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How best to call a child? Names for boys born in December. Selection by last name and patronymic

Maria Sobolev

Names for boys. How to name the Son?

Names for boys - there are a lot of them that parents are lost, getting up before choosing. What is important to consider: meaning, fraud, own preferences, fashion trends? Is it possible to give a name in honor of the saint or close relativeIs it affecting the fate of the child?

Rarely, when discussing a possible name for a boy in a family, they cost without hot disputes, however, it is not surprising, because it is so important to call the Son right!

The successor of the genus should proudly bear his name in life. What is important to know moms and dads when reacting your child?

Names for boys - what they mean

Every name has its meaning, we often do not even think about it. Like the sound - we call, it is good that most of them bearing a positive semantic load.

For example: Artem - Healthy, Evgeny - Noble, Makar - Happy, Fedor - God's gift. But Paul means baby, small, younger.

In addition to the value, the names for the boy are endowed with energy, they definitely affect their carrier, give it some features:

  • Andrei generous, inventive, endowed with developed intelligence;
  • Sergei are sociable, able to empathize, conscientious;
  • Dmitry has an analytical mind, persistent, active, strive through everything to be the best.

Think in advance, choosing a name for the boy, how would you like to see your son.

And psychologists claim - the boy's character influences the character of the boy.

Solid men's names: George, Igor, Grigory, Eduard - give them owners of courage, perseverance, determination.

Gently sounding names: Eugene, Alexey, Vitaly - give the boys with inferiority, calm character.

Names for boys - a combination with patronymic

Your son, matured, will acquire his family and he will become his father. From his behalf, a normally pronounced patronymic should be formed.

If, choosing names for the boy, you stopped at the option, unusual earnings, think how patronymic will sound - Anna Harry (from Dad Harry), Oleg Aleksovich (if the father of Alex), Ekaterina Erikovna (on behalf of Eric). But John, and Lel, and Ratibor, and Jean (formed by themselves).

The name for the son should be chosen in such a way that it can be easily pronounced in conjunction with the patronymic: Veniamin Konstantinovich is too long, Georgy Germanovich - Try to say.

When the boy's name ends on the consonant sound, and the middle name begins with it, the sound will be clearly difficult: Alexander Rostislavovich, Vsevolod Dmitrievich, Vladimir Romanovich. The name of the Son must be combined with the patronymic: Albert Kuzmich or Vasily Robertovich, agree, sounds somehow strange.

Parents' names are not recommended to children: Popular combinations Sergey Sergeevich, Ivan Ivanovich, Nikolay Nikolayevich can develop irritability in children, capricious behavior.

Chasing the fashion, choosing how to call a child is absolutely unreasonable. Today are Danieli, Nikita, Denisi? And tomorrow, these names can be heard at every step.

Names and associations

Often, names for boys cause certain associations. The beautiful name of Vasily in the decreasing form of Vasya is often perceived as a person's characteristic of a nearby, spacecraft, short shot. Misha will probably be considered awkward respect, because the name association is almost inevitable.

But Alexander was called many great people, so Sasham can attribute different advantages that they could be, and do not possess.

Choose names for boys in accordance with important dates Stories are quite unreasonable, it can complicate the child's life in the future. Vladilen (Vladimir Lenin), Ram (revolution, electrification, mechanization), Revir (the revolution of the world) - such names for the boy are not suitable at all.

There are names, reduce forms which sound the same in feminine, and in the male version. Your grimy son can embarrass such a fact: in combination with some surnames it is impossible to determine the sexuality - Sasha Korolenko, Zhenya Mazur, Valya Adamovich.

Is it possible to call the Son in someone's honor?

The attitude to the tradition to impose a son in honor of relatives, in memory of the grandfather, the great-grandfather is ambiguous. Someone is confident - this is a tribute to the ancestors, and does not see anything wrong with it.

Others fear to act in this way, fearing that the child will be given unwanted qualities. Psychologists claim - the proportion of truth in this is.

It is possible, of course, not to give it values, but still clearly do not need to give children the names of the ancestors tragically, with unfortunate fate.

Little good and that the names of children completely coincide with the initials of famous personalities. Obviously Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in childhood will tease Hey, Pushkin, go here.

Names for boys in honor of the saints

If parents - people believers, you can stick orthodox tradition And call the Son according to the sacnesses. The boy is making the name of the saint, the day of which comes on the 8th day from the birth of a child or at the very date of the appearance of the baby on the light.

It is believed - a person thus gets heavenly protection and patronage for life. The boy should know, in honor of which saint or the Great Martyr it was called.

We give examples of rather rare Orthodox names today:

Ignatius - Fire, Red (Lat.),

Illarion - Silent, Joyful (Greek),

Clement - gracious (lat.),

Nestor - Returning home (Greek.),

Savvathi - Saturday (Heb.),

Seraphim - Flame (Heb.),

Tikhon - Happiness (Greek.),

Trofim - Pet (Greek.),

Fadda - praise (Heb.)

As you can see, most of the names found in the saints, Greek, Jewish and Latin origin. By the way, many consider the invariaries of the Russian name Ivan - but how otherwise, because it is a hero folk fairy tales. But the origin of the name ancient-Jewish, means "the gift of God".

The same roots and the name of Maria, what some parents do not know, choosing names for girls.

Choosing how to call your boy, do not rush, discuss the proposals of the relatives, read about the meaningful names for you, think about their combination with the patient. And let the name gives your son to the most better qualities: kindness, courage, reliability, confidence.

Take yourself, tell me friends!

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The name given at birth remains with a person for life. Not in vain during pregnancy, future parents have been thinking for a long time about how to name the child.

It is believed that the names can influence the characters of people and even on how their fate will be. After all, it is exactly the sounds of their name a man hears constantly from childhood.

Hard, clear sounds can make the character of a person solid and stubborn, soft and singers - wake up in the soul of progress and sensitivity. But this is only an explanation in general terms. We'll figure it out how to properly approach the choice of name for your child.

What does the story say?

Back with the most antiquity, people treated the choice of name for a child with great attention. It was believed that knowing it, it is possible to completely predict the fate of man. Therefore, the mass of details was taken into account.

  1. According to the covenants of our forefathes, it is impossible to call a child in honor of the Healthy relative or a person who lives with a child in the same house. It was believed that one of them could die.
  2. Also did not call our ancestors of children in honor of the deceased relatives. You should not impose a new soul to someone else's fate and break it.
  3. In antiquity, children were given two names. One thing was for everyday use, and the second is secret. It was believed that, knowing how a person is called, you can learn about it absolutely everything, which means it can be vulnerable to the enemy.
  4. Giving girls a male name is also not the best option. The so-called "Unisex" names are Sasha, Zhenya, - can bring sophisticated fate to their owners.
  5. Call the boy in honor of the Father, for example, Ivan Ivanovich means complicating his fate. The name will constantly oblige a child to match the Father, perhaps in something refusing to his way.

Thus, we see that names are something more than just the opportunity to distinguish one person from the other. In our time, customs of the ancestors are already forgotten, however, to this day, parents pay a lot of attention to choose when the baby is reached.

What kind of principle is called kids in our time?

Selecting the name to your baby, you need to try to keep some unwashed rules.


