Repair Design Furniture

How to choose a vegetable juicer. Electricity or mechanical force. Overload protection

Freshly squeezed juices are a storehouse of vitamins necessary for our health. Having in household a device for obtaining a priceless drink, you can provide your family with it throughout the year.

Unfortunately, most buyers do not have a very clear idea of ​​what points should be paid attention to when buying. Let's figure out together how to choose a juicer for your home so that it becomes your best helper.

Why do we need it

A home juicing appliance is not a must-have item. It is quite possible to do without it, getting a vitamin complex from pharmaceutical preparations or regularly consuming fresh fruits and vegetables.

Unfortunately, most children do not really want to eat healthy foods, preferring sweets and sodas to them. Therefore, all attempts to feed your beloved child in winter with grated carrots or cabbage salad will most likely be in vain. But if you squeeze juice out of these vegetables and serve it in a beautiful glass with a cocktail tube, then even the most capricious kid will not refuse such a treat.

Our overview article contains basic information on technical characteristics and principle of operation. different types devices for obtaining juice. Hopefully, armed with this new knowledge, it will be easier for you to figure out how to choose a juicer for your family.

For whom we press juices

The household appliances that the retail network offers us differ not only in the brand names of the manufacturers, but also in the features of the device. Therefore, to figure out exactly how to choose good juicer, several important questions should be answered:

  1. What fruits and berries do you like most of all juices?
  2. What do you prefer: juice with or without pulp?
  3. What volume of the drink are you supposed to produce?

The first point can even be expanded by finding out the region of your residence and the seasonal availability of fruits and vegetables for your wallet. The last question is easier to answer if you know the number of family members and their preferences.

Divide into types

The wide variety of juicing devices on offer on store shelves can be a little confusing at first. Indeed, how to choose the right juicer from such a range of models?

According to the principle of operation, all devices for the production of juices are divided into two groups:

  • screw;
  • centrifugal.

Juicers of the first group are most often used in domestic conditions. Representatives of the second group have a universal purpose.

Miscellaneous controls

In turn, screw-type juicers are divided into three types according to the control method:

  • manual;
  • mechanical;
  • electrical.

The manual apparatus works by analogy with a meat grinder. The main difference is the tapered screw shape. If you are at a loss with which auger juicer to choose, and are limited in funds, then you can purchase special attachment, which is attached to the meat grinder. Thus, the traditional minced meat rolling device will simultaneously serve as a household appliance for obtaining a fresh vitamin drink.

Mechanical devices work on the principle of a press-squeeze. You will have to control such a structure with a simple lever. Electric juicers are equipped with a powerful motor that drives the disc grater.

Electrical device subtypes

How to choose a juicer for your home so as not to make a mistake? It is imperative to pay attention to its purpose. According to these parameters, electrical devices fall into three categories:

  • household - used in the home kitchen;
  • professional - they produce juice in large volumes and are applicable at catering establishments;
  • industrial - powerful devices for large processing plants.

Next, we propose to consider in more detail different variants models household appliances to get juice. First, let's learn how to choose a citrus juicer. This will be easy to do after we study the device and the principle of operation of the unit.

Golden orange

Lemons, grapefruits and oranges are literally filled with delicious refreshing juice that has absorbed the strength and color of the southern sun. It is not difficult to isolate the liquid from the fruit, since the pulp of citrus fruits consists of thin-walled capsules that easily part with their contents. A specialized juicer has a simple device, low productivity and is designed for only one type of fruit.

The complete set of the device includes the following elements:

  • cone-shaped nozzle;
  • control lever;
  • engine;
  • container for collecting juice.

The juicer works very simply. Ripe fruits are cut in half and placed on the cone with the flesh down. Pressing the lever activates the press mechanism, which reliably squeezes out all the liquid from the orange half. There are also inexpensive handheld devices on the market that do not have a lever, so you have to press them against the cone with the effort of your hand.

The juicer quickly fills with the squeezed fibers, so after one or two glasses of juice you need to take a break and clean the cone. The device is quite suitable for non large family of two or three people. Approximate consumption fruit for one glass of drink is three medium-sized oranges. It is not difficult to take care of the device - it is easily washed out under a strong stream of water.

The information received is enough to know exactly how to choose a juicer. Reviews of citrus drink lovers note one slight inconvenience in use. This is a rapid heating of the press, which negatively affects the beneficial properties of fresh juice. As you know, under the influence of high temperatures, vitamin C is rapidly destroyed. Therefore, the juice obtained from oranges should be drunk immediately after squeezing.

We press the press

How to choose an apple juicer? In shops household appliances pay attention to devices based on the press method. Their cost is quite high, but this is fully justified by the excellent quality of the obtained juice. When asked how to choose a juicer for carrots, you can confidently answer the following: pay attention to hydraulic pressure augers.

