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Interesting Facts. Interesting facts What does the name Sherchan

The role of Sherchana is voiced by Anatoly Papanov

Sherchan Sherhan

Origin of the name and real name of Sherkhan

In the work of the nickname "Sheran" he was consolidated by the Mattius Tigr, who himself called himself a full and sole owner of the jungle. From the birth of mother he was given name Lungry (eng. Lungri.translated from hindi - "Chrome"), as the tigers were born with a lame paw.

Named in China in honor of the Indian Padisha and the Sher-Shaha military leader (in the pen. From Hindi "Tsar Lev", "Tsar Tiger"). Word Shan Translated from Urdu, Hindi and Farsi, where it means letters. "Tiger". The word "Khan" comes from the Turkic title of the same name. Sher-Shaha (Name - Farid Khan) began to call him after being on the hunt he killed a tiger. Reduced name: Hannie, Cana.

According to the Kipling itself, Shere Khan should be pronounced as "Shir Kan" (English. Sheer Karn.). One way or another, but his name in English-speaking, Russian-speaking and other screen vendors is always pronounced by Sherhan.

Sherkhan's life and death

Already being a grinding tiger, Sherhan attacks the parents of the newborn Mowgli, and therefore Mowgli gets to Raksha and the Father's Wolf - two Indian wolves, from where he later takes him to his flock of Aquel. In despair from the care of prey, the tiger swars out that sooner or later kill Mowgli.

Kipling describes it as a bloodthirsty tiger. So, in the story "how fear comes," Sherhan hunts and kills a man just for the sake of Azart.

Over the next ten years after an attack on Mowgli's parents, Sherhan is introduced in the wolf of flock and brings up young wolves against Aqua, the prosperous in this, especially at the moment when Aquel missed during the hunt. Sherhan demands wolves to give him Mowgli, otherwise threatening to pick up all their prey. Mowgli himself attacks Sherhana and his own and draws them to escape by a burning torch, threatening that one day he will remove the skin with a tiger hateful to him.

From the story "Tiger! Tiger!" It is known that local residents know about chrome tiger, terrorizing the entire district, and believe that it is not that other as the reincarnation of the local usurper, wounded in the course of the uprising and has become chrome. By the way, Mowgli himself does not believe in these stories, mocking them.

Meanwhile, the wolf on nicknamed a gray brother attacks Shakala tobacco - the only devoted minion Sherkhan, he learns from when and where Sherhan is going to attack Mowgli, and kills the unlucky jackal. Soon all the information received he is divided from Mowgli. With the help of Akla, who has passed from the flock and who has become a lonely wolf, a gray brother and Mowgli are satisfied with Sherkhan trap in a narrow gorge, where the herd frightened by them buffaloes.

Fighting Tigrin Shkur

After the death of Sherhahan Mowgli, fulfilling the promise given to them, he fresh. Meanwhile, the struggle begins for the skin of the murdered Sherkhan, when a suddenly appeared hunter Bellando is trying to take away the skin from Mowgli, but it falls the only one who came up with the acla.

Mowgli returns to the village with a skin on the shoulder, leading the flock of buffaloes. However, the villagers drive it out of the village, suspected in witchcraft. Mowgli goes on the Rock of the Council, where the Council of Wolf Steaks is going, throws the skins of Sherkhan on her and performs a ritual dance with chants, which pours all his anger and confusion.

In other works

  • In the animated series "Miracles on the deviras" Sher-Khan - the head of the powerful monopolistic industrial corporation "Khan Industries".
  • In the comic "Fables" Sherhan - one of the negative characters participating in the Civil War. In the end, it kills Snow White.

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  • Rudenko T. A. . - m .: Olma Media Group, 2007. - P. 364. - 376 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-3730-1684-5.
  • Stakhorsky S. V. Encyclopedia of literary heroes. - M.: Agraf, 1997. - T. 1. - P. 261. - 495 p. - ISBN 5-7784-0013-6.
  • Vivek Iyer. . - L.: Polyglot Publications, 2007. - P. 2,110. - 200 p. - ISBN 0-9550-6281-0.
  • James O "Reilly, Larry Habegger. . - illustrated. - San Francisco, CA: Travelers "Tales, 2004. - P. 48.49. - 496 p. - (Travelers" Tales Guides). - ISBN 1-9323-6101-4.

