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The names of the deities of world mythology. Slavic gods. Women's names of the greek mythology

Before the adoption of Christianity, Slavs, like many other nationalities, believed in the existence of several gods, each of which influenced certain areas of life of ancient Slavs or a natural phenomenon. The names of the Slavic gods, called the pagan christians, are given below.

Axen (or, differently, oxen) - God changes in the time of the year, affecting the beginning of autumn and spring.
Belbog - the embodiment of light, God bringing good, good luck and happiness
Bereginy - Great, one of the most ancient, goddess. The ancestor of all things.
Veles (differently, hair) - Son of Svarog, the embodiment of the master's wisdom,
the god of cattle breeding, after Perun the second in meaning.
Roluclav - God-Giant, who helped the weld when creating the Earth.
Dazbog - another son of Svarog, Slavs considered him the God of the Sun and his personification
Dennica is the eldest son of the Svarog.
Sivalkiz is the god of the Zaitsev.
Did - God of married love, the third son of the goddess of Lada.
Didilia is the patroness of women during pregnancy, the goddess of female fertility.
Dogoda is God gives a quiet wind and clear weather.
Dodol - the goddess of youth and summer.
Zewan (differently, zeavonia) is the goddess of wild animals and hunting.
Zimerzl (in a different way, Zarnitsa or Meszana) - the goddess of the morning dawn.
Zebogi (differently, the blood roof, angios or chudich) is God, "providing" villains by the torment after their death.
Golden Baba is a famous goddess of home well-being, peace and silence.
Karachun (in a different way, shortoon) - Morozov Lord, underground God.
Quasura - God of winemaking.
The striding is God that embodies the repeated annual cycle.
Corsa (differently, the Korah) is the God of Feasty, the Lord of Food and Drink.
The roof is God, having wipeby knowledge.
Buy - God of flowers, summer and fruit trees. The third largest after Veles and Perun.
Floor (in a different, palm or palm) is the God of consent, friendship and reconciliation.
Lada is the wife of Svarog, the goddess of love, marriage and beauty.
The ice (differently, the cudnik) is the life of winter.
Lelle (differently, Lelo or Lelia) - the son of the Goddess of Love Lada, also the God of Love.
Magagura (differently, a perugul) - daughter of Perun, patronizing soldiers.
Maya is the mother of the strides and the roof, the goddess.
Martzana is a goddess owned over the death of animals.
Wet (differently, Makos) - Goddess of fertility.
Moraine (differently, Mara, Mora, Maren or Mura) - the goddess of human death.
The sea king is a full lord of any water protony.
Nyan (differently) is the God of Punishment, the judge of the dead.
Lam - God, authorizing in the underground kingdom.
The godfather is the god of discord and quarrel.
Perun is God who commands with lightning and thunder, the son of Svarog.
Gogging is God who commands good weather.
Posvydov (in a different way, Posist, Poshest or Vikhore) - God's bad weather and storms.
Polaxist - God, giving happiness in the new year.
Polelya - the second son of the goddess of the beauty of the Lada, God of Marriage.
Polcan - Halfment, Centaur.
Porenut - God, patronizing navigators.
Right (differently, law or prio) is the god of justice, personifying the universal law.
The god of slituer life and fornico.
GOB is the patron of merchant merchants, merchants and just enterprising people.
Friday is a goddess, patronizing the deceased souls.
Redegast - the Slavic God of War.
Rod is the first God of Slavs, the creator of the world, visible and invisible
Roddomysl - God of wisdom, as well as eloquence.
Rozenitsa - the daughters of the first god of the kind, people see them in the form of the constellations of a small and big bear.
Ruyevit is a patronizing warriors God.

Svarog is the source of all Slavic gods, the Supreme Lord of the Universe.

Welsh is the god of fire, the son of Svarog.
Welders are the rest of the kids of the Svarog.
Svyatyndhide is another name for the Slavic Godhead.
Svyazbor (differently, just boron) is a patron of hunters and hunting, the God of Forests.
Seva - the goddess of the gardens of fruit.
Halfobogo is God, patronizing strength and dexterity.
Simmargl (or Semargl) - God, personifying the earthly incarnation of fire.
Striboga is the Supreme Tsar of the Winds, the Son of Svarog.
Sujeroh is a goddess owned in the underground kingdom.
Triglav is a three-headed deity that has power over the sky, land and over the underworld.
Triglava (differently, trigle) - the goddess of the Earth.
Tour is a patron of agriculture, God in the image of a bull.
UD - God, patronizing love connections.
Sent (differently, a residence permit) is the god of pleasure and fun.
USA - God is a vertex of human destination.
The rustman is God, who is posing overness and illness.
Horsa is the God of Light.
Chernbog - God, personifying misfortunes and troubles.
CHUR is a patronage of underground possessions and the border guarding their borders.
Yarilo (differently, Yar-Hop) - God of fun and love.
Yarovit is the god of spring thunderstorms, whirlwinds and clouds.

According to the materials of the "World in facts"

Religion of ancient Greece refers to pagan polycamism. The gods played important roles in the device of the world, performing each of their feature. The immortal deities were similar to people and behaved well in human: sad and rejoiced, quarreled and put up, betrayed and sacrificed their interests, chitrily and were sincere, loved and hated, forgred and Mstili, punished and milked.

The behavior, as well as the commandments of the gods and goddesses, the ancient Greeks explained natural phenomena, the origin of a person, moral and moral foundations, social relations. Mythology reflected the representations of the Greeks of the world around them. The myths were born in different parts of Eldlands and over time merged into an ordered belief system.

Ancient Greek gods and goddess

The mains were considered the gods and goddesses belonging to the younger generation. The older generation, embodied the forces of the Universe and the natural elements, lost the domination of the world, without staging under the onslaught of the younger. Won young gods chose their home by Mount Olympus. The ancient Greeks of all deities allocated 12 main Olympic gods. So, the gods of ancient Greece, a list and description:

Zeus - God of Ancient Greece - In mythology, be called the father of the gods, Zeus-Roury, the lord of lightning and clouds. It is he who has a powerful force to create life, to resist chaos, establish order and fair trial on earth. Legends talk about the Divine, as a noble and good creature. Lady of Lightning gave rise to the goddesses of the op and music. ORs manage the time and seasons of the year. Muses carry people inspiration and joy.

The wife of the thumbs were hera. The Greeks considered it a bored goddess of the atmosphere. Gera is the keeper of the house, the patron of the wives, storing loyalty to the husbands. With the daughter of Ilitia Gera weakened pain in childbirth. Zeus was famous for his passion. After a three hundred years of marriage, the Lastly Lady began to visit ordinary women who gave birth to heroes from him - demigods. He was Zeus his chosen in different guides. Before the beauty of Europe, the Father of the Gods was pressed as a bull with gold horns. I give Zeus as golden rain.


Marine God - the Lord of the Oceans and Seas, patron sailors and fishermen. The Greeks believed Poseidon's fair God, all the punishes of whom were deserved people. Preparing for swimming, sailors have raised prayers not to Zeus, but the Lord of the Seas. Before entering the sea, smoking was raised on the altars to please the Sea Dejection.

