Repair Design Furniture

Wardrobe above the flight of stairs. A profitable and convenient solution in a private house is a wardrobe under the stairs. Pull-out wardrobes and drawers

You have a multi-level apartment or two-storey cottage? This means that the layout was not without a staircase. Of course, if it is helical structure, then the space under the stairs is simply absent, but if these are marching stairs (both with closed and open steps), then the entire area under them can be used with benefit.

How exactly to do this depends on the type of stairs, the height of the span, and even on the room in which the "free area" is located.

Storage systems under the stairs

How to use the space under the stairs in different rooms

If the staircase is located in the living room, then under it you can install:

  • home theater;
  • TV set;
  • home library;
  • aquarium;
  • fireplace;
  • cozy reading chair;
  • sofa;
  • a piano or other large musical instrument.

If the staircase is in the bedroom, then the free space can be turned into an office, or an additional place to relax.

Advice. In the case when the under-ladder areas are located in the kitchen, they can be transformed or all the overall household appliances or a sink can be taken out here. However, in the latter case, it will be necessary to lay all the necessary communications (water, electricity) and, of course, ventilation systems.

If we talk about the space under the stairs in general, without reference to a specific room, then eight interesting ideas can be distinguished at once:

  1. Library- you don't need separate room for storing your book collection, if you arrange spacious shelves under the stairs. Or you can take out here bookcase and an armchair with a floor lamp - the perfect reading nook away from the hustle and bustle.
  2. Additional place to rest- sofa or lounger, made in accordance with the dimensions of the available space. It will be as cozy as a canopy bed, protected from prying eyes. Can not found better option for an afternoon rest or reading than such a cozy corner.
  3. Cozy place to stay

  4. Home office. As a rule, the layout of typical houses does not provide for the presence of an office. But you can improve the area under the stairs - put a table, a chair, the necessary shelves here and you will get a full workplace for creativity, sewing, painting or computer work.
  5. A complete workplace

    Computer desk and cabinet under the stairs

    Place of lessons for schoolchildren

  6. Bar counter, bar. A full-fledged bar under the stairs is a real salvation for the owners small kitchens... It is functional and very practical solution, for the implementation of which you will need built-in lockers and high bar stools.
  7. The pull-out bar is hidden under the ladder

  8. Exhibition. Handmade embroidery, a collection of dolls, art canvases or author's modeling, sports cups - better place for collection than separate room, can not found.
  9. Place for paintings or collections of things

  10. Home greenhouse. Your favorite flowers will help you organize a cozy green corner under the stairs. Just do not forget to use special phytolamps here, because good natural light this site cannot boast. You can also install open racks here for varietal plants grown for sale - you do not have to look for a place in the house or to insulate the extension.
  11. Living plants are located in a place equipped for them

  12. Artificial reservoir- a fountain or waterfall, an aquarium or even a decorative pool. In the area under the stairs, you will get a corner with a pacifying water body, and you can not worry about expensive finishing in the living room, which often does not accept high humidity.
  13. Aquarium with live fish and turtles

  14. Play area, additional children's. The best own house for children is under the stairs. It's cozy, safe and so mysterious here. And you don't have to design a tree house or buy expensive simulation toys. All you need is a soft floor and a place for toys.
  15. A place for children to play

    How to equip a toilet or kitchen under the stairs

    If your house has a marching staircase, then the space under it will be quite enough for the location of an additional bathroom. Use a small washbasin here and compact toilet- in order for these plumbing accessories to fit comfortably for a person, a staircase of 8-10 steps will be enough.

    From the point of view of ergonomics, the ceiling height in such a space can be in the range of 2-2.7 meters, the length should be 2 meters or more, and the width should be more than 1.2 meters. This bathroom will be convenient for people of different heights.

    Small toilet in the space under the stairs

    Important. The bathroom must have all the necessary communications, as well as high quality ventilation otherwise, mold will quickly appear in the room.

    The nuances of the arrangement of kitchen elements

    For the kitchen you will need more large quantity communications than for a bathroom is electricity (many sockets for connecting household appliances and lighting), water supply, waste water discharge, ventilation. The kitchen under the stairs can have different dimensions - depending on the size of the staircase itself and its configuration.

    Sometimes only a part of the items needed is placed here, and sometimes - a full-fledged room, especially if the rest of the premises in the house are very compact.

