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How to choose roofing materials. Types of roofing materials for roofs: Compare and choose the best. Features of roofing

So, you have to make a choice of materials for the roof. If you understand their high-quality and performance characteristics, to put it mildly, not too good, it is very likely that you consult advice to more competent people in this matter is possible to friends or acquaintances who have already been engaged in this issue. Do not be surprised if the opinions of people responded by you will be different, while each of them will insist that this point of view is the only right. The fact is that in most cases the positive experience with one of the types of roof becomes in the future defining factor. That is, successfully tested once a flexible tile or metal tile, many builders will continue to work with it.

In fact, the range of roofing materials is wide enough, and the list of factors affecting their choice, too. In addition to performance, the quality of material is taken into account, which is, among other things, and on the accuracy of compliance with manufacturing technology. In addition, there is a choice within each price segment.

Roofing: Evolution

If you turn to the history of the occurrence and development of the roof, then before the other reed and straw roofs appeared, a little later - a wooden drank. In later periods, the materials of the economy and business class, as an asbestosol sheet, steel galvanized professional flooring, and subsequently - and was used. Among the modern materials, a bitumen tile is increasingly popular, which is easy to make sure, looking at any American film. Now such a tile in the new light is covered by about 80% of all roofs.

In the premium segment, natural ceramic tile prevails, but, apparently, the composite tile is quite capable of making it competition.

As for the luxury roofing materials, then the copper roof is leading here. It is popular and roofing shale tiles, but because of its high costs, it is not many to afford a shale roof.

The price of the roof and the factors that determine it

As you understand, there is no universal answer to this question. If you do not know the roofing materials, how to choose, decide first with your own priorities. What will first be paid to pay attention to the price of the roof or on its consumer characteristics.

In addition, there are general criteria for choosing a roof. Choosing the roofing material, you should take into account the type of building, the shape of the roof, service life and much more.

Solving what kind of roof is to choose, it is worth considering the functional purpose of the construction. That is, that you are planning to cover: summer cottage, residential building, country cottage or shed. Agree, it makes no sense to spend money on a durable and durable roof for a street toilet or a shed for tools.

Folding roofing

The most common for a country house is a folded metal roof. This name of the roof received due to the seam, which is descended as a result of the compound of the layers among themselves - false. Thanks to this method of fastening, it is possible to cover the roof quickly and without the use of additional consumables. In construction and finishing works, both painted roofs and galvanized sheets are used. The last variant of roofing materials can be attributed to the cheapest type of coating. However, winning in price, galvanizing significantly loses to its fellows from aesthetic point of view.

There is also a false roof from copper. The peculiarity of copper sheets is that they are very durable. However, they have a flaw. Over time, the copper folding roof changes its color. In the first year, it retains a red shade, then goes to brown, and after a couple of years it becomes black. This is a natural oxidation process. Plus, in some places, patches appear on the roof - spots characterizing natural oxidation. These oxides have a malachite color and look not very aesthetic. However, it is they protect copper from corrosion and damage, thereby extending the service life of a roofing coating to several hundred years.

Metal tile.

Very popular roofing coating for pitched roofs. Externally is a profiled sheet with imitation of genuine tiles. At the heart - galvanized steel. On the bottom, the sheets are covered with a protective layer, and from above - a layer of soil and a decorative polymer coating. Warmland roof depends on the choice of polymer.

Metal tile is usually used on the roofing of a simple form. If the budget of the roof and the simplicity of installation are important, then deciding which roof it is necessary to pay attention to the tile of metal.

Disadvantages of metal equipment are as follows:

  1. a large number of additional components and accessories such as endanders, skates, end stripes, ventilation devices, etc.
  2. high noise during rain and wind. You can eliminate this problem by paving the additional layer of sound insulation materials.

Flexible tile

If we are not talking about a tiny dacha, but about a comfortable mansion, then it makes no sense to save on the roof. It makes sense to think about flexible or bituminous tile. Such a roof is similar to puff pie and consists of many elements. Outside - Color stone crumb, then a layer of bitumen, applied from two sides to the glass cholester. And the last bottom layer is rubber-bituminous. This layer of glue. Its main task is to ensure good adhesion and tightness of the coating.

The main advantage of flexible tiles in front of its fellows is its resistance to corrosion and rotting. It is not stratified and at the installation forms a minimum of waste. In addition, the construction and finishing materials market has a wide variety of colors and shades.

