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Where is it good in greece august. Holidays in greece in August. Where in Greece it is better to relax with children

Greece can be safely called one of the most popular holiday destinations among our compatriots and Europeans. Greece has luxurious nature, unique attractions, many hotels, great beaches, entertainment - it is not surprising that they fall in love with Greece without memory. Tourists who miss a beach holiday start going to Greece at the end of April, however, in May and even June it is still too cool to swim, but July, August and September are ideal. This article is dedicated to the holidays in Greece in August.

Greece is a country, nevertheless, not so small, so the weather there is a little different everywhere. Greece has basically three zones with Mediterranean, Alpine and temperate climates. So, somewhere there is more rainfall, somewhere less, somewhere hotter, somewhere a little cooler. And yet, August is a very hot month. Perhaps the hottest month of the year. "Heat, mercilessly scorching sun and stuffiness" - this is how you can describe the weather in Greece at this time. In the north of the country, the thermometer often creeps above +32 degrees, but in more southern regions it often happens at 40 degrees. But the seaside breezes make it easy to handle the heat. By the way, the water in the seas (and Greece is washed by the Aegean and Thracian seas in the east, the Ionian in the west, in the south - by the Mediterranean and Cretan seas) in August is very pleasant, on average + 26-28 ° C, but in some years the water is even warmer , so there are no barriers to water entertainment. But it is worth noting that it is not recommended to be outdoors in the daytime, especially far from water, as there is a high probability of heatstroke.

In the more northern regions, the breezes from the sea are stronger, and the sun is not so scorching, so those who do not tolerate the heat are better off choosing resorts in this part. But for the most part, tourists still rest on the sea coasts of the continental south and islands. Nights in Greece in August are warm and pleasant - on average + 22-23 ° C, but in some areas it is slightly cooler. The air in the evenings is divinely soft and warm, and it seems that you can sleep right outside, without a blanket.

The Balkan Peninsula is dry and extremely warm in August. Not a single rain may fall for a whole month, and there may not be a cloud in the sky. In August, the vegetation "falls asleep" a little (especially in its central regions), in some places under the scorching rays of the sun the grass burns out and even turns a little yellow. Most comfortable in August, resting on the Greek islands, where the water and monsoons create more favorable conditions for recreation. On the islands of Greece, a small rain may fall once - it is difficult to call it a downpour, since the rain is a few drops that will most likely fall at night, and by morning there will be no trace of the rain.

Thus, the weather in August in Greece, although very hot, is generally quite pleasant for relaxation.

What to do in Greece in August

Well, of course, relax on the beach! Isn't that why people go to Greece in the first place? There are so many beaches in Greece that many countries can envy: both pebble and sandy, both on the islands and on the mainland. Well, swimming in such heat is a must!

But lying on the beach is just so boring - you need to buy excursions or explore the wealth of Greece on your own. Greece is an amazing country and Greek history and culture is unique. Of course, in the heat of August it is sometimes not so easy to go to stare at churches and then run out of sweat, but I would not want to miss this opportunity either.

There are a lot of old amphitheaters, impressive in their power and size. In Patras, there is Athens, in Larissa - yes, almost every resort has such a "personal" amphitheater. It is immediately evident that the Greeks are a very cultured people :)
Surprise with their power and greek temples- dilapidated, in a state of ruins or in relatively good condition - there are a lot of temples in Greece. Among the most popular temples are Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion, Temple of Niki Apteros and Temple of Olympian Zeus in the Athenian Acropolis, Temple of Aphaia on the island of Aegina, Temple of Apollo in Bassa(one of the best preserved in Greece) and a number of others.

Athens, by the way, are of undoubted interest. The focus of centuries-old Greek culture, the epicenter of tourism, a storehouse of ancient buildings, Athens simply cannot be missed! It is a pity that many buildings in this city were destroyed, but the government of Greece is constantly making restorations to return the ancient objects to their original appearance. Naturally, most of the old buildings in Athenian Acropolis- "must-see" for any tourist vacationing in the Athens area.

And in Greece there are a lot cathedrals built in the Middle Ages or in a slightly later period ( Cathedral of the Three Martyrs in Chania (Crete), Cathedral of Saint Spyridon in Corfu, Cathedral of Saint Mina (Heraklion) and etc.).

The majority of the population of Greece is Greek (almost 93%), and almost all of them are Christians. In addition to them, the Muslims of Thrace and the Dodecanese Islands also live in Greece. Here and in other regions of Greece you can see old and very beautiful mosques (the Janissary Mosque in Crete, the Tsisdaraki Mosque in Athens, the Fethiye Mosque in Ioannina and others). It's fun too, trust me!

I think there is no need to talk about the fact that Greece has experienced many wars and clashes. To this day, many gloomy ones have survived in this country. fortresses, now overgrown with trees and grass, reminiscent of bygone days - Venetian fortress in Ierapetra (Crete island), Akronafplia fortress (Nafplion), Argos fortress, Gardiki fortress (Corfu), Chios fortress and many others.
Deserve a separate conversation monasteries in greece... What are the famous monasteries of Mount Athos in Halkidiki, the monastery of Osios Lukas in Livadia, the monasteries of Moni Tari and Moni Filerimou in Rhodes and etc.
You should definitely visit at least one museum. There are many interesting and super-modern museums in Athens with different interactive gizmos. And, of course, in Greece there are a lot archaeological museums, which is logical: somewhere this beauty found in the ground must be kept!

