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Most common company names. The name of the company and the name of the owners. Directions for creating successful company names

The most important thing when creating a company is its name.... The name of the company is the main business card for the client. The name should be consonant and appropriate to the activities of the company. The right name is a major step towards prosperity.

The importance of choosing the right company name

A correctly chosen name helps the company to earn additional income with the help of attracted clients. When choosing a name for a company, first of all, think about clients and target audience in general.

  • With the target audience consisting of elderly people, the name of the company should consist of one capacious and short word, maximum two, but short and quickly catchy and rhyming.
  • Title must be created with the expectation of increasing the company in the future. You should think carefully about how you would like the company to sound to the whole world.
  • Good choice of name- this is a combination of the name with the active activity of the company, this will attract customers at the very beginning of the company's career.

The right name for the company turns its product into famous brand, increases at times the competitiveness among other companies, and wins new loyal customers who will bring their friends and relatives.

Normative acts (Federal Law No. 14, Civil Code)

When setting up a company, brand protection rules and all legal obligations must also be taken into account.

The following should be considered:

  • Compliance with the Civil Code, RF, 1 and 4 parts.
  • Compliance with Federal laws of the organizational form.
  • Regional and local documentation.
  • Compliance with the standards of other executive authorities, for example, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation.

The company must complete the following documentation:

  • Compliance with naming standards enterprises, an indication of the organizational form, for example: "JSC or LLC", non-compliance, will result in a refusal to register.
  • Indication of the type of activity and industry specifics.
  • Compliance documentation, prohibiting the use in the name of the city of the Russian Federation and other foreign states. Also, names should not be used that will contribute to inciting ethnic hatred.

Basic rules for determining the name

Before defining a name for a company, the following steps should be followed:

  • Conduct marketing research. This will help to identify the main target audience, to which the main attention of the seller will be directed. If the name of the company is aimed at consumers who are interested in the product, the fastest growth of the company is guaranteed. For example: " Big sizes”, Only fat people will go to this store, knowing that it is here that they will be able to pick up their clothes. Thin people will not be here, so as not to drive into the complex, overweight people and in this store they will feel comfortable.
  • The use of names is prohibited. This technique has long gone into the past and is completely incomprehensible to people when the name consists of two names, husband and wife. The main goal of attracting customers is to communicate with them, that is, the name should be created for the target audience.
  • A short name that's easy to remember... Light names, for example, from 4 letters, are always heard, if an additional site or blog is created, then in this case, it is easy for a person to find your company and apply for services. Easy names, quickly bring new customers and become a brand.
  • The name should be interesting and encouraging to enter... If a client came in once, the appropriate service will cause positive emotions, and he will come again and bring a new client. The company should work for the name and earn positive ratings, respectively, the good, provided service should also be taken into account.
  • The name must fully match kind of activity.

The "naming" of the company, first of all, should cause positive attitude from the consumer. For example, "House in the Country", such a name for milk, immediately evokes the association of warm, fresh milk in a bucket, which was brought by the grandmother from the pasture.

This name inspires confidence and the buyer's hand immediately reaches for the product. The milk seller has already earned significant points, just for the name, if the taste of the milk meets the approximate expectations of the buyer, then the milk will become a brand, with appropriate advertising.

Naming tips:

  • Easy pronunciation and memorability name that will not entail misrepresentation or paraphrasing.
  • The interpretation of the name, there should be one if there are several of them, then this entails a wrong perception of the product.
  • Uniqueness.
  • Name that can evoke emotions.
  • Name should carry strong and advantageous sides for client.
  • Correspondence the company's image in the name.
  • Emergence associations when pronouncing the name.
  • Must be trustworthy.
  • Simplicity pronunciation.

What can't be used in the title.

The name should not use "Russia", as well as the prepositions "ros", "RF". The prohibitive word in the name of the company is "Moscow". Any cities in Russia are also banned.

The name should not use obscene and immoral words or words hinting at it.

Examples of company names

The main styles of company names are subdivided into 4 forms:

  • Standard style- the use of simple and everyday word forms.
  • Different- the use of rare. Outlandish words or foreign letters.
  • Evident- names that easily allow you to determine the type of business of the company.
  • Fashionable style- used in companies using new or innovative technologies.

The name for the company is chosen based on its specification, examples of a construction, legal and travel company will be presented below:
Name for a construction company.

