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Tubes on coals. Tajina. Ethnic table decoration

Moroccan Tazhin is a cross between pan and frying pan with a lid of an unusual and unusual shape.

Acquaintance with national cuisine is always like a journey. New knowledge, culinary discoveries and curious facts. In the case of Tazhin, there is something to be surprised - it is not only a dish, but also a Mexican dish, which is prepared in it. Want to diversify the menu? Explore the device, find out the features of the work and choosing a new home assistant with wide opportunities.

What is the taiga and how it works

For those who do not represent that it is for the utensils - Tazhin, let's start with dating. Thazhin (or Tajin) call a shallow wide saucepan, like a skeleton, with high cone-shaped lid.. The bottom and walls of the base are straight and thick, the massiveness is important for long-term extinguishing and taving. Handles are not always, they are small and more often cast.

High Cap-Cap - the main tool in this dish. Thanks to this form, it does not heat so much like a frying pan. Condensate formed on the lid quickly returns to the dish without giving him to rear. At the same time, drops do not fall on the products, and flow to the edges. As a result of the constant circulation of moisture, the juices of meat and vegetables will not evaporate, but turn into a saturated sauce.

It is believed that such a form of dishes appeared because of the acute shortage of water in Arab countries. The absence of evaporation helped save water, eliminating the need to add liquid.

For the exit of the excess couple in the top there is a small hole size with a pea. Sometimes it is done on the side surface of the lid. This tiny hole does not allow the liquid to run through the slits between the base and the lid. There are no holes in some models of the hole, but it is necessary to do it, trusting the master or jeweler (the latter has a suitable tool).

In Morocco and other countries of North Africa and Egypt, from where the frying pan of the Tazhin, traditionally prepare on glow coals. In the modern kitchen, you can cook in the oven, on gas and even on the electric stove, but you need to ensure uniform and unscrew heating.

Some models are designed exclusively for baked in the oven. However, the cover is heated in the oven as well as the base, and one of the main principles of Maghinybinsk cuisine neutralizes.

For which tasks you need a taper

The taiga is needed to everyone who loves delicious and satisfying, but useful dishes. With the correct technique of cooking, you can not add fats and water, allowing the ingredients to steal in our own juice.

Complicated dishes with many ingredients are especially tasty. Meat, vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices during continuous extinguishing exchange juice, tastes and aromas.

In Tajin, it is customary to cook for a long time. For example, lamb is extinguished all day, rigid beef parts - a few hours. Chicken and fish are preparing faster - less than an hour. Vegetables and fruits (in Moroccan cuisine in meat it is customary to add dried fruits and fresh fruits) not immediately, but at the end of cooking, when the meat pieces are almost ready.

What can be cooked in Tazhina at home kitchen:

  • lamb with vegetables or sides of couscous;
  • chicken on a vegetable pillow;
  • duck with vegetables or fruit;
  • beef with potatoes and dried fruits;
  • meatballs in the sublifting;
  • fish with various additives.

Most dishes are also called - tales, there are no strict recipes, you can add various vegetables, dried fruits, lemons. The main thing is to comply with the compatibility of the products and remember that the acids slow down the cooking of vegetables and sometimes make them solid.

Thazhina from different materials

In Morocco in Tazhins not only prepare, but also serves hot snacks on the table. To a serving, choose a beautiful dishes with a decor in national traditions. Be sure to consider the type of plate and the number of servings that you have to prepare at a time.

Clay and ceramics - classic genre

Classic Moroccan Tazhins do from clayThey burn them, but do not glan. It turns out porous dishes. regulate the humidity of the dish during cooking. Pores first absorb moisture, and then, if it is not enough, they begin to give by evaporation. Before cooking (and especially before first!) Clay taiga need to be mashed in water. Preferably for several hours.

The stlaced clay dishes are less hygienic, since the juices remain in the pores and can multiply bacteria. Of course, most of the harmful microorganisms are dying in the process of long-term thermal processing, but they remain especially persistent flavors. For example, if you prepared fish, the meat dish can be spoiled. For cleaning requires a long soaking.

Modern tazes from clay are covered with icing and re-bash. As a result, the firing is formed durable enamel, similar to glass ceramics. It does not stick to such a surface, the juices are not absorbed, the saucepan is easy to wash and soak it unnecessary.

Ceramics - Clay, improved by mineral additives and inorganic compounds. Ceramic products are more durable and practical. Tazhins from ceramics, as well as clay, subjected to burning and cover with icing. Modern coatings have non-stick properties.

Ceramic tažin is suitable for cooking on electric stoves. For cooking on the gas burner you need to use. Without a divider, you can do only if the manufacturer pointed out such an opportunity in the instructions. The bottom of ceramic dishes for gas stoves are enhanced by metal elements. If you have an induction cooking surface, you will need special.

The advantages of Tajins from clay and ceramics:

  • evenly distribute heat;
  • long cool down, keeping the dish hot;
  • ideal for extinguishing and languing;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • beautiful, suitable for cooking and serving the table.