After hiking to temples and amphitheaters, you can go to the bride natural beauty of Greece... Here, too, you can write a lot, since both the mainland and the islands are good. The islands are perhaps even more impressive - with rocky shores, mountains and gorges, large turtles swimming near the coast, lush forests, grape groves ... For example, the island of Crete will delight tourists with a number of mysterious gorges and caves (for example, Dikteyskaya and Ideyskaya caves). And, if you are resting on the islands of Zakynthos (or Zakynthos), be sure to raft to the picturesque blue caves.

If you are on the beautiful island of Kefalonia, take a trip to underground lake Melissani ( it is so clean and beautiful, just ah!), but in Corinth you cannot pass by Kurna lakes(which is considered a separate attraction). If your hotel is located near Kastoria, then not on the hottest day you can have a picnic along the coast Orestiada lakes(or Lake Castor, as it is also called).
Well, it's over, Lake Voulismeni... You shouldn't specially go to admire it, because it is not so azure and incredible, but very popular - there are many restaurants and bars on its shore, where it is so cool to drink Greek wine on a warm August night. This lake is located in the city of Agios Nikolaos, in Crete.

Waterfalls Greece slightly less popular than temples and caves. But, if you are brought to the island of Samothrace or to Crete, then do not be too lazy to walk to the local waterfalls, and it is better to be accompanied by a local guide.

It's also a lot of fun in Greece in August! Especially in specific tourist towns, where on hot evenings they work with might and main clubs, bars and restaurants... It will not be boring with children in Greece too. Take at least numerous greek water parks(for example, Aqua Splash in Crete, Water Park in Rhodes). You can feast and dance in Greece all day long - fortunately, the atmosphere is favorable, and the Greeks definitely know how to have fun.

Thus, Greece in August is a great option for those who wish to combine a beach holiday with sightseeing and hectic entertainment.

Do you want to spend your holidays in Greece in 2017? I want to, and therefore, I carefully approached the planning, and at the same time decided to tell you exactly how to plan a vacation in Greece, what nuances should be taken into account, how best to choose the time and place for rest, so that you never regret your choice.

Why exactly here

Once upon a time, Greece was a stronghold of culture and even spirituality, which served as a kind of basis for the formation of the culture of all of Europe. Now it is a good and inexpensive resort area that attracts vacationers with children from all over the world.

Tourists in Greece love the wonderful climate, the abundance of cultural and historical monuments, and the well-developed infrastructure for travelers. Why vacationing with children in Greece is a good solution:

  • a very mild climate - there is a fairly low level of humidity, it is rarely stuffy, and the island is simply buried in greenery;
  • stunning natural landscapes set you up in a sublime mood, and stunning beaches and a delightful sea introduce an atmosphere of relaxation and fun;
  • the local population itself is very friendly and hospitable, which makes the rest just fabulous;
  • there is practically no crime in Greece;
  • Unlike Turkey, so beloved by tourists, childhood infectious diseases are rare here - it is really safe to rest with a child;
  • as in many popular tourist countries, it is full of Russian-speaking employees - there is no feeling of a language barrier and helplessness;
  • many hotels offer special conditions for families with children - for example, a special menu;
  • the cost of rest is quite affordable for most families, and many hotels do not require payment for children (almost all hotels do not charge for children under 12 years old, many do not require payment for children under 14-18 years old);
  • a large amount of excursion material - Greece is simply full of historical places that are associated with myths, world history and literature;
  • many hotels provide special conditions for children's recreation - in the hotel a family with a baby will be offered a special cot and a high chair for feeding, will provide a stroller for walks, and will also provide children with the attention of animators;
  • almost all hotels are equipped for families with children.
The main thing that needs to be done is to choose the right resorts or islands in Greece for holidays, which can meet any wishes of parents with a small child.

By the way, it should be said separately about the "adult" rest - it is clear that any parent wants to provide the child with the most comfortable rest, but the Greeks do not forget about the parents - a large number of excursions, good water parks, beaches and swimming pools, as well as bars and discos for everyone Those who are eager to take a break from parenting will welcome open the doors to every vacationer.

Choosing a place

Where is the best place to relax in Greece? In fact, you can relax here almost anywhere - it will still be of high quality, sunny, fun and tasty, but, of course, different resorts have their own differences. So, the resorts of Greece can be roughly divided into mainland and island. If you want to relax on the mainland, then welcome to Halkidiki or the Peloponnesian peninsula.

If you are thinking about where to relax in Greece and see something on the map that looks like a trident - This is Halkidiki.

Each "prong" is a peninsula, Kassandra, Athos and Sithonia. It washes the peninsula of the Aegean Sea. Most often, a trip to Greece on the mainland means just a trip to Halkidiki. The sea is not too deep here, beaches with pure white sand and a large number of attractions. Kassandra Resort will appeal to those who would like to combine family holidays with an active nightlife.

Sithonia - a green peninsula, where there are not so many people and quite quiet. Here you can find tranquil seclusion, lazy beach vacations, and many pine forests and olive groves.

Here, time flows in a completely different way, and you can enjoy your vacation to its fullest, even if it lasts a little over a week.