The best option when choosing a name for a construction company is to interview prospective employees. This method, will create an impressive database that will allow you to select the best names. The name of the construction company should reflect the type of activity.

It is possible to arrange a competition on copywriting exchanges to choose a name - this way will come out inexpensively, but the company will receive whole line proposals.

Examples of construction companies:

  • « Krasko "- a company providing different types paints and varnishes.
  • "Slate"- provision of slate covering.
  • "Log houses"- the name, speaks for itself, the provision of services for the assembly of log houses.
  • "Ladle"- provision of system - equipment.

Name for a law firm

The name should convey reliability and protection for the client. When contacting this company, the client must understand that professionals who are able to solve any problem work here. In a law firm, as in any other, the name should not be a “cheap double”. This association disgusts clients and they feel cheated. For example: "Nike" and "Nike".

For the name of a legal firm, do your research so that the name does not overlap with other legal consulting firms.

Examples of titles:

  • "Consul"- legal advice.
  • ""
  • "Consal".

Name for a travel company

The name should correspond to the type of activity. When choosing a name, the target audience should be calculated and the price of the tour package for this target audience should be determined from the outgoing data, an appropriate name should be selected.

Examples of titles:

  • "Teztour"- extended tour picks from different countries.
  • "Novatour"- any kind of recreation including excursions and guides.
  • "Russo Turisto"- the name speaks for itself, a vacation intended for Russian tourists with their preferences and customs.
  • "Alextour"- use of the name in the title, given view you can offer names to clients if you are sure of the services provided, you already have positive reviews that will bring new customers to your name.
  • "Coconut"- types of summer vacations.

It is important to remember that the most important thing in a travel company is it is her .

After all, it is the name that is business card that will lead customers!

Stanislav Matveev

Author of the bestseller "Phenomenal Memory". Record holder of the Russian Book of Records. Creator of the training center "RememberVse". The owner of Internet portals in legal, business and fishing topics. Formerly a franchise and online store owner.

  • What are the requirements for a title?
  • What will help you make a choice?
  • Original examples

Before how to start a business from scratch, you need to think about the name of your company. You will be surprised, but the success and, of course, the income of the business started very strongly depends on this component. Next, we will tell you how to name a company so that it is successful and does not contradict regulations. In addition, below our readers will be provided with a list of best examples names of LLC and individual entrepreneur in Russia.

What are the requirements for a title?

Before naming your company, you should familiarize yourself with the following requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 14-ФЗ dated 08.02. 98 "On Limited Liability Companies":

  • The name must necessarily indicate the organizational and legal form of the new company.
  • Words such as "Russian Federation" and "Russia" can be used only after obtaining special permission.
  • It is forbidden to give a name to a company if it is contrary to the principles of humanity, morality and public interest.
  • If there is already such a name in another city and the trademark is registered, it is also prohibited to name the business.
  • It is unacceptable to use names in the name of the organization power structures RF, their subjects, as well as the use of the names of any states.

In principle, the requirements are quite adequate, and even if you did not familiarize yourself with them in advance, there is a very small chance that problems will arise due to a contradiction in one of the points. However, you should be aware of these rules anyway. some names should not be assigned to a company, no matter how much you want it!

What will help you make a choice?

So, now we will talk about how best to name your company in order to gain success and attract customers.

Consider the following tips and then your business will only flourish:

  1. Add the field of activity of your company to the name. For example, if you want open a photo studio, "PhotoPoint" will sound good (but it already exists, look for alternative options).
  2. Link your name to the region in which the company will be involved. For example - Kubanzhilstroy LLC.
  3. It is trite, but sometimes it works - to name the company beautifully, use your last name or first name. Think of the same Ford company, founder Henry Ford, or Mercedes.
  4. Include in the name of the firm its main advantage over the competition. If you want to open grocery delivery, customers may like the name "Lunch in an instant!"
  5. Use abbreviations as they are easy to remember, which is not only logical, but also recommended by the ancient science of Feng Shui. The famous construction company"PiK" will be one of the simplest examples.
  6. Introduction of foreign words such as "Food", "Market", "Corporation". They give the company an unusual and at the same time sonorous name (remember "MamaMarket", one of the best franchises for womens business).
  7. Before giving a name to your company, be sure to write it in search engine and see what gets to the first page of the search. In this regard, it is necessary to name the organization in an original way, so that when the client wants to find you, it was you. There is no need to call the coffee shop "Fragrant Coffee", because There will obviously be several such names in Moscow or another big city, and the client may not go to you, although he was initially interested.
  8. Use your imagination and rely on the interests of your target customers. It is their opinion that should be taken into account when choosing the name of the company. If this is a youth cafe, analyze what words are currently in vogue and how well they will be used.
  9. Please note that when you open an IP, the business will be registered under your full name. The name of the company can only be assigned when registering an LLC. However, you should not be upset, because you can call an open store in your own way, no one forbids making signs, just IP I.I. Ivanov will be spelled out in receipts and documents.
  10. If your company has a large enough turnover of goods, add such prefixes as Mega, Giant, Super or even Island. As practice shows, such word prefixes are of interest to customers.

