Repairs Design Furniture

Rack hanger from infirred materials. Outdoor hangers (including racks) for clothes, costumes, shirts, trousers. Advantages of floor hangers for clothes on wheels

The corridor of the cozy residential premises begins with an important attribute - hangers. Thanks to her, it is possible to clean up the hallway. This indispensable piece of furniture can be bought, and you can get a hanger with your own hands for clothes. If there are elementary skills, desire and sketch of the finished attribute, then you should not stop, you need to make it yourself.

To the hallway was cozy, It is necessary that all the furniture in it be perfectly chosen in color and style. It's troublesome business, it is necessary to approach him with full responsibility.

The hallway in the standard apartment has very small sizes, so put there a wardrobe or chest of drawers there is not possible. But the clothes hanger must necessarily be, it will be the only subject attracting attention.

So that your entrance hall is different from others, you need to make the main attribute of its own hands. This will not only increase the rating of the owner, but also create a unique atmosphere in the entire apartment.

Many models. They are used for clothing and for small accessories. Wall and floor structures are found, which are equally well "performing their work." Any of two options can be made independently, the main thing is to be accurately represented as it should look in the finished form.

Advantages and disadvantages

If there is no place in a small corridor, then you can make a small, unusual hanger. It will serve both clothes and umbrellas or bags. Wall-mounted hanger for clothes with their own hands make it easy. From the materials will suit:

  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • metal.

The advantage of the design is:

  • compactness;
  • functionality;
  • a variety of forms.

Such a model is suitable for a small hallway. In addition to hooks, it can make shelves for storing hats, gloves and other accessories. Under it you can put shoes, and bags and umbrellas can be hung on extra hooks.

For the manufacture of such an indispensable item, you can use various materials, combine them, thanks to your fantasy.

The disadvantage of it is stationarity and the installation itself, in the process of which you have to drill holes in the wall. In case of incorrect or fragile installation, there may be problems in subsequent operation. And if during the permutation you want to transfer it to a new place, then you will need to remove the hanger and repair the wall.

The simplest model of such an accessory in the hallway is Planckon which hooks are nailed. The description was not colorful, but if for its manufacture, take the exclusive material, then the product will turn out exclusive.

If a wooden plank is taken for the product, it can be treated with different methods: grinding, colorful, etc. Hooks for hangers can be from real wooden hooks, metal hooks, from door handles and other material. They can be all the same or different, which looks very unusual.

So that the child always undressed himself, he needs a fun hanger. In this case, you can look after children's hooks in the form of cartoon characters or beloved animals. Because children's things are not so heavy, hooks for the product can serve any interesting plastic toys, for example: balls, cups, etc.

Small size rubber animals can be attached to the bar using a superclone or special glue for rubber.

To the hallway in the house looked original, you can kill different hooks in chaotic order to the wall, where there will be hooks for a child.

Old forks or spoons You should not throw out, you can make excellent hooks for the hanger, if you slightly bend the end. If the storage room occupies a place for old anyone not the necessary skis, they can be used as a plank for hangers. It is necessary to refresh them a little with paint, and nail decorative elements that are hooks. Seeing such beauty made by yourself, your guests will envy you.

For those who do not know how to work with a tree, but wishes to have an original product, there is a way out. In the store you need to buy a special decorative self-adhesive film, imitating a wall hanger, and glue it onto the wall. It remains only to choose the material for hooks and attach them to the wall.

Find a lot of fresh ideas, as well as master classes on the manufacture of wall structures, can be on the Internet.

Outdoor designs are different, so not all of them will be suitable for residential premises. Consider their options in Read more:

Pros and cons

This item is not only functional, but also stylish. Showing fantasy, you can give the product the most unusual forms. The advantage of hangers is:

  • mobility;
  • lack of installation work;
  • large selection of forms.

Mobility - An important feature of the design that becomes more noticeable during the repair, when permuting and even with a complete change of the style of the room.

