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Swimeth feather at Luka - what it means and how to avoid the problem. Why yellowing onions on the garden: what to do - folk recipes dry feathers at Luka what to do

Onions are eaten in a different form. It is good fresh, dried, pickled, salty, in the form of greenery. Without it, almost no first or second dish is applied. The luxury is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. The expression "onions from seven ailment" is familiar to everyone since childhood. To find out how to protect the health of this fighter for health, as well as why yellowing onions on the garden and what to do, just read this article.

When yellowing bow is normal

The yellowing of the bow is a natural process, if it occurs at the end of the summer season, in August. At this time, there is a ripening of the bulbs, it is time for harvesting, so the fading of foliage is a completely permissible phenomenon. Vegetables are grown in order to collect a good harvest, and not for aesthetic pleasure. Therefore, you should not panic at the bottom of dry feathers. First you need to figure it out than a similar phenomenon is caused and what to do to Pen Luke is not a jewel. Such reaction can cause both high temperatures and low.

At the same time, the propellation of the root can be broken, but it does not affect the mass of mass. The yellowing of the feathers can be regarded as trouble, if you need a greenery of a bow for consumption in a fresh form. For such purposes, we use sometimes, bobber, slim, stitching. To get a good greens, you can apply watering with bakery yeast. They contain a large number of trace elements and amino acids. It is used to increase the green mass, help to increase resistance to diseases and pests, saturate the soil with nutrients.

Not clean yeast are introduced into the ground, but on their basis. The soil should be well a fundamental, and the air temperature is above 20 ° C, otherwise the fungi will die without providing any impact.

Reference! It is worth noting that there are early varieties. Earlier vegetation attracts the rapid yellowing and fading of feathers. Therefore, acquiring planting material, you need to take into account the period of growing.

The reasons for the yellowing of the bow and how to deal with them

Among the main reasons for the appearance of yellowness on Luke feathers, irregular care, the invasion of pests, the symptoms of the manifestation of certain diseases can be called. In plants, as in humans, the disease is easier to prevent than treat, therefore preventive measures should be mandatory, especially if the onions are planted annually at the same place. It is important to remember that if you do not take any measures to combat pests or not to treat cultures from diseases, then insects and their larvae, as well as infections and fungal disputes will be maintained in fruits, breeding and affect the harvest and garden ground. Thus, next year, landings will again be attacked by pests and diseases.

Pest at the end of the summer season

When it is not clear why yellowing onions on a garden, and what to do with it, you need to check the plant for the presence of pests. Many garden insects love to enjoy a young bulb. Among them are especially zealous, getting rid of which is very difficult. Lukovoy fly and how to fight it this garden pest is almost no different from the room flies. The length of the body is 8 mm, gray color with ash and yellow splashes. The insect hurts, laying off her eggs right on vegetables. The hatched larvae immediately begin to devour the underground part of the plant. Feathers then yellow and dry. The greatest activity of the fly manifests from the middle of the spring period and until the very end of the summer. During this time, 2-3 generations of onion flies may change. Since the fly lives everywhere, it is very important to hold events that will prevent the emergence and reproduction of this insect. The Lukovoy Fly is harmful to such cultures as tulips, garlic, salad.

The leek mole, how to confront the leek mole, externally similar to a butterfly, with brown color, gray wings and a body length of 8 mm, appears by the end of May. It harms usually at night. At this time, the day of the females lay the larvae. A week later, caterpillars appear. These are small pests, but they bring significant damage. To combat onion moth, you can apply the drug "Spark". On 10 liters of water bred one tablet. Insecticides "Dachnik" and "Metaphos" will not prevent.

Recommendation! "To protect the onions from the invasion of moth, it is planted closer to the carrots beds. Soil need to loosen more often and water the tinctures of ash or garlic, tobacco bumps. You can prepare feeding from a mixture of tobacco dust, wood ash and pepper. They sprinkle a plant when the mass flowering of dandelions begins. "

Onion hidden, how to cope with it this small bug has a gray oval caller (about 2.5 mm long). Winter insects spend in a hibernation, but awakened in the spring, immediately begin to spoil the bulbs, as a result of which white spots are formed on root. Especially bugs love to be fenced with fresh shoots. Since the masonry of eggs before the appearance of offspring takes place for only about 20 days. Newborn weevils immediately be powered by a plant. As a result, the onions are yellow and dry.

Strong nematodes, how to get rid of the stem nematode to get rid of it - another disaster for the bow. The insect is a variety of small worm (the length of the body is only 1.5 mm). After his penetration into the bulb, the Rodyshko begins to crack, the feathers are yellow. Characteristic feature - yellow only tips. It complicates the struggle with the pest, that dirty nematode can in any part of the garden and lives in the ground for many years. Onion or tobacco trips how to defeat it

Failure to comply with agrotechnical rules and violation of the crop rotation process may cause disease development. Therefore, onions, as well as other vegetables, it is necessary to protect against bacteria, infections and fungi. Ring of Donets or Fusariosis Fusariosis is a fungal disease that can affect all sorts of views and varieties of Luke. Fungal disputes dwell in the ground and are dangerous for rootepodes. When infected feathers dry, white raids are formed on the roots. With active reproduction, the fungus, soft bulbs are covered with gray rot. If you do nothing, the plant will die.