Disadvantages of clay tazhinov:

  • you can not use for frying;
  • fragile;
  • do not bring contact with fire;
  • can crack from a sharp temperature difference;
  • susceptible to scratches;
  • heavy.

Miln and ceramic tagges are of different sizes - from large on the company to portions per person. A good gift for those who love experiments.

Cast iron - Strength and versatility

If you want to buy a gas stove tag, then pay attention to the cast iron. Cast iron on heat capacity is not inferior to ceramics, but not afraid of open fire. In the cast iron frying pan, you can safely fry, so pre-roasting meat will not cause difficulties. If desired, the base from the cast iron can be put in the oven using as an independent dishes.

The cast iron thazhin is suitable for all types of plates and mangala. You can take it on a picnic and fishing. Cast iron is an alloy of iron and carbon, so it has ferromagnetic properties and works on an induction plate. But for induction surfaces, it is still better to choose dishes with a special icon to prepare less time and electricity.

There are two types of Moroccan frying pan on sale:

  • The base and cover cap are made of cast iron. The lid is heavy, but fits tightly to the pan. Suitable for mangal and fire.
  • The base is made of cast iron, and the lid is made of ceramics or clay. In this case, the lid is not so cumbersome. Combined models combine the strength of the cast-iron frying pan and inherit all the advantages of the karmic lid. This option is more popular.

In disputes about which taiga is better - ceramic or cast iron, still not installed true. For everyday tasks of Moroccan's connoisseurs, they advise you to buy cast-iron base and ceramics lid. This combination is most practical for modern cuisine.

Cast iron is a porous material, but the pores are quickly filled with oil, forming a natural non-stick coating. To increase the performance properties, pig-iron pans are covered with icing or non-stick coating. It is desirable that in Tajina such a coating was, as it does not allow tastes and smells to stay on the dishes.

Cast aluminum for base

Aluminum taiga weight is easier cast iron, and at cost much cheaper. Cast aluminum is a little inferior to the cast iron by heat capacity, but also has a high thermal conductivity. From aluminum make frying pan bases, and the covers are from ceramics, as it is difficult to make a cap of the desired form from the metal.

Aluminum bases are coated with non-stick coatings - or ceramic. The coating must withstand a long heating. Aluminum frying pan from Tazhina can be used for frying and ovens, as well as classic extinguishing, covering the usual lid.

Stainless steel - modern alternative

Thazhina from stainless steel appeared recently and already in Europe. Most often, this dishes are used to make a pair. Includes almost always there inserting - steamer in the form of a grid. Thanks to the special circulation of steam, dishes are obtained very gentle and faster reach ready.

Stainless steel - ferromagnetic metal, so such tagge can be safely put on the induction cooking surface. For a more uniform and proper heat distribution, the bottom is made multilayer, thickening aluminum plate. In the dishes you can stew and fry.

The followers of traditional marocan cuisine do not trust steel dishes, as it is not such a heatpact as ceramics and cast iron. Thin walls cool quickly. To heal dish on the table there are Tajins from a stainless steel in the form with candles or burner.

Overview of different types of Tazhinov

To choose a beautiful and practical tajan, do not be lazy to learn the range of online stores. Look for where such dishes are sold in your city. Pay attention to the manufacturer, handicrafts are not always high-quality and safe.

The taggers of the famous Emile Henry manufacturer are made of high-quality heat-resistant ceramics and covered with a rack of heat-resistant icing of different colors. Suitable for gas and electrical (including glass-ceramic) plates and ovens.

The ceramic tagging of the domestic plant "Borisov ceramics" is available at the price of the massive buyer. In the manufacturer's lineup, Moroccan frying pans of different diameters with the correct dome lid. Suitable for ovens and microwaves. The manufacturer does not position the frying pan for cooking on the stove.

Vetta stainless steel taine is supplemented for the preparation of dietary dishes. In a saucepan, you can stew and cook on all plates, including induction. Skeptics do not believe that in stainless steel it is possible to prepare a real taper, since thin walls interfere with proper extinguishing and contribute to the evaporation of moisture. But many like light and practical dishes.

The cast-iron enamelled base and the vulnerable ceramic dome of the French brand Staub is suitable for frying, extinguishing, allowing, steam processing. Two-layer glass-ceramic inert enamel to products and is not subject to chip. Suitable for all types of plates and induction cooking surfaces.

Choosing a housekeeping tales, consider your tasks, family composition, food habits. What to pay attention to:

  1. Where are you planning to cook on the stove or in the oven. What a stove is in the kitchen. Metals, and clay are suitable for the oven, but the height of the cap must be appropriate.
  2. Is it important for you frying or prefer healthy food. If you need to fry, choose cast iron or aluminum.
  3. Small portion frying pans are designed to baked in the oven and feed on the table to each guest.

When buying Tazhina, carefully inspect the product for the integrity of the hull and coating. Examine the characteristics provided by the manufacturer: Temperature range, the ability to operate on different plates, washing features.

If you like special dishes for kitchens of different peoples and unusual dishes, get acquainted with and frying pan. Cook beautifully and with pleasure!