During the installation of the outdoor accessory, it is not necessary to make holes in the wall and spoil the decorative coating. If the hanger is not needed in the summer, then it can be simply transferred to another place or hide into the storage room.

Models of floor hangers are distinguished by sizes, material and forms. The product made by your own hands will fully fit your tastes and the selected room style.

Most outdoor structures have one drawback - dubious stability. Before proceeding with its manufacture, you need to provide maximum safety and stability. To the reverse side of the legs, the supports should be attached, the so-called, sole, so that the material does not scratch and did not spoil the floor. On the hanger there should be no pointed components that can damage clothes.

This model will differ from the wallSince it will take some place on the floor for its location. It will be more difficult to make a product, but it will not be able to stop a person who tries to decorate the interior of his home exclusive things.

From the old tree

The easiest option is to use an old tree painted paint. Of course, there should be durable branches on his trunk, which will serve as hooks. The stand for such a hanger can be any heavy flat object, the form of which does not matter.

If you have wooden stairs after repair, you will have a wonderful hanger. The length of the bar is selected, which will fasten the stairs. It is nailed from above so that one staircase is on the one hand, and the other on the other. At the height of the first or second stage, the shelf from the board is made from below. Its edges are also fixed with nails.

Depending on how many stairs at the stairsAnd what clothes will hang on this hanger, you can make another shelf. Things on such a model hang on hangers, which makes them always straightened, well-groomed. By the way, it can be painted in any color. The main advantage of such a design is that it can accommodate a significant amount of clothing.

For making at home, flooring-floor-laborers, you can use round or profile metal or plastic pipes. To get a steady product, 1.7 meters high, it is better to take sewer pipes 60 mm. The reason is better to make square. A detailed master class on the manufacture of such a design can be found on the Internet.

If there is an old floor lamp in stockYou can use it as a basis for the product. You need to remove the old lampshade and remove the wire. Come on the hooks, or use the wire frame of the lamp. If the floor of the lamp requires painting, then you need to prepare work, but only after them - paint the product.

Very nice and original will look at the product made with your own hands with forged metal elements. The design models can be found on the Internet, wrought-iron elements from artwork masters. To assemble a hanger from the details obtained, a welding machine will be required. After connecting parts into a single design, it is necessary to degrease it with a solvent, and then paint.

Worn hangers always look stylish. They can be added to the interior in the classic style. Openwork wrought iron elements are perfectly combined with attributes of various styles.

Clothes hangers are a mandatory attribute in every home, as otherwise it is quite problematic to arrange the upper clothes. In addition, floor hangers will be useful in the bedroom, so as not to put clothes every evening in the closet and not to use chairs or chairs. But in the store a beautiful furniture is quite expensive, so the best solution is a floor hanger for clothes with your own hands. After all, from inexpensive materials, you can make original and beautiful hangers that will significantly decorate and make your interior comfortable.

Make a clothes hanger, you can almost from any materials. But if you are going to do it yourself, it is worth come up to the choice of material.

It is best for work to work wood and plywood, these are the most practical and plastic materials with which it is easy to work. If products from them are used in the house, they will not be guaranteed to be exposed to moisture and their life will increase significantly.

Working with metal or plastic at home is quite difficult, so you should not choose these materials. It is worth considering the fact that there is sometimes significant load on the hanger, so it is necessary to use the materials of the appropriate strength so that the furniture is not broken.

Examples of floor hangers using water pipes

When you buy wood or Faneru, pay attention to their quality, because it is the key to the fact that the hanger will look beautiful. In most cases, wooden products are covered with only a verse or varnish, so the texture remains visible on the surface.

Floor hanger in the form of a tree

It is easy to make an outdoor hanger, and for this you will not need a lot of tools and materials. This hanger is made of two plywood sheets, approximately 70x170 cm, and 18 mm thick. For the manufacture you will need only glue, jigsaw and sandpaper. The work itself will not take much time and such hangers you will not meet in any furniture store.

