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Psychology of internal conflict: how to find a way out? Causes of intrapersonal conflict and its solution

A person communicates not only with other people, but also with himself. All people talk to themselves. This happens by thinking about some idea, imagining a conversation in which two opponents participate, discussing a topic that has strongly affected, etc. The occurrence of intrapersonal conflict is a completely normal consequence, which can be of various types. The concept and reasons reveal this phenomenon more widely.

Intrapersonal conflict is characteristic of all people who have conflicting views, desires, ideas. Intrapersonal often occurs when a person wants one thing, and the world offers him something else or the people around him demand something else. This phenomenon happens to everyone, often creating serious problems.

What is intrapersonal conflict?

Communication of a person with himself is called intrapersonal. What is intrapersonal conflict? This is a contradiction that arises within a person as a result of such communication. This conflict is perceived by the individual as a serious problem that requires an immediate solution. If a person cannot resolve the situation or is not able to make a final decision, then the problem provokes various disorders and disorders in him. For example, a person may sleep poorly because of the need to think about their problem.

As a result of intrapersonal conflict, a person can go one of the following ways:

  1. The problem will make him self-evolve. His forces are mobilized, because of which he will begin to take measures to improve the quality of his life.
  2. The problem will slow him down, which will lead to a lack of self-knowledge and the development process.

An intrapersonal conflict is a collision of two or more equal in importance and opposite in direction needs, interests, desires, drives. In such a situation, a person experiences difficulty in making a decision, making a choice. If he takes one of the sides, then he will lose all the benefits of the other side. A person understands this, therefore he is in doubt, hesitates, cannot make a choice.

Depending on the significance of the topic that a person cannot solve, an intrapersonal conflict can lead to various troubles and even frustrations. While a person is in confrontation with himself, he develops various pathologies in himself at the physiological or psychological level. As soon as the problem is solved, the person is on the path to recovery and release from all side effects.

The concept of intrapersonal conflict

The concept of intrapersonal conflict implies a confrontation that arises within a person in connection with the consideration of two opposing or diverse ideas. A feature of intrapersonal conflict is that:

  1. A person may not be aware of the presence of a conflict inside him, but on a subconscious level, he compensates for this either with activity.
  2. There are no strangers with whom a person argues. A conflict arises in a person with himself.
  3. Confrontation is accompanied by depression, fears, stress and other negative experiences.

Depending on how the personality is characterized, there are various causes and essences of intrapersonal conflict:

  • Freud considered this phenomenon as a confrontation between biological instincts and impulses and social foundations in which a person is forced to live. When inner desires do not agree with outer possibilities or social moral principles, then the person is stuck in conflict.
  • K. Levin defined intrapersonal conflict as the need for a person to live in conditions of simultaneously directed polar forces. Confrontation is a consequence of the equivalence of these forces.
  • K. Rogers considered intrapersonal conflict as a consequence of the discrepancy between self-image and understanding of the ideal "I".
  • A. Maslow considered this phenomenon as a consequence of the discrepancy between the desire to fulfill oneself and the results already achieved.
  • V. Merlin considered intrapersonal conflict as a consequence of dissatisfaction with personal relationships and motives.
  • F. Vasilyuk believed that intrapersonal conflict is a confrontation between two opposite and independent values.

Leontiev believed that intrapersonal conflict is a normal state of the psyche, since it is contradictory. A. Adler singled out an inferiority complex, developed in childhood under the influence of an unfavorable environment, as the basis for the emergence of an intrapersonal conflict.

E. Erickson believed that in each age period a person necessarily faces various contradictions, the successful or unsuccessful resolution of which programs the future destiny. Successful resolution allows you to move on to the next round of development. Unsuccessful resolution leads to the emergence of complexes and foundations for the development of intrapersonal conflicts.

Causes of intrapersonal conflicts

Conventionally, the causes of intrapersonal conflicts are divided into 3 types:

  1. The inconsistency itself. If a person has many desires, diverse views and values, then conflict cannot be avoided. Here are the contradictions:
  • Between social norms and needs.
  • Contradiction of public duty and internal (religious) values.
  • Mismatch of needs, interests, desires.
  • The struggle between the social roles that a person must play in a specific period of time.

These contradictions must be significant for the individual and at the same time equivalent, otherwise the conflict will not arise, the person will choose what is most acceptable to him or less harmful.

