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How midge from beer is born. How can I get rid of fruit jacket Drozofil in an apartment and house? Method. Industrial insecticides

Fruit midges - corporate tiny creatures whose presence in the house itself annoys all his inhabitants. When these small creatures, without limiting the annoying mining, they are accepted to actively spoil the products, and in addition they are still trying to bite, the patience of tenants come an end, and they start to seek funds to fight annoying casuals.

Where do homemade midges come from and how to get rid of them

Small black flies that are so annoyed by hostesses, insects are extraordinary. The unique ability of these malicious volatile creatures appear, as if from nowhere, gives them some mystical halo. However, the secret of the emergence of Moshcar's copies in hermetically closed apartments, no relation to the magic does not have the slightest relationship. Fly drosophila, of course, do not possess a phenomenal gift to leak through the walls. In fact, the midges fall into tightly imposed rooms together with the products brought from outside, and the larvae and eggs of fruit flies can be hidden not only in vegetables and fruits, but also in mushrooms, croups and garden flowers.

Every milling person lives long. Waving to the world at dawn, in the evening of the same day she dies, but if there is a feed base in the apartment for her, namely, the stock of the versators of vegetables and fruits, the wine torment dares to postpone them a huge amount of eggs on them. Thus, the amount of moshcar begins to increase in geometric progression, however, justice for the sake of sake, it should be noted that in winter the drosophila is not so actively multiplied, but if they do not fight with them, even in the cold they can get the whole house in a few days.

In addition to fallen fruits, the midges love indoor flowers, and more precisely will say, a wet soil in which they grow. In addition, the reproduction of the Moshcary penetration into the house, contributes to the stagnant water in the aquarium, reigning in the plumbing premises, dirt in the cells of pets, leaking sewage pipes, unwashes a few days of dishes and forgotten in the kitchen.

Therefore, if there is fruit either in your dwelling fruit or floral flies, before you to ride the uninvited guests, try to first eliminate them "Harchevna". To do this, you first remove all the food from the table and rewind dirty dishes, then examine the refrigerator and spend the revision kitchen cabinets. The fractures discovered there and moldy cereals immediately remove to the garbage, along the way, grab and the garbage enjoyed in the bucket.

Having finished led by order in the kitchen, to eliminate dampness, ventilate an apartment, clean the aquarium, shry the land in flower Vases And drain the water from their pallets.

At the end of cleaning, let's spend the floors in the whole house and at the same time check if the apple stump did not break down in some secluded place.

Three most effective ways to combat annoying moshkara

1 way. Industrial insecticides

In the case when spring-cleaning did not give the expected result, and malicious fleets continue to abandon the apartment, you, of course, can correct them in any way insecticidal aerosolbut the same dichlorophos, for example, is allowed to apply only in the toilet and residential rooms, It is unacceptable to use such a toxic jad in the kitchen.

In rooms where food is stored or preparing, it is better to use factory sticky tapes to combat moshkara. Expand and hang up under the kitchen ceiling a pair of "lipuchk", and the next day you will see that the number of small "saboteurs", the secretly combined into your home, has decreased significantly.

The fumigator can also be an excellent way to solve the problem of muched invasion. Sell \u200b\u200bin this device special, acting on the flies, plate, or attach to it a tank with anti-muched liquid, turn on the unit overnight, and in the morning you will not find any single drosophila in your home.

2 way. Homemade traps

With fruit flyers, it is possible to fight not only chemistry, but and more secure, but no less effective folk remedies, to the number of which are described below the homemade traps.

Crown Western. Flies adore beer and dessert wine. Put on kitchen table An open intimidate bottle of beer or liqueur. After a couple of hours, there will be a great number of drosophyl, flewing to an unexpected feast, you will also remain just joking the vessel tube full of moshkara, and carry it on the garbage.

Apple trap. No less sweet alcoholic beverages, drosophiles love apples. Using this weakness, you can build a very efficient west, in which the role of bait will play natural apple vinegar. To make such a trap, take a half-liter jar, fill it with warm water, pour into the water a spoonful of natural apple vinegar, the smell of which has a fascinating effect on the midges, and add a couple of drops of shampoo or dishwashing liquids there. Attracted by the aroma of beloved fruits, moshcar cares in water, and the "sticky" soap film formed on the surface of the liquid will not allow her to takeoff.

3 way. Scouts

If you do not have time to build traps, try scare away unwanted guests in any odor unpleasant for them. As such means, "horror strokes" you can use:

  • camphor, whose smell does not like all the flies and mosquitoes. Throw the pinch of this substance to the preheated dry frying pan and, as soon as its crystals begin to emit a characteristic hollow fragrance, immediately remove the vessel from the stove and go through with it all over the apartment. Hanging the smell of camphor, flies will be forced to be reted.
  • garlic - Garden Moshcar is afraid of the smell of this plant, so they can scare the flies who chose vases with indoor plants. Cut the plates of several garlic teeth, spread them over the surface of the substrate in flower potsAnd midges will soon leave the place based on the place.
  • carnation, the saturated fragrance of which will plunge the midges in panic. Put the dessert spoonful of cloves in a small bucket, fill their glass of water, and put an improvised aromolamppa on the stove. When the liquid in the bucket will begin to boil, a thick spicy spirit will spread throughout the apartment, which will reveal the "flying" guests.

Comment Article "How to get rid of midges in an apartment: 3 most effective ways"

What means to combat midges exist.

How to get rid of the midges in the apartment: 3 of the most effective way. Fly drosophila, of course, do not have the struggle with insects and rodents: o). Economy. Domesticity: Housekeeping Tips, Cleaning from where Homemoshki Appears and how to get rid of them.

