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Hungarian women appearance. The most beautiful Hungarians (20 photos). They are not afraid of homeless

Every people's people have their own characteristics that are absolutely normal for them, but if a person has another nationality, he can be very surprised by habits and traditions of the inhabitants of this country, because they will not coincide with his own ideas about Life. We invite you to learn 9 national habits and features of hungarians who may seem Russian people amazing and slightly strange.

They eat paprika always and everywhere

Paprika is an integral part of the Hungarian national cuisine. This spice (powder made of dried weak pepper) is added everywhere and everywhere, but especially in Goulash - another culinary domination of the nation. Paparika sell bags in the markets and as a souvenir for foreigners. The number of its varieties is calculated with a dozen varieties, and the tree is covered with small red fruits grows in a garden or on the windowsill almost every Hungarian.

They don't drink tea

The accompaniment of any dessert of tea in Hungary is familiar to the Russian person. With all the richness of flour baking and national sweets, Hungry dishes prefer simple water or coffee. Under tea here is meant rather therapeutic agent for diseases. (By the way, very similar to the Bulgarian. Indeed, why drink tea, if you sell excellent fresh coffee for € 1 everywhere?

They massively go to the bath

Thermal bathing Budapest is the world famous sight. In the outdoor pools, it is not customary, but to sit. The temperature of the water varies from 16 to 42 ° C. Mandrels prefer contrasting transitions from hot to the cold, pensioners are sitting under the hydromassage, the children frolic in warm "frogs". Hungarians themselves go to the baths not so much to wash or improve health, but rather to remove stress. Yes, the healing properties of thermal water really have a beneficial effect on the skin and joints, but for Hungarians, it is primarily an excellent reason to spend time with family on weekends.

They are not afraid of homeless

In Budapest, there are a lot of people without a certain place of residence. They literally everywhere: they ask for alms, sleep, eat, communicate with each other. Align them only from the most central and tourist destinations of the city. These are the representatives of the walking patrol as part of the following and delicately. Such a lifestyle is associated not only with the economic situation in the country, but also with the nomadic nature of a certain interlayer of society. Do not work and live on the street - a conscious choice of many. They are clean, they monitor and in their mass they do not differ from ordinary passers-by. Is that living in tents, erase things in the waters of the Danube or in a street column and dried immediately on the branches of trees.

They are very patriotic

The feeling of pride for their history and the unity of the nation in the blood of each Hungarian. In Budapest on the Heroes Square, the central part occupies the 1000th anniversary of the Motherland acquisition, laid in 1896. Throughout the second half of the 9th century, the ancestors of the current Magyars moved from the Zauralya to the Danube Valley. And so far, the Hungarians protect their tongue from foreign influences. They are generally quite active citizens: the urban streets are everywhere hanging posters with a call to influence household corruption, actively vote in the elections, to take part in the country's political situation. If something goes wrong, they feel responsible to change it. It is not accepted here to be shying for its origin, and in the case of the career success, Hungar often deals his pedigree.

They indulge children

Here and there you can hear everywhere: "Mit Seretny?", What does it mean "what would you like?". The child's opinion is respected from childhood and solely carefully refer to the education process. Children for Hungarians are not people, but small deities, which everything is possible. Of course, this is reflected in the babies, but in an amazing way they grow not spoiled by the egoists, but with open, smiling, kind and not all the strangers are not shy. Each child, according to his parent, is needed its individual pace of development. So, for example, to remain for the second year here is not considered humiliating.

They do not go without documents

First, the police in Hungary may simply and completely legitimately check the documents on the street at any pedestrian. Secondly, a travel ticket here you can buy only on the ID card. The authorities in this case are guided by simple logic: only one citizen of the country can ride each identity, and not all members of his family. Tourists are buying a long-term passport ticket or disposable passport without confirming the person. Well, finally, no one has canceled the procedure for confirming its age when buying alcohol in bars.

They are alien to ceremonies

Hungarians appeal to each other on "you." Everything and always. An exception can only be called the appeal to the elderly, in order to emphasize respect for the specific person. After greeting, a mandatory kiss: first kiss one cheek, then another.