Greeks believed that Poseidon could be seen with a strong storm in the open sea. His magnificent gold chariot appeared from a sea foam harvested by rapid horses. Lidh horses of the Lord of the Ocean received as a gift from Brother Aida. Poseidon's wife is the goddess of the noisy sea of \u200b\u200bamphthritis. A trident is a symbol of power, gave the deity absolute power over the marine depths. Poseidon was distinguished by a soft character, sought to avoid quarrels. His loyalty to Zeus was not questioned - unlike Aida, the Lord of the Seas did not dispute the championship of the thumbnail.


Mr. Underground World. Aid with his wife Persephone rules for the kingdom of the dead. Eldlas were afraid of Aida more than Zeus himself. To get to the underground world - and even more so, it is impossible to return - without the will of the gloomy deity. Aid traveled over the surface of the earth in a chariot, harnessed horses. The eyes of horses were burning hellish fire. People prayed in fear, so that the gloomy God does not take them into their abode. Pets of Aida Traglevary Dog Cerberian guarded entrance to the kingdom of the dead.

According to the legends, when the gods divided power and Aida got the dominion over the kingdom of the dead, the celestial remained dissatisfied. He considered himself humiliated and hid himself offended by Zeus. Open Aid never opposed the power of the thumbnail, but constantly tried to harm the fathers of the gods as much as possible.

Aid kidnapped the beautiful Persephone, the daughter of Zeus and the goddess of fertility Demeters, by making her his wife and government of the underworld. Zeus had no power over the kingdom of the dead, so refused Demetra in the request to return the daughter to Olympus. The saddened goddess fertility ceased to take care of the earth, the drought came, then came famous. The lord of thunder and lightning had to conclude a treaty with AIs, according to which Persephone will hold two thirds of the year in heaven, and a third of the year in the underground world.

Athena Pallada and Ares

Athena is probably the most beloved goddess of the ancient Greeks. The daughter of Zeus, born of his head, she embodied three virtues:

  • wisdom;
  • calm;
  • insight.

The goddess of victorious energy, Athena was depicted by a powerful warrior with a spear and a shield. She was also the deity of pure heavens, had the power to disperse the dark clouds with their weapons. The daughter of Zeus traveled with the goddess of Victory by Nick. Athenas called for a defender of cities and fortresses. It was she who sent fair state laws ancient Eldead.

ARES - Divine of Stormy Heaven, Eternal Rival Athens. The son of Ges and Zeus, he worshiped as the God of War. Warrior, filled with rage, with a sword or a spear - so painted ARES imagination to the ancient Greeks. God of war enjoyed the noise of combat and bloodshed. Unlike Athena, which is judged and honestly led battle, Ares preferred furious contractions. The God of War approved the Tribunal - a special trial on particularly cruel killers. The hill where the courts passed, named in honor of the warlike deity of the Mareopag.


God for blacksmith and fire. According to legend, Hephaestus was cruel to people, scared and ruined them by volcanic eruptions. People lived without fire on the surface of the earth, suffering and died in the eternal cold. Hephaesta, like Zeus, did not want to help mortals and give them fire. Prometheus - Titan, the last of the older generation of the gods, was an assistant Zeus and dwell on Olympus. Executed compassion, he brought fire to the ground. For the abduction of the fire, the thunder of Titan on the eternal torment.

Prometheus managed to avoid kara. Possessing the providic abilities, Titan knew that Zeus was threatened in the future death from his own son. Thanks to the promotion tip, the Lastnie Lady did not connect in the marriage alliance with the one who would give birth to the Son Oterceubius, and strengthened his dominion forever. The mystery of the preservation of the power Zeus gave Titan freedom.

Eldead has existed a holiday run. Participants competed with burning torches in hand. Athena, Gefest and Prometheus were symbols of a celebration, which served as the origin of the Olympic Games.


The deities of Olympus were characteristic not only of noble gusts, lies and cunning were often led by their actions. God Hermes - Plut and Thief, Patron of Trade and Banking, Magic, Alchemy, Astrology. Born by Zeus from Mayan Pleiads. His mission was to pass the will of the Gods to people through dreams. On behalf of Hermes, the name of the science of hermeneutics - art and the theory of interpretation of texts, including the ancients, occurred.

Hermes came up with writing, was young, beautiful, energetic. Antique images draw it as a pretty young man in the winged hat and sandals. According to Legend, Aphrodite has rejected the courting of the God of Trade. Grems is not married, although he has a lot of children, like a lot and beloved.

The first theft of Hermes - 50 Cows of Appollo, he committed it quite still at a young age. Zeus asked the baby a good "watch" and he returned stolen. In the future, the storms has repeatedly applied to the resourceful offspringTo solve delicate problems. For example, at the request of Zeus Hermes stole a cow in the Ges, in which the beloved Lint of Lightning turned.

Apollo and Artemis

Apolone - the Sun Games in the Greeks. Being the son of Zeus, the Apolon spent the winter in the lands of the hyperboreans. In Greece, God returned in the spring, carrying the awakening of nature immersed in the winter hibernation. Apolon patronized art, and was also a Music and singing deity. After all, together with the spring, the desire to create a desire to do. Apolona was attributed to the ability to heal. As the sun, the sun is expelled to darkness, so the celestial expelled the hands. The God of the Sun depicted an extremely beautiful young man with harp in his hands.

Artemis is the goddess of hunting and the moon, the patron of animals. The Greeks believed that Artemis made nightlings with niadas - patrons of water - and shed the dew on the grass. At a certain period of the history of Artemis was considered a brutal goddess, which ruins navigators. The Divine was brought by human sacrifices to achieve location.

At one time, the girl worshiped Artemide as a strong marriage organizer. Artemide Ephesis began to consider the goddess of fertility. The sculptures and pictures of Artemis depicted a woman with a large number of nasses on the chest to emphasize the generosity of the goddess.

Soon in the legends, the Sun of Helios and the goddess of the Moon of Selena appeared in the legends. Apolon remained the Music and Art Deity, Artemis - goddess of hunting.


Aphrodite worshiped as a patronage of loved. The Phoenician goddess Aphrodite combined two starts:

  • femininity when the goddess enjoyed the love of the young man of Adonis and the singing of birds, the sounds of nature;
  • mitality, when the goddess was portrayed as a cruel warrior, who obliges her successors to take the chastity vows, and was also a zealous keeper of loyalty in marriage.

Ancient Greeks managed to harmoniously combine femininity and militancy, creating a perfect image of female beauty. The embodiment of the ideal was Aphrodite, carrying clean, immaculate love. The goddess was portrayed as a beautiful naked woman out of the sea foam. Aphrodite is the most revered muse of poets, sculptors, artists of that time.

The son of an excellent goddess Eros (Eros) was her faithful messenger and assistant. The main task of the God of Love was to connect the life lines of lovers. According to legend, Eros looked like a dirty kid with wings.


Demeter - the goddess-patroness of farmers and winemakers. Earth-mother, so also called it. Demeter was the embodiment of nature, which gives people fruits and cereals, absorbing sunlight and rain. Pictured fertility goddess with rusia, wheat hair. Demetra gave people the science of barking and crops grown by hard labor. The daughter of the goddess of the Persephone winemaking, becoming the queen of the underground kingdom, tied the world of living with the kingdom of the dead.

