Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a chair from a simple plywood growing together with the child. Homemade Children's Chair "Rellary Children's Chair Adjustable Height Hand

Furniture in the nursery should be high-quality, eco-friendly, hypoallergenic. But many manufacturers do not pay attention to increased demands on children's furniture - use low quality materials, make fastening unreliable. The use of such furniture can harm your child. That is why some parents come to the opinion that it is worth making a children's table and their own hands. Moreover, it is not so difficult to assemble it.


Of course, choosing material for children's furniture, it is worth stopping your choice on a natural array of wood. Wooden table and chair will be not only an ornament in the children's room, but also eco-friendly, will not cause allergies, will become practical furniture objects.

Table and chairs are better made from a tree beech. It is easy to process and does not secrete resin. But as a budget version is quite suitable for pine or birch, only they need to be desirable, since the resin is unsafe for the child, and the clothes can spoil.

Plywood, like the cheapest material, is also quite acceptable in the manufacture of a children's chairs. It will easily result in the weight of the child, light, well-processed.

Chipboard is a very fragile material and can come only for the table top.

Alternatively, you can build a table and a chair from plastic bottles in the dacha in the zone of the playground. At the same time, it is practically no need to invest money, and when exposed to weather conditions, this kit will not be.


Initially, you need to make detailed drawings with all sizes. Please note that when planning furniture for a child cannot be made of sharp corners, which the child can be born during active games.

If you are not quite confident in stability, before making parts made of wood, make a cardboard layout on 1: 1.

To bonding parts, you can use spikes and glue, but for the reliability of the design it is better to use self-drawers and corners of various shapes.

Processing material

Before assembly, you need to process all the details. To do this, you can use the electrolaws, or to open wood with sandpaper.

Then you can process with various dyes such as simply emphasize the texture of the tree or paint.

If you want to cover the products with varnish, it is better to choose it on the basis of a turpidar. It does not contain toxic substances, and does not harm your child to your child. After you covered the details of the lacquer, it is necessary to handle its sandpaper. And then cover the finish layer of varnish. In this case, the wood will be well protected, and the shine will not disappear for many years.

We make a regular chair and table

To build an ordinary chair, we need to cut the following details:

  1. Short legs - 2 pieces, 25 cm long, cross section 3.3x 3.8 cm.
  2. Long legs - 2 pieces, 53 cm high, cross section of 3.3x3.8 cm.
  3. Back - 1 piece, 10x30 cm.
  4. Seat - 1 piece, 30x30 cm.

The crossbars for the strapping of the chair under the seat - 2 pieces, a length of 25.7 cm, 2 minutes with a length of 25.2 cm.

At the same time, the legs must be escaped from the middle of the chair. Long, reduce the thickness to the top to 1.9 cm, and short - to the bottom to 2.4 cm. It is necessary so that the front legs do not interfere with the legs, and the back was under a slight slope.

First, fasten the rear legs, for this, screw the crossbar with self-links. The same is done with the front, and freamed them among themselves.

Then screw the back. We assume that all the details have a clear horizontal mount. Otherwise, the aesthetic appearance of the chair will not be very good.

In the end of the assembly, we screw the seat.

For the table, we will need 4 legs, the bond from the same bar. They make them from the bar and a countertop, we are made of plywood or LDSP. Sizes here depend on your wishes and growth of the child

We collect the strapping, in the corners of the feet of the legs and on top we screw the countertop. Table ready. The size of the screw must be carefully chosen, otherwise you can drill the tabletop through that it will break the aesthetic appearance and can pervise your child.

Mastery chairs from plywood

Since plywood is easily processed. It is easy to make a thread stool from it.

In order to make it you need:

  • A sheet of plywood, 8 mm thick.
  • Drill, electrolovik.
  • Drill, screws.
  • Sandpaper.
  • PVA glue.
  • Consumer lacquer based on turpentar.

Based on its sizes, we transfer the drawing of the chair on the sheet of plywood. Electrolovka can be cut out an unusual shape of the opening, which will give an interesting view of the stool.

To the sidewalls of the chair were completely identical, you must first cut one one, then it is to circle it on a sheet of plywood so that the second side wall is completely coincided with the first.