They celebrate Name Day

Do not be surprised if no one congratulates you happy birthday. This holiday here is not customary to celebrate an understanding in our usual. A much more important day for the Hungarian - Name Day. In the name day, as for any serious celebration in Hungary, a noisy feast is arranged and gifts are given.

Of course, when you come to Hungary, a big difference between our mentality, habits, lifestyle to notice difficult. The window to Europe has long been cut down, and the distance between Russia and Hungary on a planetary scale is absolutely insignificant. But it is more interesting to notice the differences in completely different aspects of life and take them into service.

Perhaps the most important thing that Hungarian was taught, so it's not to think stereotypically, not to try on yourself, family, friends are incomprehensible to those who have thoughtful patterns and do not depend on the obsolete framework, in "public opinions", in which sometimes get stuck as in the vice. Now I have funny when the Russian girls call themselves old devies in 25 years and are afraid to give birth, when they are married for 40. Hungarians and often get married and often just begin to think about the family by 30 years. And before that they just live and enjoy, and do not do everything to find a husband! With children the same situation. Sometimes at the playground will not immediately understand who walks with the child - Mom or a young grandmother.

Hungarian taught me with light motherhood, motherhood without unnecessary troubles, motherhood, where the main thing is the love of the child and the comfort of mom and the kid. On the very first day in the maternity hospital, my neighbors on the ward ate oranges, chocolate. Someone crunched chips. I do not know any Hungarian, who limited himself in something during breastfeeding. And although it may not be connected, but, according to my observations, children with allergies are less. The first day in the maternity hospital taught me and one more, amazing things for us. Almost immediately after childbirth, a whole happy family comes to the maternity hospital, counting grandparents, - with balls, gifts, congratulations (as well as with oranges and chocolate, read above). Try here not to show them a new long-awaited Hungarian! Through the glass door of the Chamber, they look at the kid, and mom can go to them. Hungarians love children very much, so in the street often, passing past the cradles, completely unfamiliar people stop, look at your child, make compliments and, it happens, begin to talk about their grandchildren's children. And you know, nothing with the kids from such attention and "visually" does not happen. As for the Hungarian devices, the Hungarians taught me to use the poles to use me. This is such a small miracle machine that sucks snot perfectly in children. True, so that she earned, you need to connect it ... to the vacuum cleaner! Unusual, the first time is scary, but copes with the task of 5 points.

Despite the fact that Hungary, like Russia, the country patriarchal, women seem to feel free here. I will give a border, but the indicative example. I am writing this article in a cozy cafe, the owner of which is a former porn actress, and now the businesswoman and a beautiful mother. Budapest is the capital of the porn industry. I will not say that many Hungarians decide to make a career of porn actresses. I will say this: There are Hungarians who go to porn business and openly talk about this to their family. And Hungarians are in many ways require respect for their decisions, largely show freedom, even if it goes against the ideals, the hopes of parents, and stood. And this courage - courage to live your life as you want it, - I want to learn.

In Hungary, the cult of food, so it is not surprising that many Hungarians are preparing great and generally beautiful hostesses. Me Hungarian taught me separate ... no, not food! Separate storage of soup. If you separately keep broth and vegetables, then the soup is stored longer. Bread that can be spoiled, and it is not possible to eat it, you can remove into the freezer. It is deflated in a few hours at room temperature, without losing his taste and not refused. Pomegranate, grapes and watermelons can be eaten with bones, here do not believe that it will lead to appendicitis.

Well, finally, perhaps I will add a spoonful of tar. When we live in someone else's country, then let's notice the disadvantages. For me, Hungarian might look and dress better. There are two extremes. The first is Hungarian, who do not follow themselves, do not face and wear carelessly. You can often see that the hostess of the house, which perfectly decorated the apartment and prepared the table just a feast of Mountain, it goes to the guests almost in the apron, in replaced home clothes. In such cases, even the natural beauty of Hungarian - and they really are very beautiful - does not save! And there are sovereigns, which are removing with plastic chest, overhead eyelashes and extensive nails. There is a pride in our Russian girls who, maybe sometimes in vain give the priority of beauty, and not comfort, but they know how to walk on Labuten and try to keep themselves in shape and look well and stylish, but not vulgar and defiant.

