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Juicer for citrus and vegetables fruit universal. What should be a juicer for solid vegetables and fruits. Cons and pluses of juicers for solid fruits

Any doctor will lead many arguments in favor of fresh juice. There are entire legends about his therapeutic properties. Someone can say why make such a juice, because at present the range in the stores is quite large. However, not everyone pays attention to the technology of its manufacture. First of all, such juices are the process of canning, and this already leads to a loss of 50% of vitamins. Also, some manufacturers use various nutritional supplements that is not always useful for human health.

So, having understood the advantages of fresh juice, it is necessary to choose the right juicer. To do this, it is necessary to immediately decide what technical characteristics it should have. We will not be able to study the built-in functions in advance. The universal model is a juicer for solid vegetables and fruits. Customer reviews are more positive about such a unit, which indicates the quality of goods.

Universal juicer

Such devices can squeeze juice with both fruits and vegetables, including citrus. Manufacturers are installed on universal models of fairly powerful filters that provide high-quality operation. For 1 minute he makes about 1000 revolutions. Namely, such parameters allow you to squeeze juice even from solid vegetables. Currently, two types of universal models are sold:

Conducting a survey among buyers and pushing off from the heard reviews, you can make a clear conclusion that the juicer is better. Many prefer conical models, so their range is presented significantly wider.

Universal Juicers: Advantages and Disadvantages

The advantages of such models lies in the fact that one device can squeeze the juice from both solid vegetables and soft fruits. The exception can be the products that are specified in the instructions.

Let us turn to the disadvantages:

Citrusy juicers

In this household appliance, a special cone nozzle is installed, which allows you to most effectively prepare juice from citrus. The usual juicer for vegetables and fruits in this case will not be so profitable. Conclusions can be made based on the reviews of the hostesses that prefer fresh juice.

Citrus juicers are designed only to a certain kind of fruit, such as grapefruit, orange, lemon. In order to squeeze juice, it will take to cut the citrus half. When the device is turned on, the conical nozzle begins to rotate. It is put on her half a fruit and pressed a little hand or a special device. Juice at this point flows into a special container.


  • capacity size from 400 to 1200 ml;
  • cone nozzles used for fruits of different diameters;
  • motor power from 20 to 80 W.

Additional functions:

  • control of the flesh - the distance between the slits affects the thickness of the cooked juice;
  • direct fluid feed allows you to use a glass instead of containers;
  • rotation regimens change the direction of movement of the nozzle, which allows to squeeze juice as much as possible.

Due to narrow specialization, such juicers do not occupy leading positions in the ranking. It is worth noting that to prepare a large amount of juice, for example, for preservation, it is recommended to use other devices with knives, filters and centrifuges.

Centrifugal models

This juicer for solid vegetables (reviews of numerous users make it possible to judge its efficiency) works on the principle of grater. Fruits, falling inside, rubbing in Cashitz, and then under the action of centrifuges, the liquid passes through the siter, and the cake or leans in a special container or remains in the central opening. Such models cannot be used for fruit with bone, as it will not work out.

Device characteristics:

  • power of about 500 W;
  • bowl volume on average 1 liter;
  • conical or cylindrical separator;
  • metal grid.

Centrifugal juicer for solid vegetables and fruits is often used in institutions such as restaurants, hotels, cafes and others, where there are constant demand for fresh juice.

Auger juicer

These models are most often mechanical. Represent the semblance of a meat grinder. They have a shaft, a knife and a special mesh nozzle. They have a lot more service life than electric. Ideal for fruits with bone. Many may call it outdated, but it is necessary for the preparation of large litters that such a juicer for solid vegetables and fruits is necessary. The rating of these models is quite high due to their functionality. They have not been losing popularity for a long time.

Method for cooking juice:

  1. Fruits are loaded into the special hole.
  2. With the help of the handle, the shaft begins to rotate.
  3. The fruits are moving towards the knife and grind.
  4. A juice begins to flow through the mesh nozzle.
  5. Dispoded cake comes through a special hole.

The advantage of these models is high performance: in 1 hour, about 50 kg of fruits can be recycled.

What is better - imported or domestic juicer?

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to deal with several important nuances.

Yet, according to the results of social surveys, the juicers of imported production of well-known manufacturers cause greater trust. The rating is headed by companies such as Bosh, Electrolux, Philips, Moulinex, etc.

Optimal juicer

Depending on the number of family members, the size of the container is selected. For example, one person is suitable for a small juicer for solid vegetables and fruits, calculated on 200 ml. Such models are fairly in demand, so they are in the assortment of each manufacturer. But for 4 people and is more recommended to purchase a device from 1500 ml. It is quite convenient if everything is sitting in at one time.

If everything is extremely clear with large juicers, then it is worth stopping on small ones. They have many advantages:

Rating of manufacturers

The juicer for solid vegetables and fruits will always help to keep themselves and their households in the tone. Health to you!

The juicer for solid vegetables and fruits is needed in the house, because with its help you can get a large number of different useful and nutrient drinks. We offer to get acquainted with this kitchen device to make it right and all 100% use its rich potential.

Most owners are confident that juicers for solid vegetables or fruits may be needed only once a year to recycle excess harvest with giving. Nevertheless, the rest of the time this device is dust in the storage room, like an unnecessary one.

This opinion is incorrect. The one who adheres to him makes harm to his health and health of the members of his whole family. Because there is no more useful tool than the juicer for solid vegetables and fruits. Its main difference from other models is that it processes whole fruits. For this, an apple or carrot is lowered into the receiving hole. The fruit falls into the chopper, which turns it into a homogeneous mass. Even such, it would seem, unnecessary parts, like bones and peel, everything goes into recycling.

After grinding, the juicer produces a separation of the mixture. Rapid rotation of the centrifuge causes the liquid to separate from the pulp. High speed pushes the juice outward, causing it to drain it into a special container. And waste remains in the separator.

Manufacturers offer owners of a model of two types, which can be a separator:

  • cylindrical;
  • conical.

The first type has a higher productivity (the amount of pressed juice is up to 95% of the mass of the fetus). The second type is interesting in that under the action of centrifugal power of cakes, moves along the walls of the separator and is collected in the waste container. But this technology reduces efficiency - the volume of the obtained juice is only 60-70% of the mass of the entire fetus.

Other positive and negative sides of the juicer for solid vegetables and fruits will look further.

Cons and pluses of juicers for solid fruits

The main disadvantage, many hostesses consider inconsistency of actions result. You need to get the juicer for solid vegetables, collect, connect, and after work, disassemble, wash, dry ... and all for one glasses of juice!

In fact, the device of modern juicers is such that the hostess will have to make a minimum effort to work and maintain the device.

For example, the receiving hole is made in such a way that fruits and vegetables can be laid in it. They do not need to be cut into parts, remove bones and cores. Thanks to the shredder, all parts go into the case, and the efficiency of spinning increases.

The models have several operating modes, which makes it possible to process in one apparatus and solid, and soft fruits. It eliminates the hostess from buying two types of juicers.

Other advantages also include a security system. It blocks the launch of the juicer if part of it is loosely fixed or adjusted to each other.

And modern devices for pressing fruit and vegetable juices are equipped with noise absorption system. Thanks to her, the juicer for solid vegetables and fruits works silently without creating discomfort in the house.

The body and details of the devices are made of stainless steel, which successfully resists the acids contained in the juice of fruits. Corrosion processes arising when working with liquids do not affect metal. And the carbon added to steel increases wear resistance, thanks to which the device will serve a much longer period.

Secrets shopping juicer

The first rule of successful purchase: the hostess should clearly know what it buys the device. If she needs only one glass of juice per day, then you should not spend money on the purchase of a powerful professional juicer.

But if fresh-suffered juices are an integral part of the daily diet of all family members, and they drink them all during the day, then it is better to spend money on the purchase of a high-performance installation. And if the hostess is also an avid dacket, then the professional machine is necessary.

Depending on the power of the device, its price is set. The greater the juicer functions and the higher its performance, the greater the amount will have to be given when buying.

Above, we talked about the fact that separators are two types, cylindrical and cone-shaped. This also needs to be considered, because the form affects productivity.

When buying, you also need to pay attention to such indicators as:

  • power and performance;
  • working hours;
  • speed \u200b\u200bcentrifuge.

The amount of beverage and the amount of time that will have to be spent on its receipt depends on the power of the apparatus. And at high power, complete fruits can be recycled, including such as carrots and turnips. This indicator affects the quality of the press, the stronger the centrifuge rotates, the greater the juice from the pulp.

Work time is an important indicator, because the powerful engine is quickly heated and can fail. To avoid this, you have to take breaks in work so that the juicer motor cooled.

In principle, such pauses can be used to clean the container from the cake. So even such a deficiency can be considered as dignity.

The speed of rotation of the centrifuge is a separate indicator, on which not only the performance of the machine depends. What it is higher, the cleaner will be the resulting juice. The average for professional juicers processing solid vegetables and fruits is 7-8 thousand revolutions per minute. Some manufacturers bring it to 10 thousand revolutions per minute.

But how justified such high speeds? After all, the price of the apparatus depends on it. The fact is that most fruit can be effectively processed at lower speeds. So do not chase behind a lot of zeros. In addition, manufacturers produce models of juicer with multiple speeds. Due to this, it is possible to process products of different density in different modes, which will save electricity.

It should be noted that for different purposes (for example:

A convenient function is the automatic feed of raw materials into the shredder. Thanks to this hostess, it is not necessary to constantly stand at the apparatus and feed the fruits one by one, waiting for an apple or orange, is quite crushed.

The built-in foam cutter will be useful. Those who make apple juice knows how much it happens. The device allows you to get rid of flakes and increase the volume of the resulting juice. After all, foam falls on the bottom in the form of a precipitate and clutches the resulting liquid. The fooster makes juice clean and with this increases the performance of the machine.

Sucker legs will be useful. They securely fix the juicer on the surface of the table, will not let her fall during work due to vibration.

Now that our readers got acquainted with juicers for solid fruits and vegetables, they will be able to choose a suitable model for their kitchen. And all family members will enjoy tasty and useful juice from fresh fruits and vegetables.

If you wish to fill your diet with vitamin dishes, cocktails and drinks, you should order a universal juicer for solid and soft vegetables, berries and fruits. Depending on the preferences and financial capabilities, you can stop your choice on the manual or electrical model.

The screw juicer is ideal for:

● Preparation of fruit and vegetable frisses and mashed potatoes.

● Grinding ingredients for cocktails and mixes.

● Pressing products for baby food.

Universal jewery of a screw type for fruits and vegetables are characterized by compact sizes. Therefore, they occupy a little space in the kitchen when stored. Such an ergonomic design will appreciate the owners of small apartments, garden and country houses or cottages, for which inexpensive mini models for solid and soft vegetables, root and fruit are suitable.

These devices will also be relevant for small private restaurants, cafeterias, cutlery, snack bars and fitness centers, wherever people value the balance between the speed of producing juice and its useful properties.

Compact juicers for fruits and vegetables - the best option for the preparation of frams of solid and soft fruits:

Want to acquire such a reliable assistant? Do not know where to buy high-quality equipment inexpensively and fast? Look at the optimal model for you and order it in the online store "All Juices" with the possibility of self-leveling in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other major cities of Russia, as well as delivery to other populated Punkuts and countries.

Why is it worth buying a juicer?

The juicers of a screw type for vegetables and workshops have a number of weighty advantages:

● High performance. With the help of professional auger juicers for vegetables and fruits, you can grind, mix and press solid and soft ingredients. At the same time, they allow you to get up to 90-95% of the juice.

● Convenience. Many options, compact sizes and good power indicators make modern juicers for vegetables and fruits with the best option for the house.

● maximum benefit. Cold spin juice is quite better than packaged. It contains more vitamins, trace elements and has excellent taste. Fresh from solid and soft vegetables, citrus, berries and fruits will have to taste even to those young children who do not like to eat them in general.

● Reliability. In the online store catalog "All Juices" you can buy high-quality juicers for solid and soft fruits and vegetables with a certificate and a warranty from the manufacturer.

In addition, modern models are equipped with components from environmentally friendly raw materials, which eliminates the oxidation of the products or the appearance of a third-party lift.

What does the price of equipment depend on?

Before you buy a juicer for vegetables and fruits, it is worth considering the factors affecting its value:

● The number of nozzles in the kit (the functionality of the device directly depends on them).

● Type of a screw model design: vertical or horizontal, manual or automatic.

● Design complexity.

● Number of screws.

● Availability of additional options: for example, a blender feature.

● Material from which the details of the device are made.

Our company is engaged in dealership of fruit juicers and acts as the official service center of well-known brands. Therefore, we can order equipment for a democratic cost, without overpayments and with the possibility of further warranty service.

"All juices" - profitable purchases, excellent service

Do you still think where it is cheap to buy a juicer in St. Petersburg or another city? Check out the range and product characteristics of our online store: Compact models for garden houses, cottages, country cottages, apartments and professional versions for catering are presented on sale.

● Free consultations from the experts on the choice of goods.

● Ability to contact the store manager at any time of the day.

● Unique video reviews of equipment.

● Prices without commissors and a large selection of juicers for solid and soft vegetables from leading Korean, American and European brands.

● Operational delivery on St. Petersburg and other cities of the Russian Federation, sending goods on the CIS and the whole world.

There are 2 types of juicers in total: for citrus and universal. Universal, in turn, are also divided into centrifugal and auger. Consider the pros and cons of each type, as well as understand what to pay attention to when choosing.

1) citrus squeezers

As already understandable, from the title, the juicers for citrus fruits are intended only for processing oranges, lemons, tangerines and grapefruits. An additional bonus will becomewhat they are excellent, it turns out to squeeze pomegranate juice: it is mined in the screw juicer, but only from the in advance of the animal extracted.