Together with Dememet, Dionysis was worshiped - the deity of winemaking. Dionysis portrayed a fun young man. Usually his body fluttered a grape vine, and in the hands of God kept a jug, filled with wine. Dionysus taught people to care for grape vines, sing violent songs, which later formed the basis of an ancient Greek drama.


The goddess of family well-being, unity and the world. The altar of Gesti was standing in every house near the family hearth. The inhabitants of Eldlats perceived urban communities as big families, so in the trunk (administrative buildings in the Greek cities) were attended by the sanctuary of gesty. They were a symbol of civil unity and peace. There was a sign that, if in a long journey to take coals from the altar, the goddess will provide his patronage on the way. The goddess also defended alien and suffering.

Gesty temples did not build, After all, she worshiped in every home. The fire was considered a clean, cleansing natural phenomenon, so the price was perceived as a patronage of chastity. The goddess has requested the permission from Zeus not to marry, although Poseidon and Apollo sought her location.

Myths and legends have been developing for decades. With each retelling of history, they turned new details, there were previously unknown characters. The list of gods increased, allowing us to explain natural phenomena, the essence of which ancient people could not understand. Myths passed the wisdom of older generations with young, explained the state structure, approved the moral and moral principles of society.

The mythology of ancient Greece presented humanity a lot of plots and images, which were reflected in the masterpieces of world art. Over the centuries, artists, sculptors, poets and architects drew inspiration in the legends of Eldlats.

· Agni, in the Vedi and Hindu mythology of Brz Fire.

· Aditi, in the ancient Indian mythology, the women's deity, as well as the mother of the gods, called Aldi. Associated with light and airspace.

· Aldi, in ancient Indian mythology, a group of gods - the sons of Goddess Aditi. Usually their seven: Mithra, Ariaman, Bha-ha, Varuna, Daksha, Ansh.

· Azazel, demonic creature in Judaism.

· Aid, Gades, God Lord of the Kingdom of the Dead, as well as the kingdom itself.

· Aishma, in ancient Miranoral mythology, one of the supreme devies, the incarnation of robbery, dismissal, nomads, who were subjected to sedentary Iranians.

· Aka Mana, one of the devices who personify the sinful thoughts and motivation, antagonist of the wast man

So far, we have been talking about the gods who worshiped those or other tribes and peoples. These beliefs relate to a very diverse, extremely motley category, called Polyteraism (Multimit). A distinctive feature of these boobs is a close connection with the traditions and cultures of certain tribes and peoples, as well as with the nature of those places where they lived or continue to live.

However, there is the unity of humanity as a totality of all people in space-time, having bodily and spiritual similarities and dwelling within the same planet, or rather - the biosphere, the area of \u200b\u200blife. This circumstance led over time to the fact that in the end, huge popularity and authority acquired monotheism (monotheism). It includes the two most common religions: Christianity and Islam, as well as the preceding Judaism.

Instead of numerous deities, a single God appeared. Depending on the religious system, he has three name: Trinity, or just God (Christianity), Allah (Islam), Yakhwe (Judaism). He is a volume of all existing, created the universe and established its laws, invisible and omnipotent ... The number of definitions can be significantly increased, and they all involve the highest quality. In all its completeness of God, it is not able to comprehend the limited human mind, a spiritual connection is established with it, it must first of all believe, by performing his covenants.

Despite the fact that this deity was installed in Kiev an idol among the "magnificent seven" (Perun, Striboga, Dazbog, Chore, Simargl, Makosh), still not entirely clearly, it had an appearance of a person or a dog.

According to the fundamental "mythological dictionary" (M., 1991), it is most likely that his name goes back to the name "Semilvan", which was sometimes given to the God of the Baltic Slavic Ruyevit. But then it is not clear why the chronicler mentioned the name of the Divine, but the nickname, "and hardly widespread, and even in some strange for Russian hearing the letterpart" Simargl ".

The hypothesis proposed by the Irani K.V. is more convincing. Travel compared to semarlang with the winged deity of Avesti Pantheon - Senmourv. It was him, according to Iranian legend, a bright God instructed the care of the heavenly "tree of all seeds." Senmourve was endowed with his teeth, claws and wings, and therefore it is believed that it was he who was portrayed in ancient times as a winged PSA - a guard of sowing from wild animals, and from livestock too.

So called the fire of fire, the fiery element. Worshiping the earth's incarnation of fire, called it navigation; He prayed, sacrificed sacrifices.

In the Ipatiev Chronicle (the beginning of the XII century) it is said: "... This is for the sake of the nickname and God, Svaroga ... And for the seven kingdoms of his son named the Sun, he drew the dazbog ... Sun Tsar Son Svarvi ..."

It is believed that the welwing personifies the spirit of fire at all, while the celestial embodiment of the fire is presented in the image of the dazhbog. But here is not so simple. It can be remembered that in the Indian Svarga mythology is a bright paradise of heaven (or just heaven). So in this regard, the father of the Sun could be considered a bright sky-welder - and his mythical keeper of the weld.

In the ancient-Russian texts there is a matching welcome with the Greek God-Kuznets Hephaest. But at the reasonable opinion B. A. Rybakova: "Svarog is a certain heavenly deity and more comprehensive than Greek Hephaest ..." In another place, he clarifies: "The fire connects the Kuznetsov with the weld, but the weld itself is not a blacksmith; With it, only the celestial ticks needed for blacksmiths fell. Svarog is more like a divine cultural hero, who opened the hardware to people and found family orders. "

It seems to translate the name of this god seems to be no sense: for a Russian person it sounds familiar and understandable, corresponding to frequently repeated: "Give God!" But what researchers believe, "God" in the name of the pagan deity derived from the ancient Indian "Bhaga", meaning "wealth". Thus, it can be assumed that the dazbog was revered, in any case, in distant antiquity, as a richness submitter.

In the "Word about the regiment of Igor", the Russians speak about Russians as dashed grandchildren. Since when did he be considered the progenitor of the Russians? Most likely, relatively late. After all, the collective concept of "Russian" quite widely spread less than two thousand years ago.

On the other hand, the dazbog is called the son of the Svarog, God of Fire. Based on this, it is logical to assume that the Slavs, the ancestors of the Russians (Rosov Rus), was originally worshiped fiery Svarog. Why did he give up his supreme position to his son? Answer to this question historical sources do not give.

Among the highest gods of Slavic Pantheon, she was the only female representative. True, some researchers call a number of other goddesses: Divia (Diva), alive, gout, desire, moraine, bathing, Lada, Lelia. However, the disputes are already providing an opportunity for their existence in general and as the general Slavonic or Russian goddesses in particular. In any case, there is no serious reason to include some of these female deities in the category of great. But the idol of Makoshi, as the chronicle shows, ordered to put Prince Vladimir in Kiev in a number of the most revered deities.