The passage characterizes Sherchan

"Elena Vasilyevna, never loved anything in except for his body and one of the most stupid women in the world," Pierre thought - it seems to be a riding mind and refinement, and in front of it. Napoleon Bonaparte was despised by everyone until he was great, and since he became a pathetic comedian - Emperor Franz seeks to offer him his daughter to illegal spouses. The Spaniards fuss of the Molves through the Catholic clergy in gratitude for the fact that they won the French on the 14th of June, and the French fighters molbs through the same Catholic clergy that they won the Spaniards on the 14th of June. Brothers My Masons swear in the fact that they are all ready to sacrifice for the near, and do not pay one ruble for the fees of the poor and intriguish the Astrey against the seekers of manna, and cotton on the present Scottish carpet and the act of which the one who does not know the one who He wrote him, and whom no one needs. All we confess the Christian lawsuit of the offense and love to the neighbor - the law, as a result of which we have erected forty-forty-forties in Moscow, and yesterday they were kept the whip of the fizzly man, and the minister of the same law of love and forgiveness, the priest, gave kissing a soldier in front of execution " . So I thought Pierre, and this whole, general, everyone recognized as a lie, as he was accustomed to her, as if something new, every time amazed him. "I understand this lie and confusion, he thought," but how I tell them everything I understand? " I tried and always found that they in the depths of the soul understand the same as I, but try only not to see her. It became so necessary! But me, where do I go? " Thought Pierre. He experienced the unfortunate ability of many, especially Russian people, - the ability to see and believe in the possibility of good and truth, and too clearly see evil and lies of life in order to be able to take serious participation in it. Every region of labor in his eyes was connected with evil and deception. What he tried to be, for which he was taken - evil and lies repelled him and blocked him all the ways of activity. Meanwhile, it was necessary to live, it was necessary to be busy. It was too scary to be under the oppression of these unsolvable issues of life, and he was given to the first hobbies to just forget them. He traveled to all sorts of societies, drank a lot, bought paintings and built, and most importantly read.
He read and read everything that came down at hand, and read so, having arrived at home when Lakes still undressed him, he, already taking the book, read - and from reading it went to sleep, and from sleeping for chatter in the living rooms and club, From the chatter to Kuta and women, from the kita again to the chatter, reading and guilt. Drinking wine for him became more and more physical and together moral need. Despite the fact that the doctors told him that with his campsive, wine is dangerous for him, he drank a lot. He became quite good only when he himself, without noticing how, tilting into his big mouth several glasses of wine, experienced a pleasant warmth in the body, tenderness to all his neighbors and the readiness of the mind to surfaction to respond to any thought, not deepening her essence. Only drinking a bottle and two wines, he was vaguely realized that he was tangled, a terrible knot of life, which was terrified before, not so terrible, as it seemed to him. With noise in the head, chatting, listening to conversations or reading after dinner and dinner, he was indifferent to this node, some side of him. But only under the influence of wine, he told himself: "It's nothing. This is, I'll tell me - here I have an explanation. But now there is no time, - after I think about it all! " But this after never came.
On an empty stomach, in the morning, all previous questions were as unresolute and terrible, and Pierre had enough enough for the book and rejoiced when someone came to him.
Sometimes Pierre recalled the story hearing about how in the war of soldiers, being under the shots in the cover, when they have nothing to do, carefully seek their own lesson in order to easier to endure the danger. And the Pierier, all people were presented with such soldiers who saved from life: who are ambiguous, who are cards who are the writings of laws who are women who are toys who are horses who are politics who hunt, who is wine, who are state affairs. "There is no insignificant nor important, anyway: if only you can escape from it,"! Thought Pierre. "I wouldn't see her, this terrible". "

