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How to get rid of fruit flies. How to get rid of fruit flies. How to determine the source of reproduction of flies

Drosophila Melanogaster, otherwise fruit, or acetic fly - small, about 3 mm long, insect of Drosophiliadae family from Diptera squad. These flies can be observed near spoiled fruits. In nature, the juice of plants, rotting plant residues. The larvae also feed on microorganisms. Drosophyll (we call it "wine flying") goes on a wine smell.

One way or another, everything came across drosophiles. It is worth forgetting about vegetables or fruits that are stored outside the refrigerator, pour houseplants - how they are here. We this time appeared when we put apple vinegar. Get rid of difficult. Therefore, we make a separate article - we study who they are and how they still get rid of them without the use of chemistry.

Fruit flies (Lat. Drosophilidae.) - Family of the detachment of double insects ( Diptera.) includes more than 2000 species. It has all-time distribution. The most famous genus - Drosophila ( Drosophila.). Representatives of this kind are also called fruit flies.

The family includes two subfamily - Drosophilinae. and Steganinae. - And about 70 clans. The larvae develop in decomposing plant residues, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms.

The easiest way to get rid of Drozophil for several days is to completely deprive their nutrition. But it is difficult to do it - in a rustic house, in the kitchen, always something for them is yes. You can hang a sticky tape - it helps, but not much.

Young larvae cannot penetrate the solid medium and die, and pending eggs may die in the liquid medium.

It is said that drosophilas may have thermal insulation. True, this is unverified information, and rumors. However, they met several times. So this or not - I do not know.

Fruit flock, drosophila Drosophila Melanogaster, Many aquarists know. As feed, both adult insects and their larvae are used.

Females and males drosophila. Reproduction

The drosophile flies, like all dirty, has three stages of development: egg, larva, adult insect.

Morphologically, females and males differ from each other by a number of signs. The females are somewhat larger than males, although the magnitude and those and others can heavily fluctuate depending on the power conditions, especially this is affected by the larch development period. The belly of the female is somewhat rounded, with a pointed end; The male has a cylindrical, with a dull end. Also, the male can be easily distinguished from females on several last segments that it is rapidly pigmented. The upper chitine breast flaps in insects are called thermal (they are involved in the wing motion and playyrites.

The female has eight well-developed tergites, and the male - six, and the sixth and eighth tergitis, and the eighth entered the composition of the sex apparatus. Sternyty chitinic plates from the abdominal side. The females are also one more than the male, and representatives of each floor are not developed first, second, seventh and eighth sterites.

Eggs Drozophils are somewhat elongated, about 0.5 mm in length. In fresh cultures, they are easily noticeable, being pending on the nutrient medium.

The hatching of the larvae from the egg and the beginning of post-mixed development is associated with enhanced nutrition and growth. An excess of food at this stage of life is of great importance: to a large extent, it determines not only the dimensions of the flies, but also its vitality. The first time after hatching the larvae remains on the surface of the medium. Then they go deep into it and remain there until the reasons.

Pockening begins with the fact that the larvae leave the environment, cease to eat and are crawling lively for some time. Then they become fixed, significantly reduced in length and acquire a spherical shape characteristic for doll. The dollation period of development is characterized by, on the one hand, the destruction of the larval organs and tissues, with the exception of the gonad and the nervous system, with the other - the development of the imaginal disks of the definitive organs of adult flies. The period of the pupae transformation is 4 days.

At the end of the third day through the cover, the pupa becomes noticeable outlines of the eyes, in which the yellowish pigment is produced by that time. A few hours before hatching, the wings are clearly visible, the eyes of a bright red color for this time are purchased.

The hatching of flies and its exemption from the cover of the pupa is achieved by the injection of the liquid, as a result of which the sheath of the pupa bursts, and the fly is released.

Usually, flies come out of the pupae early in the morning. Young, just hatched flies have a long yellowish body, almost devoid of pigment, short, not yet painted wings. After 8 hours of females are ready for fertilization. Females begin to lay eggs from the end of the second day and continue until the end of life.

