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How to pack things to send by transport company

Distinguish transport packaging and consumer packaging

The first ensures the safety of departures (cargo) during transportation, and the second one coming to the consumer with the products (including factory) - does not perform the function of transport packaging, i.e. Protection of cargo during transportation.

To preserve your cargo, the KIT transport company offers you the following types of packaging:

Hard packaging (cut)

One of the most popular types of packaging.

To create a rigid frame (drawer) around your cargo, durable materials are used: wood and metal.

This type of packaging is suitable for almost any types of cargo. Protects the cargo from contact with other goods. Facilitates transportation. Suggested to the customer along with the cargo.

Pallet side

Pallet side is used for a dense consolidation of cargo, when different parts of one product go to eliminate access to attachment, during transportation bulk materials etc. Suitable for almost all types of cargo.

It is a refundable type of packaging, that is, it is not given to the customer together with cargo, but is used only for transportation.

Individual pallet berth

Individual at the request of the client and in its presence can be sealed with a license plane with its number in the forwarding receipt.

Created for:

- Cargo, with dimensions of the parties not more than 115 cm 75 cm 220 cm (s) and total weight up to 1000 kg;

Cargo, which, because of their characteristics, may damage the neighboring loads (engines internal combustion, gearboxes, plastic spare parts, refrigerators, barrels, etc.) as well as loads subject to mandatory additional packaging.

The freight parameters during transportation in an individual pallet board are determined by the parameters of the finished (collected) pallet side after the packaging of this cargo.

Colored pallet side

Created for:

- Loads subject to mandatory additional packaging;

- Loads with a length of one of the parties not exceeding 115 cm. And the total weight of up to 1000 kg;

- Any other cargo.

Stretch film

It is required when the cargo should not be equipcan and dust, or vice versa does not drink other goods, there is access to the attachment of cargo, etc.


The seal is a print with print brand, which is attached to the load. The seal is indicated by the individual number the cargo is packaged in a polypropylene bag, which is closed and fixed by a seal.

Security Pack

Your documents will be securely protected with a new, highly technological packaging Security Pack.

If you need to send confidential documents, valuable things, you can use the additional packaging service of documents.

Advantages Security Pack:

Packing Opening Protection

Indication of chemical and thermal exposure

Special pocket for accompanying information

Protection against moisture

Individual code on each package

100% Content Preservation Guarantee!

There are two types of packaging: consumer and cargo (transport). Consumer is the one in which the goods exhibit in stores and are often stored in warehouses. It does not protect the cargo during the delivery and performs only marketing functions. Transport packaging, in turn, is used when transporting goods. Her the main task - Prevent damage and loss of cargo, so it does not contain any inscriptions and images - except those that label type, number, storage conditions and shipping.

Types of packaging

The packaging is designed to protect the cargo from damage, so when it is elected, the conditions of transportation and features of the goods itself take into account. Distinguish:

  1. Hard packaging - from wood, cardboard, glass: used for transportation of beating, fragile cargo (for example, technicians, dishes, etc.);
  2. Semi-rigid - from plastics and other polymeric materials (suitable for liquids, more durable goods);
  3. Soft - paper, films and such materials (Used along with rigid packaging, and also used to transport documents, letters).

Packaging of different types can be combined, depending on which factors threaten the product. For example, if the cargo needs to be protected from shocks, mechanical damage, and from high humidity, use rigid packaging (for example, wood) and soft (film or other waterproof material).

Choose packaging and by transportation conditions. In particular, in vehicles with refrigerators, freezing installations it is better to use a material that is not deformed under the influence of high humidity and low temperature.

Packaging Rules for Different Types of Transportation

For each type of transportation (automotive, rail, sea, aviation), there are their requirements for cargo packaging.

With cargo is subject to mechanical effects (on uneven road covering, with sharp stops and rapid acceleration), as well as impacts of physical (humidity, water, low or high temperature). Most often, the load is packaged using rigid materials (wood, cardboard, glass). So that it is not damaged inside, inside make a substrate, gasket from soft materials (foam, paper, etc.). In order to prevent damage to the cargo due to moisture or dirt, it is additionally covered with film.

When packing, choosing, focusing on the features of the cargo and the type of container. It is important that the packaging protects not only the cargo itself from dust, dirt, moisture and mechanical damage, but also railways And the container in case of a strait or wreaking of cargo. Liquid and bulk goods in the event that the package is damaged, the car can blur.

The most important task of packaging when - protection of cargo from sea water. Therefore, use waterproof materials. Packaging should also be protected from damage when riding.

