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Lisa name for girl born in winter. What does the name of Elizabeth mean

In the name of Elizabeth, there is the same combination of sounds "E" and "s", as in the word "HRIZA". And, indeed, Lisa - "Big Choleric", trying to catch everywhere, and, usually, he has time. This name came from ancient Greece. Translated from Hebrew, "Elisheva", which means "vow to God", "God's oath", "honoring God". Now it is very rare.

Origin of the name of Elizabeth:

Characteristic and interpretation of the name Elizabeth:

Little Lisa - Chalunca and Fidget. Very unreleased girl - parents, sometimes, may have the feeling that their child can be in several places immediately, everything needs to be known, to try everything. In a very small age, the favorite phrases of Lisa - "Why?" And How?". She repeats them several times a hour ...

The school is trying to sign up for all possible circles and sections. Especially loves needlework. With all classmates supported friendships. She is a very faithful friend, enchanting all kinds of games and fun. Teachers love her for the sharp and mind, creative approach to any cause. A special tendency to accurate sciences.

Despite the fact that it has a lot of advantages, believes that it may be even better. It is trying to create a favorable impression of each of her people around him, because of what they can do thoughtless, sometimes eccentric, actions. Lisa is very selfless, tries to be the leader in all and the subject of adoration among his friends. Despite this, the responsive, loves to take care of their loved ones.

Most often, Elizabeth has an attractive appearance. Not prone to completeness. Loves beautiful, unusual things and decorations. Able to dress well, disassembled in fashion. Elizabeth is a wonderful psychologist - has a congenital ability to understand the desires of the interlocutor and find the desired style of communication with him.

According to psychotic, Elizabeth - introvert. Always balanced, sentimental, suits each little thing. Usually, straightforward - says what he thinks immediately and "in the face", things call "their own names."

More than others, Lisa will fit professions related to art - it will be a wonderful actress, a screenwriter, an artist, photographer, and with psychology - a social worker, a psychologist, a psychiatrist. She is appreciated for holding a job, she will always bring it to the end, it is not afraid to take a monotonous, tedious work. If Elizaveta takes the position of the head, then selects the team from creative and creatively gifted people.

Partners choose, often shy men. In marriage prefers peace and peace - the bright emotions is enough and outside the house. Create will not forgive. With neighbors, usually friendly. Her house is always open for a variety of her friends and relatives. Daily care for home comfort, family is her element. Elizabeth - lovely culinary, likes to experiment in the kitchen. Well keeps household. Loves to sew and knit. Prefers to give birth to several children and completely dissolve into taking care of them.

The first marriage of Elizabeth is not always successful. The husband, often, is mistaken, believing that in the life of Lisa is the same bright and capable of stormy passions as in humans. If he begins to demand a storm of emotions at home, there are problems in mutual understanding, which, if compromises are not found, can lead to divorce.

In Orthodoxy, the name is written and pronounced like Elizaveta.

Elizabeth - the name of Korolev and Empress. Very common in English privileged society. It was a favorite name in the imperial family of Romanov - he received most girls.

The name Elizabeth was cousin Mary's cousin, who was the mother of John the Baptist.

The name of Elizabeth in different languages:

  • Elizabeth name in English: Elizabeth (Elizabeth) / Li\u003e
  • Elizabeth's name in Chinese: 伊丽沙维塔 (Ilishavate)
  • The name of Elizabeth in Japanese: エリザヴェタ (Eridzavat)
  • The name of Elizabeth in Spanish: Isabel, Elizabeth (Isabel, Elizabeth)
  • Elizabeth's name in German: Elizabeth, Elisabeth, Jelisaweta (Elizabeth, Aliceabeth, Elizabeth)
  • Elizabeth's name in Polish: ELżBIETA, ilizabeth (Elzbiet, Elizabeth)
  • Elizabeth's name in Ukrainian: є Lump (Elizaveta)

Forms and Options for Elizabeth: Luiska, Lou, Louis, Lisa, Lizao, Elizavetka, Lizunka, Lizanka, Lisena, Lizusnya, Bella, Belli, Bells, Lisa, Liza, Lizok, Lizocia, Lizzi, Lizik, Lick, Lizonka, Lizaveta, Lizetta, Lizeth, Lesia, Liz, Veta, Tilly, Betty, Betsy, Elais, Eliz, Ella, Ellie, Elspet, Elsie, Eloise, Louise.

The color of Elizabeth: lilac

Flower Elizabeth: lilac

Stone Elizabeth: Amethyst

Nicky for Elizabeth / Lisa: Lizzy, Lizok, Lizka, Lisa, Fox, Fox, Fox, Ellie, Bella, Dragonfly, Lu, Lee, Liz, Beth, Bess, Empress, Kolyeva English.

Elizabeth is an ancient Jewish name, which is what is happening on behalf of Elisheb, whose importance is interpreted as a "honoring God", "my god is an oath", "the breeding God." Other forms of this name: Elizabeth, Eliza, Elsa, Isabella, Olisava. It gained widespread all over the world, Russia is no exception.

Elizabeth - stubborn, energetic and purposeful woman, ready to work on wear for achieving its goal. When making any solutions, it is always guided by a mind and logic, so it is not surprising that those surrounding often consider it a cold, pragmatic and insensible woman, which is not at all true (just Elizabeth opens his feelings only to the closest people).

Characteristic of Elizabeth

Corresponding zodiac sign: Sagittarius ♐.

Patron Planet.: Mars ♂.

Dominant Element Fen Shui: Metal 金.

Talisman-stone, Mineral, Metal: Amethyst.

Talisman-color: Blue.

Talisman Tree: Elm 🍁.

Talisman-plant: Lilac.

Talisman animal: Fox.

The most successful day: Friday ♀.

Happy year of year: Winter ⛄.

Character features: Optimistic, impulsiveness, severe will, the logical of thinking.

Spring Elizabeth - Active nature, living on the principle "Movement - this is life." It is good, sensitive and responsive, but its vulnerability and physiqueness often become a cause of loneliness (people are not always ready to understand and take those who react too much to criticism or comments). The family life of the Spring Elizabeth will be happy only with a patient and loving man.

Summer Elizabeth. - This is the soul of any company, and all thanks to sociability and your cheerful moral. She knows how to empathize, and it makes it always sincerely, thereby having others to themselves. Summer Elizabeth will associate their life only with a good-natured and responsive person, for which it is important to help those who need it.

Autumn Elizabeth Verne to his beliefs and ideals, reliable and practical. It can always be relying on it, about what friends, and relatives know. Because of his strong character, the autumn Elizabeth cannot arrange his personal life for a long time, and it is also very difficult for her to trust a man. Therefore, her chosen will have to try to win the heart of this solid spirit of a woman.

Winter Elizabeth He has a subtle sense of humor that helps her cope with many life adversities. It is restrained and serious, but at the same time it has its extraordinary opinion (and it is still suitable for solving any problem). The perfect man of winter Elizabeth is an ironic and self-critical bathroom who knows how to think unconventional.

Name of Elizabeth

Such a name for the girl as Elizabeth literally adjusts the child to action, dynamics, changes. In childhood, Lisa grows fidget, trying to catch everywhere. It is written to all existing circles and sections, participates in self-identity and all school events, including theater and KVN. With age, the character of elzabeth becomes quite balanced, it is not amenable to evil influence. But for her intake soft, the very smart and tricky person lies, which has more intelligence than imagination.

She has an incomplete sense of humor and knows how to become the center of the company, being open to communication and knowing how to be friends. This contributes to her honest and direct character, but it is impossible to call the girl the scandalist. Developed intuition allows it to easily choose friends and surroundings. Despite the fact that sometimes the intuitive feeling leads her, the girl can actually evaluate the situation and its shortcomings. The mystery of Elizabeth hides in nature, able to order, a dexted, well adaptable to life circumstances, which does not lose condescension and the presence of the spirit.