Difficult Drop Scheme Drozofil

1. Find and destroy the habitat of the midges.
2. We put traps on those midges that managed to hide.
3. We carry out events warning the appearance of midges.

Common habitat: rotten fruits or vegetables (apples, pears, onions, potatoes, etc.), bags with cereals and nuts, not a closed bank with jam or compote. Midges will give me to live in some bank with a chemical.

Traps for midges

Glass jar
1. Place the bait in the glass jar (pieces of fruit, juice or compote).
2. From the paper to roll the funnel.
3. At the tip of the funnel make a small hole.
4. In the throat of banks insert a funnel with a tip down. The place of the junction is to cry with scotch.

Midges fly on the smell of bait, get into the bank, and back it is difficult to get out, because the funnel has a small lower hole and it is difficult to find it.

Plastic cup
1. We take a small plastic disposable cup (can be from under yogurt, etc.).
2. We put in a glass bait for midges: pieces of fruit (apple, peach, nectarine, banana), juice, compote, used tea bag, etc.
3. Top on the glass stretch the nutritional film.
4. In the film we make small holes with a thick needle (the hole size should be such that the midge can climb, but not too big, but it will come back).
5. We put the cup where midges often live.

Midges fly on the smell, climb into the glass, and it cannot get out to get out, so that the holes are small. When the amount of midge reaches about 15 pieces, you need to throw a glass on the garbage. The procedure is repeated until all the midges do not exist.

In a plastic bag, put a few apple straps for a day, preferably indiscriminately. Moshki love the proximal pitched. They climb into the bag and start living there, feeds. When they are in the package, you need carefully and quickly tie a package. And throw out.

Prevention of the appearance of drosophyl

You need to wash the garbage bucket, conduct general cleaning in the kitchen. Remove all residues of food. If there are pets, regularly clean their bowls, and if they leave food, it needs to be removed the refrigerator. Do not leave dirty dishes. Regularly check the packages with vegetables and throw out the fired.

It is necessary to find their "house" - usually it is a podmock potato, "thoughtful" or fiddled vegetables and fruits. If drosophylauses there is nothing to eat and have nowhere to multiply - they will gradually disappear themselves, and do not bring them to all sorts of dichlorophos and rapers. It is necessary to remove the whole food, endure the garbage, do not water the room plants (if any).

Check under the sink - food residues can stay there and be a hotbed. Can be placed in a pumpkin that lies on the closet, or in Luke. It is often bred in flower pots of indoor plants. It happens, fly to ground coffee. Break in the brewing kettle, if you do not throw out welding.

These advice take out of the comments under the article on the site - many advice are original and very interesting! So:

If the midge starts in flower pots, then it is necessary to stick the ordinary matchhead at the bottom, disappear.

Most often, flies appear because of rotten potatoes, onions - all the steady roots of the rampes of the flies. The main thing - remove the source. Gradually, they will disappear. Be care.

Once a week I make a total cleaning ultravioletAnd during the year I have an ultrasonic trap, this way and saves.

The problem with the fleems decided simply: 1) a manual kitchen vacuum cleaner assembled crawling and flying (they fly not quickly). 2) for the night at the place of their cluster (I have this bank with tea mushroom) turned on lamp from Komarov. The effect is amazing - there is almost a single fly on the morning!

Vacuum cleaner Perfectly catching, even on the fly!

Jar with flies can be put in the freezer for a few minutes. Fresh. Verified.

In the lid from the cake poured beer, To break down a little bit, a lot of gathered and almost all drowned.

I found that they love spoiled bananas. In the kitchen put in the package crushed banging banana. The problem is solved.

Adhesive tape from flies, smear red wine. And here they are here.