The minus is here only one, solving what kind of roof choose, you will see a high price. In addition, laying of flexible tile requires perfectly even foundation. Usually under the tile plans a wooden or plywood lamp.

Natural tile

Such tile includes two types of roof: ceramic and cement-sand.

Ceramic roof is made of clay. Russian manufacturers do not deal with this type of roof. Hence the first minus - almost complete absence of highly qualified specialists who perfectly own the skill of laying elite tiles. Meanwhile, this elite roofing material is the queen of the roof and emphasizes the status and wealth of their owners. The ceramic roof has the highest wear-resistance indicators, no cozy with the gusts of wind and rain, does not fade, the heat and frosts are not afraid and can serve their owners by any age. Proof of this may be monuments of the architecture of Europe, which have come down to this day.

The weight of such a roof is very large. Therefore, if desired, cover the roof of the ceramic roof, it is necessary to lay an additional load on the foundation and the rafter system.

Cement-sand roof

Such a roof is a symbol of prestige and well-being. Slate is the most aesthetic and refined finishing material. The gray color of the wet asphalt with a flickering glitter creates a unique noble effect of antiquity. Tile can fit scales, rhombus or rectangles. Thus, each coating is obtained exclusive and strictly individual.

And, as it is known, the uniqueness costs money and sometimes considerable. The cost of 1 square meter of cement-sand roof can be up to 300 dollars. However, everything will be wrong with such a roof. Shale tile is not afraid of neither rain, nor snow, not wind, no heat, no cold, nor fire.

Wooden roofing

Previously, our ancestors did not know other roofing materials, except natural. Then wooden roofs remained only at street toilets, baths and sheds. Today, a wooden roof is experiencing a new peak of popularity. The most valuable is the roof that was made by hand from deciduous or coniferous trees. Price quarter. The meter may vary between 50 and 70 euros.

It is possible, externally, a wooden roof and seems fragile, but the time check gives other results. In addition, the processing of modern means of preventing the negative impact of the environment will extend the service life of a wooden roof for one decades.

Straw roofing

Those distant times when the roof of the straw was associated with a rustic hut for a long time behind. Today, the roofs of the rooks and straw became the prerogative of exclusively elite houses. However, despite the low cost of raw materials, the straw roof is quite expensive. Price quarter. The meter of natural roofs - from 60 to 120 euros.

Natural material and unique laying technology provide protection against temperature drops are no worse than modern finishing materials. Plus to all, such a roof does not require the installation of additional ventilation and thermal insulation devices.

Architectural solution of the roof

The type of roofing coverage directly depends on which the roof you have is a simple duplex or with complex ridges and enders. For example, the flexibility and plasticity of the folded roof, allow to cover the roof of even the most non-standard forms. And in order to cover an ordinary single-piece roof, you can use metal tile or professional flooring. If you use these roof coating materials with a complex architectural solution, then difficulties arising from installation may question all the feasibility and economic benefits of such actions.

If round or oval elements, various arches and domes are laid in the roof project, then you should pay attention to such roofing material as bituminous tiles. It is worth noting that this coating option is the most optimal and can even be said in this case.

Exterior roofing

Remember when you approach your favorite house, be a cottage or cottage, first of all you pay attention to the roof. It is the final touch and appearance of the house strongly depends on the chosen type of roof. Modern suppliers of roofing materials offer a huge variety of spectacular pitched roofs. Architects and designers also advise paying special attention to the color of the coating. This is especially true of flexible tile. It is desirable that the color of the roofing material harmonized with the facade, combined with the fence and well suited to the surrounding landscape. So, the red and bordeed roofs look well breathtaking in colors, the blue roofs are ideal for a plot on which there are various ponds and streams. The green roof is well harmonized with splashing trees and lush bushes. Keep this in mind, solving what kind of roof to choose.

Roof weight

When you designed and planned your home, when the overlaps were erected or lay the foundation, you took into account how much roofing materials would be wearing? Meanwhile, the mass of natural tiles is an order of magnitude higher than the weight of the metal tile. The cement-sand tile is even easier for genuine, about 20-30 kg. However, it is difficult to refer to light roofing materials. Under it, it is necessary to initially put the reserve of strength in the foundation and walls, plus it, the rafters must be seamless and erected only with the recommendations of the roof manufacturer.

Thus, if the answer to the previous question is negative, then it is necessary to immediately exclude heavy roofing materials from the list of purchases. The weight of the roof has a significant impact on the total cost of roofing work.