It is not easy to describe it. Having devoted to her a thorough study, B. A. Rybakov began it like this: "Makosh is a female deity, it is one of the most mysterious and contradictory. Mentioning this goddess are found in many sources, but they are fragmentary and brief. We cannot even answer the question about the geographical range of its cult ... ". But ultimately, it was not possible to reveal this mystery. In his opinion: "Everything says for the fact that Makosh (long before it became only a patronage of female works) was a very important goddess of Praslanjansky Pantheon ...". Here, somewhat strangely sounds a dismissive attitude towards women's work, as if by them to patronize incomparably less honorable than, for example, cattle breeding or agriculture, not to mention the hunting and collecting, which is considered to be a female occupation. Moreover, if we take into account the existence of a number of gods, patrons of male occupations, does not look strange to introduce into their circle at least one deity, reminiscent of significant, and sometimes decisive role in the general farm of women's labor.

In the chronicle, he is called "the ambulance of God." His name also points to it. At the same time, he was a patron of wealth, wealth, which traditionally connected with the amount of livestock. As noted by B.A. Fishermen, up to the Middle Ages in Russia, the word "cattle" meant and pets, and property; "Scotoviye was synonymous with korestolobius," cocity "called a financial official, an intermediary between the landingman and the old-age, and the" cowgirl "- the treasury.

It may seem strange that when Kiev Prince Vladimir wished ideologically to unite his subjects, he ordered to waters in the capital of Puran's idols, Horsa, Dazhboga, Streboga, Cimarla and Makoshi, but for some reason did not include Besles in that series. What can be explained by such "forgetfulness"? Is it really for this time (980) he began to take a secondary place in Slavic Pantheon?

In 907, according to the Chronicler's testimony, in Byzantia, the Russians "Klyashai. Weapon with his own and Perun God with his and hair in God. " The same was repeated in 971: "Yes, we have an oath from God, we believe in it and from Perun and from the fire of God." Of course, for several years, the public consciousness in that era could not have changed so dramatically to be a forgotten God, who had stood next to the Perun himself.

Thundergot, the lord of thunder and zipper, the heavenly God, whose power extends and on the ground - such is Perun.

Byzantine historian VI century Prokoki Kesarian wrote, referring to the Slavic Pantheon: "It is believed that one of the gods - the creator of zipper - ... There is a single lord of everything, and he is sacrificed by bulls and any animals." Referring to this testimony, E. E. Levkievskaya concluded that "the cults of individual, not related gods by this time began to develop in the general Slavic religious system, the center becomes the center."

True, it is possible that the proofer knew only about one Slavic tribe or a few, and moreover, he wanted to show that even the pagans there exists something similar to the only one, putting a heavenly deity for the "single lord" in accordance with the Christian canon. The most important thing is that the Byzantine author had certain foundations to allocate, let's say, one of the great gods of the ancient Slavs.

The name is repeated in Russia constantly from the century in the century and is the root of the set of words: homeland, people, relatives, kinship, to give birth, spring, harvest, nature ...

It would seem that God with this name should also be honored for many centuries. After all, it is connected with that land where we were born (homeland), the generality of people, part of which we are (the people), and even the world around us, which is like. Nevertheless, the well-known researcher B.A. Fishermen had every reason to write: "The most mysterious and least studied from all Slavic deities is a genus, known only to the eastern Slavs and who did not survive in ethnographic material."

Some scientists do not think at all that there was such a god. Others believe that this cult was private (such as a family deity) and did not have much importance. Thirdly convinced that we are talking about the great God, along with whom Genznica was worshiped. By the way, the second and third options do not contradict one other: in many religions, the great gods were simultaneously both family.

It must be clarified: the genus is known not only to the east, but partly the southern and Western Slavs. According to O. N. Trubachev, "the word under consideration dates back to Praslanjansky" Hord ", which is not associated with Indo-Iranian, Greek and other forms." Based on this, it can be assumed that God the genus was not borrowed from the side, but a native, invalid Slavic.

Information on the mythology of ancient Russia, or, more precisely, the Eastern Slavs is very scarce. When our great encyclopedist M. V. Lomonosov tried to bring this information into a single system, it was forced to note with a chagrin: "We would have a lot of fables like the Greeks if the Slavs had science in idolatry."

Indeed, before the adoption of Christianity, a thousand years ago in Russia practically absent writing, and the interest of other peoples to Russian myths was minimal. But after all, the Hermann peoples have a little better, but they still managed to recreate many of their myths in the times of adoption of Christianity. In the ancient Russia, such collectors and keepers of the "pagan" tales and beliefs were not found.

The centers of written culture in Russia were almost exclusively monasteries, and the chronicles were from the monks. The Orthodox Church tried to eradicate pagan superstitions, mentioning their essence rarely and only critically. The names and acts of the great pre-Christian gods were etched from the consciousness of the people. True, this was not shaken, seriously superstitions: a variety of prejudices were preserved and multiplied, and from the previous gods were preserved in popular memory only the most bad and unclean, associated with dangerous spirits of nature or night fears: kimair, wits, devils, water, leishes, mermaids, Home ...

In Edde, the name of this Asa is not mentioned much less often than the name of the same. However, researchers did not register traces of the Loki cult in the ancient Germans, and it is even unclear how this son was giant Farbauti. It is only known that he was associated with a single rite of blood fraternity, but why, under what circumstances it happened, it remains a mystery. (In the course of this rite, it was necessary to cut his hands to himself, mix the blood, pour into a horn with honey or beer, which was dried in half; the brotherhood bonded in this way was considered stronger than family bonds.)

Loki - Figure contradictory, multifaceted. Attempts by some scientists to determine his belonging to any element or some human quality it is difficult to call convincing. "What is Loki? - wrote M.I. Steblin-Kamensky. - God of fire, or water, or death, or vegetation, etc. (as it was previously interpreted), or he (his last interpretation) is the mind without a sense of responsibility? The solution of such imaginary mysteries is still considered to be the task of science. "

Indeed, this complex image is a person, not a symbol. Given his tendency to build all sorts of goats, to be enjoyed with the gods and mock them on them, there is a reason to consider it by the embodiment of evil, the dark spot in the bright Asgard. Moreover, it was the Loki that was a genuine killer of the beautiful and virtuous Baldra, squandered by a blind key instead of the dart of the mistletoe branch - the only weapon in the world, capable of killing Baldra. Moreover, the same Loki prevented the gods to return Baldra from the kingdom of the dead.

Gods and Divities

The names of the Gods

Yaril (Legend)
God of rage, youth and beauty and vitality: from earthly fertility and human sexuality to will to life. His (or her) obey wild animals, the perfume of nature and lower deities.