Well, when the name is consecutively sounded with the patronymic and the surname. For example, you can compare how the hope of Andreyevna and Lev Lvovich or Mark Dmitrievich sounds.

It's not good when the last letter of the name coincides with the first - in patronymic. Usually it is enough to simply pronounce the name and patronymic aloud. Ideally, the combination should sound smoothly and not to cause difficulties.

Convenience of pronunciation

By the way, about the difficulties of pronunciation. It is better not to choose exotic names that are not familiar to our hearing. We fully agree that in the world a lot of unusually named celebrities and stars, however what will be a girl with the name of Evlampia Josefovna, who lives in an ordinary city among ordinary people?

Or, on the contrary, Cleopatra Petrovna? But, despite the rarity of consumption, for example, Glafira Petrovna sounds organic and smoothly.

Combatability with patronymic

It is also worth thinking about how to call on the patronymic of your grandchildren. And this again concerns "Exotics". What patronymic will give his son your son if you call him Joseph? That's the same and it!

Do not give in fashion. Agree, four Lena in the children's sandbox or 3 Dima in the class is a bust. The child may be unpleasant and other children may be unpleasant to distinguish yours among other skeins will give him a nickname.

Lack of "tease" forms

Children's environment - also an important point. It is better to try to call the crumb so that his name has not formed offensive forms. For example, Dima is obtained from Dima, but from Igor's teaser will no longer come up with.

But this, of course, is already your personal choice. Because Dmitry - sounds also quite beautiful and out of time.

Call crumb across the sicks

According to the rules of Christianity, the child's name should be given in honor of the saints, which are coming in time, close to the timing of the child's birth. It is not at all necessary that the dates corresponded to the day per day.

Earlier, on the canons of the church, the child was baptized on the eighth day after birth. Accordingly, it was necessary to find on the church calendar, which saint comes in this day. Parents could also choose from the names of the next three days.

According to the punishment of Feofan, the recovery was given to parents to choose from the list of saints from those eight days that were held between the date of birth and the date of baptism.

Name of the name chosen by the church calendar

It was previously believed that, receiving the name of any saint, a person perceives a certain part of its mental qualities and resistance. In addition, parents may hope that the saint will protect the child on all his life path, providing support.

Features of naughty

Orthodox Months are replenished and to this day. Even those parents who are not deeply believing people can be useful and interesting to familiarize themselves with the soles.

Add just that in lately, the adoption of the child across the soles began to move into fashion without having true understanding and faith.

In the desire to highlight the baby, the parents pick up the most unusual names for him, while even Churchmen have previously given the opportunity to abandon the adverse choice of relatives and prefer the most convenient for use.

Selection by zodiac sign

A radical way is distinguished by an approach, involving a combination of the name of a person with a sign of the zodiac for a month of birth. However, at the same time it coincides with the methods listed above in the desire to give the child maximum protection and support.

According to astrologers, both the names of people and the signs of the zodiac are concentrated in themselves a certain energy charge. The person's name consists of sounds that contain strong energy.

If the name of the name is combined with the energy of the zodiac sign, the fate of a person is defined as successful, falling into favorable conditions For the development of its potential.

If you believe in astrology and want to pick up a child suitable name By date of birth, pay attention to the tables of the combination of names with the signs of the zodiac. We will only give the most common examples.


Men's: Andrei, Arthur, Boris, Valery, Egor, Stepan, Yuri.

Women's: Anna, Alexandra, Arina, Varvara, Galina, Daria, Larisa, Hope, Mariana.


Men's: Anton, Adam, Bogdan, Boris, Ilya, Maxim, Nikita, Paul.

Female: Angela, Vera, Vasilisa, Diana, Catherine, Olga, Oksana, Tatiana, Polina.


Men's: Arkady, Valery, Gennady, Daniel, Evgeny, Konstantin, Mark, Sergey.

Women's: Alice, Alina, Angelica, Valeria, Elena, Christina, Inga, Maya, Hope, Margarita, Oksana.


Men's: Andrei, Vitaly, Vyacheslav, Maxim, Semen, Stanislav

Women's: Elena, Sophia, Olga, Julia.

a lion

Men's: Alexander, Bogdan, Herman, Ilya, Kirill, Lev, Robert, Roman, Yaroslav.

Women: Alla, Arina, Veronica, Varvara, Clara, Christina, Natalia, Rosa, Ulyana, Juliana.


Mens: Boris, Vsevolod, Victor, Herman, Grigory, Gleb, Leonid, Nikita, Sergey, Timur, Felix.

Women's: Anna, Angelina, Victoria, Irina, Inna, Maria, Raisa.


Men's: Artem, Anatoly, Veniamin, Victor, Konstantin, Nikita, Oleg, Mikhail, Pavel, Sergey.

Women's: Angelina, Elizabeth, Zinaida, Victoria, Vera, Elena, Lyudmila, Tatiana.


Men's: Artem, Athanasius, Valery, Dmitry, Sergey, Philip, Yuri.

Women's: Alevtina, Anastasia, Varvara, Catherine, Zinaida, Lyudmila, Margarita, Yana.


Men's: Alexander, Vladimir, Vyacheslav, Georgy, Maxim, Nikolay, Stepan, Stanislav.

Women's: Alina, Alexander, Zhanna, Marina, Varvara, Lesya, Catherine, Tatiana.


Men's: Arthur, Boris, Vasily, Grigory, Denis, Igor, Maxim, Ruslan.

Women: Arina, Vera, Dina, Zinaida, Sophia, Christina, Olga, Maria, Regina.


Men's: Andrei, Vladimir, Vladislav, Evgeny, Gennady, Evgeny, Oleg, Gleb.

Women's: Arina, Anna, Valeria, Victoria, Ilona, \u200b\u200bSvetlana, Julia.


Men's: Anton, Vasily, Vladislav, Vadim, Maxim, Mikhail, Nikita.

Women's: Alevtina, Valeria, Vera, Marina, Maria, Irina, Polina.

Of course, this is not a complete list of names that are combined with a single sign of the horoscope. However, choosing, remember that each of them has its meaning.

It is also important that it does not conflict with the energy of the constellation, under which a man is born of light.

Communication name and character of a person over time he was born

There is also the opinion that the time of year, when the child was born, imposes his mark on his character. To adjust the possible weaknesses, parents must give the child a name with the opposite energy.

At the same time, it should be taken into account and compliance with its character of a person by months, according to the time of the year in which he was born.

What is the principle of selection name for "winter" kids?

For example, people born in winter, They acquire the traits inherent in this season: some rigidity, coldness, stubbornness. But at the same time, the same features may have and positive importance - perseverance in achieving goals, willpower, restraint and self-confidence.

Experts recommend to pick up the "winter" children with soft names that would smooth the severity inherent in winter. Open lists and see - "soft" names are melodic, easily pronounced, singer. This means your baby born in winter, the name of Alexey, Vasily, Anna or Natalia will suit.

For "Spring"

"Spring" children are characterized by the fineness of nature, offensive, are sensitive and good of goodies. Well, then let's try to give them a little strength, self-confidence and spirit hardness. The names are "solid" are characterized by a combination of several consonants - Arthur, Dmitry, Olga, Albina, Inga.

For "Summer"

The people born in the summer took all the advantages and disadvantages from the season. Goodwill, openness and kindness are combined with some laziness and soft character.