Measures of struggle:

  1. Correctly select landing sites.
  2. Do not land on the lowlands so that the rains do not flow the beds.
  3. Change landing sites.
  4. Carefully process seed material.
  5. When landing follow the people's calendar.
  6. Observe storage conditions (temperature and humidity).

If the events are carried out correctly, the disease can be avoided. Bacterial rotes to detect rotes caused by bacteria, you can only cut the bulb. Among healthy scales you will see dark soft layers. Plant infection occurs with the participation of insects. It is impossible to leave such a bow for storage, it quickly rotates. It is not advised to plant his professionals, feathers will be yellow and dry. To avoid infection with bacterial rot, it is necessary:

  • when sorting, removing the amazed bulbs;
  • before planting a bow into the ground to treat areas with special bactericidal preparations.

Rust Rust Rust is one of the most common diseases that the yellow stains on arrows sign. After their appearance, the onion feathers dry and die away. Preventive actions:

  • annual seign landing place;
  • warming seeds before landing and winter storage;
  • careful drying before landing.

During the ripening period, it needs to be treated with ammonia or copper sulfate solution

Insufficient amount of nitrogen in the soil

Very often, the yellowness of the onion feathers are associated with a low level of nitrogen content in the soil. On the hot summer days, the onions suffer from insufficient nutrient content, in particular, nitrogen. Excessive watering or protracted rains also badly affect the root Luke system. This happens due to the fact that nitrogen is easily washed out of the soil in June or July, when Luka is especially necessary for feeding.

With a lack of nitrogen, many neighboring plants become splashed, fruit with small and deformed. Spots appear on the greenery, and the edges of the leaves are twisted.

Wrong care

Most often, the reason for the garden turns on the garden, the irregular actions of the gardens, a negligent attitude towards the harvest, non-compliance with the rules for storing seed and much more.

Watering. Pouring onions needed within two months after planning to the ground. In most cases, you have to focus on climatic conditions. In the rainy periods, the bow at all does not need watering, and even in drought it is necessary to moisten no more than two times a week. When the bow begins to grow roots, water for watering should be warm, 18-25 ° C. Good time - before lunch. Watering less often make mulch. Then watering produce once a week. Growing onions, you can not allow drying and soil wetlafting. While there is an active increase in greens, it is necessary that the soil under the plant remains wet. In July, watered just every 10 days. At this time, the bulb accumulates sucrose and other nutrients. Excessive moisturizing during this period will give tasteless fruits with poor effort.

It is necessary to completely stop watering it is necessary 20 days before harvesting, even when drought. Otherwise, keep the harvest will not work.

Watering the bow is needed in the morning hours or in the evening warm, dilated water. It is not necessary to use water and water to pour off the root, but in the aisle, while on feathers try not to fall.

Weeding. How and any cultural plant, onions need a weeding. Weeds use soil nutrients, thereby dinner nutrition of bulbs and do not give them mature. It is possible to resume manually, and with the help of hoes, or special devices (Fokina flattened).

LooseningUnderstand the tillage of soil. It satures the soil with oxygen, allows the roots to breathe, makes the soil more easy, eliminates weeds. When looming, the main thing is not to damage the bulb. You need to loose soil after each watering, it will help the upper layer of the soil faster dry. Eggs onion flies pending on dry ground, as a result of this manipulation dying.

Inappropriate weather conditions almost always adversely affect the growth and quality of vegetables, minimizing the yield. So, too rainy, and arid weather lead to the damage of plants. At high or low temperatures, the feathers are yellow (for example, winter onions), roots dry; If the plant does not water, it dies. To help Luka restore forces, you need to wake up a ride ashes and shed good water. With an excessive moisture, the bow boots, becomes an easy target for the development of infections. In such situations, it is necessary to organize a drainage to eliminate soil wetlands.

In order to depend less on the whims of the weather, some gardeners grow onion with a greenhouse. Others try to adjust the scraper schedule for climatic changes.

Folk remedies for the fight against pests and diseases

For the fight against garden pests, many chemicals were issued. But one of the features of the bow, is the ability to accumulate harmful substances. Therefore, in order to prevent onion and beaten pest diseases, you can use efficient folk recipes. Using natural remedies, you are guaranteed to grow high-quality and abundant harvest.

On a note! Experts do not recommend shed a garden with a solution of metronidazole. Not only is he destroying all his living creatures, so the plant can still be absorbed.