Athos - a popular place in the religious world. Specific, to be precise. The fact is that Saint Athos is located here - it is a monastic city, in which there are about 20 active monasteries of different denominations. It's difficult to get there.

There is a small town in the central part of Halkidiki Neaus Callicratia - small hotels, a good beach made from a mixture of sand and pebbles, as well as a large number of shops and clubs.

Another peninsula called Peloponnese more suitable for holidays with children of secondary school age - it will be interesting for them to get acquainted with ancient sights.

There is also a resort on the mainland called Pieria - it stretches along the foot of Olimk. There are more cultural events and activities, as well as unique nature (most of the territory is under state protection).

Island resorts

Among the islands, the most popular are Crete, Corfu, Rhodes and Santorini.

Crete boasts a variety of excursion programs, there are several resort regions that differ significantly from each other. It makes sense to choose a hotel - a good hotel for a vacation with small children will make your vacation simply unforgettable.

Many are also attracted by the islands of Corfu, Zakynthos and Rhodes. The Ionian Sea will allow you to get acquainted with marine life, and it is also worth considering that there is quite a rich club life here.

However, Rhodes in its eastern part is quite calm - here you can enjoy a leisurely vacation on beaches with the purest sea sand, visit an amusement park with children or visit a huge Aquarium. Rhodes also boasts the Valley of the Butterflies.

How to decide where to go:

  • choose the main indicators for yourself - in my case, this is the possibility of fast sea travel and an average pricing policy;
  • filter out those resorts in Greece that are not suitable;
  • to choose one of the rest, look at the photos and compare the reviews.
So you can understand which Greek island is right for you, as well as where to go to rest in Greece on the mainland resort.

If you are planning to get to Greece and Thessaloniki on your own on vacation, then the airport is located there.

Make your own list of preferences and you will find out where in Greece you like best.

Choosing the time

You also need to think about when is the best time to relax in Greece. In Greece, the holiday season never ends, however, in the tourism business there is a concept of high season - from May to October, and it is quite difficult to find an inexpensive tour at this time.

To travel to Greece and not go broke, consider two ways to save money:

  • early booking (if you are planning a vacation with hard dates, it is better to start planning a few months in advance);
  • last minute vouchers (suitable for the category of tourists who are not tied to dates and may well get ready for a vacation in a couple of days).

In winter

In January and February, all kinds of carnivals are held here - assorted entertainment, costumed masquerades and general fun are guaranteed. During this period, many tourists come to Greece. In winter, it makes sense to go to mountain resorts. And many girls go to Greece in winter for shopping in January - the season of big discounts attracts all fashionistas.


An excellent period for an introductory trip. Everything is blooming, the sun is not hot and gentle, not yet hot and already warm. By the way, vacationers who go to Crete and Rhodes swim in April.

May and June

Great time for a beach pastime. The ambient air is warmed up to about +30, and the water in the sea is up to +24.

July and August

Traveling with small children, and even more so with babies, should not be planned for this time - these are the hottest months. At this time, a sailing regatta takes place, and if you are lucky, you can get to the wine festival.

September October

The velvet season begins in September and continues throughout October. There are few tourists, but it is still warm, and the sea has a pleasant temperature, but thanks to the fresh winds, solar activity is much easier to tolerate. The beach season closes at the end of October.

November December

Holidays in November and December can be wellness or ski holidays. Around the island of Santorini, on small islands, there are healing springs, almost all hotels have spas and saunas, and you can also enjoy walking at the autumn fairs.


So, you have found out when it is better to rest in Greece, how and where to rest on the mainland and the islands, and now we will find out how to get a visa for rest in Greece with children and whether it is possible to get to Greece without a visa.

In fact, in summer, you can really get to Greece for a couple of weeks literally without a visa - when traveling by plane or arriving by ferry (for example, from Turkey), polite customs officers will put a visa on the spot.

The cost of such a visa was about 30 euros last year, the duration - up to 15 days. However, if you are traveling to Greece with children, then it is better not to risk it and apply for a visa in advance.

The procedure for obtaining a visa is usual - you need to send all the necessary documents and come to the embassy on the appointed day. If you are planning to travel on a tourist voucher, then the registration is usually handled by a representative of the travel company.

It should be borne in mind that according to the new rules, when traveling with a child (when only one of the parents is traveling), written permission will be required. And if both parents travel with the child, but the names are different, you will need to provide a marriage certificate.


If you are planning a beach holiday in Greece, then by all means take care of protecting your child from sunburn.

Do you want to organize a self-catering holiday at the seaside in Greece? Look for accommodation in advance, because most of the villas that are suitable for families (especially if a child is traveling on vacation) are booked by travel agencies.

A good camping is a great alternative to a beach holiday, especially since Greece has a whole network of excellent campgrounds organized by the Greek Tourism Organization.

In August, when the breath of autumn is felt more and more distinctly in many regions of Russia, in Greece it is the very height of summer. Find out on the Tour-Calendar about the weather conditions in Hellas this month.