Yard see [Widd]
Yar-hop god of crumpled honey, beer, wine, fun and winemaking.
Yan di God of the Sun and Fire.
Yama God of the kingdom of the dead.
Jupiter (legend) God of the sky, daylight light, thunderstorms. Lifting in Tartar of his father Titan Kronos, became the Vladyka of Gods and People.
Ey See [Oann]
Eteria daughter of the God of the Sun Festrua and Oceanids of the Klimen.
Ereshkigal Ladyman Kingdom of Dead.
Eos goddess of the sun, morning dawn. "With the fingers of purple EOS."
Enlil See [Ellill]
Enki See [Eya]
Ellill Enlil. God of air and land
Ellie Elli. AS, goddess of old age.
Eir EIR. AS, patroness of doctors, goddess, giving love.
Aya Enki. God of world freshwater, wisdom, patron of people.
Shamash God of the Sun.
Chur (legend) The god of protection of property rights, protection, patron of borders, kissing, guarding, protection against damage and impurity.
Number of god of time and starburst, letters, numbers, calendar.
Zhuan-Xu God Waters.
Chernobog (legend) (black serpent, sashing) Master Navi, darkness and hoeful kingdom. God of cold, destruction, death, evil; God madness and the incarnation of all bad and black.
Tsukyui God Moon.
Hjuck Hjuke. The growing moon, one of the three goddesses, along with Biel and Mani.
Juan di "Vladyka Center". Supreme Divine.
Horse God of the Sun, the brother of the month.
Hop god hop and drunkenness. Spouse Surisitsa.
Hlin Hlin. AS, Messenger Frigg, taking care of those whom her hostess wants to protect.
Chittyputsli, see [Wit,]
Chitlaputsli See [Witilopochti]
Hermod Hermod. Messenger Asgard. His name is mentioned in connection with the unsuccessful attempt to return Balder from the kingdom of Hel.
Henir Hoenir. AS, the god of priest functions. Often it is called a quiet God.
Hel Hel. The daughter of Loki, the government of the underground kingdom, the queen of the dead. Above the belt is an ordinary woman, and below - skeleton.
Heymdalle (legend) Guardian Bive Bridge, Son Odin, "Wise AS". He sleeps less than a bird, sees the path for a hundred days in any direction and can hear the growth of grass and wool.
Head (legend) Hoder. Son Odin, "Blind As". He has a huge force, but never leaves Asgard. It is one of the twelve major gods.
Hyudrun goat, living in Asgard and feeding with leaves from the top of Gograsil. Everyone in Asgard feeds her milk, strong, like honey, and it is enough for everyone.
Fulla Fulla. AC, servant Frygg.
Fryigg (Legend) AS, Goddess of Marriage and Extension, wife Odin. Fryigg rules the goddess living in Asgarde.
Freia (Legend) The Goddess of Love, her heart is so soft and gently, which sympathizes the suffering of everyone. He is the leadership of Valkyrie.
Freir (legend) God of fertility and summer. He is suspended sunlight, he is beautiful and powerful, he is van, sending wealth.
Fortune Roman goddess of happiness, chance and good luck. Depicted on a bowl or wheel (symbol of variability of happiness), sometimes with a bandage in front of the eyes.
Forseti Forseti. AS, Son Balder, God of Justice and Victory in disputes.
FEB (Legend) The God of the Sun.
Fahtuza daughter of the God of the Sun Festrua and Oceanids of the Klimenta.
Phaeton Son of the Sun of the Sun Fea and Oceanids of Clemena.
Ushas God Morning Dawn.
Sail one of the three Giant Brothers, Perun's Assistants (Goryna, Dube and Pulling).
Ugra (legend) God is a vertex of fate. Determines who will be born rich or poor, happy or unhappy.
Usinsh Latvian "Konsky God".
Uroboros (legend) "devouring your tail." Snake, biting his tail, "Starting from the end of his tail", ishing the whole world.
Uranus Son God Sky, Gay's husband, father of thethides.
Ull (legend) The patron of arrows from Luke and skiers, the God of fertility and the law.
Wlap (legend) Patron of the Chuvash, God-Bogatyr, who abandoned the sun and the moon far from the ground.
Whitalipochtille (legend) Chitslipucli, Hislaputsli, "Hummingbird left side". Human hearts were sacrificed to this god.
Wijard The silent goddess that commands immortal and mortals.
Tian-di God sky.
Tyur (Legend) AS, God of War, Son Odin and Sisters of the Sea Giant of Humira, the third of the Asov after Odin and the brave among them.
Thiermes (legend) Udmurtsky God - Studrosz. When he defeats God - a deer Mändas, the end of the world will come.
Troyan three-headed lord of three kingdoms. One of the heads of Trojan is devouring people, the other - cattle, the third - fish, he travels at night, as it is afraid of sunlight.
Triton Marine Deity, Son Poseidon and Neread Amphetritis.
The triptole of the Lord of the Kingdom of the Dead.
Triglava Large Triglav: Rod - Belobog - Chernobog. Small triglav: Svarog - Perun - Veles.
Triglav (legend) in the Mythology of the Baltic Slavs Three-chapted deity. Symbolize power over the three kingdoms - heaven, land and underworld.
Sochi See [TlasolTeotle]
Thor (legend) AS, the god of thunder, the son of Odin and the goddess of the Earth Erd. Considered the most powerful God after Odin.
TlasolTeotle Ishkina, Sochi, Teteoinnan. Goddess of fertility, sexy sins, repentance, devouring of dirt and excrement.
Thethis of the daughter of uranium and gay, the wife of the ocean. She was the grandmother Phaeton from the motherboard; Clevenis was her daughter.
Teteoinnan see [TlasolTeotle]
Test cliff (legend) "smoking mirror". Eternally young, Almighty, the all-knowing God is evil, the rival of Cetzalcoatlia.
Tauntan Father Goddess Rainbow Irida.
Tarh see [Dutbog]
Tammuz see [Dimuzi]
Tamamo-no-Mahe is one of the evil gods.
Syn Syn. AS, goddess, guarding people from thieves.
Sievn Siofn. AS, goddess, striving for people living peacefully and friendly.
Suslap "Rosa". Daughter of the Sun and his wives: Morning and Evening Dawn, Sister of Man.
Susanoo God of the Wind and Water Element, later hero, having lost people from an eight-headed snake.
Sure Sury is a solar goddess of joy, light (Drink of Surya (Honey Pit)). Hop spouse. Daughter dazhboga.
Striboga (legend) Supreme God Wind God. He can call and tame a storm, can turn around with his assistant, the bird is stirred.
Stux Stux (Greek) - "hateful". The goddess of the river of the same name in the kingdom of the dead.
Srecha goddess of happiness and good luck.
Snotra snot. AS, the goddess of wisdom and politeness.
SIF (legend) sif. AS, goddess fertility, wife Torah. The beauty of the SIF is inferior only to Freary.
Siva (legend) Siva is the God of Seva, crop and cattle.
Si Vantum Goddess, Ladyman of the country of immortality.
SEMARGL (legend) Simargl, firebog. The god of fire and the moon, fiery sacrifices, home and hearth, keeps seeds and crops.
Selena goddess Moon.
Scholyyt (legend) God of light, fertility, harvest, autumn sun, grain. The god of war and victory, represented in the image of the warrior - rider.
Svetnit (legend) The Higher Deity of the Western Slavs, referred to as the Middle Ages of Vedeni, and Rugs.
Svarog (legend) God of fire, blacksmith, family hearth. Heavenly Blacksmith and Great Warrior. About this God go rather contradictory information.
Sarasvati beautiful goddess of eloquence.
Saga Saga. AS, goddess stories and genealogy.
Ran Ran. Wang, the wife of Alegya, the goddess of weather and storms, requiring regular sacrifice in the form of a shower.
Rudra is one of the main Indian gods, a multiple and three-chapted. Son of the creator of the Universe of Brahma.