Hungarians are the largest (14.5 million people) from the Finno-Ugric peoples belong to the Ugra.
Estimated Pranodina Hungarians - the area east of the Urals. Unlike its closest linguistic relatives - Khanty and Mansi, who remained in the Taiga, the Hungarians went into the steppe and began to lead a practically nomadic lifestyle. In the 9th century AD. Hungarians were nomaded in South Russian Steppes, until the Pechenegs were ousted from there, after which the Hungarians were forced to move to the West. In 896, the Hungarians settled in Transylvania, where Panononia was traded. In 1001, the Kingdom of Hungary was formed.
Currently, 8.5 million Hungarians live in Hungary. Large Hungarian diasporas are in neighboring Romania (1.2 million) and the United States (1.5 million).
Hungarians confess Catholicism and Protestantism (mostly Calvinism).
This rating presents the most beautiful, in my opinion, famous Hungarian girls and women.

20th place. Tslaudia Kozma / Claudia Kozma "The Hungarian model represented Hungary at Miss International 2012."

19th place. ANETT SIGHET / ANETT SZIGETHY - Hungarian fitness model, Miss Supraneshnl 2013.

18th place. Andrea Oswart / Andrea Osvart (born on April 25, 1979, Budapest) - Hungarian actress and model.

17th place. Barbara Palvin / Barbara Palvin (born October 8, 1993, Budapest) - Hungarian model and actress. Growth 175 cm, Figure Parameters: Breast 81 cm, Waist 66 cm, hip 95 cm.

16th place. Eva Gabor / Eva Gabor (February 11, 1919, Budapest - July 4, 1995) - American actress. Born and grew up in Hungary. Her father is Hungary, the mother is a Jew.

15th place. Catherine Bagal / Chätrin Bagala (1968, Estonia - June 6, 2012, Hungary) - Soviet actress of Hungarian origin. He played a major role in the film "Silver Yarn Carolina" (1984). This is her only movie role.

Catherine Bahal in the film "Silver Yarn Carolina" (1984)

14th place. Eniko Mihalik Enikő (Rod. May 11, 1987, Bekseshchab, Hungary) - Hungarian model. Height 179 cm, parameters 84-61-87.

13th place. Tordai Trai / Teri Tordai (Rod. December 28, 1941, Debrecen, Hungary) - Hungarian actress.

12th place. Anita Hudatesk / Anita Hudáček (born on May 27, 1976, Budapest), better known as Anita Blond / Anita Blond- Actress and Fashion model. From 1995 to 2001, more than 100 porn films took off. In 1999, for the first time played in a non-cornographic film, namely, in the arthouse picture "Wind in the night" / "Le Vent De La Nuit", where the main role was performed by Catherine Denev, and Anita herself played a prostitute. Anita growth 172 cm, shape parameters 92-59-92. It is worth noting that Anita Blonde never made a popular breast magnitude among porn actresses.

11th place. Annamaria Rakosi / Annamária Rákosi - A representative of Hungary at the Miss World 2013 contest.

10th place. Catalina Coller / Katalin Koller - Miss Hungary 2007.

9th place. - Hungarian model.

8th place. Ildiko oven / ildikó pécsi (born May 21, 1941) - Hungarian actress and director.

7th place. Zita Seletski / Zita Szeleczky (April 20, 1915, Budapest - July 12, 1999) - Hungarian actress.

6th place. Eva Syok / Éva szőke (June 18, 1927, Budapest - August 1, 1998), better known as Eva Barkok / Eva Bartok - British actress. Her father is a Jew, Mother - Hungarian Catholic. Since the Jews belong to the nation is determined by the mother, then Eva Bartok fell into the rating of the most beautiful Hungarian, and not in.

5th place. Agnes Dobo / Ágnes Dobó (born September 5, 1988, Debrecen) - Winner of the Hungarian selection at Miss World in 2010. However, at Miss World, she could not go, because Shortly before the competition broke her hand.

4th place. Orshi "Orsha" Kochish / Orsolya "Orsi" kocsis (born September 6, 1984, Debrecen) - Hungarian fashion model. Height 175 cm, the parameters of the figure 91-63-89.

3rd place. Eva Serentici / Éva Szerencsi (May 5, 1952, Budapest - September 6, 2006) - Hungarian actress.

