name, which in 2016 will be very fashionable. Nina is always independent, independent, stubborn in achieving her goals and proud. Perhaps not always restrained, and may even enter into a fight, but only on the side of justice. Nina is punctual, principled and responsible, which allows her to occupy leadership positions. Natural charm, femininity and softness attract the best of men to Nina. Usually Nina is happily married, has a great big family and a successful career. Lives to a ripe old age surrounded by grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

In 2016, gentle and feminine names are in fashion - Olga, Milena, Nadezhda

Also among the popular in 2016 will be such beautiful female names, as Pelagia(ancient Greek, "sea"), Miroslava(Slavic, "peace and glory"), Agnia(Sanskrit, "fiery"), Nika(ancient Greek, "victory"), Martha(Aramaic, it is also Martha, “lady, mistress”), Mayan(name of the ancient Greek goddess of the universe), Ulyana(ancient Roman, it is also Juliana, “born in July”), Ustinia(Latin, it is Justina, "fair").

Besides, in coming year the names Maria, Catherine, Elizabeth, Anastasia, Daria and Sophia will continue to be fashionable. If you want to choose a name for a girl in 2016, taking into account the time of her birth, then you should know the character traits that correspond to the seasons.

  • Winter. In the coldest and harshest time of the year, mostly purposeful and talented girls in many areas are born. They are energetic and even conflicting, therefore, soft and gentle names are recommended for “winter” babies, which will help smooth out harsh character traits.
  • Spring. At this time, morally flexible and hardy girls are born who are able to adapt to any situation and win not by force, but by reason. "Spring" daughters do not have fighting qualities, so firm and assertive names are suitable for them.
  • Summer. The summer period gives birth to purposeful and persistent girls with a proud disposition and an active life position. But they can be soft, and gentle, and affectionate. Therefore, "summer" princesses can be given any name.
  • Autumn. In autumn, practical, reasonable and serious girls come into the world who grasp everything on the fly, quickly learn new things and are able to learn from mistakes. Romantic and fantasy names are suitable for them, which will deprive them of excessive rigor and rationality.

What names should not be used?

Names for girls can be anything, but parents should remember to combine the name with the surname and patronymic. Probably, you should not call your daughter Cleopatra, Glorinda or Odette, if by patronymic she will be Nikitovna, Matveevna or Fedotovna. The last name should also be taken into account. Agree, "Bernardetta Frolovna Bobikova" or "Juliet Ivanovna Sivokobylenko" sounds funny.

Choose a name with an affectionate diminutive form, not "teaser"

Also completely unusual for our ear are female names ending in a consonant - Carmen, Lourdes, Michelle, Nicole, Claire. You should not reward your daughter with this name, even if Nicole Kidman is your favorite actress. It sounds ugly, for example: "Claire Antonovna Zyunkina." Be sure to think about the diminutive form of the name - it should be short, sweet and gentle: Lyudmila - Darling. Olesya - Lelya or Lyalya, Alevtina - Alya.

It's bad when the short version of the name looks like a dog's nickname: Cleopatra - Klepa, Patricia - Patya. Try to find a name that, in any pronunciation, will be sonorous and bright. For example, if the baby is called Karolla, then in childhood she can be teased with a “cow”, and Fyokla will definitely be called “beetroot”.

Pick up original names for girls, as well as the most beautiful and modern Russian male names in 2016, it will be quite difficult, since the number of name options for this year is relatively few. Choosing a name for a child is a crucial moment for parents, which is always carried out taking into account the characteristics of each name individually, since the baby will have to wear it all his life.

The name is what influences the development and formation of the personality, the development of self-confidence and in one's abilities. That is why it is important to pay maximum attention to the issue of its selection.

Not only today, but many decades ago, it was believed that the name can determine the fate of a person. That is, a child can be given a name that will only bring him harm in the future, for example, make bad character traits more obvious. Along with this, a person can be called so that it will bring him well-being and benefit. If the name contains soft consonants, this contributes to communication and dating, especially for people with a strong character.

