Repairs Design Furniture

Why small flies fly around face. Midges: folk signs. Black midges on indoor colors

When you first see small flying midges around your indoor plants and white grains in the ground, it seems to you: "What a trifle fly and die". But do not share. Everything is much worse! Your plants are already amazed and will start chant soon. And, while you do not see, the larvae inside the pot already liquefy the entire root system of your favorite colors. Will you be able to save them?

Midges do not appear next to the person just like that, they attract moisture. In this material, we will deal with what the causes of the appearance of the midges and mospet mosquitoes in the house and on the plot, we will tell what signs will sign about the infection of plants, how to eliminate all the stages of these midges in just 5 steps and so that they do not appear in your colors.

Can they be dangerous for a person? Who can I confuse mushroom mosquitoes? Will sticky traps help to kill these insects? All the answers will learn below!

Where do midges come from in room colors? All you need to know about these pests

Moshki and mushroom mosquitoes are tiny brownish gnots up to 6 mm sizes, representatives of Bolitophilidae families, Diadocidiidae, Ditomyiidae, Keroplatidae, and Mycetophilidae from Diptera squad. They love dampness, mostly live in raw dark forests and feed on mushrooms, for which they got their name. Those with whom you encountered at home are often also called winter gnus - after all, they can often be found at home and winter too. It would seem in winter the life of almost all flying insects freezes, but this is not the case: mushroom mosquitoes can withstand frosts up to -30 degrees C! What to say about your warm house.

What is the reason for their appearance?

In the wild medium, the larvae of these gnuses eat the roots of mushrooms and other plants, as well as rotting wood and other organic. Thus, they carry out an important role of the Sanitars: without their participation, the process of decomposition of organic and formation, humoring in the forest would be much slower. On this, their useful functions end.

This is where midges and mushroom mosquitoes most often live in your home and around it:

  • too wet land in pots with indoor plants;
  • wet and warm places like greenhouses;
  • places where the rot and mold appeared.

Also, they are attracted by light - extinguish the street "lighthouse lights", otherwise the "ship" will not make himself wait!

We inspect indoor plants and pots

So, we begin the inspection of your colors and soil. The very first sign of these insects is, of course, flying flies around pot plants. Among the less obvious symptoms:

  • white larvae in the ground;
  • sudden fading of the plant;
  • weak growth of young plants;
  • yellowing leaves or mass relief of foliage.

If midges started in your flower, what to do? The first rule is not to panic. The chances of saving your favorite orchid or violet is great. But it is necessary to start a struggle for salvation immediately.

How dangerous midge and mushroom mosquito for plants and man?

Fact # 1: Midges do not bite and do not drink blood, which is confirmed by American experts. In addition, unlike the rest of the heels, they are not swaying next to the face, do not get over the ear and do not climb in the eyes - in the word you, dear reader, they are not interested in it. And this is the only good news. Next - worse.

Fact # 2.: Mushroom mosquito and midge are carriers of fungal diseases, dangerous not only for plants, but also for humans. People who have tight contact with infected plants and inhale spores of mold mushrooms, they can cause respiratory diseases.

Fact # 3: Midges feed on the juices of the root system of plants. Especially dangerous larvae! According to scientists, at the moment, the larvae of mushroom mosquitoes are the most dangerous pest in the greenhouses. It is they who suck all the juices in young root plants. Adults are less damaged to the plants less, but the females lay eggs, which will subsequently become larvae and will also destroy the root system of colors, if the soil remains overlap.

Fact # 4: Especially dangerous larvae for young plants, seedlings and cuttings. In a special risk zone, such pot plants are also as:

  • violet;
  • geranium;
  • poinsettia;
  • carnation;
  • gerbera,
  • cacti
  • orchids

and also all plants with a surface root system. The roots of such plants do not go deep into the ground, so if you will reload them, weaving the water will occur in the upper part of the soil. It is just the ideal conditions for the reproduction of mushroom mosquitoes!

Fact # 5: Plants, followed by correctly and watered, do not attract mushroom mosquitoes! But those that were bought by patients or who are constantly poured with water (especially in winter), begin to rot ... Too wet soil and rotting of the root system of plants are the most favorable environment for these midges. Therefore, they are so often found, for example, in greenhouses - there is warm and wet.

Helpful advice: When you buy seedlings or plant in a pot, carefully examine the top layer of the soil! If you see white larvae or eggs, if the plant looks sluggish - do not buy it!

How to distinguish mushroom mosquitoes and midges settled in a flower pot from fruit flies?

"Yes, if anyone can fly over the flower pot!",- You will say. It's true: sometimes it is difficult to understand how insects have a house, especially when it is not clear where it came from or if the flowers are in the kitchen. How to understand that it is the mushroom mosquito, and not other insects? To help you - a small comparative table:

Mushroom Komarick Fruit Mushka
Appearance Small insect similar to mosquito, with long mustache yellowish-brown little fly
Localization - reproduction potted flowers, greenhouses gliding fruits and vegetables, sweets, alcohol (kitchen)
Period of activity in the room can be all year round, on the street - mostly in winter and early spring summer and the beginning of autumn
Bite? not not

As you can see, it is not so difficult to distinguish between these different petty flyers, the main thing is to carefully look at the insect and find the source of its appearance - whether it is fruit in the kitchen or a flower pot.

How to get rid of midges in colors: 5 important steps

So, you noticed the houses of small midges flying around the houseplants. What's next? Here are five simple steps, how to get rid of midges in flower pots.

Step 1: Find and fix the source of excess moisture!

As we talked above, usually growing plants in the reloaded soil - in pots, flowerbed or greenhouse. But midges can live in the too mulched earth, which saves moisture for a long time after the rain. They are not very active pilots, so they usually live near the water. Found a source? If it is a rotting organic garbage, dispose of it, in the case of the earth - smash it - you must meet white larvae.

Step 2: Do not water the soil!

Step 3: Process the Soil - Get rid of the larvae of the midges using B.T.I

The larvae is much more dangerous than adult midges - therefore the main step is to get rid of the larvae, and not from adult individuals.

For the processing of the soil or other wet environment, it is not necessary to look for special insecticides, you can do the already proven organic means of combating mosquitoes. Entomologists are advised to eliminate larvae to use B.T.I. - Special live bacteria that kill insect larvae before they managed to become adults.

Summit 20-Pack Mosquito Dunk

This affordable (~ $ 20) and the safe remedy has proven itself as a product for killing mosquito larvae, and, judging by satisfied reviews, it also effectively copes with midges and mushroom mosquitoes. For the processing of the Earth in the pot to pre-lower the "bagel" to the watering can, so that the tool is dissolved in water, and then span the resulting mortar. If the infection occurs on the street plot, break it into pieces and sprinkle the mooring ground or also dissolve in water and prole. Following the instructions, repeat the procedure as needed (as long as new larvae will no longer appear) - usually the problem is solved within up to 2-3 weeks.

Step 4: Kill the midges in flower pots with sticky traps

Simultaneously with the elimination of humidity and the fight against larvae - we kill adult females, so that they do not postpone the new eggs. For this, sticky traps are perfectly suitable, which can later be left in the ground for constant monitoring. They differ little from each other: glue base, bright yellow color and the same principle: Midges stick and die, bypassing the stage of laying eggs. You can use the following products (or similar):

For a small infection: Safer Brand 5025 HousePlant Sticky Stakes Insect Trap (7 TrapS) (~ $ 6)

For large infection: HAFER 30-PACK (15EA.5 "* 3" Yellow Dual Sticky Trap and 15pcs Wire Tie) Set (~ $ 7)

Step 5: Make a Plant Watering Schedule

When you finally got rid of mushroom mosquitoes, the most important thing is to draw conclusions from the situation and prevent its re-appearance, i.e. Do not patch the soil! Make a watering schedule and consider important nuances:

Moshki and mushroom mosquitoes - mines of slow motion, they are able to apply a big damage to your roommates. Main tactics in the fight against them - do not overflow plants! In your hands, do not allow the formation of renewed zones and mold and the organic debris in a timely manner in order to avoid rotting. In short, now you know what to do to prevent the appearance of these pests. Water your flowers without fanaticism, friends!

And do not forget About greenhouses, midges can inoperative damage to your future harvest, especially young seedlings.

Winter. On the street minus 30. Full absence of insects. No mosquitoes no flies. The question arises, where are small, annoying midges appear? Yes, these are small flies that live in the kitchen and in the garbage buckets. If you are asked by this question and you are not indifferent to their appearance, influence and struggle, then we will discern the topic more.

You have never thought about what it is only worth leaving a little downed apple or another fruit, as some time a while the whole apartment is full of small flies? But all the windows and doors are closed tightly, and there is a winter on the street with its cold conditions. That is, in other words, they can not fly from the street. And this is a fact.

So where do they come from?

These flyers are called frosophila midges or wine flies, or fruit, there are, of course, other names. Midges have several types and subspecies. They are from 3 to 5 mm. Like any insects in development have three stages: egg, larva and adult individual. Development time from the egg to an adult individual of the whole day, provided that the necessary medium will be observed. And this is rotting vegetables, fruits, sweet juices, compotes, indoor plants, their land, used tea bags, various trash. In general, these flies are developing in a roting environment.
Drosophila (fruit flies) Drosophila (Sem. Drosophilidae, otf. Diptera). Many species of Synantrophop. In nature, the juice of plants, rotting plant residues. The larvae also feed on microorganisms.

The life cycle of drosophila from the egg to Imago at 25 ° C - 10 days, at 18 ° C - about two times more.
Imago (Lat. Imago - "Image") - an adult (definitive) stage of individual development of insects and some other arthropod animals with a complex life cycle. At this stage, animals become capable of reproduction (except in cases of nonsense) and often to resettlement. Imago does not linger and do not grow.

Larvae spoil products (fruits, potatoes, onions, carrots, jam, etc.).
It turned out that the flies are developing where people forget to fall on time. But how are these most insects come there? After all, it is necessary to develop from conception. And if it all to clean up in time before and after the appearance of the flies, it costs a fruit once again, flying here. How is this possible?

And this is explained by the fact that adult individuals lay their eggs already on the peel. And, bringing home from the store or in principle, fruits or vegetables from the street, we bring eggs of these hated insects. And for the development, they need a rotation environment. So it is worth a slightly spoil the brought by fruit, how the mechanism for the development of the flies from the egg to an adult individual will be launched. These insects have not only a small period of development, but also the ability to develop in large quantities of individuals. Hence the appearance of large ROOV in a short period of time.

How to get rid of such unpleasant creatures? Very simple. It is necessary to wash bought and brought fruit and vegetables in hot water or better to quiet boiling water, then the eggs will die. Store for confidence vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator, because in the cold the flies cannot develop. At the event that anyway, something has fallen, immediately get rid of it, thoroughly flushing the place where it all stored. Check all the secluded places with food, extort them from possible rotting. Watering indoor plants try not to overdo it with moisture. Do not store garbage bags and buckets for a long time, because any garbage has a property to deteriorate, and hence the probability of the appearance of the frosophylastic midge increases.

If you observe simple rules, you do not need to resort to the use of various kinds of chemicals. And midges themselves will disappear without appearing.
So catching and not allowing development - wash and store everything in coolness, do not leave the fruit for a long time. Catch - a primitive trap with a paper cone supplied to the bank perfectly works.

Transfer options are already in the house with some bought fruits to others - by their own hands, putting on the same place on the table, flies (not necessarily drosophila). It may be unnoticed while it is one fruitophile, which quickly seeds everything around.

The most common causes of the appearance of midges

According to experts, there are more than a thousand different types of midges, and if one of them is annoyed by animals, others harm the plants, then frosophiles appear in the house, or so-called wine flies.
In order to take efficient measures to combat insects, it is worth finding out where they came from.

These insects tend to multiply in such places:
in the kitchen, where plant residues are contained, especially the flies like fastening fruits and vegetables;
in the bathroom, if the wet rags are stored there, wet stuck things or the water supply site happened;
near the cells containing pets, aquariums with fish, if the care is not too thorough;
in vases with room colors, if they are too often pouring.

There are still many potential places in the apartment, but the main factors that explain insect reproduction are dampness and dirt. By eliminating these conditions, you can warn your accommodation from the invasion of the midges.

Often, midges are set in the land of home plants. Plants require a moderate watering, do not use tea brewing or coffee thick for feeding flowers. When enhanced humidity, flower midge appears, it spoils the leaves, the root system, and not just get rid of it. By reducing watering, the soil in the pot shed a potassium permanganate solution of Pale pink color, and if it does not help, then the earth is completely changed. You can use insecticides specifically designed for the soil: ("Agroverttin", "Thunder", "Carbofos", "PhyTenerm").
Doesn't like homemouse strong smells of garlic, citrus, camphor, incense, these means will help to drive out insects from home. Household traps are also effective to eliminate midges. The glass jar is poured juice, compote or throw pieces of fruit. Rolled from paper a funnel with a small hole at the tip insert into the can, thoroughly putting the place of the joint of the scotch. Wall on the smell, insects will sneak through a hole in the bank, and can not be returned back.

If these measures did not help, you need to use traps or industrial production aerosols.
In the fight against homemouth midges, you need to use all available funds. After Drosophilas leave your home, do not forget about the correct storage of products, compliance with purity in the house.

In the world, more than a thousand species of moshcar were revealed. Some of them are annoyed by animals, plants, and others - such as midges in the apartment, are prevented by residents. If you ask different people, what kind of midges were prevented, you can hear completely different opinions: they fall into my tea; They chase a cat and breaks the curtains; They climb into the eyes and ears of our children; They hurt bite; They spoiled the leaves of my plants; They will deal with infection; I love purity, and Moskara is a sign of pollution of the room.


To create comfortable conditions with green pets, home-growing adepts are ready to go on a lot: buying expensive fertilizers, special, regularly rotate the pots around their axis and defeat water for watering. But even the most reverent care does not always guarantee protection against the appearance of the midges in room colors.

Why do midges appear in room colors?

Traditionally, the appearance of an extraneous lively in flower pots is fixed during the off-season when the flower products do not have time to rebuild and go to a new watering mode of their favorites. As a result, the soil moistened, thereby creating ideal conditions for reproduction of various moshcars. It should be noted that in most cases insects are prevented from living not only by plants themselves, but also their owners, the order is the appearance of the dwelling and falling into cups and plates.

So, a problem was discovered - midges started in room colors, what to do and how to get rid of the uninterested guests? The fight against them will require the flower of the system, perseverance and a complex approach, because even the treatment of the above-ground part of the plant cannot guarantee that in the soil there are no pests larvae. The main prophylactic measure against midges in household colors is strictly observing the drinking plant mode and the prevention of stagnation of water in pots.

Small white midges on indoor colors

Externally resembling mole, but multiplely reduced, small white midges on indoor colors have nothing but. Adult individuals lay eggs on the juicy leaves of home plants so that the larvae hatched from them could have a nutritious cellular juice without interference. As a result, discolored spots appear on the leaves, the leaves dry and fall. Large colonies of whiteflies may in a short time empty the whole home greenhouse.

Black midges on indoor colors

Similar to Drozofil, black small midges in room colors are called or mushroom mosquito. Their appearance in the apartment is a faithful sign that somewhere formed a source of dampness. Adult Sciardes are not harmful to plants, but their larvae represent a serious threat to filled and disgusting roots. Infection of plants with solidaries can occur both by air and through poorly processed soil.

Flying midges in room colors

It also happens that the flower pots become the habitat of fruit flies or drosophyl. This is the most harmless view of the midge, which does not harm neither plants nor people bringing the latter only psychological discomfort. If in the room flower wound up, it is necessary to deprive them of all possible power supplies (rotting vegetables, fruits, tea brewing, coffee, etc.), and then destroy all adult individuals using trap or ordinary vacuum cleaner.

Soil midges in room colors

Earthy midges in indoor colors are called the name of the nude or pins. The length of their body ranges from 0.2 to 1 mm, and any energizer would envy activity - most of the day they are delulitically jumping from the leaf leaves, squeeze on the surface of the soil, inhaling it with their larvae. If you look at the surface of the earth in a pot, you can see the accumulations of these small insects.

Adult healthy plants soil midges in room colors are not scary. They even play an important role, participating in the process of decomposition of the organic and saturating the soil with oxygen. Learing in the flower pots of the larvae of the sieves, expanding fungi-pathogens and feeding firing roots, are dangerous only for flooded or sick colors.

Folk remedies from midges in room colors

The flower model should understand that if midges appeared in room colors, and especially flying midges, the likelihood is that soon the attack will spread throughout home flower bed. And although adult individuals do not bite the leaves and do not drink juice of plants, they lay eggs from which very voracious larvae hatch. Noticing the midges curling around the green pet, it is necessary to take comprehensive measures: to remove the excess moisture, treat insecticides and transplanted into the unreleased soil.

Consider in detail how to bring the midges from the room colors:

  1. Step 1 - adjust the humidity. It makes sense to start fighting midges only after the upper layer of soil in the pot will dry at least 2 cm.
  2. Step 2 - open the hunt for adult insects. To do this, we use purchased or homemade (made of yellow paper coated layer of honey) Velcro tape or a conventional vacuum cleaner.
  3. Step 3 - We destroy the larvae in the soil. The easiest, but at the same time requires money and temporary costs - to transplant the plant into a new pot with clean earth. But with a small scale of the lesion to fight larvae, it makes sense to use one of the remedies: the ammonia, matchmaker, garlic, mangartee, vinegar, tobacco, etc.

Summer alcohol from midges on indoor colors

An excellent option than to process indoor flowers from the midges - the ammonia alcohol existing in any first-aid kit. We dissolve 50 grams of ammonia in 4 liters of water and we get a wonderful agent 2-in-1 - the midge repeller in room colors and nitrogen fertilizer. It is possible to use it for processing the above-ground part of the colors from the spray gun and the destruction of adults, as well as for the root feeding and the simultaneous destruction of larvae and pest eggs. Repeat spraying watering can be periodically 7-10 days before the sustainable effect is reached.

Manganese from the midges in colors

Another means that helps not only get rid of unpleasant flying apartments, but also to significantly strengthen the green pets - permanganate potassium. So that the tool does not harm the gentle root plant of the plant, mangalls are used from the midges in colors, the solution that has a gentle pink color. Such a concentration is sufficient to slow down shuttle processes and leave pests without meals. To achieve the effect, the plant watered them for a minimum twice, giving Earth every time the pot thoroughly dry.

Acetic acid from midges on household colors

Forever to fall from the house broken in the room colors of midges, the usual vinegar will help. We divorce 1 teaspoon of a table or apple vinegar in 1 liter of pure stretched water and get an effective tool than to ride the midges in colors. In addition to the insecticidal, a acetic solution has another beneficial effect - the leaves of plants after such a processing take care of a healthy shine and gloss. The vinegar solution can be used for protective spraying or prophylactically wipe the leaves of room colors.

Tobacco from midges in colors

Effective and inexpensive means against midges in colors - tobacco. His sharp smell scares insects and does not give them the opportunity to postpone the eggs. You can use tobacco in two ways. In the first case, the land in the pot is neatly loose, and then a layer of tobacco is laid onto its surface. In the second one of it is prepared with infusion, pouring 40 grams of raw materials 1 liter of boiling water and after cooling the ground is watered in the affected pots. This remedy has a strong smell, so it is not suitable for all flows.

Cinnamon from midges in room colors

As you know, midges in room colors are powered by an incinerator. Leave them without food, slowing down putroice processes will help usual cinnamon. Like a tobacco, it can be used to sprinkle the surface of the soil and as a solution. If you are looking for than pouring room flowers from midges, and at the same time significantly improve the total atmosphere in the home, then there is nothing better cinnamon with a pleasant aroma and stimulating action.

The preparation from the midges in room colors

In the case when no home remedy allows you to achieve the desired result and despite all the watering, traps and spraying midges in household colors do not go anywhere, the time comes into the course of "heavy artillery" - purchased insecticides. Decreased flowers with a maximum effect and minimal harm to all living in the house will help toxic greenhouse. Processing is necessary in the following sequence:

  1. Give the top layer of the soil in a pot well dry and gently explode it.
  2. Put a pot with a flower into a strong polyethylene package of this size so that after tying between the packet walls and the leaves of the plant remained a airbag. To fix the package in the correct position, you can use strips and tape.
  3. Spray to the surface of the soil and the inner walls of the package selected tool from the midges in room colors: "Dichlofos", "Raptor", "Neo", "Raid", "Carbafos" or other.
  4. Carefully tie a package and leave for 6-8 hours, after which you remove the pot of toxic greenhouse and pour the plant.

Midges are so tiny insects that we notice them only when they fall into the eyes or mouth, find it in a glass with tea or soup. It is difficult to not pay attention to the whole "cloud" midges, which goes over the lawn or scattering around the apartment. And for all these situations, our observational ancestors created numerous signs.

Moshcar in the house

  • The most practical interpretation of the abundance of insects in the housing is the negligence of the hostess. After all, only inattentive attitude towards vegetable and fruit reserves allows midges to use bothering copies as a favorable reproduction medium.
  • There is in this unpleasant phenomenon and more hidden meaning. Insects are happy to live there, where the owners are too frivolous about the money. If you have noticed an excess of small and annoying "guests" in the house, then urgently analyze your expenses. Surely most of them could be avoided with ease.
  • There is a slightly different interpretation of this belief. In some cases, the midges in the house warn about unforeseen expenses related to the reception of a large number of guests and the organization of a chic celebration.
  • Esoterics are confident that swarm of tiny insects, filling your home, signals the extremely negative energy aura. Perhaps the house was damaged by damage or your marital relationship began to emit aggression and other negative emotions.
  • Contacts with man

    Moshcar, everywhere flying in the house is very unpleasant. However, often the same phenomenon can be seen on the lap of nature. But if in the apartment the abundance of the winged neighbors signals about the troubles, then in the forest or in the meadow it should be pleased, as it foreshadows the dignity and sunny days. And what does the meeting mean only with one copy?

    • Discovered a black taurus floating in a glass with water or a cup of tea? Do not hurry with disgust to crush lips. After all, an unpleasant surprise actually foreshadows incredible financial success.
    • A midge has become very different to the container with an alcoholic beverage. It predicts increased attention from representatives of the opposite sex, and as a pleasant perspective promises a passionate novel.
    • Very unpleasant if the insect suddenly falls straight into the eye. And the interpretation of the signs also does not comfort, as it promises that soon you will have a lot to cry. Try not to fall in spirit and convince yourself that it will be tears of joy.
    • Moshka, who destroyed you right in the mouth, is not just an annoying trifle. In fact, it is precisely so higher forces to understand that recently you have become too unbelievable in tongue and risk because of this to get a lot of problems.