First you need to draw on one of the sheets of plywood contour of the future product. Make it can be simply transferred on the scale of the drawing on the fane. The most important thing is that the legs are sufficient width - about 60 centimeters. It is necessary for stability, because if you make them narrow, then the hanger will fall, if you hang heavy winter clothes on it.

As you know, the theater begins with hangers. The hallway also begins in the hanger. The hanger is an important element of the interior that can be decorated and supplemented, as well as streamline the situation. It should look attractive and not to take a lot of space. Today, the furniture industry produces a wide range of all sorts of designs of various designs, but many are interested in how to make a hanger for clothes with their own hands. It is such products that transform the situation, make rooms with unusual, original and with a "highlight".

Make a hanger yourself quite simple. This will require a fantasy, as well as the desire to make something extraordinary, something that cannot be bought in the store. A homemade hanger, no doubt, will decorate any room and attract enthusiastic views of the guests. For its manufacture, you can use any blowing materials - empty bottles, beads, wire and all sorts of little things that will probably have home. For this purpose, the gifts of nature are perfectly suitable, for example, the bizarre branch form, as well as the remnants of building materials after repair.

The design and form of the future product depends on the wishes of the owner. You can search for inspiration on the Internet, see photos of the original hangers or download the scheme of the ideas you like. In any case, you first need to decide on the type of hanger and material for its manufacture.

What are wearing hangers

There are two types of hangers that can be made independently - wall and outdoor.

Wall hanger is the easiest solution. It is usually a horizontal crossbar to which hooks in one or more rows are attached, the top shelf for hats or a special transverse beam for "shoulders" can be provided to it. The form of the horizontal base of the base is usually rectangular or with rounded corners, but if you wish, it can be made absolutely any. For example, in the form of a heart or wood leaflet.

Typically, a wall hanger in the hallway is made of wood. The fact is that wood is an excellent natural material that can be easily treated at home: cut the desired shape of the canvas and cover any paint.

The floor hanger is a design consisting of a vertical support based on. Hooks for clothing are attached top to the support. It is important that the hanger is not only decorative, but also practical. Special attention should be paid to the ground. It should be very stable so that the design can withstand the weight of the clothes and did not fall. There are many design options for such hangers, but they differ not only in shape and size, but also by manufacturing material.

Outdoor hangers

First, you need to decide on the material. Outdoor hangers are:

  • Metal.
  • Worn.
  • Wooden.
  • Plastic.

Metal products are very durable and durable, have a lot of weight, therefore are considered to be the most stable. Metal hangers with elements of art forging are real works of art that will bring the grace into any entrance hall. However, not everyone can make it possible to make this kind of product at home, because it takes a complex tool and work skills to work.

The easiest option of manufacturing outdoor metal hangers at home is the re-equipment of the old floor lamp. He has a support and lampshade, which can be consolidated with thick wire hooks. By the way, you can weave the original patterns from it and use them as hooks for clothes. The base can also be decorate with decorative elements.

Wood hanger - a wonderful budget option for the hallway. Wood products do not leave fashion. They fascinate with their natural beauty, they can be used for any style and directions in the interior.

For the manufacture of wooden hangers, a sheet of plywood or boards can be used, but if there is a desire to do something really unique, it is better to turn to the gifts of nature. So, a small dry tree can be the basis of the future hanger.

It should be cleaned from the bark and bitch, carefully treat sandpaper and fasten on the basis. In this case, it is better to provide a support on three legs, it is considered the most stable. Then you need to make up the top of the hanger. It can be performed like a tree crown. As a hooked, you can use a beautiful shape of the branch, which should be pre-cleaned and polished.

The final stage is the coverage of the entire design of varnish or paint. You can use balls or large beads as decoration, which are fixed with glue to the base of the hanger or on hooks.



This roller shows the process of making wall hanger.

And here are some more ideas for inspiration.