How to choose the right name for the baby

According to folk wisdom, your baby should not be given the name that a person with an unkind fate had. bad sign it is also considered to name the child after the name of the one who died an unnatural death. When choosing an adverb, you need to pay attention to how it sounds when pronounced. Today, many people have become more cruel and therefore it is not surprising that the stronger ones always mock the weaker individuals. If the name of the baby can cause ridicule, then it is hardly worth hoping that he will have at least some self-confidence. It is desirable that the adverb allows you to be proud, and not cause disgust or laughter.

The most popular male names of 2016 are those names that, when pronounced, add confidence and courage to their owner.

When choosing a suitable dialect for boys, one should look for one that would more express majesty, courage, pressure and masculinity. Of course, if there is such an opportunity, then it is best to consult an astrologer about the choice, since any sign of the Zodiac has its own specific features and characteristics, from which, with the help of a correctly chosen name, you can select all positive qualities and overshadow the negative ones.

In addition, choose beautiful and modern names in 2016, you can quite successfully with the help of church calendar. With this method of choosing an adverb, it is necessary to choose a name that is consistent with the holy calendar. In this case, baptism must be carried out according to the chosen name from the church calendar.

How to name a boy in 2016

One of the ways to select a Russian popular name for a boy in 2016 is to choose according to the months of the year. Experts in this field have compiled a list of the most popular names depending on the month.

List of names by month:

  • the names of January - Anatoly, Maxim, Sergey, Kolya, Evgeny;
  • February names - Roma, Oleg, Boris, Pasha, Kirill;
  • the names of March - Artem, Nikita, Yura, Anton, Yaroslav;
  • the names of April - Anton, Kolya, Ivan, Danil, Philip, Zakhar;
  • the names of May - Vitaly, Misha, Kirill, Borya, Sergey, Kostya;
  • the names of June - Ivan, Dima, Misha, Alexei, Ignat, Vsevolod;
  • the names of July - Stepan, Eugene, Grigory, Nazar, Valentin;
  • the names of August - Roma, Ivan, Yura, Pavel, Rodion, Vladimir;
  • the names of September are David, Andrey, Kolya, Evgeny;
  • names of October - Gregory, Pasha, Kolya, Alan, Alexander;
  • names of November - Sergey, Alexey, Vasya, Dima;
  • the names of December are Maxim, Eduard, Artem, Denis.

Meaning of original male names

Very often, parents, wanting to show their creativity and distinguish their child from the background of others, choose an unusual and original name for him. At the same time, many of them do not even think about what designation this or that dialect has. But the chosen name should faithfully serve its owner, help him and positively influence his life. In addition, any, even the most original, name should be chosen for the child, taking into account the zodiac relationship and the nature of the baby, so it is important to choose it thoughtfully and consciously, having previously familiarized yourself with the meanings of the names.

Some original names and their meanings:

  • August - this name symbolizes sacredness and majesty, it will give its owner eccentricity and self-confidence;
  • Bogdan - given name means " given by God". The boy who will be called by this name will be very fortunate, but he himself will have to make a lot of effort to achieve everything necessary;
  • Gleb - it is believed that a boy with this name is a favorite of saints and Gods, therefore in life he easily achieves everything, and luck accompanies him in all his affairs;
  • Denis - the name Denis will make the character of its owner creative and gentle;
  • Vladimir - this name is typical for the ruler of the world. It will make its owner more selfish and self-confident.
  • Elisha is a good name that makes a person dreamy and promotes the development of creative skills;
  • Luke - a person named by this name is considered kind, pure and always ready to help;
  • Nikolai is a recognized winner in everything;
  • Roman is a somewhat aggressive, bold and daring personality;
  • Maxim - he does not need support, he is self-sufficient and majestic.

We select names for girls in 2016

Choosing a name for a girl who was born in the year of the Monkey is necessary, taking into account innate character traits. Many do not agree that astrology can influence a person's character, but facts have proven that this science has been affecting life and the future since ancient times. Choose a beautiful modern Russian name for a girl in 2016, it’s hard enough, because you need to do it in such a way that in the future it will contribute to well-being and success.