Tajin (Tajin) is a special dishes for the preparation of the Moroccan meat dishes of the same name. The utensil itself is a deep and pretty massive ceramic pot closed by a high cap in the form of a cone. Reminds a very deep frying pan with a very thick bottom and walls.

The taiga of a kind of symbol of Moroccan cuisine, its business card and the present discovery for each gourmet. The dish is popular not only in Morocco, but also in other countries of Maghreb (region in North Africa), for example, in Algeria.

The conical shape of the tagine cover is a brilliant invention of Moroccans, which allows to prepare amazingly delicious stewed meat, vegetables and fruits. In the high lid with a small hole hid the main secret of Tajina. Only in this dish, you will be able to slowly tomorrow meat with vegetables in our own juice throughout the day, having received a gentle dish and an indescribable combination of flavors and aromas.

By the way, the taiga is considered a dish for the holiday. Not only because of the brightness of taste and aesthetics of filing, but also because of the cooking time. Meat tazes are preparing for quite a long time to be soaked in spices and spicy herbs. On weekdays, such joys may simply not be time. However, the bird and fish in Tazhine are preparing enough. For the chicken, there will be enough one and a half hours, for fish - 40 minutes.

Ceramic tagges are of different colors and sizes. Traditionally, they are made of clay, then glazed. There are painted taggers that are used for elegant table setting. But the main thing in Tazhin is still not an external appeal, but a thick and heavy bottom. The key to the fact that with long-term heating, the dishes will not crack.

The principle of cooking in Tazhin

The invention of Tazhina Moroccan is largely obliged to the dry climate of their country and the shortage of fresh water in Morocco. Here, as they say, there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped. For the preparation of wonderful dishes in Tazhin, the minimum amount of water is required. The domed lid catches the aromatic couple, which cools, and after drops, roll back into the pot.

Thanks to the principle of circulation, the pair of Moroccans and Algerians manage to create real culinary masterpieces - no tack of taste and aroma leaves the cherished pot! Of course, it is important to add that the Kushan in Tazhin is prepared exclusively on slow fire.

What are preparing in Tazhins?

National Moroccan and Algerian stewed dishes based on chopped meat, poultry, fish, vegetables and fruits.

Practically in any tales add raisins, cinnamon, nuts and light honey. Yes, the combination of sweet and acidic flavors with meat in Moroccan and Algerian dishes is quite popular. For example, a real hit - a lamb cooked in Tajina with dates. Well, and, of course, it does not do without spices: ginger, cumin, turmeric, saffron. Magic combination of the finest shades.

There is nothing to please and vegetarians - Amazing stew vegetable dishes can be created in this miracle pot. At the same time, in the finished form, each vegetable will retain its own unique taste. By the way, vegetable Tajins are customary to prepare more sharp and piquant than meat. Therefore, chili and paprika are generously added in them.

More Moroccans add a special spice to their tagge - if El Hanut. Her name is translated from Arabic as a "head of the store", that is, the most important spice. For her preparation, cinnamon is used, sesame, ground ginger, pepper, nutmeg, coriander, carnation, cardamom and other ingredients (each chef can be a recipe).

There is also Tunisian Town. But the dish that is preparing in Tunisia, more resembles Italian Frittathour or Omelet. It is necessarily present with eggs to which a generous amount of various ingredients also add. Especially love cheese, meat and roasted pepper.

Traditionally, Tazhins are prepared on glowing coals. But delightful dishes in Tazhin can be cooked at home - on an electric or gas stove. Of course, Tazhins for home use are somewhat different from classic tazhins from clay. As a rule, they have a base of cast iron. But the principle of cooking remains the same, therefore, the dishes are carried out invariably delicious.

Tiny is also color, and an authentic atmosphere! He is not only dishes for cooking, but also a beautiful, original method of feeding dishes. The dish is not shifted, it is brought to guests right in the pot. Members of the meal gather around Tajina and eat from it each for their part. Instead of cutlery, use fresh Moroccan bread, which is cooked in thick, welded sauce. Agree, there is something to surprise guests!

Recipes cooking dishes in Tazhina

Recipe: lamb in Tazhin in Moroccan

The beautiful combination of piquant meat of lamb with delicate stewed vegetables can make beat often the heart of each gourmet. Mutton dishes in Tajina can be prepared on slow heat plate, and then warm out the outdoor and wood coal.

Vegetables are carefully and with artistic painstability stacked around the lamb with a conical way, completely hiding meat and making it a secret center of culinary work. The dish looks beautiful and appetizing.

The preparing recipe below includes seasonings, ideally suitable when using potatoes as the dominant ingredient. Vegetables add bright flavoring accents and visual colorfulness. A real sophisticated gourmet chic will give the dish canned lemons and olives - these are the classic ingredients of this recipe. But you can not use them if they do not meet your taste addictions or simply not at hand. True, in this case, it is recommended to add a little more salt!

