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Office pillow for sleep. Pillows for healthy work at a computer - a new hit of Japanese offices. Why need a pillow

15-20 minutes of day sleep helps to restore mental and physical strength to live a second half of the day. If the only problem is the impossibility to lie down, the opening from the position can be a pillow for sleep at the table. There are several models to choose from.

Pillow- "Mitten"

One of the easiest options for sleeping cups at the table. The pillow is put on hand in the type of breaker. The filler filled not only the upper part of the pillow (laid under the head), but also lower. This creates a soft "layer" between the hand and the solid surface of the table. Filling material - polystyrene balls. Some "not to taste" the characteristic rustling inherent in this filler.

Pillow under the head and back

The universal version of "2 in 1" represents an office cushion with a foam filler with a form memory. The ergonomic form allows you to relax (as far as possible in the sitting position). The presence of the opening does not make it difficult to breathe in the "Broken Pillow" position. At the lunch break, the pillow can be used for a direct purpose, and the rest of the time - as a support under the back.

Pillow headrest

Another multifunctional model. Pillow, which can be used as a soft support for sleep on the table, or as a head restraint. It can also be taken with you on the road. Filler - foam with memory effect.

Two bonded pillows concave shape with a total height of 23 cm - another possible option for daytime sleep at the table. The length and width of the lower pillow are 45 cm and 30 cm, respectively.

Another similar model with rings-support for hands.

The pillow can be laid on the table horizontally or vertically (inserting a hand into the hole. In the second version it turns out a higher support. It can also be used as a regular pillow and take with you on a journey. Filler - polystyrene granules.

Smart Pillow from Xiaomi

The Chinese manufacturer of Xiaomi created a smart vertical pillow, allowing "beautifully" to take off at the table. The cushion material perfectly holds the form and quickly restores it after removing the object of the case (which is coming). An unusual feature of the accessory is a built-in speaker, which makes it possible to relax for beloved music.

Reference! The manufacturer stated that it was possible to search for an accessory on sale from January 2019. The approximate cost of the cushion is $ 50.

Woollip Travel Pillow.

This model externally is a bit similar to the previous one. Woollip - an inflatable journey pad, which can be used for sleep in the sitting position. The size of the useful accessory is 30 x 35 cm. Height - 55 cm. The product is mounted on its knees. Flock coating is nice to the touch. There are holes for the head (face) and hands. Among the pleasant features, you can note the moment of high-quality study of the edges of the holes, which eliminates injuries and cuts when investing in them and face. Inside the valve there is a safety spring, which will not give the pillow to blown out if the plug will accidentally open.

Healthy and strong sleep gives a good mood and increases labor productivity. Therefore, at work is very helpful to sleep a little. True, not every leader will calmly react to it. In order not to annoy the bosses, you can borrow during the lunch break. Even after a short viewing of dreams, the efficiency of work increases significantly.

For sleep in the office you can use special LEATX or polyurethane pillows. You should choose them depending on the height of the workplace, so as not to spoil yourself the spine. Consider what models of accessories for recreation at work can be purchased today and what their features are.

Varieties of office pillows

Inventive manufacturers exhibit real wonders of creative thought, developing models of pillows designed specifically for use in the workplace. It turned out that the highest popularity was won by head restraints, "tie" and manual options.


Such an accessory is very convenient for those who prefer to sleep sitting, leaning back on the back of the chair. The headrest produces many companies. The range of these pillows is truly huge and varied.

This product supports the head of resting in the right position, and also removes tension from the neck. Inside it is very small balls, so it easily takes the form you need.

Size - universal. Note that the pillow in the form of a head restraint greatly facilitates falling asleep.


This model, of course, is not orthopedic. But it is perfect for short-term recreation at work. Presented by the most ordinary male tie, which is built in an inflatable pillow.

Preparation for use is to quickly infamous with its air (by analogy with bath pillows). "Tie" is able to withstand the weight load of up to 11 kg. The convenience of this pillow is that it is not necessary to shoot this accessory from the neck.

If suddenly the leader will come to the rear thing, you can regain a seating look in second seconds.


For the development of a comfortable office pillow Ostrich Mini, thank International Studio Banana Things. This accessory is put on palm. If you pour her chin, you can comfortably sleep during a lunch break.

There is an alternative use option - boot on the elbow, then put it on the desktop, placing the head on top. The hand cushion is very compact, so it is easy to hide in the drawer (you can also put a dream book - for those who are interested in decoding dreams).

Antistress model "Ostrich"

Its creators are considered British designers. "Ostrich" gives you the opportunity to sleep literally everywhere:

  • in the office;
  • at the station;
  • in the bus;
  • in catering establishments.