Positive features of Elizabeth: Curiosity, cheerful temper, charming, mobility, desire to achieve a goal, active life position. As a child, Lisa is usually grown by an intelligent girl with developed logic, a tendency to accurate sciences. Elizabeth is committed to a wide communication, she quickly finds a common language with new people, her sense of humor is well developed. Elizabeth generous and can give the latter, but in the threat of unfair divisions, he will not miss.

Negative features of Elizabeth: Patient of pride, syradiability, egoism, reckless courage. Elizabeth often makes thoughtless and impulsive actions, tries in any way, to attract attention. This name is trying to be among the first and does not know how to lose. She often indifferent to the desires and opinions around. In school, problems with discipline are possible, since Elizabeth does not like to obey strict rules and generally recognized norms of behavior. In adolescence, Elizabeth may suffer in a complex of inferiority, to show sufficiently strict demands, trying to be better than it actually.

Hobbies and hobby

Elizabeth likes to pay attention to "home" entertainment. The main passion of Lisa is a needlework: she gladly sews, embroiders and knit. In his free time, it can experiment in the kitchen with new recipes, knit or embroider, master the hand maid to decorate their home by the decorated services or silk paintings. No less significant place in her life is occupied by electronics and a computer. In the hours of leisure, it can pass new levels of the game or communicate with a skype girlfriend or on a social network.

Profession and business

Elizabeth always finishes everything started to the end, having learned a good habit: first, know what it works, but only then begin to work. The girl is not afraid of monotonous and painstaking labor, has a quick, excellent reaction, the ability to notice even small circumstances. But the characteristic of the name does not lead to her leading position in business. True, in the women's team, she can try to become "at the helm." And even though her career is quite successful, it has to go for many years. Elizabeth is interested in new technologies, but chooses, as a rule, such professions as an investigator, teacher, radio and TV presenter, administrator, manager, accountant.

Lisa cannot be called a careerist, for her priority when choosing a profession and place of work has a decent assessment of her work and the opportunity to bring to people to favor. Elizabeth does not seek to rule, because it does not have pronounced leadership ambitions. In addition, it does not know how to synthesize the information and allocate the main one from the secondary. Therefore, it is quite natural that it will be extremely difficult for her. If Lisa decides to become a business woman, then it is better to conduct a business with a reliable partner.

Psyche and Health

By the type of character, Elizabeth - choleric. This is temperamental, self-wired, sentimental, but at the same time a balanced person, which is checkered about each little things, often without noticing the main problem. One of its disadvantages is hypertrophied straightness, due to which Lisa has conflicts with others. If you want to achieve something from the owner of this name, it is better to appeal to her mind, and not to emotions, while not worth walking "around and about", it is better to directly state your position. Elizabeth is far from always says what he thinks, and do what he says, is also in no hurry. Lisa often wants to seem much better than it is, for which she is ready to make a maximum effort (for her it is very important to everyone and produce on others a favorable impression). In general, Elizabeth is a good psychologist who knows how to choose the desired key to the heart of any person.

The meaning of the name determines the condition of the body of a woman: if it is successful, then it is all right with her health; If she has temporary difficulties in life, then it starts to bring. Elizabeth knows perfectly well what to do so that its physical and spiritual equilibrium is in order, but rarely follows recommendations. The weakest body is the thyroid gland. Also, the owner of this name is predisposed to the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders, so she should pay special attention to nutrition. In addition, Lisa is unstable nervous system, which can lead to nervous breakdowns and depression.

Love and sex

Elizabeth have many fans, because it is sociable, attractive and has a wonderful sense of humor. This woman likes educated, intelligent, educated and modest men who seek to gain perfect love, in which there will be no betrayal, lies and shortcoming. But the cheeky and too energetic men repulse her. Such selectivity of Lisa leads to the fact that it for a long time remains in the state of the search for its narrowed.

Elizabeth is quite sophisticated in sex, enjoys every minute of a love act and remembers all the partners with whom she managed to reach harmony. She quietly discusses intimate issues, but at the same time does not tolerate rudeness and onslaught. She is important and foreplay, and the end of the proximity. If the process is banal, then a woman may feel deep disappointment. As a rule, Elizabeth selects himself with shye and timid partners, and quickly "having a person" finds an optimal way to communicate with him. And even though it does not look like a sexy beauty, during the process itself, it is revealed and blooms, dissolving in his love. Already just for this sincerity, it can be loved in response.

Family and marriage

In his youth, Lisa rushes into love, easily agreeing on marriage, which may not be completely successful. After all, this woman chooses, guided by emotions and passion. But she will definitely make work on errors and, upon subsequent attempt to create a family as responsibly approaches a partner's choice, which should be a reliable, caring and faithful man. Therefore, the second marriage is completely thoughtful. But he often happens unhappy, although the origin of these troubles is not from Elizabeth. She strives to keep peace and calm in the house and takes all concerns about households. Lisa is a real monochief, therefore, and from his husband will require loyalty (she will never forgive betrayal, even if it will be insanely to love her spouse).

With any "scenario", a woman has a woman in the first place. Elizabeth refers to the category of women who will easily refuse career growth in the sake of prosperity of their family. She manages to create a really perfect world, where it is literally everything is impregnated with comfort and home heat. Lisa's husband should understand that his bright and temperamental chosen one turns into a soft and patient woman. If a man in family life is important Mexican passions, then Elizabeth is not ready to give them. This woman knows his negative emotions to leave out of the house, which has a positive effect on family life. The owner of Elizabeth is always very hospitable, friendly with neighbors, is a skillful mistress, although sometimes the attacks of petty and picky attacks are attacked.

Horoscope named Elizabeth

Elizabeth-Aries ♈ - This is a liberated, confident and initiative nature, which believes that the risk is a noble thing. It is its adventurism that the passion for adventure is the reason that Elizabeth-Aries often falls in any kind of unpleasant stories. This woman, hurrying to live and not afraid of making mistakes, a huge number of fans who surround her care and love. Elizabeth-Aries is not in a hurry to stop his choice on one of his workers, because it is not ready for stable and serious relationships.

Elizabeth Taurus ♉ - This practical and calculating woman holds his emotions under the control, which helps it in a career ladder. Elizabeth-Taurus is calm, thorough and scrupulous, so it can cope with any monotonous work that requires the maximum concentration of attention. But the female tricks and charm Elizabeth-Teltsu clearly lacks that he adversely affects her personal life (this woman is not popular with men), although it will turn out a faithful wife and a beautiful mistress.

Elizabeth-twin ♊ - temperament, impulsiveness, excessive emotionality and the justice of Elizabeth twins often interfere with it to live a calm and measured life. And all for the reason that it rushes in adventures without a revelation of conscience, which may have a rather dubious. The windiness of Elizabeth-Gemini becomes an obstacle to the construction of their family happiness (this woman is irresponsible in the field of feelings). She plays with men's feelings, and even a marriage could not prevent this.

Elizabeth-Cancer ♋ - It is a gentle, soft, modest and injecting special, for which life is a solid process of throwing from white to black and on the contrary (Elizabeth-cancer is afraid to take responsibility, and therefore rarely takes serious decisions on its own). It is not surprising that her life often depends on another person who has an impact on it. Men enjoy the slightly accuracy of Elizabeth-cancer, which is again disappointed in the love and sincerity of men. She needs a sensitive and reliable partner who can understand her thin soul.