Weather in Greece in August

Traveling to the Balkans in August is undesirable for those who suffer from unstable blood pressure, heart and respiratory system diseases. The heat wave begins throughout Greece. The almost complete absence of precipitation is already perceived as a serious drawback, and the only salvation from the exhausting heat is swimming in the sea. Forecasters record the highest temperatures in the southern and southeastern part of the mainland, the tolerance of which is aggravated by high humidity and smog, inherent, in fact, in all Greek continental cities. In Attica, during peak midday hours, from 11.00 to 15.00, the air is hot up to +33 .. + 35 ° C. But these are averaged values, on some days the thermometer creeps up to +38 .. + 40 ° C. At this time, you should not go out into the open sun, so as not to earn serious burns or heatstroke.

Halkidiki Crete Santorini Athens Thessaloniki Rhodes Corfu Heraklion Kos

Better to follow the example of the locals, who go for a siesta after lunch. Moreover, many shops and cafes will still be closed. But after sunset, when the air cools down to +23 .. + 24 ° C, walks are much more pleasant. Approximately similar temperature values ​​are typical for the Peloponnese peninsula, where the "hot" season is also the period from July to August. The northern regions also experience a scorching sunny disposition. For example, in Thessaloniki and other cities of Macedonia during the day, according to official data, around +30 .. + 32 ° C. True, the nights give the coveted coolness - about +18 .. + 19 ° C, and there are 4-5 rainy days per month. It is much more comfortable at the end of the calendar summer on the islands, where the scorching heat is slightly weakened by the refreshing salty breezes. So, during the day at +19 .. + 31 ° C heat, at - +24 .. + 30 ° C, and at - from + 21 ° C to + 29 ° C. At the same time, there is no such strong stuffiness inherent in the mainland zone.

What to do in Greece in August?

The August weather in Greece is the main reason why the townspeople massively leave the stone jungle and rush closer to the water. Therefore, city hotels are empty, while resort hotels, on the contrary, are overcrowded with people. The style of recreation in August is relaxed, focused more on bathing and sunbathing idleness. If desired, it is diluted with rare excursions, a rich sightseeing program at this time is hardly possible.

Beach vacation

In August, the priorities of tourists change, the main subject of interest is recreation on the truly luxurious coasts of the country. This month, all resorts have wonderful conditions for sun and sea baths: the sky is clear and cloudless, and the sea is incredibly warm. Those who are interested not only in sunbathing, but also, despite the heat, to participate in excursion programs, stop at the Athenian Riviera, replete with comfortable beach areas and modern yacht clubs, or the Peloponnese peninsula, famous for its gorgeous nature. On these shores, the water is usually heated to + 26 ° C. Fans of peace and quiet love to stay at the resorts of the "trident". The average water temperature in August is around + 25 ° C. Well, those who focus on lazy bliss prefer, of course, the Greek islands, where rest has a special charm. The Mediterranean, the Ionian, and the Aegean seas are equally warmed up - up to + 25 ° C.

If, in addition to lying on a sun lounger under an umbrella, you do not mind surfing, it is more advisable to go to the Cyclades or, where the Meltemi wind prevails in July-August, which allows you to surf the sea surface all day long. ... Absolutely the entire island of Hellas can boast of the brightness of colors, a variety of landscapes and magnificent landscapes. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that among the most popular entertainment here are cruises along hidden turquoise coves and secluded grottoes. Their duration, as well as the maximum number of people allowed, is very different. It all depends on the budget.

Entertainment and excursions

The August weather is not very conducive to travel around the country. In addition, despite the not optimal weather conditions for excursions, on the main tourist routes, in Meteora, Delphi, Mycenae, the Athenian Acropolis and other popular places, there is simply no overcrowding. If you are not ready to be left without cultural impressions, we advise you to schedule trips early in the morning so that you can return by lunchtime.

In August, visits to water parks are in demand as never before. They are found in almost all resorts. In Crete, for example, the most prestigious is the "Acquaplus Water Park" complex with a lot of fascinating water attractions. This island regularly hosts colorful folklore shows introducing the folk art of Greece. Similar programs are being organized in Athens. Immersion in the national culture is never complete without gastronomic discoveries. Traditional Greek cuisine is very simple, but tasty and healthy. If you are traveling around the country by car, we recommend stopping by sometime for lunch at a rural tavern. The cost of homemade dishes is several times lower than that of restaurant dishes, and the quality and taste are beyond praise. Those who are on a diet can eat fruit. Fortunately, there are a lot of them at this time. Among the seasonal: nectarines of various varieties, watermelons, melons, grapes, figs, figs, apples and pears. Well, what kind of vacation in Greece is without shopping? Even those who are completely indifferent to this occupation will certainly bring something home. Food and drink must-haves include wines, olive oil, olives, the famous Metaxa. From things - fur coats and leather goods.

Holidays and festivals

A detailed study of the August poster gives the impression that any Greek town is holding its own festivals this month. Most likely, in this way the municipalities are fighting to attract more foreign visitors. If you are planning to visit the Peloponnese, there is a chance that you will be able to catch the International Festival in Patras, which brings together world famous talented musicians and artists, as well as the Dance Festival in Kalamata with classical and modern performances. In Crete, in the village of Avdou, a large-scale rock festival "IKARUS" is expected. The most convenient way to get there is from Malia, Heraklion or Hersonissos. On the peninsula of northern Greece, Kassandra August is notable for the Siviri and Afyos Festival, in Santorini for the Tyri Musical Festival, and in Rhodes for the Rhodes Festival.

