Repairs Design Furniture

What is the chemical way to remove rust from the reinforcement. How to clean rusty fittings. The question of cleaning the reinforcement in the Zh elements. How to remove rust from the reinforcement, if it penetrated between protrusions and is not amenable to mechanical removal

Armature is a type of metal products and as well as all iron is susceptible to oxidation.

Often corrosion on metal products appears due to improper storage and attitude towards them.

Wet air and water are the main enemies of all iron products and fittings here are no exception.

Unfortunately, the rust carries the destruction of the structure of the metal itself up to its complete destruction, so it needs to fight it and must get rid of it, and the earlier it will be better.

Armature The most common material in construction and is often used to fencing large territories.

How to clean the reinforcement from Rust knows not everyone, so we will gladly share this important and useful information.

To the question of how to clear the reinforcement from rust, there are two answers or rather a way to remove it from metal surfaces.

Two basic methods of cleaning metal from rust

First method It is called mechanical and only at first glance seems simple and affordable, in fact it is quite time-consuming and tedious, and the result is not satisfactory enough. To manually get rid of rust, you will have to try to make a lot and make a lot of effort, and you will help you in this brush for metal and sandpaper, and also a great patience and power will also come in handy.

Second and easier method It is called chemical and implies cleaning of reinforcement with the help of industrial cleaners. This method is very fast, light and efficient, thanks to it, the metal acquires its former, brilliant and beautiful view.

Among the means that can be used in this method, such acids as a dairy, hydrochloric and boric can be used. Here they just can cope with harmful rust.

Chemicals are not dangerous by themselves if you care and follow the instructions with them. But remember that this is still acid and no one has canceled the safety technique, so we strongly advise you to purchase rubber gloves and a mask.

This information may be especially useful for large enterprises that use fittings for different directions, for fencing, construction, metal structures.

How to clean the reinforcement from rust, choose to you, and we tried to tell you how to make this unpleasant and long process is much easier, easier and faster. And if we happen we will be very happy.

And if you have questions about this we will answer you to them.

Nittron is a neutral rust converter with enhanced inhibitors.
Designed to modify corrosion on the surfaces of ferrous metals, construction metal structures, pipes, reinforcement steels. The composition can be applied in various industrial areas, during car repair work, everyday life.

Processing of reinforcement from rust in front of concreting: methods and solutions

Concreting designs is a complex and time-consuming process, requiring accuracy and compliance with technology at each stage. Further quality and strength of the concrete product depends on the competent execution of all operations.

Reinforced concrete is a joint work of steel reinforcement in the form of a frame (grid) and concrete, in one design as a single integer.

Armature works for stretching, concrete for compression and reinforcement protection. If the armature is covered with a layer of rust, then the strength indicators will be broken. Therefore, the processing of reinforcement from rust in front of concreting is so important.

Steel fittings are expensive material, but to save on it, using old, or used earlier, the rusty reinforcement is not worth it. Corrosion destroys the surface and penetrates deep into, which leads to a decrease in cross-section and bearing capacity.

For more efficient work and adhesion with concrete, the reinforce has special grooves, the so-called profile with screw-like and transverse fins. All reinforcement elements must comply with construction standards and design drawings, be purified from rust.

Rust drops may appear on steel reinforcement during transportation and during storage. And the question of how to deal with it remains relevant to many manufacturers. Manual processing of reinforcement from rust in front of concreting is a very heavy physical process, therefore, in practice, the use of several mechanized methods of cleaning or with the help of chemicals, for example, rust converter.

Modern chemical industry produces several species, modifiers of rust converters. Many of which are effectively used in industrial enterprises, as the inexpensive, economical and the cleaning process itself takes some time, 15-20 minutes. It is enough to apply the converter to the surface of the reinforcement with a roller with a brush or using a high pressure apparatus.

However, not all of them can be used in the manufacture of reinforced concrete, it includes converters made on the basis of acids.

To clean the reinforcement from rust in small quantities, it is recommended to use a small-sized sandblasting machine with a vacuum gun. Or manual pneumatic brushes, weighing up to 4 kg.

A method of hydroabrasive cleaning can be used as a mechanical cleaning of reinforcement. This relatively new method has a lot of advantages:

  • you can manually adjust the speed and pressure;
  • no re-processing is required;
  • it is allowed to clean the object of different configuration and complexity;
  • safety for the environment.

The company Docker Kemikal GmbH Rus offers a large selection of means to combat corrosion.