Salt and how to apply it

The plant is watered with a weak solution of salty water. The solution is obtained by collecting 200 g of salts in 10 liters of water. Onions watered right under the root, bringing about 300 ml per plant. To get rid of pests, several irresolves are sufficient, so the soil sues will not happen. Such processing should be done 1 time in 20 days. If after the first procedure, the larva did not die (look at the roots), then with the next watering, you can put a salt larger. Such means can be applied not only to get rid of insects already appearing, but also as prevention.


From the invasion of the onion flies well helps a mixture of tobacco dust, wood ash and pepper. Insist a solution of 3 or 4 days. Spray plants needed during the flowering period of dandelions. The concentration will be a solution, the greater the effect can be achieved. If the pests are might and main in the bulbs, then the solution with all components boiled, cool and applied. In addition to the spraying, you can shed aisle.

Infusions of herbal

A very useful and environmentally friendly means of yellowing will be tincture, cooked from herbs, hay or straw, weed grass, vegetable waste (skins of seeds, cleaning, tea brewing, etc.) in the larger capacity, water is gaining (if possible, rain), in it Lower unnecessary plants from a plot and kitchen waste. It is advisable to add something sweet, you can some sugar, it will launch the fermentation process. The resulting mixture is insisting. In hot, enough four days, and if it is cold, the infusion will have to withstand 2 weeks. The liter of the finished solution is diluted in the bucket of water and water the beds. The feeding will be better assisted on a wet soil. Specialty of the plantain, dandelion and nettles are especially valued. They contain many elements that produce resistance to diseases and stimulating onions.

Tip: "Healthy itself has proven infusion from the skins of green nuts. It insists the day, then the plot is abundantly. "

How to water the bow from the worms

Onions hit by worms, you need to feed the solution of ammonium sulfate. On the water bucket take 2 tbsp. Spoons of the drug. Vegetables are watered, counting on 1 m² about 5 liters of water.

The reasons for the yellowing of the bow many and the ways of preventing are also quite a lot. Eliminate the problems you only need to establish the causes of their occurrence. It is much easier to carry out preventive measures: disinfection of the soil, soaking of seed material, treatment from pests, feeding. If you do all this in a timely manner, you will not threaten your crop.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Who has at least a small courtyard, there is a small bed with a bow. What can I say if there is a lot of land, it means and the places he is reserved more. Unfortunately, the onions often sick and turn yellow straight on the garden - what to do in that case? And this is one of the headaches of any summer house.

If he changed his color in the middle-end of August, then nothing terrible-in this time he is almost ready for cleaning. And if the onions yellow feathers or tips in the midst of its growth and formation in June-early July, then urgent measures need to be taken.

What to do if yellowing onions on the bed

Reasons why yellowing onions

First, you need to understand the reasons for the yellowing of the bow. They can be different:

  1. lack of trace elements in soil
  2. insects - pests
  3. diseases
  4. wrong care

Reason first - Nitrogen shortage

The common reason for the yellowing of the onion pen is a lack of nitrogen in the soil. Especially starving onions in hot weather, since nitrogen is absorbed only in dissolved form. And also, in the rainy time there is a shortage of nitrogen. Water flushes all useful properties from the upper soil layers, which are so necessary for growth in the first half of summer.

Cause Second - Pest

Lukova Muha - similar to the usual one. More harm is brought by her larvae. When they hatch, penetrate the bulbs and eat them from the inside. The leaves are yellow and dry, and the bulb itself rotates. To check, you need to click on the bulb. When damaged, it becomes soft. Or pull out the bulb out of bed and carefully examine the roots - there may be small white worms on them.

History, otherwise weevil - Little beetle, has a black or dark gray color. It eats the pulp of leaves, on which white stripes or points appear then. The affected leaves dry out. Unlike other pests, it does not harm the bulb itself, only green leaves.

Cause of the third - illness

Mushroom Fusariosis Infects a bulb, which in the future gives sick plants. A mushroom appears, gradually penetrating the leaves. They turn yellow, break, become sluggish.

Alternariasis - develops on the leaves of amazed gray rot. Watery spots appear, which become brownish. The stain increases and acquires an ovoid shape. It begins to develop, Luke leaf is rehearsed. If the stain is formed on the neck, a hauling appears, which strikes the scales of the bulbs.

Root rot - Brown spots are formed on soil or slightly lower. The stains grow and cause the impact of the underground part of the bow. The bow is infected since the appearance of seeds, or can die before the appearance on Earth. The rot is developing due to a large stress of water in the ground.

Pink Gnil - First, the roots of the bow turn yellow, then they pose, dry and die away. The bulb ceases to grow, but on the leaves it affects little. In some cases, the tips will dry.

Gray and shake rot - On the leaves, small white spots appear with light green edging around. Onions slowly growing, the leaves are curves, rot closer to the cervix. Between the scales of the bulbs is formed a gray raid.