You can perform them in the form of elephant. It turns out the original stool design.

After all parts are cut, cuts must be carefully polished using sandpaper.

We collect a chairs, for this I will fond the seat and the back of the glue, and fix all the self-draws.

Cover the lacquer chair.

Making a chairs for kid feeding

The easiest model of this chair is a transformer that is easily folded into a separate small table and chair.

We make the basis from the wood array, the back and the seat of the chairs - from plywood. Tabletop - from LDSP.

We will need a wooden bar, a cross section of 20x40 mm, LDSP, the size of 200x340 for the table top on the chair and 450x380 mm on the table, scene plywood. In the absence of LDSP, the countertops can also be made of plywood.

First collect the table. From bars we make two frames. We connect their crossbars so that later between them it was possible to insert the legs of the chair. Finish the tabletop.

The chair is made in the same way as an ordinary chair, only for seating and backs, we use the Faneer to be sewed to sew a calene case and insert the foam rubber for softness. This will make it easily laundering the chair if the kid stains it with food, and will not allow the foam rubber to wet.

Other species

You can also make furniture for the cottage from plastic bottles. To do this, select the bottles of the same size. The child is quite sufficient to a capacity of 1 liters. Watching scotch, forming a seat. For the surface to be smooth, cover with a wooden box. It remains to be sewed a dermatina case, and an excellent stool for the garden is ready.

How to decorate

Even the most good furniture made by your own hands may not please your child. Therefore, it must be decorated. To do this, you can use different ways.

Bright paint. This is the easiest method. It is possible before coating with varnish, paint the table and a chair bright paint, thereby attracting the attention of the child.

If you have a drawing ability, you can draw different cartoon characters or simply apply a children's drawing.

If the appearance of your chair turned out not very beautiful, but reliable, then all the flaws can be hidden, sewing a cover from the fabric. It can always be filtered if necessary.

Another method of decorating the chair is stickers. They can be bought already ready or to make self-adhesive film themselves using a stencil.


Chairs and tables with their own hands can make any, what is enough for your imagination and the ability to handle the tools.

Children's health depends on many different moments. For the younger generation, it is important to have not only proper nutrition, play sports and develop thinking. An important factor is the correctness of the posture during the seat at the table. Proper posture forms a child's skeleton and gives a balanced development of the whole organism.

The decorating elements are selected at the discretion of the wizard.

For very little babies, it is better to breathe a dermatin or a loaf to be able to clean the surface.

In independent work, you must also focus on this figure.

A growing chair copes simultaneously with several tasks.

  1. It is orthopedic furniture.
  2. Allows you to use it from 6 months.
  3. Saves family budget.

For the decor of the finished product, you will need a putty, primer, lacquer or a sulfur, paint of the required color.

Properly made stool allows you to adjust the stand, seat and back in various combinations.

Preparation for work begins precisely from creating a drawing of a chair.

Experienced masters who have a certain experience in assembling furniture with their own hands, will not be difficult to fulfill this model alone. Those who have a growing chair will be the first independent product, we advise you to carefully read the instructions. It is also necessary to pre-evaluate not only its capabilities, but also the presence of tools without which it is not necessary to do in the process of work.

For the younger generation, it is important to have not only proper nutrition, play sports and develop thinking.

Regardless of the source of the drawing, it should be performed only in a large value.

For the manufacture of a folding chair, growing together with the child, not all materials will be suitable. The product can be made either from plywood or from treated wood. You can also make a chair from the array, but it will be very cumbersome and hard, which is inconvenient directly for the child. Therefore, the best material is still considered plywood.

For the racks, there will be a plywood of at least 22 millimeters, at the rate of which two blanks will go for each rack, which will subsequently be glued. Seats, foot stand and back can be performed from plywood 22 or 16 millimeters.

The hump-hunchback chair has only one essential defect - high cost when buying a finished product.

Preliminary pattern of all elements on paper or dense cardboard.

It is important to take into account that some elements of the chair for the child should be right and left, that is, "frank" each other.

2 pcs. sizes 6x70 mm,

2 pcs. 6x50 mm size.