When packaging is presented the most stringent requirements. In particular, it should not have sharp corners that can damage the aircraft hull. The integrity of the packaging plays an important role, since with damage to liquid or bulk cargo can be stained by cargo compartment. The container in which such goods transport should be designed for a high internal pressure that increases on takeoff. In some cases, the aviaolovka is allowed to carry loads without packaging.

Packaging of cargo of different types

The type of packaging depends primarily on the type of cargo itself. The rules of packaging and transportation are prescribed for certain types of cargo. In particular:

  • Must have a tough (wooden, cardboard, glass) packaging. Such a frame is designed to protect equipment, dishes and other products from mechanical damage. In order for the fragile cargo to be damaged about the wall of the packaging itself, remained integer, even if it falls by chance, the inner space is filled with foam and other materials.
  • and in the most durable packaging, in which sharp corners are usually not provided. It can be containers different sizes and types. It is important that such goods do not blur the platform or the container in which they are taken.
  • Dangerous goods require the most attentive relationship. When use the most durable packaging, which corresponds to the type of cargo and the hazard class. In one package (and most often - in one van or compartment) can not be transported dangerous and non-hazardous cargo.
  • Loads that can be spoiled during wetting are additionally packed into the film. It is often used without another packaging (for example, when transporting correspondence, documents). Documents, valuable entries are transported in sealed envelopes.

There are other rules for the carriage of goods. It all depends on what exactly needs to be delivered under what conditions.

General rules for packaging of goods

Packaging is designed to protect the cargo from:

  • mechanical damage;
  • water, high humidity;
  • dust and dirt;
  • loose

Van, cargo compartment, container packaging, in turn, also protects against damage and contamination. So that the load is not lost and is delivered to the addressee, the packaging place basic information. Marking is designed to also inform employees and inspectors that it is within, and by what rules the cargo can be transported or transferred.

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To transport by any kind of transport, most goods are taken in the package. Packaging ensures the safety of goods during transportation and execution of loading and unloading. In addition to the fact that the packaging is an important condition for ensuring the safety of goods, it still allows you to form cargo units (by dimensions or mass), to control and take into account the quantitative indicators of goods when they are shipped and issuing, rationally use the cargo volume of vehicles, to ensure the conditions for carrying out loading Unloading, packaging and cargo marking.

The main element of the packaging, which is a product for placing products, is a container. For the carriage of goods, transport packaging is used (container, forming an independent transport unit). However, the terms of the transport contract may be provided that the goods are accepted for transportation in consumer packaging.

Type and quality of packaging are fixed in the regulatory and technical documentation for the transportation of specific types of goods - standards, technical specifications, the rules of cargo packaging during transportation.

Transport organizations do not carry out cargo packaging is the responsibility of the shipper. If the basis of the relationship between the parties is the contract of transport and forwarding service, the obligation of the transport and forwarding agency for packaging of goods and prepare them for transportation may be included.

The classification of containers is carried out depending on the form. The most common types of containers used in the transportation of goods are:

The box is understood to be closed from all sides the transport packaging container with a case in a section parallel to the bottom, mainly the form of a rectangle, with a bottom, two ends and side walls, with a lid or without it, made of boards, plywood, plastics, metal or packaging combinations Materials.

Hinge, constipation, knobs and them should be, if possible, recessed, nails and screws should also not be performed. Heavy boxes are supplied from below. wooden barsallowing the execution of unloading and loading operations using lifting vehicles. Strengthening bars should be shifted at the bottom and lid in a checker order, so that during stacking they entered interpretation and ensure that stable loading. If necessary, the strength of the boxes increases due to edging by steel or plastic ribbon.

Boxes are designed for packaging heavy and fighting goods.

Present a transport packaging with a cylindrical or parabolic case, with riding hoops or ridges, with dona.

Barrels can be made of metal, plastics or wood. Screw valves must be reliably close, clamping-locking devices of barrels of barrels must be fixed. Drain holes must be closed, for example, metal plates. When sending a barrel with a liquid, which during transportation can be worn, they are supplied with appropriate shutters for the output of gases that prevent fluid flowing. Such shutters S. outside Must have drawing attention to the labeling.

Barrels are used for transportation of predominantly liquid cargo in large quantities. The feasibility of using barrels is determined by the regulatory and technical documentation for individual goods (goods).

It is a transport packaging with a smooth or corrugated cylindrical body, without hoars or riding riding, with a flat bottom. The drum has a cylindrical form in the form of a shell consisting of many paper layers bonded with each other. The bottom and the lids are made of multilayer paper, glued plywood, tin or from a combination of these materials. Shelter and bottoms are connected by metal tape. Covers are fixed using clamping-locking devices.

