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Brous shrink compensator and other devices. Screw vessel shrinkage compensator BROUSE adjustable screw supports Shrinking compensators

Wooden house is an excellent environmentally friendly solution. Wood has porosity, which allows him to actively absorb and give moisture. For this reason, with a decrease in humidity in the material, the design can significantly change its geometry. This effect is called shrinkage. In order to avoid negative consequences of shrinkage, modern builders use shrinkage compensators. About the most effective methods and devices for compensation for shrinkage There are a special article: - In the same article, the question is revealed what shrinkage and construction of the house under the shrinkage, we will not stop here on this.

Now consider in more detail one of the most popular types of shrinkage compensators - screw shrinkage compensators. This device has a lot of names: a jack compensator, a jack compensator, a shrinkage jack, an elevator compensator, an anchor shrinkage compensator.

Principles of the mechanism of the screw compensator

Despite the extraordination of the device, the modern form of the screw compensator of the shrinkage acquired only in the last century, before that, stacks of skulls were used, they were knocked out on one during the shrinkage, which made the technology very unreliable.

Vertical shrinkage compensator - a device that has widespread use in the field of wooden house-building, regardless of the type of timber used. Originally used solely as part of the extension of the verand of terraces or the upper floors, and with the growth of the strength of the materials became universally used in wooden structures. They are installed on top or bottom of vertical bearing structural elements. The adjusting plate is fixed on the carrier element and later collect design from the foundation and logs, in which the shrinkage compensator becomes the fastener.

The mechanism consists of two plates and a bolt, firmly fixed on the support plate, which is fixed on a wooden base or foundation. At the other end of the bolt there is a pressure plate with an adjusting nut, which performs the role of the plate stopper. As shrinkage, the adjusting nut twisted and the plate is descended. Such a simplicity of design ensured the ease of use and compensation, everything can be done by itself, absolutely without helpers.

Views and features of screw compensators

Various parameters of the mechanism allow you to accurately choose the required compensator. Standard shrinkage jacks possess the following parameters:

  1. Plate height - 10-25 mm;
  2. Bolt section - 15-30 mm;
  3. Plates area - 10x10 - 25x25 cm.

The use of accurately verified compensators allows you to use all nodes of the sitting home, even when building a turnkey building with a shrinkage. You should not worry about the weather conditions, nor for the action of gravity forces, the hairpin is reliably installed inside wood, and with 100% probability precipitates shrinkage processes, with proper handling. Also, depending on the material and its shape, there are different forms of plates and washers.

Screw shrink compensator parameters.

Advantages and shortcomings of screw compensators

If the advantages of using screw compensators, such as light installation and unpretentious use of the use are obvious, then the disadvantages of the construction are minor.

Many refer to disadvantages that the compensator is greater likely to remain in the wood forever, but this is a controversial drawback. With poor processing of the tree, the presence of biological pollution or low quality of the compensator, left forever mechanism, can cause rotting accompanied by a biological damage to the tree. Using this compensation method, you need to be confident both as wood processing and the mechanism itself.

At the time of shrinkage, the adjusting bolt is smoothly enters into the support log, which disrupts its mechanical integrity. Bad, uneven impregnation and rusting low-grade jack I have a destructive effect, and the oxidation of wood and jack, together with fungi, will not make it wait.

How to choose a screw compensator

Usually, the compensator is selected along the plates area, it must be commensurate with a cutting area of \u200b\u200ba tree. The standard compensator in the database is equipped with a bolt with a cut, which makes up 10-15% of the edge of the plates. Given the variety of market models, the selection of the compensator happens quickly.

But when building unusual or superheavy buildings, you will have to consider additional parameters. If the rule on the area of \u200b\u200bthe plates remains unchanged, the parameters of the thickness of the plates and the bolt will need to be selected separately, in order to compensate for the non-standard mass.

How to install screw compensators

If the place (top or bottom) is not particularly fundamentally, the non-uniformity of the installation is the cause of most building errors. The main thing is to fulfill two unbreakable rules and then everything will turn out:

  1. Set compensators to all supports - is strictly prohibited to save on compensators and skip the supports in the building, because it is through the line of the missed brusons the house will later burst;
  2. Initial installation of compensators in the level - how to install and regulate the compensators in the future it is necessary strictly by level.

Along the fiber bar almost does not give a shrinkage, so they choose all vertical elements.