Birth triglav See [Big Triglav]
Radohost (legend) The essence of the punishment face of the Most High, the judge of the human souls.
Proteus (legend) Marine God, is able to take the appearance of different creatures and move to various properties of matter - fire, water, wood.
Poseidon The God of the Sea, the Father of Triton and Prota.
Brew the Senior Wind, God of Storm. Son of Stroboga.
Middle Summer Midnight God, Son of Stroboga.
Half the god of the wind noon, the son of the striboga.
Field of God of Love and Spring Fruit, Brother Lelie and Lelia.
The gation of the god of a hot, desicing wind, living in the desert in the south. Son of Stroboga.
Weather warm, light breeze, God of pleasant weather. Son of Stroboga.
Perun (Legend) "Rissing". Redhead god thunderstorms, thunder and lightning, patron of warriors and Vityazy. One of the main trinity of the gods. His attribute is an ax.
Combold (legend) is transferred - the god of the sea, navigation. He is subject to water. Data on it is not enough to accurately determine its functions.
Ohura class of gods in India and Iran.
Osiris Usir. God fertility and king of the afterlife.
Ore Goddess changing seasons and hours.
Ocean Male thethids.
One (legend) Supreme God of Scandinavia, AS, Ruler Asgard, God of Warriors.
Fire Fire Way Way to the Irry Garden, God of War and courage. Husband Lelley.
Ovii, see [Kokopelley]
Oanen (Legend) Ey. Babylonian god of the sea, the oldest of marine gods.
O-Cuni-Nusi God, who has grown grass and trees on Earth, who learned people to heal the disease.
Nui Va Goddess - the creator of mankind.
Njord Njord. Wang, patron of navigation, fisheries and shipbuilding, the winds and the sea are subject to him. Nyěd is richer than all Asov and, like everyone is, very kind.
Ninurta God of war.
Nintu goddess, created people, patroness of the feminine.
Neri God of a calm sea. Lives in a palace at the bottom of the sea.
Nezal Vladyka Kingdom of Dead, Spouse Goddess Ereshkigal.
Nemesis goddess deserved punish.
Near the goddess, along with a fraction and makosh, hiding the thread of a person's life on Earth.
Nanna God of the Moon.
Nanna Nanna. AS, the goddess of fertility, the wife of Balder, who did not survive his death.
Narter "Fate" God, who is dying and leading him to the kingdom of the dead.
Nabu God is a patron of science.
Morrigan (Legend) in Irish mythology is one of the three goddesses of the war. It is also called the powerful queen and are considered as a triple goddess or the hypotion of the death of a triple goddess.
The harrow is a lie and deception, ignorance and delusions. But he is also a keeper of ways to truth, hiding from other truth for an empty Midwow worldly.
Morozko (legend) God of winter and cold weather. Low old old woman with a long gray beard. In winter, he runs around the fields and streets and knocks - from his knocking begins Cracking frosts and brought the rivers with the ice.
Modi MODI (legend). AU, son of Torah and Sif, sometimes referred to as a patron of berserkers.
Mithra Anciention Deity, embodiment: Bull. His cult was very common in the Roman Empire in the first centuries of the new era, as the "soldier's God."
Miktlantertili Lord of Miktlan, the underground world of the dead.
Month month Monthovich, brother of the sun. "Perun and ram in his bouquet ax, he was angry at him in half. Since then, he became not round a month, but as we see him in the sky. "
Mother of Cheese Earth (legend) Earth people read not only in pagan times, but now. The land is called the Holy, Mother, it is the embodiment of health and purity. The spouse of the sky, which fertilizes her rain.
Martzan (legend) The goddess of the death of all living beings, except for a person, the goddess of hunting, fishing and hunting.
Maren (Legend) Maran, Morozhn, Marzhana, Marge. The goddess associated with the incarnation of death, with seasonal rituals of the dying and resurrection of nature, as well as with rituals of rain causing.
Marduk Initially, the God of the city of Babylon, subsequently - the Supreme Divine, "Vladyka Gods".
Mara (Goddess) (Legend) Moran, Moraine, Maren, Mora. The mighty and terrible goddess of winter and death, the wife (daughter) of a snack and the daughter of the Lada, the sister is alive with Lelle. Her symbol is a black moon, piles of broken skulls and a sickle, which she cuts the thread of life.
Mani Mani. The moon as a deity, one of the three goddesses, on a par with Hyuk and Biel.
Mamon (legend) Mamon Slavic black deity of wealth and gluttony, opposed to light gods.
Small Triglav (Legend) Svarog - Perun - Veles.
Makosh (legend) Makosh - Goddess, sprinkling fate, in heaven, as well as the patroness of women's needlework - on Earth.
Magagura (Legend) Perun's daughter, Cloud Virgo is a beautiful, winged, militant. Her heart is forever removed soldiers, heroes. She directs the deceased warriors to Iri.
Magni (Legend) Magni. AS, Son Torah, God of physical strength.
Easure (legend) of any - the guardian spirit of the marriage lodge. Presented to the larger, shaggy, chillers with a cat with a stem of the grains in the teeth. Lyuba should have improved in every way so that he would distil from the bedroom dislike - the same cat, only black and evil, with a branch of whites in the mouth.
Lay Shen God thunder.
Loki (Legend) Giant, God of fire, twin the same, adopted by asams as equal.
Summer Olympic goddess.
Lelia (legend) Spring, Goddess Giothery love, younger guy, patroness of lovers, beauty, happiness. Daughter of Lada. Spouse semarlang.
Lel (Legend) God of youthful love, passion, son of Lada and Brother Leli. He has sparks from his hands, the fire of love.
Lahm Lahma and Lahama is ancient pair of gods generated by primitive chaos.
The lamp of the daughter of the God of the Feba Sun and the Oceanids of the Klianma.
Lakshmi Born by Ocean Beautiful Virgo in White Robe is a goddess of beauty and happiness.
Lada (legend) Women's hypostasis of the genus, spouse of the Svarog and the mother of the gods of the weld, Senior Rozenitsa (Gignitza - Mother), a family deity.
Lada God of reconciliation and consent, in some sense, order.
Lövan Lofn. AS, goddess, sanctifying marriages between people.
Kyldysin (Legend)
Swimpse of the goddess of the night. Mother Kostroma and Kupala, who gave birth to semarlang.
Kupala (legend) caught (and his twin sister Kostohma): children goddess at night swimsuits and semarglag.
Kuber God of wealth living in the Heavenly city of Gandharvarnagara (Mirage).
Kuzuz (legend)
Clear See [Karn]
Kostroma (legend) The daughter of semarlars and swimsuits, mistaken married for his brother - Kupala, and who committed himself, drowned and turning into Mavku-Mermaid.
Kokopelly (legend) OVII. Small Indian God.
Climen Nimifa (Oceanid), the wife of the God of the Sun Festrua.
Quasura (legend) Initially, the God of Crumpled Honey, beer, wine, fun and winemaking, almost the same as Yar-Hmel.
Yard Goddess of Earth.
Ishtar See [Inna]
Ishshine See [TlasolTeotle]
Izaman God of Health of Maya, Flyokornok Borodach. His symbol is a rattling snake.
Isis goddess Moon.
Irida Goddess Rainbow, Taunta's daughter.
Inmar God, the ruler of the Upper, Heavenly World - the world of the gods.
Indra (legend) "Vladyka". The main god of the Indian Vedic Pantheon. In the veleskaya book is referred to as the Supreme Heaven.