For the decor of the finished product, you will need a putty, primer, lacquer or a sulfur, paint of the required color. The decorating elements are selected at the discretion of the wizard. You can make a seat soft, upgracing it with foam rubber and reagreeing from above the upholstery material. For very little babies, it is better to breathe a dermatin or a loaf to be able to clean the surface.

For the manufacture of a growing chair for children, the following tools will need.

  1. Paper or cardboard for drawings.
  2. Pencil.
  3. Santimeter or roulette.
  4. Glue for wood.
  5. Electric jigsaw with saws.
  6. Copier mill.
  7. Mill.
  8. Sandpaper.
  9. Paint brushes.

It is also necessary to pre-evaluate not only its capabilities, but also the presence of tools without which it is not necessary to do in the process of work.

Preparing molds, materials and tools can be safely proceeded.

Remember - the work does not tolerate the hurry and fuss.

Properly made stool allows you to adjust the stand, seat and back in various combinations. Furniture manufacturers are laying in a growing chair of at least 10-15 positions. In independent work, you must also focus on this figure.

For the manufacture of a folding chair, growing together with the child, not all materials will be suitable.

An experienced master knows that you need to measure several times, weigh everything and only then cut off.

The sizes of the seat for the child are selected independently and depend on its age and the calculated stock.

Preparation for work begins precisely from creating a drawing of a chair. You can make it yourself a product for a child, only correctly calculating not only the sizes, but also the angles of inclination of the details.

On the Internet, you can easily download the finished project or focusing on GOST 19301.2-94, which describes what parameters should be at tables and chairs for children, you can make mandal.

Regardless of the source of the drawing, it should be performed only in a large value. Preliminary pattern of all elements on paper or dense cardboard. It is important to take into account that some elements of the chair for the child should be right and left, that is, "frank" each other.

You can also make a chair from the array, but it will be very cumbersome and hard, which is inconvenient directly for the child.

The form of parts can also be arbitrary - square, semicircular or oval.

A growing chair for young children can be additionally equipped with armrests and a safety front crossbar so that the child cannot fall from it.

Preparing molds, materials and tools can be safely proceeded. Remember - the work does not tolerate the hurry and fuss. An experienced master knows that you need to measure several times, weigh everything and only then cut off.

  1. We apply molds made according to the drawing, to the plywood and cut out the first part of the side feet. It is necessary to make the workpiece with a slight margin of several millimeters. This stock will allow preventing flaws when cutting out.
  2. With the help of a copy cutter, bring the workpiece to ideal sizes.
  3. Cut out three more legs with a margin.
  4. We fold all four legs with a stack.
  5. According to the first ideal detail we calculate the remaining three legs. This approach will save time for scratching.
  6. We glue the two blanks among themselves and let them dry.
  7. Millinger perform grooves on the inside of the legs. The size of the groove should be in a depth of 10 mm., And in a width of 24 mm. This groove plays a key role in the further adjustment of the provisions of all elements.
  8. Exactly in the middle of the groove it is necessary to make through holes in which the seat and the foot stand will be secured. Holes are needed at equal distances from each other. IMPORTANT When drilling, put the broom under the leg to avoid chipping and deformations on the outside.
  9. We are preparing runners. The slider allows you to lock the seat or footrest in the desired position. They need 4 pieces - two for each side. Runners must match the size of the legs and not looking beyond its limits - the height is 20 mm., And the width is 24 mm.
  10. All corners and edges are spinning in the runner, and the gutter is made in the center. The gutter is designed for further linakes in it, which will be inserted into the slopes of the legs.
  11. The rail must be manufactured at the calculation of the width of the gutter into which it will be inserted on one side and the groove on the other side.
  12. Runner and rake glued and dry.
  13. A bolt hole is made in the runner, which will fix the selected position.
  14. Next, the back and footrest are cut. The sizes of the seat for the child are selected independently and depend on its age and the calculated stock. The form of parts can also be arbitrary - square, semicircular or oval.
  15. The next step is made back for the chair. The back may have a wide solid surface or manufactured from several rails of various sizes.
  16. Do not forget about the transverse crossbar fixing the legs in their lower parts.
  17. Finished parts are assembled not by the final method, but rather by the method of hinding. This will help estimate the final result and reveal the flaws that need to be eliminated.
  18. If the chair for the child meets the initial plan and the drawing, it is necessary to disassemble it and make the final processing with the help of sandpaper. We clean the surface by preparing them under painting.
  19. The color of the paint is selected independently. Some craftsmen prefer to produce primer, and then cover with varnish, thereby emphasizing the existing pattern of wood. Faneru, however, is better to paint, because it does not have uniformity of the external picture.
  20. Dried parts are collected in the design and are ready to operate.