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So we have provided some tips on how to properly name your company so that it flourishes, attracts wealth and luck. In the following, we will provide some of the best naming examples for each business area to help you come up with a name for your business as well.

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Original examples

So, in order not to overload you with information, for each business option we will provide three of the best names that already exist and are popular with people.

Take note of these ideas to name your own firm beautifully and uniquely:

  • Construction stores: "Partner", "Trowel", "Builder";
  • Law offices: "Solution", "Robin Hood", "Shah and Checkmate";
  • Medical Center: "Life Line", "World of Health", "36.6";
  • Accounting services: "ProfAccountant", "FinUspekh", "Consult";
  • Electrical work and plumbing: "Energy", "Mastersliv", "Master-house";
  • Clothing or footwear store: "U-style", "Bolshevichka", "Fashionista";
  • Wedding Salon: "Union of Two Hearts", "Dream", "Cupid";
  • Repair and decoration of apartments: "Specialists", " Smart repair"," TOP-builder ";
  • Travel agency: "Around the world", "In the summer!", "World of travel";
  • Transport company: "Business lines", "KIT", "Transline";
  • Meat and grocery stores: "Myasoyedov", "Appetite", "Molochny Dvor";
  • Funeral services: "In last way"," Memory "," Necropolis ".

Based on these examples of the names of LLC and IE, you can come up with a name for your company. The main thing is to fantasize and, if possible, make an Internet survey out of 10 invented examples in order to understand which option will appeal to an independent jury. This is how you can name your company so that it is successful and profitable!

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Each company opened on the territory Russian Federation must have a title. Without this, it will be impossible to take out a bank loan or conclude a contract.

It is worth choosing a name long before opening, because during the registration process you will have to do a lot. All your efforts will be spent on solving more important tasks, so you simply won't have time to choose a creative name.

It is worth noting that not everyone is able to quickly come up with interesting name, sometimes this process is delayed for weeks, or even more.

Instructions for choosing a name for a company

Many do not even know about the existence of such a word as naming.

Based on many years of experience, experts in this field have identified points that should be followed when choosing a name:

  1. Use the name of the creator or his immediate family in the name of the company. There are many cases in history when largest companies thus got their name. For example, the legendary Mercedes concern was named after the owner's daughter.
  2. Use the name of the product directly. If the company sells doors, then you can add "World" to this word: "World of doors". This name looks quite original, and most importantly, it is quite understandable for the consumer.
  3. Use a title that reflects best qualities companies. For example, "Gruzolet", based on this name, it becomes immediately clear that the company seeks to deliver the cargo of its client as quickly as possible.
  4. Use the so-called regional approach. When the name of a company contains its geographical location, for example, "Siberian felt boots".
  5. Use beautiful foreign words such as "promotion" or "corporation". They sound very stylish and solid. Accordingly, such a respected company can be trusted.

Legal requirements for the name of LLC

When choosing a name for a company, you must adhere to the Civil Code and Federal Law No. 14 dated 02.08.1998.

It states the following:

  • the name of the organization must contain the organizational and legal form;
  • the name should not contain designations that contradict morality and public interests;
  • the name of the company should not contain the words "Russia" or "Russian state" without special permission.

Names prohibited in Russia

Not all names can be chosen for your newly opened company.

It is strictly forbidden to use the following:

  • names of structures or subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • names of other international, intergovernmental and public organizations;
  • obscene, obscene and immoral words and expressions;
  • names of previously registered companies without insignia.

