Repairs Design Furniture

US Medica Zero. Orthopedic knee chair. Orthopedic chair for flawless posture US Medica Zero Chair for impeccable posture US Medica Zero

I want to tell you, dear readers of the feedback about what I got after the acquisition of the chair.

Previously, I had to make a massage more often to ensure that after a long seat on a regular chair, to provide muscles with nutrients and remove spasms, in order to posture again, with the help of restored muscle work, it became correct.

I buy different adaptations to restore the health of the muscle noted that during the month of use of this chair, the need for a back massage has decreased, it does not bother me and shells are used in preventive purposes.

Chair for perfect posture is an exclusive US Medica development. Seats are covered with a pleasant skin substitute.

I like the coating of the leatherette than the skin, because it is clear that the living was not injured)).

The stool named Zero helps me easily maintain the natural position of the spine.

I immediately, from the first day of use felt that my spine straightens while working at the computer and then when I deal with my favorite hobby ..

Below in the photo, I'm trying to show that the chair is easily adjustable in height. We regulate it often, since the growth of all users is significantly different.

It is worth noting that the chair can withstand a fairly large weight of more than a hundred kilograms.

At the same time, the photo shows that the chair is made of a beautiful high-quality tree - beech.

High-quality fittings also pleases the eye. During use, we did not have any complaints on the quality of the product.

Height is adjustable by twisting a black metal screw.

The tilt of the seating can also be adjusted, we have not used this feature.

So comfortably sit on the seat of the chair.

And so the knees are pleasantly resting to the bottom shelf.

The chair was delivered to us in the box, disassembled.

On the box there are quite a lot of product information and the manufacturer.

About storage and transportation methods Information is displayed using signs.

The box shows the model of the chair, its weight.

This chair can be used specifically, for medical health care.

Considering that modern adults and especially students often have problems with posture. This invention will be very popular.

To think about your health and the health of your children is never late.

And although everyone knows that the spine is not a support for our entire body, it is often possible to see how a child or adult load gives the spine, and after all it should not be a backup.

So, I will note what makes me most in a chair for impeccable posture of US Medica Zero:

* Unsanka is restored without effort;

* The lumbar spine relaxes and removes the organs of organs;

* Used by the whole family;

* Suitable for working at a computer;

* Love sit guests;

* You can adjust the stool height;

* Comfortable knee location;

* Beautiful and sturdy fittings;

* Like the quality of materials, beige seats from the leatherette and a beautiful tree beech.

This brochure describes in detail the stool action for smooth posture of the US Medica Zero. You will learn why the load on the spine sitting is reduced, how to sit on it, as well as why you are discomfort, when sitting on a conventional stool.

What is the model of the chair for the correct posture of ZERO?

  • it is an exclusive product that has no analogues. Due to ergonomic form, it helps to improve the posture and relaxation of the lumbar department;
  • suitable for cottages, houses, office;
  • in the manufacture of chair, the beech of the highest quality is used;
  • as a upholstery, a reliable skin substitute is used;
  • equipped with transparent wheels;
  • option adjustment for personal features and preferences;
  • comfortable seat focusing for knees.


Beautiful and natural posture will always remain priority not only among women, but also among the male half. Speaking about sutal people, they not only do not attract attention, but also guaranteed have many health problems. However, a beautiful posture is worth to have not only for an attractive appearance. It is worth noting that any curvature of posture, or natural body position, leads to displacement of all organs. As a result, the metabolic processes in the body, which ceases to cope with physical exertion is disturbed. As a result, the muscles weaken, lose elasticity and natural elasticity, become stale.

Proper and attractive posture is a huge work and great efforts. The main way that shows the greatest efficiency is the massage. During the kneading muscles in the back zone, the exchange processes are improved, the muscles return lost flexibility and strength. This leads to the fact that man becomes easier to keep the right posture.

At the same time, the massage is not a single method of forming an attractive posture. No less efficiency shows the new development of the US Medica manufacturer, the orthopedic chair ZERO. The thoughtful design of the toaster provides such a position of the body, in which the natural posture holds without effort from the user. Sitting on a chair for proper posture, the load on the spine is reduced, the back is strengthened and it is gradually aligned.

The correct stool for the back can be adjusted in accordance with the needs and easily withstand weight in 120 kg. Adjustment is possible in height, and also changes when the seating is needed. At the orthopedic knee chair Zero, sitting work will be held in natural and comfortable conditions.

Among the main areas of the application of the chair, a straight and rehabilitation medicine should be highlighted for a straight posture. But it is also suitable for applying at home every day. In search of a constant support, we often forget about your spine, which this support is and is. Therefore, the orthopedic chair Zero is designed to remove the load from the spine, relax muscles and become a proven assistant for every day.