Installation algorithm Next:

  1. Select the compensator according to the scheme described above;
  2. We establish elements of the design, taking into account the features of the connection of the most building material - spikes in the groove, cut down the grooves and others;
  3. We raise the design by the usual building jack, follow the hit of the adjusting bolt in the compensation plate;
  4. I lower the building from the jacks and try to knock the compensator if this does not happen - it means that the installation is completed.

Before proceeding with the direct installation process, you need to know about such a glad work of several things:

  1. It is impossible to start work yourself. If you are accurate and clearly do not understand how the screw compensator works;
  2. The minimum number of workers on the site, at the time of installing screw compensators - 4 people;
  3. Casque, special gloves, lack of slippery and round items on the floor are a guarantee of your health and safety, they cannot be neglected.
  4. How to position the tool you need to think in advance, it must be in reach, but do not interfere with you.

Screw shrinkage compensators can be mounted under a vertical timber or above it.

Adjusting screw compensators

Adjustment - a truly simple action for which the screw compensators love so much. It is necessary to produce it once a month, sometimes this period is stretched to two months. It depends on the type of materials and features of the building of the building. To adjust, you only need to get around all compensators and with the help of a wrench to lower each of them for two turns. The degree of compensation for one goal should not exceed two centimeters. It is necessary to make this action until the support does not touch the foundation, the compensator inside is forever.

Accurate values \u200b\u200bof the timing and levels of adjustment of compensators are determined based on.

Where to buy screw shrink compensators and how much they cost

Compensators are sold at ordinary building markets. They can be called differently: compensators, anchors, jacks, elevators. The cost depends on the size. Medium-sized compensators stand in the range of 200-500 rubles per piece.

Compensators are better to buy large parties, then in packs of 100 pieces you will succeed to save. Also, a good option is to buy mechanisms from the developer - it buys in parties measured by thousands, while getting a big discount. The developer will still earn on you, but the price will be below the store.

Save the third option is to buy from hands, economical people bought compensators of a big party, and after receiving a controversial gain, with a huge remnant mechanisms, try to sell them from the hands, even individually.

It should be remembered that the durability of your home depends on the quality of compensators, buy good and as much as you need.


The compensator is a simple design, both installed and in operation, it can be made even with your own hands. To do this, simply welcome the required bolt to the plate. But with all the simplicity of manufacture, handmade contains much more inaccuracies than the factory machine. It is possible to use compensators yourself, only if you have access to all necessary equipment and the ability to use it.

Wooden structure residual shrinkage shrinkage (log cabin) - a durable screw device intended for installation on (under) vertical support, which is in direct communication with the main structure of the house. Some manufacturers are positioning it as an adjusting elevator or anchor adjustable in height.

Wooden wall of natural humidity when drying is heated. The average shrinkage of the log is about 3-5%, that is, 3 meters of height, this will be 9-15 cm. Columns from a log or profiled "Sit" crashes cannot, therefore, in order to compensate for the seating of the wall, under the columns or on the columns put Shrinking jacks. Omitting their level, shrinkage at home make uniform. Adjustment is stepdown for a certain period of time. Ultimately, it is possible to achieve the perfect horizontal beams, avoid the appearance of gaps, curvature and collapse of the construction.

How often do you need to screw the jack?

The first months and up to a year to check and regulate the shrinkage elevators require every week, since the main shrinkage occurs during this period. Next, compensation must be carried out at least once a month and check the level for three years of operation of the house. Each time you have to lower the level on average by one and a half centimeters. Building from a bar is placed faster than the log. The shrink speed also depends on its own severity of the construction and weather conditions, which should also be considered.

When choosing adjustment elevators, it is first necessary to take into account the massiveness of the structure. The range of produced elevators includes models designed for the load axis from one to tens of tons. This value depends on the size of the anchored heel used, as well as the area and thickness of the support plates (ladder). Depending on the projected load, the size of an anchor-jack for the future structure is selected.

Geometric parameters of adjustment anchors:

  • Size of sites: 50x50, 100x100, 110x110, 120x120, 150x150, 250x250 mm.
  • Platy thickness: 4 - 20 mm.
  • Spier diameter: M20, M24, M30, M36, M48.
  • Spire height: 150 - 400 mm.

The greater the area of \u200b\u200bthe plates and the thicker of the spline of the compensator, the higher its load characteristics. For example, the simplest model made of carbon steel with a pylon M20 and 100x100 mm plates can keep the weight of 1.6 tons. And the model with the pylon M30 and the velocities of 150x150 mm can withstand the load of 3 tons.