When choosing a name, factors such as:

  1. Meaning of the name.
  2. Consonance with patronymic and surname.
  3. Month of birth.
  4. The name of the patroness according to the Orthodox calendar.

It is not at all necessary to take into account all these factors, since each parent has his own views and his own prerequisites for choosing.

Little Monkeys are characterized by such qualities as activity, charisma, ingenuity, emotionality, independence and capriciousness. Therefore, it is necessary to name a girl born in 2016 in such a way as to calm her ardor with the help of a name.

Here are a few names that combine all the necessary properties for a little princess, distributed according to the seasons:

  • winter - Nastya, Inna, Olya, Veronica, Marina, Anya, Polina;
  • spring - Eva, Lydia, Dasha, Tom, Ira, Lisa, Sofia, Alla, Maria;
  • summer - Nonna, Lena, Arina, Sveta, Kira, Christina, Juliana;
  • autumn - Vera, Natalya, Raisa, Luda, Ariadna, Zlata, Nelly.

Of course, parents can name the baby as they please, however, these name options with their semantic meaning go well with the horoscope.

The choice of names according to the Saints in the Orthodox calendar 2016

Many parents choose names for their children according to the 2016 church calendar precisely because here you can find really unique and beautiful names. Names according to the holy calendar are chosen even by those parents who do not live according to church rules. The list of saints includes about a thousand different names of Latin, Slavic and Greek origin. Therefore, those who have firmly decided to call their child a rare, sonorous and original name should definitely look at the Orthodox calendar according to the calendar.

Very often, when choosing a name, young couples proceed from the date of birth of the baby. Parents look at the names of saints who are commemorated on this day or who are within 8 days of birth. You may also like names that fall on the birthday itself or on the eighth day from it. It should be noted that there are most male names in the calendar according to the holy calendar, which pushes many parents to name a girl male name saint, if it refers to the female gender.

You can also choose a name according to the holy calendar based on the month of birth, for each of them there is a specific list of names. For example, there are 48 male names in February 2016 according to the holy calendar. While there are approximately 21 female names in February 2016 according to the holy calendar.

Some names from the church calendar for 2016

The Orthodox calendar has more than 1000 names that you can choose for boys and girls. The names in the calendar are distributed depending on the month.

The most popular names according to the calendar for girls:

  1. In January: Julia, Nastya, Juliana, Polina, Tanya, Alena, Elena, Evgenia, Vasilisa.
  2. In February: Inna, Anya, Vera, Katya, Rimma, Agata, Vasilisa, Fedor and Alexander.
  3. In March: Olya, Varvara, Ira, Kira, Marina, Praskovya, Oksana, Nika, Evdokia.
  4. In April: Dasha, Sofia, Anya, Ira, Martha, Arina. Also Nika, Nastya, Taisia, Claudia.
  5. In May: Matrona, Valeria, Yulia, Ira, Lilya, Zhanna, Tamara.
  6. In June: Vera, Christina, Maria, Marta, Ulyana, Anya, Thekla and Antonina.
  7. In July: Angela, Maria, Elizabeth, Tatyana, Varvara, Olya, Inna.
  8. In August: Christina, Euphrosinia, Julia, Ulyana, Eva, Lilia, Dasha, Anfisa.
  9. In September: Vassa, Rufina, Domna, Nadia, Vera, Lyuba, Regina.
  10. In October: Ustinya, Nana, Vera, Zlata, Chris, Marianna.
  11. In November: Arina, Elsa, Aza, Stefania, Olya, Yulia, Marfa, Zinaida.
  12. In December: Ekaterina, Antonina, Margarita, Kira, Anfisa, Julia, Evdokia, Vera, Maria.