In a cozy house, it is impossible to do without hangers - outdoor, wall or ordinary shoulders in the closet. But besides its utilitarian function, storing clothes in a straightened form, this is also a way to show your creativity, the ability to do something with your own hands for everybody. Original floor hanger for clothes with their own hands or originally nailed hooks in the hallway - well, how to do without them? To make the simplest tremens for jackets or horns for a hat, you don't need to be a master for all hands, it is enough to have a tool and some creative ideas.

Hanger as an art object or decor element

To quickly clean up the house, streamlining things in the closet, it is important to have a sufficient number of space where it will easily be scented:

  • dresses and jackets;
  • hats and clogs;
  • bags and belts;
  • scarves and cervical scarves;
  • blouses and sweatshirts;
  • business suits;
  • upper clothes on the offseason;
  • skirts and pants.

But for each such thing, a special device is needed:

  • wall hanger;
  • handers (tremendous);
  • panel or shelf with hooks;
  • clothes hanger in the hallway;
  • rings and hooks for the cabinet under scarves and accessories.

It is easy to build many varieties of hangers for clothes - with your own hands, photo:

If you reconsider old things from the grandmother's cabinet or chest, there will probably have quite interesting shoulders share of clothes. Vintage tremendals and homemade hangers If they do not pull on the rank of "antiques", it may well be the basis for the update or even become a unique art object. Once neither try to transform the old hanger of the masters of folk crafts, needlewomen and just lovers of something "creating"! For example, clothes hanger photo.

Helders from grandmother's house did in the era, when plastic or plastic products were not released. An old wooden basis can be used as an original decor object, especially if the cabinet is missing in the room. They can be transformed in any way or use any suitable technique:

  • decoupage;
  • original painting;
  • applique for varnishing;
  • clamping posters, magazines, geographic maps, etc.

It does not hurt on an old basis to make soft "shoulders" for knitwear so that it does not slip and did not stretch. These simple devices are also easy to make "from scratch" from the girlfriend. But if you need a wall-mounted foundation for hooks from a tree or an original hanger-rack for clothing outdoor, then materials, tools and woodwork skills are necessary.

Wall-mounted wooden hanger

Although the wall hanger is the simplest adaptation that is suitable for self-making, it is not necessary to make it rude and primitive. Even if it is planned to be used temporarily, for example, in the country, it is still better to make beautiful to the clothes hanger of the wall decorated the house for many years.

For high-quality product, it will take good wood, board or trim bar, the required length - on a width of 2-3 freely hanging tremenders with jackets. The board should be strong and dry, without cracks, with antiseptics processing. On this basis it will be necessary to fill a few hooks:

  • in line;
  • in 2 rows;
  • in 3 rows - in a checker order.

The simplest one-row hanger is useful in any room:

  • on the back side of the door in the bedroom - under the bathrobes;
  • in bathroom or bathroom - for linen during swimming;
  • in storeroom - for working or seasonal outerwear;
  • in the pool or sauna - under towels and bathrobes.

In the children's or room, the teenager is also needed a simple wall hanger - catching schoolchildren to order, hang casual clothes on her shoulders so that it does not reverse.

Tip: The simplest hanger is a hook board and mounted loops for mounting on the wall. But do not forget that it can not be signed on an inactive wall or whitewash. From the unprepared surface, clothes will be dirty. Therefore, a wooden shield, polyethylene film or Watman mowed onto the wall in unfinished room under the hanger. And wet outerwear will dump wallpaper or painted wall on a prepared wall.

If you have some kind of original idea regarding the design of the product, it is not necessary to make it in the form of an oblong rectangular disc. Wooden base under the clothes hanger for clothes with your own hands can be performed as:

  • ovala;
  • wave-like panel;
  • moto Mot;
  • heart;
  • spirals, etc.

After making the foundation, wood must be observed and belonging or processed by another way. It is important that the wood does not give the prerequisites for the formulation when using homemade hanger. Hooks or "carnations" of hangers It is advisable to make any original way, suit:

  • old wooden coils for threads;
  • handles of broken screwdrivers, scissors and other household items;
  • specially segged hooks.