Here, as in the previous case, it is desirable to pick up the crumb "solid" name to give the rod to the character and work out perseverance.

For "autumn"

"Autumn" children have practicality from nature itself, rationality, the ability to draw conclusions and prolocably dispose of their resources. Openness and responsiveness are combined with hardness and turning.

Here, most likely, it is not necessary to adjust the character in any of the parties. On the contrary, giving excessive softness or hardness to the character, you can get an overlooking one or the other side.

In such cases, they choose neutral names that do not influence too much sound on nature. Children with such names have the power of will and perseverance, but quite easily go to reconciliation and give in to be convinced. Among the examples: Artem, Victor, Zoya, Zinaida, Roman, Irina, Peter.

To make it easier to facilitate the choice, we have gathered several tips for you, which different researchers are recommended to take into account when identifying their baby.

Combination of solid and soft

Selecting sound names, you should also take into account the care of the patience. So, if the name, and patronymic will be "solid", the character of a person is formed by authoritarian and tough.

However, it is believed that the solid sound of the name can be made softer, using diminishing-lascal forms (Maria - Masha) - after all, a person becomes more accustomed to how it is called at home, and not to how it is recorded in the documents.

Accounting for national and cultural affiliation

It is very desirable to use names that belong to the culture and nationality of the baby and his family. And, on the contrary, try not to take those that have an obvious color of other people's nations and cultures.

First, the traditional name carries the strength of the entire nation. And as for the second, then, for example, the combination of Pedro Ivanovich will sound somehow strange ...

Avoiding "Star" combinations

Do not call a child with the name of a famous person if, together with the patronymic, there will be a complete coincidence. The risk of comparisons is too great. Do not create the soil themselves for low self-esteem.

Participation in choosing other family members

It is incorrect that the mother carries a child and produces it to the light and exclusively therefore has the right to call him alone. The adoption of the child is an important process both from the point of view of his fate and for the well-being of the family. And the mother, and the father name must like and "approach."

From here another advice - maybe he is against the rules of our ancestors, but we recommend it to consider if the microclimate in the house is important for you.

If you are waiting for a younger child, let the right to participate in the name discussion. If the ideas of a daughter or son seem to you inappropriate or "children's", you, as adults, can always find a compromise and be able to explain to the child, what an important point is this - choosing a name for a brother or sister.

It is often in the family where the male baby is expected, one of the most difficult problems becomes a choice of name. Now they choose names for boys and with a few "foreign" sound, and traditional Russians. But in any case, the choice must be weighted, depending on the set of criteria.

The most important thing

In pursuit of the best or beautiful of the names, it is important not to miss the main thing:

  • When choosing a name for a boy who will continue the genus and protect the family clan, it is important that in the future it becomes the basis of good harmful patronymic for grandchildren.
  • Rare, strange, funny, meaningless names of boys are negatively perceived by society. For example, the name of the hero of the favorite series can be the object of ridicule over a child in school and children's garden.
  • Psychologists do not advise you to call a child in honor of the Father. In addition to everyday inconvenience with coincidence, it may be the cause of nervous disorders of the future heir.

In honor of relatives

A kind of tradition to call the boy in respect, thanks, love for someone is an interesting idea. But will she like the very owner of the name? Here are examples, in honor of whom they are often called male children:

  • Relative. It can be a dear grandfather, uncle, the beloved procession of one of the parents. Why not? The child will be a ballet beloved relative, an object of care and protection.
  • Dead relative. Not the best idea for superstitious parents. So the people were heard that the newborn in this case will be copied on the subconscious level all the character traits and the fate of the deceased.

The child can be called in honor of a man - an obstetrician, safely taken childbirth, or any other person who once submitted a hand of help who played a crucial role in the fate of the father or mother of the future child. In any case, the decision must be suspended, agreed and the father, and the mother.


The time of year when the child is planned to appear on the fate and the nature of the newborn.

Consider the names of boys born in different seasons:

  • Winter. Arseny, Mikhail, Paul, Alexey, Semen, Valentin. Soft and quiet names are necessary for peculiar compensation to the stubborn, strong, volitional nature of winter men.
  • Spring. It is suitable for more solid sounds, because spring children rarely have a wonderful character. To future child I was always confident in myself, it can be called Oscar, Boris, Timur, Viktor, Gleb.
  • Summer. Active, proud, summer men love risk and freedom. Short, courageous people are suitable for people: Gleb, Roman, Denis, Anton, Mark.
  • Fall. Balanced realists born in the fall, few people trust. Smart and calm boys of this time of year need the sonorous names claiming: Nikolai, Sergey, Peter, Felix, Herman, Kirill.

Last name and patronymic

Parents, crossed the names for the boy, it is necessary to think about the provincial name in combination with the patronymic and the name of the child. Important roles have consonants. These may be prevailing ringing or deaf consonants. The name must contain the same consonant sounds as in patronymic or surname. For example, Ivanov Matvey Semenovich (the predominance of noisy consonants) or Andreev Viktor Borisovich (solid consonants).

Such a combination is considered pleasant for hearing and pronunciation, and also makes communication with the owner of light and comfortable. Many believe that the short names of the boy are more suitable for long last name and vice versa.

It is fashionable

Call the boy is fashionable - this is the choice of many modern parents going keep up with the times. Everyone new Year rich in an abundance of popular male names.

What are relevant in the mid-2010?

  • Benedict,
  • Arthur,
  • Adam,
  • Hermann,
  • Walter,
  • David,
  • Ignat,
  • Rudolf,
  • Plato,
  • Taras.

Fashionable are often outdated, long forgotten, for example, Hariton, Clement, Zakhar. In the desire to give a tribute to fashion, it is important not to overdo it and not to name the boy too ridiculous, difficult or strange.

For church calendar

A little time passed since all the children were called according to the names of the church calendar. Such a numerical suggested male names for the newborn. To this day it is believed that the boy, named according to the calendar, will have a good health, successful work And a happy family. Unfortunately, such a numerical has a limited number of names that could like modern spouses.

According to meaning

Each name in translated from various ancient languages \u200b\u200bhas a special characteristic, value. When choosing the name of the boy, parents often want to invest certain qualities in the future:

  • Andrei - Mougared.
  • Boris - a fighting person.
  • Lion - mind and foresight.
  • Nikita is a victorious. Excellent choice for the future athlete.
  • Roman - lovers of women.
  • Peter - independence, conviction.
  • Sergey is the perfect father and spouse.
  • Tikhon is a lucky person.
  • Konstantin - constancy.

Valery, Vitaly - those names that personify the health and strength of the Spirit. Anton is a competing person who fights difficulties. So advise to call weak or premature children to give the magic of named boys vitality And strengthened health.

Important moments

Names boys can be beautiful, short, old, double, foreign.

But, among other things, attention should be paid to such moments:

  • Nationality. Many families where spouses are representatives of different nationalities, have difficulties with the choice of how to call a child. It is important to think about it in advance about it, find a compromise and take into account the national belonging of the future kid. This will avoid further marital disagreements and offense.
  • Sympticking form name. This form should not be annoyed, cause irony, be too complex when pronouncing.
  • Place of residence. Reference, sophisticated, rare names Boys are inappropriate in small villages with the predominance of traditional views on life. Marseille, Alfred, Antonio, Emmanuel will harmoniously be perceived by the society of megacities.