Life time

Experts argue that mostly the service life of any roofing is determined by the level of the skill of the roofers. That is, whatever the characteristics did the roof possessed if its installation was produced poorly and an ambulance hand, it is unlikely to expect good results.

In addition, any roof during the service is regularly exposed to

  • atmospheric precipitation
  • strong winds and even hurricanes
  • sun ray
  • drops of temperature regime
  • microorganisms, insect pests, etc.

The average manufacturers warranty on their products is as follows:

  • 15-20 years on soft tile
  • 5-15 years on metal tile
  • 20-30 years on natural and ceramic tile. The real service life may exceed the 1st century.
  • 10 years on slate
  • 15 years on bituminous wavy sheets. The warranty is not given to save color.
  • 15-20 years on professional flooring and roofing steel (g
  • 30-40 years on shale roofs. The real service life may exceed the 1st century.
  • 15-20 years on folding roofs

The actual service life with proper installation and regular care may exceed the warranty at times. At the same time, the actual durability may exceed these indicators at times.

Temperature mode

Solving, the better to overlap the roof of the house, it is necessary to pay special attention to the stability of the roof to the effects of temperature drops, that is, whether the roof retains the roof at low or on the contrary, high temperatures. So, for example, the flexible tile is based on a nonwoven glass cholester or polyester, plus it is always impregnated with a modified bitumen, which determines its flexibility and resistance to the effects of temperature drops. The most popular polymer components for impregnation among Russian manufacturers are styrene-styrene styrene (SBS) and Atactic polypropylene (APP). The APP is more resistant to increasing the temperature, but it does not tolerate frost. SBS is less resistant to heating, however, it has high rates of frost resistance.

In Russia, a cold climate, it is recommended to use styrene-butadiene-styrene.

Resistance to ultraviolet

Also, an important criterion when choosing than to overlap the roof of the house should be its resistance to ultraviolet radiation. This resistance from three main factors depends:

  1. The presence of the polymer component. The absence of such an additive in the bitumen makes the roof less resistant to sunlight;
  2. The density of the mineral crumb, which is located on the outside of the tiles. Basalt, or any other material, create a protective layer on the surface of the roof, making it more resistant to the negative effects of ultraviolet.
  3. The quality of the clutch of microparticles with bitumen. With unscrupulous production and violation of technology, adhesion can be changed. In this case, there will be a rapid sickness of mineral crumbs and the ray of exposure of the bitumen layer.

Metal durability

The service life of the metal tile depends on:

  1. steel profile thickness,
  2. zinc layer thickness,
  3. type of polymer coating.

Optimal sheet thickness - 0.45-0.8 mm. If the steel is thicker, it is harder to mount and profile. Thin layers will be exposed to deformation and destruction.

But with a zinc layer everything is a little different than it is more, the better. After all, its presence guarantees the protection of the roof from corrosion. In addition, one layer of zinc is not applied to the sheet. The galvanic should be necessarily double-sided with a layer of primer. It will protect the metal tile from oxidation.

The type of polymer, which is used in the production of metal tiles, affects not only for the service life, but also on the external characteristics of the roof. Thus, plastisol, for example, applied to metal tile with a layer of 200 microns, guarantees resistance to mechanical damage. However, it loses protective properties at the air temperature of more than +60.

Roof covered with a layer of "polyester"

Polyester remarkably tolerates high temperatures up to 120 ° C, but it is absolutely defenseless before mechanical exposure. Have this in mind, deciding than to overlap the roof of the house.

The polymer layer of polyvinyl fluoridacryl (PVF2) demonstrates good levels of resistance to ultraviolet and temperature differences. It is durable polyester, but less resistant to damage, unlike the same plastisol.

Purally can be called a kind of compromise between all polymers. It is equally stable, both to the temperature fluctuations and to ultraviolet and corrosion.

Money issue

The monetary question in construction, as in any other case, plays an important role. Especially when it comes to the end of the construction, when finances come to an end, and the roof must be covered with high-quality and durable materials. Everyone knows that roofing materials are a rather significant line of budget. Thus, it is very important to find a balance between the type of roof and the economic possibilities of the developer. In estimates, it is worth putting not only the cost of roofing material with the record of all consumables, but also the complexity of installation, as well as the availability of waste when laying.

The choice between heavy and light roof types must be done at the design stage. During the installation, you may be managed to abandon heavy coatings and lay a bitumen tile on the roof, but on the contrary - hardly.