In Epidaurus, the grandiose Hellenic festival lasts until the first Saturday in August, highlighting the plays of ancient playwrights. Every year on August 15, the whole country celebrates a national holiday - the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, which the Greeks themselves call "summer Easter". On this day, processions of the cross are held throughout Greece, but the most spectacular celebrations are held on the island of Tinos, where the temple of the Assumption of the Virgin is located. Another religious event is expected at the end of the month - the Transfiguration of the Lord. You can get acquainted with its most striking traditions in the villages and villages of the Halkidiki peninsula.

What are the prices for holidays in Greece in August?

Paradoxically, despite the intense heat, in August there may be problems with finding free rooms in hotels. And this is taking into account the fact that August is the most expensive month of the entire tourist season. Last minute tours and early booking service allow you to slightly reduce waste.

In August, Greece has high temperatures, and the burning sun beats mercilessly. The risk of getting burned is very high, so extreme caution should be taken when resting. Beach holidays this month are incredibly good, but it's better not to count on an active excursion program. Excursions, of course, no one cancels, but participation in them is given with great difficulty. Tour Calendar wishes you all the best!

Greece can be safely called one of the most popular holiday destinations among our compatriots and Europeans. Greece has luxurious nature, unique attractions, many hotels, great beaches, entertainment - it is not surprising that they fall in love with Greece without memory. Tourists who miss a beach holiday start going to Greece at the end of April, however, in May and even June it is still too cool to swim, but July, August and September are ideal. This article is dedicated to the holidays in Greece in August.

Greece is a country, nevertheless, not so small, so the weather there is a little different everywhere. Greece has basically three zones with Mediterranean, Alpine and temperate climates. So, somewhere there is more rainfall, somewhere less, somewhere hotter, somewhere a little cooler. And yet, August is a very hot month. Perhaps the hottest month of the year. "Heat, mercilessly scorching sun and stuffiness" - this is how you can describe the weather in Greece at this time. In the north of the country, the thermometer often creeps above +32 degrees, but in more southern regions it often happens at 40 degrees. But the seaside breezes make it easy to handle the heat. By the way, the water in the seas (and Greece is washed by the Aegean and Thracian seas in the east, the Ionian in the west, in the south - by the Mediterranean and Cretan seas) in August is very pleasant, on average + 26-28 ° C, but in some years the water is even warmer , so there are no barriers to water entertainment. But it is worth noting that it is not recommended to be outdoors in the daytime, especially far from water, as there is a high probability of heatstroke.

In the more northern regions, the breezes from the sea are stronger, and the sun is not so scorching, so those who do not tolerate the heat are better off choosing resorts in this part. But for the most part, tourists still rest on the sea coasts of the continental south and islands. Nights in Greece in August are warm and pleasant - on average + 22-23 ° C, but in some areas it is slightly cooler. The air in the evenings is divinely soft and warm, and it seems that you can sleep right outside, without a blanket.

The Balkan Peninsula is dry and extremely warm in August. Not a single rain may fall for a whole month, and there may not be a cloud in the sky. In August, the vegetation "falls asleep" a little (especially in its central regions), in some places under the scorching rays of the sun the grass burns out and even turns a little yellow. Most comfortable in August, resting on the Greek islands, where the water and monsoons create more favorable conditions for recreation. On the islands of Greece, a small rain may fall once - it is difficult to call it a downpour, since the rain is a few drops that will most likely fall at night, and by morning there will be no trace of the rain.

Thus, the weather in August in Greece, although very hot, is generally quite pleasant for relaxation.

What to do in Greece in August

Well, of course, relax on the beach! Isn't that why people go to Greece in the first place? There are so many beaches in Greece that many countries can envy: both pebble and sandy, both on the islands and on the mainland. Well, swimming in such heat is a must!

But lying on the beach is just so boring - you need to buy excursions or explore the wealth of Greece on your own. Greece is an amazing country and Greek history and culture is unique. Of course, in the heat of August it is sometimes not so easy to go to stare at churches and then run out of sweat, but I would not want to miss this opportunity either.

There are a lot of old amphitheaters, impressive in their power and size. In Patras, there is Athens, in Larissa - yes, almost every resort has such a "personal" amphitheater. It is immediately evident that the Greeks are a very cultured people :)
Surprise with their power and greek temples- dilapidated, in a state of ruins or in relatively good condition - there are a lot of temples in Greece. Among the most popular temples are Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion, Temple of Niki Apteros and Temple of Olympian Zeus in the Athenian Acropolis, Temple of Aphaia on the island of Aegina, Temple of Apollo in Bassa(one of the best preserved in Greece) and a number of others.

Athens, by the way, are of undoubted interest. The focus of centuries-old Greek culture, the epicenter of tourism, a storehouse of ancient buildings, Athens simply cannot be missed! It is a pity that many buildings in this city were destroyed, but the government of Greece is constantly making restorations to return the ancient objects to their original appearance. Naturally, most of the old buildings in Athenian Acropolis- "must-see" for any tourist vacationing in the Athens area.

And in Greece there are a lot cathedrals built in the Middle Ages or in a slightly later period ( Cathedral of the Three Martyrs in Chania (Crete), Cathedral of Saint Spyridon in Corfu, Cathedral of Saint Mina (Heraklion) and etc.).