Seats, foot stand and back can be performed from plywood 22 or 16 millimeters.

These parts can be installed using bolts, and subsequently remove from the stool.

For classes behind the school desk, armrests are not needed, since the hands are always on the table.

A growing chair for young children can be additionally equipped with armrests and a safety front crossbar so that the child cannot fall from it. These parts can be installed using bolts, and subsequently remove from the stool. For classes behind the school desk, armrests are not needed, since the hands are always on the table.

The attachments of the parts of the chair for the child are made using hexagon bolts and furniture countersunk nuts.

Faneru, however, is better to paint, because it does not have uniformity of the external picture.

50 photo ideas how to make a growing chair Konk Gorbunek do it yourself

Most things that the manufacturer invites us can be made with your own hands if you wish, and if you have experience that has accumulated over the years you can invent something and better factory. This homemade was made by the author, since there was a place to be because it was intended for a child, as well as its creation was the first experience, which is also interesting in such endeavors.

In this article, we will talk about the "Roldyka" chair, about the creation of which I will tell now.

In order to make a homemade chair, you will need:
* List DVP
* Ruler, pencil
* Electrolovik
* Screws
* Screwdriver or screwdriver
* Plywood sheet 15 mm thick
* Arbitrary color paint
* Manual milling mill with cutter 16mm

Step one.
For an accurate product, it is better to make a template, after which it is details on it. The pattern of the template is applied to the DVP sheet with a pencil and a line, it should be approximately as in the photo.

Step second.
Pattern from the fiberboard pipe with an electric bike. When working with power tools, be careful, and also do not forget to wear safety glasses and gloves.

Step Three.
On the template we drink two lateral details in the same pubesy of plywood.

Details should be identical to each other. On each of them, on the inside, we make several grooves with a manual milling mill with a cutter of 16 mm, in order to regulate the height of the seat. After that, on the previously represented drawing, drink the remaining components of the chair, this is the back, two rectangles as sidewas and footrest, as well as two crossbakes for the strength of the structure.

Step fourth.
Every detail must be painted in the color you liked, if the child himself chooses the color of his chair, it will be even better. After the paint dries can be moved with the finish line, namely the assembly of all parts to one whole. Armed with a screwdriver and a small number of screws, we collect a chair from the finished parts, to prevent the sewing of the seat and the legs, it is necessary to twist them with two screws.

On this homemade chair, "Roldyka" is ready, now it can be tasned in the case, and as the child grows, the screws can be turned off and move the seat to the desired, and the main thing is a convenient level.

Thank you all for your attention and more useful ideas for homemade.

When the child becomes higher, it is enough just to rearrange on the required height of the seat with the footboard, adjusting their position by growth. A reliable and convenient system of fixtures will ensure the safe operation of the chair.

Tip: The only disadvantage of the chair-produce is its fairly high price, but if you take into account the life of its service together with functionality, it will turn out that it is rather a profitable investment than rapid waste.

Chair growing with the child, has an impressive list of advantages:

  • Universality - Products are suitable for children 6-18 years. Some models are designed for an older age group (from 2.5 years), and due to the installation of special limiters, the chair can be used for very small (from 6 months). The top strap of age is absent, so the growing chair is suitable even for adults.
  • Multifunctionality - a chair can be used both and for, as well as for creative classes.
  • Provides proper posture and reduces the load on the spine due to the possibility of adjusting the position of the seat and back.
  • The child does not get tired, sitting at the table, because the correct location of the body is ensured. As a result, the child's interest in reading, drawing, lessons, etc. is significantly increasing.
  • At such a chair, the child feels independent because it can easily and without any assistance to sit on it and descend.
  • The life of the growing chair is almost unlimited, so when the kid grows up, this item can safely die out of the kitchen or even a bar counter.
  • The chair is very stable due to the large area of \u200b\u200bthe support, and the design itself is designed for the load to 100 kg, so it is very difficult to break it.
  • Safety during operation. Most models of growing chairs have a special teflon coating on the legs, which helps gently slide the base on the floor, while the child is not a tip and not fall.

Chairs are made from the safe, certification of materials. The most common option is natural wood covered with water-based varnish, which does not emit harmful substances and does not cause allergic reactions. Also chairs or their individual elements can be made of high quality plastic, metal.

Tip: Stylish design of growing chairs makes it easy to fit into any. Among the proposed range, you can choose an option of almost any color or design.

Among other things, a growing chair for a child can be done even more convenient, recycling by its restrictive belts, toy pockets or trifles, feeding countertop. These accessories offer the same manufacturers, so it is easy to choose suitable.

Both ordinary citizens who have already tested this subject and orthopedic doctors strongly recommend buying a growing chair for a child, reviews themselves for themselves. But it is important to correctly pick up a model of such a chair so that it justifies the expectations as much as possible and fully corresponded to the needs of the baby.

First of all, attention should be paid to the material from which the chair is made:

  • As a rule, two seats have at once - top and lower, which is used as a footrest. Both levels are easy to move in height in a rather large range, which makes it possible to operate the chair with children from 1.5 to 16 years and older.

  • Plastic looks effectively, less weighs, but it will not last so long. The most durable options with a wooden frame and plastic seats are most durable.

The next thing to pay attention to is the age of the child. Some models, in particular from wood, can be used even by adults, and less durable plastic are more suitable for kids of the younger age group. The same applies to the design: for kids, bright chairs with plastic inserts will be better fit, and it is better to choose a model from the tree of neutral color as universal options "on the grown".

Tip: In order for the child to sit on a chair is even more convenient, you can add it soft on the back or seat, which also adds individuality to appearance.

The convenience of operation and transformation of the chair plays the last role. In particular, some models allow you to change the position of the seat using the grooves system on the frame, in others the more durable mounting on the bolts is used.

The stronger fasteners, the longer the product itself will serve, and its operation will be safer.

Among the proven manufacturers who offer only high-quality and reliable products, it is worth paying attention to the growing chair for Kidfix, Kotokota, Millwood and horse-hunchback.

All of them are similar in design, have the base and coasters of wood, and also equipped with special limiters:

  • KID-FIX - a growing chair of the simplicity of design and a universal design. The position of the two seats is adjustable in a large range, and an impressive width of the product allows it to use it even adults. A wide base will be enjoyed by active children who cannot get a comfortable position. Additional advantages of the chairs of this manufacturer will be the ability to install limiters for kids, as well as soft covers for greater convenience.
  • Kotokota is a simple design from a wooden frame with the ability to adjust the height of the back and two seats. Most models are equipped with a limiter, which is used as a table for feeding, so the chair will even suit the kids from six months. Fastening the seats at the desired level is carried out by means of slotes in the side parts. Chairs are made of high-quality wood, which can be painted in any color.
  • Millwood - differs from precursors only used in the manufacture of materials. In particular, the frame is made of an array, but the seats and limiters are made of high-quality plywood (chipboard). The seats fixation is carried out by installing in the side grooves and fastenings with a special key, resulting in a steady, durable design, equally well suitable for a preschooler and a teenager. The transformation mechanism is very simple and convenient, it is possible to change the position of the elements in a few minutes.
  • Konk-Gorbok - inexpensive model of chairs have a simple design consisting of a solid base with the back and two mobile seats. They are extremely simple in transformation, have a universal design, quite stable, suitable for children from 1.5 years. From foreign analogues, the products are distinguished by low price. Reliable fastening provides side openings.

According to orthopedic doctors, a chair growing with the child is extremely effective because it helps to prevent the problems associated with the spine, as scoliosis, curvature, etc.

All children develop in different ways, so standard furniture cannot take into account all body features. The ability to regulate the height and position of the chair allows you to choose the optimal landing position, suitable for a specific child, taking into account its individual characteristics. It is especially important to take into account if the child is long and often sitting at his table, making lessons, doing a computer, drawing or reading.