Hooks, "carnations" or "holders" for hangers do not necessarily do from wood or metal, they can also be bought in a business or construction supermarket. Natural material is also suitable - dry branches, swirls, cuttings or root trimming. They are necessarily cleansed from the crust, cut or drank excess, grind and operate with varnish.

Another standard hanger option is wooden planned parallel. They will not only be the basis for hooks, but also a decorative shield for clothes on a whitewash wall or just a beautiful interior item. It will make a little longer on her manufacture, but this design looks more solid, than just a hook board. And if you attach a visor on hats - this will already be a full-fledged hanger for clothes to the hallway with your own hands.

Homemade clothes hanger in the hallway

Hanger for the hallway should be enough:

  • durable and strong;
  • aesthetic;
  • roomy;
  • multifunctional.

Ideally - on a small interval of the wall in a narrow hallway there must be fit:

  • outerwear for all family members or guests;
  • hats;
  • umbrellas and bags;
  • shoes under clothes.

It is this multifunctionality that it is important to consider when building homemade hangers for an entrance hall. Therefore, it is reasonable not just to make the board with hooks, but it is nice to check out:

  • shield with hooks for clothes;
  • visor under caps and hats;
  • shelf for shoes;
  • stand under the bags and umbrellas.

Tip: The dimensions of such hangers should not be arbitrary, they are measured with the part of the wall that the hanger should be located.

It is usually enough space about 1m wide, in the height of the clothes hanger in the hallway, with their own hands there must be more head level. There are 2-3 rows of hooks, plus a visor (shelf) under hats, plus the trempel and outerwear. The reliability of connecting the side shield shelf can be connected to the plates at an angle of 45 ° C. The hanger must be attached to the wall by brackets or dowels.

Outdoor rack hanger

Another kind of devices for placing clothes at the entrance to the building are a floor hanger for clothes with their own hands. They can often see:

  • in the office of the Polyclinics;
  • in the reception;
  • in the lobby or lobby;
  • in the Internet cafe, etc.

They are usually called "standing" or "horn" hangers, and they are made of tubular metal. They are notable for the fact that they are comfortable to hang out not only the upper clothes, but also hats, bags and umbrellas. And although they are not so resistant, as nailed to the wall of the hangers, are more compact and mobile. They can be rearranged in any place or remove to the storeroom for summer time.

In homes and apartments, this type of hangers are used less often than public places, but it is also easy to do it yourself. There are some good ideas, for example, use:

  • cross for Christmas trees as a base and a long stink of shovels as a rack, where finished long hooks are nailed;
  • pruning plastic pipes and couplings for the basics of hangers;
  • the basis of the dried garden of the garden in the form of a multi-tailed design, process and install on a cross or another base;
  • trimming pipes of different sections as a telescopic rack;
  • remnants of old chairs and stools and build a hanger on a rotating turning mechanism (buy ready);
  • as a basis - a tripod from the old camera, a lamp and other household items.

Attention: Whatever the design, it is important to comply with the underlying condition - the stability of the floor hanger. This depends not only on its design, but also from the support. It can be a rotating disk, 3-6 legs or crosses.

Hanger-stayed or trempel with their own hands

It is easy to make hanger-hangers for clothes on our own, while as the basis use any healthy material:

  • thick wire;
  • fragment of thick branches in the shape of a shoulder;
  • small plastic bottles strung on a metal base in the form of a large "paper clips";
  • bent metal plate or corner.

The basis for the hanger "Holders" remains to wrap the syntheps (by another filler) and to see any beautiful cloth. This is the best option for jerseys. A beautiful satin bow or face from a small soft toy will add originality. Such hangers will like children. The main thing is to find a suitable metal for the hook of the shoulders.

Original cheerful materials hangers do it yourself

Interesting ideas on the independent manufacture of hangers of any type can be embodied using a variety of faded materials.