The majority of the population of Greece is Greek (almost 93%), and almost all of them are Christians. In addition to them, the Muslims of Thrace and the Dodecanese Islands also live in Greece. Here and in other regions of Greece you can see old and very beautiful mosques (the Janissary Mosque in Crete, the Tsisdaraki Mosque in Athens, the Fethiye Mosque in Ioannina and others). It's fun too, trust me!

I think there is no need to talk about the fact that Greece has experienced many wars and clashes. To this day, many gloomy ones have survived in this country. fortresses, now overgrown with trees and grass, reminiscent of bygone days - Venetian fortress in Ierapetra (Crete island), Akronafplia fortress (Nafplion), Argos fortress, Gardiki fortress (Corfu), Chios fortress and many others.
Deserve a separate conversation monasteries in greece... What are the famous monasteries of Mount Athos in Halkidiki, the monastery of Osios Lukas in Livadia, the monasteries of Moni Tari and Moni Filerimou in Rhodes and etc.
You should definitely visit at least one museum. There are many interesting and super-modern museums in Athens with different interactive gizmos. And, of course, in Greece there are a lot archaeological museums, which is logical: somewhere this beauty found in the ground must be kept!

After hiking to temples and amphitheaters, you can go to the bride natural beauty of Greece... Here, too, you can write a lot, since both the mainland and the islands are good. The islands are perhaps even more impressive - with rocky shores, mountains and gorges, large turtles swimming near the coast, lush forests, grape groves ... For example, the island of Crete will delight tourists with a number of mysterious gorges and caves (for example, Dikteyskaya and Ideyskaya caves). And, if you are resting on the islands of Zakynthos (or Zakynthos), be sure to raft to the picturesque blue caves.

If you are on the beautiful island of Kefalonia, take a trip to underground lake Melissani ( it is so clean and beautiful, just ah!), but in Corinth you cannot pass by Kurna lakes(which is considered a separate attraction). If your hotel is located near Kastoria, then not on the hottest day you can have a picnic along the coast Orestiada lakes(or Lake Castor, as it is also called).
Well, it's over, Lake Voulismeni... You shouldn't specially go to admire it, because it is not so azure and incredible, but very popular - there are many restaurants and bars on its shore, where it is so cool to drink Greek wine on a warm August night. This lake is located in the city of Agios Nikolaos, in Crete.

Waterfalls Greece slightly less popular than temples and caves. But, if you are brought to the island of Samothrace or to Crete, then do not be too lazy to walk to the local waterfalls, and it is better to be accompanied by a local guide.

It's also a lot of fun in Greece in August! Especially in specific tourist towns, where on hot evenings they work with might and main clubs, bars and restaurants... It will not be boring with children in Greece too. Take at least numerous greek water parks(for example, Aqua Splash in Crete, Water Park in Rhodes). You can feast and dance in Greece all day long - fortunately, the atmosphere is favorable, and the Greeks definitely know how to have fun.

Thus, Greece in August is a great option for those who wish to combine a beach holiday with sightseeing and hectic entertainment.

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Greece is famous for its variety of resorts. All conditions have been created for your wonderful holiday: warm Mediterranean climate, clean beaches, a huge selection of hotels and entertainment for every taste. Greece welcomes guests all year round, but at the end of summer there are most tourists here. In August, it is better to relax on the islands, where the cool sea air will help you to more easily endure the heat of the day. There are many islands belonging to the Greek state. The most popular of them are Corfu, Rhodes, Mykonos, Santorini and the Halkidiki peninsula.

Holidays in the resorts of Greece in August

Corfu Island is a famous resort that will be remembered by you for its extraordinary landscapes, rich cultural heritage and pristine beaches. The island is divided into several parts, depending on what kind of vacation you prefer: Nissaki is an area for those who are looking for peace and quiet, Dassia is a resort for families and youth, Ipsos is an entertainment and "party" part of the island.

There are many attractions on the island. Historically, the island combines many different cultures: Roman, Turkish, Byzantine, French, etc. This is reflected not only in architecture, but also in the traditions of local residents.


Corfu is the place where is the best place to relax in August, because at this time there are festivals, concerts of the local philharmonic society and the brass band.

The island is the main part of the prefecture of Corfu. The administrative center of the island is also called Corfu (Kerkyra in Greek). The city was founded in the 8th century. BC NS. The most notable buildings are the Old and New Fortresses. The city is decorated with Murai - a sea promenade with lanterns, on one side of which the sea, and on the other - bright vegetation.

Paleokastritsa is recognized as the most beautiful place on the island due to its rich underwater world. Diving fans will surely like it here!

Due to the high air temperature on the island. Corfu in August it is best to relax on the beaches the villages of Glyfada and Yermones.

The main attractions of the island are the Achillion Palace, built for the Austrian Empress Elizabeth (Sisi), the Cathedral of St. Spyridon - the patron saint of the island, and the 13th century Zooduku Pigis monastery.

On the island, do not forget to look at a rare monument of ancient culture - the ruins of the Temple of Zeus. In the town of Sidari, there is a unique natural attraction of the island of Corfu - the Canal de Amur ("Channel for all lovers"). It is believed that the one who bathes in the Channel will soon find love or make peace with a loved one if they are in a quarrel.

The island has a well-developed tourist infrastructure. Here you can choose the hotel that suits you best, where you will find the best vacation in August.