Inari is one of the good gods, benevolent and wise.
Innana Ishtar. Goddess fertility and love
Izid see [Isis]
Idunn see [IDDUN]
Izanami goddess, wife Izanaka, subsequently - the master of the kingdom of the dead.
Izanaki Izanaki - God, the creator of the earth and people.
Iddun (legend) Idunn. AS, the goddess of eternal youth and healing.
Zimzherta (legend) Lady of the beginning of the day, the goddess of the morning dawn. It turns out at night to frolic over the forest fields, and then they call it a salary.
Zeus Supreme Olympic God.
Zewana (legend) The goddess of animals and hunting. In the temple holds a taut onion and a trap in his hands, her legs ligaten and a knife.
Zhurm see [Joy]
Fland see [Joy]
Lived, see [Live]
Live (legend) of the goddess of spring and life in all its manifestations: the life-giving forces of nature, spring booining waters, the first green shoots; Patrone of young girls and young wives.
Just (legend) still, juba. The goddess of death of death, pity and funeral crying, the heads of the dead, seeking to the funeral fire. Even one mention of her name eases the soul.
Erd Erd. AS, Mother Torah, Goddess of Earth.
Dy (legend) The name of God, is mentioned in the ancient Russian insertion to the South Slavic text of the "Walking of the Virgin Music". Sometimes - the general designation of the average gods.
Dube is one of the three Giant Brothers, Perun's Assistants (Goryna, Dube and Pushcha).
Doride Sea goddess, wife's wife, Neremid mother.
Share (legend) Heavenly, hiding the good, fertile thread of a person's life. Sister Nadoli, Macau's assistant.
Dodol (legend) Thunder's thunder's goddess. She marches over the fields and the funds with a retreat, and they chase them in the noise of the spring thunderstorm Perun and his companions.
Dogoda (legend) God of quiet, enjoyable wind and clear weather. Ruddy, Ruskwedroy young man in a cornflower wreath, in silvery and blue clothes, with self-acete wings behind her back.
Dimuzi Tammuz. God of spring fertility, patron of cattle breeders.
Dimu-Nyannyan goddess, the personification of the Earth.
Did (legend) The third son of the Goddess of Lada, after Lelia and Walre, God of Married Love. Forever young did patronas strong unions, revered by a symbol of unstasive, inecilious love.
Divia (Legend) (Diva) Goddess of Nature, Mother of all living things. The primary goddess is isometric.
Dieberkis (legend) is a hare God, sometime by the Slavic and Balt tribes.
Diva (legend) Virgo, Divia, Dina (Valah.), Devana (Cesh.) The goddess of hunting, reserved forests, animals, maidens (women's secret hunting communities).
Di-Jun God, the father of Heavenly shining.
Danai Father Nymph Amyonov.
Dana (legend) goddess of water. Released as a bright and good goddess, giving life to everything alive.
Dazhiboga Waugger (Legend) Dabog, Dazbog, Dabusha. "Giving God", "The Greater of All BEGINS". The God of the Sun, the Son of Svarog.
Gullweig (legend) Gullveig. Wang, one of the main opponents of Asov. Assa talk about her as a witch and witch.
The mountains of the bird of the sun.
Gna Gna. AS, servant and messenger Frygg, traveling along different worlds, fulfilling the instructions of their mistress.
Gay Goddess - Earth, Uranus's wife, mother thethids.
Gefün Gefju. AS, goddess of gardening and plow
Ghefest God flame, blacksmith.
Hermes Trismegist (the greatest three times). Patron Magic and Esoteric.
Hermes "Messenger", "Thief", "Psychopompom" - a driver's driver in the kingdom of Aida.
Helium daughter of the God of the Sun Festrua and Oceanids of Clemen.
Helios Sun Olympus, the son of Titans of Hyperion and Fayia, Brother Selena and Eos.
Gelands of the daughter of the God of the Sun Festrua and Oceanids Klitena: Faeetuza, Lamparents, helium and etching.
Hecate goddess of the dark forces, underground kingdom and night, three-tailed and snores.
Garuda (legend) Paradise bird, semi-resistant-receiving, symbol of speed and power, Child of the Heaven and the king of all birds. Phoenix.
Vyofn vjofn. AS, Goddess of consent and flow, decisive disagreements among mortals.
Volcano Roman Kuznets, as well as the god of a cleansing flame that protects against fires.
Vritra demon from the myth about Indre.
Wotan the god Maya, Flyokornok Borodach. His character - snake
Thief VOR. AS, goddess curiosity and mysteries
Watercase small Indian God.
Vishnu is the second God of Trinity, who heads the Brahmanist Pantheon. It is depicted in blue, with four hands holding a battle, sink, disk and lotus.
Vili Search by AS, Son (daughter) Bohr, brother (sister) Odin and ve.
Vidar (legend) silent spell, son of Odin and Great Grid, almost the same mighty, like the God of Thor.
The evening goddess of the evening (it corresponds to the evening). Sister afternoon, swimsuit and dawn - ginars.
We are searching as, son (daughter) Bohr, brother (sister) Odin and Vili.
Varuna God Ocean.
Varma-Aji goddess wind in Mordovia.
Var var. AS, the goddess of truth. Heads and records the oaths of people.
Vanya Vaner. The genus of the gods in Scandinavia, hostile with the gods - asami.
Vanadis See [Freia]
Vali (legend) speakers, one of the twelve major (after all) gods.
The storm (legend) of the goddess of the wind, the spouse of the striboga. "Treka as a streakogu."
Buri Buri. AS, freed ice of a cow Audo, Father Bohr.
Bulda is one of the gods. Search
Braga (Legend) "Long Break". AS, God of poets and scalds, son Odin, husband Idunn.
Bor Bor. AS, Son Sturi, Husband Bestword, Father Odin, Vili and Ve.
Large trigue or childbirth Triglav: Rod - Belobog - Chernobog.
God (legend) of God (Maced.), Mares (Lat.). One of the heroes of the rite of bonds, the symbol of the new year. God patronizes family and home hearth.
Bogwir (legend) Son of Dazhboga and Moraine. He married Slavuna and all people in Russian land went from him, tribes from his children. Therefore, they say that the Ruses are giving grandchildren.
Bill Bil. The decreasing moon, one of the three goddesses, on a par with Huck and Mani.
Belobog (legend) The embodiment of light, good, good luck, happiness, benefits, personification of the day spring sky. Collective image of all bright gods.
Barma (legend) God of prayer. This is a good god, but if he falls into rage, at this moment it is better not to come across him on the way.
Balder (legend) speakers, Spring, joy and happiness. With his death, the world became gray and dim, as he is now.
Aushra Lithuanian God Morning Dawn.
Assa Aesir. The genus of the gods in Scandinavia.
Aster "Star". One of the names of Veles.
Aslati god-stormszitz.
Artemis goddess hunting.
Apollo Olympic God God, Son Zeus and Summer, Brother Artemis.
Anu God Sky.
Andrimnir (Legend) Cook in Valhalla.
Amateras Amaterasu - the goddess of the sun.
Aid Lord Kingdom of the Dead.
Azovshushka wife Veles.
AEGIR (legend) Wang, the god of the sea, managing the mood of the sea surface.
Amound the highest spirit, the essence of the universe in Rigonds.
Aditi father of all gods.
Adad God thunder, rain and storms.
Agune (Legend) God of earthly fire, Junior from the weld. It is the power of the gods of heaven on Earth - cleansing and protecting from any uncleanness.
Agrik Legendary Bogatyr, who owned by the Kladenets Sword, mentioned in the "Tale of Peter and Fevronia."
Aurora Goddess Morning Dawn.