At the beginning of winter, Prince Nikolai Andreich Bolkonsky and daughter came to Moscow. According to his past, in his mind and originality, especially on the weakening of the Emperor Alexander's reign by the reign of Emperor, and by the anti-French and patriotic area, which reigned at the time in Moscow, Prince Nikolai Andreich was immediately the subject of special respect for Muscovites and the center of the Moscow opposition to the government.
The prince is very old on this year. It has sharp signs of old age: unexpected falling asleep, the forgetfulness of the nearest events and memorandums to long-standing, and children's vanity, with whom he took the role of the head of the Moscow opposition. Despite the fact that the old man, especially in the evenings, went to tea in his fur coat and puddled wig, and started touched upon by someone, his rippled stories about the past, or even more dismissed and sharp judgments about the present, he initiated in all his guests The same sense of respectful respect. For visitors, the entire old house with huge tremors, pre-revolutionary furniture, these lacquers in Pudner, and the last century itself, cool and smart old man with his gentle daughter and a pretty French man who fished in front of him, represented a majesticly pleasant spectacle. But visitors did not think that besides these two hours, during which they saw the owners, there were another 22 hours a day, during which the secret inner life was going on.

Find out information about the male name Sherchan, and you will learn what kind of hidden talents and unknown desires, it has its owner. You often hear the sounds of your name, since childhood they affect you. Understanding that she will attract success to you, knowing the best sides of your character, you will achieve a lot.

    Interpretation of a boy named Sherry

  • How to spell - in English - Sherhan
  • People with this name suits the element - air
  • Suitable colors - moderately turquoise, green-blue
  • Attracting the guy's career wearing this name, Metal - Molybdenum
  • Successful and success man with name Sherry, Tree - Coffee tree
  • Planet Talisman - Mars
  • Constellations attracting good luck - Arrow (Sagitta)
  • In numerology name Sherhan, Figures bearing good luck - five
  • You better eat food - milk
  • Animals amulets for the name Sherry - Toad.
  • Stones - Carrying for people with name Sherry - Lazurit

To attract financial good luck, people with the name Sherchan need a strong Cash amulet, the main thing is that it is encoded personally at you, in your name and your date of birth. I can recommend only This is a proven site!, Good luck's talisman really works to create a well-being aura.

What is better on fate to people by name on the letter W - Sherhan

  1. Better, if a boy named Sherhan was born under the sign of the zodiac - Pisces (19.02 - 20.03)
  2. Most successful if a person named Sherhan was born on a Chinese calendar per year - Dragon - year 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036
  3. It's better to start in - Sunday
  4. The most favorable days of the year, it is December 22, March 22, June 23 and September 7
  5. Favorable time for you - Morning
  6. Dangerous age in which you need to be careful - in childhood and youth - eight years; in youth - twenty-one; in and maturity - forty-three years, in old age - sixty-nine years
  7. The name of the letter W - Sherhan imposes an imprint on the health of these people, especially dangerous diseases - lungs and right hand
  8. People named Sherry, the professions associated with - trade

The characteristics of the character named with the male name Sherchan

This person comes to choosing the second half thoroughly, thoughtfully and sometimes it takes a lot of time. Even if you have complete control, and do not forget about its impulsivity when answering. Very lucky in affairs, it will be honest with a woman. Perhaps his tactful leaves much to be desired, but such is their nature. They need to feel confidence in the future, to show character hardness and do not need materially - that is why among them, so many successful and rich people. The man named Sherry, is very practical, and rarely makes thoughtless spontaneous deeds, likes when he is praised, although it does not show it outwardly. If love has not yet arisen on their life path, they begin to show one of their worst qualities - thirst for power. First of all, you need to polish your behavior as a woman. Not particularly temperatures and emotional, in the strong moments of sadness and despair they close in themselves and go underground.
The man named Sherhan, can take interest to you, but your secrets are not interested in it, and if you look closely, he often does not notice what is going on under his nose. He loves the public and what her more, the more merrily he feels. If you do not close too much with him, love will be pleasant. It usually relates to the selected profession, puts a lot of strength and emotions into it. The man named Sherry, is interested in global problems of humanity and many of them are attached and made a lot of effort to resolve them. It is distinguished by special loyalty, the ability to provide seven stability and strong material foundation. Of course, how exclusions he makes a physical relationship, but as a rule he just has an interest in women. These people, skillful incigients, are well leading a snap-down game, it concerns both love relationships and business.

Table of the main features of the character of a person named Sherry

The calculation of the character trait was conducted on the basis of the name, and the month of birth, for a more accurate calculation you need to know the full date of birth and the name, patronymic and surname, if you need it - visit this page.

Vertical column of the table (from above), select your (or person named W - Sherry) Month of birth, horizontal (with side) line is aspects of character. Their intersection will show the coefficient from 1 to 100, the more value, the better.