2nd place. Ebergeny River / Reka Ebergenyi (Rod. 1982, Budapest) - Hungarian model. Height 178 cm, the parameters of the figure 89-59-89.

1st place. Catherine Shell / Catherine Schell (born July 17, 1944, Budapest) - British actress of Hungarian origin. Real name - Katerina Freyin Shell Background Bauvlott / Katherina Frein Schell Von Bauschlott. Despite the German surname (she got from the German great-grandfather), in the blood of Catherine Shell almost completely Hungarian, her parents belonged to the Hungarian nobility: the Father wore the title of Baron, and the mother - Countess.
The most famous films with her participation: the 6th Bondian film "On the secret service of Her Majesty" (1969, the role of Nancy), "Moon 02" (1969, the role of Clementine), "Returning Pink Panthers" (1975, the role of Lady Clodin Litton) . In the UK, the actress is most famous for the role of Maya in the science fiction series of the 70s "Space: 1999".

Catherine Shell in the film "Moon 02" (1969):

Hungarians are the largest (14.5 million people) from the Finno-Ugric peoples belong to the Ugra.

Estimated Pranodina Hungarians - the area east of the Urals. Unlike its closest linguistic relatives - Khanty and Mansi, who remained in the Taiga, the Hungarians went into the steppe and began to lead a practically nomadic lifestyle. In the 9th century AD. Hungarians were nomaded in South Russian Steppes, until the Pechenegs were ousted from there, after which the Hungarians were forced to move to the West. In 896, the Hungarians settled in Transylvania, where Panononia was traded. In 1001, the Kingdom of Hungary was formed.

Currently, 8.5 million Hungarians live in Hungary. Large Hungarian diasporas are in neighboring Romania (1.2 million) and the United States (1.5 million).

Hungarians confess Catholicism and Protestantism (mostly Calvinism).

20th place. Tslaudia Kozma / Claudia Kozma "The Hungarian model represented Hungary at Miss International 2012."

19th place. ANETT SIGHET / ANETT SZIGETHY - Hungarian fitness model, Miss Supraneshnl 2013.

18th place. Andrea Oswart / Andrea Osvart (born on April 25, 1979, Budapest) - Hungarian actress and model.

17th place. Barbara Palvin / Barbara Palvin (born October 8, 1993, Budapest) - Hungarian model and actress. Growth 175 cm, Figure Parameters: Breast 81 cm, Waist 66 cm, hip 95 cm.

16th place. Eva Gabor / Eva Gabor (February 11, 1919, Budapest - July 4, 1995) - American actress. Born and grew up in Hungary. Her father is Hungary, the mother is a Jew.

15th place. Catherine Bagal / Chätrin Bagala (1968, Estonia - June 6, 2012, Hungary) - Soviet actress of Hungarian origin. He played a major role in the film "Silver Yarn Carolina" (1984). This is her only movie role.

Catherine Bahal in the film "Silver Yarn Carolina" (1984)

14th place. Eniko Mihalik Enikő (Rod. May 11, 1987, Bekseshchab, Hungary) - Hungarian model. Height 179 cm, parameters 84-61-87.

13th place. Tordai Trai / Teri Tordai (Rod. December 28, 1941, Debrecen, Hungary) - Hungarian actress.

12th place. Anita Hudatesk / Anita Hudáček (born on May 27, 1976, Budapest), better known as Anita Blond / Anita Blond- Actress and Fashion model. From 1995 to 2001, more than 100 porn films took off. In 1999, for the first time played in a non-cornographic film, namely, in the arthouse picture "Wind in the night" / "Le Vent De La Nuit", where the main role was performed by Catherine Denev, and Anita herself played a prostitute. Anita growth 172 cm, shape parameters 92-59-92. It is worth noting that Anita Blonde never made a popular breast magnitude among porn actresses.

11th place. Annamaria Rakosi / Annamária Rákosi - A representative of Hungary at the Miss World 2013 contest.

10th place. Catalina Coller / Katalin Koller - Miss Hungary 2007.

9th place. - Hungarian model.

8th place. Ildiko oven / ildikó pécsi (born May 21, 1941) - Hungarian actress and director.

7th place. Zita Seletski / Zita Szeleczky (April 20, 1915, Budapest - July 12, 1999) - Hungarian actress.