The husband inadvertently left the remnants on the table apple compote in the bank, during the night there were darkness there, first I closed them with a plastic lid and then I thought for a long time, how to kill them, it is impossible to open, it's not a matter to open it, I decided to put it in microwave And included for a minute! The end came to them instantly! The glass jar must be put into the microwave closed by a polyethylene lid, do not be afraid, does not rush, enough and 40 seconds at the power of 600 - 700.

Tip: in a glass jar pour part of the water, part apple vinegar or juice And a little dishwashingand put this jar there wherever you are going most of the fly, and you will guide a few hours you almost will not be, this trap attracts them. Apple vinegar attracts flies and they fly into this jar, dishwashes do not give them from there to get out. Once a week it is necessary to update this liquid.

Get rid of Drozophil is very easy. Buy plates from flies or mosquitoesthat are intended for the rapetor. Install the plates for window glass and the problem is solved! The plate is heated from the sun and highlights the killer poison for flies.

Accidentally discovered a means of fighting flies: it began to clean korni Khrena For horseback snacks, cleaning from Khrena left in the open package - all the flies instantly disappeared. A few days have passed - not returned.

Traps from fruit flies

There are both finished funds on sale to get rid of fruit midges, and they are effective. If you put home vinegar - put near and trapsotherwise the flies will scatter around the house.

Means from fleece raptor.

The glue trap "Raptor" with a liquid-bait will provide efficient protection against fruit flying. The principle of the trap is simple. The liquid includes a special substance attracting flies. Following the smell, insects fall on the adhesive surface from the inside of the traps without the possibility of getting out of it back. In this case, the trap remains still clean and attractive. The feeling of comfort and cleanliness in your kitchen is provided!

Mode of application:Open the box. Remove the canister with liquid. Unscrew the lid from the spray. Remove the cardboard tape with sticky layer. With a sharp movement remove the protective paper from the sticky layer.

Fold the trap in the form of a "house" with a sticky side with an applied pattern inside by connecting the lock with the inscription "Paste in the groove" in the direction of the arrows. Insert the trap on the neck of the canister. Make sure that the perforation on the trap tightly fits the neck of the can. Position the trap in the locations of insects - in the kitchens near fruits and storage rooms - cabinets for food storage - potatoes, onions, and others. Do not place on drafts. The trap retains the property to attract flies to 30 days. Consumption rate - 1 trap per room 10-12 m 2.

And one more trap: the trap "Aeroxon" for fruit flies. It is arranged about the same, only here in the package - immediately 2 pieces. Flies begin to fly very quickly - excellent cleaning of the room!

The glue trap "Aeroxon" is designed to destroy tiny flies flying over rotting fruits. Fruit flies are found in kitchen, utility and storage facilities, where fruits and vegetables are stored. The flies are embarrassed by a special bait on the adhesive surface of the trap, and firmly glued to it. A trap can be placed in close proximity to food, it is completely safe.

Taking care of the comfort in your apartment or house, many people categorically not tolerate the neighborhood with various insects, violating peace and causing a feeling of irritation and disgust. As such uninvited guests, not only moles, cockroaches and ants can act, but also small annoying midges that appear seemingly from nowhere. Easily and proven methods will help to get rid of them, as well as reliable industrial products.

What are midges living in our apartments

Moshki - tiny double insects reaching no more than 6 mm long refer to the family of dug-out. Currently, the scientists have over 1850 species of these insects that populate almost all continents with the exception of Antarctica. Externally, midges are very reminded by ordinary flies, possessing short trumps, short legs, mustes and wings. The life expectancy of the midge is about one month, and they themselves are an important feed link in nature.

Looking at these miniature creatures, suddenly occupied residential space, not every person can assume the presence of a serious danger. Some types of midges can leave bites on the human body, being carriers of hazardous types of diseases, and causing allergic reactions.

Than dangerous midges and how to get rid of them: video

Given the rapid rates of multiplication of these small pests, to take urgent measures to destroy them are simply necessary.