January February March
Willpower 95 89 96
Energy 14 75 55
Learning 8 68 15
Goodworking 65 53 97
Kindness 19 10 67
Patience 29 7 64
Creation 66 99 4
Intuition 13 26 30
Sociability 40 17 72
Self-satisfaction 55 47 80
Money 88 14 92
Talent 26 47 43
Spirituality 26 63 42
Pottleness 26 99 90
Stability 56 69 2
Love 50 44 69
Debt 48 11 38
Mentality 86 8 59
Carefulness 24 43
Emotionic 11 4 94
April May June
Willpower 20 9 56
Energy 54 97 92
Learning 5 20 16
Goodworking 4 99 34
Kindness 62 36 24
Patience 18 34 20
Creation 64 34 67
Intuition 20 47 21
Sociability 92 25
Self-satisfaction 52 20
Money 98 24 27
Talent 17 42 46
Spirituality 73 76 26
Pottleness 48 12 64
Stability 62 100 82
Love 12
Debt 8 98 86
Mentality 77 17
Carefulness 57 43 14
Emotionic 29 71 84
July August September
54 30 55
Energy 21 55 18
Learning 74 74 78
Goodworking 56 73 80
Kindness 51 94 46
Patience 42 80 78
Creation 22 51 94
Intuition 56 70 6
Sociability 92 93 11
Self-satisfaction 89 97 18
Money 64 99 91
Talent 30 44 19
Spirituality 27 38 30
Pottleness 31 17 65
Stability 26 16 85
Love 69 62 51
Debt 29 99 3
Mentality 44 61 16
Carefulness 35 36 82
Emotionic 38 75 24
October November December
Willpower 90 75 13
Energy 45 53 42
Learning 74 32 91
Goodworking 96 94 87
Kindness 60 49 13
Patience 47 22 74
Creation 76 39 50
Intuition 54 61 3
Sociability 50 7 58
Self-satisfaction 85 30 72
Money 45 71 28
Talent 83 52 35
Spirituality 43 66 64
Pottleness 8 49 62
Stability 27 19 62
Love 44 93 9
Debt 29 90 63
Mentality 77 30 4
Carefulness 62 98 63
Emotionic 51 78 8
  • The main features of the character that are present in people with the name Sherry - dynamic, prudent, familiar
  • Men's compatibility with name Sherry in relations

    This table shows compatibility in love of people with the name Sherhan, depending on their birthday. Vertical column (from above), this is your zodiac sign, horizontal (with side) string is a sign of your partner horoscope. Their intersection will show the degree and aspects of relations in perspective.

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    A fish Aries calf
    Fish (19.02 - 20.03) all according to plan not recommended calm in the house
    Aries (21.03 - 20.04) welfare and prosperity good money separated
    Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) tosca and ordness long life together money separated
    Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) love and happiness bad feelings not recommended
    Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) partnerships break up enemies happiness but not long
    Lion (July 23 - 22.08) empty experiences long life together everything will be fine
    Virgo (08.23 - 23.09) welfare and prosperity all according to plan joyful experiences
    Scales (24.09 - 23.10) bad love and happiness emotionic
    Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) nervousness for you peace in the house troubles and troubles
    Sagittarius (22.11 - 21.12) joint dreams peace in the house parting
    Capricorn (December 22, - 19.01) joint dreams joint dreams good
    Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) money separated happiness but not long financial difficulties
    Twins Cancer a lion
    Fish (19.02 - 20.03) not boring life together nervousness for you love and happiness
    Aries (21.03 - 20.04) good together calm in the house not recommended
    Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) joint dreams financial difficulties adoration and love
    Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) good happiness but not long calm in the house
    Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) explosion of feelings excellent adoration and love
    Lion (July 23 - 22.08) disappointment nervousness for you calm home
    Virgo (08.23 - 23.09) not recommended disappointment do not start a relationship
    Scales (24.09 - 23.10) love and happiness often misunderstanding financial difficulties
    Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) calm home joyful experiences good together
    Sagittarius (22.11 - 21.12) break up enemies not recommended love and happiness
    Capricorn (December 22, - 19.01) peace in the house not recommended vain experience
    Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) good nervousness for you not boring life together
    Virgo Libra Scorpio
    Fish (19.02 - 20.03) complex relations contempt explosion of feelings
    Aries (21.03 - 20.04) long life together good calm home
    Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) tosca and ordness the hassle for both good
    Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) passion and jealousy passion and jealousy often misunderstanding
    Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) adoration and love do not start a relationship long be together
    Lion (July 23 - 22.08) good family happiness but not long family happiness
    Virgo (08.23 - 23.09) welfare and prosperity troubles and troubles long be together
    Scales (24.09 - 23.10) tosca and ordness rich house and joy excellent
    Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) long life lady love tosca and ordness
    Sagittarius (22.11 - 21.12) do not start a relationship empty experiences financial difficulties
    Capricorn (December 22, - 19.01) happiness but not long joint dreams happiness but not long
    Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) calm in the house acute relationship bad