  1. The status of a person in society.
  2. The status of an individual in a particular group. Being in a certain group of people, a person is forced to coordinate his needs with the desires of the environment. Sometimes you have to "step on the throat of your own song" just to get approval for your actions from other people. Here are the confrontations:
  • External circumstances interfere with the satisfaction of their needs.
  • The absence of a partner who is needed to meet the need.
  • Physiological flaws and pathologies that prevent a person from achieving their goals.
  • A society that hinders or restricts a person.

A person has to do the work, while he is not provided the right tools. They give specific tasks, while the issue of fulfilling the plan is not discussed. A person must be an excellent worker, while devoting sufficient time to the family. Often, personal values ​​and the rules proposed in the company come into conflict.

There are a lot of reasons for conflict within a person, so absolutely all people are faced with this phenomenon.

Types of intrapersonal conflict

K. Levin proposed 4 main types of intrapersonal conflict:

  1. Equivalent - there is a confrontation between two or more functions that a person must perform. The solution is compromise, partial fulfillment.
  2. Vital - occurs when it is necessary to make equally wrong decisions.
  3. - occurs when the actions and the result are equally liked or repelled.
  4. Frustrating - occurs when accepted norms and foundations diverge, the result with the actions taken to achieve the goal, disapproval.

A person is faced with an intrapersonal conflict when prompted by two diverse motives. The moral background arises in a situation where a person is forced to measure his desires with social moral principles, his aspirations with duty.

A conflict based on unfulfilled desires occurs when a person has goals, but is faced with a reality that prevents him from doing so. A role conflict occurs when a person is forced to play several roles at the same time, as well as in a situation where the requirements for a person do not converge with his own ideas about this role or capabilities.

The conflict of inadequate self-esteem arises as a result of a discrepancy between one's own idea and an assessment of personal potential.

Resolution of intrapersonal conflict

Adler was persistently engaged in resolving intrapersonal conflict, who at first determined that an inferiority complex provokes this phenomenon. Up to 5 years, the character of a person is formed, which is constantly exposed to various adverse social circumstances. Further, he only different ways trying to make up for his shortcomings.

Adler identified 2 ways to resolve intrapersonal conflict:

  1. Development of social interest and feeling. Successful development allows you to adapt to society and build good relationships. Otherwise, alcoholism, drug addiction, and crime develop.
  2. Stimulation of own potential:
  • adequate compensation.
  • Overcompensation is the development of one ability.
  • Imaginary compensation - some factors compensate for the inferiority complex.

The resolution of intrapersonal conflict can occur in the following ways:

  1. Open:
  • End of doubt.
  • Making decisions.
  • Concentration on problem solving.
  1. Hidden (latent):
  • Simulation, hysteria, torment.
  • Rationalization is self-justification through logical reasoning that involves selective arguments.
  • Sublimation.
  • Idealization is abstraction, detachment from reality.
  • Compensation - replenishment of the lost by other goals and achievements.
  • Regression - avoidance of responsibility, return to primitive forms of existence.
  • Departure from reality - dreams.
  • Euphoria is a joyful state, feigned fun.
  • Nomadism is a change of place of residence or work.
  • Projection - attributing to other persons their own negative qualities.
  • Differentiation is the separation of thoughts from the author.

Consequences of intrapersonal conflict

Intrapersonal conflict affects how the personality is further formed. The consequences can be both productive and destructive, depending on the decisions that are made by the individual.

Successful conflict resolution leads to self-knowledge, self-esteem and personal self-realization. A person rises above himself, develops, becomes stronger, improves his own life.

The negative consequences of intrapersonal conflict are neurotic disorders, crises, splitting of personality. The person becomes aggressive, irritable, anxious, restless. The professional ability of a person and the ability to establish contacts with others are violated.

If a person cannot cope with his own internal problems And long time gives them a central place in his life, then neurotic conflicts arise. A person changes under their influence.


Intrapersonal conflict is common to all people. A person does not live in "greenhouse" conditions, where he can not worry about anything, not worry, not face troubles. The result will depend personally on the person who sooner or later makes some decision after a long intrapersonal conflict.

Whatever decision a person makes, he will follow this path. And in the future, problems of a similar or other nature will arise again. A person will again make decisions that will affect his development and actions. This forms his future, that is, the life that he then lives.