They can perfectly squeeze juices not only from root crops, juicy fruits or vegetables. Press juicers able to squeeze liquid even from greens and leaf crops... A good result is achieved thanks to preliminary preparation vegetables and fruits. Washed fruits are first peeled and seeds removed, and then finely chopped with a knife. As a result, we get excellent quality juice and absolutely dry cake.

Now it becomes clear how to choose a fruit juicer in order to get a quality drink. There is only one drawback of pressing devices - labor intensity. preparatory process... In a situation where you are thirsty and want to get a glass of life-giving moisture this very second, such a juicer can hardly be considered as an emergency assistant.

To achieve a quick result, it is better to pay attention to a different type of device. Let's take a closer look at how to choose a juicer for apples and other juicy fruits and vegetables.

Centrifugal force to help

Centrifuges are the most popular among lovers of fresh juices. With their help, you can squeeze juice with maximum efficiency. But this applies only to hard and juicy fruits such as apples, pears, quince, carrots, pumpkin, celery root and the like. Unfortunately, bananas, raspberries, blackberries, and other low-moisture fruits do not make good juice.

How to choose a vegetable juicer with a centrifuge? Pay attention to the power of the device. The high performance of such devices guarantees the receipt of a whole liter of juice in just half a minute. Agree, this is an excellent result, especially for those people who are constantly pressed for time.

The composition of the components is small:

  • engine;
  • knives;
  • sieve (there may be several of them in the kit, with different mesh sizes);
  • two containers - for juice and cake.

Fruit, falling under the blade of a knife, is crushed, and then under the influence centrifugal force are pressed through a sieve. The size of the cells directly affects the amount of pulp in the resulting juice.

Pros and cons of centrifuge crushers

How to choose a juicer for fast juicing? Pay particular attention to the diameter of the inlet. The larger it is, the easier it is to get juice. Fruit can be lowered into a wide mouth just whole and without any cleaning. For finishing fruit, it is convenient to use a pusher made of wood or plastic.

The speed of juice production is directly influenced by the engine power. How to choose a juicer for your home? Buy a model that has a maximum power of 500 watts. Such a unit works not too noisy and produces a large volume of juice in a short period of time.

If you only need two glasses for daily consumption, then you can buy a device designed for consumption of 250 watts. Imagine throwing whole apples and in a matter of seconds you have a whole glass of amber drink. Therefore, among the obvious advantages of centrifugal juicers, we consider high labor productivity and excellent quality of the resulting juice.

The disadvantage can be considered the same property of rapid heating, as in appliances designed to work with citrus fruits. Exposure to temperature inevitably leads to acidification of the juice. As a result, it quickly darkens and changes its taste. In this case, vitamins are also destroyed very quickly. To avoid this, you should try to drink the juice within five to eight minutes after receiving.

Auger devices - top sellers

How to choose a versatile juicer? Pay attention to devices with a screw mechanism - this will provide you with high-quality juice from any berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs and cereals. The principle of operation of the apparatus is similar to a meat grinder. The metal axle with a twisted spiral rotates intensively and grinds the fruit.

The resulting pulp is squeezed through a fine-mesh grate and already in the form of juice flows into a substituted container. The cake is soft and moist. This unit belongs to the category of manual auger machines. They extract juice well from soft and juicy fruits and vegetables (citrus fruits, tomatoes, cabbage, herbs, and so on).

When you are faced with the task of figuring out how to choose a versatile juicer, you need to know what other types of auger devices work effectively. Devices with a vertical auger screw - the best option to obtain a large volume of juices from almost any fruit.

Horizontal augers can also handle different kinds fruits, vegetables and herbs. In addition, they have additional options. The ability to regulate the concentration of pulp in the juice allows you to prepare healthy puree for babies. And by squeezing out grains or nuts, you get a great oil.

Advantages and disadvantages of auger juicers

The main advantage is the presence of cold pressing. During extraction, the juice does not heat up, therefore, it does not oxidize and retains its freshness and usefulness for a long time. High content of vitamins and mineral substances It is also due to the principle of grinding fruit pulp at low engine speeds (70–120 rpm). For comparison: in centrifugal devices, the rotation speed is in the range of 1000 - 20,000 rpm.

Another positive quality of auger machines is the low noise level of the engine. Juicers are easy to care for because they have a minimal number of working parts.

Only one circumstance can be added to the list of disadvantages of screw models - the relatively high cost. But this fact, of course, pays off by the multifunctionality of the devices. A single auger juicer may well act as a food processor.

Now the question "which auger juicer to choose" should not be in front of you. It is quite obvious that both vertical and horizontal devices perform with the same performance and excellent quality. And the ability to produce juice by cold pressing allows you to regularly maintain your health at the proper height.

Making the final choice

Whichever type of juicer you choose for your family, we recommend that you remember to pay attention to some important details when buying. For example, it is better to give preference to those models that come with a large set of accessories.

This facilitates the operation and increases the safety of use of the devices. It is convenient to use a special cover made in the form of a tray. It protects the device from external contamination and prevents food from falling out. It is good when a special brush for cleaning internal surfaces is included in the package.