The most popular names according to the calendar for boys:

  1. In January: Ilya, Peter, Misha, Leonity, Nikita, Dima, Naum, Pavel and Mark.
  2. In February: Efim, Ippolit, Luka, Victor, Denis, Vladimir, Yegor.
  3. In March: Mikhail, Bogdan, Fedot, Fedor, David, Ivan, Foma, Yaroslav.
  4. In April: Jason, Nikita, Miron, Zakhar, Adrian, Timothy, Peter, Sergey.
  5. In May: Osip, Roma, Andrey, Julius, Makar, Anton, Semyon, Victor.
  6. In June: Joseph, Heraclius, Ignat, Averky, Savely, Valentin, Danil.
  7. In July: Leonty, Alexey, Dima, Victor, Radion, Mark, Emelyan, Philip.
  8. In August: Nikolai, Prokhor, Fedor, Ilya, Vyacheslav, Apollo, Maxim.
  9. In September: Guy, Andrey, Timofey, Vladimir, Georgy, Akim, Lev.
  10. In October: Gabriel, Borya, Vladimir, Benjamin, Osip, Konstantin.
  11. In November: Yakov, Nikifor, Valery, Maxim, Artem, Ivan, Foma, Zakhar.
  12. In December: Plato, Sofron, Stepan, Ignat, Roma, Nikolai, Mitrofan, Naum.

Of course, actually a list of names Orthodox calendar there are much more according to Christmas time, so if you wish, you can view them all and select the most interesting and original variants. It is believed that if a child is given orthodox name and he was baptized, his guardian angel protects him all his life.

The fact that a name can affect a person's life and destiny has long been proven and undeniable. A name is a kind of face of a person that can tell a lot about its owner. It is the name that allows you to add up the first impression of a person when meeting. Many by name can even determine the character. Given all this, the name of the child must also be chosen taking into account the place of residence, established traditions, its history and language.

There is even popular belief, which says that if the child was given a name at birth similar to local traditions he will be happy and prosperous. But here is a name that does not correspond to the place of residence is very unusual for others, therefore it is poorly perceived by them and cuts the ear. Therefore, when choosing a name for a child, one should not take into account exclusively personal views. It is worth thinking about which name will help influence the fate of the baby in the most beautiful way.

First of all, the name should be euphonious and combined with the patronymic and surname of the child. In addition, there are recommendations for choosing a name in accordance with the time of year when the baby was born.

Winter kids it is better to choose soft, melodious names. Born in the harshest time of the year, they risk getting an equally strong character.

And here spring crumbs often lacks fighting qualities and self-confidence. They can be helped by choosing a tougher name.

summer babies are proud, stubborn and selfish. To smooth out such manifestations, name your sun gently and melodiously.

For those born autumn playful and cheerful names will do, which will dilute their seriousness and pragmatism.

Well, we present you the top 10 most popular names for boys and girls born in 2016. Maybe you will like some of them too:

  • Alexander- translated from Greek "protector", "man". Nature gave him wonderful qualities Keywords: purposefulness, courage, assertiveness, confidence. Alexander is simply destined to manage and lead people. In addition, he has excellent intuition and an extraordinary mind.
  • Anastasia- translated from Greek"resurrected", "reborn". She is characterized by such qualities as kindness, responsiveness, diligence and diligence. Anastasia has a well-developed imagination, she loves to surround herself with beauty and comfort.
  • Artem- translated from Greek "intact, impeccable health." The owner of this name is sociable, friendly, persistent, he is not alien to leadership skills and love for sports. Artyom achieves everything with his work and always knows exactly what he wants.
  • Daria- in the Slavic language "gift, bestowed." Easy to communicate, emotional and artistic, has taste and imagination. Daria, without exception, is called a bright personality. In actions, she relies on momentary desires, but on the whole she is smart and quite practical.
  • Dmitry- translated from Greek "farmer". The person is unusually strong-willed, active, impulsive. Dmitry easily fits into any team, knows how to communicate well with people. And his rationality and intelligence help to quickly achieve the intended goals.
  • Ivan- from the ancient Hebrew "pardoned by God." Has a broad, versatile nature. Open, cheerful and generous, he is very devoted to his loved ones. Ivan goes to his goal calmly and persistently and eventually gets what he wants.
  • Ilya- translated from Hebrew "believer". Easily communicates with any people, not conflict. Ilya always puts his family first. The owner of this name is quick-tempered, but quickly cools down, has an extraordinary mind and a good memory.
  • Elizabeth- translated from the Hebrew "worshiping God." He likes to play pranks and command. Elizabeth strives to create her own little kingdom around herself, where everything will be subordinated to her desires. At the same time, she is a wonderful hostess, a loving daughter and then a faithful wife.
  • Milan- is of Slavic origin, from the root "mil" - "dear". Active, energetic, ambitious person. Milana never sits still, has wit and insight. She does not love big companies and is only revealed to those closest to you.
  • Sofia- translated from ancient Greek "wise". Inquisitive, sensual nature. Always ready to listen and help with advice. Sophia loves to be the center of attention, invite guests, feels free even in an unfamiliar company.
Tatiana Kulinich