Intrapersonal conflict is a contradiction that arises in a person for a number of reasons. The conflict is perceived as a serious emotional problem. Intrapersonal conflict requires special attention, strength to resolve it, enhanced internal work.

Causes of internal conflicts:

  • applying old strategies in a new situation in which they will not work;
  • inability to make responsible decisions;
  • lack of information necessary to control the situation;
  • discontent own place in life;
  • lack of full communication;
  • problems with self-esteem;
  • big obligations;
  • inability to change the situation.

In order to accurately analyze intrapersonal conflict and find a way to resolve it, it is necessary to remember that main reason is the pressure of the social environment on the individual.

The whole group of intrapersonal conflicts can be divided into two subgroups:

  1. appearing due to objective contradictions that affect inner world personalities (this includes moral conflicts, adaptation, etc.)
  2. appearing due to the discrepancy between the inner world of the individual and the world around him (conflicts related to self-esteem or motivation).

The resolution of an intrapersonal conflict is associated with the acquisition of new qualities. A person must harmonize his own inner world with environment, society. She must develop the habit of not being so acutely aware of contradictions. There are two options for overcoming intrapersonal conflict - constructive and destructive. constructive option allows you to get a new quality of life, achieve harmony and peace of mind a deeper and more accurate understanding of life. Overcoming an internal conflict can be understood by reducing negative socio-psychological factors, by the absence of painful sensations that previously arose due to the conflict, by improving the condition and increasing efficiency.

All people deal with their intrapersonal conflicts differently. It depends on them individual qualities and temperament. The latter affects the speed and stability of experiences, their intensity. It also depends on temperament whether the conflict is directed inward or outward. Every person experiences intrapersonal conflict differently.

Ways to resolve intrapersonal conflicts:

  • Changing the chosen strategy

Many people are often unable to change the way they perceive and think in a new situation. We adhere to similar behavior, trying to deceive ourselves that the situation does not require drastic changes. It is necessary not only to learn to analyze the facts, but also to be aware of your own attitude to the problem. Each time, ask yourself if the chosen strategy of behavior is relevant for a particular case. If a change in approach is required, action must be taken. Then the internal conflict of the personality will be resolved constructively.

  • Ability to deal with tension

When aware of the conflict, the inability to follow the requirements specific situation minor psychological trauma may occur. It will become a trigger mechanism capable of radically changing the approach to solving the problem and the attitude towards it. A person begins to show hypertrophied qualities. If earlier he was mobile, now he will behave fussy and chaotic. If earlier he was irritable, now his temper will become the main feature. Mild anxiety can turn into fear. Circumstances force a person to behave aggressively. Often, with an intrapersonal conflict, complexes appear. A person begins to invent reasons for his own failure and withdraws into himself.

To find a constructive way to get rid of internal conflict, you need to be aware of your own problems. Everyone has difficulties, but only those who understand the existence of problems can deal with them. It is necessary to achieve harmony between the spiritual and physical condition, communication and imagination. The stability of the mental state is positively affected by physical relaxation. To normalize the work of the psyche, you need to perform simple actions.

Margaret Thatcher wrote about them. She said that after a hard day at home, all the problems seemed to pile on her, bring her to tears. She relieved spiritual tension with simple housework - ironing or putting dishes in the closet. This made it possible to bring the psyche back to normal, to relax.

With a lack of information that does not allow action, it is worth waiting a bit. However, this expectation turns out to be too tedious. In this case, you should give yourself the installation to wait for the right moment. This setting will relieve constant anxiety, make it easier to endure waiting. Often, waiting literally eats up choleric people who are incapable of long inactivity. But people of other temperaments can break loose and start acting in inappropriate conditions. This is how errors appear. Remember the rule - if you do not know what to do, then it is better to do nothing. This will save you from mistakes. Later, you will receive the necessary information and determine the optimal moment for taking action.

  • Waiting for the result

Not everyone is able to wait not only for a good moment, but also for the result of their actions. Impatience makes you come up with something so that he appears sooner. This is due to the uncertainty that all actions to achieve the desired result were completed on time. In this case, you need to give yourself the installation that the result will come by itself. So you can relieve tension from uncertainty, better adapt to the conditions of expectation.

  • Praise yourself in difficult situations

Troubles and problems are faithful companions of any business. Nothing can go smoothly. When trouble arises, do not blame yourself or be upset. You need to understand what will be better after. This creates an interval of calm. If a person understands that soon all difficulties will go away, he will have additional strength. This is necessary if your activity requires a long time to get the desired result. Pay attention not only to the end result, but also to intermediate successes. The passage of each stage deserves encouragement. In difficult situations, humor often saves. You can get rid of sad thoughts, look at the situation from a different angle.

  • Learn to enjoy the feeling of isolation to good use.

Communication is not only communication with other people, but also communication with oneself. If a person has a feeling of isolation, then he must analyze it, understand the reasons. There may be several reasons. If this is a decrease in self-esteem, then you need to remember your past achievements, then self-confidence will appear. If this is a deterioration in relations with colleagues or friends, then you need to restore intimacy, even if this requires concessions on your part or an apology.

Is it possible to constructively resolve internal conflict caused by the compulsion of the situation? We are all distinguished by love of freedom, but its scope depends on the individual and the characteristics of her character. It must be realized that social life is impossible in isolation from society itself. After that, you should compare concessions with life attitudes. If the concessions do not violate the integrity of the main life values, then the conflict is unjustified. But the answer to this question is individual for everyone.

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intrapersonal conflict- this is a difficult to resolve contradiction that occurs within the personality. An intrapersonal psychological conflict is experienced by an individual as a serious problem of psychological content, which requires an early resolution. This kind of confrontation can simultaneously accelerate the process of self-development, forcing the individual to mobilize his own potential, and harm the individual, slowing down the process of self-knowledge and driving self-affirmation into a dead end. Intrapersonal conflict arises in conditions when interests, inclinations, needs of equal importance and opposite in direction collide with each other in the human mind.

The concept of intrapersonal conflict

The internal confrontation of the personality is called the confrontation that arises inside the psyche of the personality, which is a clash of contradictory, often oppositely directed motives.

This type of confrontation is characterized by a number of specific features. Features of intrapersonal conflict:

  • unusual structure of the conflict (intrapersonal confrontation does not have subjects of interaction represented by individuals or groups of people);
  • latency, which consists in the difficulty of identifying internal contradictions, since often the individual is not aware that he is in a state of confrontation, he can also hide his own state under a mask or vigorous activity;
  • the specificity of the forms of manifestation and course, since the internal confrontation proceeds in the form of complex experiences and is accompanied by:, depressive states, stress.

The problem of intrapersonal conflict was most actively developed in Western psychological science. Its scientific justification is inextricably linked with the founder of psychoanalytic theory Z. Freud.

All approaches and concepts of intrapersonal conflict are conditioned by the specifics of understanding the content and essence of personality. Therefore, starting from the understandings of personality that have developed in different psychological schools, there are several main approaches to the consideration of internal confrontation.

Freud provided evidence of the biopsychological and biosocial content of intrapersonal confrontation. In essence, the human psyche is contradictory. Her work is connected with the constant tension and overcoming of the conflict that arises between biological desires and sociocultural foundations, between unconscious content and consciousness. It is precisely in contradiction and constant confrontation that the whole essence of intrapersonal confrontation lies, according to Freud's concept.

The described concept was further developed in the works of its adherents: K. Jung and K. Horney.

The German psychologist K. Levin put forward his own concept of intrapersonal conflict called "field theory", according to which the inner world of the individual falls simultaneously under the influence of polar forces. A person has to choose from them. Both of these forces can be positive or negative, and one of them can be negative and the other positive. K. Levin considered the main conditions for the emergence of conflict to be the parity and equal significance of such forces for the individual.

K. Rogers believed that the emergence of an internal conflict is due to the discrepancy between the subject's ideas about himself and his understanding of the ideal "I". He was convinced that such a mismatch could provoke serious mental disorders.

The concept of intrapersonal confrontation, developed by A. Maslow, is very popular. He argued that the structure is based on a hierarchy of needs, the highest of which is the need for. Hence, the main reason for the emergence of intrapersonal conflicts lies in the gap between the desire for self-realization and the achieved result.

Among the Soviet psychologists who made a significant contribution to the development of theories of confrontations, one can single out the concepts of intrapersonal conflict by A. Luria, V. Merlin, F. Vasilyuk and A. Leontiev.

Luria considered intrapersonal confrontation as a collision of two oppositely directed, but equal in strength, tendencies. V. Merlin - as a consequence of dissatisfaction with deep actual personal motives and relationships. F. Vasilyuk - as a confrontation between two internal motives that are displayed in the mind of an individual's personality as independent opposed values.

The problem of intrapersonal conflict was considered by Leontiev as a completely normal phenomenon. He believed that internal opposition is inherent in the structure of personality. Every personality is contradictory in its structure. Often the resolution of such contradictions is accomplished in the simplest variations and does not lead to the emergence of an intrapersonal conflict. Sometimes the resolution of the conflict goes beyond the boundaries of the simplest forms, becoming the main thing. The result of this is intrapersonal confrontation. He believed that the internal conflict is the result of the struggle of the personality's motivational courses ranked according to the hierarchy.

A. Adler considered the “inferiority complex” that arises in childhood under the pressure of an unfavorable social environment. In addition, Adler also identified the main methods for resolving internal confrontation.

E. Fromm, explaining intrapersonal confrontation, proposed the theory of "existential dichotomy". His concept was that the causes of internal conflicts lie in the dichotomous nature of the individual, which is found in the problems of being: the problem of the limited life of a person, life and death, etc.

E. Erickson in his own concept of the stages of psychosocial personality formation, putting forward the idea that each age stage is marked by a favorable overcoming of a crisis event or an unfavorable one.

With a successful exit, positive personal development occurs, its transition to the next life period with useful prerequisites for its favorable overcoming. With an unsuccessful exit from the crisis situation, the individual moves into a new period of his own life with the complexes of the previous stage. Erickson believed that it was practically impossible to go through all the stages of development safely, therefore, each individual develops the prerequisites for the emergence of intrapersonal confrontation.

Causes of intrapersonal conflict

Intrapersonal psychological conflict has three types of causes that provoke its occurrence:

  • internal, that is, the reasons lurking in the contradictions of the personality;
  • external factors determined by the status of the individual in society;
  • external factors due to the status of the individual in a particular social group.

All of these types of causes are interrelated, and their differentiation is considered rather conditional. So, for example, internal factors that cause confrontation are the result of the interaction of the individual with the group and society, and do not appear out of nowhere.

The internal conditions for the emergence of intrapersonal confrontation are rooted in the confrontation of various motives of the personality, in the inconsistency of its internal device. A person is more prone to internal conflicts when her inner world is complex, feelings of value and the ability to introspection are developed.

Intrapersonal conflict occurs in the presence of the following contradictions:

  • between social norm and need;
  • mismatch of needs, motives, interests;
  • confrontation of social roles (intrapersonal conflict example: it is necessary to fulfill an urgent order at work and at the same time the child should be taken to training);
  • the contradiction of socio-cultural values ​​and foundations, for example, it is necessary to combine the duty of defending the Motherland during the war and the Christian commandment “thou shalt not kill”.

For the emergence of a conflict within the personality, these contradictions must have a deep meaning for the individual, otherwise he will not attach importance to them. In addition, different aspects of contradictions in terms of the intensity of their own impact on the individual should be equal. Otherwise, the individual will choose the greater of the two blessings and the lesser of the “two evils”. In this case, internal confrontation will not arise.

External factors that provoke the emergence of intrapersonal confrontation are due to: personal status in a group, organization and society.

The reasons due to the position of the individual in a certain group are quite diverse, but they are united by the impossibility of satisfying various important motives and needs that have meaning and deep meaning for the individual in a particular situation. From here, four variations of situations that provoke the emergence of an intrapersonal conflict can be distinguished:

  • physical obstacles that interfere with the satisfaction of basic needs (intrapersonal conflict example: a prisoner who is not allowed to move freely in his cell);
  • the absence of an object that is needed to satisfy a felt need (for example, a person dreams of a cup of coffee in a foreign city, but it is too early and all the cafeterias are closed);
  • biological barriers (individuals with physical defects or mental retardation, in which the interference nests in the human body itself);
  • social circumstances are the main root cause of most intrapersonal clashes.