Pay special attention to the power and performance of the juicer. Analyze your needs and decide what is most important to you: small portions of a fresh drink every day or large amounts of juice for canning.

The service life of any model of a juicer depends not only on the brand, quality and capabilities of the device. The duration of operation is directly influenced by the frequency and intensity of use, as well as the quality of care of the device.

Juice is made only from oranges, lemons, grapefruits, limes and tangerines. The fruit should be cut in half and placed with the flesh down on the ribbed cone. When you press on the fruit from above, juice forms and flows into the reservoir.

  • Advantages. Compact and easy to use. Cheaper than centrifugal and screw.
  • Flaws. Not universal, only suitable for citrus fruits. Juice cannot be stored for future use.

How to choose

Citrus juicers come in manual, mechanical, and electric.

Manual ones are the cheapest, but ineffective: they require more fruit for one glass of juice.

Mechanical ones work due to the lever, which allows you to apply less physical effort and get more juice.

Electric juicers allow you to squeeze out the maximum juice. Their power is usually 20–80 watts. The more powerful the device, the faster the juice will be.

Pay attention to whether the kit includes a lever that holds the fruit during spinning, and nozzles of different sizes. You need at least three of them: a small attachment for lime and lemon, a medium attachment for an orange, and a large attachment for a grapefruit.

Another useful feature is the presence of a reverse. When it is there, the motor rotates the juicer attachment not in one direction, but in both directions, and more juice is obtained from the fruit. Have expensive models there is a pulp control function. It can be adjusted by making the juice thicker or vice versa.

The capacity of such juicers usually does not exceed 1-1.2 liters, because citrus juice quickly oxidizes and loses beneficial features... It should be drunk fresh, within 5-10 minutes after preparation. If you are making just a glass of juice at a time, choose a smaller juicer. If you are preparing juice for the whole family, take it with a larger container.

Suitable for making juices from hard fruits and vegetables. Fruits are loaded into the neck, a disc grater inside crushes them into small particles, after which they go to a centrifuge-separator, where juice is released from the resulting gruel.

  • Advantages. The main advantage of the centrifugal juicer is its productivity. It works quickly and handles large quantities of fruits and vegetables. Juice can be made with a margin - for example, for the winter.
  • Flaws. Works loud, not suitable for soft fruits (banana, apricot, mango, papaya). The juice comes out with a foam, and it contains fewer vitamins than whole vegetables and fruits, since due to the high spin speed, it heats up, interacts more with oxygen and oxidizes faster

How to choose

There are two types of centrifugal juicers: cylindrical and conical separators. The cylindrical one gives more juice, but during operation it must be stopped and cleaned of cake (residues of fruits and vegetables). In new models, manufacturers are increasingly abandoning this design in favor of a tapered one.

The conical separator squeezes out the juice a little worse, but works without stopping: the cake is automatically removed into a special container. It is still difficult to wash such a juicer: you need to disassemble it, wash all removable parts, and then reassemble. There are exceptions - for example, the SC-JE50S45 juicer with a self-cleaning function. After use, you need to switch it to Clean mode, and a special scraper will clean the filter itself.

Pay attention to the power, volume of containers and dimensions of the juicer. The more juice you plan to make, the higher these parameters will be. Do not chase performance and assess your needs sensibly: you may overpay for too much power that you do not need.

If you need to process 30 kg of apples every summer, take a juicer with a capacity of 1,500-2,000 watts, and if you just like to drink a glass of juice in the morning, you can get by with a capacity of up to 200-500 watts.

But with the size of the juicer neck, everything is unambiguous: the larger it is, the better. Whole fruit can be loaded into a 7–8 cm diameter neck without wasting time slicing.

Suitable for all fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts and sprouts. By the principle of work, they are similar to a meat grinder: fruits and vegetables are crushed using an auger - a mechanism similar to a screw. Juice is formed under pressure, after which it is separated from the cake and fed into a container.

  • Advantages. They make cold-pressed juice. During cooking, it does not heat up or oxidize, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days. It is richer, sweeter and contains more pulp.
  • Flaws. Less powerful than centrifugal ones and slower. They are quite difficult to disassemble and wash, the neck in most models is narrow.

How to choose

Screw juicers differ in body materials, capacity, volume of containers for juice and cake and additional functions.

Body made of of stainless steel more reliable and durable than plastic.

The minimum size of containers for juice and cake is 350 ml. Power ranges from 200 to 400 watts. If you will be making juice for the whole family - take the 400 W model with a 0.8-1 liter container and a liter juice container, like the Scarlett SC-JE50S43. If one glass of juice is enough for you in the morning, the compact Scarlett SC-JE50S39 juicer with a 350 ml container and a 200 W power will do.

Look for models with a wide neck; they are easier to use. For example, the Scarlett SC-JE50S44 juicer has a 7.5 cm neck diameter, while the Scarlett SC-JE50S40 has 8 cm diameter.