It is worth noting that the choice of such lungs and inexpensive materials, such as professional flooring, Odin, bituminous tile or metal tile will be convenient and profitable acquisition, both at the purchase stage and at the styling stage. Dear and heavy roofing materials, such as ceramic and cement-sand tile, require not only high costs at the time of purchase, but also more expensive rafting systems.

So what kind of roofing material to choose? Beautiful? Durable? Or cheaper? These questions separately, you can answer without thinking. However, in reality, it is necessary to consider all criteria for choice in the complex, then the roof will delight you for many years and reliably protect from any weather.

Anyone who starts construction, thinks about what coating is better to use. Today, fortunately, choose from what. However, to make the optimal choice, not knowing all the nuances, the pros and cons of each type of cover, not easy.

For more than 170 years, the ICOPAL group produces high-quality roofing and waterproofing materials, including those that are presented in this review.

The range of products of ICOPAL includes the following materials for the roof:

  • flexible tile
  • composite tile
  • bituminous rolled materials
  • PVC - membranes

Each of these types of coatings has both its advantages and disadvantages. Determined with the type of roof and choosing the material for it, many factors and their combination should be taken into account: the estimated life, the requirements for appearance and design, the cost of the material itself, the cost of its installation, etc.

Flexible tile (soft roof)

Flexible or bituminous tile is a very popular roofing material, especially in the field of private housing construction. These are small sheets (1 meter length and width of 30-40 centimeters) rectangular shape. When the roof is roofing, they are laid with smooth rows.

The basis most often is the glass cholester, impregnated with bitumen. On the outer side, the sheets are covered with hydrophobized shale or mineral granules, with reverse - fine-grained sand. A layer of adhesive bitumen can be additionally applied to the lower part of the roofing material, due to which the gears glued together along with the mechanical fastening to the base of the roof.

The main advantage of the bituminous tile is that it has flexibility. The tile is perfect for the improvement of the roofing roof roofs, especially in cases where the complex configuration does not allow the use of other materials.

The advantages of flexible tiles can also be attributed:

  • low cost
  • small weight
  • simple installation and repair process
  • attractive appearance
  • moisture resistance
  • resistance to deformation and temperature drops

It must be remembered that the bitumen tile must be mounted only on a well-prepared and absolutely smooth surface. We recommend always using special lining carpets under the tile, and only galvanized nails.

There are practically no shortcomings of this roofing material. In any case, compared with all the merits, they are insignificant. Therefore, today the soft roof from the bituminous tile is widespread both in private and in industrial construction.

This roofing material for roofs is one of the most reliable and durable. Some mistakenly believe that it is only a variety of metal tile. This, of course, is not the same way, rather. Composite tile combined almost all the best qualities and characteristics of various roofing coatings. In addition to reliability, durability and excellent appearance, this roofing material for the roof has the following advantages:

  • low weight
  • good noise insulating properties
  • absolute waterproof
  • resistance to corrosion and mechanical effects
  • high fire charts
  • simplicity and technological installation

If you decide to use composite tile as a roof, we advise you to pay attention to the correct selection of component elements and strict compliance with the installation of the installation by roofers. This will largely depend on the service life of the roof.

Composite tile has a multi-layer structure. Steel sheet, protected from corrosion with anti-corrosion protection, is coated with several layers of acrylic resin, polyester and epoxy primer. On top of the composite tile applied granules of natural stone. Material reproduces the appearance of natural tiles, but at the same time much stronger and easier.

The disadvantages of composite tiles can be attributed if only the relatively high price of the material and repair itself.

This roofing material is one of the most common. Metal tile is made of galvanized steel sheets that are covered with polymer paint. The operational characteristics of this roofing are different: they depend on the thickness and quality of steel, paint resistance, the degree of compliance with technology in the production process. In general, the quality parameters of metal tiles are determined by the price. When the roof improvement, this material requires a number of additional elements: end and skate slats, eaves, sides to hold snow (the surface of the tile is very slippery). It is not worth saving on these additional accessories. From this depends on the quality of the installation of the roof of the garage, a country house or other structure and, therefore, the reliability and durability of the entire design.

This roofing is universal. It can be used on the roofs of any type.

The advantages of metal tiles are:

  • low cost
  • ease
  • color solutions
  • resistance to temperature drops and climatic influences
  • aesthetic appearance

The disadvantages of the metal tile is also quite a lot. Here are the most obvious of them:

  • the actual lack of sound insulation properties
  • low corrosion resistance
  • large amount of waste during installation


Professional flooring on production technology is quite close to metal tile. In general, it is inexpensive, reliable, durable and universal building material for the roof, which can be used both roofing and facing coating. Its advantages and disadvantages are largely repeated with similar parameters of metal tile.

Additional pluses include multifunctionality and ease of installation.

Bituminous rolled materials

The concept of "bituminous rolled materials" is large enough and covers a range of soft coatings, in the production of oil refining.

Roll materials for the roof can be classified by several key characteristics. First of all, by the type of base: cardboard, glass chop, fiberglass, polyester, combined bases.

Today there is a wide choice on the market. It is like coatings of the so-called old generation and new roofing materials.

If you want a soft roof to serve twenty or more, use SBS-modified roofing materials on a nonwoven based on high-strength polyester. The roof is mounted in one or two layers.

The most common, albeit strongly obsolete coating, is rubberoid. The secret of its popularity is simple - extremely low price and easy to use.

New materials on polymeric bases are many times more durable, but also significantly more than the materials of the old generation.

PVC-P Membranes

In recent years, innovative polymer roofing coatings are becoming increasingly distributed in the building materials market, in particular. For the manufacture of this material, polymer raw materials are used - polyvinyl chloride with additives of plasticizers.

The secret of the growing popularity of this material is not only in durability, but also in the convenience of laying, the possibility of choosing various types and sizes, excellent waterproofing properties and excellent performance qualities. Polymer roofing materials are not destroyed from the effects of temperature drops.

As for the shortcomings, the device of such a roof for the garage, at home or giving will cost more and will be more difficult than the use of traditional coatings from bitumen. In addition, special equipment requires special equipment for the installation of PVC-P membranes. The material is remarkably suitable for flat roofs of a large area, for example, for the roofs of industrial enterprises, office and shopping centers. However, it is difficult to present it as roofing material for the garage.

An important advantage of PVC-P membranes is low flames and flame distribution. Therefore, they can be used on flat roofing of any area without restrictions and additional fire fighting events.

If we say in general, then each material for the arrangement of the roofs has both their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, choosing a coating, clearly define for yourself which roof you need.

The question of how to choose roofing materials, occurs even at the design stage of the house. At this time, the overall concept of the future building is considered, the budget is planned and all the parameters of construction and finishing materials are evaluated. From what kind of roof will be at home, not only its appearance, but also durability, quality of the roof, its thermal insulation and strength characteristics depends.

Defining criteria are usually always several, and it is their aggregate that helps to make a correct decision on choosing a roofing material. The following parameters can be considered the main:

  1. Durability of roofing material. The roof is not the place where the repair of which I want to do constantly. For the service life of the roof, two factors affect, each of which is equally significant: the type of material and the quality of installation. For example, natural tile will last for more than 100 years, Ondulin is 15-25 years, and the durability of flexible tiles is equal to 20-40 years. However, these characteristics do not matter if the laying technology is not allowed.
  2. Type of building. From the type and purpose of the construction depend on the roof requirements. Cottage, summer house, the bath is distinguished by capital structures, and the root must be selected appropriate for them. But the premises of economic purposes are unlikely to be covered in expensive and durable material.
  3. Roof configuration. It is important to understand that the choice of roof directly depends on the architectural solution of the house and its design features. If a metal tile is perfect for a flat roof, this option is not recommended for covering complex forms - the material consumption is too great. For the design of numerous skates, turrets and ridges, it is advisable to purchase a flexible bitumen tile or similar material with small elements.
  4. Financial aspect. Considering this question, it is worth remembering that the cost of roofing material cannot be estimated only on the basis of the costs of purchasing a certain number of square meters. Here it is necessary to take into account the complexity of the installation and features of the rafter system - focusing on the total amount, and it is necessary to make a choice. Builders in priority materials such as metal tile, professional flooring, bituminous tile and Ondulin. They are inexpensive when buying and simple enough when installing. But lovers of ceramic or cement-sand tiles should think about financing in advance - expensive rafter system and complex installation will be required.
  5. Aesthetics. The roof helps to give the building the completion of the design. Therefore, it is very important that the roofing materials are harmoniously fit into the overall design of the house, combined with the landscape and pleased the surrounding color and texture pattern.
  6. Mounting complexity. This moment is important if the roof laying is plans to engage in non-professional. Some materials can be laid independently with certain skills and minimal skills, but in most cases it is better to trust in this matter to specialists.

Today there is a large selection of roofing material

Types of roofing coatings

Deciding with the basic requirements for the future roof, it is necessary to choose the roofing material itself. The market offers a sufficient variety of options, the main of which are considered:

  • metal tile;
  • professional flooring;
  • bitumen tile;
  • slate;
  • roofing steel;
  • aluminum roofing;
  • ceramic tile;

I solve which roof to choose, it is necessary to objectively assess the advantages and disadvantages of each of the materials.

Metal tile.

It is a sheet material with a thickness of up to 0.6 mm, having a layered structure in a section and coated with a polymer coating. This feature of the design makes metal tile very durable and durable. Manufacturers install the service life of the roofing material for about 15 years, but in reality it is twice as much. This is one of the advantages of this type. to other advantages include:

  • the possibility of the roof to withstand loads up to 1500 kg / sq.m;
  • rich coloring palette;
  • figure and relief, imitating tiles;
  • simple installation;
  • low weight;
  • a complete set of components;
  • low cost.

Metal tile - reliable and durable material, the installation of which will not be much difficult

The disadvantages of the metal tile is a bit, which makes it one of the most sought-after materials. Countments can be attributed What:

  • for complex roof architecture, sheet consumption will be irrational;
  • there are noise effects from rain and wind.

It is worth noting I. features Mounting Metal tile:

  1. The slope of the roofs should be at least 12 degrees.
  2. With the insulation of the roof, the presence of vaporizolation becomes that condensate is not formed.
  3. Installation is conducted on a broomage crate.

Thus, metal tiles is distinguished by a large spectrum of advantages, minor disadvantages and loyal requirements for laying.


This type of roofing material is metal sheets having a corrugated relief. Very close in structure and properties to metal tile, but differs from less aesthetic decor and low cost.

Profile - a cheaper analogue of metal tile with a long service life is a good option with a limited budget.

The service life of the professional flooring depends on the type of polymer coating and can reach 50 years.

If the profile height is less than 20 mm, then such sheets are not used for roofing work. Their appointment is to create partitions and fences.


The second name of this roofing material is euroshorter. It is made in the form of corrugated sheets, which are based on cellulose fibers with bitumen impregnation. The front side is protected by a colored polymer layer, most often red, brown, green or black colors.

Ondulin is a modern sifer prototype

The advantages of this roofing material:

  • high resistance to love climatic manifestations;
  • features longitudinal flexibility;
  • low weight, up to 4 kg / sq.m;
  • simple installation;
  • suitable as a secondary coating without dismantling old;
  • moderate cost;
  • service life of up to 50 years;
  • high water resistance.

Disadvantages are more significant than previous materials:

  • low decorative and aesthetic indicators (small palette of shades, weak pattern of relief);
  • the color warranty is given for a period of no more than 5 years;
  • differs to fragility at low temperatures.

Ondulin is great for both wall cladding, and not just for finishing the roof.

Mounting ondulina is performed on the crate

Features of the installation of the roof of Ondulin:

  1. The minimum bias of the roof equals 6 degrees.
  2. Installation is carried out on the crate, the type of which depends on the value of the roof inclination angle.

Ontulin fits practically for any types of houses. It is widely used in individual construction, as well as for economic structures and agricultural facilities.

It will be about tiled, which has many titles. Most often you can meet the definitions "soft", "flexible", sometimes it is called Shinglas or shingly depending on the manufacturer. This type of roofing material is made on the basis of organic cellulose or glass cholester, which are impregnated with bitumen. The facial side is usually covered by basalt granulate.

Bituminous tile is mounted on a solid crate and well suited for roofs with complex geometry

A huge spectrum of advantages increases the competitive advantages of the material, despite its considerable cost:

  • a very small percentage of waste during installation;
  • suitable for roofs with irregular geometry and complex outlines;
  • high waterproofing and soundproofing characteristics;
  • weight up to 20 kg / sq.m;
  • plasticity - during the shrinkage of the building "adapts" to the deformation of the roof;
  • resistance to different temperatures from minus 60 to plus 100 degrees Celsius;
  • non-flammable, has the ability to self-concealed;
  • easy installation;
  • big palette of shades and high indicators of the color resistance;
  • service life up to 60 years.
  • resistance to deformation;
  • mimics drawings of different types of tiles.