What do you need

Basic ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of lamb chopped with large pieces,
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
  • 1 bulb, chopped rings,
  • 1 bulb, finely chopped,
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic (finely cut or compressed),
  • 3-4 small potatoes (cut down on 4 parts slices),
  • 3-4 medium-sized carrots (cut along 2 or 4 parts)


  • 4 small zucchini (you can whole),
  • 1 Little Bulgarian pepper (cut into strips or rings),
  • 1 Small parsley branch (and / or kinza, assembled in a beam).

You can also add:

  • 1 small halapeno or chili pepper,
  • 1 canned lemon (quarters),
  • 1 handy of olives.

For seasoning:

  • 1 teaspoon salt (or to taste),
  • 1 teaspoon of dry ginger,
  • 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper,
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric,
  • 1/2 teaspoon dry paprika,
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cumin.


  • 1 pinch of saffron yarns.

How to cook

  1. Pour olive oil on the base of Tazhina. Place on it onion rings and sprinkle with a small bow and garlic. Spread the meat of the bone down in the center of Tazhin on the embankment (the higher the mound, the more high there will be a cone from vegetables).

  2. Mix spices in a small bowl. Lower a little less than half the seasoning in meat and onions.

  3. Place the harvested vegetables in a large separate bowl. Add the remaining seasoning and stir to evenly cover vegetables. Next, put the vegetables in the tank in the form of a cone around meat.

  4. Position the Bulgarian pepper in the center, put a bunch of parsley on top, and then pepper halapeno. Decorate the dish by quotes of canned lemon and olives.

  5. Pour 2 and a half cup of water into an empty bowl from under vegetables, collect the remaining spices water. Pour water into the tip, cover the lid and place on the plate on medium or low fire on the stove.

  6. Bring the tip to a boil (it can take a lot of time, about 20 minutes, be careful, increasing the heating, do not stop). After boiling, continue to cook on medium heat until the meat and vegetables are very gentle, and the sauce will not be completely slightly. Mutton cooking time in Tazhin can reach 4 hours.

  7. While the Town is prepared, check the liquid level and add water as needed. But try to disturb the dish as much as possible. If you feel that the dish is burning, immediately reduce the fire. To roast until the golden crust is right on the bow at the day of Tazhina

  8. Serve hot tales straight from the stove on the table. Do not bother! The taiga will remain warm (until it is closed) for another 30 minutes.

Recipe: Spicy Moroccan Shrimps in Tazhina

Shrimps are a favorite dish in Morocco. They are prepared with all sorts of ways - spicy and spicy, sharp, with a large number of Cayenne pepper or a very seasoned garlic. Also like add cumin, sweet pepper, a lot of fresh cilantro and parsley.

This recipe for spicy shrimp in Moroccan in Tazhin leaves a lot of space for creativity. You can add spices at your own desire and even make a dish burning sharp, it will still remain indescribable delicious. The main thing - shrimp not immediately, but at the very end of the culinary process, then they will retain their tenderness and juiciness.

  • What do you need
  • How to cook
  • Basic ingredients:

    • 2 tablespoons of olive oil,
    • 4 medium ripe tomatoes (overnight),
    • 6 cloves of pressed garlic,
    • 2 tablespoons of finely chopped fresh sheet parsley,
    • 2 tablespoons of finely chopped fresh kinse,
    • 1 teaspoon sweet paprika,
    • 1/4 teaspoon of Cayenne pepper,
    • 1/4 teaspoon of ground cumin,
    • 1 bay leaf,
    • salt to taste
    • freshly ground black pepper to taste,
    • 600-700 gr. large shrimps (purified, without tailings),
    • 3 lemon slice (cut on halves).
    1. Pour olive oil to the bottom of Tazhina. Put tomatoes and garlic and boil on medium heat until tomatoes are saturated red and fleshy (about 12 minutes).
    2. Dog fire to a minimum. Put the parsley, cilantro, paprika, cayenne and cumin in the tip.
    3. Add a bay leaf and season salt and pepper. Put shrimp from above and cook for 1 minute, then turn over.
    4. Place the lemon slices on the edges of Tazhina, add 2 tablespoons of water, cover the tank with a lid and cook for 10 minutes.
    5. Serve shrimps directly in the burly in Tazhin.

Preparation of exotic dishes for all culinary canons often require the use of special devices that give food authentic taste and proper consistency. This category includes the taiga - a special kind of dishes, allowing you to always receive excellent results in the kitchen. It is especially common in African countries, where most of the dishes are prepared on open fire.

In Tazhin, the meat, stew vegetables are perfect. With such a device and baking, and other methods of long-term cooking will be available even to too experienced hostesses.

What is this dishes?

This traditional vessel for Moroccan cuisine consists of a lid of an unusual conical shape with a flat vertex and base, where products are laid. Tagged (Tajins) of different tanks, sizes are produced. The main thing is one thing - a way to cook food, and it is known since the times of ancient Maghreb. And in the centuries of its use of Tajin and the dishes preparing in it did not cause any complaints.

Traditional for Morocco, this type of dishes easily passed on in France, for many years by the African colonies. Today it prepares catering dishes, indulgeted homely by the useful cooking. The taiga himself looks like a pot with a wide base made of ceramics or metal. The height of the cover on average three times exceeds the size of the side - this is necessary for the formation within a special microclimate. In the conical part there is a small hole, dischargeing surplus steam.

In Tazhina, it is customary to prepare meat, a bird - it is they who here are acquiring a special taste value, become soft and gentle. Due to the height of the cover, the process of cooking a dish in a closed vessel occurs as follows:

  • during the preparation of the dish, the booming water rises;
  • conducted steam runs through the walls in the base of the pot and evaporate again;
  • preparation occurs immediately in two technologies: with direct heating of the bottom and with steam exposure from above.

Due to the continuity of the process, the dish inside is not burned, prepared with the minimum loss of flavoring qualities, it turns out incredibly gentle. It is not surprising that in France, the cafes in which dishes in Tajin are presented with one of the most popular.

And having mastered the use of such dishes at home, you can significantly diversify healthy food.

What is used for?

Tajin is needed for the preparation of most dishes of North African and Moroccan cuisines. Food in it is pre-roasted in oil, and then leaves languishing on slow heat. It is also possible to prepare by extinguishing, in this case the ingredients embedded are simply squeaked with a small amount of water. Meat, bird, fish, fruits or vegetables are most often used as source products. It turns out impeccable painful breaking cereals, legumes and other vegetarian food.

Food prepared in a special vessel is also referred to as Tajin. In this case, the method of heat treatment brighter the tastes of spices, dried fruits, spices and herbs. Good combined with Tazin Nuts, honey, ginger. It is important to understand that in North Africa, this method of cooking is not everyday - the duration of heat treatment makes it uncomfortable for continuous use.

But on holidays or when disubs, it is absolutely indispensable. Taine allows you to master the creation of food using complex, multicomponent recipes - Due to the merger of flavors and aromas, the result is always the same as necessary.


Traditional taiga is completely ceramic vessel. In Morocco, it is used not only for cooking, but also for serving. Accordingly, it is customary to choose beautiful, original vessels with a national flavor. But other options are also possible.

The features of the ceramic, cast-iron and other types of Moroccan dishes should be considered separately, taking into account the method of heating, which is planned to be used in the course of culinary experiments.


Classic clay thazhin is an optimal choice for cooking Moroccan cuisine. Utensils from porous burnt, but not glazed clay has the ability affect the degree of moisture dishes, absorbing and giving moisture naturally. The finished product is obtained very rich juice. But it is possible to get good results only if the vessel itself was tumped in water for several hours.

The clay tazhins have one, but a very significant drawback - They absorb smells. If the dishes are used to create different dishes, it will have to soak it for a long time or make separate containers for meat, fish, porridge and sweet food. In addition, the hygiene of the clay tagine is also minimal.

The baked versions of the dishes covered with icing It is devoid of this defect, they are comfortable to wash, eliminating unpleasant odors. But the effect of natural moisture regulation is reduced.


A special type of clay with impurities of mineral origin is also used in the manufacture of modern Moroccan dishes. Ceramic tank is covered with icing, baked, acquiring a solid glossy surface. The dishes of this type are usually non-stick, it is suitable for direct installation on the electric stove.

But on the gas burner will have to use a divider, giving a more uniform heating. On induction surfaces, an adapter is used - a metal circle in the size of the burner circuit.

Like clay tanks, ceramics dishes differs:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • environmental safety;
  • long preservation of a given temperature;
  • optimal conditions for extinguishing and taking.

Clay and ceramic containers are not suitable for open fire, they can crash or crack, are not suitable for frying. Otherwise, they are practically impeccable and allow you to preserve the authentic cooking technology of North African cuisine.

Cast iron

If only the gas stove is available, you can not refuse to use the original Moroccan type dishes. The cast-iron taper has excellent heat capacity, Not inferior ceramics. It you can pre-fry meat or fish, caramelizing vegetables and fruits. The lower part of the cast-iron tagge is suitable for baking dishes in the oven.

The convenience of Tazhina from cast iron is indisputable - It is comfortable for cooking on the grill or in the furnace, on any plates, can be used as a hostility option. For the induction cooking panel, the adapter will not need: cast iron has ferromagnetic properties. Produced both all-metal versions of products and combined, with a clay lightweight lid.

When choosing products, you need to pay attention to the presence of a non-stick coating that impedes the absorption of odors.


Despite the status of non-ferrous metal, cast aluminum is quite suitable for the manufacture of the base of Tajina. The top in such models is made of ceramics, lightweight, preventing weighting design. The coating inside the bowl can be made of ceramics, stone, titanium for a slower and proper heating.


European manufacturers relatively recently began to produce unusual tagged stainless steel. Such tableware is complemented by inserting for cooking products for a couple. You can even lay ingredients into several tiers, taking into account the desired temperature and cooking time. In a metal bowl, it is convenient not only to stew, but also fry, bake.

Ferromagnetic properties allow when using induction plates to put steel tasely on the contour of the burner. So that heat inside the container is distributed correctly and evenly, the bottom is made in the form of a multilayer structure with an additional aluminum plate inside the stainless steel layers. But experienced cooks do not recommend replacing ceramic and cast iron tagged with steel: heat is lost faster, which is why the cooking technology is violated.