To clean the auger juicer, you need to take out all the removable parts and rinse them under water. The set includes a special brush for cleaning. For convenience, some models are equipped with an easy disassembly system - when parts are removed not one by one, but simultaneously. This allows you to do everything in the sink without messing up the kitchen.

Some auger juicers make not only juices and smoothies, but sorbets as well. In the Scarlett SC-JE50S41 juicer, sorbet is made in the same way as juice: you throw frozen fruits into the neck, and at the exit you get a healthy dessert.


  • Auger juicers are the most functional and make the healthiest juice. They are suitable for all fruits, vegetables, herbs and nuts, but are expensive.
  • Centrifugal juicers are the most powerful and perfect for gardening crops. But they consume a lot of energy, work loudly, do not store all vitamins, and are only suitable for hard fruits and vegetables.
  • Citrus juicers are the cheapest and most compact, but not suitable for all fruits.

Recipe Juicer: Lifehacker and Scarlett Competition

Share your fruit, berry and vegetable juice or sorbet recipe and win one of six Scarlett juicers. Click on the form below, log in using your VKontakte or Facebook profile and send the recipe.

Describe the preparation process in detail - this way you will have a better chance of winning a prize. Authors of three best recipes juices and three best sorbet recipes will be delivered to the Scarlett juicer. The results of the competition will be announced on September 18 in a separate article on Lifehacker. We collect all the recipes on a special page, where you will also find detailed information about the prizes.

Fresh juices from fruits and vegetables saturate the body with vitamins and microelements, strengthening the immune system and preserving youth. Energy drinks are recommended to be made on their own, immediately before use. To do this, you must have a juicer. Manufacturers offer huge selection various mechanical and electrical models. How to choose the right juicer so that it becomes a real helper?

Manufacturers produce manual and electric models. The first use the physical efforts of a person. These models are purchased if there is no electricity at the dacha, for field conditions, for the production of a small amount of juice. Electric juicers are motor-powered and powered by the mains supply. Household appliances are divided by purpose. Juicers for special fruits and vegetables can only work with juicy fruits and have a narrow focus. Universal models are more massive and more expensive, but can cope with a variety of fruits.

There are several types of models:

  • Highly specialized, citrus;
  • Press;
  • Centrifugal;
  • Auger.

Each model has its own strengths and weaknesses. To make the right choice, you need to clearly understand what types of fruits will be processed. For those who like to take citrus juice every day, special highly specialized models are suitable.

Press models squeeze out a thick mass with pulp and are intended for not a large number servings.

A centrifugal machine will become a universal option. She will be able to cope with different types of fruits. However, large dimensions may not be suitable for all families. The auger model will be able to catch up juice and puree, as well as cope with nuts and grind spices.

Which juicer is better to choose for the home for every day

Juice separating devices can be divided into 2 groups: for home use and professional activity. Household appliances are equipped with the necessary mechanisms, are able to prepare several servings of a life-giving drink, and make the necessary preparations for the winter. Professional juicers are installed in catering facilities. Manufacturers try to endow models original design to fit into the interior of the establishment. A juicer for the home is chosen based on the needs of the family, the power of the device, its mechanisms and the principle of operation.

The models can be classified according to the following principles:

  • For citrus varieties;
  • For hard fruits;
  • For pitted berries.

Citrus machines have the simplest device and the most cheap price... Mechanical and electrical models are produced. A simple juicer consists of a bowl and a cone nozzle. To get juice, you need to cut the citrus into 2 lobes, put it on a cone and twist it several times with a little effort in different directions. The pulp will drain into the bowl. This device is used for daily intake of a small amount of juice.

Citrus cutlery is good for daily use. They do not take up much space, are easy to operate and have little power.

The electric version is an analogue of the manual one, it is equipped with a special motor that scrolls the cone itself. There are devices equipped with a clamping mechanism to speed up the process. Electric model is able to overtake the juice into several portions in a short amount of time. If it is necessary to make juice from hard fruits or harvest for the winter, this model will not suit consumers.

Models for a large family and preparations for the winter: which juicer to choose

For hard fruits and juicy fruits, you can find the centrifugal model, which is the most common among buyers. The device crushes the fruit into small pieces, grinds it into a gruel with a special grater, then, using centrifugal force, the pulp is pressed into the walls of the sieve, and the juice flows into a special container. The remaining cake is sent to another container.

The advantages of the device:

  • Squeezes juice from almost all fruits, with the exception of pitted fruits;
  • Small vegetables can be inserted whole into the hatch;
  • High spin speed, powerful machine will prepare juice for a large family in a few minutes;
  • The quality of the drink is more uniform and lighter;
  • Convenient to operate;
  • Huge selection of devices for consumers of different incomes.

However, during processing, a large amount of waste is released and the products are oxidized. Prolonged use leads to heating of the engine, so the device is periodically turned off and cleaned.