The main gods in the ancient Ellad recognized those that belonged to the younger generation of celestials. Once it took away power over the world from the older generation, personified the main universal forces and elements (see about this in the origin of the gods of ancient Greece). Older generation gods are usually referred to titans. By defeating Titans, the younger gods led by Zeus settled on Mount Olymp. The ancient Greeks were honored by the 12 Olympic gods. Their list usually included Zeus, Gera, Athena, Hephaest, Apollo, Artemis, Poseidon, Ares, Aphrodite, Demeter, Hermes, Gestiya. To the Olympians of the Olympians is close and aid, but he lives not on Olympus, but in his underground kingdom.

Gods of ancient Greece. Video film

God Poseidon (Neptune). Antique statue II century. According to R. Kh.

Olympic goddess of Artemis. Statue in Louvre

Statue of Athena Virgin in Parfenone. Ancient Greek sculptor fidium

Venus (Aphrodite) Milos. Statue ok. 130-100 to R. Kh.

Eroy earth and heavenly. Artist J. Balon, 1602

Hymen - Satellite Aphrodite, God of marriage. According to his behalf and wedding hymns were called in ancient Greece by Himena.

- Daughter Demeter, kidnapped by God Aid. A quick-hearted mother after long searches found Persephone in the underground kingdom. Asid, who made her his wife, agreed that she follows the part of the year on earth with his mother, and the other - with him in the depths of the Earth. Persephone was the personification of grain, which, being "dead" sown to the ground, then "comes to life" and comes out of it.

Persephone abduction. Antique jug, approx. 330-320 to R. Kh.

Amphitrite - Poseidon's wife, one of nonreide

Proteus - One of the marine deities of the Greeks. Son Poseidon, who had a gift to predict the future and change his appearance

Triton - Son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, Bulletin of the Sea Depths, Tubbing in the sink. In appearance - a mixture of man, horse and fish. Close to the eastern God Dagon.

Aireren "The goddess of the world, standing at the throne of Zeus on Olympus." In ancient Rome, the goddess Pax.

Nika - Goddess of Victory. Permanent satellite Zeus. In Roman Mythology - Victoria

Dick - In ancient Greece - the personification of the Divine Truth, the goddess, hostile deception

Tyukh - Goddess of good luck and happy occasion. Romans - Fortune

Morpheus - Ancient Greek god of dreams, son of the Sleep Holness

Plutos - God of wealth

Phobos ("Fear") - Son and Arise satellite

Damos. ("Horror") - Son and Arise satellite

Enio. - In the ancient Greeks - the goddess of a vile war, which causes rage in fighters and makes confusion in battle. In ancient Rome - Bellona


Titans are the second generation of the gods of ancient Greece, generated by natural elements. The first titans were six sons and six daughters who occurred from the Gay Earth's connection with uranium-sky. Six sons: Kron (time. Romans - Saturn), Ocean (Father of all rivers), Hyperion, Kay., Krii., Jap. Six daughters: Tefida (Water), Tayya (Gloss), Reia (Mother-mountain?), Femis (justice), Mnemosina (Memory), Phoebe.

Uranus and gay. Ancient Roman mosaic 200-250 across R. Kh.

In addition to Titans, Gay gave birth from marriage with uranium cyclops and hactonheyers.

Cyclops - Three giants with a large, round, fiery eye in the middle of the forehead. In the deep antiquity - the personification of clouds, of which zipper sparkles

Hektonheira - "Storuchnaya" giants, against the terrible strength of which nothing can resist. The incarnation of terrible earthquakes and floods.

Cyclops and Hektonheira were so strong that the Uranus himself came terrified from their power. He connected them and threw the land inland, where they are now rapidly, causing eruption of volcanoes and earthquakes. The stay of these giants in the womb of the earth began to cause her terrible suffering. Gai has taken his youngest son, Crohn, take revenge on his father, uranium, sagging him.

Cron made it with a sickle. From the blood drops spilled at the same time, Zhana won and gave birth to three erynia - goddesses of chat with snakes on the head instead of hair. The names of Erinnia - Tisifona (killing Avenience), Alelecto (tireless persecutant) and Meghera (terrible). From the part of the seed and blood of a loose uranium, which fell not on the ground, and in the sea, the Goddess of Love Aphrodite was born.

Night-Nyukta in anger on the lawlessness of Crown gave birth to the terrible creatures and the deities of the Tanat (death), Erida (Discord) Apatu. (Cheating), goddesses of violent death Ker., Gins (Sleep-nightmare) Nememida (Revenge), Geras (Old age), Charon (The carrier of the dead to the underground kingdom).

The power over the world has passed since uranium to titanas. They shared the universe among themselves. Cron instead of the Father became the Supreme God. The ocean received power over a huge river, which, according to the ideas of the ancient Greeks, flows around the whole land. Four other Krone brothers reigned in four sides of the world: Hyperion - in the East, curios - in the south, IPPER - in the West, Kay - in the north.

Four of the six senior Titans married their sisters. They had a junior generation of titans and deities of elements. From the marriage of the ocean with his sister the Tefid (water), all the earthly rivers and water nymphs were born. Titan Hyperion - ("High") took his sister Tayy (glitter). Helios (Sun) were born from them, Selena (Moon) and EOS. (Dawn). From Eos stars and four god winds were born: Borea (North wind), Notot (South wind), Marshmallow (Western Wind) and Evr. (Eastern wind). Titans Kay (Heavenly Axis?) And Feba gave birth to summer (night silence, mother of Apollo and Artemis) and Asteria (star light). The crown itself married at the rete (Mother-Mountain, the personification of the productive forces of mountains and forests). Their children are the Olympic gods of Gestius, Demeter, Gera, Aid, Poseidon, Zeus.

Titan Kryri married the daughter of Ponta Eurybia, and Titan Jappets - on the Oceanide Klumen, who gave birth to Atlanta titans from him (he holds on his shoulders of the sky), the arrogant Mesetia, ingenious Prometheus ("Thought before, foreseeing") and a weak epimeta ("Thinking after").

Others occurred from these titans:

Gesper - God of the evening and evening star. His daughters from night-nucts - Nymphs Geversis, who guard the garden with gold apples on the western edge of the Earth, once donated gay-earth goddess heer with her marriage with Zeus

Ore. - Goddess of parts of the day, the seasons and periods of human life.

Harita - goddess grace, fun and joy of life. Their three - Aglaya ("Licacy"), Efrosina ("Joy") and a waist ("abundance"). A number of Greek writers Harita wear different names. In ancient Rome they met grace