Repair Design Furniture

How the midge is born from beer. How can you get rid of fruit flies fruit flies in an apartment and house? Prevention of the appearance of midges in the house

Tiny Drosophila flies do not bite at home, do not tolerate dangerous diseases, do not gnaw on clothes and furniture, but irritate the owners with their presence. It is worth leaving a piece of apple or pie on the table, as in half an hour, scurrying insects are already visible on it.

How do fruit flies get into apartments? How to make a trap for midges with your own hands? Let's figure it out.

Reasons for the appearance

The fruit fly most often flies around the apartment with the onset of heat. The abundance of food, favorable living conditions allow fruit flies to actively reproduce, the number of insects increases dramatically.

Penetration routes:

  • with vegetables and fruits from the supermarket or from the garden (inside peaches, apples, cucumbers, the larvae enter the dwelling);
  • through open windows;
  • with soil taken on summer cottage for planting indoor plants;
  • on animal fur. With frequent rotting of food in a cat or dog bowl, Drosophila larvae receive enough food and multiply quickly.

The risk of an invasion of annoying midges increases several times when the following factors are identified:

  • poor home hygiene, mountains of dirty dishes in the sink;
  • the habit of leaving leftover food in the plate, do not immediately wipe the table;
  • old tea leaves left in the teapot also attract fruit flies, gives them a lot of food and a breeding zone;
  • accumulation of bottles from under sweet soda, juice, remnants of wine and beer in containers not thrown away in time;
  • excessive watering of indoor plants, water not only in the flowerpot, but also in the pan;
  • addiction to traditional methods of fertilizing plants, for example, watering with a dormant tea brew. Tea leaves rot, attract tiny insects;
  • if the house is in perfect order, the kitchen shines with cleanliness, then the midge flies to the fruit, beautifully laid on a plate;
  • the likelihood of an invasion of small flies increases if the hostess is used to keeping bunches of grapes, bananas or fragrant peaches out of the refrigerator;
  • a bucket of garbage not taken out in time, rotten apple peel, potato peelings, tomato peel, sour borscht are the favorite food of fruit flies.

How to recognize

Drosophila also have other names - vinegar or wine fly. Insects are common on all continents except the coldest regions. The ubiquitous insect of the Diptera order resembles an ordinary fly, only very small (the body length does not exceed 3 mm).

Drosophila love rotten fruits and vegetables plant residues... Tiny insects are attracted by the wine smell. Larvae fruit flies often feed on microorganisms.

It is difficult to confuse fruit flies and other insects: flies swarm over rotten vegetables and fruits, scurry on the ground of a flower pot, circle over plants. Moshkara always flies like a cloud in the habitat, it is almost impossible to meet a single Drosophila. If one fly has crawled into an apartment with an abundance of food, other brothers will soon be here.

How to get rid of: effective methods

Drosophila give food an unattractive look, scurry about inside the bread bin, crawl over plates, fruits and vegetables, constantly climb into the eyes and mouth. Tiny insects appear from somewhere in the "closed" food bag. This "neighborhood" quickly gets boring. The owners are ready to do anything to get rid of the fruit flies.

Disinsectors advise not to rush to the household chemicals store for a can of toxic aerosol. Moshkara will disappear if you just revise some habits. Most often, the active reproduction of wine gnats occurs through the fault of the owners.

Fruit flies penetrate into many apartments, but not everywhere they remain. How to get rid of fruit flies in an apartment? favorable conditions for habitation and feeding is the main task of the owners.

Fundamental rules:

  • find, inspect the habitat of insects, understand what attracted the annoying midges;
  • eliminate the conditions for the life of fruit flies: put food in the refrigerator, throw out the trash, stop storing dirty dishes, give up excess watering plants;
  • to destroy the midges that were caught;
  • think about how to prevent the reappearance of fruit flies (preventive measures are described at the end of the article).

Advice! Disinsectors do not recommend the use of chemicals, the best optionhomemade traps... Without food, insects will not be able to live at home, they will quickly disappear. Drosophila poisoning with Dichlorvos is possible only as a last resort, with an abundance of insects. But this method is harmful to the health of residents, it is advisable to do with trapping containers and natural compounds.