  • Choosing a screw support for a log, it should be noted that its size of its sites must correspond to the diameter of the vertical column and the width of the horizontal reference beam.
  • For single-storey houses, baths and hozpostroops are used by shrinking elevators with a side of 100-120 mm, 4 mm thick. The diameter of the threaded stud in such models is usually 20 mm.
  • For heavy structures from large-diameter logs, models with trap 150x150 mm are used from a thickness steel 6 or 10 mm with anchor rod 24-30 mm.
  • For increased loads, compensators of shrinkage are manufactured, as a rule, to order. The thickness of the playgrounds can reach up to 20 mm, and the diameter of the rod is up to 36 mm and above.
  • The length of the stilettos of the shrinkage jack is selected taking into account the size and type of wood, as different materials are characterized by different percentage of drying. The largest shrinkage is noted in the log (30-60 mm / m), the lowest - in the glued bar (10-30 mm / m). In practice, the most commonly adjustable supports with a length of the heel 150 and 200 mm are used.
  • When installing the elevator under the column on a concrete base, you should select models with large holes in the reference site, which are designed under the anchor on concrete.

How to close the adjustment mechanism?

If you leave this shrinkage tool open, then the appearance of the structure will suffer, the illusion of its integrity and monolith will disappear. To decorate the gap between the column and the horizontal element, the housings are made under the color of wood, which are dressed in a pole. At the time of adjusting the mechanism, they are moved or removed depending on the design.

In the photo shows that mechanical shrink shrink compensators are installed in what places of the wooden house and wooden log cabins. The shrinkage compensators are installed under the support logs (support timber) and are intended to compensate for sedimentary deformations in the cuts of wooden houses from a bar and a rounded log.

Shrinkable compensators, or screw adjustable supports, are used in the construction of wooden houses from a rounded log or a bar when adjusting the support, wooden pillars in height. Adjustable screw supports are made of durable carbon steel and withstand heavy loads. Currently, they are widely used when installing houses from a bar, both in Russia and abroad.

The main purpose of shrinkage compensators

The purpose of such compensators is a uniform distribution of a wooden log cabin shrink. They have a galvanized coating to protect against rust. The most common shrinkage compensator size in diameter is 20-24 mm. The length of the screw supports from 120 to 150mm. If a longer sponge support is needed, it can be custom-made in a short time.

Spring compensator shrinkage

Photo: Thus looks like a spring compensator shrinkage intended for a forced screed logs and a bar in a wooden log cabin. The main working element is a powerful steel spring.

Expert opinions

According to experts, shrink screw compensators must be installed in cases where the files from the log or bar support the wooden beams of the first floor ceiling, or wooden beams, inter-storey overlaps in fires, from a bar or log. It is also necessary to put such compensators under the pillars that keep the open veranda of a wooden house or a log cabin.

The principle of operation of the load compensators is that it is exhibited by a support wooden pillar or beam at the maximum twisted height of the screw thread. The supporting platform is fastened with self-reserves to the post or overlapping beam, the sling system of the roof of the cut. The screw of the compensator is set in this case to the highest possible.

Technology adjustment of mechanisms

In the original embodiment, a wooden log house from a bar or logs for one year must be placed on 6-9 cm over the entire height of the sruba or timber walls. Specialists - builders, after two months come to the site, where the wooden log house built by them is located and screw the screws of the shrinkage of shrinkage in the direction of twist, thereby lowering the support beam or the support pillar for 1-2 cm throughout the perimeter of the building. For more accurate adjustment, in such cases, level or hydro level is always applied. Gradually exhibiting, therefore, every two months, the compensator nut two centimeters, a specialist compensates for a natural shrinkage of a wooden building cutting around the entire perimeter. Performing such in their own type not cunning manipulations using a shrinkage compensator, you will protect yourself from performing work on the reinforcing gaps between logs or a bar, which is very important if you live in such a house in the winter day, because through the formed gaps in the house from Bruus can get moisture and cold.

Where in Moscow to buy nodes?

After you have built a wooden house or a bath from a log or bar, raised a chopped house, or a wooden roof, any configuration and complexity, do not forget to take care of the purchase and installation of shrinkage compensators. Do not forget to twist the compensator nut in a timely or with the help of specialists.

Photo: For timber and logs, free shrinkage compensators are required.

Simultaneously with the shrinkage compensators, you can buy from availability, such important fasteners for cutting, like wooden round birch brazed. The data of fasteners, together with metal compensators, the shrinkage will help you to high quality and reliably lay logs and a timber when assembling your wooden connounged construction.

Order, buy or clarify the presence of the vendor compensators you need for a bar and logs you can always, by calling us by phone shown in the Contacts section.