At the organizational level, the causes that provoke the manifestation of intrapersonal conflict can be represented by the following types of contradictions:

  • between excessive responsibility and limited rights for its implementation (a person was transferred to leadership position, expanded functions, but the rights remained the same);
  • between poor conditions labor and strict requirements for the performance of work;
  • between two incompatible tasks or jobs;
  • between the rigidly established scope of the task and the vaguely prescribed mechanism for its implementation;
  • between the requirements of the profession, traditions, norms established in the company and individual needs or values;
  • between the desire for creative self-realization, self-affirmation, career and the potential for this within the organization;
  • confrontation caused by the inconsistency of social roles;
  • between the pursuit of profit and moral values.

External factors due to personal status in society are associated with discrepancies that arise at the level of the social macrosystem and lie in the nature of the social system, the structure of society, and political and economic life.

Types of intrapersonal conflicts

The classification of internal confrontation by type was proposed by K. Levin. He identified 4 types, namely equivalent (first type), vital (second), ambivalent (third) and frustrating (fourth).

Equivalent type- confrontation arises when the subject needs to perform two or more functions that are significant for him. Here conventional model the resolution of the contradiction will be a compromise, that is, a partial substitution.

The vital type of conflict is observed when the subject has to make equally unattractive decisions for him.

Ambivalent type- clash occurs when similar actions and the result are equally seductive and repulsive.

Frustrating type. Features of an intrapersonal conflict of a frustrating type are disapproval by society, discrepancy with accepted norms and foundations, the desired result and, accordingly, the actions necessary to achieve the desired.

In addition to the above systematization, there is a classification, the basis of which is the value-motivational sphere of the individual.

Motivational conflict occurs when two equally positive tendencies, unconscious aspirations, come into conflict. An example of this type of confrontation is the Buridan donkey.

Moral contradiction or normative conflict arises from discrepancies between aspirations and duty, personal attachments and moral attitudes.

The clash of the desires of the individual with the reality that blocks their satisfaction provokes the emergence of a conflict of unfulfilled desires. For example, it appears when the subject, due to physical imperfection, cannot fulfill his desire.

Role intrapersonal conflict is anxiety caused by the inability to "play" several roles at the same time. It also occurs due to discrepancies in understanding the requirements that a person makes for the implementation of one role.

The adaptation conflict is characterized by the presence of two meanings: in a broad sense, it is a contradiction caused by an imbalance between the individual and the surrounding reality, in a narrow sense it is a collision caused by a violation of the social or professional adaptation process.

The conflict of inadequate self-esteem arises as a result of a discrepancy between personal claims and an assessment of one's own potential.

Resolution of intrapersonal conflict

According to the beliefs of A. Adler, the development of the character of the individual occurs before the age of five. At this stage, the baby feels the impact of many adverse factors giving rise to an inferiority complex. In later life, this complex reveals a significant influence on the personality and intrapersonal conflict.

Adler described not only the mechanisms that explain the origin and manifestation of intrapersonal conflict, but also revealed ways to overcome such internal contradictions (compensation for an inferiority complex). He identified two such methods. The first is to develop social feeling and interest. Since, in the end, a developed social feeling manifests itself in the professional sphere, adequate interpersonal relationships. Also, an individual can develop an “undeveloped” social feeling, which has various negative forms of intrapersonal conflict: alcoholism, crime,. The second is to stimulate one's own potential, to achieve superiority over the environment. It can have the following forms of manifestation: adequate compensation (coincidence of the content of social interests with superiority), overcompensation (hypertrophied development of some kind of ability) and imaginary compensation (illness, circumstances or other factors beyond the control of the individual compensate for the inferiority complex).

M. Deutsch, the founder of the motivational approach to interpersonal conflict, identified ways to overcome intrapersonal confrontation, starting from the specifics of their "spheres of reality", to which he attributed:

  • the objective situation of confrontation, which is the foundation of the contradiction;
  • conflict behavior, which is a way of interaction between the subjects of conflict confrontation that arises when a conflict situation is recognized.

Ways to overcome internal confrontation are open and latent.

Open paths include:

  • decision making by the individual;
  • ending doubts;
  • fixation on the solution of the problem.