DIY traps

Most of the fixtures are easy to make in 10-15 minutes. You will need items and products that you always have at home.

Popular fruit fly traps include:

  • from a plastic cup. Wash the yogurt container, dry it, put a wet tea bag, pieces of fruit or pour beer / compote inside. Pull cling film on top, make a dozen holes with a thick needle, put a glass with bait in the area of ​​midges accumulation;
  • from a plastic bag. The easiest way to catch fruit flies. Fill the bag with apple cores, rotten tomatoes or peaches, cover, put the trap on the table. In half an hour, there will be many fans inside the package to feast on rotting remains. The owners will have to show dexterity: quickly tie the bag, take it to the trash can. You should not put the bag with the caught midges in the trash can: often, in an incomprehensible way, tiny insects get out;
  • from a glass jar. The simple method is effective when there are large numbers of midges. Fill the container with juice, fruit or compote. Roll up a cone of thick paper, be sure to cut off a small piece from the sharp end with scissors. Insert the funnel into the glass jar with a downward angle, tape the junction so that insects cannot get out. Place the container in the midges congestion zones and wait until "clouds" of tiny fruit flies gather inside.

Folk ways

You can "smoke" insects from the house with the help of aromatic substances and pungent odors, which are not tolerated by midges. When combined with traps, the method shows high efficiency.

Find out how and how to poison yourself.

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment forever? Effective methods destruction are described on the page.

Go to the address and read about how to deal with ginger ants in an apartment.

Frightens off fruit flies:

  • the smell of heated camphor;
  • essential oils poured into an aroma lamp. Insects do not like the aroma of pine needles, incense, lavender, citrus;
  • wormwood, lavender, tansy will quickly drive insects out of an apartment or house. Arrange bouquets of dried plants in all rooms;
  • a candle with a spicy or pine aroma. Light a candle, slowly carry it around the rooms, put it in the kitchen, let it burn out.

Preventive measures

Compliance simple rules will allow you to forget what fruit flies look like. There should be order at home, vegetables and fruits should be stored in the refrigerator, and the risk of annoying midges breeding in the home will be minimized.

Other important rules:

  • wash dishes regularly, do not accumulate glasses, spoons, plates on the table or in the sink;
  • throw away garbage in a timely manner, especially in the warm season, when there are a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • wring out the rags well in the kitchen and bathroom;
  • do not store rotten foods at home, especially grapes, peaches, bananas, apples, melons and gourds;
  • water the plants as needed, do not breed dampness in a flowerpot and a plate under it;
  • when using tea leaves as a fertilizer, replace the layer in the pot in time. Rotting tea leaves on the background high humidity- An ideal habitat for annoying midges;
  • Keep the litter box clean at all times, and keep pet bowls clean. Drosophila, deprived of food, will definitely leave an inhospitable dwelling;
  • when identifying annoying "neighbors" do not postpone the fight against insects. It is important to remember: midges always keep in flocks, with an abundance of food they quickly flock to the smell.

The appearance of fruit flies at home can be prevented if you keep order, properly and in time to care for the plants. With an invasion of tiny insects, homemade traps and folk recipes will help.

Video - a review on how to get rid of fruit flies in the house:

Attention! Only today!

With the arrival of August - the time of ripening of most fruits, such unwanted insects as fruit flies appear in the house. Inconspicuous fruit flies begin to attack all fruits and vegetables, as soon as they lie down for a while. How to get rid of them without harming yourself, you can find out by reading this article.

Where do fruit flies come from in the house?

These insects are the eternal companions of man, they feed on spoiled, rotten foods, which are in abundance in humans. Only with a massive harvest, a constant stay of vegetables and fruits in the house, there are a lot of fruit flies. They multiply intensively and lay eggs on food. Since the eggs and larvae are very small, a person cannot notice them on the fruit. Leaving the purchased watermelon or apples with pears, you can see fruit flies actively interfering with your usual way of life the next day.

How to get rid of

If you cannot remove the reason for their appearance, as well as hide all the products, then you can use the following means:

1. Trap from the can. Place bait on the bottom (a piece of fruit or juice, compote). Make a paper funnel with a small hole. Glue the joint with tape. Place with the sharp end of the funnel facing down. Leave it overnight. In the morning, cover and throw out the "harvest".