1. Metal. Trimming steel wire, tube or corner hide for metal hangers for clothes. Depending on the flexibility and thickness of the metal, the design can be reached or combined with welding. Form and product design - to choose from, watch photo:

2. The remains of the bar, board, veneer and other wood are suitable for wall hanger or universal product in the hallway. Detailed video will be useful for those who love work on the tree;

3. Parts of the old furniture are also easy to transform into a hanger, for example, building a multifunctional model based on the chair. This design is convenient because the jacket and trousers from the costume, shirt and tie are conveniently located on the same module.

4. The original base under the hangers-shoulders will be the original device in the room where the closet is temporarily missing. Any wooden stalk is suitable, which is suspended to the ceiling parallel to the floor at a level of slightly above growth.

5. Old "Hunting" idea is to use deer horns instead of hooks for hanger. They can be attached to any base - for wall hanger or vertical rack with horns. The horns of the moose are suitable.

6. The design of plastic pipes will like fans of technical crafts.

7. Small hangers for the cabinet are also needed, for example, in the form of a connected rings from cardboard or plastic. They are suitable for hanging scarves and cervical headscarves, belts and belts.

8. The simplest wire hanger "Samokrutka" with clothespins along the edges - a great device for storing trousers or skirts. The shape of such simple shoulders can be classic, in the form of an arched clips or in the form of an intricate labyrinth - as prompts fantasy.

Hangers as a stylistic decor

When choosing a material, shape and design of the hangers worth considering, in what style your interior is decorated:

  • wooden hanger with accurate decorations suitable for an English Cabinet or a restrained classic hallway;
  • soft shoulders, covered with a bright cloth, will decorate the bedroom in the style of country, Shebbi-Chic, romanticism or boho;
  • metal-plastic structures emphasize the originality of the Loft apartments, will decorate the shelter of a lonely wanderer in the power of techno or high-tech;
  • old recovered shoulders are suitable for vintage, retro, bidermeyer or Victorian style;
  • the hangers of the simplest shape and design - a ascetic attribute in the style of minimalism or functionalism;
  • original shoulders with "Maiden" design are suitable for the children's room in Barbie-style;
  • elegant and spectaciously decorated hanger - for Bouire in the palace stylist;
  • satin ribbons, sequins, beads and pebbles - an attribute of a glamorous bedroom.

Read more about the independent manufacture of hangers. Watch the video:

Racks for casual wear have become very popular. It is not surprising, because first of all such hangers are comfortable. First, the clothes rack perfectly temporarily replaces the closet, if the circumstances have been so far and you remained without it. Secondly, on the rack you can store domestic and casual clothes, planning your wardrobe in advance the next day. Depending on the design, it can be placed in it for sorting dirty clothes, shelves for shoes and many other utilities.

Of course, such a wardrobe is not suitable for everyone, because the clothes will be covered with dust, and if there are pets in the house, and wool. Therefore, we suggest to consider options like a dressing room from racks-hangers for clothes and racks for storing clothes for the day.

The first option is very simple - threw hangers on the cornice and everything is ready. But it is worth considering one nuance - on the sunny side, this number will not roll, because The risk of spoil clothes.

Or here is a more complex version of the rack, in this case the suspension. It is convenient that such a hanger can be made exactly the size you need.

Hanger with hooks for clothes - a win-win version, but only for things that will not be pulled out in such a position. Although, you can use the shoulders.

You can make such an outdoor wardrobe for clothes and shoes from the old bullfirera. You can make a rack yourself, and then it is artificially creating.

Wardrobe and rack for clothing at the same time. Intrun the curtain with a small space, the owner of the housing and the place for storing clothes and a corner where you can change clothes.

And such a hanger for ties, baseball caps and other little things can be made with your own hands. Stylish and convenient - everything is in one place!

Unpainted clothes hanger from undergraduate metabies, in this case from the branch:

Original solution - Rack for clothes from pipes. In this photo of the pipe copper, it gives special aestheticism of the design: