Repair Design Furniture

Bathroom in a panel house or how to make a smart renovation. Combining a bathroom and a toilet (45 photos): how to do the redevelopment correctly Redevelopment in the bathroom before and after

The bathroom is the smallest room in the apartment. However, its arrangement of attention, of course, should be paid no less than the rest of the rooms of the dwelling. The most radical way to improve the comfort of a bathroom is to redevelop it. There are several ways to do it.

Of course, when planning to make any changes to the configuration of the toilet and bathroom, you should take into account certain rules provided for by the SNiP regulations.

Optimal layout

Of course, the redevelopment of the bathroom and toilet should be carried out with a preliminary project. Planning is carried out taking into account the following:

  • The location of the sewer riser and the passage of water pipes.
  • The minimum permissible distance between plumbing fixtures.

The design of bathrooms, carried out in accordance with all the rules, will make it possible to equip a really comfortable room.

Household appliances placement rules

We think this small photo gallery has convinced you that the layout of bathrooms and toilets should be thought out to the smallest detail. The layout of the restroom is selected, first of all, so that the plumbing in it could be placed in accordance with the established standards.

When drawing up a bathroom plan, you should be guided by certain standards

The design should be carried out taking into account the fact that according to the SNiP standards, the free space in front of the bathroom or shower stall should be at least 70 cm. Leave a passage of at least 60cm in front of the toilet. On both sides of it - 25cm. There should be at least 70cm of space in front of the washbasin.

Redevelopment methods

How can you re-equip a toilet in such a way that it is as convenient as possible? There are several options for redeveloping latrines.


The layout of a bathroom with dimensions up to 3-4 sq m does not allow using this room with sufficient comfort, even with a rational placement of plumbing. Therefore, small toilets are usually combined with bathrooms. Such redevelopment allows you to give the bathroom a much more modern appearance.

A shared toilet can actually be very convenient.

Advice: You should not combine a toilet with a bathroom in apartments with too many residents. In this case, the convenience due to the increase in area will probably be negated by the inability to use the premises for a long time.

By combining it with a bathroom, a redevelopment of a bathroom in a panel, block or brick house can be performed. The demolition of the septum is not so difficult in any of these cases.

Partitions in typical apartments are not too thick and it will not be difficult to remove them.

Expansion through outbuildings

A small bathroom, the layout of which does not allow the installation of a sufficient amount of household appliances, can be expanded, among other things, by combining it with an adjoining pantry. Sometimes the restroom is also - partially or completely - expanded at the expense of the corridor. Of course, the last alignment option is possible only when the corridor is not a walk-through.

Thoughtful redevelopment. Combining a bathroom with a pantry

It is not allowed to combine the toilet and the kitchen, as well as to expand the area of ​​the first due to the area of ​​the second. Exceptions to this plan are provided only for dwellings on the ground floor. It is impossible to place toilets above the kitchens of the apartments located below. Redevelopment can only be legalized if these conditions are met.

Moving the door

The layout of a bathroom in Khrushchev and even in late Stalinist houses is sometimes ill-conceived and inconvenient. After moving the door in some of these latrines, additional space may appear for installing, for example, a washing machine or even a shower stall.

Photo of a small toilet with a shower. Relocation of the door in certain situations - the operation is really expedient

Important: It is prohibited by the regulations to arrange the entrance to the toilet from the living rooms.

Relocation of the bathroom

SNiP is allowed, including such reconstruction as moving the restroom to another place in the apartment. Of course, such a redevelopment can only be done in a large dwelling.

Important: Toilets may only be moved to additional or utility rooms.

The procedure for transferring a bathroom requires careful preliminary planning.

Small typical bathroom: what can be done

The project of a combined or separate bathroom in new buildings is usually already initially drawn up in such a way that it is convenient to use this room, and it looks modern. Basically, only the owners of apartments in old Soviet-built houses are interested in the issue of remodeling toilets. Therefore, further we will take a closer look at how you can re-equip the typical tiny "Khrushchev" toilets.

Typical toilets in older apartments are usually very small

Redevelopment of a bathroom in Khrushchev

There are only two ways to enlarge a separate toilet in small apartments:

  • Combine it with a bathroom.
  • Combine it with a bathroom and an adjoining corridor. In this case, the entrance to the kitchen is arranged from the living room.

Modern beautiful combined bathroom in Khrushchev

Any combination scheme requires a preliminary implementation of such a procedure as approval in the appropriate authorities. To obtain permission, you will need to apply to the BTI first, and then to Zhilniiproekt, SES, to the district architect, DEZ, to the Housing Inspectorate, MVK and then to the prefecture. At the final stage, an inspector from the BTI will come to your house and check the compliance of the redevelopment with the project.

Optimal placement of plumbing

In a small standard Khrushchev toilet of 2 square meters, you can install, perhaps, a toilet. After combining with a bathroom in the bathroom, it will be easy to place a bidet, set, washing machine, etc.

Even a small comfortable headset can be installed in a combined bathroom

Traditionally, the layout of the combined bathroom in Khrushchevs is as follows: a bath and a toilet are at opposite walls, between them is a sink. By making small changes, you can add free space and such a room. To do this, the bath is changed to a shower stall or corner version, and the toilet is moved closer to the opposite wall or even hung directly on it.

You can beautifully design a typical combined toilet even without redevelopment.

On a note: In a very tiny combined bathroom of 3 sq m (in old economy class houses there are also such), instead of a shower stall, you can use a modern shower panel that takes up almost no space.

Shower panel in a small bathroom

The sink in a typical combined bathroom can be supplemented with a long (for the whole wall) countertop and cabinets for storing household appliances and towels can be placed under it.

Visual expansion of the area

The layout of a bathroom of 4 sq m or 3 sq m can be of any kind. However, of course, such a room will not look especially spacious anyway. You can slightly correct the situation using various design techniques that allow you to increase the area purely visually.

Designs of projects of combined bathrooms. You can try to expand the area of ​​a small restroom, including visually

This can be achieved in several ways:

  • Using only light pastel shades in the decoration of the shared bathroom.
  • Correctly placing lighting fixtures in the bathroom. Be sure to hang a plafond or a small chandelier on the ceiling. It is also advisable to use lights on both sides of the mirror.
  • By decorating the floor and shower area with the same material.
  • Using a matte finish with medium sized elements.

Having finished the shower area and the floor with the same material, you can visually slightly enlarge the room

The conclusion from all of the above can be made simple. When drawing up a project for the arrangement of a bathroom, you should first of all consider the possibility of expansion through redevelopment, think over the placement of furniture and household appliances and choose the most suitable design. In this case, the restroom will turn out to be comfortable and beautiful.

It is good if the room for personal hygiene is spacious. However, this is by no means the case in all cases. Therefore, a large number of residents decide to combine the bathroom and toilet. As a result, it will turn out to optimize the available area. When doing this work, you should take into account some important nuances. It is about them that will be discussed in this article, and you will also learn about the technological process of combining these two rooms.

Not in all cases of combining a bath with a bathroom is possible. For example, if a large number of people live in your apartment. Otherwise, it can provoke the appearance of queues. Therefore, in such cases, it would be preferable to leave two separate rooms.

Moreover, take into account the fact that when combining it is necessary to provide high-quality sound insulation from the kitchen side. Otherwise, unpleasant odors, tank draining, etc. will constantly infiltrate the kitchen.

Make sure the riser does not interfere with alignment. Based on this, decide in advance where the sewer and water pipes will be connected. Often, when dismantling the partition, communications interfere. In some cases, you can solve the problem by installing the installation in a hidden method.

Well, another, important nuance, which should be taken into account, is the possibility of agreeing on redevelopment. Any change in the layout of the apartment must be coordinated with the Housing Inspectorate. Therefore, first of all, solve all the bureaucratic issues with paperwork, and then start work with a clear conscience.

The main advantage of this solution is the increase in usable area. After all, this makes it possible to install a washing machine and other plumbing fixtures. Moreover, it becomes possible to install a shower stall by removing the bathtub. Or, conversely, install a large corner bath. Among other things, increasing the area makes it possible to use design skills by making niches in the walls. It also becomes possible to completely hide water and sewer pipes.

As for the disadvantages of such a solution, the combined toilet and bath can create inconveniences for their operation, especially if your family is large. And if people of retirement age live in the apartment with you, then for them such changes will seem like a real disaster. For this, consider and discuss such a redevelopment several times.

There are several methods of how to perform remodeling related to the combination of a toilet and a bathroom.

  1. Unification without affecting the corridor. This implies a complete dismantling of the partition between the bathroom and toilet.
  2. Integration with an extension to the corridor. In this case, the expansion goes towards the living space.

In some houses, sewerage, ventilation and water supply risers are placed in the partition. If it is possible to solve the problem with the latter, then it is unrealistic to transfer the sewer riser and ventilation. In this case, you shouldn't even think about redevelopment.

Removing a wall in a panel house can be a daunting task. The wall includes fittings that can only be cut with a grinder. Frankly speaking, this is a very painstaking and time-consuming job.

Do not cut the wall itself with a grinder. It is necessary to cut the reinforcement directly. Otherwise, dust can suffocate.

To do this, use a hammer drill and a bump stop. To make it easier to take out the debris, shape the piles of the dismantled wall so that they are small in size and so that they can be lifted.

Things are a little different with the redevelopment in Khrushchev. Due to the fact that the walls are made of bricks, the dismantling process will be easier. Moreover, if the old brick can be removed without damaging it, then it can be reused. For example, one of the doorways can be laid with old bricks. So, to dismantle a brick partition, you will need a punch and a hammer.

Having started a redevelopment, it is important to adhere to a specific sequence. The order of work is as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to shut off all taps, and also, if possible, shut off the water riser.
  • Also, drain the water from the system, this also applies to draining the water from the tank.
  • Further, the pipeline and existing attachments are dismantled, either a boiler, or lockers, etc.
  • After that, you should dismantle the old finish from the walls.
  • Now you can dismantle the partition.
  • Further, all construction waste is completely removed from the toilet and bathroom.
  • Installing a new plumbing and sewerage system.
  • You are also laying new grounding wiring.
  • Provide the combined space with enough outlets and switches.
  • The seam formed at the site of the wall must be repaired with facing materials.

If not only the demolition of the wall is planned, but also a complete redevelopment in the room, then an additional set of works will have to be carried out. For example, bring water supply and sewerage to the right places. Also install a corner bath or shower. If the floor level does not match, then it may be necessary to make a new screed. In this case, you can think about installing a floor heating system in the bathroom. Considering that humidity is always high in this room, floor heating will be very useful.

Following this order, you will be able to carry out work on combining these two rooms successfully and without outside help. Although, you may need the help of qualified specialists, starting from the fact that you will have to carry out a whole range of work affecting the installation of important communications.

So, now you know how to combine a bathroom with a bath. If you have practical experience in doing such work, your comments will be very helpful. You can also help novice craftsmen who do not yet have sufficient experience. Below is a series of photographs showing the redevelopment.


In the provided video material, you will clearly see the technique for combining a bath and a toilet:


The photographs show various options for redeveloping the bath and toilet:

When carrying out repairs in an apartment of a multi-storey building, very often, in order to expand the space and increase the comfort, it is planned to redevelop the bathroom and toilet. Usually this question concerns small rooms and provokes its need to place the washing machine closer to the water supply and sewerage nodes. Today, a washing machine is an essential attribute of any combined bathroom, as you can see by looking at the photo in the article.

It is recommended to initially draw up a detailed project of redevelopment of the bathroom and involve only qualified specialists who have the necessary experience and know all the intricacies of this event. Only in this case can the high quality of the work done and the observance of the prescribed standards be guaranteed.

It is important to remember that the remodeling of bathrooms in many cases is accompanied by a change in the structure of the building, the laying of new communication systems and electrical wiring, which requires approval from certain authorities.

Before legalizing the redevelopment in the bathroom, you need to draw up a detailed plan indicating all the planned redevelopments, the exact dimensions and a description of the materials used. Before drawing up a project, you need to familiarize yourself with all the requirements and regulatory prescriptions. For example, it is forbidden to remodel a bathroom and toilet if they are located above the living space or the existing walls are load-bearing.

The main stages of work during redevelopment

The whole complex of work carried out must be decomposed in a strict sequence, which will significantly improve the quality and reduce the time spent. A step-by-step plan of action before enlarging the bathroom will look like this:

  • dismantling of old equipment and plumbing;
  • destruction of unnecessary walls;
  • cleaning the room from the old cladding on all surfaces;
  • transferring a bath in the bathroom, laying new communications and replacing electrical wiring;
  • leveling the surface of the walls and filling up all the cracks;
  • surface primer, waterproofing layer and screed filling;
  • facing the room with finishing materials;
  • installation of plumbing and electrical appliances;
  • room decoration and general cleaning.

Redevelopment of the bathroom and toilet may deviate slightly from the specified list, depending on the tasks.

Positive and negative aspects of redevelopment

Like any other type of remodeling and renovation work, bathroom remodeling also has its pros and cons, which, unfortunately, are not always taken into account. Positive indicators include:

  • significant increase in space;
  • removing one wall, you get savings on the purchase of finishing materials;
  • redevelopment of the bathroom frees up space for the installation of additional equipment in the form of a washing machine or bidet;
  • the absence of a second door, which visually enlarges the corridor.

Redevelopment of the bathroom also has such negative qualities as:

  • significant inconvenience if more than three people live in the apartment;
  • foreign smells in the bathroom;
  • the financial costs for the transfer of water supply and sewerage highways increase significantly;
  • tedious procedure for obtaining the necessary permits.

Before renovating a bathroom with redevelopment, it is worth carefully weighing all these indicators.

Redevelopment in a small apartment

In small apartments, built during the Soviet Union, few people cared about comfort, and redevelopment of a small bathtub in order to increase the space becomes urgent. To solve this problem, it is usually enough to remove the partition between the bathroom and the bathroom, and simply sew up the second entrance door with plasterboard or lay bricks. In most cases, when carrying out the transfer of the bathroom in such apartments, the door is laid on the side of the bathroom and a washing machine with furniture is placed in this place.

It is important to remember that in small Khrushchevs, the walls of the bathrooms are part of the general frame of the building and for such work, permission is required to redevelop the bathroom in the appropriate authorities.

Redevelopment in a panel house

Unlike Khrushchev, remodeling a bathroom and toilet in a panel house is much easier, since the bathroom and toilet are usually presented as a separate built-in unit and are not part of the building structure. This allows demolition of the partition without special permits. Since the room here is much larger, the remodeling of the bathroom gives more opportunities in terms of transferring the sewerage and water supply systems.

In panel houses, you can increase the space in two ways:

  • demolish the partition between the bathroom and toilet;
  • redevelopment of a small bathroom due to the space of the corridor.

The most commonly used option is to demolish the partition between the toilet, which is usually sufficient for significant expansion. But many people do not accept the very fact that the toilet is in the same room as the bathroom and consider it unsanitary. In such cases, bathroom renovation with redevelopment involves the use of part of the corridor for the installation of furniture and a washing machine.

If the front door to the apartment is located close to the bathroom, then this repair option will not allow you to gain a lot of space. But if the front door is located further than 1.5 meters from the bathroom, then redevelopment of the bathroom in the apartment using the corridor is quite acceptable.

Household nuances

Before planning such work, it is necessary to decide at a family council whether the redevelopment of a standard bathroom will not create inconvenience for all family members. It is also recommended, even without major structural changes, to draw up a work plan and approve it at the authorities of the housing and communal services in order to avoid possible fines in the future.

It is also necessary to take into account all possible financial expenses in advance by drawing up a detailed estimate and a work plan, so that the redevelopment of the bathroom and toilet does not suddenly become an expensive pleasure for you in the midst of work.

Typical apartments are traditionally distinguished by cramped and inconvenient bathroom and toilet facilities, narrow corridors, and a small and inconvenient kitchen. Redevelopment of the toilet often takes place in panel houses.

It is impossible to correct this situation with the help of only cosmetic repairs: it will only give a visual effect.
It is really possible to correct the situation only if the redevelopment of these premises will be carried out, which will help to increase their area.

The main thing is to choose this option. bathroom remodeling, which, on the one hand, would correspond to your ideas about how the premises should look, and on the other hand, would correspond to the current building and sanitary standards.

Redevelopment of a bathroom in the apartment, photo:

Redevelopment of a bathroom in a panel house: combining, transferring, expanding and installing a new bathroom.

  • There are several ways to redevelop a bathroom in a typical apartment. Firstly, it can be expanded with an adjacent room (storage room, corridor, built-in wardrobe). But this option is not always possible. In the conditions of a standard city apartment, it is possible to increase the premises of the "wet zone" only due to the adjacent non-residential premises, that is, a corridor, storage room or utility room. Expanding a bathroom in a panel apartment building into a living room is prohibited, with one exception, which we will talk about later. Also, it is not allowed to redevelop the toilet, in which it will be located above the living room or the kitchen of the neighbors below. The same applies to the bathroom. These requirements are regulated by SaNPiN and SNiP 31-01-2003. An exception is made only for apartments on the first floors and for the second levels of two-story apartments.
  • Secondly, you can redevelop a bathroom and a bathroom into a combined bathroom. This option is one of the most popular. This is done either by dismantling the partition between them, or by dismantling the plumbing, if the design of the house provides for the latter. Often, when combining a toilet and a bathroom, their expansion into a corridor or storage room is also envisaged. As in the first case, in this case it is necessary to take into account the prohibitions and exceptions of the corresponding SNiPs and SaNPins.
  • Thirdly, sometimes it is possible to organize a second bathroom. The advantages of this option are difficult to overestimate, but it is far from always possible to implement it. For example, SaNPin 2.12.2645-10 in part of paragraph 3.9 prohibits “to arrange an entrance to a room equipped with a toilet bowl directly from the kitchen and living rooms, with the exception of the entrance from the bedroom to the combined bathroom, provided that there is a second room in the apartment equipped with a toilet bowl, with the entrance to it from the corridor or hall. " At the same time, the entrance to the bathroom (not combined with the bathroom) can be done from any room.

On the Internet, you can often see redevelopment projects , suggesting transfer of the bathroom or a bathroom in place, such as a kitchen. It is possible to implement such a project, not only if you live in a country house. Redevelop with moving the toilet to another place in an ordinary city apartment is possible, however, it is associated with a number of norms and requirements. If your apartment is on the ground floor, is a two-level one, or there is a non-residential premises under it, then you may well carry out the redevelopment of the toilet. However, when the bathroom is moved to it, the living room loses its status as a living room.

Combination, transfer, expansion and arrangement of a new bathroom, photo:

Redevelopment of a bathroom: How to legitimize an inconsistent redevelopment?

To carry out such work without permission is a threat to the safety of you and your neighbors. Illiterate intervention in engineering communications can lead to an accident, damaged repairs from neighbors below, and you will have to eliminate the consequences at your own expense.

Unauthorized redevelopment of a bathroom in an apartment rarely takes place in accordance with building codes, because in houses of this type, almost all internal walls are carriers ... Not only complete, but even partial dismantling of the load-bearing wall can lead to a violation of the stability of the building.

In the "best" case, such work will lead to cracks on the walls, at worst, for example, if an unauthorized redevelopment of the toilet was also carried out in the apartments of your neighbors, there may be a threat of a wall collapse. If you carry out such a redevelopment without permission and do not legalize it, you will be obliged to pay an administrative fine, and then return the apartment in accordance with the current BTI floor plan.

To avoid any unpleasant consequences associated with the redevelopment of a bathroom in a panel house, or any other apartment building, the first step is to collect documents, obtain all the necessary permits from utilities, and only after an official written permission from the Housing Inspectorate can you start redeveloping a bathroom in your apartment.

In the same case, if the redevelopment has already taken place, albeit without your participation, you need to build on whether there are red lines in the technical passport of your apartment. If the BTI has already made its own notes, then there will be nothing left how to legitimize "samostroy", having previously paid a fine, if there are no marks and you are sure that all the repair work was carried out in accordance with building and sanitary norms and rules, then such a redevelopment you can try to issue it retroactively.

From a legal point of view, the second option is even simpler, however, with unauthorized redevelopments, all the necessary requirements are rarely met. Unlike redevelopment according to the law, if illegal, the owner will need a floor plan of the building with an explication before redevelopment and a technical conclusion on the admissibility of the work performed.

Illegal redevelopment, photo:

Redevelopment of the bathroom: Coordination

What will be required the documents for redevelopment bathroom, and which authorities should you contact? Decree of the Moscow Government No. 508 as amended by 840 regulates their list, depending on the various nuances of approval and the type of house. To start work, you will need to provide in the "one window" of the Moscow Housing Inspection a statement, the consent of the owners or family members of the employer, the technical passport of the BTI, and documents of title to the apartment. You will also need either a specially developed redevelopment project, or a copy of the BTI plan with the changes noted on it - it depends on the complexity of the planned transformations.

More about list of documents for redevelopment you can read the bathroom by clicking on the link.

For example, you want to make a simple redevelopment with a combined bathroom device, or change the location of plumbing fixtures within the existing premises. If the load-bearing walls of the house are not affected, then the development of a redevelopment project will not be required, and everything can be coordinated according to a simplified scheme or according to a standard project from the catalog of OJSC MNIITEP, if it contains a series of your house.

Works that affect the supporting structures of the house can only be agreed on an individual project, since they require complex calculations and may be unsafe for the house and its inhabitants. A complete list of such works is given in pp. 2 and 3 of the Resolution of the Government of Moscow No. 508 as amended by 840.

You will also need to develop a redevelopment project if you want to expand the bathroom with a corridor or storage room. Even if the load-bearing walls are not affected, the expansion of the "wet zones" must be accompanied by the laying of an additional waterproofing coating with the drawing up of acts on hidden works (SNiP 2.03.13-88). This means interfering with the construction of the floors, that is, it refers to the work agreed on the redevelopment project.

Very important: Another requirement for the floors of "wet spots" is put forward by a document entitled "Technical requirements and rules for design, construction, acceptance, operation and design" (in the development of SNiP 2.03.13-88 and SNiP 3.04.01-87).
In part of clause 4.11, it establishes that the floor level in them should be 15-20 mm lower than in living rooms, or be separated from them. with a nut.

For project development bathroom remodeling you need to contact a licensed design organization (with SRO approval), which will prepare documents for you not only taking into account your requirements for the future layout of the premises, but also the requirements for operational safety, taking into account all current building and sanitary standards. The presence of a state license is a prerequisite for your redevelopment of the toilet was agreed.

Redevelopment work can be started only after permission has been received from the Housing Inspectorate. -
The experience of those who have already performed in their apartment redevelopment of the bathroom and toilet with the development of the project, suggests that it is better to entrust the approval procedure to professional intermediaries than to solve everything with your own hands. We wrote our vision on how to choose a company to agree on redevelopment .

If we talk about prices, our company is engaged in the development and approval of redevelopment projects of varying degrees of complexity and is distinguished by reliability, low cost of services and positive customer reviews.

Below you can familiarize yourself with the design solutions for redevelopment with the transfer, combination, arrangement of a new bathroom, as well as its expansion at the expense of the kitchen, corridor, bathroom, storeroom or utility rooms.

Redevelopment project of a bathroom in Khrushchev, photo:

Redevelopment project of a bathroom in a panel house, photo:

You can familiarize yourself with many previously agreed or projected redevelopments in which the bathroom area is affected at the bottom of the page.