Thematic video:

Metal jack This is an adjustable mechanism that is a screw adjustable jack consisting of two plates, bolts and nuts, this device is used to prevent the negative impact of shrinkage.

  • 1. Wooden bar support
  • 2. Screw bolt
  • 3. Upper clamping plank (plate)
  • 4. Metal nut
  • 5. Lower clamping bar (plate)

Principle of operation of the jackrat

Shrinkage Or logs in a wooden house (Siruba) is a natural heat drying process the tree at the end of construction, the result, which is a decrease in the size of the structure, as a result of precipitation.

But, only walls and partitions can give a shrinkage (that is, horizontal designs of the house), vertically, the tree cannot give the same sediment, that is, the pillar in the terrace or the porch almost will not change its sizes from the initial.

And therefore, so that the terrace "did not hang" separately from the cut and was a single design structure, put a compensator into each support (pillar)

Cutting once every 1-2 months nut for several turns, we compensate the difference in the shrinkage between the house and the open area (terrace)

Installing compensator

To install it, it is required to drill a hole in a wooden bar or awriter. The bolt itself must be freely in the drilled hole. Next, screw the nut on the bolt and install two impressive plates. The plates would have reliable metal in thickness.

Planks (plates) are mounted with screws on both sides. One side to Brusa, second to the lump of a church (at home).

The nut is used to adjust, unscrewing or spinning it, you can adjust the coefficient of changing the geometry of the finished home.

Control the shrinkage at home at the first stage is necessary 2 times a month (that is, twisted the nut for several turns 2 times a month). Next once a month, after a year, the process of adjustment can be stopped.

The compensator is metallic after a complete shrinkage, and this in a year, knock out from the supports or leave forever, because by this time it hurts completely in support.

Installation of the screw support is most often from above in the post, but it is possible to install and bottom, for a convenient adjustment, nor what role it plays.

For adjustment, a regular wrench is used, which is included in the kit, it can also be purchased, it is inexpensive and in co-sale.

Almost any person will cope with the adjustment, the nut is spinning easily, the bolt when it comes into a pillar, the side where to bribe not confuse, for the convenience of twisting, it is recommended to lubricate the screw with lubricant (solidol)

Thus, this is a simple and efficient device that will avoid the negative impact of the pulp, which, when assembling houses, log cabins inevitable.

Buildings from the tree are characterized by shrinkage, it does not matter from which type of timber is a construction construct. The log house can be stunned uniformly, if the soil is calm, otherwise it is possible to achieve this with the help of special devices.

What is a shrinkage compensator?

The shrinkage compensators are special jacks, they are also called adjusting screws or elevator. They consist of an anchor for adjustment, nuts, and two plates, one - reference, other - response.
Such a device is placed in the holes between the log cabin and each reference post, covered with a cover from above, and left until the shrinkage is completed. Subsequently, the construction will be aligned with the help of an adjustable device, then removed, and the log house remains stable. Compensators are located on each post in the upper and lower part, for this, the elements are performed by the holes by driving, which will approach the size of the device being installed. Fixation of the compensator is performed using self-tapping screws.
When shrinking, the wrath is tightened, thanks to this, the bars that fit to the post will not hang. Initially, these actions are carried out daily, and then their execution is gradually decreasing.
All devices must be located evenly relative to each other, they can also be used to replace the logs.

Installation of compensators shrinkage

As a compensator, it is possible to use structures with plates of a rectangular view, and rain-shaped washers. Such devices are selected taking into account the location of the structure, and the type of material, the first option is used for the rectangular bar, and for logs - the second. Nodes can be two types: installed by the end method, that is, the "spike in the groove" or the T-shaped version.
For the first form, use ordinary jacks that lift nodes. In this case, screw compensators should be placed tightly at the required place. In order to check this, you need to try to knock down the device, if it did not work out, the work is considered to be finished.

How is the adjustment?

The adjustment frequency will depend on the selected material from which the construction is constructed, as well as weather conditions. Shrinkage of houses from a bar occurs faster, so adjusting the mechanism is necessary monthly. Constructions from a log or bars profiled type with conventional moisture regulate less frequently.
Twisted each node evenly to check this, it is necessary to apply the level for construction. For one action, decreased to 1.5 centimeters, it should not be sharp. Such work is carried out until a complete shrinkage of the design.
Adjustment work is carried out not only on adjacent elements or walls, but also on openings for doors and windows, as well as in places of compound of stairs. Shrink compensators can be applied and for adjusting the rifle screw support.
The cost of such a device is not low, as well as in the future, the devices may not be needed, so they can be replaced by other analogs.