    The cooking area in the kitchen is located under the stairs

    How to arrange storage systems

    In a small niche under the stairs, you can create a set with different functional purposes:

    1. Chest of drawers or drawers for storing things that are not used in a certain season. Mirrors can be hung on the cabinets. It is clear that such furniture is made to order, because some of its facades will be beveled, but this is one of the most ergonomic solutions.
    2. Drawers under the stairs will not be superfluous

    3. Library. Books are placed on closed or open shelves. All the free space under the stairs can be occupied with books - just provide a stable small step-ladder if the shelves will stretch all the way to the ceiling.
    4. Bookshelves nestled under the stairs

    5. Racks- you can hang two modest shelves here or create a complete storage system. It all depends on your needs, and on the size of the space under the stairs, as well as on how well this area will be viewed from different positions relative to the rest of the interior.
    6. Open shelving of shelves

    7. Closet or pantry for those things that need to be taken out of sight. Mops, buckets, a vacuum cleaner or ironing board, a tool - for anything that doesn't find a better place in the house, the closed pantry under the stairs will do.

    8. Stylish pantry hid indoors under the stairs

    9. Home garage. Bicycles, a stroller, a children's scooter or a toy car - they are often used and it is not very convenient to use the garage for permanent storage. This decision is especially justified if the staircase goes directly to front door... Modern mounting systems allow you to hang bicycles directly from a staircase or to a wall - very convenient, since it does not take up space on the floor, and it looks unusual.
    10. Good storage space for bicycles and strollers

    11. Wine Vault. The storage device for wine in the home can become optimal solution for houses on problem soils, where the standard basement structure cannot be performed. An interior with such an addition will look especially stylish.
    12. And under the stairs to ground floor you can place a collection of wines

    13. A place to store homemade products. Again, if your home doesn't have a basement, you can do it under the stairs. Then it is worth providing for some kind of doors to hide all your edible treasures. But this is very convenient solution because you don't have to leave the house every time you need another product.
    14. Retractable consoles for storing workpieces for the winter

    15. Place under washing machine and a clothes dryer. May contain drawers for storing detergents.
    16. The washing machine is hidden in a niche under the stairs.

    Use the space under the stairs correctly - you can be sure that your home decoration will benefit from it.

When designing or even already building a two-story or two-level house, it is recommended to immediately think over the questions of how to arrange the space under the stairs. The lead time will be especially important in cases where the useful use of this area will require the summing up of various engineering communications, the installation of which is carried out at the stage of foundation construction.

The features of the arrangement of the under-staircase space depend on several factors: on the location of the staircase itself, on its dimensions - width, height and length in the plan, on the possibility of bringing water supply and sewerage to this section, and, of course, on the planned general interior design.

Interesting solutions useful use there can be a lot of such seemingly "wasted space" - it can be built-in kitchen set, bookshelves, sleeping or working place, various wardrobes, dressers, pantry, hallway and even a bathroom.

Types of stairs, and what kind of space is formed under them

Before determining how you can use the space under the stairs, you need to choose its design, which will depend on how much space it will take in the house, and what area is formed under it.

There are many types of stairs, and the choice of a particular one depends primarily on what area for it can be allocated in the house. It should be understood that the more compact its design is, the less space is formed under it.

- it is necessary to provide for a rational arrangement of elements of kitchen furniture for comfortable processing of food and cooking, as well as for convenient washing of dishes.

In order to determine all these nuances, it is recommended to draw up detailed drawing indicating the place of arrangement of each of the elements, and affix all dimensions to scale. Even if it is a simple drawing, of the type shown in the figure, it will still be easier to navigate with it when drawing up a detailed plan of your kitchen under the stairs.

  • Bathroom.

Another rather difficult, but solvable task is the arrangement of the bathroom under the stairs.

If the staircase is on outside wall, then there should not be any special problems with the sewerage and water supply to the area below it.

In the case when there is a lot of space under the stairs, then it must be organized in such a way that a toilet bowl, a sink can be placed on it, as well as a mirror and towel racks can be fixed on the wall. Ideal if it also fits.

The increased complexity in organizing a bathroom in the under-staircase space is also due to the need to build a well-fitted door. In addition, it is very important for this room to provide and install effective ventilation, since condensation must not be allowed to accumulate on the walls, which will negatively affect wooden elements stairs.

It is better to decorate the bathroom in light colors and not choose large tiles, as it will visually make the room smaller. In addition, it is recommended to mount a mirror of a sufficiently large size on the wall - it will also contribute to the visual expansion of the room. An important point in this case is correct lighting- it is desirable to make it sufficiently intense.

  • Other options for arranging the space.

When arranging under the staircase of the hallway, sleeping place, cabinets, dressers, pantry, workplace or other options, a number of other nuances are taken into account:

- it will be necessary to carry out power supply and install a switch and a socket, organize sufficient lighting of the space;

- accessories of the necessary functionality, suitable in size, must be thought out;

- very important is the requirement that the ceiling of the room or the area under the stairs does not have cracks and gaps. The fact is that dust will inevitably collect under the steps, and when vibrating from steps, it can fall from above into the equipped space.

Video: several original solutions for the rational use of the under-ladder space

We do it ourselves - an original spacious wardrobe in the space under the stairs

One of the most popular ways to use understairs space is to install shelves or drawers. An example of how you can perform similar work under an existing staircase, with closed drywall space below it, will be discussed below.

Prices for wardrobes


Manufacturing and installation of the cabinet frame structure

In this case, the space will be arranged under small staircase, which means that the area under it will not be too spacious. But even such a small area can be used quite rationally.
Earlier, during the construction of the stairs to the second floor, the space under it was sheathed with sheets of drywall, some of which, by the way, can be used with benefit to create the future design.
The first step is to mark up previously installed sheets. On them with a ruler, building level and a pencil or marker, lines are drawn to define the area to be removed.
When making markings, it is necessary to take into account the height of the steps of the stairs, since they must remain closed with plasterboard sheathing.
In addition, the location of the guides of the frame structure, on which the drywall is fixed, is also taken into account. The areas where these elements are installed can be identified by the screwed in self-tapping screws.
Vertical lateral lines are drawn with an indent from the self-tapping screws by 25 ÷ 30 mm.
The upper line of the future cut should pass along the lower points of the steps and be parallel line cut drywall, fixed at the top points of the steps.
The middle part of the plasterboard sheathing is cut along the drawn lines - an electric jigsaw is perfect for this operation.
Here you need to take into account the fact that in places where the drywall is adjacent to the frame guides, it is cut off with a sharp construction knife, and the screws are unscrewed with a screwdriver.
After the excess drywall is removed, the remaining edges are trimmed with a hacksaw around the entire perimeter of the opening.
The vertical sides are cut exactly along the inner edge of the side vertical guides of the frame.
Also what will be deleted excess material, the edges of the resulting triangle, with a truncated lower acute angle, will also be aligned.
When finishing material will be removed, a space will open that needs to be equipped for installing a cabinet in it.
The cut drywall is temporarily removed for now, as it will now interfere with further work.
In addition to the empty space, a wooden frame structure, which must also be carefully partially dismantled.
Frame bars are cut along top line drywall at the same angle as the remaining drywall cladding.
The work is carried out with the help electric jigsaw or a reciprocating saw.
Cut off at the top vertical posts the battens are detached from the bottom horizontal bar, which must then also be carefully removed without damaging the floor covering.
Further, in the lower part of the truncated triangle, at its upper vertex, the angle is measured (in the case under consideration, it was 49 degrees).
This parameter is required for the end cut of the board, which will become one of the parts of the frame of the opening.
The board is taken 150 mm wide and 25 ÷ 30 mm thick.
The finished board, cut from the end at the desired angle, is tried on to the place of its attachment.
It must be installed exactly flush with the cut drywall.
Further, in the same way, with exact fit in the corners, the entire perimeter of the cut-out space is framed.
The boards are fixed between the scraps of the vertical racks remaining after dismantling.
As a result, the installed ones should get a solid inner surface, on which the external boards will then be fixed, which will create a "finishing" frame of the cut out opening.
This illustration well shows the resulting structure at this stage, after fixing the internal wooden lintels.
Then it is necessary to fix the cut edge of the drywall to them with self-tapping screws - this will achieve the maximum strength of the edges of the opening.
If necessary, another wooden lath is fixed from below to the stringer of the stairs in order to add thickness to it to the general level of the drywall line and the boards fixed immediately behind it.