6th place. Eva Syok / Éva szőke (June 18, 1927, Budapest - August 1, 1998), better known as Eva Barkok / Eva Bartok - British actress. Her father is a Jew, Mother - Hungarian Catholic. Since the Jews belong to the nation is determined by the mother, then Eva Bark fell into the rating of the most beautiful Hungarian, and not to the Rating of the Jewek.

5th place. Agnes Dobo / Ágnes Dobó (born September 5, 1988, Debrecen) - Winner of the Hungarian selection at Miss World in 2010. However, at Miss World, she could not go, because Shortly before the competition broke her hand.

4th place. Orshi "Orsha" Kochish / Orsolya "Orsi" kocsis (born September 6, 1984, Debrecen) - Hungarian fashion model. Height 175 cm, the parameters of the figure 91-63-89.

3rd place. Eva Serentici / Éva Szerencsi (May 5, 1952, Budapest - September 6, 2006) - Hungarian actress.

2nd place. Ebergeny River / Reka Ebergenyi (Rod. 1982, Budapest) - Hungarian model. Height 178 cm, the parameters of the figure 89-59-89.

1st place. Catherine Shell / Catherine Schell (born July 17, 1944, Budapest) - British actress of Hungarian origin. Real name - Katerina Freyin Shell Background Bauvlott / Katherina Frein Schell Von Bauschlott. Despite the German surname (she got from the German great-grandfather), in the blood of Catherine Shell almost completely Hungarian, her parents belonged to the Hungarian nobility: the Father wore the title of Baron, and the mother - Countess.
The most famous films with her participation: the 6th Bondian film "On the secret service of Her Majesty" (1969, the role of Nancy), "Moon 02" (1969, the role of Clementine), "Returning Pink Panthers" (1975, the role of Lady Clodin Litton) . In the UK, the actress is most famous for the role of Maya in the science fiction series of the 70s "Space: 1999".

Catherine Shell in the film "Moon 02" (1969).

For four months in Hungary, after a heap of conversations about the country and residents, both with young people, and older people, I can speculate about what they are - the messenger lovers of the walk from Central Europe.

For the most part, the Hungarians are quite limited. All they hear on TV from the government, or, for example, at the university from teachers, is accepted as truth. Professor architecture from Budapest, who gave lectures around the world, says, for example, that even if the Higrandians say frank nonsense, they will diligently will be recorded and executed. In the period like Serbs, for example, think of every word and adore criticize.

At the same time, Magyars are very diligent and stroke. They are attentive to trifles (sometimes even too), they want to do everything well, really invest in their work and worry about it. At the same time, good specialists are very few. Most are pretty stupid. For example, in a bank no one ever knows current bets on deposits, or specific accounts, they are constantly called, panic and apologize. At the same time really sympathize and hurt for you.

Most likely, a system that is not debugged is to blame. To buy a train ticket to Keleti, even in the morning of the weekday, you need to sleep at least one and a half hours, although Cass six work. Each person serves 20 minutes, therefore you need to perform about a thousand operations. It turns out that even if the cashier does not freeze for a second, it turns out terribly long.

Hungarians - people are pretty friendly, quickly reaching for contact.They need to see you for the second time to easily invite home, or call for a birthday. They always turn to "you" using a bunch of shortened and informal words, even in a conversation with unfamiliar people.

Magyars love to so much and complain about fate. They do it only "in the kitchens", for example, if Hungar does not like his salary size, he will never tell his boss about it in the face. Rather, it will slow down his wife. In this they are Mastaki.

At the same time, if something really knocks them out of equilibrium, they will still be engaged in active resistance. Take at least a bill on the Internet, which assumed a monthly tax on gigabytes. It chose people so much that there was almost 100 thousand people to the streets, even the stones were leaving a little. In general, given the fact that 20 years they lived in real democracy, and the last two years - in totalitarianism, they are well represented as it should be, and therefore they can go to the streets for the idea. Although it is against the Hungarian nature.

Hungars manungally polite. Even the controller in the bus appeals to some Bizhikh is not different as "Dear Lady, do not please show your travel?"

In general, the normal guys are mostly. Only in English almost no one says. But nothing, we are already accustomed to the gestures.