Moshki - Well, we also have the same in the evenings, but it's every year - the grass in the meadow from our fence and to the river 100 m. In July, they will disappear, helps to mow grass and weeds to remove in the garden. How to get rid of the midges in the apartment: 3 of the most effective way.

How to get rid of the midges in the apartment: 3 of the most effective way. Midges appeared on colors. The apartment is full of flies. Looks like they fly out of flowers. What to do? Bazadin is sold in conventional Soviet-type flower shops, like "Garden and Garden".

How to get rid of the midges in the apartment: 3 of the most effective way. Fly drosophila, of course, do not possess a phenomenal gift to leak through the walls. Domesticity: Housekeeping Tips, Cleaning from where Homemoshki Appears and how to get rid of them.

Midges got!. Fighting insects and rodents: o). Economy. Homeodery: Farm Management Tips, Cleaning, Purchase and Use of Midges! Tell me! This moshcar (something like a poplar pray, if it happens) in appearance, just a word, every evening ...

How to get rid of the midges in the apartment: 3 of the most effective way. Thus, the amount of moshcar begins to increase in geometric progression, however, justice, it should be noted that in winter the drosophila is not so active ...

How to get rid of the midges in the apartment: 3 of the most effective way. Fruit midges - corporate tiny creatures, whose presence in the house itself is annoying to the content. Where do homemade midges come from and how to get rid of them.

Where do homemade midges come from and how to get rid of them. If you are lubricent window Rama. And shoals in laurel oil and put the trap in the house, then in general forget what a fly is. How to get rid of the midges in the apartment: 3 of the most effective way.

Help! Flies die in the apartment!. Force Majeure. Economy. Home Improvement: Management Tips, Cleaning, Purchase and Use household appliances, repair, plumbing. How to get rid of the midges in the apartment: 3 of the most effective way.

How to get rid of the midges in the apartment: 3 of the most effective way. Where do homemade midges come from and how to get rid of them. Small black flies that are so annoyed by hostesses, insects are extraordinary. The apartment is full of flies. Looks like they fly out of flowers.

How to bring the midges ??? We have never had these animals in life, I just always thought that they were taken from those who hold the houses of flowers and two years ago on the family advised to make a trap for midges, now just felt. And the trap is as follows: take a bottle from ...

How to get rid of the midges in the apartment: 3 of the most effective way. How to get rid of the midges in the apartment: 3 of the most effective way. If you are lining the window frames and shoals with laurel oil and put the trap in the house, it is generally forget what a fly is.

Please advise something from homemosk. I water colors once every 5-7 days. Some of this regime is not maintained - the leaves fall out, the stalks dry out, in the pots, the land dries and dub. How to get rid of the midges in the apartment: 3 of the most effective way.

Where do homemade midges come from and how to get rid of them. Small black flies that are so annoyed by hostesses, insects are extraordinary. You can try the following: 1-3 nights leave pots with midges in a closed space (bath, kitchen) and turn on this ...

Continued about the midges -cloth .. - Sowing. About her, about maiden. Discussion of the issues of the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with men. Continued about midges. 1. Sorry, was in the pharmacy, the pharmacists said that feline flea people do not bite (?????)

i can swear that it is fleas you bite .. Floral midges - do not bite, but according to the description of the bite - flea 100 percent. Treat the kitten with anti-blur preparations! and the apartment is ... how to get rid of the midges in the apartment: 3 most effective ways.

How to get rid of the midges in the apartment: 3 of the most effective way. Where do homemade midges come from and how to get rid of them. Three most effective way Combating annoying moshkara. In rooms where food is stored or preparing ...

Moshki in the ground. Diseases of plants .. Floriculture. Caring for houseplants: landing, watering, feeding, flowers, cacti. In the pots from the ground (on the surface), small midges started (flying), what to do? I covered the entire surface of the ground with a ceramzit (drainage) - not ...

Midges on the ceiling. Fighting insects and rodents: o). Economy. Domesticity: advice on household, cleaning, buying and using household midges on the ceiling. Please do not send me to the country conference, otherwise there are very few people :-) On the other hand ...

Sometimes, noticing a few midges in his home, we do not pay attention to them, believing that they will soon leave him. It is often happening, but it may turn out that these uninvited guests do not just do not leave, but they are becoming more and more. This leads to the need to deal with them.

Today, you can find many means to help bring the midges from home, with the instructions, how can this be done. With insect people familiar long ago, therefore folk remediesAllowing effectively to fight with them, too, a lot.

What are dangerous "winged guests"?

Despite its apparent harmlessness, these small insects can bring harm:

All inconveniences that can deliver midges in the house are especially dangerous and unpleasant when there is a child. The baby can play with them, put them in the mouth, infect infections.

The presence of such neighbors in the apartment is also inestic and non-nehymerous. They leave products of their livelihoods in the form of small black dots, which can be seen on furniture, windows, mirrors, i.e. Absolutely everywhere.

The view that these unpleasant "guests" can only visit the dwelling in which the purity is not supported is erroneous. The reasons for their appearance and methods, how to remove the midges, depend on where they found themselves refuge.

Get rid of midges in the kitchen

Many people are surprised by how these insects can appear almost from the air - windows and doors are closed, and the kitchen room can be flooded with them in a few hours. As a rule, fruit midges appear in the kitchen (drosophilas).

Brings fruits in the house, berries, you usually bring with you and their larvae, which adult individual postpones them even during the ripening of the fetus. When the residues of fruit begin to deteriorate and refuse, the larvae turn into adult insects. This explains their sudden appearance, and even in large quantities.