The device requires sufficient space and is noisy during operation.

A centrifugal juicer is needed for large families for daily drinking. It will be irreplaceable for a large work collective. You can use the machine for a small preparation for the winter.

Rating of the best juicers for hard vegetables and fruits

The universal model is the auger juicer. It is suitable for all types of fruits, vegetables and berries. Able to squeeze juice from seeds with seeds, herbs, nuts. The principle of operation is similar to a meat grinder. A rotating device pushes the fruit towards the sieve, squeezing out the pulp and juice as much as possible, and passing it into the front of the body. The seeds and cake remain in the back of it. The device operates at low speeds, so the process of preparing the drink is longer than with the centrifugal version.

The advantages of the device:

  • The minimum amount of waste, with a high yield of juice;
  • The ability to squeeze juice from pitted fruits;
  • Cold pressing allows you to preserve all the valuable vitamins and minerals;
  • Long run time, no interruption required.

Having decided which model is better to choose for the house, you need to pay attention to the power of the device, materials of construction, the presence of additional functions. Automatic crushers have a low power, which is enough for liquid separation. A small juicer should have extra attachments for thicker or thinner juices.

It is desirable to have a pressure mechanism and an alternating rotation mode, which will help to squeeze all the juice out of the fruit.

For a centrifugal model, an important indicator is power and number of revolutions. It is better to stop the choice on devices from 500 to 700 W with an optimal number of revolutions per minute from 8000 to 10000. For screw models, a power of 200 W is permissible.

Juicer rating is not difficult to choose. Philips centrifugal apparatus received good characteristics from buyers. High power 900 W allows you to process fruits and vegetables of various juiciness. The best of the centrifugal options, according to buyers, is the Polaris juicer, which is easy to use and compact in size and pleased consumers with its relative quietness and efficiency.

Rules: how to use the juicer

Competent operation of the juicer guarantees not only a healthy drink, but also long term operation of the device. Before turning on, you must read the instructions. All fruits and vegetables must be washed thoroughly. For centrifugal models, it is recommended to cut out the seeds and remove the beans.

Operating rules:

  • Before turning on, you must check the correctness of the assembly, guided by the instructions;
  • Check the integrity of the cable;
  • Then the device is turned on to the mains;
  • During the spinning process, the maximum operating time should not be exceeded;
  • Put a small amount of fruit in the loading door and push it with a special mortar;
  • During work, periodically clean the container from the cake.

At the end of the work, it is necessary to disassemble the device and wash it thoroughly. Plastic parts are easy to clean cold water... By purchasing a multi-purpose juicer, you can provide your family with a fresh drink every day.

How to choose a juicer (video)

After trying the model you like, give some advice to your relatives and friends. The clever assistant will prepare the juice for the long winter, fill the body with vitamins, and raise vigor and mood.

The juice squeezed from fresh fruits retains all its beneficial properties only for the first 10 minutes. The longer it is stored, the less vitamins will remain in it. Adherents healthy way life, families with small children and just lovers of fresh drinks should buy an electric juicer for home. And having understood in advance the characteristics of this useful household appliance, you will save time, nerves and even money.

Design and principle of operation

Juicers can be mechanical or electrical. Mechanical ones squeeze juice using a press, and are set in motion by pressing a lever. Electric juicers are equipped with motors, thanks to which the fruits are crushed, separated into liquid and pulp. The juice flows into the tank, and the cake is removed manually from the separator or from the removable pulp container.
The main advantage of electric juicers is their high working speed and the ability to process large volumes. Powerful devices are more expensive than mechanical structures, however, saving time and effort for making fresh juice justifies the price.

Features of choosing a juicer

Choosing a juicer, you need to answer yourself 3 questions.
What fruits will you juice? For example, lovers of apple or carrot drinks should purchase a universal device. But for people who want to start the day with a glass of orange juice, it is better to buy a citrus juicer. Of course, the universal model is able to cope with these fruits, but it will squeeze less liquid out of them, and the process itself will take longer.

How much pulp is required? There are devices for obtaining pure vitamin liquid, models with the ability to manually change the amount of pulp in the drink and juicers that produce juices with pulp without the ability to adjust the level.
What volumes are you planning to process? For most families, the power of ordinary household appliances is enough, but if you are making juice harvesting in industrial volumes, it would be wiser to get a powerful device with a large bowl.

Types of juicers

In the production of juicers, plastic or metal is used. The body can be made of food-grade plastic, but the separators must be made of stainless steel: this will achieve minimal oxidation of the products with maximum term exploitation. The body of some models is made of metal: such juicers are heavy and require more careful maintenance, since they are more noticeable for dirt.
There are 3 types of household appliances for the preparation of freshly squeezed juice by design.
Citrus machines are simple, inexpensive machines that can squeeze a glass of liquid out of tangerines, oranges, lemons, and grapefruits in minutes. Models with a reverse system (the ability to rotate the nozzle clockwise and counterclockwise) will provide maximum spin.