There are no ideal materials, so it is worth remembering about the shortcomings that are usually the following:

  • When installing, there is always a solid crate, as well as equipment of the ventilation system.
  • It is impossible to operate at temperatures below 0 degrees due to increased brittleness bitumen.
  • A rather tangible value of roofing material.

The features of the installation of bituminous tiles are changed depending on the roof slope:

  1. Up to 12 degrees - styling is not performed.
  2. 12-18 degrees - it is necessary for the presence of a solid waterproofing layer.
  3. More than 18 degrees - waterproofing are mounted only in places of possible leakage.

Flexible tile should be chosen to those who appreciate not only practicality and high quality, but also not indifferent to beautiful shades, aesthetics and elegant design.


The time of time is not powerful above these roofing material. Sheets formed on the basis of cement and asbestos are valued by the builders for many years. Today, slate is not gray, faceless material, but a roof, made in different color shades and with modern design.

The optimal choice in terms of price / service life is traditional slate

The main advantages include:

  • low price;
  • durability;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • high hardness;
  • low electrical conductivity;
  • corrosion resistance.

The flaws of the slate are often considered subjective. Among them are distinguished:

  • high weight;
  • fragility;
  • the harmfulness of asbestos dust;
  • medium aesthetic indicators.

Roofing steel

Galvanized steel has long competed with slate and other inexpensive materials for finishing the roof. Its indisputable advantages include:

  • low price;
  • simple installation;
  • the possibility of use for complex forms of roofs;
  • small weight.

Steel roof - Skifer competitor at cost and ease of installation, it is better to use for the device roofs of economic buildings

However, the shortcomings of the steel roof gradually reduce the demand for this type of material. Her minuses:

  • noise at atmospheric precipitation;
  • dispense design.

Increasingly, roofing steel is used for roofs of business buildings, garages - where important savings are primarily important.

Aluminum roofing

Aluminum roofs look good, easy by weight and easy to install. Also for their use is suitable for any type of crate. Aluminum sheets are used in the manufacture of folding tiles.

Installation of aluminum roof is performed using kleimers

The feature of the installation of such a roof is that its mount is carried out using kleimers - special tongues, which provide thermal leaf moving when temperature drops.

Installation of this roof can be carried out without making holes in the sheet material.

This type of material refers to traditional - tiles from ceramics was used when installing the roof in antiquity. Today, the construction materials market can be found:

  1. Classic tile, which is made from burnt clay;
  2. Cement-sand tile is a cheaper analog that made of a mixture of sand and cement with the use of natural dyes.

Ceramic tile - a symbol of reliability, elitism, aristocracy, is distinguished by high cost and complex stacking

According to the properties, these roofing materials are very similar, but the cement-sand version is distinguished by a more rude design and greater thickness. The advantages of ceramic tiles are known from time immemorial:

  • high level of heat saving;
  • good climatic stability;
  • low noise at rain and wind;
  • elegant design;
  • a huge selection of colors and forms of tiles;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • service life - more than 100 years.

Ceramic tile is a classic, but, unfortunately, it is not devastable. To its minuses can be attributed:

  • high cost;
  • high weight;
  • the need to strengthen the rafter system for installation;
  • the complexity of laying.

Ceramic tile is marked by the halo of aristocraticness, so it is usually used by those who want to emphasize the status of their own housing.

Membrane coating

Most often used to cover the roofs of industrial buildings or houses, the roofs of which are distinguished by a small slope and durable base. A membrane made of polymeric material with a high level of elasticity is manufactured.

The main scope of application of membrane coating is industrial buildings and houses with a small roof slope

Her advantages:

  • high strength;
  • ability to elastic deformation;
  • resistance to low and high temperatures;
  • quick installation;
  • service life of 30 years.

The membrane coatings are stacked on a smooth and cleaned surface surface. The material is used in the form of a cloth, which is easy enough to deploy on the desired area and docile with self-incaning ribbons. To protect against UV rays from above, the coating is covered with gravel.


Sometimes a huge assortment causes difficulties in choosing. But, on the other hand, the presence of roofing materials with different characteristics, colors and design allows you to adopt the only correct solution for finishing the roofs at the design stage of the house.

The most important thing to do is carefully examine the properties of typical solutions and stop at the most acceptable price and properties of the version. Then the result obtained at the end of construction will bring satisfaction and will delight the owners of an excellent roof for many years.