Best manufacturers

The main manufacturers of the right Tazhinov are companies from Morocco and France.

  • Brand Emile Henry. Produces high-quality ceramic tagging. Products are distinguished by aesthetic (their heat-resistant walls are covered with multi-colored glaze), they are practical in care. The dishes are adapted to use with all kinds of plates, brass cabinets.

  • Staub.- French company, producing magnificent tagged combination type. The heavy cast-iron base has a non-stick coating from enameled ceramics. Ceramic dome, easier. The dishes are suitable for direct heating on the plates of any types.

  • Le Creuset.- French firm producing a thick-walled cast-iron dishes of Moroccan type. The ceramic dome allows you to achieve the effect of traditional languor, as in the clay pot. You can cook with such a kitchenware on any type of plates. Aesthetic taiga can be submitted to the table without fear that the dish cools.

  • "Borisov ceramics"- Products of the Russian manufacturer. Moroccan vessels for cooking This brand is distinguished by the available cost, a wide dimension range. Products with a dome lid are focused on baking in a microwave or oven. Direct heating is completely excluded.

  • Vetta. The company releases stainless steel tagging with a steamer feature. The dishes are of low weight, versatility, simplicity in care. But it is rather a pan than an authentic Moroccan vessel.

A detailed description of Tazhina Emilie Henry and other models allows you to get a complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe advantages and cons of products of different brands before purchasing.

Tiny is an unusual look of dishes, originally from distant Maghreb - the Union of Arab countries, located to the west of Egypt. To be more accurate, the tales were invented in Morocco, and after the Moroccans appreciated the operational properties of the dishes, the fame came about it to nearby states.

Not exquisite culinary preferences of local residents played a major role in the appearance of Tazhina, and the arid climate of African countries. To cook food, people living there, spent a lot of water, which is without deficiency on this continent. There was an obvious need for the invention of heat-resistant dishes, from which moisture would not evaporate.

So Moroccans came up with a bowl with thickened sides and a cone-shaped cover to it, the height of which is slightly less than the diameter of the bowl. At the same time, for the circulation of air and prevent the booming of food at the top of the cover, an opening of the neck with a pea was provided.

The ceramic clay was mixed, geometric and vegetable patterns were applied, and then covered with a thick layer of vitreous glaze, which protected the starting material from cracks during heating.

Some potters preferred not to paint the products created by them. They left Tazhins in the pristine red clay color and not covered with icing. Such instances before use needed pre-soaking. The clay absorbed the required amount of water and acquired refractory properties.

Today, the devil is known to the chefs and housewives in Europe and Asia. In Russia, with Tazin, those who are interested in the kitchens of the world are primarily familiar with the preparation of national exotic dishes at home. The taiga certainly did not slip away from the attention of those who had happiness to visit Arab countries or at least indirectly met the culture of this group of peoples.

Why do you need Tazhin

It is curious that the Tazhin is called the look at the dishes at the same time, and the food that is being prepared in it. Moroccan tales - fragrant, spicy dish, for the sake of the same name kitchen utensils.

The classic Moroccan taper includes a gentle meat of a young lamb, stewed in broth and dried fruit sauce. The recipes of Tazhine from chicken with salty lemons and olives, Tazhina from ducks with ducks and honey, fishing tagged with tomatoes and cilaf and potato tunisky in Tunisky, externally reminiscent of casserole or omelette.

It so happened that Russian people are alien to the sweet taste of the main dishes and an excessive spice that Arabs and residents of the East love so much. Therefore, having tried the options for the preparation of Moroccan Tazhin, more than four dozen dishes recipes were born in Russia, which, when prepared in this dish, are delicious. And due to the fact that the taiga was once loved by the chefs of France and Italy, it was added to our recipes from a dozen European.

Neither in one other dishes finished food does not acquire those flavoring properties that it gets when cooking in Tazhin. Meanwhile, the secret of Tazhina is simple.

The fact is that the moisture evaporating from food during heating is condensed on the walls of the high, dome-shaped cover of Tazhin, which tightly adjacent to the edges of the bowl. The water accumulated on the walls does not eat (as in the case of any other dishes), and flows to the edges of the bowl and creates a water shutter on them. Accumulated water - obstacles for aromatic and as a result of the flavor properties of food.

The ingredients of the dish in Tazhine, languishing in their own juice, are drinking with their flavors and the smell of seasoning. Therefore, the hostesses are prepared in them with rice with curry sauce, chicken or seafood, potatoes with beef or lamb meat, lean vegetable dishes without oil, cutlets and meatballs with a filling and even juicy curd casseled.

You can cook in Tazhina on glowing coals (as they do where it comes from), on the stove and in the oven. If you have a gas furnace at home, use a special divider to avoid cracks in the dishes (the Council is relevant for ceramic tazhinov).

Ceramic and cast iron tagging

Initially, Tazhins were made exclusively from ceramics. In Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and other states of the Arab Maghreb Tazhin and today - dishes, manually stupid from clay.

Ceramic Tagging

But after Tazhin learned about Tazhin and set up its production there, copies appeared, the bowl of which is made of enamelled cast iron. Soon, heavy tagged was on sale, the entire material made from this material.

Cast-iron taz

Today, tagged in the market is also presented with a cast-iron bowl. It is definitely not to say that one or another taiga is better not possible. However, cast iron surpasses ceramics for some indicators.

The advantages of cast iron:

Cast iron is heavy, durable, material that is slow and evenly heated. Therefore, the fragile ceramic cover of Tazhin with a bowl of cast iron will not split, even if the dishes immediately put on a strong fire.

In Tazhin with a cast-iron bowl, food cools slower. When the dish comes to half-ready, turn off the oven or. Food "Comes" by languing. So you save the beneficial properties of products and reduce the cost of electricity.

Cast iron is a ferromagnetic metal, so the hardware thaws are suitable for use on induction plates.

Cast iron is suitable for extinguishing and frying products. In a cup of this material, you can first fry some of the products, for example, if you want the meat to get a golden crust, and only then cover the lid and stew a dish. Therefore, the cast-iron thazhin is relevant for those who prefer to experiment in the kitchen, and not be guided exclusively step-by-step recipes.

The rest of the ceramic and cast iron tagging do not differ from each other. The taste of dishes prepared in that and the other are the same. Therefore, the material in this case is not very important, and when buying everyone is guided by its own preferences.

Buying Tazhina in the online store

Tagging - dishes, which rarely meets on the shelves of even major networks of stores with home and kitchen goods.

Do not fear to buy goods via the Internet. This rule also applies to the acquisition of dishes in special online stores.

Making the purchase of Tazhina in the online store, first, familiarize yourself with the site. Please note how detailed it is filled: if there are photos to the goods and text descriptions for them.

Go to the site of the manufacturer of Tazhin, who visited you, specify whether it makes such a model.

Some stores along with full tazznes sell decorative, the function of which is in the spectacular feed of the dish on the table. It is difficult to confuse one with others, as decorative tagged decorated with stones, and sometimes expensive rhinestones and even silver. But nevertheless, do not forget that it is impossible to cook in decorative Tazhins.

Call the contact phone indicated on the website of the online store, in which you do the acquisition. Specify the questions of interest, specify the delivery time.

After you receive the goods, carefully inspect it and check the availability of accompanying documents, including warranty.

And remember that the law on the protection of consumer rights in the Russian Federation provides for the right of buyers to return the poor-quality goods, even if it is acquired remotely, via the Internet.

After reading the title of the article, for sure, many wondered what is the taiga. The taiga can be called a symbol of Moroccan cuisine. This unusual word for us designate two things at once - dishes and dish cooked in this dish. This taiga is a festive dish, fragrant, tasty and melting in the mouth. It is served a dish on holidays not because its preparation is very expensive, and it's not even in its delicious taste, but in time that is required for its preparation. Moroccan Tazhin is a gentle meat, fresh vegetables, juicy fruits impregnated with flavors of spices and spicy herbs, which all day must languish on glowing coals. Agree, make a culinary feat, spending a whole day for the preparation of one dish, you can only on the occasion of the holiday.

The base of the dish of the taiga is, first of all, the dishes in which it is prepared and served on the table. If you seriously decide to make the cooking Tazhina, then without special dishes you can not do. The dishes, which, as well as the dish, is called Tazhin, is a clay vessel, similar to a large deep frying pan with a high cone-shaped lid. A prerequisite can be called a very thick bottom and walls, as well as a miniature hole in the lid through which steam will leave, not giving liquids to run from under the cover. Why is the presence of Tazhina necessarily? Because only in it you will get tomorrow meat with vegetables in our own juice throughout the day. The whole secret in the unusual form of the lid, which provides constant circulation of moisture inside Tazhina. Couples from vegetables and meat climbs up, then it cools in a cool lid, condensed on its walls and flows back to vegetables. The result is a very gentle and juicy dish, soaked with aromas of each ingredient.

It is unlikely that in an ordinary urban apartment there will be a place with glowing coals, we will rather use the stove, so it is worth taking the most ordinary clay tajan, not covered with paint or icing. So that the taiga does not crack and not split, you need to soak it overnight in cold water, and while cooking it is very careful. If you are cooking on a gas stove, then without a flame divider, your taiga will come into disrepair after the first cooking. It is impossible to put such dishes in the oven, because the cover is heated in the same way as the bottom capacity, respectively, steam will not be condensed, and the food will have to add water or broth. It should be borne in mind that in the process of cooking Tazhina, too frequent opening of the lid is not allowed, because the steam comes out at that time, and the dish will not be so juicy.