GRAND MEDITERRANEO RESORT & SPA 5 * Is a chic hotel with stunning sea views. Here you will be provided with a wide selection of cozy rooms with exquisite design and high-class service. In addition, the hotel offers:

  • three types of power supply (BB, HB, FB) for your choice;
  • sun loungers and umbrellas for a comfortable stay on the beach;
  • open pool;
  • conference hall
  • Wi-Fi internet
  • transfer to / from the airport;
  • banqueting hall
  • business center
  • secretarial services
  • TV room;
  • laundry and dry cleaning;

The hotel will provide you with colorful and memorable leisure, for this there are 3 tennis courts, a sauna and a hammam, a spa center, diving and live music on its territory.

SUNSHINE CORFU HOTEL & SPA- the hotel was built in 1977 in the form of a Greek amphitheater. It is located on the shores of the Ionian Sea, surrounded by pine and olive trees. If you decide to organize a family vacation on the island. Corfu in August, it is better to choose this hotel, because its favorable location and proximity to the sea guarantee you a relaxing holiday away from the hustle and bustle.

It offers two restaurants, 3 swimming pools, a conference room, internet, doctor, beauty salon, as well as a wide range of services for children.

As you know, at the end of summer, tourists prefer a beach holiday, because the water in the sea is already warm enough for both adults and children, and the sea air provides the necessary coolness. The hotel has its own sand and pebble beach, equipped with sun loungers and parasols.

For the entertainment of hotel guests free of charge: aerobics, mountain biking, outdoor gym, theme parties, darts, bocce and much more.

Paying attention to this, we can say - a hotel SUNSHINE CORFU HOTEL & SPA this is the best place to relax in August with the whole family.

CORFU MARIS 3 * Is a small hotel on the very seashore. It is located near Corfu, so you will always have the opportunity to go there for a walk. All rooms with sea views. The hotel is equipped for an economical family vacation and provides its guests with: BB, HB catering, restaurant and bar, casino, Internet, TV room. The hotel has its own beach, where you can get a golden Mediterranean tan and learn about water sports.


Another island where it is better to relax in August is Mykonos. It is the most popular resort in the Cyclades archipelago. The island is famous for its pristine beaches and vibrant nightlife.

Attractions of the island of Mykonos: the archaeological museum, the main pride of which is the 7th century amphora. BC. with the image of the Trojan horse and the history of Troy, the Church of Our Lady of Paraportiani, the Ethnographic Museum, the Museum of the Aegean Sea, where you will be told about the history and traditions of Greek navigation.

The main reason for choosing this island for a vacation in August is that there are many beaches for every taste, which guarantees you the absence of too many people on the beach, safety for your children and the possibility of active water recreation.

The most famous beaches of Mykonos are Platis Yialos, Psarou with a diving center and wonderful surfing conditions, Planga and Agrari. And Kalafitis beach is the largest on the island. Paradise Beach is suitable for nudists and water-skiers.

The best hotel complexes in Mykonos in different price categories are recognized Paradise Beach Resort 5 *, Olia Hotel 4 *, Ibiscus Hotel 3 *.

Paradise Beach Resort 5 *- a five-star hotel located on the famous Paradise beach, equipped with two bars and a nightclub. The Cycladic-style rooms at the hotel are equipped with air conditioning, mini fridges, private bathroom with toiletries and hairdryer. For travelers, the hotel provides a bar and restaurant with international and vegetarian cuisine, shops, equipment for water sports, airport transfers.

Olia Hotel 4 * located 200 meters from the port of Tourlos. Here you can use the outdoor pool and enjoy delicious snacks in the snack bar. Hotel rooms - overlooking the Aegean Sea or the garden. They are discreetly decorated and equipped with a TV, fridge and safe. The private bathroom includes a hairdryer. At your request, the hotel staff can arrange car rental and travel to the nearest beaches of Agios Stefanos and Paradise.

Ibiscus Hotel 3 * located near the port of Mykonos. This is a traditional hotel with rooms, free Wi-Fi and private parking. Rooms have a private bathroom and TV. From your room you can admire the view of Mykonos town or the port. The hotel staff can organize excursions for you to nearby attractions. The hotel is equipped with a bar, and will provide bicycle and car rental for your walks. On the territory of the complex you can sunbathe on a special terrace and have a snack in the snack bar.


The island of Santorini, which appeared as a result of a volcanic eruption, attracts tourists with its mystical character, black sand beaches and unusual landscape. The cliffs of the island rise 400 meters above the water, and the city is adorned with snow-white houses and churches with bright blue domes. This island is also called Tira. If you cannot choose a place where it is better to relax in August, pay attention to the island of Santorini. It is at the end of summer that the nature of the island is especially mesmerizing, and the city is no longer crowded with noisy tourists. In such conditions, you will feel like a part of the nature and rich history of this island.

Many villas and hotels have been built on the island for your comfortable stay. For example, a hotel Aegean Plaza... It is located in the small town of Kamari in Santorini, 50 meters from the famous black sand beach. This unusual hotel complex offers you traditional interiors interspersed with modern design. The hotel was founded in 2002 and is distinguished by the unique Cycladic architecture, providing its guests with everything they need. Here you will appreciate beautifully decorated and comfortable rooms, complete with amenities such as a large outdoor pool, bar, tennis court and fitness center.