By months

Exemplary alphabetical list of popular boys names:

  • August, Augustine, Avurba, Agap, Adam, Aksen, Alevtin, Alexander, Alexey, Alexy, Albert, Anastasiya, Anatoly, Anvar, Andron, Andron, Anisim, Antip, Anton, Antonin, Aristarh, Arkady, Arseny, Artamon, Artyom, Artemy, Arthur, Arkhip, Askold, Athanasius, Athenogen.

  • Boris, Bogdan, Borislav.
  • Vadim, Valentin, Valery, Valerian, Vasily, Vaclav, Velor, Victor, Veniamin, Victintey, Victor, Vilela, Vitaly, Vladimir, Vladislav, Vladlen, Vlas, Mistors, Voltar, Vyoldemar, Vsevolod, Vyacheslav.
  • Gabriel, Gavril, Gaidar, Gaspar, Guy, Genius, Gennady, George, Herman, Hermogen, Gleb, Graf, Grigory.
  • Dan, Daniel, David, Danil, Dar, Dementy, Dement, Democrat, Demyan, Denis, Didim, Dean, Dmitry, Dimitri, Dobrynya, Donat, Dorofey.
  • Eugene, Evgraph, Evdokim, Evlampius, Euro-Friends, Eusta, Egor, Egor, Emelyan, Epifan, Emery, Emelian, Epifan, Eremee, Ermak, Ermil, Ermolai, Erofeph, Efim, Ephraim.
  • Waiting.
  • Zakhar, Zinovy, Zorii, Zot.
  • Ivan, Ignat, Igor, Izyaslav, Iy, Illarion, Ilya, Innokenty, Joseph, Ippolit, Iskander, Irina, July.
  • Casimir, Kapitail, Kai, Kaspar, Kim, Kir, Kirill, Claudius, Clementy, Klim, Kondrati, Kondrath, Konstantin, Krasnoslav, Kuzma.

  • Lavr, Lavrent, Lazar, Larion, Lev, Leonid, Leonthi, Leopold, Lermont, Lis, Luke, Lukyan, love.
  • May, Makar, Max, Maxim, Marsimilian, Marin, Markel, Mars, Marseille, Manuel, Martin, Martin, Matvey, Methodius, Meloslav, Melo, Milen, Miloslav, Miron, Miroslav, Mikhail, Mitya, Mstislav.
  • Naum, Neonyl, Nestor, Nikanor, Nikita, Nikifor, Nicodem, Nikolay, Nikon, Neil, Novomir.
  • October, Oleg, Olgend, Onyim, Osip, Oscar, Ostap, Ostrichir.
  • Pavel, Panteleon, Panfil, Paramon, Pahom, Peresvet, Peter, Plato, Potap, Prokor, Prokhor.
  • Radislav, Radomir, Rodion, Roman, Roland, Rostislav.
  • Savely, Samson, Light, Sveten, Svetosar, Svetoslav, Svyatogor, Svyatoslav, North, Nighborne, Semyon, Seraphim, Sergey, Sidor, Glory, Spartak, Spiridon, Stalia, Stanislav, Stepan, Stephen.
  • Timur, Timofey, Telnan, Terente, Tikhomir, Tikhon, Trifon, Trofim, Tonguz, Taras.
  • Ulyan, Ustin.
  • Poda, February, Fedor, Fedor, Feodor, Feodosius, Feofan, Philaret, Filat, Filimon, Philip, Thomas, Frol.

  • Khariton, brave.
  • Caesar.
  • Cheslav. Schmidt
  • Edgar, Oedip, Edmund, Eduard, El, Elbrus, Engel, Energies, Erasmus, Erast, Erg, Eiy, Eric.
  • Julian, Julius, Yum, Jupiter, Yuri, Justin.
  • Yakov, Yang, Yaromir, Yarodin, Yaroslav.

But what else to choose?

Based on a month of birth, because depending on this, the boy may vary with special character qualities.

  • January. An independent person, devoted friend. He experiences difficulties in making important decisions. The names of Ilya, Ivan, Maxim, Philip, Georgy, Artem, Trofim are suitable.
  • February. The male representative of this month is a sensitive, wounded by nature. He is a caring father, a scrupulous worker. Fedor, Stepan, Gennady, Leonte, Alexander, Egor, Ephraim, Savva, Luka.

  • Martov boys are optimists and merry, do not fear difficulties. Pavel, Julian, Mark, Denis, Venedict, Irakli, Alexey.
  • April - mobile and lungs that do not stand in one place. They crave for change. Devotees with beloved women. Zakhar, Thomas, Innocent, Antip, Polycarp, Rodion, Aristarkh, Samson.
  • May. Energetic and conflict-free person. Favorite merry companies. Dmitry, Egor, Fedot, Paul, Pahom, Athanasius, Vsevolod.
  • June. The boy of this month is an extremely lucky person, and in the future - an authoritative person with strong health. Ignatius, Sergey, Konstantin, Vladimir, Nazar, Igor, Mstislav, Karp.
  • July. This is a leader man, organizer. Never regret my already, clearly planning all my actions. Gleb, Julian, Roman, Yakov, Vasily, Daniel, Guri, Stanislav.
  • Augustus. This boy is able to keep secrets, principled and faithful. Roman, Semen, Makar, Naum, Nikolai, Dmitry, Frol, Markel.
  • September. With men of this month there is no boring. They always have a lot of ideas in stock, conflict. Andrei, Padda, Zakhar, Kirill, Khariton, Valery, Pimen, Arkady.

  • October. Gambling, enterprising nature. Take everything from life. Oleg, David, Vlad, Mark, Grigory, Nikita, Ignat, Demyan.
  • November. Dreamy and romantic representatives of this month are rarely correctly understood by the environment. Names of November boys: Ivan, Artem, Victor, Orest, Yuri, Osip, Taras, Nestor, Philip.
  • December. Inside these men - the ocean passions, but the fervent nature is hidden under the mask of cold indifference. Trust little others. Zakhar, Roman, Mikhail, Maxim, Lev, Paul, Spiridon, Semen, Philaret, Modest.

So, to the choice of how to call the boy, you need to approach with all the responsibility, so that the future man is proud of, and did not hesitate his name.


Not for no one secret that at different times of the year children appear to the light with various traits and thinking. Accordingly, knowing the date of birth and color of nature, you can choose correctly boys names for monthsIn addition, the meaning of the chosen name will help to successfully develop certain qualities that will not be enough to kid. Absolutely any name, has a vital meaning and influence on human character. For this, we recommend, read more with all male namethat you like and explore the meaning and origin of the name.

Names for boys born in January

Adam, Philip, Anton, Pavel, Artem, Nifon, Athanasius, Peter, Valentin, Prokop, Daniel, Prokhor, Egor, Elizar, Mikhail, Emelayan, Konstantin, Efim, Veniamin, Ivan, Maxim, Ignat, Vasily, Ilya, Georgy, Cyril, Clement, Grigory, Mark, Naum, Nikanor, Nikita, Sevastyan, Semyon, Seraphim, Nikolai, Proclus, Savva, Sergey, Timofey, Feodosius, Trofim, Feoktist, Stepan, Yuri, Poda, Yakov.