From the point of view of psychologists, the growing chair is also needed, because if the baby feels comfortable behind his workplace, does not eat, does not feel inconvenience, then its emotional development will be harmonious. Ensure psychological comfort follows from an early age, so everyone is obliged to buy an adjustable chairs. The baby will be more willing to engage in creativity or other classes behind his table, will feel part of the process.

Tip: Children's chair can always be put next to the total table, thereby engaging the child into any family process. Being on the same level with adults, the baby will not feel defenseless, will be happy to communicate with his parents, the smaller capricious and faster becoming independent.

Even manual therapists do not stand aside, insisting on. After all, many parents are still completely crumbs trying to sit on the "adult" chair, thereby making a child of ordinary comfort. As a result, blood circulation is disturbed, since the kid elementary does not have supports under his feet. The shoulders and elbows will also be in their place, provoking the curvature of the spine. A child sitting on an uncomfortable chair will constantly be capricious, twitch, try to get up, and such anxiety can grow into serious problems with the nervous system (the dream, vision, memory will deteriorate, the irritability, fatigue will increase).

Obtaining an order is 3-5 days (depending on the presence of color in stock and logistics). So far without a collection of minimal, your order immediately send the supplier! The Ki * D-Fix chair grows with your child and is suitable for children from 6 months to 16 years. Budget analogue Tri * PP TR * APP. The perfect option for schoolchildren - daughter pleases me with your straight back! (On a photo of natural color and mahogany with a red sampling) "Supplier website - in my opinion, in my opinion, in my opinion, I will try to collect all the info here. 20% discount and.

For each stage of development - Stool Stokke Steps

Stokke® Steps ™ is a modern modular children's chair in Scandinavian style, which step by step is changing along with the needs of a growing child. This year, the chairs expanded the possibilities of design, you can choose the color of the chair of the chair in their own taste, to the color of the interior. For breast kids, use the Stokke® Stepke® Stepke® Steppe® Steppe® Steppe® STEPS ™ chaiseing chair perfectly combined with the Stokke® StepS ™ Buncer chaise lounge and serves as a soft and cozy place for breast bass. The chaise lounge has.

Chair for a child, school age. What you will advise, by August we want to buy a good chair, we fall in the first grade. The table has already purchased, and we want to buy a chair and comfortable. I heard about growing chairs. What do you say, and what firms are they?

Take the Moll stool, you definitely do not lose. We have a table and chair of this company, we are very pleased with the quality and functionality. Chair model Maximo, it is also called growing, it is adjustable at height and depth of seating, the height of the back is also adjusted. The mechanisms are high-quality and safe, such accurately break difficult. Covers are removed, you can wrap or change in the future. Another feature is a dynamic seat, for a good posture. I advise!

Who has what chairs for children?. UU88UU user blog on 7Y.Ru

Who has what chairs for children? We have already bought a written table for school (normal), and we want to take a good chair, orthopedic. It is also called trappsformer. What kind of company do you advise that you have? Waiting for advice.

We have a growing Moll chair, the model is called Maximo, it is set on any height and size of the child, not only the height, but also the depth of seating is adjusted. The chair is very comfortable, the seat is dynamic, the back is comfortable and well adjacent to the back. Rollers are suitable for a different surface, you can not use them at all, the covers on the chair are removable, you can wash or change. Excellent chair, advise!

Need children's furniture .. Irina35 user blog on 7Y.Ru

Help to choose a table and a chair for a child, girls are 13 years old, loves to draw and make crafts, sitting at the table, I want a good and comfortable chair and table. What do you advise that you have?

For your daughter, we took a desk from the manufacturer "Wykos". Its dimensions of its 1200x900x750, just for the girl 12-13 years. If you are interested, then you can make an order with your favorite color on [link-1] Let your daughter be her favorite written table, for which she gladly makes lessons and draws.

