Repairs Design Furniture

In nature without mosquitoes: Ultrasound dischargers, traps and other means to combat bloodsowing insects on the street. How to get rid of mosquitoes in a gazebo fight against mosquitoes in the country

An eternal problem has to solve any owner of the land plot - effective protection against insects, in a summer period literally attacking not only animals, but also people. Otherwise, neither a full-fledged holiday in his dacha, nor about working on an al-ways can not be speech, since most of the time will have to literally fight back from mosquitoes and moshcars.

Various ointments and creams that are sold everywhere are one of the effective means of scaring them. But this method has consists - some people have allergies to "chemistry", and they do not differ in the duration, although many are not suiced. How else can you protect against bloodsowing insects or completely secure the plot from them? A brief overview of the most common techniques will allow you to choose the best option to getting rid of cottages from the Moskus Zasil and mosquitoes.


Technical means

Ultrasound discharges

Such devices are mobile and stationary. The first is more convenient for use. Power - from elements, modest dimensions and weight. But the radius of the devices is small - a maximum of up to 2.5 m. Therefore, it is not necessary to talk about the complete disappearance of the midges and mosquitoes, but as the means of individual protection such devices are quite effective. Stationary scare insects in large areas, but they need to connect to an email.

Consequently, only the protection of the house and the adjacent territory is ensured. The principle of operation of devices is clear from the name - scary of the mosquitoes due to radiation at certain frequencies (in the range of 5 - 20 kHz).

Tornado series OK.01. Russian development on 3 batteries (will have to be purchased separately), the weight is 250 g. The protected area is up to 50 m². Approximate price - 1,510 rubles.

"Typhoon" of the LS-200 series. Maximum efficiency on the area to 20 "squares", although on the limit mode, the device protects 40 m² from mosquitoes. How reliably is another question. This repeller runs from the network, so it is advisable to use to get rid of insects of the country house or veranda. On the territory, in the absence of tension, it is useless. Price - 980 rubles.

Insecticidal lamps

IR radiation literally lizes bloodsuckers. They fall into the trap in the form of a grid, in which they die. But all such devices are energy-dependent, so it is necessary to connect to prom / voltage.

"Hurakan" model HKN-MID180. A Chinese device designed to destroy not only mosquitoes, but also other flying insects - beetles, midges, flies, and so on. The pests die, touching the metal lattice under voltage. Such a lamp is installed on the floor or suspended on the chain included in the product kit. Price - 3,9999 rubles.

"MARS-01". Russian device in a plastic case, the mass of 650. The protected area is up to 25 m². Price - 1,540 rubles.

Gas traps

Mosquito Magnet. The carbon dioxide released by the device imitates the exhalation of man. That's the principle of operation. Mosquitoes are separated and absorbed inside (analogue of a mini-vacuum cleaner). The device is produced in several modifications, so there is something to choose from. Starting price - 6,890 rubles.

Mosquito Killer. The manufacturer positions the set (gearbox, carbon dioxide cylinder, a grid with a bracket and support) as the latest NASA development. Ease of operation is provided by 3 modes of operation, including software control from the timer. Who does not bother the price - about 38,000 rubles - can try. But this technical remedy eliminates only mosquitoes (on an area of \u200b\u200bnot more than 40 acres) and needs to be connected to the e / network. For summer cottage is not the best option, but for a country house with a large adjacent area may be of interest.


Count on some one effective means - meaningless. It is possible to completely get rid of bloodsowing insects in the country only a complex of measures. That is, to implement at least 2 - 3 techniques. In addition, it is necessary to regularly carry out the processing of soil, air.

If on the plot of artificial reservoir, then he is increased attention. Moshki and mosquitoes are concentrated where dampness. Therefore, it is impossible to ignore various, even if small, leaks at the joining places of watering hoses, on the pipeline track and so on. The same applies to the shaded segments - along the perimeter of the house, the veranda, along the outdoor fence of the cottage.

Sometimes it is not possible to get rid of insects insects, although it is trying, everything seems to be. The fight against mosquitoes and moshkara is preferably planning in advance. Now, many organizations offer services for the processing of receiving and country sites in terms of preventing insects on them. The cost of spraying a few acres - from 1,900 rubles (plus - the premium per distance). If you choose the right time and order primary processing, the purpose of which is the destruction of insect larvae, then the problem of getting rid of bloodsowing can be considered half solved.

The article discusses a sufficient amount of funds and methods of getting rid of insects in the country. All of them are tested and proved their effectiveness and efficiency. Choice for you, reader.

A means of mosquitoes in the country around the perimeter are special plants that scare insects with a resistant odor. The biological enemy are certain types of fish - Gambusia. They are launched in a reservoir, swimming pool. If neither the first nor the second method is suitable, use chemicals, traps, modern devices.

Plants against insects

The fight against mosquitoes in the country is kept constantly in the warm season. Females lay eggs in reservoirs with standing water, puddles, raw basements. The reproduction of the offspring is engaged every day. By the end of May, the cottage plot fills the whole flock of bloodsuckers. To make it easier for work, protect the garden, garden, escape from, you need to grow defined.

