Repairs Design Furniture

Electro-adjustable ERGOTAB tables. Tables with a height-adjustable UP table with a changeable height

IN comfortable furniture, creating comfortable conditions when filling out forms, work at a computer and carrying out manipulations with documents, various institutions need. Its use contributes to an increase in the efficiency of employees, to preserve their health, attracting more visitors. One of the demanded furniture items is an electric desk, a variety of models of which are presented on our website.

What it is?

Demand for transformer tables with adjustable height Constantly grows. They allow you to work in the position "sitting" / "standing", alternate them at their discretion. They are equipped with hospitals, general education institutions, rehabilitation centers, train stations, airports, communications, social facilities. They are indispensable when implementing the project "Affordable Wednesday", the organization of the "inclusive" (barrier-free) education system for people with limited physical abilities.

The product is the base of the product with a strut-lift mechanism, fixed in the central part of the structure. They are made of high strength materials, which eliminates the likelihood of their damage. They are installed as a countertop with a control panel ("up / down" buttons). The lifting device is powered by small electric motors placed inside the supports. With its help, a table in a few seconds can grow or become lower.

Assortment for every taste

Manufacturers offer different types This type of setting.

  • The optimal option for wheelchairs can be a microlift table, equipped with legs of increased strength capable of withstanding a significant vertical load. Its cover provides an ergonomic excavation, providing the necessary free space in front of your feet.
  • Compact single-spoken tables for a laptop are an ideal option for an alignment in a small office space or small-sized apartment. They are released in two versions: with the central location of the base and shifted to one edge (fixing to the wall).
  • The discharge of multifunctional includes:
    • Electric controlled tables with three legs-supports. Through it, working areas are created for simultaneous performance of official duties by several employees, meetings, conferences and other events.
    • Employment with the user tables for the placement of PCs and letters. They can install penalties for written accessories, hinged shelf under textbooks, partition, desktop lamp, fastening under the system unit, wheels, etc.
  • The category of the premium class includes a power table equipped with a memory module and capable of remembering 3-4 positions. The package of individual samples includes a timer, as well as fuses that protect against overloads, random inclusion, clamp at the time of lowering.

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UP series adjustable tiles are equipped with electric or mechanical lifting mechanism Taking into account the rational organization of the working environment, special professional needs and physical characteristics (growth or physique) of employees. Office tables with a lifting mechanism are suitable for specialists of the architectural, engineering and design industry, as well as employees who are spent a significant part of the time in the office and need the most comfortable working conditions.

For engineers and architects

The ability to adjust the height of the tables and choose for yourself the most convenient working position - sitting or standing - affects the quality of working conditions, and also removes the stress and fatigue accumulated per day. Experts dealing with big layouts, projects and drawings, thanks to innovative opportunities and unique technical features Furniture UP, do not have health problems and can even "relax" during a hard day.

Office Table UP

The working table with an electrically adjusted height is running from the control panel, represented in two versions: with two arms-ups "up" and "down" and seven keys, where 1-4 - memory buttons, the recording button, the screen with the current height and arrow indicator " Up and down". Using an electrical lifting mechanism for the table (electric motor), the table top rises to a height of up to 128 cm and allows you to control a table loaded to 40 kg, including content working surface - office equipment, lighting and documents.

Bench tables with adjustable height

Tables with mechanical adjustment are not inferior in their technical properties The desktop with an electric lifting mechanism is also convenient to operate. The table height is adjustable using a handle located under the tabletop on the right side, and rises to 85 cm. Regulation of the height of the workstation (Bench System), consisting of 2 table tops, occurs separately, without creating an inconvenience to an employee working.


Rises the surface of the desktop to the desired height clockwise and when turning in the opposite direction returns a tabletop to its original position.

Top Toppers Up.

Functional office desks with lifting mechanism are represented by two types of tabletop 25 mm thick. This surface is ergonomic and rectangular shapes with melamine coating cold and warmly shades. Made from chipboard Egger, durable and do not bend from high load.

Regardless of which concept of education you adhere to and what, state or alternative, school is visiting your child, the organization of the workspace for him is one of the parental duties. An important part of the room interior or a special corner for children is already with preschool age becomes the table behind which they draw, they are playing, playing in board games, Collectors collect, write, read and make other things that require focusing.