Every mother wishes her daughter a good fate: happiness, good luck, good health. We see our future in our children and we want to give them all the best. Therefore, before the birth of a daughter, mothers are very careful in choosing a name for their baby. I want it to be attractive, unusual, while not too pretentious and have a happy meaning. How to choose such a name? What are the popular names for girls born in 2016? Which of them are the most beautiful?

What are female names

The time has long passed when there were 2-3 most common names for girls or boys, and there were simply a huge number of children with the same names in the district. Today, there are several groups of names in parallel, each of which has its own fashion. Let's consider them in order.

Ancient Slavic names

Interest in traditional Slavic names among the society woke up about a few decades ago. This is due to the growth of national self-consciousness in the countries of the disintegrated Soviet Union. People wanted to restore their connection with their roots, many religious and cultural movements appeared, aimed at this, for example, family estates. In some places, even ancient pagan holidays began to be celebrated.

All this was reflected in the fashion in women's names, especially since there are real pearls among them. folk art. The girls were named after Slavic goddesses- Lada, Mara. I remembered such sonorous names as Tsvetana, Zlata, Zoryana, Iskra. The best names for girls in the Slavic style in 2016 are Lana, Zlata, Milena.

Such names of daughters will take root in families in which tribal traditions are honored and have a strong connection with their ancestors, they are proud of them. Traditional names are said to act as a talisman. They attract the patronage of the ancient gods and the natural forces of a certain area. Not for nothing, for example, doctors talk a lot about the fact that fruits and vegetables that are common in the latitudes where we live are the most useful. The same can be said about Russian names: someone believes that these rare names for girls bring special luck.

Ancient female names of other nationalities

A huge number of peoples live in Russian-speaking countries, who also want to honor their national traditions. There is a growing fashion for Muslim names for girls in those families where someone (most often the father) professes Islam. Moreover, among the Muslim female names there are such masterpieces as Amina, Leila, Talia. Mixed families also often choose names that are close in sound to Slavic, for example: Daria, Irada, Leah. A girl with this name will feel comfortable both in a Russian-speaking country and in the Muslim homeland of one or more parents.

Since ancient times, Tatar names for girls have been famous for their special harmony: Almira, Elvira, Yasmina. Such names allow you not to lose touch with the roots, even living in a foreign land. They protect, protect from adversity and attract the patronage of ancestors.

Foreign names for girls

In the last decade, the most unusual names for girls usually have a foreign origin. Some foreign names have long come into use - Carolina, Eva, Diana. They are suitable for those parents who want to give their daughter a non-standard name, but are not ready to decide on something more rare.

Other modern names for girls with foreign origins are just gaining momentum. There are not many girls named Bella, Martina, Emilia. Some parents name their daughters after popular singers, such modern names are Riana, Adele, Sia. Someone chooses a name in honor of their favorite movie actresses or heroines of books, for example, Uma, Hermione.

A girl with a similar name will always stand out from the crowd of peers, starting with kindergarten and ending with higher education. Parents need to be ready for this, and give their daughter strong support so that she believes that her rare name- a gift and a talisman. But in the outback, the girl and her family will still have to face a lot of misunderstanding or even ridicule, and you need to prepare for this as well. The meaning of the name is very important, and foreign names just allow you to choose the name whose meaning is most in harmony with the character of the daughter.