Varieties of midges in homes (with photos)

Suddenly noticing the midges in his house, it is advisable to deal with what kind of type these unborn guests are. This will help you choose the most effective means to destroy and expel these insects forever.

Most often in home can be found:

  • floral siries, referred to as white or mushroom mosquitoes, as well as wine midges. They prefer to settle in the upper bed of indoor plants, damaging their root system, feeding with organic matter;
  • food jams Drosophyl, also referred to as fruit and fruit midges. This type of insects lives where there is access to fugitive fruits and vegetables. Drosophilas lay their eggs on the surface of the fruit, after which, in the presence of favorable conditions, they are safely hatched.
  • water midges living in rooms with high humidity, as well as in kitchens and bathrooms.
  • washing midges choosing clothing cabinets stuffed with old things, as well as linen baskets with dirty lover.

Where appear

There are several ways to penetrate the midges in the apartment.

  1. By purchasing fruits and vegetables in the markets and in stores, as well as collecting a harvest from your own garden, we are in the house fruit, knowingly infected with eggs of Drozophil. At the first appearances of rot, which is the optimal environment for the development of this type of insects, eggs are gradually turned into the smallest larvae, which, in turn, become very quickly becoming sexually mature individuals. Even if bought vegetables and fruits were used in food long before the start of rotting, the skin, removed from them, and thrown into the garbage can be the source of infection of your apartment with drosophylas. Despite the fact that the lifetime of drosophila is equal to one day, its rapid reproduction allows us as soon as possible to folk the entire apartment. It is the irregular removal of garbage that can cause this attack.
  2. Some kinds of homemosses are experiencing special love for flower pots. There they can get along with the purchase of land for seedlings, as well as when purchasing a new indoor plant, affected by the moment of purchase. Favorable medium for the development of the midges, in this case, is high humidity. It is for this reason that abundant watering of indoor plants can provoke the appearance of these winged guests. In addition, earthy midges experience special weakness to tea and tea welding, often used as fertilizer of indoor plants.
  3. In the case of the presence of a "live corner" in the apartment, it is necessary to pay due attention to maintaining purity in animal cells, as well as in aquariums. The stagnant and dirty water, not cleaned in time of the feces or the remains of the feed in the sawdust, are a magnificent medium for invisible reproduction of a similar type of insects.
  4. No less close attention deserves the state of the sewerage and water supply. It is here that scores occur most often, due to the jams of food particles and waste of life in the orphans and shells. Thanks to the processes of rotting, such residues also attract the attention of the midges, being an ideal reproduction medium.
  5. In some cases, midges can independently fly to your apartment from the outside. The presence of favorable conditions for life will allow insect to stay for a long period of time.

When the midge appears in the residential premises, you should not count that the problem once decided by itself. Without the use of a variety of means and methods, you will not be able to get rid of midges that can cause serious harm to your health.

How to determine the source of reproduction of flies

Before proceeding with the destruction and expulsion of the midges from the apartment, it is necessary to determine the source of their appearance.

  1. Carefully inspect the kitchen cabinets by checking all the containers in which the products have ever contained and even chemicals. Check the cereals for traces of delight. If necessary, put them in tightly closing tanks.
  2. Carefully inspect the filters located in the kitchen sinks, as well as in the bathroom and, if necessary, spend their cleaning;
  3. Remove wet rags and sponges that are a favorite habitat of the midges in the house.
  4. Pretty wash the washbasin and sink using various specialized funds.
  5. Check the pots with indoor plants, which can also be sources of the appearance of the midges in your home;
  6. Check out the availability of waste in the garbage bucket, as well as carry out the general cleaning of the whole apartment;
  7. Spend a revision among vegetables and fruits stored in the apartment.

How to get rid of midges in the house

Currently, there are many ways to get rid of, but before switching to heavy artillery, in the form of chemical industries, you can use folk methods with sufficient efficiency.

Fighting midges in the kitchen

Wanting to get rid of the reptiles settled in your kitchen, you can use camphor.