Names for boys born in February

Akim, David, Alexander, Pankrat, Leonte, Alexey, Herman, Anton, Julian, Arkady, Maxim, Arseny, Lavrentin, Valentin, Konstantin, Valerian, Fedor, Valery, Vasily, Ignatius, Veniamin, Pavel, Timofey, Victor, Kirill, Vitaly, Ippolit, Vlas, Innocent, Vsevolod, Yuri, Gabriel, Semen, Gennady, Zakhar, Georgy, Gerasim, Grigory, Dmitry, Roman, Evgeny, Savva, Egor, Prokhor, Efim, Nikifor, Ephraim, Peter, Ivan, Philip, Ignat, Feoktist, Clement, Luke, Makar, Nikita, Stepan, Nikolai, Porfiry, Felix, Yakov.

Names for boys born in March

Alexander, Yakov, Alexey, Roman, Anton, Savva, Arkady, Kirill, Arseny, Ilya, Athanasius, Efim, Valery, Semen, Vasily, Nikandr, Victor, Iraqi, Vyacheslav, Mikhail, Gerasim, Makor, Grigory, David, Georgy, Daniel (Danil), Venedict, Denis, Eugene, Egor, Ivan, Konstantin, Alexander, Kuzma, Lev, Leonid, Taras, Leonte, Trofim, Maxim, Timofey, Mark, Julian, Nikifor, Philip, Pavel, Yuri, Peter, Sevastyan , Stepan, Yakov, Fedor, Rostislav, Fedot.

Names for boys born in April

Alexander, Andrei, Anton, Artem, Stepan, Vadim, Gabriel, Semen, Georgy, Trofim, David, Thoma, Daniel, Egor, Yuri, Efim, Yakov, Zakhar, Martin, Ivan, Innokenty, Khariton, Kirill, Leonid, Savva, Makar, Veniamin, Maxim, Sergey, Mark, Vasily, Mstislav, Nikita, Peter, Plato.

How to name the boy in May

Alexander, Alexey, Anatoly, Anton, Boris, Vasily, Semen, Victor, Stepan, Vitaly, Savva, Vsevolod, Leonte, Georgy, Kuzma, Yakov, Herman, Maxim, Gleb, Gregory, Gabriel, David, Konstantin, Denis, Ivan, Nikifor, Ignat, Cyril, Mark, Nikita, Peter, Roman, Fedor, Thomas.

How to call a boy in June

Gennady, Anton, Nikita, Karp, Vladimir, Alexey, Denis, Alexander, Innokenty, Semen, Stepan, Savva, Mstislav, Nikifor, Nikandand, Valery, Pavel, Konstantin, Yeremy, Igor, Leonid, Elisha, Yuri, Ephraim, Vasily, Grigory, Andrei, Yang, Sergey, Khariton, Arseny, Tikhon, Kirill, Fedot, Mikhail, Gabriel, Ivan, Roman, Ignatius, Peter, Savely, Ignat, Dmitry, Timofey, Nazar, Georgy, Julian, Fedor, Leonte, Egor, Christians, Makar, Sylvester.

Names for boys born in July

Alexander, Demmyan, Kuzma, Anton, Sofron, Tikhon, Fedot, Cyril, Gleb, Yakov, Arseny, Philip, Mikhail, Konstantin, Nicodem, Sergey, Thoma, Vladimir, Herman, Andrei, Efim, Peter, Galaktion, Guri, Leonid, Ivan, Julian, Samson, Innocent, Alexey, Artem, Vasily, Stepan, Matvey, Daniel, Emelyan, Terente, Anatoly, David, Leonte, Denis, Stanislav, Pavel, Julius, Roman, Ipathia, Valentin, Evsey, Maxim, Svyatoslav, Fedor, Mark.

Names for boys born in August

Savva, Trofim, Dmitry, Nikolay, Ilya, Roman, Vasily, Gleb, Konstantin, Leonte, Leonid, Gregory, Alexey, Maxim, Alexander, Semen, Boris, Mikhail, Stepan, Matvey, David, Christopher, Anton, Denis, Makar, Hermann, Naum, Seraphim, Clement, Kuzma.

Names for boys born in September

Athanasius, Makar, Pavel, Peter, Poda, Gleb, Ivan, Arseny, Zakhar, Akim, Fedot, Daniel, Christopher, Nikita, Yakov, Sergey, Mikhail, Kirill, Dmitry, Semen, Anton, Clement, Thoma, Savva, Alexander, Timofey, David, Julian, Grigory, Herman, Maxim, Fedor, Nikandr, Andrei, Khariton, Gennady.

Names for boys born in October

David, Pavel, Trofim, Vyacheslav, Kuzma, Grigory, Julian, Efim, Khariton, Sergey, Makar, Ivan, Maxim, Roman, Veniamin, Ignatius, Dmitry, Konstantin, Peter, Martyn, Alexey, Anton, Andrei, Luka, Mikhail, Denis, Thomas, Fedor, Mark, Nazar, Oleg, Philipp, Nikita, Matvey, Yerofey, Alexander, Igor, Leonte, Vladimir, Stepan, Vladislav.

Names for boys born in November

Gregory, Zinoviy, Stepan, Mark, Pavel, Maxim, Kirill, Irakli, Fedor, Fedot, Egor, Artem, Victor, Ivan, Victinti, Ignatius, Yuri, Anton, Arseny, Orest, Athanasius, Kuzma, Nikandr, Mikhail, Georgy, Hermann, Valery, Evgeny, Konstantin, Yakov, Denis, Alexander, Dmitry, Andrei.

Names for boys born in December

Christopher, Roman, Gennady, Alexander, Alexey, Fedor, Yuri, Andrey, Athanasius, Naum, George, Plato, Gabriel, Mikhail, Yakov, Savva, Ivan, Vsevolod, Anatoly, Valery, Grigory, Peter, Nikolay, Stepan, Anton, Egor, Vasily, Maxim, Innokenty, Makar, Zakhar.

Male names for the letter A

Adam - Ancient Jewish: Clay Red or the first person.
August - Latin: Sacred, Great, Majestic.
Avtandil - Georgian: Heart is fragile.
Abram (Abraham, Abrami, Abram, Abrahami) - Ancient Jewish: National Father, Father Heaven.
Adolf - Ancient German: Wolf noble.
Akbar - Arabic: Senior, Great.
Akim (Ekim) - Ancient Jewish: the proposal of God.
Aladin - Arabic: Ascended belief.
Alexander - Ancient Greek: Human Defender.
Alexey - Ancient Greek: Defender.
Ali - Arabic: ascended.
Alonso is Spanish: wisdom, resourcefulness, courage.
Albert - German: noble shine.
Alfred - Ancient German: Complete, Free.
Anatoly - Greek: East.
Anvar - Persian: radiant.
Andrei (Ange, Angeay) - Greek: brave, courageous.
Apollo (Apollonius, Appolinarials) - Ancient Greek: Refers to the God of Sun Appollon.
Andronik - ancient Greek: champion.
Anisim - Greek: execution, execution.
Anton (Antonin, Anthony) - Latin: competing with the force that entered into battle.
Arkady - Greek: the name of the paradise or inhabitant of the country of Arcadia.
Armen - Greek: inhabitant of Armenia.
Arnold - Ancient German: Eagle steaming.
Arseny (Arsen) - Greek: strong, courageous.
Artemy (Artem, Artamon) - Greek: Healthy, uncaptured.
Arthur - Celtic: Bear.
Archip (Archka) - Greek: Head of Calps.
Askold - Ancient Scandinavian: Singer, Golden Voice.
Aslan - Arabic: Majestic Lion.
Ashot - Turkic: Fire.
Athanasius (Athanasius, Afanas, Atanas) - Greek: Immortal.
Ahmad - Turkic: famous man.

Male names for the letter B

Bonifati (Bonifami) - Latin: good successful fate.
Bogdan - Slavic: Brought by God.
Boris - Slavic: Fighter.
Bronislav - Slavic: a famous defender.
Bruno - German: dark.
Bulat - Turkic: rod, strong, steel.

Male names in the letter in

Valentine (Valentine) - Latin: Mighty, strong, strong, healthy.
Vadim - Latin: accusing everyone, confused, healthy.
Valery - Latin: rich and strong. Generic name in Rome.
Walter - Ancient German: Manager Patron People.
Vasily (Vasilid, Vasil, Vasili) - Greek: royal.
Veniamin - Ancient Jewish: Hands of the Right Son.
Victor (Victoria, Victorin) - Latin: winning, winner.
Wilhelm - Ancient German: Knight.
Vissarion - Greek: a resident of the forest, valley, gorge, forest.
William - German: Desired.
Vladimir - Slavyansky: owning the world, world lord.
Vitaly (Vit) - Latin: Life, Life.
Vladislav - Slavic: having a fame.
Vlas - ancient Greek: badness, lethargy.
Voldemar - Ancient German: The ruler is famous.
Vyacheslav (Walzlaslav, Vaclav) - Slavyansky: Nice, Great.
Vsevolod - Slavic: possessing all of all.

Male names in the letter G

Galaktion - Greek: Milk.
Gabriel - Ancient Jewish: firmly believes in God, for sure: my power is God.
Hamlet - Ancient German: Double, twin.
Hector - Greek: Keeper, Almighty.
Heinrich - Ancient German: rich, powerful.
Gennady - Greek: noble.
Georgy - Greek: farmer.
Herman - Latin: native, blood.
Gerasim - Greek: Dear, respectable.
Gleb - Ancient Scandinavian: Pet of the gods.
Gordes - Greek: Naluable name Tsar Freigia.
Gogi (Gow) - Georgian: Brave, brave.
Gorislav - Slavic: fiery fame, burning.
Gustav - German: Military Counselor.
Gregory - Greek: Vigilant, awake.

Male names for the letter D

Daniel is an ancient Jewish: my judge.
David - Ancient Jewish: long-awaited, beloved.
Demyan - Latin: Smilling, conquering.
Denis - Ancient Greek: inspired, belongs to God Dionisus.
Dmitry - Greek: the goddess of demeter fertility.
Jamal (Jamil) - Arabic: nice, beautiful.
Dorofey - Greek: Dar of God.
Dobrynya - Slavic: deft, delete.

Male names for the letter E

Essay (Eustian, Esenomic) - Greek: spiritual, pious.
Eugene - Greek: Notable, noble.
Egor - Greek: farmer.
Elisha - Ancient Jewish: Live Savior.
Emelyan - Greek: flattering.
Erofey - Greek: Sacred.
Eremeye - Ancient Jewish: Completed by God.
Efrem - Jewish: prolific.
Efim - Greek: Pious.

Names for boys in the letter

Zinovy \u200b\u200b- Ancient Greek: Zeus presented life.
Zakhar - Ancient Jewish: God remembers.
Siegfried - Ancient German: God's favorite.
Zurab - Georgian: Divine.
Zosima - Greek: life, strong life.
Zlatomir - Slavic: Golden World.
Zeus - Greek: Supreme God.

Male names for the letter and

Ivan - Ancient Jewish: Fertile.
Jacob - Jewish: Synonym Name Yakov.
Ignatius (Ignat) - Latin: hot to fire, fiery.
Igor - Ancient Scandinavian: strong, militant.
Israel - Ancient Jewish: God ruins here.
Jesus - Ancient Jewish: God will help everyone.
Izyaslav - Slavyansky: The fame has reached.
Illarion - Greek: carefree, cheerful, joyful.
Ilya - Ancient Jewish: inaccessibility, fortress.
Joseph - Ancient Jewish: God will add, ineuming.
Innokenty - Latin: virgin, innocent.

Male names for the letter

Kamal - Arabic: perfection.
Casimir - Polish: a serene, peace-loving.
Karen - Arabic: generosity, generosity.
Karim - Arabic: generous, gracious.
Karl - Ancient German: Brave.
Castor - Greek: Beaver.
Kasim - Turkic: stitched, distributing separating.
Cyril - Greek: Host, Mr., Lord.
Klim - Greek: Vine from grapes.
Konon - Latin: Sophisticable, stupid.
Konstantin - Latin: permanent, persistent.
Roots - Latin: Berry or Rog Kizyl.
Kuzma - Greek: Teller.
Christian - Latin: belonging to Christ.

Male names on the letter l

Lion - Greek: Lion, king of animals.
Leonid - Latin: Like Lion, mastered by Russians.
Laurel - Latin: Celebration, Wreath, Lavrew Tree, Victory.
Luka - Latin: light.
Leopold - Ancient German: Brave as a lion.
Lavrentini-Latin: laurels crowned.
Lazar - Ancient Jewish: God assistant.
Leonthy - Latin: Lion.
Lukyan (Luca, Lucian) - Latin: Light.
Lubomir - Slavic: Loving Peace.
Ludwig - German: Battle, Glory.

Male names for the letter M

Maxim - Latin: the biggest, greatest.
Makar - Greek: happy, blissful.
Mark - Latin: hammer.
Matvey - ancient Jewish: God's gift, man of God.
Martin - Latin: warlike, Mars is dedicated, strong.
Mahmoud - Arabic: kind, nice.
Miron - Greek: fragrant.
Mikhail - Ancient Jewish: Like God.
Mitrofan - Greek: Mother found.
Micah - ancient Jewish: equal to God.
Murad (Murat) - Arabic: the achieved goal, desirable.
Mstislav - Ancient Jewish: Mastit nice.
Mukhtar - Arabic: Chosen.
Muslim - Arabic: Conqueror.

Men's names for the letter

Naum - Ancient Jewish: Soothing, Comforter.
Nathan - Ancient Jewish: Gave God.
Nestor - Greek: returned homeland.
Nikita - Greek: winner.
Nikolay - Greek: Peoples Winner.
Nikifor - Greek: hero, victorious.
Nazar (Nazarius) is an ancient Jewish: dedicated to God.
Nicodemus - Greek: Peoples winning.
Nikandra - Greek: winning man.
Nikonor - Greek: winning.
Nifont - Greek: reasonable, sober.

Male names for the letter

Osip - Jewish: Synonym Joseph.
Omar - Arabic: not forgetting anything.
Oleg - Ancient Scandinavian: Sacred, Holy.
Orest - Greek: Mountain.
Otto - German: owning anything.
Oscar - Ancient Scandinavian: Chariot Divine.
Onufry - Greek: Rising up.
Onius - Greek: benefits.

Men's names on the letter

Pat - Greek: Healthy, broadcaster.
Paul - Latin: small, small.
Peresvet - Slavic: very bright, lightly, glowing.
Peter - Greek: rock, stronghold, stone.
Prokhor - Greek: dancing leading in dance.
Plato - Ancient Greek: Wideworm.
Pankrat - Greek: omnipotent.
Panfil - Greek: loved by everyone.
Panteleamon - Greek: All-aircraft.
Patrica (Patrik) - Latin: a person noble descendant.
Pafnuti - Greek: Thick.
Pimen - Greek: Shepherd, shepherd.
Porphyry - Greek: magenta.
Polycarp - Greek: Multi-Food.
Potap - Greek: Wanderer.
Prov (wire) - Latin: kind, honest.
Prophyus - Latin: succeeding.
Burner - Latin: Born in the absence of a father.
Protas - Greek: Setting, nominating.

Men's names on the letter R

Ramon - Spanish: defending skillfully.
Ramazan - Arabic: Value from the name of Ramazan's post.
Rashid (Rashit) - Arabic: Choosing the right path.
Rubber - Arabic: mercy, favor.
Renat - Latin: Risen, revived; Soviet significance: technique, science, revolution.
Richard - Ancient German: without a mischievous conquering, separating.
Robert - Ancient German: Fame Eternal, unfavorable.
Rodion - Greek: barb, rose, rosehip.
Roman - Latin: resident of Rome, Roman, Roman.
Rostislav - Slavic: increasing glory.
Rudolph - Ancient German: Wolf Red.
Ruben - Ancient Jewish: Showing on Son; Latin: Red.
Rustam (Rustem) - Turkic: Mighty.
Ruslan (Arslan) - Turkic: lion, lion.

Male names for the letter with

Savely - Ancient Jewish: Exit from God.
Savva - Aramaic: old man.
Svyatoslav - Slavic: Slava sacred.
Sevastyan - Greek: Wise, sacred, high.
Stepan - Greek: Wreath.
Sultan - Arabic: power.
Semyon (Simon, Simeon) - Ancient Jewish: heard, listening, heard.
Seraphim - Ancient Jewish: Fire, burning, slamming angel.
Sergey - Latin: high, root, clear.
Solomon - Ancient Jewish: without hostility, peaceful.
Stanislav - Slavic: Nice.

Men's names for the letter T

Theodore - Greek: God's gift.
Taras - Greek: Buntar, confused.
Timofey - Greek: God-fearing, who has been tight God.
Timur - Turkic: Iron.
Trofim - Greek: Corm.
Tikhon - Greek: bringing happiness, successful.
Terente - Latin: throat bread.
Tit - Latin: revered.
Trofim - Greek: Pet.
Trifon - Greek: live in luxury.

Male names on the letter F

Farhat (Farhide, Farhad) - Persian: Clear, dirty.
Fazil - Arabic: the best, excellent worthy.
Fedor - Greek: the gift of God.
Felix - Latin: Sunny, happy.
Fidel - Latin: student, devotee.
Thomas - Ancient Jewish: twin.
Philip - Greek: adore horses.

Men's names on the letter x

Christopher - Greek: Carries the faith of Christ.
Khakim - Arabic: wise.
Hariton - Greek: Helicing Milosts, Generous.
Khalid - Arabic: Permanent, eternal.
Khalik - Arabic: loyal friend.
Hamid - Arabic: famous.
Harold - Scandinavian: commander.
Christians - ancient Greek: a Christian.
Christ - ancient Jewish: liberator.
Hudayar - Persian: God's favorite.

Men's names in the letter C

Colorin - Slavic: bloom, flourish.
Caesar - Latin: dissection, cutting.
Celegen - Latin: Heavenly.
Tsakharias - German: as the name Zakhar.
Tsadok - Ancient Jewish: righteous.
Tsarar - Lezgin: Heaven.
Cagan - Kalmyk, Mongolian: White.
Tsagar - Gypsy: King, King.
Zeadok - Jewish: righteous.
Tsayvili - Lezgin: Fiery.
Tsanoy - Macedonian: Alexander
Tsaruk - Armenian: the village.
King - Slavic: Ruler.
Talka - Bulgarian: flower.

Men's names for the letter

Edwin - Ancient German: victorious sword.
Edward - German: Guardian wealth, preserving property.
Edgar - Ancient German: urban guard.
Eduard - Ancient German: Thirst for wealth, care for prosperity and well-being.
Eldar - Arabic: God's gift.
Emil - Latin: accurate, diligent.
Emmanuel - Ancient Jewish: God with us.
Ernest - Ancient German: solid, strict, serious.
Eric - Ancient Scandinavian: leadership, nobility.

Men's names for the letter

Yuri - Latin: landpashets; Foremented George.
Julian - Latin: Indicates the name of Julius.
Julius - Latin: fluffy, soft, curly.
Juvenali - Latin: young.
Eugene - Gypsy: Wolly Wind.
Yuhim - Ancient Greek: complacent.

Men's names for the letter I

Yaroslav - Slavic: nice, strong.
Jacob - Jewish: next on the heels, followed.
Jan - Slavyansky: Dan a God.
Yaromir - Slavic: Sunny World.
Yahont - Russian: beautiful.
Yazid - Arabic: Given.
Yakim - Greek: complacent.
Yanislav - Slavyansky: The famous river.
Yanuaria - Latin: dedicated to God Janus.
Yaropolk - Slavic: strong people.
Yarosh - Old Slavic: February.


When a person is called, for him it is the most pleasant sound. So that it was and with your baby, you need to respond with this task. Everything in this world is called, the essence itself is formed around the name. Therefore, it is impossible to deny a large influence of concrete several letters on self-treatment and a human worldview.

Some argue that the name is even capable of changing fate. If you do not approach the case with such fabrication views, the question still saves how to choose the right name for the boy.

After all, in antiquity they called people, both in honor of the heroes and gods, and in words with an impartial meaning, which could express affiliation to one or another kind or type of activity.

Now parents are used to relying precisely on the sound or fashion. But it is especially important not to be mistaken when using Old Slavonic names. Because the true meaning can be very different from what is customary to understand now under this word.

Choose the name of the child Boy: Approaches

There are several methods of decision making in this matter. Sometimes there is even a whole family council. To come to a consensus, you need to understand what strategy you will move. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.

The man is the head and footman of the family. But all the foundations are laid in childhood. Even character begins to form about. The baby hears him even in the womb, if it is chosen in advance. The person will never forget and does not confuse this name with some other. Remember when in early age Zadira wanted to offend, they reworked the names. Because there is nothing more personal, unpolishedly belonging to the future man. Therefore, before sorting out the options in your head, pay attention to these reference points:

  • Think about the future. The name of the boy in the future should be the harmful patronymic for his children.
  • Do not mock your children. Funny, fictional independently or borrowed from the series names the best way Express your love. As the baby will simply do in school or in kindergarten. Thus, you strive to express your individuality, but this will suffer from this, which will become uncomfortable in society. Of particular inconvenience, this brings in childhood when the immediate guys say everything they think, or in his youth - sometimes the first love and romantic experiences.
  • Do not call in honor of the Father. The continuity of generations is plus, but not in this case. According to psychologists, due to the coincidence in the sound, the boy is harder to identify itself as a separate person. He begins to feel himself as a shadow of his father, which leads to depression, neurosis, loss of feeling of its uniqueness.

Remember that there is no wrong choice, because everything is unique and largely defined by the taste. The name can be considered a gift from the parents to the child. He is the very first and most important thing that the little person appreciates the entire value to fully fully, take into account these rules.


Conservative families are very reluctant to change the established way. Therefore, they reluctantly go to experiments. But if you doubt how it is better to call the baby-boy unusually or familiar. This technique has its advantages, because if the child wants to learn the story of his name, he will understand that the choice has deep roots. So kid:

  • perceives the experience of generations;
  • learns to appreciate and respect their past;
  • represents the fate and the life of their relatives;
  • storage important facts About your family and conveys them to their children.

So that the stories were more visual. Take a family photo album. Such a family book will pass after year if it will have a strong case. This will help Russian house Genealogy.

Heraldry specialists will be able to develop a family coat of arms and place it on the cover of a family book or album. The history of the life of relatives, the intriculture of their destinies will revive before the eyes of the baby.

List pages, he will learn these facts against the background of the development of events of the past country. Thus, a person learns to enter his life into a common context, thanks to which the responsible and honest family man is brought up, the patriot of his homeland and a conscientious specialist. People of such a warehouse of character are highly appreciated in society. And the beginning of the brilliant path begins with the name.

For church calendar

Previously, the question did not rise, how to name the child, since there was a codified name. This collection showed how to name the boy for the church calendar. So far, many believers consider this approach only true. By calling a child in honor of the Archangel or Holy, you can hope for good health and happy life Karapuza. Some confuse the archaic sound of these options, others think that opportunities in this plan are quite limited.

But the list for each month is very large. Especially not necessarily call as they pronounced several centuries ago. John is replaced by Ivan, Alexy - Alexei. But you may be 100% confident that negative meanings are not one of the names.

Many values \u200b\u200bare associated with God, so if you believe that the name can become a talisman and a boy's defense, better option You do not find.

So the beautiful name of Jeremiah (transformed into Eremee-Erema-Ermium) is understood as "touched by God." Also, when baptized, the child will not arise any difficulties: the worldly name will not need to translate into church.

Sometimes help comes with unexpected side And you can hear suitable option In a conversation with a girlfriend or colleagues. But choose which name is better to call a newly born boy, better in a close family circle. After all, only relatives can take into account such important moments, as:

  • Nationality. There are interethnic marriages, then her husband and wife need to apply all their diplomatic abilities. But if both of both of both have oriental roots or on the contrary, the Russians are invalid, it is better not to conflict with national traditions. Otherwise, the name of the Chad will contrast abruptly with its appearance, vital construction and traditions.
  • Place of residence. In a big city where high level Agglomeration and on one territory people live different views, religions, origin are not so amazing unusual names. But if in a small town or settlement to name the young citizen Alfred or Marseille, it will cause great interest.
  • Speed-ladies. You must take into account the opportunity to transform a name. When you want to express your tenderness and call the child in a different way it should not be too difficult to pronunciation or cut a hearing.

These rules will help not be mistaken with the choice even to close people, and will also affect the avoidance of disputes.

By Prozvuchiu

In everyday communication, we pay special attention to the sound. Therefore, deciding which name to choose for a boy, say it several times, shame it, draw a bloc. Pay attention to how it is perceived by rumor in combination with the surname and, most importantly with patronymic. There are several rules that will help you decide:

  • Uniformity. The name should reflect the tradition of calling one nation. Because there is not enough that Thomas Ivanovich or Bruce Pavlovich sounds ridiculous and foreign names Do not have the opportunity to become patronymic subsequently. The combinations of Evgeny Jackovich or Semen Jonovich are incorrect and not allowed.
  • The length of the components. Special beauty acquire combinations, if the name is short, and patronymic has a greater duration, and also if they consist of about the same number of letters. For example: Miron Pavlovich, Igor Stepanovich, Lev Nikolaevich, Yuri Aleksandrovich.
  • Ending-start. Pay attention to the word bog. The optimal option, if the first of them ends with a vowel, and the subsequent starts with the consonant: Danil Timofeevich, Nikita Romanovich. Also acceptable and the opposite combination: Semen Alekseevich, Artem Igorevich. Consider alliteration: the name must be singel, melodic. Avoid coarse, grinding sounds and similar combinations (gr, TX, ICR).

This moment is very important, because when the young man is growing and becomes a man, subordinates, unfamiliar and officials will contact him in this way.

In the time of year

If you do not take into account astrology, but take into account the natural cycles of nature, then every time of the year affects the nature and psychophysical features in the development of the baby. How beautiful to name the boy already born according to the seasonal calendar?

  • Winter. Strong and decisive character of a small man is provided. It is in the first months that hardening for the future life. For fearless fighters with frost, such names as Paul, Alexey, Semyon, Valentin, Stepan, Arseny, Elisha, Luka are suitable. Such melodic options will help to soften the stubborn temper.
  • Spring. Nature itself has to lyrics and it is not by chance that it is at this time that future poets, directors, actors and musicians appear on this time. Summate to consider the subtle mental organization of the firstborn, but for a happy way to reward one of these names: Rodion, Nathan, Timur, Ruslan, Bogdan, Vlas, Valery.
  • Summer. Bright, wicked personals. Energy in them boils and calm names will not ask them to taste, they will feel like in someone else's clothes. Take a look at these options: Lion, Gleb, Gordes, Vladislav, Trofim, Rostislav, Makar, Igor, Naum.
  • Fall. Such people are most inclined to analyze, reflection. Of these, finely felt, talented psychologists are obtained. Therefore, the name should reflect, all the advantage of this person: Dmitry, David, Mikhail, Oleg, Prokhor, Roman.

Featuring the desired combination, go with this thought. Model life situations, imagine whether the boy will be comfortable if you call it that way.

List of beautiful names

The process of selection of combinations is rather complicated, so do not strive to solve everything at a time. Write down the most likely options, distracted, then go back to them again. So you should drop a greater number of assumptions. To decide how to name the baby, find a ready-made list of beautiful names for boys. It may be church calendar, alphabetical pointer or ownly compiled list.

Please note that fashion for foreign or fictional names is moving into the past. Now increasingly draws your view on the traditions of family and national. In order for what to rely on, it is necessary to think about their conservation now. The Russian House of Rhodes will make durable and exquisite family books, where significant family talismans will be collected - photos, movie tickets from the first joint campaign with the baby, the first drawings of a young painter.

To make the baby easily and happily go through life, pay attention to the forgotten, but beautiful names:

  • Arkady, Adrian, Athanasius;
  • Boris, Boyan;
  • Veniamin, owned, Vsevolod;
  • Hermann, Gordes, Gabriel;
  • Demuman;
  • Efim, Evstigney;
  • Ignat, Ilya;
  • Konstantin, Kuzma, Cornelius;
  • Lyubomir, Leonid, Lukyan;
  • Martyn, Matvey, Mark.

After you have decided, look at the value. It either will approve you in choosing, or make you think more.

As a conclusion

What the name you can call the boy to solve only you, but do not ignore simple rulesthat will make it easier for this process and will be removed from disappointments later. Remember that the kid must go through all the steps with full comfort And love for yourself - from the cradle to old age.