In a separate category, it is worth highlighting the so-called flower female names. This is the usual name Lily, and such original names as Violet, Rose, Azalea, Camellia. It is said that names associated with flowers attract the patronage of Venus, the main female goddess of love and beauty. A woman with this name will certainly be happy in love, attractive, tender and rich.

Among the most beautiful flower names are: Violetta or Viola (violet), Yolanda (in Latin "lilac flower"), Camilla ("chamomile").

Unusual female names

Every year in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries there are parents who shock society by giving original names to their children. For example, in 2015 in Perm, a young family named their son Lucifer, thereby causing a storm in the media. Among the unusual female names recent years can be called - Russia, the Olympics, Inflation, Victory, etc. However, as a rule, such families completely neglect the rule of compatibility of the name with the patronymic and surname. But their children are doomed to glory, at least in their city.

In 2016, a surge in fashion for female names from the time of the Roman Empire is expected. For example, Leontius, Cornelia, Concordia, Clarissa, Nonna, Susanna, Juno, Justina. The special charm of such names is in their nobility and grace. Hearing such a time, you immediately imagine a stately Roman matron or a noble maiden, whose hand is sought by everyone in the district. These names go well with Russian patronymics and surnames. For example, Nonna Ivanovna, Leontiya Petrovna, etc.

By choosing a similar name for your baby, you will give her increased attention from others in the future, respect and admiration. At the same time, these names do not sound too pretentious and unusual for the Slavic ear.

They have their own charm Greek names. A girl bearing a Greek name will evoke associations with beautiful goddesses, nymphs and other fairy-tale heroines of epics. Examples of such names: Galatea, Calista, Neonilla, Emilia. Many Greek names are associated with famous Orthodox saints who have always been popular in Russia. For example: Praskovya, Theodora, Pelageya, Evdokia. These names are now popular in Ukraine. The choice of such a name will attract the protection of heavenly forces to your daughter.

The most common names for girls in 2016

There are always parents who want to focus on fashion when considering what to name their daughter. Consider the statistics of popular names. The five most popular female names, according to information from Russian registry offices, include the following: Sofia, Maria, Anastasia, Daria, Anna. The name Sophia began to gain popularity 5-7 years ago and has now reached its peak. Some psychologists say this is due to the fact that all large quantity parents want to see their daughters not only beautiful, but also smart (after all, Sophia is translated as “wise”), to develop curiosity and independence in them. In addition, the name Sofia has a soft and pleasant sound, and also sounds very touching in its abbreviated form - Sonya, Sonechka.

Do not lose their popularity and such names as Catherine, Xenia, Barbara, Elizabeth. These female names can be called classics, which, as you know, never go out of style. In addition to their sweetness, they are associated with significant Orthodox saints, therefore they attract their patronage to their bearers. Also, these names are suitable for almost all surnames and patronymics, which is also very important.

So, in order to understand the most popular girl names of 2016, we discussed what modern female names are, what groups they can be divided into, and what families they suit. In each group, we have best names for girls, the most popular and interesting ones. Remember, by giving your daughter a name, you create her destiny. Do not try to find an objectively correct option for yourself, do not focus on the list of names, the opinion of relatives and friends, listen to your heart and intuition. It will certainly tell you what choice to make, how to name your newborn daughter. Before the birth of the baby, it is better to choose several options and decide finally, having already looked into her eyes. However, some mothers feel the character of their child already during pregnancy, and the right name seems to come to them by itself.

Tatyana Kulinich for http: // site

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In this article, we will look at the names for girls (rare and beautiful) by the months of 2019. If you are in difficulty and cannot choose a name for your child on your own, then the information written below can help you. Take into account all the factors of your baby's birth and make the right choice.

General information when choosing a name for a girl

Before you start choosing a name for your daughter, there are some rules to consider.