Accessory has a big bag shape. He closes the whole head, reaching the shoulders. Its design assumes the presence of 3 holes: for hands and head. In addition to them there are still small holes for the nose and mouth. Despite the large size of the product, it is light and very compact. If it is collapsed, "Ostrich" will take quite a few space.

Why did the developers gave a pillow such a strange name? The case is not at all in color and not in the form, but in principle its operation. During the use of the pillow, a person resembles an ostrich that has hidden her head in the sand.

It is noteworthy that this bed accessory model is double-sided. One of her side of blue, and the second is gray. The material on both sides of the product is very gentle and soft. Therefore, the dining dream will be comfortable and enjoyable. "Ostrich" is naked with a slight synthetic filler. Thanks to him, the head and neck are well supported, and the rumor is protected from surrounding sounds. This means that the pillow will allow you to sleep at work in conditions of the most natural to sleep.


Probably, every office worker at least once in his life came across inappropriate and stress. Employees of the Branch of Google in St. Petersburg are lucky more than anyone else. They have sofas and hammocks in their office for those who want to rest or build. Those who did not seem to work there can purchase an original pillow for sleep and use it right in their place.

If you do not get enough sleep at home and cannot concentrate on work because of this, you will definitely get such an accessory. Caught for a sleep for 20 minutes with more than step by increased ability to work.

Chronic lack of sleep negatively affects the general state of health. Some suffer from insomnia because of the complications of chronic diseases, others - due to the constant voltage and the inability to remove stress. The wrong regime lead students, especially those who are forced to combine work with study. And although the leaders are unlikely to appreciate the pillow to sleep in the office, many employees will like it. What models can be found on sale? What are their features and advantages?

What does chronic lack of sleep

Everyone heard that at least 8 hours need to sleep. During this time, the body has time to relax and recover. But not everyone knows that chronic lack of sleep is the reason for the development of serious diseases:

  • obesity - with violation of the sleep mode, the metabolism is knocked down and the production of stress hormones is activated, which cause a constant feeling of hunger;
  • premature aging - about 2 o'clock in the morning, the melatonin hormone is generated most actively, it is he who prolongs youth; In addition, dark circles and bags under the eyes appear due to lack of sleep;
  • reducing immunity - in those who sleep less than 7 hours, the protective functions of the body weaken, which leads to frequent colds, fast fatigue, total lethargy;
  • oncological diseases - the lack of melanin can cause an increase in the amount of cancer cells;
  • diabetes - bad sleep disrupts the process of glucose cleaving, which leads to the development of a second degree of diabetes;
  • hypertension - in those who get up earlier than 8 hours, increases the chance of increasing blood pressure;
  • vision - problems with sleep may result in the development of glaucoma, ischemic neuropathy or swelling of the optic nerve.

And this is not a complete list of problems that people who violate sleep mode may encounter.

However, the inability to sleep at home occurs not only because of health problems, but for many other reasons: a sick child, merry neighbors, an exciting series. Anyone who wants to slightly knock drowsiness in the afternoon, will like the sleeping pillow in the workplace.

Types of sleeping pads in the office

Manufacturers do not forget about those who fail to sleep at home in normal conditions, and offer to use the pillow for sleep in the workplace. These models managed to find on the network.

Pillow ostrich

As the manufacturer assures, pillow ostrich will help you feel comfortable anywhere: for the work desk, in the airport waiting room, on a bench in the park. The pillow is a soft helmet from the spacecraft.

"Cocoon" puts on the head and has cuts for hands. With it, it is possible to retake and reduce the noise. Hold the ears earless not.

The pillow has a soft filler, so it can be "entered" on the hard table, for example, in the office or in the library when preparing the course. In addition, you will find yourself in absolute darkness, which is also nice for those who dream of sleeping.

Special ventilation holes in the design help to breathe calmly.


This accessory can hardly be called orthopedic, but it will easily replace the sleeping pillow in the office. The usual appearance of the tie has a built-in inflatable pillow, which at the right moment is quickly inflated and put on the table. It is inflated similarly to inflatable models for neck or pillows for the bath.

The sleeping place is ready, and you do not have to worry about a mad face. Wherein tie no need to shoot, And if the bosses suddenly gifted with revisions, it is possible to lightly take the form of a disciplined worker (if colleagues, of course, will be dispersed).

The American manufacturer offers more than 60 different tie color schemes, so it's not difficult to choose the perfect business suit.

Withstands the inflatable pillow head weighing up to 11 kg. It can be used not only in the workplace, but also during a long return from work in the subway or suburban train.

"Manual" pillow "

Studio "Banana Things" has developed pillow "Ostrich Mini" for sleep in the workplace. It can be put on the palm, and, resting the chin, to rise. Another option is to wear on the elbow, put it on the table, and to place your head on top. Pillow has a compact size, so it will be easy to fit into the desktop box. Ideal for sleep during a lunch break.