Centrifugal devices- models in which fruits and vegetables, when chopped by a disc, are separated into juice and pulp in separators, which are a sieve with cells different diameters... Models with a cylindrical separator extract up to 95% of the juice from fruit, however, long-term use they must be turned off in order to manually clear the cake. The efficiency of juicers with a conical separator is 15-20% lower, but the pulp enters a removable container that can be cleaned without disassembling the device.

Auger juicers- rather expensive devices that allow you to get the maximum amount of juice from the fruit and are designed for long-term operation. If the centrifugal juicers need to be turned off every 5-10 minutes, then screw mechanisms can be operated without interruption, processing significant volumes and harvesting juice in liters for the winter. They work on the principle of a meat grinder, the fruits are ground, the juice flows into one reservoir, and the cake goes into another container. The screw devices are characterized by a low noise level and cold pressing: the resulting juice is not heated, due to which it retains the maximum amount of vitamins and does not form foam. These models with a horizontal screw arrangement, in contrast to citrus and centrifugal ones, allow you to squeeze juice from greens, get oil from nuts and cereals, and also prepare puree with a high pulp content.

Citrus machines are considered specialized devices, while the other 2 types of juicers are versatile devices suitable for making fresh juice from any fruit. Centrifugal structures better produce juice from hard vegetables and fruits (apples, carrots, celery, etc.), and augers are great for working with berries, peaches, bananas, tomatoes and other soft fruits and vegetables. After purchasing a juicer, you should carefully study the instructions and familiarize yourself with the list of fruits from which you cannot squeeze juice using a specific device. Compliance with the rules will allow you to use the household appliance for a long time and without any problems.


The power of the juicer determines the speed of obtaining the drink and directly depends on its type.
  • Devices for squeezing juice from citrus fruits are low-power: 25-50 watts are enough to quickly get a vitamin drink.
  • The power of the screw juicers ranges from 150 to 400 watts. At the same time, they work quietly and are protected from overloads.
  • For centrifugal devices, this figure should ideally be 300-800 W, but it can reach large numbers.
Too powerful devices are not worth buying: you risk overpaying for what you will not use. Do not forget that the higher the power, the higher the noise level of the device.

Number of speeds

Another important parameter is the speed of rotation of mechanisms. The higher it is, the large quantity juice can be obtained from the fruit. The optimal speed for centrifugal devices is 9-10 thousand rpm. You can find models that squeeze juice at a speed of up to 20 thousand rpm, but a few extra drops of juice will not pay off the price of such a device.
Screw juicers have a lower speed - from 70 to 120 rpm. This allows the device not to heat up and work for a long time without interruption, while all vitamins and microelements remain in the juice.
It is advisable to squeeze each type of fruit at its own speed. The speed switch will help to set the optimal mode. The presence of this option increases the cost of the device, but allows you to increase the amount of squeezed juice. A high-quality juicer should have 2-3 speed settings: at high speeds it is better to squeeze juice from hard fruits, and at low speeds - from soft ones. A large number of speeds increases the price, but has little effect on the functionality of the device, since 2-3 are usually used anyway.


When choosing a juicer model, you should pay attention to the equipment of the device. It will be much more comfortable to use the technique if it has:
  • removable juice tank, it is more convenient to use than the built-in container;
  • a system that controls the amount of pulp in the juice;
  • the ability to close the tray for loading fruits, which will protect the device from contamination and loss of products;
  • protection against accidental activation, which allows you to increase the level of safety and prevent the device from turning on in case of improper assembly or other malfunctions;
  • pulse mode, when the engine works with short pauses, thus facilitating the process of squeezing juice from hard fruits;
  • system "drop-stop", thanks to which the last drops of the drink will not fall on the table and stain it;
  • device for separating foam: in this case, you do not have to worry about filtering the juice;
  • a scale for determining the amount of liquid in the juice container;
  • engine cooling system;
  • fruit pusher;
  • rubberized mounts that increase the stability of the juicer;
  • nozzles of different sizes for citrus models, with which you can safely squeeze a healthy drink from both small lemons and impressive grapefruits.
A good juicer should also be equipped with a sieve brush and a dedicated storage compartment for the cord. Extended equipment increases the price of the device, but you can enjoy maximum comfort while working with the device.

Juice tank volume

The size of the built-in liquid container or removable glass should be based on how much juice the user requires. If fresh juice is planned to be prepared for one family member, then a volume of 200 ml (one glass) is sufficient. If the device is needed to provide vitamins to a family of 3-4 people, you will need a container with a volume of 0.5-0.8 liters. If a juicer is needed to prepare drinks for the winter, you should buy a device with a more spacious tank that can hold 1 liter of juice.
There are also models without juice containers: the drink does not go into a removable container, but directly into a glass placed under the spout of the juicer. This saves space in the kitchen, and the user is freed from the need to wash the container.
The presence and size of the tank has little effect on the cost of the device: the prices for juicers are more dependent on the technical characteristics.