On a note!

The mosquitoes on the site will not be delayed for a long time if there are some plants around the perimeter: basil, velvets, peppermint, Melissa, Kotovnik, Baguznik, Bузина, Lavender, Pijm. The same cultures are planted in the garden, on flower beds with flowers. However, with a strong infection of neighboring sites, additional measures will be required to protect themselves from bloodsuckers.

Large-scale dacha

The destruction of mosquitoes should begin with extermination of larvae. The female female lives for about 3 months, for the whole life there is about 500 eggs. The larva develops under favorable conditions for 7 days. Eggs laying the female on the surface of water bodies with standing water, as well as on crude land, puddles.

To get rid of bloodsuckers in the country, you need to clean the territory from thickets, high grass, dry the puddles. Treat the appropriately waste pits, garbage tanks, cellar, basement. You need to destroy the larvae, create unfavorable conditions for.

Chemicals for cottages

The processing of a mosquito area is carried out according to a specific rules, with compliance with individual security measures. Preparations act on the basis of toxic substance with a wide range of action. Insecticides penetrate the pest body with contact path, through air. Violates the functioning of the nervous system, paralysis provokes, death.

The means from mosquitoes in the country is dangerous for other insects, amphibians, fish, bees. It should be used in special cases so that the environment is not injured. It is necessary to carry out spraying in the respirator, rubber gloves, suit. The solution is prepared according to the instructions immediately before use.

The effective remedy in the country protects the plot from, midges, blinding, flies, about 60 days. The effectiveness of the insecticides does not affect dry weather, pouring rains. However, gradually the properties are lost. Given that the activity of mosquitoes is reduced at high temperatures, spraying the area in the end of spring provides protection for all summer, can drive many pests.

You can independently any concentrated tool with a wide range of action. Professional tool can be bought from SES specialists or order via the Internet.

On a note!

You can also entrust work in the country of professionals, seek help in a private firm that is engaged in combating different pests. Experts are treated with carbon dioxide or a poisonous substance. The average cost of the service in Moscow is 2 thousand rubles.

How to get rid of mosquitoes on the country

How to treat a plot from mosquitoes - self-disposal in the country

The means for the site is chosen on the basis of the area, personal preferences.

The processing of the site from mosquitoes in the country is needed in the evening. Bees with the onset of twilight do not fly, in the morning the dose for them will not be dangerous. In this way, you can protect beneficial insects. Weather for spraying should be windless. If rain passes within 2 hours, the spraying will have to be repeated in a week.

The disinsection in the country is carried out during the high activity of mosquitoes. It is allowed to spray over the surface of the reservoir if there are no fish, amphibians. In other cases, microbiological means are used - Larviol. Be sure to splashing waste pits, garbage tanks, cellars, walls of buildings from the outdoor side. In the garden, the dacha for salvation from pests spray the grass around the perimeter, fences.

Summer is a season of kebabs, swimming in the river and family pickles to the cottage. It would seem that this time of year does not have drawbacks. But one tiny lack still exists, and the name is His Komar.

Little insects with transparent wings and thin legs are able to spoil the evening tea in a gazebo. Tinned the whole company to the house, several mosquitoes can continue the "feast" indoors. High shepherd notes and checked bites can provide sleepless over the whole family. To avoid such discomfort, you need to get rid of mosquitoes in the country.

Where lives and what eats a mosquit

Komar-Piskun is a small insect inhabitants in the middle lane of Russia and in most European countries. It is believed that the mosquitoes feed exclusively with blood, but this is not so. Insects are often firing in high grass. This is due to the fact that they are powered by plant juices. For a person, only the insect female is dangerous. To reproduce the offspring, the female needs proteins and iron, which are contained in human blood. And the harmless males during the "hunt" of females on a person are content with the juice of plants.

On the country's cottage, mosquitoes fly everywhere. They love wet, densely planted plants. Swari insects can be governing in rivers and artificial reservoirs. If there is an artificial pond in the cottage, mosquitoes will always be focused around it. All insects, evenly scattered through the territory of the site, will certainly fly to the lamp in the gazebo. To protect yourself and your family from dozens of outer bite, you need to take certain measures. To combat mosquitoes, traps, chemical and natural agents can be used.

Refractory plants

The most faithful way to make a giving as little as possible for mosquitoes - to plant "bad smelling" for them. There are a number of colors and herbs that look very beautifully and have an attractive fragrance, but for insects they are just intolerances.

  • Basil. Spicy herb used in the preparation of many culinary masterpieces is a natural repellent from mosquitoes. Square around the perimeter of the garden Basil bush, and it will make it unattractive for insects. It is better to plant a lemon or cinnamon basil. In addition to the scaping effect, this plant can be used for thickening itching after a mosquito bite. It is necessary to grind the fresh leaves of the basil so that the juice is separated from. Slahny Cashitz attach to the item bite, and you immediately feel relief.
  • Melis lemon, or Melis drug. This is a perennial plant with a delicate, sweet-lemon aroma. Melissa leaflets are added to tea and used for cooking cocktails. Pleasant smell Melisa scares mosquitoes. Try to breed as many Melissa as possible.
  • Chernobrring or velvets. Bright red-orange flowers growing in the country, are a natural preparation from mosquitoes. Insects unpleasant sharp smell of the plant. Chernobrbors can be planted in the flower beds around the arbor so that the stay in it caused discomfort from mosquitoes.
  • Kotovnik, or mint cat. A perennial plant that blooms for three year old months. Little blue flowers appear on long branches. The smell of feline mint is intensely heard after touching the plant. If you do not like the fragrance of these colors, try not to disturb landed bushes.
  • Garlic. Do not think that mosquitoes do not like only pleasant people aromas. The sharp smell of garlic is unpleasant insect. Space at the cottage more garlic to create a natural barrier for mosquitoes.

Mint grows perfectly in pots. It can be used not only to scare the mosquitoes in the garden, but also to protect the house. Enough on each windowsill put one or more pots with mint.


Komarov can not only scare away, but, on the contrary, to attract. Traps - a great way to get rid of insects on a certain plot. You can install several bait in the recreation area, Mangala or near the gazebo. There are three types of traps:

  • Homemade.
  • Velcro traps.
  • Electric traps.

Homemade traps

For the manufacture of this device you will need 1 plastic bottle (1 l), sugar and yeast. Conditionally divide the bottle into 4 parts. Cut the ¼ bottles at the top. In the resulting container, pour 200 ml of warm water, add 5 h. Sugar and mix well. Then add 2 g of alive yeast. They do not need to stir. Sliced \u200b\u200bbottle neck Place inside the tank with the liquid of the neck down. This fixture will rest insects inside, and they will not be able to get back. The trap will not help withdraw the mosquitoes, but significantly reduce their number.


The "serpentine" with sticky base is most often used for the capture of annoying flies. However, there is a separate type of lipuchku, designed to catch mosquitoes. The tape is covered with special glue, which tightly attaches to the fabric of the wings and insect foot. It has a specific smell that seems very attractive mosquitoes. Because of the aroma, insects fly to the velcro.

Lipliest traps are made not only in the form of ribbons. You can purchase special stickers that are attached to the windowsill and thresholds, on popping the table in the gazebo, on the ceiling near the lamp. This means lures not only mosquitoes, but also flies, midges and even OS. The only drawback is an intestal look. It is not very pleasant to enjoy the dinner when a tape hangs on a plate with dead insects.

Electric traps

The electric trap for midges and mosquitoes can be used both indoors and on the street. It helps to get rid of flying bugs using electric fiber. Manufacturers of such devices state that traps are absolutely safe for humans. During its operation, chemical evaporations are not highlighted in the air (as using spirals or fumigators).

The radiated heat and a small amount of carbon dioxide attract the insect trap. Breaking through the electric lamp, the mosquito must fly through the grid to which the electrotocks are supplied. Power is not enough to harm human or animal, but for insect current is destroyed. When operating, it is necessary to completely isolate the trap from the water from entering water.


The most popular means for "trace" mosquitoes - plates and fumigators. They must be used only in a closed room. Outdoors all active substances evaporate.


The plates are impregnated with a special chemical composition, which evaporates into the air when heated. The composition of such a fluid includes:

  • alletin (applied to destroy crawling and flying insects);
  • pralletin (synthetic insecticide);
  • DETA (substance used for the destruction of flies, mosquitoes, fleas, blinding and many other insects);
  • alcohol (isopropanol);
  • perfumeful fragrance.

The last component is added rather for a person, and not for insect. Many "pills" have a nice floral smell. Selection of all listed funds in the air is detrimental to mosquitoes and harmful to humans. Substances have toxic effect and oppressively affect the nervous system. After sleep, the following symptoms can be observed in a non-refined room with a heated plate:

  • dizziness;
  • general weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • nausea.


Fumigators are considered less secure. There is no risk of fire from overheating plate. The fumigator is inappropriate to use outdoors. However, if the gazebo in the country is not strongly ventilated, the fumigator will help protect her visitors from insect attacks. One jar of liquid is missing on average for 30 nights. Evaporation helps protect the area up to 12 square meters. m.

Compressed wood flour, impregnated with special substances, helps protect himself and his family from the insect attack in the outdoors. The product was called "Spiral" due to a spiral shape. In the package there are 10 spirals and a special metal stand. Manufacturers assure that one spiral is smoldering from 8 to 10 hours.

The substance should not be lit, but to smooth. During this process, hazardous carcinogens are distinguished, which, when accumulating in human body, are able to cause cancer. In no case do not ignite the spiral in the closed room.

  • Do not use the spiral into windy weather. "The smoke" will be constantly dispersed, and the spiral itself will smoothly smooth.
  • If you need to get rid of bloodsuckers on a large area, install several adjusted spirals immediately.
  • Do not install spirals on the floor. They must be at least 50 cm above the ground level.

Individual means of protection

Spirals and fumigators - collective means of protection against mosquitoes. They kill insects in a certain radius. There are also individual funds designed to protect one person. They are produced in the form of sprays, gels, creams and lotions. It is these drugs that are most appropriate to use for gatherings in the garden.

  • Sprays. Do not have extraneous smells. Some drugs have a sharp floral fragrance. Convenient in use. Do not leave greasy spots on clothes. After applying, the skin will not stick.
  • Creams. Have a light pleasant aroma. Quickly absorbed into the skin, do not leave the feeling of stickiness. Minus ─ cannot be applied to clothes.
  • Lotions. The body remains fat shine. Fat stains may form on clothes. The smell is pleasant, herbal.
  • Bracelets. Used to protect children from mosquito attack. The bracelet is safe for the health of the baby, since it does not include chemicals. The product is saturated with natural essential oils that are scared with bloodsowing insects.

Folk remedies

Instead of aerosols with suspicious composition, can be applied to the body of essential oils. Many smells scare mosquitoes. Folk remedies have proven themselves no worse than expensive advertised drugs.

  • The smell of camphore is destructive on mosquito. Google a small piece of money, and insects will quickly "run away" from the territory of the recreation area.
  • Apply a tea tree oil or any oil with a smell of needles (cypress, juniper, pine, spruce, fir) on the body. Pairs of points behind the ears, on the wrists and neck is enough to form an invisible protective layer.
  • Fit the juniper twig. The smell of this burning plant is a real torture for mosquitoes.
  • A couple of droplets of anise oil or carnations can be dripped into the fire. Evaporation quickly dispersed the swarms of mosquitoes.
  • On the perimeter of the arbor, decompose the only torn twigs of peppermint, valerian or basilica.

In more detail about all the means of protection against the "bloodist" in nature, it is possible to read. If the attack of insects passed successfully and red itchy spots appeared on the body, apply cream with anti-face effect. Combanish wounds can lead to scar formation.

Rest in the country can prevent a lot, but the most common cause of spoiled mood in the fresh air is mosquitoes. They are buzzing over the table, climb into the eyes, hurts and leave traces, and therefore it's time to get rid of the annoying guests!

Almost any evening in the country ends with loud applause, which sounds not the best storytellor of jokes and not even a masterfully playing a friend, but mosquitoes that fly to light and warm in our gazebo.

These small bloodsuckers interfere not only on the street, but also in the house when we are trying to fall asleep. They publish subtle and annoying sounds, flying over us, and then sit at all on any part of the body and feed on our blood until we sleep.

It seems to us that it has long been time to stop similar, and therefore the site recommends reading the following several sections of an article that will tell you about combating mosquitoes in the country.

What is a mosquito

Komar ordinary, or as it is also called, Komar-Piskun, is common everywhere, and therefore, it can occur at any summer cottage. A small insect that feeds on plants juice and mainly human blood reaches sizes of 3-7 mm, and is a carrier of many dangerous diseases.

Favorable conditions for mosquitoes on the site

Comfortable conditions for the development and growth of mosquito population may be very many, because each species prefers its temperature, humidity, nutrition. But you can accurately declare that all such insects have both the overall conditions of existence.

That is why there are so many water, in thick greens, in a warm and wet climate, but also about people, because our blood is food for many of them.

It is difficult to say why on one cottage more mosquitoes, and the other is less, but you can accurately declare that in the evening, near the lamp in the gazebo, they will definitely. We will meet them and in the garden, near the artificial country reservoir, in the cellar and even in the summer soul. After all, in any of these places, Komarika lives quite well.

Fight against mosquitoes in the country: the best ways

It's quite difficult to deal with these insects, because their number on one hundred giving can reach hundreds and thousands. After killing one mosquito, you do not affect their number, and even destroying hundreds with the help of poisons or dischargers, you are unlikely to get rid of them forever.

But this does not mean that you need to endure bites and obsessive peak every evening ... at least, you need to try well, and free from the mosquito presence of your home and holiday destination at the cottage!

Traps for mosquitoes

The simplest bottle trap

If you want to significantly reduce the number of insects in the gazebo, near the mangala or just for the evening table, we recommend that you make a simple trap from the plastic bottle. We did such traps for OS and other insects, so it will not be difficult.

Cut the top of the plastic bottle and fill in the bottom of the glass of warm water.

Next, throw in water 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and stir well. After you can add 1-2 g of yeast, mix that do not need. Now it remains to cover the trap of a cut-up bottle, only the neck down, and install it nearby from the rest. A fairly large percentage of mosquitoes, and other midges, now will go there!

Lipcro trap

Velcro is not necessarily sold in rolls, they can be in the form of small adhesive segments that are placed in any convenient place - on the conversation support, near the lighting lamp, on the window window.

UV trap

The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a trap is that ultraviolet radiation attracts mosquitoes, and a certain trap element simply kills the insect that approached or hit the desired zone. But whether the UV lamp in these devices is weak, or we choose not the most expensive and high-quality devices, but they act extremely inefficient. In general, there is good devices on the market and not very, but we do not advise them for obvious reasons!