    Origin of the name and real name of Sherkhan

    In the work of the nickname "Sheran" he was consolidated by the Mattius Tigr, who himself called himself a full and sole owner of the jungle. From the birth of mother he was given name Lungry (eng. Lungri.translated from hindi - "Chrome"), as the tigers were born with a lame paw.

    Named in China in honor of the Indian Padisha and the Sher-Shaha military leader (in the pen. From Hindi "Tsar Lev", "Tsar Tiger"). Word Shan Translated from Urdu, Hindi and Farsi, where it means letters. "Tiger". The word "Khan" comes from the Turkic title of the same name. Sher-Shaha (Name - Farid Khan) began to call him after being on the hunt he killed a tiger. Reduced name: Hannie, Cana.

    According to the Kipling itself, Shere Khan should be pronounced as "Shir Kan" (English. Sheer Karn.). One way or another, but his name in English-speaking, Russian-speaking and other screen vendors is always pronounced by Sherhan.

    Sherkhan's life and death

    Already being a grinding tiger, Sherhan attacks the parents of the newborn Mowgli, and therefore Mowgli gets to Raksha and the Father's Wolf - two Indian wolves, from where he later takes him to his flock of Aquel. In despair from the care of prey, the tiger swars out that sooner or later kill Mowgli.

    Kipling describes it as a bloodthirsty tiger. So, in the story "how fear comes," Sherhan hunts and kills a man just for the sake of Azart.

    Over the next ten years after an attack on Mowgli's parents, Sherhan is introduced in the wolf of flock and brings up young wolves against Aqua, the prosperous in this, especially at the moment when Aquel missed during the hunt. Sherhan demands wolves to give him Mowgli, otherwise threatening to pick up all their prey. Mowgli himself attacks Sherhana and his own and draws them to escape by a burning torch, threatening that one day he will remove the skin with a tiger hateful to him.

    From the story "Tiger! Tiger!" It is known that local residents know about chrome tiger, terrorizing the entire district, and believe that it is not that other as the reincarnation of the local usurper, wounded in the course of the uprising and has become chrome. By the way, Mowgli himself does not believe in these stories, mocking them.

    Meanwhile, the wolf on nicknamed a gray brother attacks Shakala tobacco - the only devoted minion Sherkhan, he learns from when and where Sherhan is going to attack Mowgli, and kills the unlucky jackal. Soon all the information received he is divided from Mowgli. With the help of Akla, who has passed from the flock and who has become a lonely wolf, a gray brother and Mowgli are satisfied with Sherkhan trap in a narrow gorge, where the herd frightened by them buffaloes.

    Fighting Tigrin Shkur

    After the death of Sherhahan Mowgli, fulfilling the promise given to them, he fresh. Meanwhile, the struggle begins for the skin of the murdered Sherkhan, when a suddenly appeared hunter Bellando is trying to take away the skin from Mowgli, but it falls the only one who came up with the acla.

    Mowgli returns to the village with a skin on the shoulder, leading the flock of buffaloes. However, the villagers drive it out of the village, suspected in witchcraft. Mowgli goes on the Rock of the Council, where the Council of Wolf Steaks is going, throws the skins of Sherkhan on her and performs a ritual dance with chants, which pours all his anger and confusion.