Elizabeth-Lion ♌ - This is a leader woman who likes to rule, lead, order. Its actions are always clearly planned and calculated to the smallest detail, and the arguments are indisputable and convincing. It is quite natural that Elizavetu-Lion surrounding is afraid and respect at the same time. Its pressure extends not only to colleagues and subordinates, and on households, so it's not easy to get along with this volitional woman (Elizabeth-lion is looking for a worthy partner who will be strong and courageous).

Elizabeth Virgo ♍ - Calm, intelligent and educated Elizabeth-Virgo resembles a graceful and magnificent Lan, for which there is nothing more important than freedom. Such an image of an ideal and independent woman can push away from Elizabeth-Virgin men who do not know how to behave in her company. At the same time, men revere in front of this woman and even home it. Elizavetu-virgin will be interested in not a passionate macho, ready to perform crazy actions, and an erudite and educated man, whose shoulder can always be reminiser.

Elizabeth-Scales ♎ - With this energetic, talented and versatile developed woman, you can always find a common language, especially since Elizabeth-scales are not only interesting, and a very erudite interlocutor who knows a lot and knows how. It is not surprising that this woman can succeed in anyone without exception. Elizabeth-scales - the charm itself and charm, so the men of the soul do not have a challenge and try to please her. At the same time, she needs reliable, devoted and selflessly loving her man, ready to indulge his beloved and admire her.

Elizabeth-Scorpio ♏ - Ceremonial and straightforward Elizabeth-Scorpio has an amazing ability to instantly analyze the situation and immediately find the right output from it. At the same time, its hotness is always under the control of the critical mind, which is important when solving any tasks. Interestingly, Elizabeth-Scorpio is able to recognize his mistakes that unusually representatives of this sign of the zodiac. She chooses a man for life for a long time and carefully because she is looking for a strong and volitional personality (to become himself).

Elizabeth-Sagittarius ♐ - Energetic, active and sufficiently categorical Elizabeth-Sagittarius does not like to "overflow from empty to empty." On the contrary, she prefers to set clear goals and tasks, which is waiting for them from others. She always acts quickly and confidently, so any work argues in her hands. Nevertheless, the actions of Elizabeth-Sagittari are often worn and illuminated, which leads to errors and disappointments. Elizabeth-Sagittarius is a passionate and in love with a woman, but her feelings, unfortunately, is enough for a short time.

Elizabeth-Capricorn ♑ - This stubborn and assertive personality methodically goes to the target target, confidently overcoming all obstacles. At the same time, calcality and pragmatic are made from Elizabeth-Capricorn, an ingenious iron lady, for which the manifestation of emotions and feelings is something out of a series of outgoing. It is not easy to communicate with such a programmed woman, so she has no friends (the surrounding treat it with a coldness, as they consider in charge and superficial). Men are difficult to approach Elizabeth-Capricorn and destroy the wall of the contempt and the absence, which she erected.

Elizabeth-Aquarius ♒ - This is a dual nature, which is given to the work and care of loved ones, but at the same time absolutely no one does not let in his heart. Like any woman, Elizabeth-Aquarus dreams of a beautiful and eternal love, but awareness that ideal relationships are only in a fairy tale, gets off her love with her love. Such a melancholic approach to the arrangement of his personal life threatens longing, loneliness and even protracted depressions, to save them from whom only a careful and loving prince can be saved.

Elizabeth Fish ♓ - Capricious, vain and narcissistic Elizabeth-fish got used to act exclusively as it considers it necessary, while no arguments of the reason do not affect her, as well as the opinion of others. But still, in the soul, it is kind, wounded and affectionate nature, which, fear of disappointment, puts on a mask by a supper and assertive Wamp woman. With men of Elizabeth-fish, it behaves restrained and cold, likes to arrange their chosen name of various kinds of checks, in order to pass it in insincerity.

Compatibility of the name of Elizabeth with male names

Elizabeth and Dmitry. - The owners of these names can be described as absolute opposites, which does not prevent them from creating a strong family, in which love reigns. Reliable and volitional Dmitry protects its soft and vulnerable Lisa from all troubles.

Elizabeth and Alexander - caring and attentive Alexander - a real monochief, who seeks to create an ideal family. The same desire also has Elizabeth, so this pair is simply destined to live a long and happy life hand in hand.

Elizabeth and Eugene - both are thoroughly suitable for the creation of a family, while they are not feeling, and the mind. So, Lisa and Eugene are looking for each other, above all, a partner and friend. This approach has the right to exist, especially since in the event of this pair gives good fruits.

Elizabeth and Sergey - Cheerful and cheerful Sergey knows how to raise the mood of Lisa and bring harmony to her mental state. Sergey gladly takes care of his chosen, but she must surround him with attention and love.

Elizabeth and Andrey - The family life of this couple is rarely happy, and all of the fault of various life principles and goals. Only mutual concessions, love and patience are able to preserve the shaky relationship of Liza and Andrei.

Elizabeth and Aleksey - In this tandem, family roles are clearly distributed: so, Alexey is the unconditional head of the family, while Lisa is a wise and economic keeper of a homely hearth. In the relationships of this couple reigns unlimited confidence, which is important for a strong family.

Elizabeth and Ivan. - Independent, but at the same time wounded Ivan is not ready to put up with straightness and stiffness of Elizabeth, which even in a family is trying to show its authority. In general, this rare union is not distinguished by stability.

Elizabeth and Kirill - Such an alliance is controversial and complicated. Proud and ambitious Kirill loves to take the first places in everything. Competition in relationships it will not tolerate. Elizabeth has stubbornness and categorical. Good compatibility in a pair is possible only if they can find a compromise in the struggle for leadership positions.

Elizabeth and Maxim - A mutually beneficial partnership is how to characterize this union, in which love and passion is extremely small. If both partners are suitable for such a format of relationships, the Union of Lisa and Maxim may well take place.

Elizabeth and Daniel - Their union is ruled by a deep feeling, without any time. After all, Lisa and Daniel concentrate all his energy around the family life and the well-being of his family, so there is no place in their relationship, distrust and lies.

Elizabeth and Egor - Union Liza and Egor can be long and happy, despite the opposite of the characters of the owners of these names. The main thing is that between them there were real feelings, helping them to overcome all the difficulties.

Elizabeth and Roman - This is a couple of practical and pragmatic people who are aimed at achieving material well-being and power in this life. But the romantic impulses they do not welcome in their relationship. Complete their life maybe the desire of Lisa to suppress the novel.

Elizabeth and Vladimir - In relations, Liza and Vladimir there are true love, passion, and emotions, and calm. The Union of these people is stable and well-established, because they understand each other and have common goals to which they are going on.

Elizabeth and Denis - The Freedom of Denisadenis and his unforgettableness do not find a response in the soul of practical and calculating Elizabeth, for which the atmosphere of heat, calm and stability in the family is important. Both should make a lot of effort to preserve the relationship.

Elizabeth and Pavel - Finding a common language - here is the main task of Lisa and Pavlpavl, and from how they will cope with it, their family well-being depends. Lisa is ready to endure for the preservation of the family disadvantages of Paul. But this may be not enough.

Elizabeth and Artem "This is a durable tandem, which is built on contrasts: Artem - Transzhira and Belisa, Lisa is an economist, but it does not prevent them from living for each other and enjoy their mutual love.

Elizabeth and Mikhail - The patience of Elizabeth can be envied, because she got a man with a difficult character. But the difficulties were never frightened by Lisa, so for the sake of preservation of the family, she is ready to accept the peaceful of Misha.

Elizabeth and Nikolai - In this ideal alliance, the foundation of which is the opposite of character, there are two strong people who do not seek to rule. Nikolay and Elizabeth just love each other, and this is quite enough.

Elizabeth and Igor - It is continuing, but at the same time a very interesting and bright union, full of emotions and experiences. Lisa and Igor do not know how to find points of contact and give way, but while there is love between them, they are not afraid of family storms.

Elizabeth and Ilya - In this stable and durable union, both partners think rationally, so they do not spend no strength or time, no money for huge bouquets of roses or unusual recognition in love. The main thing for Ilya and Elizabeth is a reliable rear in the form of a family and the world in the house.

Elizabeth and Vladislav - These two from different galaxies, therefore they say they are in absolutely different languages, while even love is rarely capable of combining them for a long time. Lisa and Vladislav will have to try to ensure their relationship gained stability.

Elizabeth and Vitaly - They do not live with dreams and illusions, but are guided solely sober calculation. Lisa and Vitaly are real practices and workaholics seeking to do everything to fully provide their family.

Elizabeth and Yuri. - The demanding Elizabeth does not want to live according to the rules of Yuri (or rather, with their complete absence), while Yura himself does not want to subjugate his life to any schedule and follow the regime. Ultimately, the difference in lifestyle leads this pair to the divorce.

Elizabeth and Nikita - This union is far from being perfect, but Elizabeth and Nikita are good together, so they are ready to put up with many disadvantages of each other. In addition, they have tremendous patience, and therefore are able to build a harmonious relationship with time.

Elizabeth and Vadim. - These two are preached by common values, they are equally thinking and have the same values, so they can be called them happy and promising. Lisa and Vadim are the perfect couple on which many families are equal.

Meaning of the name

Elizabeth - stubborn, energetic and purposeful woman, ready to work on wear for achieving its goal. When making any solutions, it is always guided by a mind and logic, so it is not surprising that those surrounding often consider it a cold, pragmatic and insensible woman, which is not at all true (just Elizabeth opens his feelings only to the closest people).

Characteristic of Elizabeth

Winter Elizabeth He has a subtle sense of humor that helps her cope with many life adversities. It is restrained and serious, but at the same time it has its extraordinary opinion (and it is still suitable for solving any problem). The perfect man of winter Elizabeth is an ironic and self-critical bathroom who knows how to think unconventional.

Spring Elizabeth - Active nature, living on the principle "Movement - this is life." It is good, sensitive and responsive, but its vulnerability and physiqueness often become a cause of loneliness (people are not always ready to understand and take those who react too much to criticism or comments). The family life of the Spring Elizabeth will be happy only with a patient and loving man.

Summer Elizabeth. - This is the soul of any company, and all thanks to sociability and your cheerful moral. She knows how to empathize, and it makes it always sincerely, thereby having others to themselves. Summer Elizabeth will associate their life only with a good-natured and responsive person, for which it is important to help those who need it.

Autumn Elizabeth Verne to his beliefs and ideals, reliable and practical. It can always be relying on it, about what friends, and relatives know. Because of his strong character, the autumn Elizabeth cannot arrange his personal life for a long time, and it is also very difficult for her to trust a man. Therefore, her chosen will have to try to win the heart of this solid spirit of a woman.

Stone - Talisman

A stone that favors Elizabeth is amethyst - a symbol of good, peacefulness, loyalty, sincerity and freedom.

This stone helps to relieve the alarm and spiritual excitement, contributes to the acquisition of internal harmony, maintains health and gives love. Thanks to Amethyst, you can develop your internal abilities and comprehend the universal wisdom.

Interesting fact! Amethyst rejuvenates the body, helps to cure infertility, strengthens memory, cleans the capillaries and eliminates headaches and insomnia.

Important! Amethyst must be worn constantly (only in this case this stone really helps its owner), and it should be considered that this gem can accumulate energy and change its mood, so it is not recommended to wear it during quarrels and conflicts. To neutralize the accumulated negative energy, the stone should be held for about 5 to 10 minutes under normal running water.




The patroves of Elizabeth - Proserpina and Jupiter.

Proserpina It is considered a symbol of secret knowledge and desire to self-improvement. This planet helps to easily adapt to various circumstances and overcome without special losses of all sorts of obstacles. The patronage of Prosepsy contributes to the accumulation of energy, which is subsequently spent on achieving intended goals.


The elements of Elizabeth are fire (more about this element can be read in the article "Elements, Planets and Numbers in Human Life").

Animal - symbol

Animals, patronizing Elizabeth, is a wax and fox.


At the time of the gloomy Middle Ages, the Svistle was considered a symbol of misfortune and the harbinger of bad events, and all due to the fact that the mass appearance of these birds happened is extremely rarely (no more than once every 7 - 10 years). Residents of Switzerland and to this day believe that the appearance of waxers is a harbinger of the cold winter.

Today, the waxel is identified with community, capriciousness, as well as voraciousness.

In the Christian tradition, there is a symbol of good luck and joy.


This animal symbolizes cunning, cunning and treachery. At the same time, the fox is the personification of sophisticated mind, sarcasm, mockery and incredible insight.

It is impossible not to say that a fox is an erotic symbol that personifies the passion and lust.

In the biblical tradition, this animal is identified with angrily, lies, betrayal, survivors and dark forces.



Totem plant Elizabeth - Lilac and Oleander.


This is a symbol of beauty, spring, love and first pure love.

At the same time, in England, Lilac personifies misfortune and loneliness: according to the English belief, the one who wears lilac never marries or marries.

In the east, Lilac is a symbol of sadness, parting, unhappy love and unfulfilled hopes.


This evergreen shrub symbolizes well-being, nobility, dedication, mutual assistance and sincere love.

In addition, the oleander absorbs negative energy and negative emotions, reduces the tension, eliminates bad thoughts, prevents brewing conflicts, fights with Handrea and irritability. The plant brings to life an atmosphere of love and peace, inspiring people for noble acts.


This metal personifies the resistance of the spirit, strength, strength, perseverance and disabilities.

In the east of iron - the symbol of evil and darkness.

In the Teutonians, this metal was identified with slavery.

In the Christian tradition of iron symbolizes war, confrontation, justice, power and power bordering a dictatory.

Favorable day


The origin of Elizabeth

Translation name

From the Hebrew language, Elizabeth's name is translated as "vow to God", "The Oath of God", "honored God."

History name

Interesting fact! The name Elizabeth is rightfully considered to be royal, because it was it that many Queens and Empress worn and worn.

Forms (Analogs) name

Common forms of Elizabeth are: Lisa, Lizonka, Lizaveta, Lizuyun, Liezunchik, Liza, Lizushka, Liza, Lizzy, Lizok, Lizka, Liz.

Legend of Elizabeth

There is a legend of Queumenie Elizabeth (Elisabeth) Konstantinople, which in childhood was given to the monastery, where she grew in piety and work, following all the commandments of God and strictly adhering to posts.

For humility, obedience and true faith, she was given a gift to heal, and Elizabeth heal both bodily and mental illness.

Subsequently, the Holy Elizabeth was elected Queen, which was in no way affected her righteous live (she still worked diligently and insulantly praised the Lord in prayers). She was modest and unpretentious, as evidenced by the fact that the saint wore clothes from coarse tissue (owned) and for many years she has eased exclusively vegetable food (herbs and vegetables).

Elisaveta Konstantinople made a lot of miracles, including:

  • kite by the prayer of the Snake;
  • healing of a woman whose body for many years bleeding;
  • exile from people of unclean spirits.

At the same time, even after the death of holy miracles, they did not stop: so, the ashes of Rev. Elizabeth helped the blind to gain vision.

Secret named Elizabeth

Patrons name

  • Rev. Elizabeth-Miracleuinee (Constantinople).
  • Holy Righteous Elizabeth (Mother John Forerunner).
  • Elizabeth Andrianopolskaya.
  • Rev. Martyr Elizaveta Fedorovna (Alapaevskaya).
  • Holy Elizaveta.

Angel Day (Name Day)

May: 1 and 7 numbers.

July: 18 number.

September: 5, 15 and 18 numbers.

October: 21 and 31 numbers.

November: 4 and 14 numbers.

December: 31 numbers.

Famous people

Famous poetess and writer named Elizabeth:

  • Elizabeth Kulman;
  • Elizabeth Kuzmina Karavaeva;
  • Elizabeth Mnatsakanova;
  • Elizabeth Vasilyeva.

Elizabeth Tarakanova "The famous princess-impostor, who issued himself for the daughter of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna.

Elizabeth Petrovna - Russian Empress, published from the genus Romanov.

Elizabeth Tumanyan - Soviet composer from Armenia.

Elizabeth Bykov - Soviet chess player who conquered the title of world champion.

Elizabeth Lavrovskaya - Russian opera singer.

Elizabeth II. - Queen of Great Britain.

The meaning of Elizabeth

For a child

Lisa is a cheerful, playful and restless girl who needs to know everything, and therefore it often falls into all sorts of alterations. But if necessary, this inquisitive and funny child can sit calm: listen or read the fairy tale, to play yourself with your favorite toys. Parents are trying to send the energy of the daughter to the right direction, and therefore write it into different sections (especially in the soul eat needlework).

Sociable Lisa easily finds a tongue with his peers, so she has many friends who love her for kindness and cheerful temper. It is important that this girl can be friends: so, even under the "fear of death" they will never betray and will not give out other people's secrets.

The teachers appreciate the sharp mind in a small licking, as well as the ability of the girl to approach creatively to solve any tasks. However, her desire to learn, and, therefore, performance depends on how much the teacher will be able to interest Elizabeth in his subject.

Often, the girl seems to be that those surrounding it are underestimated, so it tries to assert and earn praise, and to achieve its goal, it is often resorted to enough extravagant methods and actions.

In general, for a small Lisa, such features as selfishness, self-person and vanity are characteristic, and the opinion of the surrounding her little worries.

For girl

Young Elizabeth prefers to plan his future, especially since in his dreams she draws a happy life of which is promising and highly paid work, a loving husband and a strong family.

This girl who has a lot of advantages, creates a favorable impression on others, but still egocentrism and impulsivity sometimes take over her top, and then Elizabeth makes thoughtless actions that can negatively affect her further life.

Lisa is responsive, good and caring, she treats the problems of other people with understanding, for which they love and appreciate it. But it can be easily changed with rigidity and persistence, if Lisa has benefited from such a change. This strong spirit is easily adapting to any circumstances.

Elizabeth is an attractive girl who loves to stand out, so prefers beautiful, but at the same time unusual things that can emphasize her individuality.

In general, Lisa is a born leader, trying to subjugate the weaker people. She wants to like everyone, but unfortunately, such behavior may once play a joke with her.

For woman

Adult Elizabeth knows its price, because she is smart, attractive and ambitious. At the same time, it is distinguished by such qualities as capriciousness, stubbornness and categoricality.

Clearance and leadership qualities help to seek Lisa large heights, but the authority of this woman and the inability to listen to someone else's opinion are the reason that it is hard to find a common language with others and create his small, but at the same time the perfect kingdom.

Interestingly, Elizabeth is not afraid of change. Moreover, she is able to radically change their lives if disappointed in what it does. If you send the impulsiveness of Lisa to the right direction, it can fill her a lot of benefits.

For Lisa, it is important that peace and peace be reigned in her life so that its inner world does not conflict with external circumstances that life dictates. Often it lacks perseverance and courage to take responsibility for their actions. For this reason, adult Lisa tries to clearly think over its actions.

In general, Elizabeth can be called emotional nature, but this woman knows how to restrain his emotions and experiences, therefore it seems the impression of a fairly balanced and pragmatic person, which does not respond true.

Among the positive qualities of Lisa can be noted as follows:

  • energy;
  • sociability;
  • generosity;
  • responsiveness;
  • fidelity;
  • softness;
  • non-conflict.

Description of Elizabeth


Actions Elizabeth are often subject to ambitions and desires, and if necessary, it will easily cross through all the moral foundations.

Often prevents this woman to live in harmony with the surrounding and its straightness, due to which Lisa has serious problems.


One of the weakest places Elizabeth is thyroid gland. Also, the owner of this name is predisposed to the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders, so she should pay special attention to nutrition. In addition, Lisa is unstable nervous system, which can lead to nervous breakdowns and depression.


Elizabeth have many fans, because it is sociable, attractive and has a wonderful sense of humor. This woman likes educated, intelligent, educated and modest men who seek to gain perfect love, in which there will be no betrayal, lies and shortcoming. But the cheeky and too energetic men repulse her.

Such selectivity of Lisa leads to the fact that it for a long time remains in the state of the search for its narrowed.


The first marriage of Elizabeth is rarely successful, since this woman does its choice, guided by emotions and passion. But she will definitely make work on errors and, upon subsequent attempt to create a family as responsibly approaches a partner's choice, which should be a reliable, caring and faithful man.

Lisa is a real monochief, therefore, and from his husband will require loyalty (she will never forgive betrayal, even if it will be insanely to love her spouse).

Family relationships

Elizabeth refers to the category of women who will easily refuse career growth in the sake of prosperity of their family.

The ideal family for her is a special world in which heat, cozy and calmly. This is the place in which the soul is not only resting, but also gains strength, and all thanks to the atmosphere of love and understanding.

Lisa's husband should understand that his bright and temperamental chosen one turns into a soft and patient woman. If a man in family life is important Mexican passions, then Elizabeth is not ready to give them. This woman knows his negative emotions to leave out of the house, which has a positive effect on family life.

In general, Lisa is a good and hospitable hostess, loving a spouse and children, with pleasure that hosts numerous guests in his home.

For Lisa, it is important that the material component is, so it will stop its choice exclusively on a successful and reliable man who can create ideal conditions for it.


Intimate proximity for Elizabeth is not a physiological necessity, but a source of enjoyment, but only if it will experience sincere feelings to your sexual partner.

As in life, Lisa is extremely important to trust its partner even in the sexual sphere, otherwise she will not be able to liberate and deliver to his chosen one and herself pleasure.

The partner of Lisa should be attentive, gentle, soft, affectionate and preferably experienced. So, in the arms of the present man, she blooms, becomes feminine and sexual at the same time.

Mind (intelligence)

Elizabeth is observed and intelligent, she knows how to analyze what they saw, while it has the ability to think non-standard, which finds use in various creative spheres.


Lisa cannot be called a careerist, for her priority when choosing a profession and place of work has a decent assessment of her work and the opportunity to bring to people to favor.

Most of all, the profession of journalist, telecommunication, teacher, actress, model, scenario, artist, photographer, psychologist or social worker is suitable for it. With ease of Lisa, it will cope with the work associated with innovative technologies, electronics and technique. Elizabeth always brings started to the end, while her monotonous and routine work is not afraid.

This woman gets beautifully with colleagues who respect her for justice, sociability and cheerful temper. But as the head of Elizabeth is strict and demanding.


Elizabeth does not seek to rule, because it does not have pronounced leadership ambitions. In addition, it does not know how to synthesize the information and allocate the main one from the secondary. Therefore, it is quite natural that it will be extremely difficult for her. If Lisa decides to become a business woman, then it is better to conduct a business with a reliable partner.


The main passion of Lisa is a needlework: she gladly sews, embroiders and knit.

It pays a lot of time to keep housekeeping and the arrangement of your family nest.

Type of character


Elizabeth - temperamental, self-wired, sentimental, but at the same time a balanced person, which is checkered about each little thing, often without noticing the main problem.

One of its disadvantages is hypertrophied straightness, due to which Lisa has conflicts with others.

If you want to achieve something from the owner of this name, it is better to appeal to her mind, and not emotions, it's not worth walking around yes about ", it is better to directly state your position. Elizabeth is far from always says what he thinks, and do what he says, is also in no hurry.

Lisa often wants to seem much better than it is, for which she is ready to make a maximum effort (for her it is very important to everyone and produce on others a favorable impression).

In general, Elizabeth is a good psychologist who knows how to choose the desired key to the heart of any person.


Elizabeth intuition is well developed enough, but still not always listen to it, especially when solving serious tasks requiring, above all, logical conclusions.

Horoscope named Elizabeth

Elizabeth - Aries

This is liberated, confident and initiative nature, which believes that the risk is a noble thing. It is its adventurism that the passion for adventure is the reason that Elizabeth-Aries often falls in any kind of unpleasant stories. This woman, hurrying to live and not afraid of making mistakes, a huge number of fans who surround her care and love. Elizabeth-Aries is not in a hurry to stop his choice on one of his workers, because it is not ready for stable and serious relationships.

Elizabeth - Taurus

This practical and calculating woman keeps his emotions under control, which helps it in promotion through the career ladder. Elizabeth-Taurus is calm, thorough and scrupulous, so it can cope with any monotonous work that requires the maximum concentration of attention. But the female tricks and charm Elizabeth-Teltsu clearly lacks that he adversely affects her personal life (this woman is not popular with men), although it will turn out a faithful wife and a beautiful mistress.

Elizabeth - Gemini

Temperament, impulsiveness, excessive emotionality and the dies of Elizabeth-Gemini often prevent her to live a calm and measured life. And all for the reason that it rushes in adventures without a revelation of conscience, which may have a rather dubious. The windiness of Elizabeth-Gemini becomes an obstacle to the construction of their family happiness (this woman is irresponsible in the field of feelings). She plays with men's feelings, and even a marriage could not prevent this.

Elizabeth - Cancer

It is gentle, soft, modest and injecting special, for which life is a solid process of throwing from white to black and vice versa (Elizabeth-cancer is afraid to take responsibility, and therefore rarely takes serious decisions on its own). It is not surprising that her life often depends on another person who has an impact on it. Men enjoy the slightly accuracy of Elizabeth-cancer, which is again disappointed in the love and sincerity of men. She needs a sensitive and reliable partner who can understand her thin soul.

Elizabeth - Lev.

This is a leader woman who likes to rule, lead, order. Its actions are always clearly planned and calculated to the smallest detail, and the arguments are indisputable and convincing. It is quite natural that Elizavetu-Lion surrounding is afraid and respect at the same time.

Its pressure extends not only to colleagues and subordinates, and on households, so it's not easy to get along with this volitional woman (Elizabeth-lion is looking for a worthy partner who will be strong and courageous).

Elizabeth - Deva.

Calm, intelligent and educated Elizabeth-Virgin resembles a graceful and magnificent Lan, for which there is nothing more important than freedom. Such an image of an ideal and independent woman can push away from Elizabeth-Virgin men who do not know how to behave in her company. At the same time, men revere in front of this woman and even home it. Elizavetu-virgin will be interested in not a passionate macho, ready to perform crazy actions, and an erudite and educated man, whose shoulder can always be reminiser.

Elizabeth - Scales

With this energetic, talented and versatile developed woman you can always find a common language, especially since Elizabeth-scales are not only interesting, and a very erudite interlocutor who knows a lot and knows how. It is not surprising that this woman can succeed in anyone without exception. Elizabeth-scales - the charm itself and charm, so the men of the soul do not have a challenge and try to please her. At the same time, she needs reliable, devoted and selflessly loving her man, ready to indulge his beloved and admire her.

Elizabeth - Scorpio

Ceremonial and straightforward Elizabeth-Scorpio has an amazing ability to instantly analyze the situation and immediately find the right output from it. At the same time, its hotness is always under the control of the critical mind, which is important when solving any tasks. Interestingly, Elizabeth-Scorpio is able to recognize his mistakes that unusually representatives of this sign of the zodiac. She chooses a man for life for a long time and carefully because she is looking for a strong and volitional personality (to become himself).

Elizabeth - Sagittarius

Energetic, active and sufficiently categorical Elizabeth-Sagittarius does not like to "overflow from empty to empty." On the contrary, she prefers to set clear goals and tasks, which is waiting for them from others. She always acts quickly and confidently, so any work argues in her hands. Nevertheless, the actions of Elizabeth-Sagittari are often worn and illuminated, which leads to errors and disappointments. Elizabeth-Sagittarius is a passionate and in love with a woman, but her feelings, unfortunately, is enough for a short time.

Elizabeth - Capricorn.

This stubborn and assertive personality methodically goes to the target target, confidently overcoming all obstacles. At the same time, calcality and pragmatic are made from Elizabeth-Capricorn, an ingenious iron lady, for which the manifestation of emotions and feelings is something out of a series of outgoing. It is not easy to communicate with such a programmed woman, so she has no friends (the surrounding treat it with a coldness, as they consider in charge and superficial). Men are difficult to approach Elizabeth-Capricorn and destroy the wall of the contempt and the absence, which she erected.

Elizabeth - Aquarius

This is a dual nature, which is given to the work and care of loved ones, but at the same time absolutely no one impresses in his heart. Like any woman, Elizabeth-Aquarus dreams of a beautiful and eternal love, but awareness that ideal relationships are only in a fairy tale, gets off her love with her love. Such a melancholic approach to the arrangement of his personal life threatens longing, loneliness and even protracted depressions, to save them from whom only a careful and loving prince can be saved.

Elizabeth - Fish

Capricious, vain and narcissist Elizabeth-fish got used to act exclusively as it considers it necessary, while no arguments of the reason do not affect her, as well as the opinion of others. But still, in the soul, it is kind, wounded and affectionate nature, which, fear of disappointment, puts on a mask by a supper and assertive Wamp woman. With men of Elizabeth-fish, it behaves restrained and cold, likes to arrange their chosen name of various kinds of checks, in order to pass it in insincerity.

Compatibility of the name of Elizabeth with male names

Elizabeth and Dmitry.

The owners of these names can be described as absolute opposites, which does not prevent them from creating a strong family, in which love reigns.

Elizabeth and Aleksey

In this tandem, family roles are clearly distributed: so, Alexey is the unconditional head of the family, while Lisa is a wise and economic keeper of a homely hearth. In the relationships of this couple reigns unlimited confidence, which is important for a strong family.

Elizabeth and Ivan.

Independent, but at the same time wounded Ivan is not ready to put up with straightness and rigidity of Elizabeth, which even in a family is trying to show their authority. In general, this rare union is not distinguished by stability.

Elizabeth and Maxim

A mutually beneficial partnership is how to characterize this union, in which love and passion is extremely small. If both partners are suitable for such a format of relationships, the Union of Lisa and Maxim may well take place.

Elizabeth and Daniel

Elizabeth and Vladimir

In relations, Lisa and Vladimir there are true love, passion, and emotions, and calm. The Union of these people is stable and well-established, because they understand each other and have common goals to which they are going on.

Elizabeth and Denis

The freedom of Denis and his unforgettableness do not find a response in the soul of practical and calculating Elizabeth, for which the atmosphere of heat, calm and stability in the family is important.

Both should make a lot of effort to preserve the relationship.

Elizabeth and Pavel

Finding a common language - this is the main task of Lisa and Paul, and by how they will cope with it, their family well-being depends. Lisa is ready to endure for the preservation of the family disadvantages of Paul. But this may be not enough.

Elizabeth and Artem

This is a durable tandem, which is built on contrasts: Artem - Transzhir and Beliser, Lisa - an economist, but it does not prevent them from living for each other and enjoy their mutual love.

Elizabeth and Anton

Lisa is trying to fight Lisa day after day, but one day her patience can come an end, and then their family life will be crashing. Save this union is very difficult.
Anton - meaning of name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Elizabeth and Mikhail

The patience of Elizabeth can be envied, because she got a man with a difficult character. But the difficulties were never frightened by Lisa, so for the sake of preservation of the family, she is ready to accept the peaceful of Misha.

Elizabeth and Nikolai

In this ideal union, the foundation of which is the opposite of characters, there are two strong people who do not seek to rule. They just love each other, and this is quite enough.
Nikolai - meaning of name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Elizabeth and Igor

It is continuing, but at the same time a very interesting and bright union, full of emotions and experiences. Lisa and Igor do not know how to find points of contact and give way, but while there is love between them, they are not afraid of family storms.

Elizabeth and Ilya

In this stable and durable union, both partners think rationally, so they do not spend no strength or time or money for huge bouquets of roses or unusual confessions in love. The main thing for them is a reliable rear in the form of a family and peace in the house.
Ilya - Name, Origin, Characteristics, Horoscope

Elizabeth and Vladislav

These two from different galaxies, therefore they say they are in absolutely different languages, while even love is rarely capable of combining them for a long time. Lisa and Vladislav will have to try to ensure their relationship gained stability.

Elizabeth and Vitaly

Lisa and Vitaly are real practices and workaholics seeking to do everything to fully provide their family. They do not live with dreams and illusions, but are guided solely sober calculation.

Elizabeth and Yuri.

The demanding Elizabeth does not want to live according to the rules of Yuri (or rather with their absence), while Yura himself does not want to subjugate his life to any schedule and follow the regime. Ultimately, the difference in lifestyle leads this pair to the divorce.

Elizabeth and Nikita

This union is far from being perfect, but Elizabeth and Nikita are good together, so they are ready to put up with many disadvantages of each other. In addition, they have tremendous patience, and therefore are able to build a harmonious relationship with time.

Elizabeth and Vadim.

These two are preached by common values, they are equally thinking and have the same values, so the union can be called happy and promising. Lisa and Vadim are the perfect couple on which many families are equal.

according to the story "Poor Lisa" Karamzin N.M.

Lisa (poor Lisa) is the main character of the story, which, along with other works published by Karamzin in the "Moscow Journal" ("Natalia, Boyarskaya Daughter", "Frol Silin, beneficial person", "Liodor", etc.), not just I brought the literary glory to your author, but made a complete coup in the public consciousness of the XVIII century. Karamzin for the first time in the history of Russian prose appealed to the heroine, endowed with ordinary features. His words "... and love the peasants can" have become covered.

Poor peasant girl Lisa early remains orphan. She lives in one of the villages of the villages with mother - "sensitive, good old," from which his main talent inherits - the ability to love. To contain yourself and mother, L. is taken for any job. In the spring, she goes to the city to sell flowers. There, in Moscow, L. meets the young nobleman Eras. Tired of windy secular life, Erast falls in love with the immediate, innocent girl "Love Brother". So it seems to himself. However, soon Platonic love goes into sensual. L., "Having completely left to him, they only lived and breathed." But gradually L. begins to notice a change occurring in the erasta. He explains his cooling with what he needs to go to war. To fix things, Erast marries an elderly rich widow. Having learned about this, L. to the pond.

Sensitivity - so in the language of the late XVIII century. The main advantage of the association of Karamzin was determined, implying the ability to compassion, to detect "gentle feelings" in the "heart bends", and the ability to enjoy the contemplation of their own emotions. Sensitivity is also a central line of character L. She trusts the movements of his heart, lives with "delicate passions." Ultimately, it is an ardentity and fervor lead to L. to death, but it is morally justified.

Karamzin is one of the first to invent the city and the village in Russian literature. In the story of Karamzin, a rustic man is a man of nature - it turns out to be defenseless, falling into the space of the city, where laws other than the laws of nature are valid. No wonder Mother L. tells her (thereby indirectly predicting everything that happens later): "I always have a heart not in my place when you go to the city; I always put a candle in front of the way and pray the Lord God so that he retains you from any trouble and attack. "

It is not by chance that the first step towards the catastrophe becomes insincerity of L .: She first "retreats from herself", scissors, on the advice of Erastea, their love from the mother who previously believed all his secrets. Later, precisely in relation to gently beloved Mother L. repeat the foolish act of Erast. He tries to "pay off" from L. and, running it, gives her a hundred rubles. But L. makes the same, sending mothers along with the news about their death those "ten empires," which gave her ERAST. Naturally, this money also needs Mother L., as well as the heroine itself: "Lizina his mother heard his daughter's terrible death, and her blood from horror cooled - the eyes of Navel closed."

The tragic result of the love of the peasantry and officer confirms the correctness of the mother who warned L. at the very beginning of the story: "You still do not know how evil people can offend a poor girl." The general rule turns into a specific situation, the poor L. is becoming in the place of impersonal poor girl, and the universal plot is transferred to Russian soil, acquires a national flavor.

For the arrangement of characters in the story, it is essential and the fact that the narrator learns the story of the poor L. directly from Erast and often comes to be sad on "lysine the grave". The coexistence of the author and the hero in one narrative space to Karamzin was not familiar to Russian literature. The narrator "Poor Lisa" is mentally involved in the relationship of heroes. Already the title of the story was built on the connection of his own name of the heroine with an epitheet, which characterizes the sympathetic attitude towards her the narrator, which at the same time constantly repeats that it is not authorized to change the course of events ("Ah! What don't I write a novel, and sad?").

"Poor Lisa" is perceived as a story about genuine events. L. belongs to the characters with the "Propean". "... more and more often attracts me to the walls of the SI ... Nova Monastery - the memory of the deplorable fate of Lisa, poor Lisa" - so begins by his narration. For the passage in the middle of the word, any Muscovite guess the name of Simonov Monastery, the first buildings of which are dated XIV century. (To date, only a few buildings have been preserved, most of the exploded in 1930). The pond, which was under the walls of the monastery, was called a Lisiny Pond, but thanks to the story of Karamzin, he was renamed the lysine and became the place of permanent pilgrimage of Muscovites. In the minds of the monastery of the monastery, the memory of the memory of L., it was primarily the fallen victim. Essentially, L. was canonized by sentimental culture.

First of all, the same unfortunate girls in love came to the site of the lysine death, which L. herself was evidentity, the bark of trees growing around the pond was ruthlessly ruined by the knives of "pilgrims". The inscriptions, carved on the trees, were and serious ("in the jets this poor criticized Liza Days; / since you are sensitive, passer-by, rewards"), and satirical, hostile Karamzin and his heroine (special glory among such "birch epigrams" acquired two-bedrooms: "Erastov's bride died in the bush. / Topit, girls, in a pond is quite a place").

Karamzin and his story was certainly mentioned when describing Simonov Monastery in guidebooks in Moscow and special books and articles. But gradually these mention began to wear an increasingly ironic character, and already in 1848 in the famous composition of M. N. Zagoskin "Moscow and Muscovites" in the chapter "Walk to Simonov Monastery" did not say a word either about Karamzin or his Heroine. As the sentimental prose lost the charm of novelty, "poor Lisa" ceased to be perceived as a story about genuine events and, especially as an object for worship, and became in the minds of most readers (primitive invention, curiosity, reflecting tastes and the concepts of the long-lasting era.