Best tools to get rid of mosquitoes

You can get rid of insects only in a closed room in which access is limited for them. Say, this is a bedroom of a country house, where mosquito nets on the windows. But a couple of mosquitoes still started, and the buzzing insects are not allowed to sleep hard, and even traces of their presence are left on our body. This is where modern funds will be helped, which are sold today in almost every store.

Tablets and mosquito liquid

By purchasing a tablet in the store, at the same time you take a special electrical adapter, which is included in the ordinary socket. The plate is installed in the adapter, and when it turns on, it is a bit warmer.

Due to this, chemicals that affect insects are exempt from the same plate.

All sadness is that many more manufacturers of such tablets and plates have appeared on the market, but not all of them meet the quality standards. Almost every one of us could notice that the individuals do not die from the flavors of the device with the plate, and they become just slightly plated, fall on the floor, bed, furniture. If they do not collect them on time and not crush, mosquitoes miraculously come to life come to themselves and revenge on us.

For an antitomarine fluid, we do not see the need to open a new partition, as in a small colummer offered for special adapters, the same components affecting mosquitoes. Liquid is slight more efficient, but here too much depends on manufacturers.

There is a great way to quickly kill all the bloodsicles in the house or just a closed room, but it is distinguished by some danger. Due to the fact that the fumigators are not always effective, some of us apply them a little different, already completely forgetting about adapters. The plate is clamped with pliers or scissors, sets up and stew in 5-7 seconds. At this point from the plate there is a caustic smoke, which kills mosquitoes, really kills. It is only necessary to walk around the room and give it the smoke to the venue in the room. We once again emphasize that the method is effective against insects, but it is quite realistic, which damages and human health!

Anticomarine Spirals for Street

In addition to tablets and liquids, a rather interesting position is derived to the market - a spiral. It is sold in small boxes, where 6-10 can be immediately.

A spiral is installed on a special metal base and is set on fire to 10-15 seconds. Next, it must be put out to spit just a trel. Depending on the brand, there are different recommendations for use. But we can definitely say that it cannot be used in closed rooms and set themselves. Several removal meters will be enough.

Alternative means

It is time to go to the most advanced ways and apply ultrasound dischargers. In theory, these are quite effective devices that scare mosquitoes at a short distance.

Today, you can find portable boxes on sale, which can be worn with you in your pocket and do not be afraid of bites, as the discreteers act within a radius of up to two meters. You can take and more powerful that work from the outlet and save from mosquitoes already a room. But if we talk about how to scare insects in the country, for example, in the evening tea party, then something is more powerful, for example, electric street dischargers, which can work within a radius even 50 m.

Folk remedies from mosquitoes (video)

Folk remedies

And since we are all experienced daches, such plants simply should be on our site.

Among them are not rare or very expensive, but only those that are consistently grown in the country. Tomatoes, Mint, Carnation, Wormwood and Pijm - the main "Green Army", which fights against mosquitoes, but for a person!

Repellents from Komarov

Protection against bloodsowing can be complex, and sometimes it is even more appropriate to protect the space around himself, namely itself. For this long ago there are means that can scare mosquitoes and many other insects - repellents.

They are applied to the skin or even on clothes, the main thing is that the fragrance of that component will be on you, which works against insects (most often, the person of this fragrance does not feel).

Repellents are sold in the form of sprays, creams, lotions, and the most famous among them are Gardex, Off, Argus and Flop. Of course, you can find others on sale, but be sure to read the content and instructions for use.

It is possible to use natural repellents, which are also applied to the skin, but certainly will not cause a person no harm. This is a room lemon, the smell of which scares the mosquitoes, cedar oil or the decoction of the root of the dusty, which we all consider a serious weed on the garden.

In addition to the means and instruments we specified, you can find a lot of proposals on sale. These can be gas lamps, and traps with poisons, and essential oils that protect a person without applying it harm, but you only have something to choose what you heard positive feedback!

Prevention of mosquito invasion in the country house

Driving mosquitoes on the street when you relax, one thing, but you need to take action that will not give them the opportunity to mock you when you sleep. So, first of all, it is worth thinking about how not to let roofing in the house.

The best tool today is mosquito nets that are installed on windows and doors. They are the obstacle for small insects, which can no longer get inside the premises. Fresh air through grid penetrates, and mosquitoes - no!

Before bedtime, try not to leave the windows and doors in the house, to spew the light on time to which the mosquito flies, and also in advance to include a fumigator, which, while there are no insects, will act like a repeller, and not as an exterminator. The simplest integrated measures will give you the opportunity to sleep in the country calmly.

It is simply impossible to get rid of mosquitoes, but to reduce their quantity of them, unpleasant sounds and bites - real! Take advantage of our advice, as well as share your thoughts in the comments if you wish to offer an interesting way to combat bloods.

Reviews and comments

sBAR 12/28/2015

Oh, I do not like mosquitoes! I will try electric trash

Sergey 03/30/2016

From these scapions, it is simply impossible to get rid! They get used to everything. I wake up with cream or spray, you do not touch a couple of days, and then get used to and rushed! We and the spirals fell, and the fires sometimes helps a little, but not for a long time. Electric traps put well indoors, but in the yard it does not pass.

Mosquitoes - harmful and annoying bloodsuckers capable of spoiling rest in nature and turn into a nightmare to stay on the beloved country. Another classic wrote about the widespread in our latitudes: "Oh, the summer is red, I would love you, I do not dust dust, yes mosquitoes ...". But Alexander Sergeevich lived long before the emergence of all sorts of means of combating insects. Therefore, let's see how in our time you can protect the country area from the invasion of a flying gnus.

Why deal with mosquitoes in the country

You can argue how much you like to talk about the role of mosquitoes in the environmental system and about their indispensability in natural processes, but if you have or your child, there is an allergy to mosquito bites, you want their indispensable role of blood circulation away from the cottage or country house.

Slyana Komara causes itching, edema and redness at the bite place, and in some cases an allergic reaction

It is known that mosquitoes are able to transfer such hazardous diseases as malaria or encephalitis.Cases are quite rare, but they are found. This is enough to engage in the destruction of insect data on their plot.

Infections that carry mosquitoes are transmitted with saliva during bite

The methods of combating volatile bloodstream can be divided into chemical and folk. When choosing a way, it should be borne in mind that chemicals have all the advantages and minuses of modern insecticidal drugs. The folk remedies, with all their environmentally friendly, less effectively cope with the task.

To better decide on the choice, it is worthwhile to consider it more, which offers us the modern market of miley drugs and how peaceful experience has been enriched.

Chemical treatment

Fully destroy mosquitoes on the site in two ways: call a special brigade or cope with your own forces using an insecticidal agent.

The disinsection of the site involves the mandatory presence of a protective suit

On a note. Total processing of the insecticide plot will save you from all insects, and not just from mosquitoes. Depending on the term and the range of exposure to the drug, you can permanently lose the society of the blind, midges, ticks, flies and ants.

The challenge of the brigade will cost in the amount of about 2 thousand rubles for every 6 acres of the site. If you decide to act on your own, then professionals are recommended not to resort to the help of unverified funds. The use of previously proven drugs will minimize unwanted side effects.

Popular tool to combat mosquitoes

The substance capable of clearing the territory from the volatile blood circuit for a long time is called cypermethrin. In one or another ratio, this insecticide is present in most chemicals from mosquitoes.

To date, these insects experienced summer residents are most often used:

  • Dig poles. Produced in the form of an emulsion (packing - 0.05 or 0.5 liters). The average cost of the means reaches about 900 rubles for 0.5 liters.

    For processing 1 weave, it will be necessary to dissolve from 4 ml of digps in 1 liter of water (depending on the area relief)

  • Medilis Cup. Yellowish liquid (packing - 0.5 or 5 liters). The average cost of the drug reaches about 1,500 rubles per 0.5 liters.

    To process the medilis area, the cyper will need from 2 to 5 ml of the means per 1 liter of water (depending on the denotation of vegetation)

  • Sipaz super. Concentrate, packing - 1 liter. The average cost of the means reaches about 2,250 rubles per bottle.

    For processing 1 weave of a plot using Sipes Super, it will take from 3 to 8 ml to the means per 1 liter of water.

  • Agran. Brownish concentrated emulsion (packing - 0.05 or 1 liter). The average cost of the drug reaches about 1,600 rubles per 1 liter.
  • Sinuzan. Yellow or brown emulsion (packing - 1 or 20 liters). The average cost of the means reaches about 2,500 rubles per 1 liter.

    In the preparation of sinusan, the active substance is not cypermethrin, but chlorpiffos (48%)

  • Dr. Claus. Ready spray, packing - 0.75 or 1 liter. The average cost of the drug reaches about 300 rubles for 0.75 liters.

    Spray Dr. Claus destroys not only mosquitoes, but also flies

  • Bionetral I-50. Emulsion, packing 0.1 or 1 liter. The average cost of the means reaches about 1,700 rubles per 1 liter.

    Bionetral and 50 solution is better prepared immediately before processing or use for 8 hours

How to choose a suitable drug

When choosing a chemical agent for combating mosquitoes in the country, specialists recommend paying attention to the following parameters:

  • The presence of water. If there is a water on the site or in close proximity to it, then it is worth paying attention to drugs intended for the destruction of larvae in areas with high humidity.

    It is necessary to easily approach the choice if decorative fish live in the reservoir (it can harm them)

  • Relief area. The presence of many shaded places also requires the drugs of an individual approach.

    The larger on the site of the shady and wet towns, the most likely that mosquitoes will postpone their larvae there

  • Gustness of vegetation. In open summer cottages, the concentration of the means may be small, unlike those on which trees and shrubs grow.

    Brush vegetation on the site involves a greater consumption of the drug or higher toxicity

Important to remember. The selected drug must be certified, with a nervous expiration date.

Precautions and general area processing rules

If you decide to independently protect the country or country plot from mosquitoes, it is important to consider that insecticide, completely safe for people and domestic animals, has not yet been invented.

To avoid the negative effects of chemical processing of the territory, you need to take care not only about the effectiveness of the selected method, but also about your own security. The procedure for getting rid of the country area from mosquitoes should be prepared in advance. For this purpose you will need:

  • Trace the weather forecast. The best effect can be achieved if you spray the drug into dry windless weather (it is better that precipitation fell into the next three days after processing).

    Well-minded clear and windless weather - the most correct time to process a plot from mosquitoes

  • Take care of the absence of people and pets and domestic sites. They will be back there no earlier than 4-5 days after the terrain disinsection.
  • Clean the territory in advance: to mock the grass in open areas and remove the remains of last year's leaves and hay.

    To achieve a better effect, the cottage plot needs to prepare in advance for processing

  • If possible, seal open containers with water.

    Small water tanks can be closed by conventional polyethylene film

  • Make sure the set of protective equipment (respirator, gloves, rubber boots, headdress, bathrobe or cloak). You can use a regular raincoat with a hood.

    When spraying insecticide it is important that the entire body area is protected from contact with toxic drugs

  • Have a sprayer with it. This may be a country option, gasoline or rechargeable (depending on the size of the site).

    Sprayer litter is better to select, based on individual physical data and plot areas

  • Ensure that there is enough room water temperature to dilute the drug. If she is taken from the nearest reservoir, it is better to filter her or give to stand.

On a note. It should be borne in mind that the berries or mushrooms on the processed section will not be possible for from 20 to 40 days (depending on the drug used).

The solution for the destruction of mosquitoes is better to prepare immediately before processing, because its shelf life usually does not exceed 12 hours. When making a solution, you need to clearly follow the instructions and carefully observe the dosage.

Please note that some drugs are designed for processing the territory in two stages: the destruction of the larvae, and then adult insects.

Start the implementation of the procedure is better from buildings located on site.

Doors, windows and windows of residential premises must be tightly closed. The vegetation on the plot is better to handle around the perimeter, trying not to fall on sprouts and buds, so as not to ruin future fruits and flowers.

Insecticide against mosquitoes and their larvae is able to violate the normal development of young plants shoots

Female mosquitoes usually lay eggs in raw and shaded places, so funds against masonry and larvae need to be sprayed at the sources of moisture (plums, cranes, sewage), in basements and all sorts of cracks and cracks.

Mosquito eggs can be found in any cheese and dark place.

Processing will also require the places of accumulation of adult bloodsuckers. This is the easiest stage of the entire procedure.

Important to remember. Most of the preparations from mosquitoes are toxic and for bees. If there is an apiary nearby, it is necessary to limit the departure of these beneficial insects for the time specified in the instructions.

After the end of the processing of the territory from Komarov, do not forget to change the water in open containers so that the remains of the insecticide are not caused by animal poisoning.

Folk ways to combat mosquitoes

People's methods of combating mosquitoes do not imply the total destruction of insects on the entire country area. These are gentle measures directed mainly to scary of bloodsuckers. At the same time, folk methods are safe for humans and its four-legged friends.

The question of recreation safety is becoming particularly relevant if children and pets come to the cottage

Most folk methods are based on the intolerance to the mosquitoes of sharp odors. Therefore, our task will be the spread of strong aromas in the area using the helm.

Treatment with essential oils

Volatile bloodshots do not extend odors:

  • lavender;

    In addition to repellent, the fragrance of lavender also has a soothing effect.

  • thyme;

    The Timyan Plant has another popular and no less well-known name - a chamber

  • eucalyptus;

    Despite a decent coniferous aroma, eucalyptuses belong to the Myrtov family

  • tea tree;

    Essential oils of tea tree are widely known for their healing properties.

  • carnations;

    Due to the high content of eugenol, essential oil has an antiseptic and painkillers effect

  • basilica;

    Basil's essential oil is capable not only to scare mosquitoes, but also raise the mood

  • anisa.

    Anisa essential oil can stimulate intellectual activity

To get rid of mosquitoes using essential oils, it is enough to distribute the aromatic lamps in the country area (can be homeless) at a distance of approximately 3-5 meters from each other and choose the most pleasant smell.

The aromatic lamp can become an excellent decor element.

During the work of the aroma lamps, the lack of bloodsuckers are provided to you.

With the help of improvised materials, aroma lamps for the site can be made independently

The second method of combating mosquitoes using essential oils includes the processing of the surfaces of the veranda or arbor, where you like to relax in the fresh air. The napkin, soaked with such concentrates, wipe the summer furniture, walls of the house or design columns. While the fragrance holds, the mosquitoes will not disturb you.

Plants and herbs on the site

A sharp smell that scare flying bloodsuckers possess:

  • rosemary;

    Rosemary plant better on the southern or east side of the site

  • mint;

    Having planted mint on the site, it is worth considering that it quickly grow up

  • calendula;

    Many dachensons of the calendula like for unpretentiousness in breeding and the ability to carry frost

  • marigold;

    Velchattsy are good for the fact that even a novice gardener will cope with their cultivation

  • sage;
  • tomatoes;

    Experienced gardeners know that the mosquitoes do not fly over the tomato beds (and many other insects are fragile the leaves of this plant with a sharp smell)

  • sagebrush;

    Some varieties of wormies are used for the design of garden sites, others are considered weeds and mercilessly smeared

  • tansy;

    For growing, the PIRs will suit any kind of soil, even with low fertility

  • carnation;

    Beauty and diversity of colors have long made cloves with a welcome guest on any plot.

  • geranium;

    Many more accustomed to see geranium in a flower pot on the windowsill, but these flowers grow beautifully and on the outdoor soil

  • chamomile;

    When growing on the range of chamomile it is worth considering that this flower does not tolerate the proximity of groundwater

  • elder.

    Best Bezin is growing on loamy soil with reduced acidity

Selecting the plants on the site, you will get a live shield from mosquitoes in the form of a stable fragrance. To enhance the effect, the experienced dackets are sometimes recommended to pretend or press the leaves so that the smell increases.

Efficiency of smoke from the fire

It is believed that smoke from the fire is one of the most reliable and effective means in the fight against mosquitoes. Experience shows that the opinion is not entirely true: some of the modern bloodsuckers developed resistance to this method of protection. The rest of the insects will not let smoke for a long time.

It should be borneting a mosquito with the help of smoke from open fire is unsafe

If your task is to cook kebabs and quickly leave, then the smoke from the fire can be enough to retreat from the field of relaxation with minimal damage to the skin.

NEBRUE plants from mosquitoes are able to diversify the taste of kebabs

There are safe ways to strengthen the effect of the smoke curtain:

  • Spruce or pine branches.

    It is enough to throw several pine twigs into the fire for strengthening the scared mosquito aroma

  • Bumps. No matter, fir or pine, - they contain substances that mosquitoes are not transferred.

    If there are coniferous trees nearby, there will be no shortage of shortcomings from mosquitoes

  • Herbs with a sharp aroma. Wormwood, cherry, mint, Cherry leaves or elderberry - everything that grows nearby from the resting place, you can add to the fire so that the smoke becomes intolerable for mosquitoes.
  • Juniper. Exchanges are recommended to take dry twigs so that the smoke turns out to be thick and rich.

    In the old days it was believed that smoke juniper possesses the healing properties - they were emphasized sick people

Spreading the fire on the site, it is important to remember about safety rules. If possible, use mangals and other means of restricting open fire.

Traps for mosquitoes

In an effort to save, the experienced dacms make traps for mosquitoes with their own hands. The principle of operation of such devices is based on the lubrication of insects with pleasant smells for them. At home, you can make a trap from a conventional plastic bottle or make an analogue of the shop sticky tape.

To create the design of the first type, you will need a plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5-2.0 liters, scissors or knife and a bait (for its preparation it is necessary to mix 1 gram of dry yeast with 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and a glass of warm water).

Alone made trap from the bottle is completely safe for people and pets

The manufacture of homemade traps for mosquitoes will not require any money, no serious effort

After adding yeast, the bait is not necessary to mix. Insert the upper part of the neck down and put in a dark place. For reliability, the bottle can be additionally wrapped with paper.

On a note. Judging by some reviews, such a type of trap is not interesting for all mosquitoes, therefore, if you do it for the first time, it is worth trying to test this method first in the absence of family members who have allergies to insect bites.

For the manufacture of sticky tape you will need a paper strip and adhesive bait. If the old stocks remained in the windows for windows, it will fit perfectly. If not, the foundation can be chopped yourself.

Paper must be tight enough to withstand the treatment with a warm adhesive bait

Depending on the materials available at hand, the bait can be made according to the following recipes:

  • Connect four parts of rosin, two parts of castor oil and one - turpentine and sugar syrup.
  • Mix a pine resin with linseed oil in a 2: 1 ratio and add honey with beeswax in proportion 5: 1. A glass of resin with oil is quite a tablespoon of honey mixture.
  • Connect two tablespoons of glycerol, half a cup of honey, a glass of vaseline and 0.4 kg of rosin.

All ingredients are melted in a water bath, thoroughly mixed and applied to the tape.

Water bath at home is easy to make two capacities of different diameters

Trap in the form of adhesive tapes can be sprinkled on the veranda or fasten on trees in places of recreation.

The homemade sticky tape can be fixed with the help of a tape, and you can make a sleeve of cardboard or a bitch of a tree and fix the adhesive paper with a thread

On a note. It should be borne in mind that homemade traps do not give a persistent effect and a complete guarantee of the absence of bites, but they are able to reduce the mosquito livestock.

Video: Folk remedies from insects

Photo Gallery: Measures warning the appearance of mosquitoes in the country area

Capacity with water on the plot must be tightly closed (it must be changed at least once a week) When watering should not overcoat the soil and allow education It is not necessary to allow expanding on the site of too rainy vegetation and weeds