Drozophiles can also come across in the bathroom - they love moisture, and in this room it can be enough. In addition, they can appear from sewage pipes, especially if the latter are in a state that requires repair or replacement.

Is it possible to bring the midges in the kitchen if they started? Can. Previously, such aggressive means as dichlorophos were used, but today there is no need for this.

If you decide to take advantage industrial means, you can find such that do not make a sharp unpleasant odor, Dont Have negative impact on children and animals. Nevertheless, many hostesses prefer to cope with the problem of folk remedies.

0.5 liters with a volume of 0.5 liters fill with any fetal fruits by tightening the inlet of the usual film. In it, do some small holes through which drosophilas will fall into this trap. Flying on the favorite smell, they will fall into the container, and they will not be able to get back.

When the "trap" fulfills its role, pour boiling water to the bank, and then all its contents pour into the toilet. Instead of banks on the same principle you can use a plastic bottle.

If there are not much insects in the apartment, you can use the vacuum cleaner by treating them all the surfaces. Clean the bag for collecting dust you need as far as possible from the housing, so that the "guests" do not return again.

It will help to get rid of midges and camphor. Finely charge the substance, warm up the pan and lay it on it. When pairs begin to stand out, take the pan in the hands and go with it all over the house. These insects do not tolerate the smell. At the same time, for a person, he is absolutely harmless.

Pour into a glass of liquid that likes midges - compote, apple vinegar, kissel, wine. Put the vessel to the place that insects chosen, not forgetting to add there liquid soap or any liquid detergent. It will reduce the tension of the medium surface, so take off after the delicacy is given, the annoying "neighbors" will not be able. Send the contents of the glass to the toilet and rinse it.

You can "invite" insects to taste a sweet syrup or a compote and in the sink, but in this case it is important to wash them off with water.

After taking these measures, wipe all the surfaces of the kitchen thoroughly, make sure that there is no fruit and their residues, liquids and other substances, which attract insect anywhere in open access.

The fight against the "guests" will be ineffective if they do not process all the places of their accumulation through a cloth and detergent.

Clean from uninvited bathroom guests

Here, too, you can often find the winged "guests". They are attracted by the smell of moisture, rotting, often they come here, upholstered in colors that grow in the apartment.

Frequent cause of their appearance - scores in sewage. There may accumulate various edible and inedible substances that become provocatives of the problem.

Getting rid of unpleasant "residents" baths need to start with clearing sewage. To do this, you can take advantage of special chemicals. It is advisable after processing them also to pour boiling water into the drain hole - it will exceed well.

If there are serious stools, and whatever you tried to bring the midges, there is no result, you can and even need to contact a specialist who can disassemble the system and clean it. From a small amount of winged, you can get rid of the usual adhesive tape - over time they will fly on it and will remain forever.

You can use the way of pouring the syrup in the bath and a sharp washout insects shower. The environment of their habitat is often the places of moisture accumulation. After processing the room of the bathroom, be sure to wipe dry floor under the bathroom, sink and in the future, make sure that it always remains dry.

It is necessary to fight with midges not only by reducing the humidity, but also removing all the pollution. In the bathroom should be perfect purity. Pay special attention when cleaning the toilet, sink, garbage bucket, trades for animals, if they are in this room.

If you have no household allergies for chlorine, treat all the surfaces of the bathroom to the means containing this substance - insects do not tolerate it, so it will disappear very quickly.

How to clean the indoor plants from them?

If you have noticed at least one midge flying out of the pot, take measures urgently. Before purchasing chemicals, which can also harm the plant, try the folk methods.

Treat the soil very weak mortar Manganese. Remember that you will have to process all colors in the house, and not just that, near which midges are puedaching.

A good means of getting rid of unpleasant "neighbors" are matches. They need to be inserted into the ground gray down, changing every two days. Experienced flowerflowers Recommend to use faded garlic. Vegetable need to be treated with boiling water and insert into the soil.

These small annoying insects are called - drosophilas. Midges are breeding in places where there are bumping fruits and vegetables, they are laid eggs in them. To get rid of midges, you just need to find and throw a source. But it does not always understand where they are taken from if cleanliness is supported in the apartment. Everything is simple, the smallest crumbs of the same fruit, for example, grape can be under where it is difficult to detect. But Moshcara will quickly postpone the eggs there and start multiply at a huge speed. More these small creatures can be brought from the store together with products, such as carrots, potatoes and other.

The reason for the appearance of midges

The most faithful tool is purity. It is advisable not to leave for the night in the kitchen cleaning, unsounded pieces of fruit and other things. You must always carefully check the purchased products. If perfect cleanliness is observed, cleaning is performed regularly, and the midges appeared, then it is quite possible that they simply flew up. These small insects can penetrate the apartment through the ventilation system, through the holes of the water pipes, from the basement, sewage and heating.

How to get rid of midges in the kitchen?

If still in the kitchen swinging midges, then there are two ways for her extermination - it is to destroy the Drozophil itself and eliminate the Wednesday for Eggs. So what to do?

  • It is important to remember one truth, midges love sweetAnd this means that they can be inflicted, invite them to a feast of sweet fruit or sugar syrup. Everything is easy and simple, you need to make a sweet table in the sink for them as close to the drain hole. After you climb the syrup in the sink, just a few minutes all the Moshkara flies on it and here the most important thing is not to miss the moment and have time to wash them off with syrup.
  • Another good waywhich will help bring the midges - to invite them to drink. Everything midges adore moisture, but lemon acid With water, it will tell them the way, following which midges will gather at the source. But, insects are not drowning due to the film on the water, but in order to destroy it, you need to add a little liquid soap to the water.
  • You can dial acidic or sweet water into a bottle with a narrowed neck. Inside the flies will be smelling, but it will be almost impossible to get out of them, they simply will not be able to determine the neck as a way to get rid. It is important to change water in a bottle, descending it into the sewer along with moshkara.
  • You can put a sweet bait, for example, a feeding fruit into a plastic cup. Cover the glass of food film and make small holes in it. The trap should be left overnight. Moshki with eases are interfaced, but can no longer get out.
  • Sticking tape will help to get rid of the midges. Sweet fragrance very attracts midges. They sit down and immediately stick.
  • You can use incense. Effective flavors are patchouli, ylang-ylang and verbena. You can use aroma lamps, fragrant candles and sticks.
  • Camphor alcohol will also help. It must be poured onto a hot pan and he, evaporating, kill the midge. But this way will not like everyone, because after this procedure will have to register for a long time.
  • After all the midges were sent to the sewer, need to find the environment of their breeding and get rid of it. If this is not done, then new insects will appear very soon, so it is very important to find the reason for their appearance. Instructions for such actions simply do not exist, so you need to start with cleaning. It is necessary not only to clean all the floors, but also carefully examine all the lockers with the products so that there is no, for example, rotting vegetables or fruits. The source of the appearance of the midge may be the knee of sewage and siphon in the sink.

    In order to neutralize the foci of breeding, you need to heat the kettle and boiling water to drain any means for punching sewage. A little later you need to do the same, but already clean boiling water. It should be verified so nowhere has no water flow, for example, with a poor-quality connection of pipes with fittings. In such cases, there are puddles with mold, which serve as an excellent nutrient medium for breeding midges. Therefore, you need to find a source of leakage and eliminate it.

    If you are sure that the flies flew to you from the neighbors, all of the above procedures must be done from them in the apartment, but this is not always possible, unfortunately. therefore need to install ventilation grates MUST with mosquito net And the lattice should fit as much as much as possible to. Clauses can be removed using a colorless silicone. On the kitchen midges could get from the bathroom, and there from the basement, so it is necessary to test the tightness of the sealing of the risers. When the holes are detected, you need to close them mounting foam.

    How to warn the appearance of midges?

    To prevent the appearance in the kitchen of these annoying insectsIt is necessary to carry out prevention measures.

  • It is necessary to monitor the purity of the videa for garbage, it is desirable to be cleaning not to fold the bucket itself, but in a bag that should be tied well.
  • Be sure to regularly carry out wet cleaning.
  • Also need to be removed from the table all the crumbs and other residues of food.
  • If there are animals in the house, wash their bowls every day.
  • Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink at night.
  • Fruits and vegetables should be stored in the refrigerator.
  • If midge appeared in the apartment, then this does not always indicate the uncleanness of the owner. Do not be shy, because midges may appear in any house. You just need to take measures to take measures to destroy these annoying insects.

    In the kitchen, a lot of food waste attractive for insects. Therefore, the latter often appear in the house, deliver a lot of trouble and hassle. Sometimes they disappear, it is only worth out the garbage. But more often "guests" remain on permanent accommodation. In this case, you need to immediately begin to combat them.

    No need to endure an unpleasant neighborhood with kitchen insects. You need to get rid of them.

    Basically, midges called frosophiles appear. These are fruit insects, they prefer to eat rotten fruits and vegetables, another spoiled food. If you leave in public access fresh products, they will get to them too. Therefore, drosophiles are driven by all existing ways. There are many methods of combating insects. But the midges at home, because some types of chemicals are harmful to humans? Help folk remedies, but not always. And there are time-spent methods under construction on a full-fledged system that work efficiently.

    Insect harm in the kitchen

    If the insects appeared, then get rid of small flies in the kitchen needed by any ways. You can do this by folk remedies or with the help of chemistry, which is implemented in specialized stores. Midge harm is great:

    • Carrying infections. They can't contact human skin, so danger is underestimated, because People are able to eat the product, where the female postponed the larvae. Infection will fall into the body in this way;
    • Discomfort for young children. Adults may well remove the midge if it falls into the mouth or eyes. Kids can not cope with such a task;
    • Spicy products, as a result, material damage.
    Insects - carriers of pathogenic microbes and bacteria

    Continue the list is infinite. So you need to quickly find a way to get rid of small midges in the kitchen or other room.

    The presence of insects in other rooms

    To effectively get rid of drickophiles in the apartment, you need to find the place where they nest. It is more often located in the kitchen, because There are all the necessary living conditions: moisture, products. But sometimes the flies come smarter. They make nests in other rooms with high humidityAnd in the kitchen feed. They also taste the bathroom, storage room, chunge, cellar or mezzanine. The first rule of productive struggle is to define a place. To fight midges in the apartment, you need to provide it with cleanliness. Immediately it will not affect the number of insects, but some premises will be fused (bedroom, hall). If you constantly keep clean, then the presence of the midges will soon cease to disturb.

    What provokes the appearance of flies?

    Before bringing the midges from the apartment, the reason for the appearance is determined. More often they fall into the house together with berries, fruits or vegetables. If such rot, then create favorable conditions For insects. But females can lay eggs using fresh fruits and vegetables when they are ripe. After entering the warm atmosphere of the house, the larvae develop.

    Mushhek larvae

    Speaking about where the midge is taken from, it is necessary to consider the foci with garbage. If the buckets and packages are long in the room, then excellent conditions are created for midges. Insects in houseplants and sinks are multiplied. Sometimes flies come home through ventilation, if it is too contaminated. Complex option - the presence of midges in the neighbors. If they do not start fighting with them, the neighboring apartments suffer.

    Types and features of flies

    There are two types of midges: drosophilas and sciarids. The first multiplies in the fruits (fruits, berries, vegetables), the second - in the soil. Sciarides appear in apartments, too, when there are. The insect feels comfortable: it can eat in the kitchen, and a constant watering of domestic flowers provides the necessary moisture.

    Before getting rid of the midges in the house, their appearance is determined, because Methods of struggle are different. Fruit insects eliminate by emissions of rotten fruits, garbage takeaway. With the Sciarids to do this will not work. We will have to work with soil plants to affect them.

    Fly Drosophila

    Danger for man

    Apartment midges do not bear direct danger to humans. They do not bite, so do not spread diseases and other infesses. But since there are many ways to get rid of flies (chemicals and folk remedies), then some danger is present:

    1. Damage to products. If the midge gets to fresh meals, then it violates its integrity. Subsequently, she can come in complete dissent.
    2. Destruction of stocks. Many people spare onions, potatoes and other vegetables with bags. The appearance of harmful insects can damage part of stocks, as well as destroy them completely.
    3. Annoying. In addition to the fact that insects constantly fly into the eyes, nose and mouth, they are dirty white tablecloths, curtains and towels.
    4. Harm home plants.

    The position of things is complicated by the fact that the jack of midge is difficult to find. And it is multiplied very quickly (20 larvae at a time, the ability to reproduce begins 8 hours after birth).

    Ways to deal with midges

    To get rid of drosophyl in the kitchen, it is not necessary to use decisive methods. If you deprive food, they will fly away. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the products in the refrigerator or pack the packages, throw out the garbage, previewing the bucket and space next to it to detect the remaining waste.

    Functuating products should be stored in the refrigerator, and bulk - in hermetic container

    If cleaning does not help, the situation has gained a neglected character. Now to bring the midge, you need to resort to one of the complex and radical methods. They are divided into dangerous and harmless to humans.

    Safe methods

    The method of combating midge will differ from where it appeared:

    • Fruits vegetables. At the same time, it is necessary to throw away all the fractures, and the remaining folded into sealed containers or packages. If products are removed in the refrigerator, then the larvae will stop developing, but will not die. For reliability, it is recommended to get rid of all in the house of fruits;
    • Sink. Here you have to fall asleep into the drain hole a little soda, and then pour vinegar. After 15 minutes, it is possible to wash the sink with water, the drain hole is to clean with vessel;
    • Houseplants. An excellent remedy for midges is a weak solution of manganese or ground pepper. It is necessary to pour / fall asleep on the ground under the plant;
    • Dour buckets, neighbors, ventilation and other causes of appearance. It is advisable to make a trap. You need to pour a sweet syrup or put a rotten fruit on the bottom of the cans, cover the neck of the food film, then make several holes on it. Insects will crawl inside without the possibility to get out. You can use store velcro traps.
    Household vinegar helps get rid of larvae

    Such methods do not carry any danger to humans, cats or dogs. But they are effective only with a quick making detection. When the situation becomes launched, you can not do without poison.

    Methods dangerous for humans and pets

    Chemical remedy for flies can help with several problems at once. In the spring and autumn in apartments appear miscellaneous insects - Cockroaches, fleas, mosquitoes and others. Radical preparations eliminate all complex. But there is a danger. If you measure not all the representatives of the midge, the next generation will not respond to the poison. You will have to select another chemical.

    A quick method of etching (by means of poisoning) midge is dangerous for humans and households. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with precautions in order not to get chemical poisoning. It is recommended to even contact the specialists who will clean the entire apartment, will offer a guarantee for their work.

    Prevention of the appearance of midge

    Kill the midges home is difficult. Much more efficient to take preventive measures, warning their appearance:

    1. Wipe wet surfaces. Water contributes to the formation of rot, barely falls the crumb food;
    2. Get rid of garbagely;
    3. Often check places where crumbs or food remains can be rolled (gaps between furniture, long corners);
    4. Regularly clean in the kitchen and in the bathroom;
    5. Immediately get rid of fallen, spoiled products;
    6. Every day wash feeders and pet bowls;
    7. Immediately remove food residues into containers, packages, refrigerator.

    To subsequently do not act in a hurry, trying to find an effective way to combat harmful insects, it is necessary to contain your home clean-masks do not come there, where conditions for their development and reproduction are not favorable.


    Insects always appear in the house as if from nowhere. But they immediately begin to deliver inconvenience, cause concern for its inhabitants. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with them immediately.

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    In fact, at home, it is quite possible on your own forces using folk remedies, and do not resort to the use of chemicals - to expel insect safe for humans and nera-killy. It is not necessary to spray the poisons and poison in the apartment. But if the population is growing, and no folk methods help, they turn to pollination professionals. They will get rid of the apartment for a long time, exclude the emergence of a second generation with immunity to chemistry. Now you know how to get rid of flies in the kitchen.

    Small mugs feed on disgusting fruits and berries do not like anyone. The question comes from where drosophilas are taken in the house if the vents and doors do not open the owners.

    According to scientists, there are several species in nature small Mushhek. Some love to dwell in animal wool, others settle on indoor and garden plantsAnd in apartments and houses are frequent guests are drosophiles. Where do these annoying midges come from, you need to find out.

    Drosophilas are fruit in the following places:

    • kitchen (residues of rotting food, mainly pieces of fruits and vegetables);
    • bathroom (raw rags, settled things; plumbing during the stammer);
    • pets and aquarium cells;
    • vases with flowers that are always wet from excess watering.

    Such places in the dwelling are sufficient, the main conditions for breeding insects are dampness, darkness, dirt and meal residues.