As a result of violation of these rules, an organization can be subject to heavy administrative fines, as well as a ban on the further use of such a name.

In the event of disobedience, you cannot avoid litigation, which will further aggravate the financial condition of the company.

Original company names

Often beautiful name is able to attract many customers, especially immediately after opening, respectively, every novice businessman should carefully approach his choice.

V recent times there were offices that, for a certain fee, will come up with an original name for your business.

However, most of the well-known companies appeared as a result of the thoughts of the owner himself or quite by accident as a result of unforeseen events. It is enough just to remember the history of the appearance of the legendary name of the company "Apple".

Please note that the title should not be too long.

Looking at the names of the companies "IKEA" and "Nokia" it is clear that just a couple of letters are enough to create an unforgettable combination. In fact, the names of both companies make sense.

The first two letters of the IKEA company are the initials of the founder of the company, and the rest are the abbreviated name of the farm in which the owner grew up. And "Nokia" is the name of the village in which this company originated. Below are the original names of the organizations in both Russian and English.

In Russian

The Russian-language options include:

  1. "Snabmonolit".
  2. "Extract".
  3. "Luxvoyage".
  4. "EconomMarket".
  5. "Commerce pro".
  6. EcoTransit.
  7. "Zagranekstrim".
  8. "MasterArchitect".
  9. "ProfVoyage".
  10. "TradeStandard".

In English

English-speaking ones include:

  1. Pepsi.
  2. "LEGO".
  3. "Kalypso".
  4. Knorr.
  5. Intel.
  6. SONY.
  7. Apple.
  8. Nokia.
  9. "VIVITAR".
  10. "HP".

The role of the field of activity in choosing a name

When choosing a name for your company, be sure to consider the type of activity that you are going to do. So the name of the trading company should be noticeably different from that of a legal or dental firm.

Experienced naming professionals have identified the following basic naming styles:

  • trendy ones used by tech companies;
  • obvious, containing general names of objects, thanks to which you can understand the scope of the firm;
  • standard, in which simple word forms are used;
  • differing using rare words and expressions that have special meaning.

You need to strive to identify the qualities that attract customers in this business, and try to include them in the name.

Examples of titles by industry

It is very important that the name makes the potential client turn to you, it should also evoke positive emotions in people.

For convenience, below are examples of how to choose the right company name and how not to do it.

On opening construction company first, you need to determine the requirements of clients for the developer. They usually want quality work done according to norms and deadlines. Based on this, you need to focus on reliability and competitiveness.

Names such as:

  • "Your house";
  • Megapolis;
  • "Domostroitel".

But it is worthwhile to carefully approach originality. For example, a name such as "MigDomStroy" can mean that the company will perform work quickly, regardless of quality. Naturally, this will scare off potential customers.

Among the huge variety of shops and retail stores, stand out with beautiful name will be more difficult. When choosing, you can proceed from the following:

  • product quality (elite, extra, premium, economy, budget, etc.);
  • relevance of product groups (squeak of fashion, season, fake and second hand, etc.);
  • the scale of the assortment (bazaar, shop, etc.);
  • goods (business suits, food, shoes, etc.);
  • age and gender of clients (children, gentleman, macho, fashionista, etc.).

All this can be mixed and obtained interesting name that will appeal to a specific audience. For example, “Shoes for macho”, “Cavalier in premium clothes”, “Fashionable child”.

If you need to choose a name for an organization working in the field of taxi and cargo transportation, you should focus on qualities such as speed and safety.

For a taxi, names are suitable:

  1. "Fast and the Furious".
  2. "Drive".

Quite often, the suffix or the ending "Auto" is used in the name of such companies.

It is best to choose a name while in a good mood. A gloomy and overwhelmed businessman is unlikely to be able to come up with something funny and original.

If you still cannot choose a beautiful name for a company, then entrust it to professionals. They will do everything in accordance with applicable law.

Each firm should have its own name. No nameless company can be officially registered, so you should choose a name for your company before you start dealing with paperwork. In this article, we will discuss how to name a firm to be successful and promising.

What is the name for the company?