2. Trap from a plastic cup ... Take a glass and put the bait on the bottom. Cover the top with cling film and make several holes with a thick needle. Place it near the fruit flies' habitat. After a few hours, discard the glass with the caught flies and make a new blank.

3. Batch trap. In a new bag with high walls, put the bait, leave for a while. When the insects fly inside, quickly close the bag and take it out of the house.

4. Sticky tape. Coat the fly catching tape with wine or sour compote. Drosophila will fly to smell and stick.

5. Bottle with the mixture. In a small glass bottle with a narrow neck, pour juice or compote. Add soapy water. Leave in a place where the flies accumulate. They will fly inside, but they will not be able to rise.

Here are some actionable tips helping to stop the invasion of fruit flies in the house:

  • When the fly has started up in pots with flowers, you need to stick a few matches into the substrate with their heads down. The midges will disappear.
  • You can catch fruit flies with a vacuum cleaner if they get in the way and fly a lot.
  • If there are mosquito plates, then you can stick them on the window, from the sunny side. The smell will kill the flies.
  • To avoid the reappearance of these insects, you need to remove all the fruits in bags. Do not leave food leftovers on the table. And spoiled food should be disposed of immediately.

Drosophila appears in the house very easily, but getting rid of it is not easy. If you apply the proposed methods correctly, you can get rid of these insects in a few days. But the best thing is not to give the fruit flies a reason to appear: do not leave food on long time"Unattended."

The simplest method of dealing with fruit flies is with sticky tapes. They can be hung in any room where annoying flying insects usually gather: in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the greenhouse, and even in the beer store. There will definitely not be any difficulties with their purchase: there are ribbons in almost any hardware store.

Fumigators with plates that are treated with poisonous substances are a good remedy. The device is supposed to be included in electrical network... Wine flies die from the venom being released.

If regular cleaning and sticky tapes don't help, you need to move on to more effective methods- the use of special insecticidal preparations. They are sold in spray form. The most popular are Raptor, Raid, Combat, Dichlorvos, Hexachloran. They include various components that destroy insects. The product must be sprayed around the house. It is recommended to close all windows and doors and wait a few hours. First you need to get all people out and remove food. At the end, after processing, ventilate the room. The instructions for use are written on the aerosol containers, so it should always be read.

In the apartment and in the country, you can also use special traps, which can be purchased at a hardware store. The Raptor is very popular. The principle of its action is as follows: insects flock to the aroma, which exudes a container with liquid and stick to the inside of the trap in the form of a house. To use such a trap, you first have to assemble it yourself:

  1. 1. Remove the cap from the can.
  2. 2. Place the trap on top of the container with the sticky surface inside.

Drosophila reproduce in flowers, more precisely, in the ground for them. This is the perfect environment for flies. To find the larvae in the soil, you need to pick up the ground with a small spatula or toothpick. If small worms are found, then it is necessary to use insecticides for plant protection. "Aktellik", "Fitoverm" will do. In more advanced cases, when the larvae have filled the pot, it is necessary to transplant the flower into a new container, completely replacing the soil.

If fruit flies live in a sink in the bathroom or in the kitchen, then you can remove them with boiling water. They regularly need to process the space. It is recommended to use such means as "Domestos", "Mister Muscle", "Mole".

Folk methods of removing flies

At home, they are used and folk remedies... They also help fight fruit flies. Basically, these funds have a deterrent effect. You can use the following options:

  1. 1. Plants with a strong aroma. Elderberry, geranium, tansy, wormwood, fern will do. Leaves of flowers need to be spread around the room. Then the midges themselves will quickly leave the room. The same goes for myrtle and eucalyptus trees. Their scent is unpleasant for insects.
  2. 2. Essential oils. Eucalyptus, geranium will do. You can arrange aromatherapy in the room.
  3. 3. Seedlings of tomatoes. Its aroma is unpleasant for midges. It is enough to put containers with seedlings on the windowsills.
  4. 4. Laurel oil. They are supposed to rub door jambs and window frames.
  5. 5. Kerosene and turpentine. It is enough to add 5 tbsp. l. one of these products in 3 liters of water. This solution is supposed to wash the floor and windows.