    In other works

    [[To: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (Country: Lua: CallParserFunction: Function "#Property" WAS NOT Found. )]] [[To: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (Country: Lua: CallParserFunction: Function "#Property" WAS NOT Found. )]]
    • In the animated series "Miracles on the deviras" Sher-Khan - the head of the powerful monopolistic industrial corporation "Khan Industries".
    • In the comic "Fables" Sherhan - one of the negative characters participating in the Civil War. In the end, it kills Snow White.

    Write a review about the article "Sherry"



    • Rudenko T. A. . - m .: Olma Media Group, 2007. - P. 364. - 376 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-3730-1684-5.
    • Stakhorsky S. V. Encyclopedia of literary heroes. - M.: Agraf, 1997. - T. 1. - P. 261. - 495 p. - ISBN 5-7784-0013-6.
    • Vivek Iyer. . - L.: Polyglot Publications, 2007. - P. 2,110. - 200 p. - ISBN 0-9550-6281-0.
    • James O "Reilly, Larry Habegger. . - illustrated. - San Francisco, CA: Travelers "Tales, 2004. - P. 48.49. - 496 p. - (Travelers" Tales Guides). - ISBN 1-9323-6101-4.
    Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius
    Fish (19.02 - 20.03) nervousness for you the hassle for both not boring life together
    Aries (21.03 - 20.04) good together not boring life together joyful experiences
    Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) good family contempt break up enemies
    Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) good family disappointment rich house and joy
    Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) long life long life together do not start a relationship
    Lion (July 23 - 22.08) good parting nervousness for you
    Virgo (08.23 - 23.09) acute relationship welfare and prosperity tosca and ordness
    Scales (24.09 - 23.10) long life together difficulties difficulties
    Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) joint dreams parting good
    Sagittarius (22.11 - 21.12) acute relationship love and happiness long be together
    Capricorn (December 22, - 19.01) long life together do not start a relationship rich house and joy
    Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) joyful experiences
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    The passage characterizes Sherchan

    Lumina nodded.
    - The man killed them, if "it" can be called a man ... He is a monster ... I'm trying to find it ... to destroy.
    We immediately stared at Maria. Again, it was some terrible man, and again he killed ... Apparently, it was the same who killed her Dina.
    "This girl, her name is Maria, lost her only defense, his friend, who also killed the" man. " I think it is the same. How can we find it? You know?
    - He himself will come ... - Quietly answered the shine, and pointed to the kids spitting towards him. "He will come for them ... He looked at them by chance, I prevented him."
    With Stella, we crawled along the backs of large-predicted, sipastic goosebumps ...
    It sounded ominous ... And we were not yet quite adults, so that someone is so easy to destroy, and did not even know - we can ... it's in books everything is very simple - the good heroes will win monsters ... But in reality Everything is much more difficult. And even if you are sure that it is evil to win it, you need a very big courage ... We knew how to do good, that they also know how to do everything ... But how to pick up someone's life, even the most bad , to learn either Stella nor me, while somehow did not have to somehow ... And without trying it, we could not be quite sure that the same our "courage" at the most right time would not let us down.
    I did not even notice that all this time was very seriously observed behind us. And, of course, our confused faces told him about all the "oscillations" and "fears" better than any, even the longest confession ...
    - You are right, cute - they are not afraid to kill only fools ... or monsters ... and a normal person will never get used to it ... especially if I have not even tried. But you do not have to try. I will not allow ... because, even if you righteously defending someone, you will take revenge, it will burn your souls ... and you will never be the same ... you really believe me.
    Suddenly, straight behind the wall he was heard a terrible laughter, his wildness of a crying soul ... The kids screamed, and all of them bought on the floor. Stella feverishly tried to close the cave with his defense, but apparently from strong excitement, she did not have anything ... Maria stood not moving, white, like death, and it was clear that the state of the recently experienced shock was returned to it.
    "This is him ..." Girly whispered in horror. - It he killed Dina ... And he will kill all of us ...
    - Well, we'll see. "Troyto, very confidently said shone." - Not these seen! Hold on, Girl Maria.
    Hochot lasted. And I suddenly understood very clearly that a man could not laugh! Even the most "Nizhnaya" ... something in it was wrong, something did not converge ... It was more like a farce. On some fake performance, with a very scary, deadly end ... And here I finally "Ozarilo" - he was not the person who looked !!! It was only a human subject, and the ladder was terrible, someone else's ... And, she was not, - I decided to try to fight him. But if I knew the outcome - I probably would never try ...
    The kids with Maria hid in a deep niche, which did not get sunlight. With Stella stood inside, trying to somehow keep, for some reason all the time breaking, protection. And shovel, trying to save the iron calm, met this unfamiliar monster at the entrance to the cave, and as I understood, I was not going to skip him there. Suddenly, my heart strongly started, as if in the premonition of some big trouble ....
    The bright blue flame was hampered - we all were angry ... The fact that a minute ago it was a luminary, for one thing only a moment turned into a "nothing", without even starting to resist ... Overlooking the transparent blue haze, he went to distant eternity, not Leaving in this world even a trace ...
    We did not have time to be frightened as immediately for what happened, a terrible person appeared in the aisle. He was very high and surprising ... beautiful. But all his beauty spoiled a vile expression of cruelty and death on his sophisticated face, and there was still some terrifying "degeneration" in it, if you can somehow define this ... and then, I suddenly remembered the words of Mary about her "horror " Dina. She was absolutely right - beauty can be surprisingly terrible ... But the good "terrible" can be deeply and greatly love ...
    A creepy man again disappeared ...
    His laughter was a painful echo repeated in my brain, pushing into him thousands of the thinnest needles, and my unreamed body was weaker, gradually becoming almost "wooden", as under the strongest alien impact ... The sound of the crazy lacer was crumbling for millions of unfamiliar shades, right there Returning back to the brain back sharp. And here I finally understood - this is true there was something like the most powerful "hypnosis", that fear constantly increased with its unusual sound, forcing us to panicly afraid of this person.
    - Well, what - long have you been going to laugh?! Or speak afraid? And then we are tired of listening to you, stupidity all this! "Suddenly, for her own, I cried rudely.
    I had no idea what was found on me, and where did I suddenly come from so much courage?! Because the head has already spun from the fear, and the legs were drunk, as if I was going to satisfy right now, on the floor of the same cave ... But it is not for nothing that they say that sometimes people are able to perform feats ... So I, Probably, before that "Waitingly" was afraid that somehow managed to forget about the same fear ... Fortunately, a terrible person did not notice anything - apparently he was the same fact that I died suddenly with him so brazenly talk. And I continued, feeling that it was necessary for anything to be faster to break this "plot" ...