Juicer cost

Prices for the simplest citrus juicers start at 500 rubles. The power of budget devices is about 25 W, they have a plastic case and are most often equipped with a built-in juice container.

The cost of centrifugal juicers ranges from 1 to 15 thousand rubles. In the lower price category there are devices of not very popular brands with a power of 200-300 W with a plastic case and a direct supply of juice. For 3-4 thousand rubles. You can buy models with a power of 400-800 W with 1-2 speeds and additional functions: protection against accidental switching on, a foam cutter and the ability to load whole fruits. Many of these units feature stylish stainless steel / plastic combination housings. The cost of expensive models from renowned manufacturers starts from 5 thousand rubles: they are usually equipped with 800-1500 W motors, have from 3 to 9 speeds, and overload protection.
Auger juicer can be bought for about

Everyone knows that freshly squeezed juice not only quenches thirst well - it is a source of vitamins and minerals, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body, improving the general physiological state. Juice made from fruits, vegetables or berries at home does not contain preservatives, it is much healthier and tastier than store-bought juice. Let's figure out together how to choose a good juicer for making fresh juices at home. Of course, first of all, you should decide which juices you like the most and are going to process, and based on this we will choose.


This is one of the most important parameters when choosing this type of technique. Therefore, it is worth immediately determining why you are purchasing this device, since the cost of different types can fluctuate significantly, and in a simpler version of a juicer it may not be possible to make juices from solid types of vegetables.

Citrus press

If you are going to juice only citrus fruits, you need a citrus press. This citrus juicer has a principle of operation, in which a half of the fruit is pressed with force on the rotating nozzle with a special lever. High-quality devices are easy to use, unpretentious, do not make noise or leak, provide fast work effortlessly. V simple options there is no pressure lever, and you have to hold the fruit with your hand. A good citrus press, in addition to a lever, can have a set of attachments for obtaining juice from citrus fruits of different sizes. He may have the ability to adjust the density of the juice using the size of the slots in the nozzles. The system of direct juice supply will allow you to squeeze juice not into the container of the device, but into any glass. And the rare option of reverse, in which the nozzle alternately rotates in one direction or the other, will help to squeeze out the maximum amount of juice from the citrus. Citrus juice deteriorates quickly and should be consumed within 5-10 minutes. Therefore, if you are not going to constantly water your guests with juice, then the capacity of 400-500 ml in the device is sufficient. Choose the device with the maximum power, this will speed up the process of preparing large quantities of juice for guests.

Universal centrifugal

Universal centrifugal juicers can squeeze juice from any fruits and berries, although there are exceptions. In such devices, the fruits are first crushed with a disc grater, and only after that they enter the separator. Juice is extracted in it under the action of centrifugal force. These devices are adapted for processing large amounts of products. At the same time, the separator is often clogged, therefore it is necessary to choose a centrifugal device with a pulp rejection function. In addition, it must be powerful enough to process large quantities of fruit. The shape of the separator can be either cylindrical or conical.

Cylindrical separator

With a cylindrical shape, the amount of squeezed juice reaches 95% of the total mass of the fruit. This is a very high indicator that has reverse side in the form of the difficulty of discarding the cake. And therefore, after a couple of glasses of squeezed juice, you will have to clean the separator. But for making small amounts of juice, this is a great technique because it saves food.

Conical cage

With the conical shape of the separator, it is technically much easier to arrange the removal of the pulp. Although the amount of squeezed juice is reduced to 60-70%, there is no need to be distracted by cleaning the separator. Conical juicers are convenient for processing large quantities of fruit.


Auger juicers are the best juicers today for making large quantities of juice. In such a device, there is a screw shaft that pushes the products through the mesh. The screw rotates at a low speed, excluding heating and oxidation of the juice, in contrast to centrifugal ones, where enzymes and enzymes die at a temperature of 48-50 degrees. The screw rotation speed from 40 to 110 rpm allows you to save 42% more vitamin C and 60.7 more vitamin A. At the same time, the juice does not stratify after 2-3 minutes as in centrifugal apparatus, but has a uniform consistency and natural color. The so-called "cold" pressing preserves minerals, enzymes and enzymes for up to 2 days, and their assimilation by the body is 20% faster and more complete. Auger devices in last years gained immense popularity all over the world, and their only drawback is their high price.

Which juicer is better

The next step in choosing a juicer is taking into account the volume and frequency of use of the household appliance. Also, special attention should be paid to these parameters, since they have a serious impact on the price of the device.


When choosing a juicer for vegetables and fruits, I recommend the following parameters:

  • The volume of the juice container must be up to one liter.
  • Power universal devices should be at least 30 W, the speed of juice extraction directly depends on this.
  • It is desirable to have a consistency control system that detects and regulates the content of the pulp.
  • The presence of a variety of attachments that allow you to use products of different sizes.