There are predatory plants that feed on small insects, including fruit flies. They exude a pleasant aroma, and fruit flies fly to this bait. Plants are completely safe for humans and pets. They are easy to care for and small in size.

You can also prepare your own poison from midges. There are several popular recipes:

  1. 1. Dissolve 40 g of sugar in half a cup of milk and add the same amount of powdered black pepper. In this mixture, moisten a piece of toilet paper or a napkin and place on a plate.
  2. 2. Mix 3 tbsp. l. milk with 0.5 tsp formalin. Then add 5 tsp. baking soda... Spread the mixture on saucers, and leave pieces of brown bread next to it.
  3. 3. Stir 10 g of honey with 1 g of sugar. Moisten napkins in such a solution and sprinkle with water. Leave them on the windowsill.

You can also use traps that you can easily prepare yourself. You need to do the following:

  1. 1. Take the container. A glass jar will do.
  2. 2. Prepare paper, tape and baits (fruits, juice).
  3. 3. Make a funnel out of a sheet of paper. A hole must be left at the top of the cone.
  4. 4. Put the bait in the jar.
  5. 5. Place the funnel in the bait jar with the hole facing down. Fix the edges on the neck of the container with tape.

The midges will fly to the scent of juice or fruit, fall into the jar, and will not get back. It remains only to periodically throw out the contents of the can along with the dead insects.

Disposable glasses can be used instead of a glass jar. Then they are thrown away along with the contents. They can be covered with cling film and small holes can be made in it with a needle. There is another version of the trap. Put banana peels, fruit, or other bait in a plastic bag. Midges will flock to the aroma of rotten foods. After a while, the package will need to be thrown away.

But first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the very cause of the appearance of fruit flies, to minimize the access of insects to moisture, which is the optimal environment for them. With regular ventilation of the room, fruit flies will disappear over time, as they do not tolerate cold and Fresh air.

Wine gnats or fruit flies are known to everyone because of their prevalence. They got their name because they are attracted by the smell of wine, which comes from rotting fruits. In the home, most often they can be seen in the kitchen, since all food products are concentrated there. Having settled in an apartment, small ubiquitous wine flies annoy the tenants pretty much. In a short period of time, their number becomes such that they are found: on houseplants, curtains, in a trash can, on any product that is not cleaned in time, in jars of honey or jam, they tend to get into your morning coffee and, apparently, consider themselves full-fledged hosts in your kitchen. Because of this, many are worried about the question - where do they come from and how to get rid of wine gnats in the house?

Wine midge

Insect description

Drosophila is also called fruit flies. These insects have long settled near humans, for the reason that humans are an inexhaustible source of food for them. Midges eat spoiled fruits, flower nectar, plant residues and juice of domestic plants. All this in a large number eat next to people.

Outwardly, fruit flies are very small midges. They do not live long and reproduce very actively, developing in a warm environment from an egg to an adult insect in just ten days. One female has the ability to lay up to 400 eggs. Therefore, wine flies in short time can populate the entire territory in which they settled. Midge eggs are laid in spoiled berries and fruits. The hatched larvae penetrate deep into the product and pupate there. Already on the second day after hatching, the female is already capable of laying eggs.

Important! These insects do not bring much harm to the person himself - they do not bite, do not suck blood, and even more so they are not carriers of diseases. The main harm from them is annoying flickering in the apartment and the absorption of food. In theory, eating food contaminated with fly larvae can only get an intestinal upset.

Reasons for the appearance of fruit flies

In order to effectively deal with wine gnats, one must first of all understand where they came from and find the sources of their reproduction.

They enter a person's dwelling in various ways:

  • with fruits that we bring into the house, on the skins of which wine flies have laid eggs. They give preference to soft fruits, the peel of which they can easily bite;
  • fly through the open doors and windows, attracted by the smell of rotting fruits, sometimes they are even attracted by the pungent smell of fruit freshener.

Recommendation! Often we have no idea where gnats appear on fruits recently purchased from the store. The fact is that the larvae are noticeable only at an early stage of formation, when the midge has just laid eggs on white... Then they take on the color of the fruit, so we cannot see them when buying. Vegetables and fruits that you cannot store in the refrigerator should be thoroughly rinsed with water or even doused with boiling water, because there is a possibility that Drosophila has already laid eggs on them. As soon as the process of decay begins, adult insects will appear from the eggs.