By the way, something similar can be made it yourself. It is necessary to sew something similar to the vioraner and put a soft filler in this case (foam, syntheps or other material). On such a hand, sleep at the table is much more convenient.

We wish you a pretty far satisfying in the right conditions! A wide range of Ormatek pillows will help you with this. But if the dream still finds you in the workplace, use useful tools to not suffer after awakening from the neck.

Healthy sleep is a guarantee of good mood and productive work. Especially if you sleep during the working day. On World Sleep Day, we have prepared the top 10 products for you, which are necessary for a strong and comfortable sleep in the workplace.

Stickers on the eyes entitled "Unlocking Eye" - an ideal option for lovers to sleep at work. They will give you the opportunity to build at the desk, without causing suspicions of others. Just get the "Unlocking Ok" on the closed eyelid, and sleep quietly - everyone will think that you continue to actively work. Some options look slightly creepy, but you can pick up stickers, as similar to your eyes.

Price:50 rubles
Where can one buy:

From bright office lamps will save a sleep mask. It is made of soft and pleasant to the touch of a material that does not miss any natural, nor artificial light. The facial side of the mask simulates the sticker and informs everything about the benefits of eight-hour working sleep. With such a subject, you are reliably protected from colleagues to the Holy - Day Sleep.

Price: 490 rubles
Where can one buy:

Knitted pillow with foamed polystyrene filler - Must Have for office Song. The small sizes of the pillows will hide it at the required moment in the table box, and a cool inscription will remind the fact that there are things in life. Small polystyrene granules inside allow you to use an accessory not only for sleep, but also for removing stress. It is worth remembering the pillow in the hands of a couple of minutes, and anger than happened.

400 rubles
Where can one buy:

Another creative version of the office pillow is in the form of a smartphone. This gadget is convenient to use for office sleep. If the bosses cares you at an inappropriate moment, you can always pretend that you are talking on the "phone" with the client. The pillow has a vibration, which will make the day relaxing even more comfortable.

Price:1450 rubles
Where can one buy:

If you know exactly how much your boss is not in the office, the alarm clock will help to wake up to the right time. The alarm clock looks like a dynamite checker: the corresponding design, dial and four color wires. Hearing a call, or rather a squeak of alarm at the appointed time, you need to quickly disconnect one of the four wires - in the opposite case, the dynamite will work. Everything is only 5 seconds. The model works on a lithium battery charged from a computer by usb. The thing is useful and to those who regularly wakes up work.

Price: 1490 rubles
Where can one buy:

Warm plaid from soft polyester will add comfort to office weekdays. Unlike the usual plaids, he has sleeves, so it does not shine movements when working at a computer. If you decide to sleep at work, the blanket will perfectly perfectly perfectly. Finally, it will protect from cold air-conditioned air and will warm in the offseason when the heating is not yet included in the office.

Price:1999 rubles
Where can one buy:

"Happy hours

Chef caught up with you sleeping in the workplace? Did not even help the overhead eyes and the pillow-phone? Another option to justify is a clock with escaped numbers. With such wall clocks, you can always say that the working day has already ended, and therefore, it is not forgotten to sleep at the table.

Price: 616 rubles
Where can one buy:

Fall asleep at work is better under the soothing noise of the surf, and not under the phone calls and colleagues conversations. Unusual headphones will help create an ideal dream background. Completed in the form of bananas, they not only isolate you from external noise, but also will demonstrate your sense of humor and originality.

Price: 999 rubles
Where can one buy:

If bright dreams are noted in the workplace, do not do without a special notebook for recording. Not in the diary they are recorded, in fact? Notepad from the ECMO publisher, made in the form of a book - a stylish and practical accessory that will become an excellent decoration of the desktop.

Price: 242 ruble
Where can one buy:

What dreams of a naked boss? Burnt office? Million salary? Decipheres the images of a large universal dream book that contains 120 thousand dream interpretations. According to publishers, the book contains the most complete, adapted to the modern realities of the interpretation. They will allow the reader to decipher the values \u200b\u200bof dreams and turn this occupation into a fascinating game.

Price: 366 rubles
Where can one buy:

Also loving sleeping Alena Yarkkova

Employees experiencing drowsiness are unable to fully fulfill functional duties and make decisions. Gradually, the lack of sleep leads to a decrease in immunity, psyche disorder, violation of metabolic processes and other failures. The problem is solved by a short-term day sleep on pillows manufactured specifically for office conditions. The worker will receive a charge of cheerfulness and will more effectively cope with the tasks.

A person must pay a sleep at least 6-8 hours. The arrangement of the organism is enough for full functioning. With constant lack of sleep, the likelihood of the development of various failures is increasing:

The lack of a full sleep affects all spheres of life. A person ceases to cope with his duties at work, begins to swear with friends and family members. Avoid problems can be eliminated by the factors of the development of insomnia and adding daily chart of day sleep.

Advantages of dinner sleep

According to the doctors - somnologists, a 20-minute sleep in the lunchtime will positively affect the general condition of the person. The productivity of the employee will increase due to the removal of the nervous voltage and the improvement of cognitive functions. The full list of daytime dorms looks as follows:

  • nervous and muscle tension is removed;
  • 1/3 improves performance;
  • restores psycho-emotional balance;
  • improve memory and analytical thinking.

Interesting! In Japan, more and more large corporations "introduce" dining dream. Employees are given 20-30 minutes to rest. Calculated workers are much more productive to cope with their official duties.

On the territory of Russia, not everyone can rise at lunch. People remains to spend their lunchtime or at all forget about the daily rest.

Pillows for sleep in the workplace - the best solution to the problem

Pillow for sleep in the workplace contributes to rapid falling asleep. Defined the effect of his head in a convenient position. The neck remains in a relaxed state even sitting at the table.

Variants of models

Pillows are selected individually, focusing on personal preferences. In 2018, 4 models are claimed:

Option pillowDescription
"Ostrich"Kawamura-Ganjavian worked on the creation of an anti-stress model. Production uses pleasant to the touch materials. The pillow is divided into 2 types:
Classic externally resembles a helmet from the square. Wear a pillow on the head. The front remains a hole for the face. Ears are completely closed. At the forehead level on the sides, branches for hands are made so that you can rely on, putting your head on the table. Due to the original design, a small personal space is created, contributing to falling asleep.
The mini-version is similar to the snead, tensioning on the head. The model looks less specific and easier to wear, but the final feeling of "insulation" is inferior to a classic option.
"Manual"The model of Studio "Banana Things" is created. She enjoys particularly popular among office employees due to the compact size and soft filler. Use "manual" sleeping pads at work in 2 ways:
Put the chin, spent accessory to the palm through a small slot.
Put the head on the pillow by placing her hand on her elbow using two large holes.
"Tie""Ties" are produced by American companies. Externally, the model is an ordinary business man's accessory. The microfiber pad, silk and retractable valve, with which air is injected. In the inflated state, the product withstands up to 11 kilograms. For sleep, it is enough to put your head on the "tie", located on the table, shoulder or chair. It is not necessary to remove the pillow. After sleep, you just need to blow the air and continue to work further.
"Collar"Create "collars" many foreign companies from soft materials covered with cotton. For sleep, the pillow is put on the neck. Then you should learn about the back of the chair and relax. Included is a case. For holding the "compressed" form uses a strapping.

The "manual" version of the pillow can be made independently. It will be necessary to sew a sleeve. Then fill it with a soft material. Porolan is suitable or syntheps.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a pillow for sleep at work, individual features and preferences should be taken into account. Specialists advise on focusing on their favorite positions for recreation and other points (noisy setting, it is impossible to turn off the light). We will help to decide the following information about models:

  • Lovers to sleep, leaning on the back of the chair, the cushion "collar" is better suited.
  • The "Ostrich" model is actually universal. Thanks to the possibility of putting hands under the head and close the eyes and ears, the option of the pillow for any situations is relevant.
  • "Ties" are perfectly suitable for men who have the opportunity to build up at lunchtime.
  • "Manual" models choose workers who love to sleep on the table, leaning on their hands.

Equally, it is important to ensure that the pillow for sleep in the office consisted of hypoallergenic materials and was convenient in carrying and stored. It is advisable to pay attention to the manufacturer's company.

Attention! Many models began to sell Chinese companies using the services like AliExpress. The price and quality of such pillows are an order of magnitude lower than the originals.

Care rules

The pillow will serve longer with proper care. The washing process, ironing and drying is different depending on the filler. Artificial materials require a special approach:

Tip! If the pine filler is natural (feather, fluff), it is advisable to go to dry cleaning, especially with long-term operation. Inside, a dangerous microflora may appear, from which it is difficult to get rid of at home.

Methods of acquisition and pricing policy

Clauds are created for sleep outside the house mostly by foreign companies. You can buy one of the popular models on the territory of the Russian Federation with the help of online stores or official dealers. It follows to the price list in the list:

  • "Manual" - up to 20-30 $;
  • "Collar" - up to $ 40;
  • "Tie" - up to $ 20;
  • "Ostrich" - up to $ 50.

Tip! When choosing a place of purchase, it is worth asking the seller to make a license to commit such transactions and documents confirming the authenticity of the goods. Failure may mean that pillows have low quality or sold by fraudsters.