Armatrit is a rust inflexible converter, which is designed to modify rust formed on the surface of the black metal before applying LKM or concreting.
Material Armatrit. - A complex composition based on tannins of plant origin, stabilizers, functional additives and corrosion inhibitors.
The armature is used to convert and stabilize corrosion, which is formed on the surfaces of reinforcement steels, metal rolling, pipes, steel parts of reinforced concrete structures before applying mastic, LKM or concreting. The remedy can replace the mechanical method of cleansing the surfaces of metal products from corrosion products.
Armatrit. It is recommended to use for the processing of the rod valve assembly of the A - I, A-II, A-III, A-IV. It is permissible to apply the composition for processing tightly holding rust with a thickness of corrosion products up to 150 μm (when applied in two or three layers).
At the inter-operating stage of production, the converter ensures reliable protection of metals for the period up to eighteen days, subject to the absence of rain, snow (direct atmospheric precipitation). The agent does not contain toxic substances and mineral acids, not fuel.
Corrosion converter Armatrit. It is used in the construction sector in the construction of reinforced concrete structures, the production of reinforced concrete products (concrete products), at the preparatory stage (in the preparation of products for painting works), during restoration and repair work in various fields of industrial production and household operating conditions.
The composition is also used in the implementation of the current repair of machines, metal structures, mechanisms in order to increase their operational period.
Armatrit. When applied, iron oxide into inactive corrosion compounds, which differ in high adhesion to metals. The process of the transformation passes in a neutral environment (PH 5.0-6.0).
The product being processed is not required to rinse after applying the composition with water. The converter improves the functional characteristics of concrete and prolongs their operational period, provides anti-corrosion resistance, durability, adhesive strength, and the weather resistance of the paintwork system.

Mode of application:
Armatrit is applied to the dried, pre-purified dust, oils and loose corrosion surfaces. Before use, the tool must be stirred. The converter is applied using roller, brushes, immersion or spraying. The successful passage of the reaction is evidenced by the change in rust brown on black. The surface, depending on the thickness of corrosion, is treated one or three times to rust blaracing. The subsequent layers of the composition are applied with periodicity of at least fifteen minutes on the rocked surfaces "wet on wet". The application of paintwork or concreting must be carried out after a complete drying of the means (from one to those hours, depending on the temperature indicators). Temperature apparatus: from + 4 ° C.

The consumption of the converter is 0.1-0.15 kg / m 2 when the brush is applied in two or three layers.

When carrying out work, use individual means of protection. When you get into the eyes, rinse with water.

The composition is stored in a firmly closed container, preventing heat and direct sunlight. Do not heat. Take care of fire and moisture. Storage temperature from 0 ° C to + 35 ° C. After defrosting does not lose its properties. Warranty shelf life - 12 months from the date of manufacture.

Armature is often sold with rust traces

Armature is an important component of an element of any modern building structure. Today it can very often be purchased with rust traces.

The reasons for its appearance can be completely different, however, it is unambiguous that it is impossible to use such reinforcement without purification from rust.

Otherwise, you risk significantly reduce the strength of the future design, and over time and the full destruction, if the rust is growing.

We recommend tool for cleaning and protecting reinforcement from rust

Metal corrosion degree:

  1. Minor raid on the surface. The color of the material and its weight does not change.
  2. A dense layer of rust, which is easily removed by the brush.
  3. Local rust due to water entering. It may slightly change the cross section of the rod.
  4. Rust with the presence of significant corrosion steel. There is a possibility to lower the performance characteristics of the material.

If the rust layer is insignificant, then it will be enough to wipe the surface of the reinforcement with a rag (although, given its ribbed texture, it will not be easy).

In other cases, a mechanical, thermal or chemical method of cleaning reinforcement from rust is used.

  • Mechanical method. The mechanical method consists in cleaning the surface of the reinforcement with metal brushes or special machines. This is quite complex and, moreover, polluting the premises process.
  • Thermal method. Purification from rust is performed by exposure to the surface of the plade of the gas burner. After cooling, the rust is easily removed. However, for the reinforcement, this method is not quite suitable, since it is high like a violation of its strength indicators.
  • Chemical method. This method of removing rust with reinforcement is the most efficient and very common both in production and at home. A layer of a special chemical composition is applied to the surface of the reinforcement, which eliminates the metal surface from rust and forms a protective film on it.

The easiest rust is removed by an aqueous solution of sulfuric and hydrochloric acid in the presence of a urotropin inhibitor. The function of the inhibitor is to prevent the destruction of the metal from the effects of acid, however, it does not interfere with the rusty layer.