Drums can be used to transport pasty or liquid gases subject to impregnation inland walls or the use of suitable artificial materials.

The bag is called a transport soft packaging with a housing in the shape of a sleeve, with a bottom and a neck. The neck of the bag can be closed or open. Bags must be reliably close. Cases of spontaneous discovery should be excluded.

The use of bags for packaging cargo sensitive to compression, or cargo, which, with insignificant damage to the bags under the influence of air or dust, can lose its value, is considered inappropriate.

Considered as sufficient packaging in the event that it is made of durable weaving, ensures the safety of the transported goods and the shutters are designed in such a way that access to cargo during transportation is excluded. The durability of the box should correspond to the mass of the cargo. Pens and floors should have such strength so that they are not damaged during normal cargo treatment. If a cargo is packaged in the box, not withstanding pressure, the box is supplied with durable covers and is designed in such a way that it can be put on another box without damage to the cargo.

Can be considered as sufficient packaging only if glass vessels Wrapped with elastic lightweight materials, laid in a thick-walled protective container having covers and handles. The soft layer must be distributed evenly and have a thickness of at least 4 cm.

Can be used as a package if they contain cargoes that may be subject to mechanical effort (compression, blows, shakers) and pollution, packed in enough strong material And reliably closed. Packaging in the kipa can also be made of a combination of packaging materials. Packaging gain is achieved due to wooden planks. Regardless of this piles should be firmly tied. Packaging of paper, fabric, corrugated cardboard, plastic film can not be considered sufficient.

Must be strong enough, have solid floor and designed in such a way that in any case there was air access. The distance between the lattice brushes should be such that the animals cannot sleep outside the body. Doors and covers must be fixed from unintentional opening.

It is a transport multi-turn container with a cylindrical shape body and a cylindrical neck, the diameter of which is smaller than the diameter of the case, with a transfer device and a lid with a shutter.

This container with a variety of form, with a flat bottom, closed with a removable lid or on a hinge.Types of containers and packaging, packaging tools that should be used when packing specific goods are established in standards, technical specifications, other regulatory and technical documentation for these cargoes. For most goods, packaging and containers are installed in products for products.

Requirements for packaging and containers depend on a variety of factors - from the type of cargo, its masses, size, form, etc. Also, the decisive factor when choosing packaging and containers are the design, composition and characteristics of products that determine the special rules for handling goods when they are transported and loading -Rode work.

Packaging of goods for their transportation should be carried out and taking into account the safety of tara for vehicles and workers employed in the transport process. This means that packaging and packaging should not have protruding parts (nails, wire ends or steel tape, etc.) capable of damaging vehicleOther cargoes, as well as lead to injury to workers.

When operating the containers, a number of requirements must be performed:

Container should be loaded no more rated gross mass;

The method of loading containers should exclude the appearance of residual deformations of containers;

The cargo in the container should be below its level of sides;

Tipper walls of containers should be in a closed position.

For each batch of packaged goods (goods), either a shared packaging sheet, or a packaging list for each cargo place. The total packaging sheet on the batch is invested in the cargo place number 1 of each part being sent.

Other accompanying documentation is also packaging. As a rule, it is invested in envelopes from waterproof paper or waterproof packages.

Containers include transport packaging equipment. The container is understood by the transport multi-time equipment for transportation and temporary storage of goods with a volume of 1 m3 or more, having devices that provide mechanized installation and removal from vehicles. The container is a fully or partially closed container designed to place goods into it.

The container is a device that has unchanged characteristics, and by virtue of this it is strong enough to serve for repeated use. Its design allows you to transport cargo by one or several types of transport without intermediate rewinding of goods, and also facilitates freight operations (overload from one transport to another), as well as storage placed in the cargo container.

Depending on destination, the containers are classified on:

Universal (containers intended for the carriage of a wide range of piece goods in a container, without it or in lightweight packaging). In accordance with ISO (International Standardization Organization) universal containers divided into intercontinental (large-tonnable) and intra-engineering (gross 2,5 tons). Universal also includes low-tonnage containers weighing gross 0,625 and 1.25 tons.

Specialized (containers intended for multiple transportation and storage of goods of a certain nomenclature (liquid, bulk, dangerous, perishable and other)). The specialized container is a design standard in size and maximum gross weight. Under the terms of the regulatory and technical documents, most specialized containers must have designations and inscriptions informing about the form of the cargo placed in them.

Those or other characteristics of the pallet allow them to distinguish them by types. The most diverse factors are taken into account: total pallet sizes, width, length and thickness of boards in pallets, the number of these boards, the presence or absence of foxes (corner cut) and stamp, technical conditions production pallet, etc. Here we will look at the main and most common types of pallets and options for using them.