It is the most dangerous disease, since the rot is developing unnoticed and slow. The upper part of the bulb becomes soft, fluffy flaw is formed. The bulb is covered with black raid and infects healthy.

Case Fourth - Wrong Care

Onions, like many plants, loves wet soil, for this you need to moisten it more often. Preferably in the evening. But not to fill. For a month about 7 times.

Wrong watering, the most common error when growing onion. The correct watering concludes not only to drink water, but also to feed. Loose the soil as before watering and after.

How to help onions do not shy?

Folk remedies for help

Salt from Luke Fly and Luke Diseases

When the pen length reaches about 8 cm, it is necessary to carefully, without hitting the leaves, pour the soil with brine. The 10 liter bucket requires 200 grams of salt. When adding the ammonic alcohol (100 gr) the effect will increase. This method should be applied at no more than four times per season, as it leads to the salinity of the soil. So that this does not happen to try to pour the saline solution only on the bulbs, trying not to fall on the ground and leaves.

Salvation from overheating

Onions does not like overheating, it negatively affects the roots of the plant, which leads to yellowing. Therefore, the bow is growing well in the early spring in the greenhouses, when it is still cool. In summer, you can cover the plants by observing material so that the straight sunlights do not harm. But the cultivation of a bow in the shade of the trees does not work - the feathers are pulled out and thinned - the bulb almost does not grow.

Replenishment of nitrogen in the soil

To replenish the reserve of nutrients and nitrogen, urea or nitrate and ammonium sulfate can be used. And also use comprehensive mineral fertilizers.

The easiest and rapid way to make nitrogen will be infusion of a cow.

To get rid of the onion flies, use a mixture of lime and tobacco, equally. Calculate 6 grams per 1 square meter. The etching needs to be made with the first appearance of flies, and in a week repeat. On 10 liter bucket take 200 grams of tobacco and the same lime, insist a couple of days. Store in a dark place. Dilute twice and spray.

What to do, if we water in moderation, and there is no sultry heat, and the leaves are yellowing? The conclusion is one - the lack of forces in plants. During the landing onions spent a lot of energy, you can still ate all the useful substances in the soil. Over time we were dismissed and remained hungry.

To help you need a 5 liter bucket of dilute the liter can be lit, and let it stand for a couple of days. We take a bucket of water, pour a liter of this medicine and water between the rows. Thereby feed and give strength for further growth.

If the bow is already glad, there is a method that will help him recover. On 10 liter bucket, warm water, pour a couple of ash grip, ampoule ammonia, 100 grams of cook salt. Pretty stir and water. Carefully. Water should not wet the feathers themselves.

This method helps with lion fly and other pests and diseases. To secure the result in the fall, it is necessary to switch the soil. The deeper, the greater the likelihood of a successful harvest next year.

With proper and healthy leaving, the bow will delight its rich and nice - green.

Video about the yellowing of Luke

In the struggle for his harvest, it is better to resort to folk remedies, and not to raise chemistry, which will bring harm not only to person, but also the soil. Now you know why yellowing onions on the bed and how to help him.

The bow yellowes all gardeners, but not everyone knows what to do if the bow began to yellow. In this note I will try to set out the reasons why yellowing onions and share your experience than to pour onions if the pen is yellow. As well as raise the question than to bite the bow so that it is not a jelly. I think this topic will be interesting to you, and most importantly useful. I want to clarify that I will talk about the yellowing of Luke in an open soil, but on the question of why when growing green onions, I wrote earlier. And so, proceed ...

Yellow onions on the garden

Every year I had to watch how yellowing onions on the bed in the open soil and constantly happened for various reasons. By various trials and errors, I still managed to reveal several reasons because of which the onion turns yellowing and it turned out to cope with this. For several years now, my bow is growing completely healthy and shrouded onion begins only before the onions. These attacks include: Insufficient preparation of beds under the bow, irregular watering, onions, Luke's disease, Luke pests, and the most seemingly fun - the natural yellowing of the onion before cleaning the bow with a bed. And merry that is why.

Why yellowing onions on a natural reason

I remember how the bow was grew for the first time, it was very good, and then suddenly Batz and became all completely shrouded. I noticed this "ailment" in mid-July. Immediately scored anxiety and began to think why yellowing onions. First of all, of course, it was up to the Internet and began to read articles about why the penetration of Luke's feather, but as usual there was no sense. All articles are written not to understand how and do not understand for whom, so I decided to independently solve the problem why I annually yellow onions on the garden. What I just did not do. Digid onions - but all the bulbs are healthy and large, checked the roots - they are slightly wet and diseases are not discovered, cut the bulbs and the penette feather on the subject of pests - they are not. So it took several days, the reason why I didn't reveal the bow yellowing. For that, everything became clear after three days, when the whole onion began to go to beds. It turned out to be onions completely ripe and the fact that the bow yellow was naturally phenomenon before harvesting. Naturally, the feather of Luke turns yellow in the period of full ripening. Luke feathers are every layer of bulbs, so the average leaves of the onions begin to shower later lateral. And the side feather of Luke turns yellow at the time of the formation of the scales. The most yellow scales that we are accustomed to see after drying onions.
But not every year everything was so smooth.

Onion yellowes on the garden because of the disease and what to do

I do not know who, how, but I came across one frozen disease because of which the bow yellow. The main reason for the appearance of this Luke Disease is not to comply with the rules of agricultural engineering in the process of growing onions, as follows, turns yellow. And the speech is now about the fungal disease of the Donets of Luka - Fusariosis. This bulk disease is very quickly infected and also quickly transmitted after each watering. Apparently disputes of infection transfers water from one bulb to another. Determine the fusariosis onion is very simple. It is enough to snatch the bulb that yellowes the pen and put pressure with a finger near the bottom. If the result is like a photo (see photo), then it is he.

Photo: Fusariosis - Rota Donets

What to do if the bow turns out of the fusariosis. Here are the basic rules of agrotechnology, after which I have no more fuzariosis on Luke anymore.
- Before boarding onions, the garden must be milled and the land must be loose. Roots onions love good aeration. In the process of growing the bite, the land in the garden constantly need to loose.
- Before or ink, the garden is treated with antifungal drugs. Personally, I processed the soil with phytoosporin. I have been using it for many years, both in the open soil and when growing green onions. The result is always impressive and the question of what to do if the screaming onions disappears by itself.
- Thermal treatment of planting material. The best thing is to soak onion before planting in warm water with a temperature of up to +50. It is desirable to add preparations such as Phytosporin, Epin Extra, Manganese. You can add everything at once, since they do not conflict among themselves.
Rifle Donets is one of the reasons why the onion turns yellow. But this is only part of the measures, what to do if the turn of the feather at the LKA on the garden, which I constantly use. I am sure there are still ways to deal, which I will write about other notes after experiments.

Turns onions due to pests and than to pour

Luka has a lot of pests, but the most harmful of them, it is TRIPS and Lukova Fly. When they hit the bulb, the bow turns. Unlike onion flies, it's easier to deal with the TRIPS. Therefore, I will not firmly concentrate on it. It is enough to pour several times the preparation of the drug. It gives a very good result.
With onion flies to fight more difficult, even applying chemicals. First of all, you need to do what if the bow yellowes on the garden. Cut the bulb and inspect the presence of larvae. If you find the larvae as in the photo (see photo) then it is.

Photo: Lukova Fly

I will tell you the trick now, what to do if the bow turns on the garden from the onion flies and than to pour. The fact is that the leek fly will only have. As a rule, it begins to hit areas at the time of mass landing of the bow and if there are fields with a bow nearby.
"So, so as not to become a victim of this cunning pest, put onions for half a month ahead of the main, mass lifting period or half a month later. In fact, if you do not grow onions for sale, the dates of the landing do not have a weighty role. If the onions plant before, then nothing is terrible. Onions Culture-resistant culture and start growing earlier. By the time, the onions began to plant everywhere, and the time when the onion flies occurs, your bow was already growing enough.
- You can also resort to folk methods of struggle. Well, this is if you are a zealous supporter of ecology and want to know than pouring if the bow yellowes on the garden. For example, if the yellow peneture can be poured by ammonia alcohol or salt solution. Although I and for the environmental friendliness of the growing onion, but these methods do not accept. Although I confess, applied very successfully on separate beds as an experiment. But both options harm the soil in which I grow different cultures every year. I used watering Luke by ammonic alcohol and was surprised by a positive result. So if he is suitable for you, use it and do not bother the question than to pour onion ate he yellow.

Onions yellow on the garden because of watering

So I came up to the most simple question, why the bow shoves on the garden. Business in watering. Everything is simple here. Non-polling or overproecade can cause why yellowing onions. What to do if the bow turns on the garden because of irrigation.
- The bow needs a constant balanced watering. Yellowing onions on the garden if it is long not to water, and then due to the feeling of guilt, the daily long-term watering begins. Such watering parses the soil, the soil loses the ability to aeration and roots "suffocate".
- rainy summer and intermediate long-term watering, also badly affect onions. Moreover, after that, the soil is not fed to loosen.
Watering onions you need once every three days short-term irrigation. Even if it's hot dry summer.

Yellow onions - than to feed

Immediately I want to say if the bow has already begun yellowing, the feeding will not help too much. However, fantasies of the bow help to remain green in the process of growing onions. If you are interested in what to bite the bow if he turns yellow, I will tell about my methods. I fodder onions in two ways.
- feeding nitrogen fertilizer. Of course they are Selith. I water the bow with the feeding at the moment when the feathers of the onion elastic and green, the bulb itself began to pour. I laugh in water Selitra at the rate of 50 gr. On 10 liters of water and watering the root of 0.5 liters of solution. Nitrogen shortage is very effect on the growth of green mass of the plant and its color. But take a rule, you need only once once. If you feed onions several times, then the bulb will be very slowly poured, but the green mass will grow even more. It entails a decline in the crop.
- Luke feathers speak very well to the front of a lieuer. I share with you than to feed the bow if the bow yellowes on the garden. This method helps very well when the penette is yellow in the initial stage. It is necessary to spray it in the evening with a solution of boric acid and a solution of succinic acid. It is necessary to spray with solutions in turn on one day with an interval in one or two hours. First, with boring acid, in an hour or two amber. You can buy these drugs in any pharmacy. Boric acid needs to be diluted at the rate of 1g. on 5 liters of water. Amber Acid Dilute at the rate of 10 tablets on 5 liters of water. This is a very effective way to feed Luke on the sheet, and take a note, it is used successfully on the leaves of grapes and strawberries with Malina. Well, now you know what to bite onions and what to do if yellowing onions on the bed.

It seems to be everything told you about the reasons what to do if the onions turn yellow, why yellow feather at the bow and than to pour onions if it starts shirt. I will summarize: loosen the beds, process with antifungal drugs, get rid of pests by chemicals, use watering by ammonic alcohol or salt solution, plant onions before ordinary terms, follow the frequency of oil watering. I am confident that using these methods, you will never come across this problem, and if she overtakes you, then you know what to do when yellowing onions on the garden.
I hope the note was interesting and useful, do not forget to share in social networks and leave comments.

The bow yellowes all gardeners, but not everyone knows what to do if the bow began to yellow. In this note I will try to set out the reasons why yellowing onions and share your experience than to pour onions if the pen is yellow. As well as raise the question than to bite the bow so that it is not a jelly. I think this topic will be interesting to you, and most importantly useful. I want to clarify that I will talk about the yellowing of Luke in an open soil, but on the question of why when growing green onions, I wrote earlier. And so, proceed ...

Yellow onions on the garden

Every year I had to watch how yellowing onions on the bed in the open soil and constantly happened for various reasons. By various trials and errors, I still managed to reveal several reasons because of which the onion turns yellowing and it turned out to cope with this. For several years now, my bow is growing completely healthy and shrouded onion begins only before the onions. These attacks include: Insufficient preparation of beds under the bow, irregular watering, onions, Luke's disease, Luke pests, and the most seemingly fun - the natural yellowing of the onion before cleaning the bow with a bed. And merry that is why.

Why yellowing onions on a natural reason

I remember how the bow was grew for the first time, it was very good, and then suddenly Batz and became all completely shrouded. I noticed this "ailment" in mid-July. Immediately scored anxiety and began to think why yellowing onions. First of all, of course, it was up to the Internet and began to read articles about why the penetration of Luke's feather, but as usual there was no sense. All articles are written not to understand how and do not understand for whom, so I decided to independently solve the problem why I annually yellow onions on the garden. What I just did not do. Digid onions - but all the bulbs are healthy and large, checked the roots - they are slightly wet and diseases are not discovered, cut the bulbs and the penette feather on the subject of pests - they are not. So it took several days, the reason why I didn't reveal the bow yellowing. For that, everything became clear after three days, when the whole onion began to go to beds. It turned out to be onions completely ripe and the fact that the bow yellow was naturally phenomenon before harvesting. Naturally, the feather of Luke turns yellow in the period of full ripening. Luke feathers are every layer of bulbs, so the average leaves of the onions begin to shower later lateral. And the side feather of Luke turns yellow at the time of the formation of the scales. The most yellow scales that we are accustomed to see after drying onions.
But not every year everything was so smooth.

Onion yellowes on the garden because of the disease and what to do

I do not know who, how, but I came across one frozen disease because of which the bow yellow. The main reason for the appearance of this Luke Disease is not to comply with the rules of agricultural engineering in the process of growing onions, as follows, turns yellow. And the speech is now about the fungal disease of the Donets of Luka - Fusariosis. This bulk disease is very quickly infected and also quickly transmitted after each watering. Apparently disputes of infection transfers water from one bulb to another. Determine the fusariosis onion is very simple. It is enough to snatch the bulb that yellowes the pen and put pressure with a finger near the bottom. If the result is like a photo (see photo), then it is he.