Latent forms of intrapersonal conflict include:

  • simulation, torment, ;
  • sublimation (transition of mental energy to other areas of functioning);
  • compensation (replenishment of the lost through the acquisition of other goals and, accordingly, results);
  • escape from reality (fantasy, dreaming);
  • nomadism (change of professional sphere, place of residence);
  • rationalization (self-justification with the help of logical conclusions, purposeful selection of arguments);
  • idealization (separation from reality, abstraction);
  • regression (suppression of desires, recourse to primitive behavioral forms, avoidance of responsibility);
  • euphoria (sham fun, joyful state);
  • differentiation (mental separation of thoughts from the author);
  • projection (the desire to get rid of negative qualities by attributing them to another).

Analyze personality and intrapersonal conflict, understand psychological problems the emergence and overcoming of conflicts is necessary for the further successful development of communication skills, competent resolution of situations of confrontation in interpersonal interaction and group communication.

Consequences of intrapersonal conflicts

It is believed that intrapersonal conflict is an inseparable element in the formation of the individual's psyche. Therefore, the consequences of internal confrontations can carry a positive aspect (that is, be productive) for the individual as well as a negative one (that is, destroy personal structures).

A confrontation is considered positive if it has the maximum development of opposing structures and is characterized by minimal personal costs for its resolution. One of the tools for harmonizing personal development is constructively overcome intrapersonal confrontation. The subject is able to recognize his personality only by resolving internal confrontation and intrapersonal conflicts.

Intrapersonal confrontation can help develop an adequate one, which, in turn, contributes to personal self-realization and self-knowledge.

Internal conflicts are considered destructive or negative, which exacerbate the splitting of the personality, turn into crises, or contribute to the formation of reactions of a neurotic nature.

Acute internal confrontations often lead to the destruction of the existing interpersonal interaction at work or relationships in the family circle. As a rule, they become the causes of increase, restlessness, anxiety, during communicative interaction. A long intrapersonal confrontation conceals a threat to the effectiveness of the activity.

In addition, intrapersonal confrontations are characterized by a tendency to develop into neurotic conflicts. Anxiety inherent in conflicts can be transformed into a source of disease if they take a central place in the system of personal relationships.

Conflict It's always a conflict of interest. It hurts, it's unpleasant, but what is an external conflict compared to the "torments of the soul." It is painful and unbearable, but on the other hand, making a choice is the exclusive privilege of a person. We all have internal conflicts that speak of a meeting within a person of two opposite and mutually exclusive tendencies seeking satisfaction. We want to relax and have fun, but we urgently need to help the patient close person. We want to earn money for a car, but our internal installation says: earning money for yourself is selfishness.

Often our inner needs and desires collide with the interests of the people around us. We feel an internal duty and a call to defend the Motherland, and our family requires our protection and care. We can be torn between societal expectations and personal interests. And there are a lot of such collisions in our life. They bring a lot of worries and fears into our lives. Loss of internal supports and personal identity.

It is surprising that many people are not aware of their inner conflicts. They don't informed choices in their lives and go with the flow, make compromises, make choices that are not their own, and live lives that are not their own. They suffer apathy and boredom of life.

Karen Horney identifies four abilities that lead to understanding and resolving your internal conflicts:

1. The ability to be aware of our desires and feelings (i.e. do we really like this person, this job, this business, or have we just been inspired to do this).

2. The ability to develop one's own beliefs and values, as a large number of internal conflicts are connected with faith and moral values ​​(especially philosophy helps in this matter).

3. The ability to give up one of the conflicting and contradictory beliefs.

4. And finally, the willingness and ability to take responsibility for your decision. This point also includes the risk of making the wrong decision and the willingness to share the consequences without blaming others.

Conscious participation in our own internal conflicts, although it can bring suffering, but in fact fills our life with more fullness, wholeness, satisfaction and happiness.

We look at some people with envy, they seem so stable, organic and whole to us. And yes, there are strong people who are well aware of their value system, make choices based on their beliefs, feelings and desires. And the solution of internal conflicts does not affect them destructively. But there is another situation, when external stability rather speaks of internal apathy, conformism and opportunism, and not about resistance to the serious challenges of life.

A healthy person is able to meet and resolve his internal conflicts, which gives him strength and stability. Another thing is the conflicts of a neurotic. Neurotic people have a very hard time recognizing their feelings and desires. It is much more difficult to resolve neurotic conflicts without a specialist. But we will talk about what a neurotic conflict is in the next article.