Good Moll company, manufacturer of Germany, high quality, I read a lot about this company before buying. We bought a Moll table, a champion model, a table with a separate countertop, it is convenient for drawing, reading and drawings. The table is made of good material, comfortable and safe mechanisms. The table grows with the child, so it is suitable for any age and growth, everything can be adjusted individually, in height. We still want to purchase a chair, the same company, like the Maximo model, chair with the same functions, adjusts the height and depth of seating, as well as the height of the back.

Need a good chair for a child. The child is 11 years old. I want to make a gift, asks a gaming chair, but I read them not in size and will curr in your back, but from us so scoliosis. So you need a good chair for a schoolboy to maintain your back and right posture.

And who heard about Kotokota, it is not very comfortable in appearance, but so it is praised. It seems very not comfortable in general. Who knows what?

Good Moll chairs, we bought this chair a year ago for your child. Maximo model, very successful purchase, still chair as a new, covers can be removed and wrapped, even the fabric is good and saved a good look, even after washing. The chair can be adjusted under the growth of the child, the height and depth of the seating, as well as the height of the chair and the height of the back, everything can be configured. The chair grows with the child, our son has stretched much over the year. The quality is very good, all mechanisms are safe, a good stable platform on which chair is worth. No armrests, there is a comfortable handle behind the chair.

There is a first grader and Ikean table + chair. For growth, he sits perfectly behind him. BUT! When it moves on the chair, it clings during the bottom of the table, in short, the legs to the bottom of the table in bulk. I thought that while set little was set. But I see that both on the table it is somehow closed - the textbook put, the notebook put \u003d\u003e elbow hangs. Share your impressions from your tables or parties. I do not want to buy that it fell for one year. Thanks in advance.

Customer Review Alena from Ufa: "It's time and we thought that our child needs a growing chair. Specified in the search adjustable stool transformer and found a bunch of different brands. The optimal choice was Kotokota Chair (Kotokota). Why he? Because it was available, because it is done in Russia, wooden, environmentally friendly, is regulated. There is adjustable and stand for legs and seat. Husband said she was suitable as a chair for feeding and as a chair for a schoolboy, would not necessarily buy.

Bag for toys
- Shelf for books
- hammock up to 6 years
- Ham Maxi.

I want children to be all the best. Nowadays you can buy everything, there would be finance.

But there is such furniture that nothing complicated, but this in the store you will not rally. And today will be a children's chair for growing up with your own hands, especially since we will do on conscience, firmly and efficiently.

After all, it's good when your child has its own chair, and the chair is not simple, it can be customized under the growth of your child. The child and the chair will always be in size.

Something similar saw on the site of the Belarusian furniture.

To make stools we need:

Sheet chipboard;

Plywood sheet 16mm thick;

Self-tapping screw;



Paint, varnish, brushes;

Paper, simple pencil;


Procedure for the manufacture of children's chair for increased

To make your own hands a children's chair, we need a drawing. Taking a sheet of paper and pencil draw sketch and further a full drawing. Those who want to do just such a children's chair to grow, the easiest way will be used by my drawing and measurements, this is a proven option.

Drawings of children's stool

We apply our template on a chipboard sheet for further cut.

With the help of an electrolovka, drink elements. If you have such an opportunity, then cut can be given to the workshop on the chipboard of the chipboard, this requires only dimensions.

Optionally, you can remove the chamfer with a milling chamfer, making the edges of the details rounded.

Since this product for a child must be biased to refer to safety, so all the parts of the chair are thoroughly grinding, so that there would not be a vacuum, the zoom, pr. Previously need all flaws to shame. All components of the stool details include acrylic paint (it will be more beautiful if the paint is at least two colors, the more, the more fun). Let us leave our future chair for a while, let the paint dry the paint. Then close on top of a colorless varnish. And again we will give time to dry. Our advice, before applying the next layer of paint or varnish, make sure that the coating is completely dried.

With the help of a screwdriver and self-tapping screws, we collect our children's chair, pre-drumped holes for the self-tapping screw.

That's all, the children's chair is ready, it seems to me, without unnecessary modesty, it turned out to be fame. Adjustable seats and stand under the legs are easy to configure the child's height. Children are satisfied, and it's nice himself that I managed to make it my own hands.

I am surprised why our industry does not start the release of such children's chairs, because many advantages: a simple design, minimum of material, is practical.