The child's adultery changes and the child's function. Initially, this place is provided for physical activity, but over time when jumping and running around the house are transferred to sports sections, and noisy games are replaced by a while with friends outside the house, the child's room changes its function, becoming a place of passive recreation (sleep) and a work space for Perform homework and self-development.

Convenient and safe for health Place of work - the table becomes the center of the interior, determining the attractiveness and functionality of the children's and teenage room.

It is no secret that in order to comply with the advice of physiologists about the right posture, first of all, you need to get furnished, ideally selected for the growth of the child.

Children's adjustable table or party - the dream of many parents, because with such an acquisition it will be possible to forget about the pillows lined under the baby, and about the period when the same giant table is rapidly "decreased in size" and already in order to avoid painful shortness and other issues with posture, It is necessary to update the furniture in the nursery, breaking his head over, wherever the children are almost still new table and chairs of the previous generation.

Transformed furniture for children occupied the impressive segment of the modern market. Adjustable height, as well as modifications with folding and / or inclined countertops in the trend of today's fashion for ergonomics, which guarantees ease of use without harm to health.

Table with adjustable height: execution options

The task of transformation of the wall dimensions of the furniture designers is solved in several ways, based on the style and complexity of a particular product.

There are versions for children from 3 to 10 years with regulating legs for the table and chairs, the elongation of which is carried out on 2-4 fixed positions using the simplest mechanisms for the similarity of the telescope or the addition of new segments.

Such transformers are offered in various designer decisions. It is children's dining headsets, and easels for drawing and modeling, and school kits, complemented by footrest, the ability to change the tilt of the working surface, retractable shelves And stands for the keyboard and mouse.

The so-called "growing parties" are most interesting, which, according to manufacturers, are acquired once for the whole school life of the child, since they are designed to grow from 6 to 16 years.

These, at first glance, reminiscent of government furniture kits are manufactured in accordance with the recommendations of specialists, the overwhelming majority of which believe that intellectual work - Letter and reading should pass in a sitting position with a straightened spine and convenient location feet.

The growing parties satisfy all these conditions, and, as can be seen in the photo, the chip of such furniture is not only in the adjustable growth of the table, but also in other mobile parts that turn ordinary in appearance school desk in peculiar home robot.. Many colorful accessories in the form of screwed boxes, baskets and shelves enrich the styling of furniture under the antines of science fiction.

These sets provide special adjustable supports for the table G-shaped legswhich give the sustainability of the whole design and facilitate the transition to different positions at the top of the table top.

In certified models, the design is thought out, taking into account the requirements of ecology and safety, in addition to rounded shapes and a smooth surface, is ensured by simple and reliable system Operating: change the configuration of the desk and adjust the height of the table, the seating and backs can the schoolboy himself.

Separate orthopedic chairs for children and adolescents are also represented on the market with the ability to lower and raise the seat. Written and computer desktops with special appliances for tablets are selected to them.

That is, the parents have the opportunity to arrange a mini office for a child, furnishing the room with a fully repeating appearance of similar headsets for the office provided for adults.

To solve the problem of furniture to rise, in other cases it is enough to purchase a height adjustable chair and footrest. Tables with advanced or folding countertops, equipped with modern fasteners and sleds, can become a good find to save space.

Any of such products should be selected under the features of the child's structure: a flat line of back and neck, the knee bending angle is 90 degrees and the ability to support all the foot, armrests, or special shelves for various positions of hands when writing, working with keyboard and when reading, comfortable position The backs of the chair are the main key points With fitting.

You need to pay attention to the fact that the child is comfortable to sit down and get up from the workplace.

Rules for the purchase of transformable furniture for children

Cash savings when buying furniture with adjustable height for children is not so obvious. A tripled change made in economy class of the simplest table and chair for children can become a more profitable option than attaching high funds to the modern model of the growing parties.

In the case when children's furniture is equipped with growing legs or supports, opening up or retractable or inclined tabletops, the importance of quality and condition of the product increases at times.

Handicraft and poor-quality products may be unsuitable for use, quickly fail or lead to injury. When choosing a furniture designed for the whole school life of a child, it is necessary to consider products of well-known manufacturers and acquire products with a guarantee of quality in specialized trading points.

Any little, an experienced parent realizes that the exploitation parameter of the product from 1 to 11 classes is noted in the passport - is an ideal oversized and difficult to practice.

First, the tastes of the child during his school life can (and this is normal) to change dramatically. Most teenagers are unlikely to be delighted with the prospects to sit on the same table and on the same chair from the first class to the graduation.

On the other hand, modern design The workplace is an important criterion for teaching school discipline.

Secondly, minimal and maximum dimensions Heights in such furniture fluctuate in the range of 20 cm, and this means that it will serve as the current generation of accelerats from the strength of 5 years, instead of the declared 10.

At the same time, the parties and tables with adjustable height are usually equipped with transformer countertops that can be used in several configurations, and are convenient for both traditional writing and reading and working with computer and tablets.

Thirdly, has the right to life the theory that too conveniently arranged workplace Promotes the largerness of the child, he literally does not want to stand out due to the table, and in the process of concentration, the body of the child practically freezes, all the instincts of osania and change of position disappear, and this is not good for health.

On the other hand, the ability to easily change the height of the table and especially the chair gives greater freedom to change the position of the child during work.

Tables and chairs with adjustable height positively proven themselves in an adult market, without them today simply could not do any modern man With sedentary work. Improving every day "smart" furniture allows you to alternate the situation sitting, standing and even half a walk when working, which can only be called sedentary.

By purchasing such furniture for children, parents should once again weigh all the arguments for and against, and of course to closely monitor how the child is mastering the workspace, while eliminating all interfering factors in time.

Photo of adjustable tables

It is difficult to imagine our life without such furniture as the table. Indeed, whether we have dinner, work or learn, all this is closely related to this subject of the interior. Realizing the duration of your stay at the table, it is impossible to disagree that it should be comfortable. Such convenience is achieved primarily with the compliance of furniture parameters of the characteristics of the human body. Adjustable table helps to achieve.

Features and options for mechanisms

Externally, the transformer is an adjustable base and various table tops in shape, design and color. Countertops can also be adjustable and adjusted at a certain angle. These options have various mechanisms Adjustments:

  1. Mechanical mechanism It is most reliable in mind its simplicity. To this group can be attributed:
    • screwthe mechanism implies customization by rotating the table legs;
    • stagemethod for changing the height - Tabletop displacement in advance prepared on different level Pass or setting the height of the legs by inserting special plugs into the openings of the internal and external supports of the table.
  2. Electric mechanism- the most convenient, easy and fast option. Therefore, if during the day you have to work and sitting, and standing or often customize the height for different family members, the table with automatic adjustment is the best choice.

In the models of children's furniture, countertops can be stationary oblique or also to be able to set up.

Tabletop regulation can also be mechanical or electric. Mechanical involves moving the support of the table top, due to which the desired angle of inclination is achieved.

Advantages and disadvantages

You may have doubts about the need to purchase such furniture. To confirm or refutation, you need to decide whether there are essential advantages for you that will bring such a purchase into your life.

  • The ability to maintain the health of the spine. Such furniture is adjusted for the growth and ergonomics of a person, which allows him not to slouch while working at the table and is an excellent prevention of various diseases of the spinal column.
  • Ability to save.By purchasing the adjustable table to the child, you not only show the care of his health, but also avoid significant spending in the further replacement of furniture in connection with the growth of the child. The market offers many models that "grow" with the child. Many of them are designed for a very long period of operation - ranging from younger school age and up to release.

  • Solving the problem of uneven sex. You no longer have to scat paper and cardboard under the feet of the table so that it does not roll. To do this, adjust each leg to the desired level.
  • Do not worry about changing chairs. Changes old chairs for new ones, you do not have to worry about the selection of their heights necessary. After all, if necessary, you can adjust the height of the table to the desired value.

The only disadvantage of high-quality transformer table is that he can simply get bored or becoming irrelevant because of the desire to change the style of the interior.

Who needs?

This posture is considered correct when the feet of the sitting stand on the floor, and a straight angle is formed between the eggs and the shin. The countertop must be at such a distance from the eyes so that it is equal to the distance from the fingertips of the hand to the elbow. All this can be achieved using the capabilities of the adjustable table.

Such furniture is simply necessary for schoolchildren. The child has to sit very often at the table at school and at home, making lessons. The children's body at this time is in the stage of growth and formation. And the diseases of the musculoskeletal system are easier to prevent than treat.

Therefore, the adjustment of the height of the table will avoid various spinal curvatures, and additional opportunity Tabletop angle settings will save the neck from overload and pinching. After all, this function will allow not to be inclined over the tabletop, but keep your head straight.

Office workers or people whose activities are associated with long-term work at a computer, for example, programmers also need such furniture. Of course, you can try and buy a table that will be perfect and without adjustment to approach you. In this case, it is good if you are standard growth, but we are all different on the physique, and the model of the necessary height may simply be found.

In addition, you do not have to worry much about the height of the chair, as you will have the ability to adjust the table. In addition, if several family members are engaged in the same table, the ability to set up the optimal height for each family member.

If the room is clearly expressed in the floor, the table with a variable height is just a salvation. But this table should have the ability to regulate each leg separately.

How to choose?

Choosing a table, of course, better to give preference natural materials. Metal is very durable and durable. In the manufacture of supports, often manufacturers use it precisely.

Glass countertops look very stylish and noble, but they are very sensitive to damage, and scratches are almost inevitable. Therefore, purchasing such furniture in the kitchen, we stick all the pros and cons. Save the situation will help individual napkins for dishes and appliances to avoid the opposition of the latter with a glass surface.

As for coloring, of course, they must be harmonized with a common placing flavor.

When buying furniture for a child, you should not give preference to bright models, as it significantly distracts children from the thought process. For children, the table from the tree will be ideal - natural, environmentally friendly and nothing distracts from study.

With plastic, it is necessary to be careful, since poor-quality materials can evaporate harmful substances into the outer medium.

Choosing the regulation mechanism, think about how often you have to use it. If you just need to set up a certain height kitchen tableYou can choose a mechanical mechanism. If you prefer to work, then sitting, then standing, then the best way - Electrical regulation system.


Children's table with height-adjustable metal legs "Trapeze"have a stepped setting system. The trapezoidal table top allows you to make such tables, using the space optimally. This option is relevant for kindergartens, libraries and houses of creativity.

Uno A. model- Table S. electrical system regulation. The table has one support, thanks to which it looks very compact. Ideal for picking working area A few tables. The change in height occurs in the range from 88 to 118 cm. Therefore, it can be opened both sitting and standing. If you want to raise the worktop higher, it is not necessary to free it at all, since such a table is able to lift the severity of up to 100 kg.

Furniture plays an important role in human life. It should be not only functional, but also comfortable. This is especially important when equipping jobs in offices and equipping learning audiences. The inconsistency of its growth of an employee / student / student often becomes the cause of scoliosis and a number of other diseases. Perfect option Solutions to this problem - buy adjustable tables, in a wide range presented on our website.

Constructive features

Transformer tables are considered universal office equipment. Their main purpose is to stand standing / sitting. Due to the equipment with a mechanical or electronic-adjustable lifting mechanism, they allow you to adapt to the dimensions of any employee. The basis of the structure is the pillars with a modulated high-rise level. Mounted table tops of a variety of coloring, with a simple (rectangular, oval) or complex configuration.

Scope of application

Manufacturers offer rising tables of various types.

  1. With a mechanical adjustment device:
    1. Growing children's. Designed for school children (growth group 4-6). It is possible to adjust the inclination. Provide the right, without tensioning the child, the comfortable location of his hands and head. Safe to use, as the rotation of the lift / lowering handle requires a significant effort.
    2. For operation only in the position "standing". It is suitable for employees with incomplete (4-hour) labor shift, as well as for those who have a lot of activity. Promote the preservation of posture and muscle strengthening.
    3. For long-term sessions in a sedent pose, a table adjustable by height is recommended, taking into account the individual user set. Increases attentiveness, strengthens performance.
    4. Models, to perform work in the position and "sitting" and "standing". Reduce fatigue, eliminate scattered.
  2. With electric drive:
    1. Compact (one-reference);
    2. Standard (double-air);
    3. With mounting to the wall;
    4. On the plates built into the rear supports;
    5. With a special ergonomic recess, for a comfortable use of people in a wheelchair.
    6. Three support legs for accommodation in call centers, premises for presentations, large forums, meetings, business negotiations.


The advantages of the table, changing the height, is difficult to overestimate.

  • Its parameters can be easily changed and adjusted to the physique of a specific employee / learning.
  • Brings great health benefits. The optimal settings minimize the risk of spinal curvature, the compression of nerve fibers, blood flow disorders. Muscular tissue retains natural tone.
  • Gives economic benefits. There is no need to acquire multi-level copies for organizations.
  • Will grow up with a schoolboy. This will protect family budget From the cost of buying a new table to perform homework and installing a computer.

Do you find it difficult to choose from? Call us! The company's consultants will give exhaustive answers to all questions.