  1. The volume of tanks for juice. Citrus juice without adding preservatives is not stored longer than 10 minutes after press, so it needs to be squeezed and immediately drink. Standard volume - from 0.4 to 1.2 liters.
  2. Nose: It must be convenient for bottling filling in glasses.
  3. Power: It ranges from 20 to 80 W and affects the speed of cooking juice.
  4. Reverse: the presence of this function, turning the nozzle first in one direction, then to another, allows you to squeeze the maximum amount of juice from fruit.
  5. Adjusting the amount of meat in juice: in some models it is missing, and you will not be able to control the delicate drink thickness.
  6. Scale for determining the level of fluid: Necessary to those who use juice for cooking cocktails.


  • Compact, inexpensive, quiet and fast.
  • Do not require purification of fruits from the peel, you only need to wash and cut them on the midst of the cross.
  • Easy wash.


  • Do not suit for obtaining juices from vegetables; And from fruits can only be used for citrus and pomegranates.

Example model

Compact juicerJM Moulinex PC120870. With the volume of the tank for juice, 450 ml independently sets the speed of rotation and works in two directions, due to which it is possible to obtain much more juice. The body of the device is equipped with a storage compartment of the cord, so the model is easily removed into the kitchen cabinet.

2) Universal Juicers

Universal juicers can squeeze the juice from almost allvegetables , fruit and berries. Practically - because only rare models can cope with berries in which there are bones, such as cherries or cherries.

What to pay attention to when buying?

  1. Instruction. Be sure to look at it before purchase: it will be written there, from which fruit, vegetables and berries the device really squeezes juice.
  2. The size of the loading neck. The more likely it is, the greater the likelihood that you can upload the fruit entirely without cutting them. The average diameter is 84 mm, the maximum - 85.
  3. The volume of tanks for collecting juice. One to two people is enough 300-600 ml, for a large family - 1.5-2 liters.
  4. Power. For screw optimal power - 200-400 W. For centrifugal - 250-300 W, the speed of rotation of the separator 10000-12000 rpm is important.
  5. Materials of the case and details. Reliable, of course, metal and stainless steel, but plastic is cheaper.
  6. Care. Make sure that the removable parts can be washed in the dishwasher, it will significantly simplify the cleaning of the device.

- Centrifugal (it is cylindrical) juicer

This type of universal juicer is the moste. need. The fruit in it first is crushed at the expense of the cooler, then headed into the separator of a cylindrical form, where the juice is separated from the pulp. Perfect for soft vegetables and fruits, but does not cope with herbs.


  • Sprinkles juice from almost all types of vegetables, fruits and berries, with the exception of fruits with small bones.
  • In the cylindrical shape, the hatch is placed quite large fruit, they do not need to pre-cut.
  • Juice squeezes 2-4 times faster than in auger models.
  • Manufacturers provide a large selection for any budget.
  • Easy wash.


  • Due to heating at the friction stage and the interaction of the pulp of fruit with air in the separator, the juice is oxidized and loses part of the useful properties.
  • Juice is not recommended for a long time to store.
  • It gives 10-40% less juice than screw juicers.
  • Noisy works.
  • Pretty high, you need to take into account this when placed.

Example model

One of the most overe. of this type of models -juicer Moulinex Ju610D10 . It is made of durable and easily cleansing stainless steel, and all removable parts of the device, including a jug for the finished drink, the bunker for the cake, the cover, the pusher and the filter can be washed in the dishwasher. Thanks to the use of a wide bootable horror, apples and other large fruits do not need to be cut before spinning juice. The presence of two speeds makes the device suitable for handling solid and soft products.

- screw juicer (it is a conical and cold spin)

This device squeezes juice from fruits pere. t Press under high pressure. Cone spiral auger works on low revs; And externally, and on the principle of operation, the juicer resembles a meat grinder.


  • Squeezes juice from almost everything, even seeds, nuts, herbs and cabbage.
  • Keeps the maximum of useful properties during annealing.
  • Juice can be stored in the refrigerator up to 48 hours without the loss of nutritional value.
  • Pressing more carefully than centrifugal models.
  • It works quietly.


  • It is more expensive than analogues.
  • Assortment of screw juicers is small.
  • The neck for loading fruits is less, so they are often pre-cut.

Example model

One of the most popular Augene Juicer Models -Moulinex ZU255B10.It works in two speed modes, and the user can determine the optimal rate of fruit processing. The separator for foam separates the foam from juice formed during the work process, and a separate container collects the resulting flesh - this greatly simplifies the care of the device. The hands of the user and the surrounding surfaces are reliably protected: if the lid is not closed, the juicer will not turn on.

When buying a juicer, you can take into account the mass of the parameters, but the most important thing is to determine its type, your budget and make sure it is regularly used. Vitamins do not have much, as well as good mood from the purchase of a useful device!