Criterias of choice

  1. The shape of the cage must be conical or cylindrical.
  2. The presence of a container for cake and other waste.
  3. Power is more than 200 watts.
  4. A good centrifuge speed, the volume of juice depends in general on this parameter.
  5. The presence of a defoamer is a great advantage.
  6. The duration of the work, which is determined by a specific program.

Number of speeds

  • The number of speeds ranges from 1 to 9, although 2-3 speeds are sufficient for normal operation.
  • It is better to squeeze soft vegetables and fruits on low speeds, hard ones - on higher ones.
  • It should be borne in mind that at a high speed, more pulp gets into the juice, and at a low speed, it remains transparent.

Body material

  1. Plastic case - these models are lightweight, inexpensive, have a variety of colors and are easy to clean. The main disadvantage is low strength.
  2. Stainless steel cases - they are highly durable, but heavy and expensive.

Mesh material

  • It is better to purchase universal models with a stainless mesh (it is more durable).
  • D for citrus fruits is quite suitable plastic mesh, since the impact on it will be minimal.

Juice tank

As you know, juice is a perishable product, so the volume of the tank must be selected depending on the amount of drink consumed at a time. The best option is 1-2 glasses, that is, approximately 300-600 ml.

Loading opening width

The width of the loading opening ranges from 35 to 90 mm, and it should be chosen depending on what kind of fruit will be used. For example, the average apple size is about 75 mm. This figure does not really affect the price, so it is better to choose a juicer with a large opening.

Extra options

  1. Reverse - characteristic function citrus juicers. By rotating the nozzle alternately left and right, you can get more juice.
  2. The clamping mechanism is a special press that allows you to more easily extract juice from citrus fruits.
  3. Cleaning brushes - necessary for cleaning universal devices that are difficult to wash due to the sharp small cells.

How to decide what is the best option for you

  1. It is imperative to take into account from which fruits the juices will be produced, since completely different devices have been developed for certain types of vegetables and fruits. The best juicer is household appliance, which is able to create a sufficient amount of freshly squeezed juice per day.
  2. When choosing a device, it is worth considering not only its parameters, but also functionality. The universal multifunctional model is capable of producing juice not only from citrus fruits, but also from hard fruits such as pears, apples, carrots, pumpkins and beets.
  3. As a rule, the lucky ones who have purchased a fruit and vegetable juicer for their everyday life leave reviews about the purchased model. According to user reviews on the forums, one can judge the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen device.

Quite good juicers are produced by the following companies:

  • Binatone
  • Gorenje
  • Moulinex
  • Tefal
  • Ariete
  • Fagor

The devices are quite powerful, well built, and relatively quiet. As a rule, such brands have good service maintenance and a warranty period of service.

Group of the most quality products make up products:

  • Bosch
  • Braun
  • Delonghi
  • Kenwood
  • Panasonic
  • Zelmer

This is undoubtedly very famous brands that provide the highest performance and durability of work. Usually, for such products, everything is done with high quality: covers, latches, filters, nets and other parts. Such devices are a good buy for their price.

The group of premium technology among juicers is made up of very few devices:

  • Bork
  • ProfiCook
  • Kuvings

You should be aware that the prices for Bork products are very high, and the quality is mediocre. The rest of the manufacturers really guarantee high quality devices, but they are much more expensive. Dealer networks of some brands are still very poorly developed.

Rating of the best juicers of 2016

Having analyzed all the criteria for choosing a juicer, you can summarize. In conclusion, I offer a small rating of high-quality devices of the middle price category with a good price-quality ratio.

Philips HR 1871

The Philips HR1871 centrifugal juicer has a stainless steel centrifuge body and mesh, an 80 mm neck and a 1.5 liter beaker. The machine can be easily and quickly disassembled, and also easy to clean thanks to the polished filter with technology quick cleaning- QuickClean. The device, with a power of 800 W and protection against accidental switching on, has the function of automatically ejecting the pulp into a 1.6 liter tank. In addition, the model employs systems of direct supply of juice, and - "drop-stop". The device has 2 speeds, and its weight is 4.9 kg. The inverted mesh juicing system applied here allows 10% more juice to be obtained.

Philips HR1837 / 00

The compact centrifugal juice extractor Philips HR1837 / 00 in an aluminum case, with a stainless steel centrifuge mesh has a neck with a diameter of 55 mm with a loading tray and a glass with a capacity of 0.5 liters. The lid and container for the pulp are made of transparent materials, which makes it convenient to observe the juicing process and to clean the container in a timely manner. The machine is easy and quick to disassemble, and also easy to clean thanks to the polished filter with quick cleaning technology - QuickClean. The device, with a power of 500 W and protection against accidental switching on, has the function of automatically ejecting the pulp into a 1 liter tank. In addition, the model employs systems of direct supply of juice, and - "drop-stop". The inverted mesh juicing system of this appliance produces 10% more juice.