As a rule, these insects conduct their life in the following places:

  • in the kitchen among food and plant residues;
  • in the trash bin;
  • in the bathroom when storing wet rags, damp stale things and when the water supply is clogged;
  • near cages with pets, aquariums with fish, if they are not being cared for daily;
  • in pots with indoor flowers, especially if they are watered heavily;
  • in vases with long standing flowers.

How to get rid of wine gnats

You need to start fighting the midges as soon as you find them in the house in order to avoid their further reproduction. For this you need:

  1. find sources of breeding and get rid of them;
  2. clean the kitchen of all spoiled food and plant residues;
  3. check the condition of rags for washing floors and dishes;
  4. check if the water supply is clogged and remove the clogging, if any;
  5. pour the drain special means or cover with soda, and then extinguish it with vinegar, to eliminate food residues, which Drosophila love so much;
  6. if there are not many midges, you can simply collect them with a vacuum cleaner;
  7. having got rid of spoiled food stocks, thoroughly wipe the shelves in the cabinets with soapy water, and then with vinegar;
  8. in the case when midges are wound up in domestic plants, it is necessary to reduce watering and shed soil weak solution potassium permanganate, or insecticides specially produced for the soil ("Thunder", "Fitoverm", "Karbofos"), if this did not help, then the contaminated land must be completely changed;
  9. garlic, lavender, citrus fruits will help expel insects from the house, their pungent smell repels insects;
  10. Drosophila can be smoked for this, you need to pour the chopped camphor into the pan and put it on the stove, when steam appears, carry the dishes through all the rooms. This procedure is safe for humans and pets.
  11. in the fight against midges, predatory plants will help, which digest insects that have fallen into their traps. They are easy to care for, they are harmless to humans, but they cope effectively with fruit flies and other insects. In addition, it is quite interesting to observe the process of hunting a plant and catching prey;
  12. if it is cold enough outside, then you can simply cool the room thoroughly by opening the windows and all kitchen cabinets, fruit flies are sensitive to temperature and will die from hypothermia;
  13. use house traps.

Homemade Wine Fly Traps

One of the most effective ways to combat midges is to use homemade traps, which can be prepared in the following ways:

  • V glass jar pour juice, compote or put pieces of fruit, make a paper funnel with a small hole at the end and insert into the jar, carefully gluing the joints with tape. Attracted by the smell, midges easily penetrate into the can, but they will not be able to crawl out.
  • Place slices of fragrant fruit in a bag that has no holes on the walls and bottom and leave it overnight. The next morning, quickly close it with flying flies and throw it away.
  • You can also catch fruit flies by placing saucers with syrup or juice, a mixture of sugar and yeast in places of accumulation. Insects will gather over the saucers and drown in the bait.
  • Take plastic cup and put a piece of fruit in it. Cover the glass with cling film and make small holes in it. The midges will penetrate, but they will not be able to get back, and they can be thrown out along with the trap.
  • You can use sticky fly tape by hanging it up and spreading it out near insect sites.

Get rid of fruit gnats not very difficult. And for this it is not at all necessary to use toxic substances - the most simple methods described in the article are also the most effective. After the fruit flies leave your home, do not forget about preventive measures.

Prevention of the appearance of wine gnats

In order to prevent fruit flies from appearing in your home, it is important:

  • Do not leave fruits and berries in the heat for a long time on the table;
  • Get rid of dampness and dirt;
  • Maintain cleanliness, throw out spoiled products in time, pay special attention to onion and potato stocks;
  • Throw out the trash often, especially during the hot season;
  • Wash the trash can;
  • Regularly care for animal cages and fish tanks;
  • Do not leave pet food for a long time, apply it a little so that it is immediately eaten;
  • Pay attention to systemic cleaning of ventilation shafts and water supply;
  • It is important to constantly wash the sink and clean the drains and siphon using chemicals;
  • Do not leave dirty dishes for a long time;
  • Do not flood indoor plants, do not use tea leaves or coffee grounds for watering;
  • Avoid stagnant water in trays under flower pots;
  • Change the water in a vase with flowers in time and discard rotting or fading bouquets in a timely manner;
  • Keep the room clean by doing general cleaning, all carefully view and explore every corner.