Orthopedic chair for proper posture of video review

Possible contraindications

  • with congenital anomalies in the development of the spine;
  • in the case of various disorders of the bone structure of the pelvis (injury, etc.);
  • when deforming the bones of the pelvis and the lower extremities;
  • partially with scoliosis of the third degree (with the first and second degrees, the use of the chair is shown).

Brochure about the principle of operation of the Zero chair In the above brochure, you can explore the details about using the US Medica Zero chair. It also presents information on the load on the spine, the causes of the back pain when sitting on a regular chair, as well as how to use the chair for the perfect posture of ZERO.

The elegant body position, light gait and smooth movements are attracted to the views of others - it's hard to argue with it. To achieve such success, you need to become the owner of the "royal" posture. Naturally, the stubborn person will not cause such delight. However, the manner is beautifully kept imported not only for appearance. In addition, the correct posture has a colossal impact on health.

Quite often you can hear that beautiful posture is an unattainable ideal. With this statement, you can argue, because modern buyers have a unique Zero chair. This is one of the most popular US Medica company developments.

A chair for posture correction is equipped so that being on it is quite simple to maintain the correct position. For this you do not need to make extra effort. Thanks to this, the back is gradually aligned, the back muscles are well strengthened, and the spine is aligned. It can be used as adults and children of school age. With Yamaguch Zero, a sedentary sitting work is not terrible.

It is noteworthy that the chair is very simple in adjustments. The user can easily adjust the level of the seating. Thus, the chair will be the best way to grow a person. As a result, it will be possible to achieve comfort when working at the office desk and a convenient position without much effort.

Regular sessions will make rid of scoliosis and other health problems. With the help of a Zero chair, you can improve the metabolism, much easier to transfer daily loads and make your back muscles stronger.

You can purchase Zero US Medica chair in the online store. You can not doubt as a proposed product, because all the products are certified.

Orthopedic chair US Medica Zero - This is a unique American development designed to take into account the anatomical and physiological features of the spine. The chair is designed to correct posture and maintain its normal formation during the period of intensive growth.

The US Medica Zero chair is specifically designed to form an ideal posture naturally. Its original design significantly reduces the load on the spine, while the back is without effort in the correct position, so that the muscle corset is strengthened, the spine is aligned.

Difference from ordinary chair

Due to the fact that the session of the Zero chair is in an angle position (and not horizontally, as in standard chairs), the load on the lumbar department decreases. The presence of a comfortable stand in the knee area not only transfers part of the load from the back and the pelvis to the lower limbs, but also does not allow to sit in asymmetric poses ("foot on foot") - the most dangerous for the emerging spine.

The load on the spine continues in adulthood. The main problem is incorrect office and homemade chairs, the habit of sitting in the wrong position, which is exacerbated by hypodynamines. All this leads to the formation of osteochondrosis and back pain.

Separate models for adults and children

The model for adults is called US Medica Zero, for children - US Medica Zero Mini.


Chair US Medica is made of high quality materials: an eco-friendly frame is made of natural oak, the upholstery is made of high-quality leatherettera Arpatek. According to tactile sensations, this unique material fully corresponds to the most expensive skin: reacts to the heat of the human body, does not stick to the body in the heat and does not become tough in the cold, in a word, does not have drawbacks of other leatherette.

Possible contraindications

  • congenital pathologies in the development of the spine;
  • disorders in the structure of the bones of the pelvis;
  • deformation of the bones of the lower extremities and the pelvis;
  • restrictions with scoliosis of the 3rd degree (if 1 or 2nd degree, you can use the stool).

Features of the orthopedic chair US Medica Zero

  • the original design that provides the perfect position of the back and correctly redistributing the load;
  • zero is impossible to sit in the wrong pose;
  • thanks to the physiological position, blood flow in femured arteries and veins is not disturbed;
  • there is no overvoltage of the ligament and femur capsules;
  • it is possible to adjust the height of the seating, taking into account individual constitutional features;
  • zero Chair is suitable for both children and adults, home and office use;
  • comfortable transport wheels.


Type of goods Chair for posture
Manufacturer US Medica.
Model Zero.
Country USA
Color beige
the black
Frame wood
120 kg
type of drive manual
Adjusting the drive height
Completeness wheelbase
Electrical characteristics
Dimensions and weight
Height (range) 44 - 58 cm
Weight 7.3 kg
Transport dimensions and weight
1st place (DHSHV) 66.5 × 49 × 18.5 cm
1st place (weight) 8.7 kg