    The "Jungle Book" is included in the list of works for children. She wrote her, Briton. Based on the work created cartoons, performances, full-length paintings and perfoments. The central negative figure of the narration is Tiger Sherry. To understand how the author came into mind colorful and descriptive images of the heroes of the story, it is worth learn what he pushed him to write it.

    History of creation

    For SAFOR Britain, the fate of kipling has developed an unusual way. Radyard's parents, Lockwood and Alice were born and grew up in Britain. They met the lake, whose name inspired them in the name of the Born Son. After some time, young people were in colonial India. The father of the future writer was the school director, and the mother of the housewife.

    Reddiard grew in the family, where it was not customary to limit the child and his interest in the world around. Parents strongly promoted him to know the nature around himself, so the boy was in curious and loved to fantasize. The formation of kipling began in the British school, but continued in the Devonian Military School. These institutions attracted him a love of order and discipline. The literary talent of the future writer opened during training.

    A writer who gave the writer, matured, returned to and began working in the newspaper. After that, he went on a journey, which ended in Britain. Having arrived at home, Kipling married and acquired a cozy focus, which was playing his daughter. The girl died from the disease, and this fact greatly influenced the activity of the writer. He stopped creative activity, remaining the reasancer. Later, Kipling survived the death of the Son.

    The Jungle Book has become a bright and popular work that has glorified the Reddard Kipling to the whole world. Its creation is associated with the love of the author to the nature of India, secrets and mysteries of this country, with passion for the adventures and rich fantasy. The story was written under the impression of the fairy tales of his nanny. A local resident told the boy myth of these lands.

    Heroes described in the Jungle Book, saw the light in the United States. There Kipling began work on them. The book contains stories that merge with the fantasy speculation of the author, curious nuances, new characters and eternal leitmotives. Even adults were delighted with the Jungle Book. She opened the unknown world and told about an exotic country that few people had the opportunity to see.

    The image of Sherkhan and the plot

    The product of the Reddard Kipling is divided into two parts. Some stories describe the life of the boy, which was far from the family, among the animals inhabiting the jungle. The Son of the Woodcutter is lost in exotic forests. Tiger Sherhan is hunting behind him, but lucky kid smiles. He falls into the flock of wolves, whose leader is a wise agela. The Bay, Wolves and Black Panther Bagira gather on the Council of Farn. A wild cat pays for the security of a boy, and he is allowed to live with wolves. The child is called Mowgli and are brought up on a par with wagins.

    An intelligent boy develops rapidly. It has an amusement and courage that allows you to survive in the harsh jungle. His friends become Balu, Baghir, Aquel and Kaa Beat. Mowgli communicates with patrons in the language of animals and constantly falls into unusual adventures, not the abyss in which they allow new skills. So takes 10 years. A teenager will acquire not only new family and enemies. The strongest is sherry. Tiger is waiting for the opportunity to get rid of the human cub. On the advice of Bagira, the guy is stating tiger, bringing fire from the village to the Council of Farn. He takes over the aquel in front of the tiger, poured the skin of the enemy.

    Mowgli leaves the flock, returning to the village where he finds his true mother. The guy gets used to a destined lifestyle and becomes a buffalo shepherd. Once he learns that a tiger, restored forces, returns to the jungle. The guy is preparing a trap and directs buffaloes on it. From carcasses, the shepherd removes the skin and returns to the village. But residents do not believe him and take for a sorcerer.

    Sherhan is the main antagonist Mowgli in the work. He was subligible and cruel, distinguished by cunning and hectic. The confrontation of heroes gives the "Jungle book" of intrigue and allows you to monitor the rivalry of strong characters. Because of Sherhana Mowgli, it turns out in the jungle. Tiger frightened his parents, and they did not rule out the kid. The loss of prey, which the boy could become, annoyed a predator. Slide and russely over the child becomes its main goal. Sherhan gives an oath to kill Mowgli.

    Sherhan was invented by chipping long before the creation of a story. He appears in the story "As fear comes." In both works, the hero appears to be a bloodthirsty predator, not experiencing pity and sympathy. He is the complete opposite of noble wolves. This emphasizes the role in the story, where Sherhan in the rustling of Azart kills the victim for the sake of entertainment. For 10 years, during which the Tiger follows the guy, Sherkhan manages to undergo confidence in young wolves. Once, threatening to select prey, he tolerates the defeat from the human cub. The worst insult was applied to him Mowgli.

    Defending his family, Mowgli became the first one who opposed the tiger among people and animals. Radic and ending Sherhahan Heroes triumph. The population of the village associated the tiger with the ruler-tyrant, once victims of wounded in his leg and chromasters due to injury. Hindus, who believe in reincarnation, saw his image in the embodiment of a tiger. It made an animal even more frightening. The only difference between Sherhan from the prototype represented by the usurper was the fact that the tiger was born with a damaged paw. She also got the name of Lungry, which meant "chrome".

    Sherhan turns out to be an enemy for people and animals. The only buddy Shakal Tobacco is not a friend of Sherhana, but the serviceman. Sliply intrigan, gossip and sublea, tobacco is always there, where it is more profitable to exist, fresh in front of this world. He is a coward and a provocateur, whose fahamism amuses readers.

    • "Jungle Book" is interesting to children. Soviet multiplers took off her cartoon "Mowgli". The tape consisted of 5 episodes. Later they were combined into one work. He voiced in the cartoon Sherhan.

    • In the Indian Nature Reserve, the tiger dwells, whose name is as a hero of the story of Kipling.
    • The author called the hero in honor of the famous Indian Padisha and the commander.


    Sherhan considers himself a one-chased ruler among the beasts. He is not afraid of attacks and used to worship and silence.

    "In my yard every dog \u200b\u200bbarks!"

    So tells the tiger, implying that among the flocks it is unlikely to have a brand, ready to oppose him. He initially considers Mowgli prey, without considering it as a child, and later - and as an opponent. The soulless word breaks out of the mouth:

    "This is my prey! Give, "he growls wolves.

    For Mowgli, who does not believe in the myths of reincarnation and knows that it is capable of defeating a tiger, it does not pose a threat.

    "Stay away! Painted cat! "

    In this dismissive phrase, the true attitude of the young man to the enemy of local animals and people is hidden.