One of the most important criteria when choosing a company name is uniqueness. If you are wondering how to name a firm correctly, heed the advice of experienced marketers:

  1. The name should be easy to remember and concise. In this case, potential customers will recognize him. It is desirable that the word consists of one or two syllables;
  2. Before making your final decision, think about how comfortable your clients will feel when they say the phrase you have invented. The main thing in this business is not to be too clever, so be sure to test the complexity of the perception of the name;
  3. Don't use negative words or ambiguous expressions;
  4. If you plan to further develop your enterprise and go to the international level, try to find such a phrase that sounds good on different languages... Be sure to check its value in those countries with which you want to establish partnerships;
  5. Make sure that your company name is not associated with competitors or other well-known brands.

Legal subtleties

Before naming a company, you should consider all the legal nuances:
  • If you accidentally take someone else's name that is patented as a brand or trademark, it will be considered a copyright infringement. In this case, you will not be able to avoid litigation with the owners of the company from which you "stole" the name;
  • A name that is very similar to the name of a competitor's firm may be brought to court;
  • Private entrepreneurs cannot mention in the name of their company the word Russia or any derivatives from the names of the subjects of the federation. In addition, the chosen word or phrase cannot be obscene, offensive or violate the law;
  • The name cannot mislead customers about the direction of the business.

Choosing a name yourself

The main goal of any entrepreneur is to figure out how to name a company so that it is successful and brings good income... The name of a company is an effective marketing tool that increases its awareness and helps to promote products or services on the market.

For the name to work in your favor, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. The best place to start is by developing a company motto, brand, and logo. First of all, carefully analyze the business development concept and field of activity. After that, you need to do the analysis of the target audience. For example, if you want to open a youth clothing store, the name should be light and casual. For a boutique with expensive clothes that ladies visit of different ages, you should choose something more solid and "elegant".

First of all, pay attention to similar companies in order to identify your main competitors, as well as analyze their promotion methods. Formulate the basic requirements that you have for the title. This will help you choose suitable option.

There are many options, as you can call the company. The easiest way to come up with a good name for your company is to brainstorm. Write down all the ideas, even if they seem stupid and completely useless to you. The more sketches you make, the easier it is to choose the one that suits you. Get your friends and family involved in this business. Maybe they can give you some good advice. A dictionary or manual with specialized foreign vocabulary can be a good helper for you.

If you decide to use a topic word, you should consider whether it will be clear to all customers. Sometimes complex names scare off buyers, so it's best to use them for companies that serve a certain number of customers.

When choosing a name for your company, do not forget that you will have to pronounce it often during personal meetings with clients and partners, as well as during telephone conversations, so pay attention to how it sounds in different conditions... These little things can have a big impact on the formation of a company's image.

Professional approach

Aspiring entrepreneurs often turn to specialists with a request to help them name a company. For the services of professionals, you will have to pay about $ 1,000. For start-up companies, this is too much money, therefore, in order to save money at the start, it is better to solve this problem on your own.

Serious organizations are very sensitive to their reputation and image, so they usually turn to naming agencies for help. Professionals conduct research on the company's activities, analyze the market, and then offer several options for how to name the company, fully complying with all the requirements of the legislation of our country. The choice is up to the customer.

Naming provides for the inclusion in the name:

  • Owner's name;
  • Main product names;
  • Basic concept;
  • Abbreviations;
  • Foreign words.

Before registering an enterprise, decide? It is advisable to work as a private entrepreneur at first. In this case, you can significantly save on paperwork. you will be advised by the tax office at your place of residence.

If you open an LLC, you must provide the full name of the company. In this case, the use of foreign words is allowed, but only in Russian transcription. , is not reflected in the name of the company. There are few restrictions in choosing a name for a company, the most important thing is to be creative in this issue.

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Variants of good names

If you cannot decide how to name the company, examples of names will help you find the right solution:

  • A construction company must be reliable and stable, therefore, its name must inspire confidence in customers - "Our House", "Stroycity" and others;
  • In the title transport companies should use the theme of speed or cars - "Fast and the Furious" and so on;
  • A travel agency can be called Laskovy Bereg, Voyage or Traveler;
  • original name furniture store- "Divan Divanych" attracts with home comfort and special warmth... And the name of the store "Chistyulya" means that in it you can find any detergents and cleaning products;
  • The veterinary clinic can be called "Aibolit" or "Animal repair".
An entrepreneur must decide for himself how best to name the company, since this is one of the important components of his success and well-being.

Summing up

Regardless of how you name the company, at the first stage you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on its development. Pay special attention to accounting, customer service, and marketing policies. If you do everything correctly, in a few years the name of the company will be known not only in our country, but also abroad.