According to observations, the midge does not tolerate this smell, and try to be away from it as soon as possible. A similar method will allow you to scare insects from your home, but you cannot destroy insects with it.


Such an effect has a carnation, the smell of which also do not tolerate these insects.

  1. Take a glass of water and add 5 g of dried carnation.
  2. Put the resulting mixture on fire and boil over two hours.

In the process of boiling, the carnation will fill your home with its aroma that can quickly drive the midges.


Given the dislike of the midges to sharp smells, you can use comfortable and practical aromolamps. To achieve the necessary effect, it is sufficient to use the essential oils of anise, basilica or eucalyptus.

Attention! Using methods based on the use of highly smelling means, make sure that all members of your family will be able to safely transfer similar flavors while indoors.

Homemade traps

For catching midges flying throughout the house, simple and efficient traps made by personnel can be useful.

Bottle of beer

Leave an unbearable bottle of beer indoors.

In the morning you will find in it a large number of winged guests flewing at night at such an attractive delicacy.

Bank with bait

First option

Trap for midges do it yourself

Such methods will significantly reduce the number of small insects in your apartment for a short period of time, subject to the constant installation of new traps.

Second option

  1. Take the glass jar and place the bait on its bottom, which can be represented in liquid form (in the form of a compote, juice or beer) and in dry (in the form of fallen vegetables and fruits).
  2. Make a paper funnel corresponding to the diameter of the can, and install it in the tank with a narrow part down. At the same time, this cone should not rest in the bottom of the banks.

Trap for midges from cans and paper cone

The principle of action of such a trap lies in the penetration of the midge into the capacity through the hole of the funnel, after which they will not be able to get out. Wanting to make a similar trap can also be used by a plastic bottle from under any drinks, as shown in Figure 1.

Poisonous sheets of paper

One of these traps can be made using ordinary paper and a special solution.


  • 3 tablespoons of black hammer pepper,
  • 1.5 tablespoons of sugar,
  • 1 cup of milk and mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Such paper strongly attracts flying insects that are dying after some time after contacting her.

Duct tape

An excellent means to get rid of annoying in rooms and on the balconies is a sticky tape. Having a specific smell, such purchased products attract insects that sitting on them cannot escape from sticky captivity.


As effective bait, allowing to destroy a certain amount of Gnus, which is in your home, you can use the following options.

Recipe with detergent

  1. Take any suitable container and pour into it compote, beer, natural vinegar or wine.
  2. Add a few drops of detergent to the contents of the container.

Flooding on the liquid, insects will drown in it by reducing the surface tension of water caused by the special properties of the detergent.

Recipe with formalin

Pour in the saucer:

  • 1 tablespoon of formalin,
  • 5 tablespoons of sweet water,
  • 3 tablespoons of milk.

This composition will allow to destroy some insects, having a detrimental effect on their digestive system.

Attention! If small children live in the apartment and pets like bait should be located outside their reach.

Fighting midges on windows

If uninvited winged guests chose your flower pots, you can cope with them with the following actions:

  • stick in the ground matches with sulfur heads down. This will score malicious insects, not causing harm plants;
  • put the vase with geranium on the windows. The specific aroma of this flower will make the midges away;
  • the tomatoes grown in the pots possess the aalogiac effect. Spicy smell of this plant scares the midges;
  • you can slightly pour out the ground with ground pepper. Such a procedure also does not like Moshcar, digging in the ground;
  • orange peasants will also remove the attack living in the soil of indoor plants. Spread them with a thin layer in flower pots and leave for a while.

With the help of such methods, you will not be able to destroy adult individuals, however, you can get rid of their larvae. For flying it is advisable to use traps and products of industrial production.

From where they appear, in which the floral midges are dangerous, as well as methods of combating them

How to remove the midges in flower pots with matches

How to get rid of midges settled in the bathroom

Most often, the main reason for the appearance in these premises is clogged pipes and siphons. To destroy the gnus, for which all this garbage is a nutrient medium, you can use various means designed to clean pipes. However, if you do not want to resort to the help of industrial production, a wide range of which is currently submitted on the shelves of most specialized stores, you can use the following recipe.