Dimensions: 800x1200x145mm.

It is necessary to preserve the EUR branded brand in oval, scorched on the right bearing legs of the pallet. On the remaining legs, marking is also applied, indicating the manufacturer (PKP, FS, DB, etc.) and digital information (series, year of release).
The upper part of the euroallet consists of five boards alternating in order: wide (145mm), narrow (100mm), wide, narrow, wide. Bottom part consists of three boards (narrow, wide, narrow) removed chamfer. Be sure to have a chamfer at the corners of the European Corner.

Dimensions: 1000x1200x145mm.

Required the presence of FIN branded brand in a rectangle, scorched on the right bearing pallet legs. On the central legs, as well as on europallates, digital information is applied, indicating the manufacturer code and the release date.
The upper part of the finpallet consists of seven boards alternating in order: wide (120 mm), two narrow (100 mm), wide, two narrow, wide. The lower part consists of three boards (narrow, wide, narrow) with removed chamfer. Be sure to have a chamfer on the corners of the FinPallet.

The dimensions correspond to those in the euro and finpallets with a thickness of the board 20-22mm.
The design of such pallets is identical to the design of certified pallets, the difference is only in the absence of the corresponding stamp.

Metal crate (in some cases wooden box) with metallic, plastic or wooden base In the form of a European film, size is 800x1200x800mm. He has a stamp EUR in oval.

If you send produced goods abroad or use production lines with harsh requirements used by pallets, then it is likely that you will need certified European or Finnish pallets. They are made in accordance with the standards adopted in European countries, as evidenced by the presence of stamps on each pallet. As of the state, these pallets are divided into three varieties:

Almost new, white, strong pallets;

Without chips and cracks;

Used no more than three times.

White, strong pallets;

Without chips and cracks;

Were not subjected to repair.

Small pollution is allowed, and wood darkening on time;

Allowed small cracks and chips (but not more than 3 cm in width and 30 cm long);

Some of them may be after repair.

Any pallets are usually suitable for working in the domestic market - the choice of a certain type and variety depends entirely on the consumer. In addition to certified Euro and finpallets, there are cargo non-domestic pallets of the following varieties:

The very first questions arising from the international carrier or customs broker: What are you carrying and what package?

Team site has prepared an overview dedicated to features and types of cargo.

What types of packaging of goods in cargo places most often use imported suppliers?

Goods without packaging

Let's start with the fact that sometimes the goods can go at all without packaging. For example, a printed machine: it is placed on the floor in the cargo compartment and strengthen with transport belts.

It is enough for you to know the dimensions of the product and its weight to be prepared for any loading and unloading operations (hereinafter referred to as PRG) on the way of cargo to you to the warehouse.

Stacked packaging

Small boxes or packs (for example, small household goods made of plastic) are often placed directly on the floor, setting one package to another, stacking, as far as the weight is allowed, up to the ceiling of the cargo space.

It is important to note that the loading and unloading of such freight places is quite difficult, as it requires the involvement of special equipment - a crane or manipulator for a volume of goods or actions manually, if it is a lot of small small weight boxes.

You can use the maximum volume of the cargo space, but at the same time overpay for PRP, for example, in the case of customs inspection with recalculation of cargo places and their control weighing

Packaging on pallets

It is much easier to operate with goods placed on wooden pallets (pallets), which are conveniently shipped with a forklift, and fixed dimensions of such freight places allow you to make the optimal calculation of their placement in the cargo space.

Pallet manufacturing materials can be both wood, plastic, metal and a combined version that combines the benefits of these materials.

Types of palleted freight

The freight transportation market usually allocate the following types of palleted freight locations:

1. Europallets (800 x 1200 mm)

As a rule, they are made of wood and marked with the branded EPAL brand in oval. dimensions: 0.8 x 1.2 x 0.145 m. They are manufactured in accordance with those adopted in European countries.

This is the most popular type of cargo seats, which is used for transportation from Europe. One standard semi-trailer can be downloaded to 33 such units, and this is the maximum possible amount for pallet cargo.

That is why the ERIDE service works exclusively with cargo posted on euroallets, but at the same time an increase is allowed. maximum height from 1.45 m to 2.2 m!. This is done with the aim of uniform distribution of the load on the semi-trailer axis at the time of its full loading.

2. Finnish pallets (1000 x 1200 mm)

Most often, they are made of wood and are marked with FIN branded brand in a rectangle. The overall dimensions of such pallet: 1.0 x 1.2 x 0.145 m. They are manufactured in accordance with the GRATIA countries adopted in Europe.

As follows from the name, this type of freight places is often used in transportation from the Scandinavian countries. In one standard semi-trailer, you can download no more than 26 such units, which is the main disadvantage compared to classical Euro-centers.

The maximum allowable weight of the cargo packed to one Finnish pallet is 1100 kg, but this maximum load can only be used when loading in the cargo compartment with a permitted capacity of up to 30,000 kg, for example, to the sea forty-fuette container. When planning the download to a separate vehicle, it is necessary to consider this factor.

3. American pallets (1200 x 1200 mm)

This type of freight places is manufactured in accordance with the International Requirements Committee for Plant Protection. For their production are used wood materials With a thickness of no more than 6 mm, their thermal processing and disinsection is required to prevent the spread of wood disease.

Overall dimensions of such pallet: 1.2 x 1.2 x 0.145 m. This species Freight seats were first used in the United States and is still very popular in this country with international freight traffic.

One standard semi-trailer can be downloaded to 26 such units. The maximum allowable weight of the cargo packed on one American pallet is 1200 kg. But this maximum load can only be used when loading in a cargo compartment with a permitted capacity of up to 32,000 kg, for example, to a railway container. When planning the download to a separate vehicle, it is necessary to consider this factor.

How are loads fix for pallets?

1. Laying of goods one to another

Loads are fastened due to laying identical to the size of the goods one to another when there is such an opportunity. In this case, the cargo is held due to their own weight. An example may be ceramic bricks or bags with cement, which are just placed in this way.

2. Binding fixtures

Pallet strapping with cargo straps or ribbons made from different materials, such as metal, tissue or polymers.

3. Wrap a polymer film

The cargo place turns into a polymer film. Quite often, stretching stretch or air-bubbling films is used for packaging fragile cargo.

4. Wooden doom

Creating a wooden crate is the most reliable type of fastener.

Pallet reuse

In conclusion, I would like to mention that any kind of aforementioned pallets can be reused for the internal needs of your company or profitably sell containers, if they are in good condition.

To carry out the maintenance of cargo in any way, it is necessary to take care of its packaging in advance to protect against inevitable mechanical damage.

Forwarders of all transport companies take absolutely diverse teamwork for transportation on one truck, without special equipment for certain types of cargo.

The shipper must independently take care of due packing of its cargo andprepare the cargo properly to ensure the safety of its transportation and safety of the cargo, or order the packaging service in the transport company.

In order to choose a suitable packaging for its cargo you need to take into account the distance and method of transportation, temperature modeCompatible with other cargoes. For example, if you need to carry professional skis, you must understand perfectly well that it is not enough to pack them in the package. Need a wooden lamp to protect the brittle cargo from a possible random breakdown.

Each shipment besides the factory packaging, there must be strength transport packaging - necessary for transporting goods, warehousing, as well as unloading and loading.

  • The cargo must be placed in the packaging suitable in size, in order to avoid crims in the case of partially filled container, or the packaging break in the case of a crowded packag.
  • So that inside the container transported cargo was not subjected to mechanical damage or breakage, it should be added to it without gaps and lay it with a layer of depreciation protection (laying materials - wood chips, foam rubber, bubble film, foam, etc.).
  • Cargo should be packaged only into a strong container - a box, plastic container, a drawer of wood.
  • Outside, it is necessary to wrap the container, for example, a sticky ribbon, a polypropylene ribbon, begged with special brackets. A thin rope is undesirable, since in the process can damage the box. It is advisable to use wide adhesive tapeAt the same time sick every joint.
  • All acute items should be safe wrapped, and loads like furniture - disassembled into smaller details, each of which is reliably packed from damage and for fixation in the transport vehicle.

Forwarder for its part, depending on the properties and nature of the goods, additional packaging is a bag, stretch film, tape, air-bubble film, foam, pallet, wooden crate, wooden box.

Loads that in the process of transportation or during loading and unloading works can be mechanically damaged (chips, scratches, etc.) or by nature and form require a certain calibium or formation into cargo places, must be packed in suitable and properties cargo packaging.

For example, bulk products Should be packaged in dense bags that do not allow the contents of the content. Glasses are packaged in wooden boxes or crates pre-laid by shock-absorbing laying materials.

Read more details in the Additional Service of Cargo Packaging.

What is a doom? What loads are subject to mandatory packaging in the crate?

Obsek or wooden frame - Hard packaging from wooden bars and boards to minimize car damage. Protects from any mechanical effects, prevents contact with other freights or vehicle walls.

It is used for especially valuable cargo and fragile cargo. Certain types of goods are accepted for transport only under the condition of the presence of a crate. Detailed list Download in the Documents section