The choice of a name for your company must be approached carefully and scrupulously; neatly but mercilessly weeding out most of the options that come to mind. Why? The name is the first impression tool: the most important and most effective when done right.

Not always, to create a successful name for your company, you should turn to the services of professionals and spend fabulous sums on it. You can cope with naming (and this is how the process of developing a name is called) on your own: just make a list of directions and goals of your work, and then turn on your imagination and express the essence of everything written in two or three words.

What does the name of a law firm consist of?

In the previous article, we have already told and explained why templates are good - they work well. The same cannot be said about “creative” ideas like making up a name from the first syllables of someone's name or coming up with original unique words.

In the classic form of the name law firm 3 components can be distinguished:

    1. Organizational form.
    2. An adjective indicating a field of activity.
    3. Word name.

Let's take a closer look at each component.

1. Organizational form

Have you ever wondered how does a "beauty salon" differ from a "beauty studio"? Most likely not, because both there and there you will be provided with all the necessary services. In fact, there really is no difference. But their owners can easily justify the existence of a difference, thereby adding advantages over competitors(albeit imaginary). For example, the owner of a "beauty studio" may say that they have a more creative approach and they are open to experiments, and the owner of a "beauty salon", in turn, will note that they have highest level service.

And this is the first secret of success - feel what the word is "your", come up with indisputable reasons for this.

Law Firm Name Options:

Remember that the actual difference in concepts will only appear when you come up with it and can explain it. So it is quite possible to first choose what "liked more".

2. An adjective indicating a field of activity

It is better to immediately show the client where he got to. For this one should use semantic definitions reflecting the scope of your company:

  • Legal
  • Legal
  • Consulting
  • Lawyer

By adding such an adjective, you make the name "speaking", potential clients will appreciate it too.

3. Word-name

The last stage is the most difficult, but at the same time the most important: to come up with a direct name for the company - one that will distinguish and distinguish it from others on the market.

What can be used as the name of a law firm?

  1. Last name of the managing partner
    To some extent, the canonical version (from the category of "so accepted"), but at the same time quite successful, because the name is, in fact, your most obvious difference as a specific specialist. This approach is especially relevant for private practitioners.

  2. Legal noun
    For example: "Femida", "Yurconsult", "Yurikom", "Profi Lawyer", etc. Choosing this option, you should understand that your name will be “like everyone else”, like the average companies in provincial towns. But maybe this is exactly what your target audience needs?

  3. A noun that indicates the scope of your company, but NOT BANAL!
    This is exactly the kind of creative with which it is important not to overdo it. Rate: The Hobbit, Fiolent, Four Pi. Would you understand that these are legal companies? Me not. But these are real names!

It is also important to consider that the name should be as informative and short as possible... For example, if you take the surnames of four partners as the name, then clients will either remember at most only the first two, or completely ignore the name as overly difficult.

So, we have considered the necessary basis for naming for a law firm, now is the time to try the described scheme in action and build a name for your company.

4. Methodology for developing the name of a legal company

In order for you to feel all the creativity of the naming process, I suggest you play the game... The rules are pretty simple:

    1. Choose your favorite word from the first column.
    2. Choose the adjective you like from the second one.
    3. You enter your main activity.
    4. And now you just take and connect the words you like in each column, changing declensions and cases.

Unleash your imagination! This is the key to success!

Organizational form Industry adjective A noun indicating an occupation
(your practices)
Remember that the service is intangible!
Adding the First and Last Name of the Managing Partner to the company name is a more winning strategy, especially if you are the media person of the company and the brand will be based on your last name.
Department of Legal Bankruptcy
Group Legal Insurance
Studio Consulting Family disputes
Boutique Lawyer Marketing

What happened?

Original names of law firms

I would like to repeat that the basis for the success of a company name is always recognition, clarity and uniqueness. Every entrepreneur understands perfectly well that offering a client something that no one else has is a winning strategy. Exactly the same logic is valid for naming.
Finally, I will give as an example several companies that have rather interesting and not trivial names.

Law Firm
"Business Elephant"

Organized Legal
Group - organized crime group

Legal boutique
"Insurance Greedy"

A good name is a balanced combination of the classic approach, terms understandable to clients and non-standard solutions.

Start inventing something now!

And maybe very soon your idea will become a popular brand!