    In winter, the flies live in places with high to 18 degrees and a more temperature, next to people. In the warm place of the Drozophile can live to 2 months. Insect insect breeds, and at one time the female is able to postpone more than 80 pieces. This explains their sudden appearance, and in large quantities.

    Drozophiles appear in the dwelling, even with full purity. This is due to the fact that the insect has already postponed eggs in some place suitable for this place. Larvae on shoes, with animals, with vegetables and fruits, fly in the window through mosquito net. and ventilation holes. Therefore, they do not arise nowhere. Their appearance happened in advance before a person noticed the presence of foreign insects.

    The left meal, on time, did not make a bucket with garbage with its smell of insects and collect in these places.

    Fruits, just purchased and brought to the house, it is desirable to scream with boiling water or to be disinfected by any means. It is possible that the larvae of drosophila is already kept on the peel. If the fruit is in heat for some time, the midge will be displayed and start multiply.

    Insects themselves do not bear a threat to a person, since it does not use rotty food, but here are the larvae who fell into the stomach can cause heavy intestinal poisoning.

    Knowing where drosophilas come from in the house, you can easily get rid of them. This is not necessary to resort to chemicals. It is enough just to clean the purity, and without food, the flies themselves will leave housing.

    Small fruit or acetic flies that appear in those places where there are spoiled fruits, they met everyone. This is a flue of drosophila, which is widely used for research by genetic scientists. Currently studied and described about one and a half of the species of this insect, which is a representative of the detachment of docks.

    Drozophila Fly - Avoy Travelers, they can arrive in your home together with fruits and vegetables brought from the south

    Drosophilas - small flies of gray or yellowish gray, having a body length from 1.5 to 3 mm. Females have a pointed tip of the abdomen. They are noticeably larger than males, who have a dark abdomen's tip, almost black, rounded. Eyes in flies of frosophila bright red. In natural conditions, these insects are widespread in the southern regions of the Russian Federation, but there are up to 60 degrees of northern latitude. In summer, they penetrate the northern regions with fruits and vegetables supplied from the south of the country.

    Fruit flies feed with vegetables, woody juice, but prefer fermentable fruits. In the southern regions of Drosophila, massively lives in the gardens and on the vineyards, where no one is trying to fight it, as it does not harm plant and crop. In the middle regions, the fruit fly prefers to be closer to human housing. In large quantities, this fly is observed on fruit warehouses, factories producing fruit juices and canned fruits, wine cellars and wine-made. Outside the premises of the Drozophile appears when the air temperature becomes above 16 degrees, the number is rapidly increased at high temperature and high humidity.

    The cold season of the fly is experiencing in places with a sufficiently high temperature next to people - in various warehouses of vegetables and fruits, on wine plants, perfectly feels in an urban apartment, settling in the garbage buckets and room colors. If it is not very difficult to bring drosophila in human housing, it is impossible to get rid of it in places of fruit processing.

    For breeding, drosophila requires a nutrient medium in which larvae will develop, - usually it is half-chased fruits or vegetables

    The fruit flies in its development takes three stages characteristic of all dirty insects:

    1. Happy female eggs
    2. Lichwood
    3. Adult Drosophila

    Insect eggs and larvae are adapted for habitat in a semi-liquid medium. The female fruit flies laying eggs on the semi-pressed fruit or other nutrient medium. They keep on the surface due to special float chambers. Egg size is about 0.5 mm. The larvae, hatched from eggs, white, have a length of up to 3.5 mm. Sufficient number Food in this period of development is crucial, the size and viability of the emerging flies depends on this. The first time the larvae is floating on the surface of the nutrient medium, then go deep into and are located there until the reasons. Four days later, young drosophiles appear from the dolls, which after eight hours become incense. Fakes Fruit Fly Beginning Eggs on the second day and carry out this process until the end of life. At one time, the female is usually 50-80 eggs.

    How many drosophila lives - largely depends on the ambient temperature. If the air temperature is 25 degrees, then the fly lives about 10 days, with a decrease of up to 18, the life expectancy increases by about twice. In winter, the life cycle may increase to 2.5 months.

    Drozophiles can overcome the owners of the apartment - while they are looking for in the kitchen, near food, midges can hide in pots with room flowers

    Drozophiles in abundance dwells in places of storage and processing of fruits and vegetables, where they are separated from sales points. It becomes clear where the fruit flies come from in the apartment. One day listed in the housing of a person, they rapidly multiply, and get rid of Drozophil becomes not easy. Having miniature sizes, these insects are easy to ventilation canals and small slits migrate in apartment houses, unexpectedly appearing in the apartment where the source of food was found. They settles in the garbage buckets, garbage supplies and even in domestic flowers, if the owners watered them quite abundantly.

    In order to get rid of this attack, you must first try to deprive flies of food and reproduction places. It is necessary to deal with them to start using the prevention measures in the apartment:

    • To trace where Drosophilas come from in the kitchen. It may be a flexible potato, corrupted onions or drinking fruits. The source of food for flies can serve a piece of an apple lurped into the gap. It is necessary to immediately get rid of spoiled products.
    • Thoroughly wash animal feeders immediately after feeding, it will also help fight these insects.
    • It is necessary to close the garbage bin, wash it and get rid of garbage timely.
    • Regularly check the containers with vegetables and fruits. When detecting spoiled fruits, it is necessary to get rid of them immediately.
    • Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink.
    • Drosophilas are often set in household colors, from where they are quite difficult to bring. To get rid of flies, it is necessary to reduce watering, the soil is covered with a dry mulching layer. It is advisable to bring the pot to another room where there is nothing insect will eat.

    If a preventive actions will be carried out carefully and regularly, then get rid of annoying fruit flies can be without using chemical preparations - After a while, which depends on how much the Drozophile live without food, they will disappear. Otherwise, you will have to resort to more serious measures - the use of pesticides and traps.

    Most often the question arises how to get rid of the flies in the kitchen, but these little "pests" appear and in other rooms. Where would it be fruit flying, for example, in the bathroom? After all, they don't eat here, there is no garbage bucket here, there is no bisser drinking. The fact is that the flies can live in the sewer pipes and penetrate the room through the drain hole of the sink.

    Especially high likely the appearance of flies in the bathroom, if in the house old cast iron communications. Such pipes have long been not smooth from the inside, on their interior walls The unevenness is formed in which the remains of food are accumulated, which becomes the cause of the appearance of flies. The way to combat flies appearing in the bathroom consists in regular use of funds to eliminate and prevent blockages. These funds are produced in the form of gels, granules and powders.

    If it did not turn out to be at hand, it is possible to use the folk method: put a regular food soda into the drain hole and fill it with vinegar. The reaction will begin, and you will hear a characteristic hiss. As soon as the hiss stops, pour into the drain hole of the sink or bath of the pollock of water and wait fifteen minutes. After that, it would be nice to work with Vatuz. Such a procedure, firstly, destroy the flies, secondly, warns the appearance of a blockage.

    In order to answer the question of how to get rid of flies in the kitchen, you need to find the source of their appearance. Sometimes it is enough to detect and throw a randomly bucket with a bucket, and the flies will disappear. Lained food, they can not live. But if there are indoor plants in the kitchen, which you feat down, for example, with a fresh tea, there is a possibility that the flies put aside in the soil eggs, then you will have to save plants.

    Wrong the appearance of soil flies can constantly overvoltage. If you have noticed on the surface of the soil and left near the flower pots of the cans of the flies, immediately start fighting with them! It will help to get rid of the flies appearing in flower pots, a weak solution of manganese, in addition, special means for combating soil frauds are sold in flower shops, you only need to choose the right one.

    You can try I. folk ways: Scatter on the surface of the soil ground black pepper or stick into the ground matches down. But the main thing in the fight against soil torch is to transfer the soil between watering. Also better abandon use organic fertilizers. An organic order is good for the garden, for room colors it is better to buy special concentrated fertilizers.

    As you can see, not to wonder how to get rid of the flies in the kitchen, there is little a good mistress. It is necessary to be a plumber and cultivation specialist indoor plants.

    Everyone has faced frosophiles. These are small annoying insects whose dimensions do not exceed three millimeters. They do not apply much harm, people and animals do not bite, the disease does not spread. But their permanent mining can not not bother.

    Where do flies of drosophila come from

    Usually flies drosophila inhabit on bumping fruits or berriesattracting their smell rot and sweet juice. It is no coincidence that in the people these insects are known as "fruit fly" or "wine flying". If drosophilas appeared in the apartment, then get rid of them will be problematic. In addition to bothering fruits, they are powered by sugar water or any other moisture containing sugar. They also attract their indoor plants, wet soil around them, rotting leaves, whining saucers in which pots are standing. Choosing a plant, drosophilas will settle on it and gradually destroy it. In addition, they can dwell on bowls with pets.

    In the apartment of insect eggs can get with fruits or vegetables, earth on them or soil for planting plants. Adults can get into the apartment through ventilation or window.

    The difficulty in getting rid of the drosophyl is that they are very quickly fruit And develop from egg to an adult insect. All this process takes only ten days. That is why insects can very quickly populate the room. Eggs they will postpone in products, rotten fruits and berries, on plants. The hatched larvae penetrate inside and develops to the pupa. The fleet that appeared from the pupa is already on the second day can postpone eggs.

    As already mentioned, human health does not threaten the human health, but in theory you can earn a stomach disorder, if you eat fruit contaminated with larvae or eggs. But it is very unlikely, since there will be no rotten or restricted fruits.

    How to get rid of flies drosophile

    Get rid of flies Drozophil needed in the following sequence:

    • Find and destroy insect habitats
    • Destroy the remaining individuals with the help of bait and traps
    • Periodically carry out preventive measures to prevent the appearance of flies of drosophyl

    How to find insect habitats

    In search of the habitat of insects should be carefully survey the entire room.

    Most likely, somewhere forgotten and began to deteriorate berries or fruits, compote or jam in banks, potatoes or other vegetables in packages, welding in the kettle.

    Be sure to make and wash the garbage bucket in which the fruit can be spoiled and attracting fruit.

    Fresh fruits and vegetables should be washed and place in the refrigeratorwhere midges will be problematic to get to them.

    It will be more difficult with room plants. It is better to transplant to be guaranteed to get rid of eggs and larvae that can be in the ground. It is better to use the purchase of land, because it is processed from the appearance of pests. If it is problematic, then the prepared soil must be poured into the metal dishes and put in the heated oven for two to three hours. High temperatures guaranteed to destroy eggs and larvae. At the plant itself, it is necessary to remove rotting leaves or roots and treat it with a weak solution of manganese, to get rid of eggs that can be on it.

    After these procedures follow wash and process the kitchen thoroughlyBecause the fleets could hide in the dumping joints of the wallpaper, in curtains or other secluded corners of the kitchen. Wash the kitchen should be water in which you need to add any means with chlorine in the composition. This is not only disinfection, but also a deadly poison for most insects, including Drozophil. It will be useful to process the room with dichlorophos, chlorophos or hexachlororan, after which it needs to be carried out and wash again.

    Production of traps for flies Drozophil

    After the kitchen is handling, it's time to get rid of the remaining insects.

    For this you should make trap.

    People's methods will help scare away insects.

    Drosophila tims can't smells, fern or eases, leaves which should be placed in the room.

    Kerosene or turpentine help well, several drops of which should be added to the water and wash it floor or windows. You can grasp the laurel oil frame of windows or door jambs.

    The smells of tomato seedlings, geranium, eucalyptus or myrta in pots are scared.

    Prevention of the appearance of flies Drozofil

    In order for flies, Drosophila do not appear again, should be regularly perform a few simple actions.

    The actions described above will help get rid of flies of drosophyl and prevent their appearance in the future.

    Many of some gardeners are not sure how to deal with the midges right. However, the question is quite simple.
    Read our article, we are sure that it will be interesting.

    Many familiarize the situation when the petty Moshcar appears in the house, in love with your kitchen. These midges are drosophila or, as they are also called fruit, wine flies. They love rotten vegetables, fruit, settle in dirty and wet places, feeding the residues of food, microorganisms.

    Where did small midges come from in the kitchen?

    The appearance of the midges in the house is not such a rare phenomenon, almost everyone came across it. It is worth leaving the apple on the table, and now insects are already underway, even if the window is closed. No wonder the Drozophil is called fruit flyers - they simply love spoiled vegetables, fruits, multiply in the ground of indoor plants, if they are too abundant.

    Small fleeces live only in those rooms where the temperature is above 16 ° C, and in warm, wet conditions Very quickly multiply. In the cold season, Drosophile hides in the wine cellars, in warehouses where fruits and vegetables are stored and, of course, in urban apartments.

    How and how to bring the midges in the kitchen

    Finding small midges in its kitchen, it is necessary to take a set of measures to get rid of insects forever: first of all, you need to find where Drosophilas settled. To do this, carefully examine all the critical rooms indoors: the trash can, cabinets for storage, drain plums and ventilation holes. In places of breeding midges, it is necessary to put traps (homemade or purchased in household chemicals). Conduct the complex preventive Mer For protection against re-appearance of midges. Only by fulfilling all the points of this plan, you can hope for a victory in the fight against the ubiquitous Moshkara.

    Favorite habitats midges

    When examining the kitchen, it is necessary to know that you need to pay special attention to the wet places: perhaps the insects wound up in a plumbing plum, where food particles remained, on wet and dirty rags, in the garbage bucket. It is also worth looking into the cabinets where home billets are stored: a worn jam or spoiled canned food - Favorite delicacy of fruit flies. Homemade winemakers should be especially attentive, because no wonder Drozophil is also called wine flyers. Tip: In the house where pets are contained, the fish also need to carefully monitor the cleanliness, midges will immediately arrive, it is worth staging in aquarium.

    Folk remedies against midges

    Among the folk remedies are the most popular traps. Make them elementary simply: in glass jar Pour a little juice, jam, compote, and on top insert a cone from paper, tip down. It is necessary to trace so that the end of the cone was a small hole. Attached by the smell of the worried juice midges, they fly to the bank, and they can no longer get out.

    It is convenient to make a bait trap from a plastic cup (you can from under yogurt). Also, a little compote, juice, and on top stretch the edible film. In the film you need to make several holes using the needle and leave in the place where midges are found. Observing through holes in a glass, insects will not be able to leave the trap. You can try this method: to pour some water to the bank, add an apple juice or vinegar, and then a few drops of dishwashes. Leaving the bank at the site of the cluster of the midges, you catch a lot of insects, which will fly on the smell of vinegar or juice, but because of the means for washing dishes will not be able to get out of the bank.

    In the conditions of dacha life, if there is no bank or plastic glass, You can find a way out, in attempts to get rid of these insects. In the usual polyethylene package, leave pieces of sour apples for a day so that they spoil slightly. Faced, so that on the apples a lot of midges gathered, the package quickly tie and thrown out.

    Enthusiastic customer reviews ultrasonic traps Guarantee protection against homemouse: regularly including the device, you can secure your home from the invasion of insects.

    If the midges settled in the room colors growing in the kitchen, try to stick the match down the head, this tool has been used for many years experienced flowers.

    With a small amount of midges, you can cope, removing them with a vacuum cleaner.

    And there are situations when, having left on vacation, you accidentally forgot more bananas on the table or other fruits, and by returning found in the kitchen a whole swarm of moshkara. In this case, it is better, closing the windows and doors, to include an ordinary fumigator from mosquitoes. Success is guaranteed, it will only remain well to ventilate the room and remove the room.

    Tip: effectively and the usual adhesive tape From flies, and if you knew it with wine, then midges will instantly fly to your favorite smell.

    But the most effective means of midges are industrial

    The easiest way is to purchase and install on window glass Plates from mosquitoes and flies or take advantage of the fumigator. No less effective aerosols from insects, for example, a raptor, spraying it in the habitats of the midges, it is easy to get rid of them.

    The use of aerosols and fumigators is not always possible: if there are small children or people who suffer from allergic diseases in the house, it is better to use traps.

    Prevention of the appearance of midges in the house

    The best prevention from the occupation of your kitchen with midges is purity. Fruits, vegetables, open packaging with juice, compote, jam is better stored in the refrigerator. In the summer, it is not necessary to wait for the garbage bucket to be filled, it is better to clean it regularly, then rinse with soap water and treat vinegar solution. It is also necessary to systematically check the condition of the plumbing, sewage drain, not to leave the wet rags, dirty dishes, store the fired vegetables and fruits, spoiled cereals. Caring for pets, fish, household colors requires constant attention, otherwise the drosophila will appear in your home and move to the kitchen, where there is a lot of food.