Getting rid of the clogging, you automatically get rid of the midges, having deprived them of a favorable habitat.

How to clean pipes with soda and vinegar

Industrial tools intended for combating midges and other types of harmful insects

Along with folk methods and means, there are various industrial insecticides, which make it possible to solve the problem associated with the appearance of the Gnus in the apartment.

The greatest efficiency, in this case, possess:

  • aerosols and sprays;
  • fumigators;
  • traps.

As insecticidal aerosols can be used :

Dichloofos neo- Universal agent against insects, differing in the absence of smell. The basis of the drug is ethyl alcohol. When contacting the surface treated with this means, the death of insects is not immediately, but after some time, during which midges manage to infect a large number of relatives. This drug refers to the 3rd hazard class, and its effectiveness is up to 30 days.

I will say about the neodythylophos like this: a very effective means that does not have the opposite smell of dichlorophos for the previous years. Its action is based on the permethrin content, which is small toxic for humans and animals, but acts on insects as paralytic nervous system.


Combat Multi Spray.- A rather strong insecticidal preparation of a wide action that allows you to quickly get rid of the midges in the apartment. This Korean production agent is produced with various aromas. Danger class 3. Assess the result of the effect of the drug can already 30 minutes after use.

Those who have the same problem in the form of a midge, flies or some other insects, which was in my apartment, I am very advised to take advantage of the insects "Combat Multi Spray". You can believe me for the word that I did not meet anything better than this.

RAID Aerosol against Flying and Climbing Insects- A means of providing high results in combating midges, however, having a strong smell. Hazard class 4 more than two weeks.

My advice to you, if you are going to use this spray, then you need to go somewhere for 3-4 hours from this room. The smell does not destroy for a long time. But the case knows his spray. Moshk killed pushed. Once, per day after using the spray disappeared all the midges! I will recommend this spray to you. The farm will come in handy.


Doctor Claus against Muh- High-quality insecticidal drug, superbly proven itself in the process of combating homemade midges. Refers to the 4th class of danger.

Medilis Cupper- an effective drug that allows you to destroy both adults and larvae of the midges in the apartment. Its active substance is cypermethrin. The tool refers to the 3rd hazard class. The term of its effectiveness is 1.5 months.

Among fumigators The best effect has the best effect Aqua Fumigator RAID - A great remedy for the midges in the apartment, the active substance of which is digital. With it, you can handle the premises of up to 30 m2. Danger class 2. Duration of no more than one month.

Excellent result provide different types of traps, among which:

Window Fly Trap- This is a special environmentally friendly trap for fruit midges with a radius of 40 m2. This product is completely safe for children and domestic animals.

Electric trap MO-EL FAN with UV lamp- a convenient and practical device of a small size capable of saving you from the midges within a radius from 16 to 20 m2, in this case, while hazards for children and domestic animals.

Using simple methods described in this article, you can save your home from the invasion of the midges that can cause serious harm to the health of your whole family. Using rented materials and manufacturing a variety of traps, it is fashionable in a short period of time to significantly reduce the number of these flying insects in its apartment., Without causing harm to people and pet. However, if necessary, you can also take advantage of a rich variety of industrial production facilities capable of providing a longer effect.

Each hostess seeks to ensure that everything in her kitchen was perfectly clean. But sometimes small flies may appear in the room. Often these tiny creatures deliver discomfort to the residents of apartments in the autumn and spring period. And even though they are harmless insects, but many want to know how to get rid of small flies in the kitchen.

Causes of the appearance of Muh

Drozophils can appear only if there are all the conditions suitable for their accommodation and reproduction. Namely: heat and food. And if the air temperature indoors above is +16 and there is humidity, then the appearance of small insects can not be avoided.

Sometimes it seems that the flies appear by themselves, but it is not. You can bring eggs insects from the store on fruits and vegetables, without even guessing about it. They can fly from the neighbors on the smell of food. By themselves, these creatures are completely harmless to people: they do not bite, not poisonous and are not carriers of the disease. But the very fact of their appearance means that in the kitchen or in the bathroom is not so clean, as I would like.

Life expectancy of flies It is several days, but for this short term they are able to postpone a large number of eggs. New insects are hatched from them. It is necessary to immediately take measures to get rid of them.

Destruction of insects

There are many ways with which you can withdraw annoying small insects in the kitchen. It can be both folk and chemical. But before applying them need to clean up the houseThereby depriving the midges of a favorable habitat. Otherwise, it will have to use various methods to get rid of small flies in the kitchen to unsuccessfully.

Effective ways of struggle

There are many waysIf small flies fly in the apartment, how to get rid of them with the help of folk methods.


Wet soil is an ideal environment for the development and reproduction of the midges. The flies themselves are safe for plants, but their larvae can cause significant damage to the root system. The easiest and safest way to combat these pests is the use of sulfur. To do this, take five or seven matches and stick them with sulfur heads into the soil, after which you slightly moisten the top layer of the Earth.

Flowers advise in the fight against midges to apply simple folk methods that are based on peculiar aromaturapia. Take several cloves of garlic, clean and cut into thin slices, decompose on the surface of the soil. Or immerse orange or lemon crusts into the soil. Often use tobacco from Papyrin, which should be poured into pots with flowers.

Prepare a weak solution (light pink) potassium permanganate. Abundantly pour them the soil of houseplants. Do not overcover, a strong heatman solution can burn the roots of colors. It helps well in the fight against the flower fly soap solution, which should also pour home plants. The amount of midges is noticeably reduced after the first use of wood ash, which you need to decompose on the surface of the soil.

Limit flowers in watering. The refrigerant land will become unfavorable for the development of larvae. It should be used to dry the soil ash or calcined sand, which you need to pour from above with a small layer. Due to this, the soil will not gain moisture in large quantities, and the drainage effect will negatively affect the development of larvae.

If none of the above methods helped get rid of flower pests, then there will have to transplant the indoor plant. When transplanting gently remove the flower from the pot, clean the roots from the soil, rinse in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Srate to the new soil, which is recommended to be pre-rolled on fire. Pour the plant with a special chemical preparation against midges (sold in specialized stores for dachens and gardeners).

Buy in the store with household care products Special products created for treatment from midges. In order not to damage the plant itself to the chemical agent, follows the instructions for the drug as much as possible. When spraying, use gloves and mask. After the procedure it is necessary to ventilate the room. Feed from the effects of dangerous drug animals and children.

In a flower shop, you can purchase special preparations for the fight against pests, including with floral flies: "Aktara", "Thunder-2" or "Bazedin". They are designed to combat larvae in the soil, but not for prevention.

You can get rid of the midges in colors using special chemicals: Agramentin, Inta-Vir, Aktara, Aktellik, Phytodener. To do this, make a solution according to the applied instructions and span the soil twice from the weekly interval. Do not water the plant for three to five days after processing, otherwise the drug will be removed from the soil, and its action will weaken.

Alternative chemical treatment option - Thunder-2 drug. It is packaged in the granules and has a stronger impact. It is necessary to pour the recommended amount of powder to the surface of the soil and mix it with the upper layer. The effect of the drug begins after a few hours and is stored for two weeks.

Even attentive and experienced flowerflower on indoor plants in flower pots can start flying. How to get rid of non-crushed insects, without waiting for their spread to all plants, and what measures to take to prevent re-infection - these issues should be solved quickly and competently. And then the home flower team will again please strong healthy shoots.

What flies can get in flower pots

From garde ground in flower pots can get a huge number of different pests. But most often they are breeding and begin to multiply insects of three species:

Drozophiles in nature are common everywhere, feed on plant juice, decomposing plant residues. Fruit flies are distinguished by a short life cycle and extraordinary fertility.

Sciarides are relatively few studied and include up to 20,000 varieties. The most famous - mushroom, cucumber, potato, greenhouse. This biological species, adult individuals do not eat, and the larvae eat mushroom mycelium, the roots of higher plants, decaying vegetable fabrics.

White and alerodides are inhabited on the underside of the leaves and feed on the juice of plants. Some of their species are dangerous quarantine pests.

How midges fall into flower pots

Take the pot in these midges can in different ways:

  • to be in the purchase or garden land, which was badly disinfected;
  • to fly through an open window in the summer and postpone eggs in the wet floral pot;
  • get along with vegetables or fruit and multiply, and then move in flowers.

Fast breeding of the midges in flower pots contributes to excessive soil moisturizing. In warm and wet conditions, the larvae are quickly delayed and begin to actively eat. Soon it becomes noticeable by an unhealthy view of the indoor plant - it cares, the leaves are withering and falling out, despite the abundant watering.

In the initial stage, the plant infection is difficult to determine. It should be carefully examined by its upper layer of the soil and the lower side of the leaves.

If insects are noticed on leaves, and in the ground, small white larvae, you need to take urgent measures until the pests settled everywhere.

Folk recipes for fighting fiberglass

At first, you can try to get rid of midges in pots with the help of folk methods and start with the least injured for the plant.

At first, it is necessary to give the earth to dry at least two centimeters and slightly braid its top layer. In such conditions, the larvae is difficult to survive, since they need a wet environment. Then catch all flying insects. Do it with adhesive traps.

The simplest is a kind of freezer-paper flag on the toothpick. Paper is coiled with chalk or molasses and stick to the ground among the leaves. As you need, the traps are replaced. Watering the plant all this time should be very moderately so that the top layer of the soil is imposed. It is best to do this by putting a pot into a larger water container. The windowsill and the surface of the Earth are treated with a vacuum cleaner without a brush. It easily delays any flying insects.

After processing a disposable bag, you need to throw away, the usual empty beyond the apartment and disinfect dichlorophos.

After the destruction in the indoor pots of adults, the midges need to do land in which there are still a large number of larvae. The dried and loose ground is watered with a solution of one of the proven folk recipes:

  1. Garlic infusion. One head of garlic is crushed and poured 0.5 liters of water. Infusion is withstanding for several hours, then richly watered the ground, spray all the plant, and the remnants of garlic pulp are mixed with the top layer of the Earth.
  2. The solution of manganese. A weak pale pink solution is treated with a plant 1 time per week.
  3. Soap solution. In one liter of warm water dissolve 20 g of household soap. The resulting soapy water is watered and sprayed the instaney instance weekly.
  4. Preparation from worms for pets. It is bred in a dosage suitable for the treatment of cats and puppies and watered the affected plant every week.

Folk remedies help with a weak degree of infection.

It is also convenient to remove the midges from flowers in pots using a polyethylene package of this volume so that all the plant fit in it. It is important to position the package so that no branch is nothes. Under the package spray dichlorophos and quickly tie the rope in the middle of the pot. In such a greenhouse, all insects die within a few hours. It is necessary to remove the package in another room where the flowers did not stand, but at the same place to process the vacuum cleaner and put glue traps. After two weeks, the plants treated with dichlorophos return to their place.

Chemicals from flies

If folk remedies did not help get rid of flies in a flower pot, no achievement of modern chemistry can no longer do. Highly infected land must be changed completely, freeing the roots from her. Then the whole plant along with roots is treated with one of the special insecticides. To destroy pests, "phytodeterm", "", "Bazedin" is suitable ,.

For the prevention of re-infection, only the soil stolied or shedding soils should be used and observed irrigation mode, not allowing excessive soil moisturizing in the pot.

Ways to deal with floral flies - video