When the dishes are chosen and prepared can be searched for the choice of ingredients and the preparation of Tazhina. The basis of the Moroccan Tazhina - meat on the bone, and the meat can be taken that you have more to taste, be it chicken, pork, beef or lamb. Meat, if desired, can be replaced with seafood, but so that they do not become "rubber" during cooking, it is necessary to add them to vegetables at the very end when the dish is almost ready. Practically in any tales are added raisins, cinnamon, nuts and light honey, as well as spicy herbs and spices. However, this is the basis, and the incredible quantity recipes invented the incredible amount, so, to the main composition, you can add dates, prunes, figs, kuragu, olives, and even salt lemons! Depending on the ingredients you choose, the cooking time is also changing. If you cook from chicken, the taiga will prepare much faster than, for example, from lamb. At the same time, it is not necessary to use only the best meat, expensive tenderloin or fillet, and cheap hard pieces, such that are not suitable for cooking walking, steaks, or chops will be quite suitable for this dish.

Despite the fact that Tyzhin is preparing for a few hours, you will spend a little time to prepare for cooking. Start acquaintance with the pearl of Moroccan cuisine better with the recipe simply, for example, with thazhina from chicken and fruit.

1.5 kg of chicken,
1 apple,
1 pear,
10 pieces. Salot bulbs
1 PC. onion
5 tbsp. vegetable oil
2 cinnamon sticks,
1 tsp. Ground cinnamon
1 tbsp. grated on the grater of ginger,
2 tbsp. sesame
200 ml of saffron water or several saffron stilts,
1 bunch of kinse
2 tbsp. bright honey
20 grams of butter,
1 tbsp. turmeric
½ CHL White freshly ground pepper.

First, it is better to use the usual frying pan, however, if you decide that in your Tazhin, fried meat will be superfluous, then you can immediately download products to the tažin and start cooking. All the rest we suggest pre-slightly fry onions and chicken. To do this, wash the chicken and divide it into portion pieces, separate the wings, the legs, the remaining part divide into 4 parts. Bow cut into cubes. If there are no saffron water, you will fill in advance with a few saffron fish hot water and leave it. Finely chop the cilantro. In a frying pan, heals 3 tbsp. Vegetable oil, fry onions in it. Add to Luka Kinzu, ginger, two cinnamon sticks, salt, pepper, turmeric and chicken. Wait for the chicken in a golden crust, and add saffron water.

At this time you need to cook fruit. Clean apples and pears from the peel, cut them on with quarters and remove the core. Creamy oil is melted in the pan, add honey to it, mix and wait until honey becomes liquid. Then, lay out the chopped fruit in the pan and fry until every quarter is covered with honey and does not get a golden crust. Now the most important thing is not to eat these fruits, because the smell will stand simply magic! Therefore, turn on your willpower, sprinkle apples and pear cinnamon and leave cool.

Clean the shallot bow. So that it is easier to clean, you can pour it for a few minutes with boiling water. Preheat in a pan 2 tbsp. Vegetable oil and fry in it the purified shallot until golden color. Now take your tales. To put into it pieces of fried chicken with ginger, cilantro, and onions, and lay the caramelized fruits and roasted bowls of the shallot on top. Cover the touch of a lid and put a languishing on the smallest fire for 45 minutes. At this time, in a dry pan, fry the sesame, it will be needed to decorate Tazhina. When everything is ready, lay out a dish into a decorative tip, decorated with beautiful paintings, and sprinkle with fried sesame. You will get a very fragrant, beautiful and tasty dish.

The taper from the chicken is good, especially if you just learn to cook it, but after all, each cooking I want to be consistent and try to cook something new. Therefore, we offer you another recipe of Tazhina, but now not sweet, but sharp, and with the addition of red meat, for example, beef.


1 kg of beef, can be bones,
vegetable oil,
1 tbsp. turmeric
1 tbsp. red pepper
1 tsp. black pepper
½ kinse beam,
Hammer cinnamon,
2 large bulbs,
3 potatoes,
2 tomatoes,
1 carrot,
1 Bulgarian pepper.

Divide meat on large portion slices, approximately grams of 200. Place ready-made large pieces in a deep bowl, pour some vegetable oil there, add turmeric, ground cinnamon, black and red pepper, as well as salt. Very finely lie in the cilantro and also add it to meat. Mix all your hands and leave meat to pickled an hour at one and a half.

Put the bundle on the fire, pour some vegetable oil into it and wait for it when it gets warm. Put the pieces of marinated meat into the preheated tales and pour the oil with the spices remaining in it. Cover the touch with a lid and leave for 10 minutes, then turn the meat and cut the cover again. Clean and cut two major bulbs by half rings. Lay out onions on meat, cover everything with a lid, reduce the fire to a minimum and leave the tales at the same time at one and a half.
At this time, clean the vegetables, cut potatoes into 4 parts, cut the carrot with a strokes, remove the skin with tomatoes and cut them with circles, cut the pepper by half rings. 30 minutes before readiness, lay out vegetables in the tank, cut off the lid again and do not remove it until the end of cooking.

When you cover the table, do not forget to submit fresh fragrant pellets. The tažin is not accepted by cutlery, so the whole family gathered at the dinner table, eats his hands, helping herself with delicious pellets. Prepare your tales, add those spices and spices that love in your family, use your favorite vegetables and meat. Tiny - a dish created for experiments, so experiment, create your recipes, and let the indigenous Moroccans envy the original taste of your Tazhina!