Fulfilling these conditions, you can save your home from the invasion of wine midges.

Due to their small size, Drosophila is called a midge, but they are flies, they are 2-3 mm in length and have many subspecies. It dwells almost everywhere where it is warm. There are especially many fruit flies in humid tropical climates. Lives in the apartment in winter, if there is a power source.

Little flies, sweet lovers

Small flies' main food consists of sugar and alcohol. She lays her eggs on rotten foods. The larvae can completely immerse themselves in the liquid and only before turning into an adult fly, they swim to the surface.

Drosophila flies do not bite. But their appearance in the kitchen is unpleasant. They rise in a cloud over the trash can, cover the bitten apple, desperately rush into the food of the owner of the house and die in it. After such a meal with unnoticed small midges, the person has an upset stomach, and intestinal diseases may appear. It is especially difficult for children to tolerate nutritional supplements in the form of fruit flies and their testicles.

There are places where flies are bred on purpose. Considering their size and fertility, it is an excellent food for aquarium fish and domestic anthills.

Drosophila - excellent food for fish

Scientists have been studying Drosophila for over a hundred years. It is interesting for geneticists, since the only insect has 8 chromosomes. This allows the mutation to be investigated. Virologists are testing the fly's reaction to various microorganisms and drugs. The coincidence of the results with the human body is very high. It is easy to withdraw experimental creatures and they do not take up much space.

Narcologists were interested in the ability of Drosophila to resist the action of alkaloids. After all, she eats fermentation products, sugar-containing alcoholic beverages. The fly has taste buds and perfectly distinguishes between types of beer and understands its quality.

A distinctive feature of Drosophila is its round-the-clock activity. She never sleeps, constantly and eats and reproduces a lot. Already on the second day, after turning into a fly, Drosophila reaches reproductive age. After 2 days, it begins to lay eggs, from 40 to 90 pieces every day.

In the warm season, fruit flies live outside. Their closest gardening relative prefers to spoil fresh vegetables. The grocery domestic midge prefers sweet fruits and berries, and does not disdain the feces of domestic animals, sweat. Places of her congestion:

  • garbage dumps;
  • cellars;
  • fruit bases;
  • habitats of animals;
  • pots with indoor plants;
  • store warehouses.

Drosophila can enter the apartment in various ways:

  • with fruit from the store, especially spoiled and runny;
  • fly through the ventilation;
  • live in a trash can;
  • come with pets;
  • with earth for flowers;
  • fly into the door and window.

Most often, the fly comes in the form of testicles, the size of which is 0.5 mm, on bananas, grapes, strawberries, apples.

Fly testicles can be brought into the house along with apples or other fruits.

As well as, fruit fly first of all goes to the smell of sweet. But getting it out is more difficult. She quickly scatters, lays many eggs in different places, is not limited in movement.

A fly can live in flower pots feeding on succulent leaves. She actively settles on plants without a pungent odor, abundantly watered. Dislikes the smell of geranium.

How to get rid of fruit flies in an apartment forever. First it must be destroyed, then preventive measures prevent her from settling again.

The fruit fly does not like fresh air. It is enough to open the window, especially in sunny weather, and the number of midges within an hour will be significantly reduced. At temperatures below 10 degrees, Drosophila will simply die. But her numerous testicles and larvae will remain.

It is necessary to deprive the fly of its nutrition:

  1. Discard all rotten foods.
  2. Hide the rest in the refrigerator.
  3. Immediately wash the fruits purchased in the store and rinse with boiling water, rinse off the testicles attached to their surface.
  4. Constantly take out the trash, wash the bucket and cover it with a lid.
  5. Do not leave food on the table.
  6. Disinfect pets' litter boxes and throw away what they have not eaten.
  7. Make sure that water does not accumulate in the flower trays. Wash the plants regularly by watering them with a spray with added mite repellent.
  8. Buy ready-made, processed soil for planting indoor plants. Do not take in the front garden or in the country.
  9. Keep the kitchen clean.

Keep your kitchen clean

Gradually Drosophila will die without food. She can live up to 3 months, depending on temperature and conditions. Therefore, it will take a long time to wait. We need to get rid of the midges in other ways.

Do not forget that the annoying midge will fly to the smell of wine and beer through the ventilation and an open window. It is easy to kill her, because she sees poorly, is almost blind, and makes her way by scent. Small size allows you to crawl through everywhere and remain invisible in small quantities.

It must be remembered that Drosophila is a fly. Her immunity against toxic substances is much weaker than that of her winged sisters. All means will do to get rid of midges.

You can additionally glue a small piece of rotten banana onto the sticky tape, or drip Apple vinegar... Determine the location of the greatest congestion of midges. Remove all food from there. If it curls over the sink, wash and wipe it dry. Hang the Velcro over this place as bait. Most of the flies will stick overnight. Change the tape regularly until the midges are so few that they are difficult to spot.

You can buy any aerosols from domestic insects, especially flies. It is enough to spray a little product in the air, ventilate after an hour. The midges will disappear. Repeat this periodically with a new generation until the small flies are completely exterminated.

Drosophila kills from mosquito repellents

Drosophila dies from the smell of plates and liquids from mosquitoes. It is enough to plug in the fumigator and the midge will die. On a clear day, you can simply put the record on the windowsill. Sun rays heat it up and kill the flies.

The benefits of traps in their environmental safety... They do not emit volatile substances. Most often used:

  • shop Velcro Raptor;
  • jar with a cone;
  • low glass and film;
  • wine vinegar with dish detergent.

The raptor, on which it is written that it is protection from fruit midges, is a cardboard with a sticky side. After removing the protective film, the trap is assembled like a house. A bottle of liquid is placed inside, attracting Drosophila. They fly to smell and stick:

  • the device has an aesthetic appearance;
  • the corpses of annoying midges do not irritate the eyes, since they are inside;
  • there is no need to spoil the bait products on purpose.

You can buy the Raptor against flies in the store

You don't have to spend money on a purchase and make a trap yourself.

At the bottom of the jar, bait from a piece of overripe banana or grapes is laid. An inverted cone made of thick paper is inserted into the neck, like a funnel with a hole at the narrow end. Drosophila do not see, they fly to smell through a narrow passage. They can't get out back.

Pour some bait, such as malt beer, into a low glass. Tighten with cling film on top. Then take a thick needle, called gypsy, or awl, and make a few holes. The holes must be up to 1 mm. Then the fly will crawl into the glass, will not be able to get out. You can use disposable dishes and throw them in the trash. A transparent glass allows you to see how many victims have accumulated there. For a fly, light is irrelevant.

DIY fruit fly trap

Pour wine vinegar onto the bottom of a disposable dish. Lubricate the sides with dishwashing detergent. The bait is ready. Change more often.

To combat fruit flies, poisons made from home remedies are used.

  1. A mixture of ground pepper and sweet juice is poured into flat trays. The drug is placed in places where flies accumulate. For fruit flies, black pepper is poison.
  2. Dissolve the same amount of honey in a tablespoon of water. Crush 2 saccharin tablets, mix everything. Replace regular fly food with treats.
  3. Pour a tablespoon of small crumbs of rye bread, sugar and baking soda into a glass of milk.
  4. You can add sugar and ground pepper to milk.

The poison can be placed in a shallow wide bowl or moistened with thick cloth rags and laid out closer to the places where midges accumulate.

Getting rid of Drosophila includes the use of substances with a pungent odor, unpleasant for the midge.

Geranium will help get rid of annoying midges

You can put geraniums on the windowsill in the kitchen. A fly will leave the apartment and if you spread the leaves:

  • horseradish;
  • tomato;
  • bay leaf;
  • eucalyptus.

Horseradish can be prepared in reserve in case of unexpected guests. Grate its root on a coarse grater, put in a jar and close. When midges appear, place next to their favorite place and open the lid.

When cleaning, add to the water with which you wash the floors, windows, tile, a little kerosene or turpentine. One tablespoon of the substance is enough for a bucket of water. A person will not hear the smell, but the flies will leave the apartment.

Wipe well worktops, shelves in cabinets and a trash can with water and a few drops of laurel oil.

It will drive away the fruit fly and ground pepper, laurel and geranium leaves, put in the microwave for a few minutes. The strong smell will spread throughout the apartment, forcing small flies to leave your home.