Effectively use the rust converter for these purposes. The tool reacts with a damaged metal layer and converts it to a brown coating. The composition of such means necessarily includes orthophosphoric acid, which forms iron orthophosphate from rust, covering the surface of the reinforcement.

Another chemical means to help clean the reinforcement from rust is rust solvent. It, in contrast to the means containing orthophosphoric acid, does not create a film on the metal surface, and completely dissolves iron oxide, translating into water-soluble salts. Cleaning produced by dive. The pluses of funds are simplicity of use, efficiency and low level of pollution of the room, which produces processing.

Purification of the reinforcement rods is performed manually with metal brushes or a mechanized method using a sandblasting unit. In order to reduce the effect of vibration on the adhesion of reinforcement with concrete, when removing the damaged concrete around the reinforcement rods, mechanical effects on the reinforcement with jackhammers or perforators are not allowed.

Figure 3 - Cleaning of reinforcement

Damage to the reinforcement with diamond disks is not allowed. The minimum depth of concrete cutting around the perimeter of the repaired section with reinforcing rods should be 15 mm, and the maximum should not exceed the thickness of the protective layer.

The revealed reinforcement rods must be completely cable, and the gap between the prepared surface of the concrete and the rod should be at least 10 mm with the size of the filler in the repair material up to 5 mm and at least 20 mm with a filler size of more than 5 mm.

Open reinforcement rods are cleaned from rust by methods specified in Table 3.

If necessary, if the old fittings are unreliable or the thickness of the coating should be more than 20 mm, welded fittings are installed in accordance with the project. It must be fixed on the repaired concrete, leaving the space between the grid and the surface at the same time: the enamers layer above the reinforcement should be at least 10 mm.

Old reinforcement, as well as the newly installed, must be cleaned to the degree of purity of SA 2 1/2 in accordance with the requirements shown in Table 3, and processed by anti-corrosion makeup 300. Instructions for cooking and applying Mascille 300 are given on pages 15 and 20.

Table 3.

Rust removal method Determining the degree of purity Note
Stake-abrasive cleaning SA L. Only unconnected with the main material of the scale, rust and surface layers are removed.
SA 2 Removed almost completely skill, rust and surface layers
SA 2 1/2. Okalina, rust and paint removed; On the surface of steel only remains visible as "shading".
SA 3. Fully removed inspection without increasing: scale, rust and dyeing
P SA 2 1/2 Okalo, rust and paint are removed according to the requirements of the purity of SA 2 1/2 - the visible "shading" pores. Surface layers with great adhesion to the base remain. Between these zones there is an intermediate zone. The adhesion of the layers located in the intermediate zone must be checked after applying the first layer of protective material. Mandatory only for inkjet cleaning of coated steel surfaces with partially remaining coating.

Continuation of Table 3.

Rust removal method Determining the degree of purity Technical properties of cooked metal surfaces. Cleaning preliminary - if necessary. Cleaning recycled always Note
Cleaning manual or mechanical ST 2. Removed top layer with insufficient clutch and scale. Rust has been removed so that the surface of the steel after the secondary cleaning had a light metal glitter.
Fire cleaning F 1. Removed superficial layers, scale and rust. The remaining remaining on the surface has become visible as "shading" of different colors. Requires careful secondary mechanical crashing
Etching BE. A completely remnants of surface layers, scale and rust are removed. Covers (surface layers) must be removed before etched.

3.2.4 Dusting and Moisturizing Surface

Immediately before applying the repair composition, the surface must be cleaned and moistened manually or, for rapid saturation of the surface with water, mechanized manner.

The surface is purified by manually metal brushes, then from dust - blowing air from the compressor having a water and oil separator. After that, the surface moisturizing is manually brush for 6 hours.

The mechanized surface cleaning is performed using a high pressure apparatus (at least 160-180 atm). Not later than 30 minutes before the start of laying the repair makeup, the same apparatus is moisturizing the surface being repaired until the concrete saturation is water.

Excess water is removed from the surface with compressed air from the compressor having an oil separator or a foam sponge.

3.2.5 Requirements for prepared concrete surfaces

Physico-mechanical requirements for repaired concrete surfaces are established depending on the type of material and the method of preparing the concrete surface.

When used for repair work of concrete on the basis of mineral binders, the physicomechanical properties of the repaid concrete must comply with the requirements:

Concrete strength during separation, not less than 1.5 MPa;