Photo: Fusariosis - Rota Donets

What to do if the bow turns out of the fusariosis. Here are the basic rules of agrotechnology, after which I have no more fuzariosis on Luke anymore.
- Before boarding onions, the garden must be milled and the land must be loose. Roots onions love good aeration. In the process of growing the bite, the land in the garden constantly need to loose.
- Before or ink, the garden is treated with antifungal drugs. Personally, I processed the soil with phytoosporin. I have been using it for many years, both in the open soil and when growing green onions. The result is always impressive and the question of what to do if the screaming onions disappears by itself.
- Thermal treatment of planting material. The best thing is to soak onion before planting in warm water with a temperature of up to +50. It is desirable to add preparations such as Phytosporin, Epin Extra, Manganese. You can add everything at once, since they do not conflict among themselves.
Rifle Donets is one of the reasons why the onion turns yellow. But this is only part of the measures, what to do if the turn of the feather at the LKA on the garden, which I constantly use. I am sure there are still ways to deal, which I will write about other notes after experiments.

Turns onions due to pests and than to pour

Luka has a lot of pests, but the most harmful of them, it is TRIPS and Lukova Fly. When they hit the bulb, the bow turns. Unlike onion flies, it's easier to deal with the TRIPS. Therefore, I will not firmly concentrate on it. It is enough to pour several times the preparation of the drug. It gives a very good result.
With onion flies to fight more difficult, even applying chemicals. First of all, you need to do what if the bow yellowes on the garden. Cut the bulb and inspect the presence of larvae. If you find the larvae as in the photo (see photo) then it is.

Photo: Lukova Fly

I will tell you the trick now, what to do if the bow turns on the garden from the onion flies and than to pour. The fact is that the leek fly will only have. As a rule, it begins to hit areas at the time of mass landing of the bow and if there are fields with a bow nearby.
"So, so as not to become a victim of this cunning pest, put onions for half a month ahead of the main, mass lifting period or half a month later. In fact, if you do not grow onions for sale, the dates of the landing do not have a weighty role. If the onions plant before, then nothing is terrible. Onions Culture-resistant culture and start growing earlier. By the time, the onions began to plant everywhere, and the time when the onion flies occurs, your bow was already growing enough.
- You can also resort to folk methods of struggle. Well, this is if you are a zealous supporter of ecology and want to know than pouring if the bow yellowes on the garden. For example, if the yellow peneture can be poured by ammonia alcohol or salt solution. Although I and for the environmental friendliness of the growing onion, but these methods do not accept. Although I confess, applied very successfully on separate beds as an experiment. But both options harm the soil in which I grow different cultures every year. I used watering Luke by ammonic alcohol and was surprised by a positive result. So if he is suitable for you, use it and do not bother the question than to pour onion ate he yellow.

Onions yellow on the garden because of watering

So I came up to the most simple question, why the bow shoves on the garden. Business in watering. Everything is simple here. Non-polling or overproecade can cause why yellowing onions. What to do if the bow turns on the garden because of irrigation.
- The bow needs a constant balanced watering. Yellowing onions on the garden if it is long not to water, and then due to the feeling of guilt, the daily long-term watering begins. Such watering parses the soil, the soil loses the ability to aeration and roots "suffocate".
- rainy summer and intermediate long-term watering, also badly affect onions. Moreover, after that, the soil is not fed to loosen.
Watering onions you need once every three days short-term irrigation. Even if it's hot dry summer.

Yellow onions - than to feed

Immediately I want to say if the bow has already begun yellowing, the feeding will not help too much. However, fantasies of the bow help to remain green in the process of growing onions. If you are interested in what to bite the bow if he turns yellow, I will tell about my methods. I fodder onions in two ways.
- feeding nitrogen fertilizer. Of course they are Selith. I water the bow with the feeding at the moment when the feathers of the onion elastic and green, the bulb itself began to pour. I laugh in water Selitra at the rate of 50 gr. On 10 liters of water and watering the root of 0.5 liters of solution. Nitrogen shortage is very effect on the growth of green mass of the plant and its color. But take a rule, you need only once once. If you feed onions several times, then the bulb will be very slowly poured, but the green mass will grow even more. It entails a decline in the crop.
- Luke feathers speak very well to the front of a lieuer. I share with you than to feed the bow if the bow yellowes on the garden. This method helps very well when the penette is yellow in the initial stage. It is necessary to spray it in the evening with a solution of boric acid and a solution of succinic acid. It is necessary to spray with solutions in turn on one day with an interval in one or two hours. First, with boring acid, in an hour or two amber. You can buy these drugs in any pharmacy. Boric acid needs to be diluted at the rate of 1g. on 5 liters of water. Amber Acid Dilute at the rate of 10 tablets on 5 liters of water. This is a very effective way to feed Luke on the sheet, and take a note, it is used successfully on the leaves of grapes and strawberries with Malina. Well, now you know what to bite onions and what to do if yellowing onions on the bed.

It seems to be everything told you about the reasons what to do if the onions turn yellow, why yellow feather at the bow and than to pour onions if it starts shirt. I will summarize: loosen the beds, process with antifungal drugs, get rid of pests by chemicals, use watering by ammonic alcohol or salt solution, plant onions before ordinary terms, follow the frequency of oil watering. I am confident that using these methods, you will never come across this problem, and if she overtakes you, then you know what to do when yellowing onions on the garden.
I hope the note was interesting and useful, do not forget to share in social networks and leave comments.