The image of "Poor L." Immediately divided into numerous literary copies of Karamzin epigones (cf. at least "Unfortunate Lisa" Dolgorukova). But serious development is the image of L. and the ideal of sensitivity associated with it is not in these poses, but in poetry. The invisible presence of "Poor L." Tangibly published in ten years after the Karamzinskaya story, in 1802, Elegia Zhukovsky "Rural cemetery", which was posted, according to V. S. Solovyov, "The beginning of truly human poetry in Russia." To the very plot about the seduced settlement, three major poet of Pushkin Powder are treated: E. A. Baratsky (in the plot poem "Eda", 1826, A. A. Delvig (in idyll "end of the Golden Age", 1828) and I. I. Kozlov (in the "Russian story" "insane", 1830).

In the "Handes of Belkin" Pushkin varies twice the story of the story about the "poor L.", enhancing her tragic sound in the "Station County" and facing a joke in the "Baryshnya-peasant". Communication "Poor Lisa" with a "peak lady", the heroine of which is called Lizawa-Tu Ivanovna, is very complex. Pushkin is developing Karamzin theme: His "poor Lisa" (like the "poor tanya", the heroine "Eugene Onegin") is experiencing a catastrophe: having lost hope for love, marries another, quite a worthy person. All the heroines of Pushkin, located in the "power field" of the Karamzin heroine, is destined to be happy or unhappy - but life. "To the sources", P. I. Tchaikovsky returns to Karamzin, in the opera of which the "peak lady" of Lisa (no longer Lizaveta Ivanovna) cums with him, rushing into the winter groove.

The fate of L. in different options for its permission is carefully registered by F. M. Dostoevsky. In his work and the word "poor", and the name "Lisa" from the very beginning gain special status. The most famous in the row of his heroin - Sociannitsa Karamzinskaya peasant - Lizaveta ("Crime and Punishment"), Elizabeth Prokofievna Epanchin ("Idiot"), Blessed Lizaveta and Lisa Tushina ("demons"), and Lizavetnyy ("Brothers Karamazov"). But the Swiss Marie from "Idiot" and the Sonya marmalade from "Crime and Punishment" would not be without Liza Karamzin. Karamzin scheme and the basis of the history of relations of Nehludova and Katyushi Maslova - Heroes of Roman L. N. Tolstoy "Resurrection".

In the XX century "Poor Lisa" did not lose its meaning: on the contrary, interest in the story of Karamzin and his heroine increased. One of the sensational productions of the 1980s. The theater version of "Poor Lisa" in the studio Theater M. Rosovsky "Nikitsky Gate" has become.

The birth of a child is always a holiday in the family, and one of the most important and interesting activities, which after the appearance of the crumbs expects relatives - a choice of name. Quite often, he causes hot disputes, because each of the names is beautiful in his own way, so here attention should be paid to its meaning and saints of patrons that will protect the crumb. How promising will be the name of Elizabeth, the meaning of the name, character and fate for girls, the number of name per year is interesting and necessary for parents.

The meaning of Elizabeth for the girl briefly

Elizabeth is a very beautiful name that attracts parents not only by harmonious sound, but also by the meaning, playing an important role in the life of the baby. It is this important feature that their native crumbs are guided, going to carry it to baptism and choosing a name. The meaning of Elizabeth for the girl briefly - "God's help".

What does it foreshadow in the life of the baby? Parents will certainly be pleased to patronize her, except saints, God will be. This will affect not only behavior, but also on the health and nature of crumbs. Positive and negative features will begin to form quite early, so relatives must make a lot of effort so that the amount of advantages exceeds the shortcomings.

Elizabeth, the meaning of the name, character and fate, disadvantages and dignity, family life and spouse - all this is due to the way they solved their native to call their crumb. It is from them to a greater extent it depends on what happens next, so you need to prepare in advance, to study the necessary information and meet unexpected turns of fulfillment.

What does the name of Elizabeth for a church calendar girl

Before painting the child, the parents often study the saints carefully. The reason for such a thorough choice of the name - it often depends on how many saints will be baptized by the baby. What does the name of Elizabeth for the girl in the church calendar, will she have holy patrons? The interpretation is almost the same and does not differ from the Hebrew interpretation - "God's help".

Elizabeth, meaningful meaning, character and fate, holy names and great patrons - in the church calendar it is described in detail about exactly what the girl will be held. It can only happen if parents carefully examine this information and will be guided by advice, raising their child.

Name Day Baby will be able to celebrate twice a year - in May (1st) and September (18th). The patroness of her will have enough powerful, distinguished during the lifetime of great acts. The saints helped the poor, they were engaged in his healing, sorry the Lord and warned people from bad actions, for which sooner or later they will have to pay.

Mystery of Elizabeth, beliefs, signs

Another feature, closely intertwined with a value that the name chosen by the native name is the mystery of Elizabeth. There is nothing supernatural here, but there are a lot of beliefs and people associated with it. Days when honored the great saints, differed by a special meaning in the lives of people, and they believed that the signs that were determined for many years will definitely come true.

Especially readable was the day of the September Elizabeth. In this holiday, a whole pilgrimage was committed in the forest - people went to learn how harsh will be winter. It was necessary to determine this on the crop of the acorns on oaks. If a mighty tree pleased with a big harvest, winter will be too latter, with strong frosts, blizzards, snowfall. If the acorns are quite a bit, then in special surprises the cold item does not frighten the year - it will be warm, there will be no crackle, the snow will fall quite a bit. It is for this given the good owners who recognized how to prepare for winter and whether to make large stocks for family and animals.

Origin of the name of Elizabeth and its value for children

Can the origin of the name of Elizabeth and its meaning for children be reflected in the life of the baby, and should not adult prepare for difficulties? As practice proves, little depends on the origin. A country that presented the world is a wonderful and promising name - ancient European state.

How can the name be able to influence the development and education of crumbs since the birth? Nothing inexplicable parents will not be able to - grow and develop the girl will not be worse than the rest of the children. The only thing that will delight adults - difficulty on their way will not meet, in the upbringing the child will be a good and attentive.

The girl will grow friendly and cleverly, will gladly begin to watch the work of the mother in the kitchen and help with his strength. Every year, culinary skills will develop, and very soon mom will be able to transfer his possession of her daughter - she will decently replace the parent and starts to please the family-friendly masterpieces. The love of cooking will not affect the rest of homely trouble - cleaning Lisa will be engaged with great reluctance, trying to shift his duties on younger brothers or sisters, finding more important things.

Teen girl named Elizabeth

Is it possible to predict the character of the girl by the name of Elizabeth in advance? It turns out that this name can change the positive or negative features of the babies, which are just beginning to be formed, immediately after baptism. Over time, relatives can accurately determine that the advantages of the girl a lot:

  1. curiosity;
  2. mobility;
  3. charm;
  4. desire to achieve the goal;
  5. intelligence;
  6. the ability to think is logical;
  7. sociability;
  8. wonderful sense of humor;
  9. activity.

Does Liza have negative features? There are practically no of them, and one of the most important is excessive syradiability. Often, just just one careless word so that the girl flashes, burst out and offended, no matter who her offender is a teacher, parents, loved ones or friends.

By nature, Lisa is quite selfish, but this unpleasant line can be changed. Parents should not forget about it, and trying to help the girl to learn how to put other people's interests higher than their own. Most often, their efforts are rewarded in dignity, and the baby gets rid of this feature.

Fate girl named Elizabeth

Will the fate of the girl named Elizabeth in unexpected zigzags and acute angles? Usually everything is pretty simple - it will go to the chosen one once the path exactly, without turning and not stamped on difficulties. In the choice of profession to wise Lisa will not and prefer such specialty.