Other devices used as a shrinkage compensator

Jacks can be replaced by brazen, that is, fasteners of wood. With the right works, shrinkage will be uniform, and the seal, located between the crowns is tightly pressed by a tree. Begroes must have a square shape to ensure a dense location in the hole. Putting elements during the laying of the crowns, in a checker, that is, the openings of the first and second row should be located in different places.
Pantry is carried out three times, first after completing the construction, to understand the percentage of the shroud shrinkage. Works are performed after the main shrinkage, which is compensation, the final stage is carried out after several years of using construction.
When performing a second cacopa, it is necessary to see where the holes are formed in which a larger amount of material is placed. In the polished areas, the material is placed evenly, then a precipitate is made using a sledge hammer. After the year, you can see the finished process of shrink shrink.
With properly carried out, the level does not change, there are no distorts and defects. Compared to brazers, screw compensators are better made, as they are factory, so carrying out work with their use is easier.

Application of compensators during shrink shrink

Shrinkage in longitudinal and transverse form has a significant difference. In length, shrinkage almost does not occur, in the transverse position this indicator can reach 5%. This difference compensates for the jack gradually, as a result, the design is stable, does not have distortion, and the material is not deformed.
The vertical supporting item is initially done in short, and the jack is placed in the gap, after the time it is descended, and the hole becomes minimal.
Also as a compensator uses wood strips, during shrinkage they are gradually knocked out if several elements are used. When using a single plank, it is getting, they make a smaller way by otseki, then rest in the gap again. To get an element, the angles must be raised using a strut or shock object.
Since the skatewide wall is heavier, it is prone to a quick shrinkage, and the rafters may have bending and offset, therefore the angle of inclination of the roof can be changed. In order to avoid this, and compensate for a significant shrinkage, you can use the supports of the sliding species.

In connection with which there is a shrinkage of wood structures?

After a certain time after the construction of the structure, shrinkage is taking place. The tree has various properties, the weather conditions and other factors are rendered on it, as a result of which the shrinkage process is inevitable.
Shrinkage can occur due to seniorized material or mechanical impact. The first process is because the natural material has a moisture content that filled the fibers of the tree. Part of the moisture can go immediately after the tree is spin, it depends on the air temperature.
And the residual part of the moisture will come out gradually so that this process is accelerated, you can use special chambers for drying. When losing moisture, the tree changes the volume, that is, its circle decreases, and becomes easier. As a result of the change of each chub element, shrinkage occurs the entire structure.
With a mechanical shape of shrinkage, wooden material is compressed under load loads located at the top. Also occurs the compression of the insulation, which was laid between the crowns.

Many factors have an impact on the shrinkage:

  • The period when the material, the tree breed, its humidity was harvested than it is higher, the greater the percentage of shrinkage.
  • View and period of material processing.
  • Whether the drying of the cutting logs is made, and under which weather conditions the construction is being constructed.
  • According to which technology, the workpiece was carried out, and also plays the role of the insulation, which is located between the crowns.
  • The size of the building also affect the percentage of shrinkage, if the building is high, this process will pass quickly under the influence of the load.
  • With a low single-storey building, such as a bath, shrinkage will be different. It depends on the material:
  • One-piece log will give shrinkage to 12 centimeters;
  • Planed bars - up to 7 centimeters;
  • Profiled elements - up to 5 centimeters;

That is, the shrinkage may be significant, so you need to use compensators to prevent breaks and defects. When using jacks, work can be performed quickly, without making special efforts, shrinkage will be uniformly throughout the perimeter of the building.

Security compliance during the installation of compensators

During the installation of compensators, it is necessary to comply with some rules to protect yourself from unnecessary problems.

  1. Since it is necessary to perform work at the bottom of the structure, a log wedding can occur during installation on the plate, so you need to attract several people to help.
  2. It is necessary to install compensators in rigid shoes, which does not slide, and in a helmet, it will help protect yourself from various kinds of injuries.
  3. Also at hand there must be such objects as scrap and sledgehammer, if the jacks are missing, then brick elements use.
  4. If doubts arise to fulfill such work, then it is better to trust specialists.

The main shrinkage occurs after the first year of the construction, and later this indicator is not significant, so at this time it is necessary to use compensators to proceed evenly.
With properly performed work, you can avoid defects, blocks of building, openings for doors and windows, staircases. Thanks to the use of shrink shrink compensators, the construction will gradually fall until the gaps disappear.