Premature yellowing of the bow on the garden is a common problem. Causes why yellowing onions can be very much, ranging from improper care to serious diseases. So it is important to identify the source of the problem in time. This article describes why it can occur and how to pour a yellowing bow to help culture.

Why yellowing onions on the garden

When the bow is almost ready for cleaning, the feathers begin to yellow and fall to the ground - this is quite normal, natural process. Similarly, garlic matures, so you can navigate it. But if the bow begins to shut up ahead of time, then it's about something else. So why yellow onions on the bed:

First of all, it is important to identify the cause of the problem, and then decide it already, because depending on why yellowing onions, treatment may differ.

Use fresh manure or litter to bird fertilizer can not.

What to do if yellowing onions

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Incorrect care or unfavorable weather immediately affect the appearance of the bow and garlic. The case can be in the improper fertilizer of plants, lack of watering, wetched soil, too heavy, dense ground, which does not give air to penetrate the roots. So, than to pour and get down the bow so that it stops turning yellow and began to develop normally:

  • If the plant is not irrigated, it is necessary to adjust this procedure. With the emergence of shoots, the culture is watered every 3 days. Water consumption is 6 l / m². At the next stage, growth is watered already once a week with a flow rate of 10 l / m². 2 weeks before harvesting, the water cease to contribute at all. Watering is carried out in the evening, warm, estimated water.
  • Renewing onions help simple folk remedies. For example, if the plant sprinkle with tobacco dust, ash or pepper at the rate of 500 g / m², it will restart young airty after a couple of days.
  • Green grass, fresh tea is taken in arbitrary quantities, add water and put in a warm place to go over. After that, 1 liter of concentrate is diluted in 10 liters of water and is used for watering. This is a very nutritious junk feeding.

Feature onions needed on wet land! Making feeding to dry ground can lead to even greater yellowing feathers.

The folk remedies described above are helpful if the culture is desirable from improper care or bad weather. If it's about something else, they may not help.

Than to pour and feed the yellowed bow

Onions and garlic have similar pests, so if one culture has a similar problem, then the other is also likely to be amazed by pests. The problem with insects should be addressed immediately. Otherwise, the situation will be aggravated and other cultures will also suffer.
Insecticides for onions are best used in spring or early in summer, when the head has not yet been formed. The fact is that they contain chemical components that may somehow affect the crop. So, how to pour yellowing onions? The best drugs: "Capture Oil", "Maxim", "Anticleusk", "Aktara", "Fufanon", "Oba", "Lukova Muha".

Folk remedies for the destruction of pests

  • Tobacco, pepper, mustard or garlic are crushed and poured with water (you can mix them). The concentrate should be concentrated 3-4 days. Than saturated the remedy, the greater the chances that will work. If there is no time for the preparation of infusion, you can pour ingredients into water and bring to a boil, after the remedy will cool down under the lid, it is used to spray or watering the onion in greens.
  • 2 tablespoons of ammonia alcohol dissolve in 10 liters of water. The resulting composition is sprayed onions.

If the pest is ground, it is destroyed by the method of spraying the culture, if it is underground, then besides spraying onions, and watered under the root.

Folk remedies against pests are effective if there are not many insects. Otherwise, it is worth using insecticides.

Luke Diseases

The yellowing of the onion may indicate on some particular disease. Luke's diseases first manifest themselves in yellowing, but then lead to deformation or even the death of the head. The sick onion will not give a large harvest, and it will be stored for a long time. What to do if the bow is sick:

Mulching of rods is a good prevention of a wide variety of Luca diseases. As a mulch, you can use a straw, peat, bark of trees.

Luca's disease is easier to warn than treat. In order not to deal with them on the garden, it is necessary to disinfect the sowing material, process the ground with special fungicides and carry out high-quality care, including regular (non-frequent) irrigation, feeding, soil loosening and destruction of pests.

Prevention against Luke's Yellow

In order not to think about how to pour a yellowing bow, it is necessary to simply not allow the appearance of the problem.

  • A place for landing onions is chosen every year different. Otherwise, there will be problems with pests and diseases.
  • Before boarding the bow, it is necessary to process with a disinfecting composition (weak solution of manganese or saline fluid).
  • It is necessary to plant a plant on time, otherwise the development will be slow.
  • It is recommended to plant carrots next to the onion as prophylaxis, as it scares many pests.
  • The land is regularly passed, weeds need to remove with the root.
  • Onions - unpretentious culture, but without timely feeding, he may not have enough nutrition, especially if the land is not fertile. So to spend at least rare feeding matters.

With high-quality care, it will not be necessary to think than to pour yellow garlic. The plant will develop correctly, give a big harvest. So the main thing to ensure the culture of the right departure and timely destroy the pests if they are on the plot.