The second on the list is Mathios Village... This family-run hotel stands out for its amazing location - right on the seafront, close to the Caldera cliffs. You will be able to enjoy the beauty of this place, the facilities of the hotel and its wonderful restaurant. Mathios Village is surrounded by green vineyards in the quiet town of Akrotiri, close to volcanic beaches and other attractions. The hotel provides good service and facilities, including an outdoor pool, gift shops, massage therapist, and a restaurant where you can eat delicious food.


Rhodes is the most visited and famous island in Greece. The island of Rhodes gained such popularity thanks to its clean beaches, historical sights and medieval architecture that has survived to this day. Rhodes' business cards are delicious cuisine, wines and unique ceramics.

The main attractions of Rhodes are the Palace of the Grand Masters, the Valley of the Butterflies in Rhodes, Filerimos Hill, the underground church of St. George Khost, the catacombs, as well as the well-known alley called "The Way to Calvary".

The most famous hotels of the island, according to tourists, are recognized Aldemar Paradise Mare 5 *, Alex Beach Hotel 4 *, Evi Hotel 3 *... It is they who are distinguished by a welcoming atmosphere combined with high quality service. The rooms have all the necessary amenities: bathroom, TV, air conditioning. There are swimming pools, internet zones, bars and restaurants on the territory of the hotels. The beaches at the hotels are provided with sun loungers and umbrellas free of charge for all guests, without exception.


To the south of the city of Thessaloniki is the Halkidiki peninsula. It consists of three parts, reminiscent of Poseidon's trident. They are called Kassandra, Sithonia, Athos. Kassandra is located closest to the city and is the most densely populated part of the peninsula, quite popular among tourists.

The middle peninsula of Sithonia really deserves your special attention, as it is famous for its azure coasts, picturesque cozy harbors, olive groves. Where else in August is it better to have a rest, if not here - among the beautiful historical monuments - the ruins of the Ancient city of Toroni, the Likith fortress, the Temple of St. Athanasius? At the disposal of tourists are hotels of any class, including Porto Carras - the only complex equipped with a golf course. In addition, in August, horseback riding in pine forests is available here, which is unmatched in all of Greece.

On the third peninsula is Saint Athos - a unique monastic city of its kind. The Athos Peninsula is imbued with spirituality and ancient Byzantine culture. It is here that ancient frescoes, mosaics, church utensils and other Orthodox relics are kept. However, only male students of theological specialties and researchers of Orthodoxy can get to Athos.

The northern part of Greece may also interest you. If you like shopping tours and wellness holidays, then welcome to Kastoria and Loutraki. Kastoria is famous for the production of high-quality and inexpensive fur coats, so so-called fur-tours are organized here for everyone who wants to buy great new clothes for the winter.

As for the Loutraki resort, in August it will be especially useful for both adults and children to improve their health at the local thermal springs. The city itself is very well located, surrounded by green forests and rocky cliffs. The river Thermapotamos flows here, the water of which has healing properties. The Loutraki health center is very popular with tourists, equipped with indoor baths and thermal pools, open around the clock.

Amoudara or Vulagmeni, choosing where to relax in August?

Amoudara and Vulagmeni are famous resorts in Greece. Which one is more suitable for an August holiday? Comparing all the advantages of these cities, each of you will be able to choose the one that is more to your liking and affordable.

So, the city of Amoudara is located on the island of Avgo near Heraklion. The advantages of this island are large sandy beaches, proximity to the capital, a large selection of hotels and developed infrastructure. The beaches of Amudara are very beautiful, and most of them are municipal (i.e. free), unlike the beaches of Vulagmeni. However, those who like to splash around the coast here may not like the rocky bottom inhabited by sea urchins. For a comfortable swim, we recommend purchasing special shoes or finding out if there is a special descent into the water on the beach.

Amoudara has a variety of cafes and restaurants serving local and Asian cuisine, such as Khing's Asian House and Uncle George's. The Technopolis entertainment complex is very famous among local residents and tourists, where many cafes, restaurants, children's playgrounds and cinemas are concentrated.

Connoisseurs of ancient Greek history can visit many museums and archaeological sites. This will help you better understand the history of the city and Greece in general.

The resort is distinguished by the hospitality of the local population. At the hotel you will be greeted as welcome guests.

So, it is better for the whole family to have a rest in August in Amoudara, where there are cozy inexpensive hotels, wide beaches, a mild climate and a serene atmosphere.

What is the difference between Vulagmeni?

This Polish city is suitable for the rest of wealthy people: all conditions for corporate recreation, business negotiations and conferences have been created here. The resort is located near Athens. Having visited Vulagmeni, you will remember for a long time the healing air of eucalyptus groves and the aroma of the sea. This city is very green and famous for its clean beaches. In addition, the Vulyagmeni thermal lake with warm mineral springs is suitable for the treatment of many diseases.

Most of the city's beaches are paid because they belong to hotels. Wealthy Greeks love to visit the beaches of Kavouri, Attiki Akti and Asteria Volimenis.

If you go to Vulagmeni in August, you will have a lot of opportunities for water sports: diving, windsurfing.

The main attractions of Vouliagmeni are the ruins of the Temple of Poseidon, the ancient Greek theater Epidaurus, Mycenae, Saint Meteora.