  • It is not recommended to give the girl the name of the mother, as this is considered an unfavorable sign. The daughter may begin to subconsciously compare herself with her and, as a result, lose the thread of her fate, trying to prove something. Also, with caution, you need to call the child the name of a deceased relative, because if he had an unfavorable fate, then this may also manifest itself in the future. Of course, things are quite different if the relative had special qualities and achievements to be proud of.
  • Be sure the name must be consonant with the patronymic of the baby. This is especially important if you want to name a child. foreign name, which is very different from the name of the father. In the future, if the girl is still unable to find her way, this may cause a conflict in character or life.
  • It should immediately be borne in mind that the so-called unisex names that can be given to both boys and girls (for example, Eugene, Alexandra) can bring masculine traits to the character of its owner. Among the truly female names, there are also tough ones, for example, Margarita or Zhanna, which bring stubbornness and willfulness to the character. Such controversial names must be combined with the correct patronymic and surname in order to mitigate their impact.

Preferred winter girl names

Girls who were born in winter period have a stronger physique. Purposefulness, willpower and perseverance are inherent in their character. To mitigate winter severity and coldness, it is advisable to choose a name for the child that will be softer and warmer. Consider the names by month.

  • December. This month favors girls named Augusta, Catherine, Anfisa or Barbara.
  • January. If your child was born in the first month of the year, then think about such names as Aglaya, Anisia, Appolinaria, Anastasia, Vasilina, Evgenia, Eva, Susanna, Nina, Tatyana.
  • February. For those babies who were born in February, the names Agnia, Zoya, Ksenia, Rimma, Valentina, Veronica will do.

Preferred Names for Spring Girls

Spring girls have a vulnerable, but conservative character. They are often squeamish and selfish. You must be prepared for the fact that they will be afraid of the new things that come into their lives. They may be insecure. Based on this, consider the names for girls (rare and beautiful) by the months of 2019.

  • March. If your daughter was born on the first day of spring, then think about names such as Regina, Marianna, Galina, Nika, Kira or Marina.
  • April. For April girls, the names Daria, Alexandra, Svetlana, Sofia, Larisa or Lydia are suitable.
  • May. The baby can choose one of the following names - Faina, Efrosinya, Glafira, Pelagia, Elizabeth or Taisia.

"Summer" daughters

Summer girls are very temperamental, and they always have time for various adventures (or do adventures find them themselves?). Most often they are leaders in everything (in the family and among friends). The following names will help to curb such babies a little.

  • June. The names Kaleria, Akulina, Elena, Antonina are suitable for this month.
  • July. Girls who were born in July are recommended to be called Olga, Alevtina, Evdokia, Agrippina or Angelina.
  • August. For babies born at the end of summer, such names as Anita, Olympias, Milena, Nonna, Magdalene, Seraphim are suitable.

"Autumn" babies: a suitable name

Babies who were born during leaf fall are strong and independent natures. They are very principled, and also rarely show and talk about feelings. To smooth out the influence of autumn a little, it is recommended to use the following names.

  • September. For this month, names such as Natalia, Vera, Hope and Love are suitable.
  • October. If your child was born in October, then think about the following names: Ustinya, Ariadna, Zlata, Evlampia, Praskovya.
  • November. For the last month of autumn, the names Nelly, Cleopatra, Zinovia, Kapitolina, Matryona will be good.

Other beautiful and rare names

Of course, you can choose a name based on what parents like. In this case, you should pay attention to the following names and their meaning:

  • Maria. A girl with this name has a kind and calm character, she is very reasonable.
  • Vasilisa. Smart girl, but shy.
  • Larisa. She knows how to forgive, but she is easily offended. The character is kind.
  • Allah. Always achieves the intended goal, even if there are obstacles on the way. Smart, independent and persistent nature.
  • Milena. Old Slavic name. The girl who wears it is soft and kind, gentle. The family is important for her, because only in it she finds support.

Now you know the names for girls (rare and beautiful) by months of 2019 that you can choose. Be guided in this not only by the beauty of the name, but also by the area where you live, as well as other factors described above. Your choice can greatly affect future life child.

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