Further, a board is fixed to the beam, installed vertically on the high side of the triangular opening, from its rear part.
It will be needed for fixing finished structure shelves.
The next step is to finish the cut-out opening.
To do this, along its entire perimeter, to the previously fixed internal boards, boards are installed and screwed, which should completely cover the unsightly picture of the drywall cut.
In order for the frame to look neat, the end parts of each of the boards are carefully adjusted to a certain, pre-measured angle.
Only in this case they will fit snugly together.
Before fixing these structural elements with self-tapping screws, their ends are coated with wood glue, and glued together at the corners.
In this case, the vertical boards are set according to the level - if an imbalance is found, then between the inner and external boards small spacers are made from thinner wooden wedges.
The next step, at the place of future installation, forms the frame of the front part of the shelf structure.
The boards intended for this are temporarily fixed to the opening framing boards already fixed to the stairs.
In addition, the frame boards are fastened together at the corners.
Further, on the temporary frame, the installation of the middle vertical bars is marked.
The markup is carried out using a building level.
These elements will be the facade for the walls of the shelf structure.
Then, the bars are cut at an angle of inclination of the stairs.
Their height should be equal to the distance between the top and bottom, horizontally installed board.
There should be two such jumpers, and they are installed at the same distance from each other and from the side posts, that is, the length of the opening is divided by exactly three.
Further, the temporarily fixed bars are removed from the opening, and from them on flat surface the front frame structure for the shelves is laid out.
Then they are finally, according to the marking, fastened together.
For the convenience of gluing individual parts into a single structure, short wooden blocks are evenly laid out under the mating parts.
They will also help to align the frame with one level.
This is how vertical bars are exposed and fixed, and then horizontal jumpers.
The cross members will determine the number of shelves or drawers. They are stacked between vertical rails so that the shelves installed in different sections of the structure are on the same level.
Of course, it is important to observe the perpendicularity of the parts to be connected.
The connection can be made different ways- these can be wooden chops (dowels, pins), saws and the installation of special fastening parts, for example, wooden dowels, on the glue.
After the entire structure is assembled and glued, it is clamped in clamps until the glue is completely dry.
This photo shows one of the elements, with the help of which individual bars are fastened into a common structure - a wooden dowel installed in the place of the connecting unit.
While the front of the frame of the structure is drying, you can start making partitions that will be installed between the rows of shelves.
They are made of plywood with a thickness of 10 ÷ 15 mm, on which a frame made of strips cut from the same plywood is fixed with glue.
These elements are needed to strengthen the rigidity of the partitions.
Glue is again applied to the fixed planks and another plywood sheet is glued on top of them.
The entire structure is additionally secured with brackets or self-tapping screws, and is compressed in thickness with clamps.
There are three such walls, in this case - they have different heights equal to the vertical bars of the front part of the structure frame, which was assembled earlier.
Their width should be equal to the depth of the space under the stairs.
The next step is to cut out the back wall, which will hold the partitions together.
In order not to be mistaken, the finished front frame is laid on a sheet of plywood, then outlined with a pencil, and then the necessary figure is cut out with a jigsaw.
Vertical partitions are held together by a common jumper - a board, which will fix them in the front part from above.
All planes must be set at the building level.
Then, the back side of the walls is also fastened along the top with a wooden strip.
After that, the rear plywood wall is tried on and fixed to the structure.
The structure turns and fits on the back, just fixed, wall, and the end sides of the front part of the dividing partitions are coated with glue.
The next step on top of the missed end sides is laid wooden frame front of the structure.
It is carefully leveled and then secured with self-tapping screws.
Now, with the help of glue, and then with self-tapping screws, you can fix the lowest wall, that is, the side wall on the truncated side of the triangle.
All glued parts of the structure are again fixed with clamps.
Further, on the inner walls, the location of the roller guides for the shelves is marked.
Two guides are temporarily fixed on both sides of the partition with a special retainer, which allows them to be set exactly in the desired plane and screwed perfectly evenly on the surface and in relation to each other.
In the next step, the guides are fixed on the walls with self-tapping screws 15 ÷ 17 mm long.
After the roller guides are fixed, a wide board is dismantled from the upper part of the structure, which provided temporary fixation of the frame, as it was unnecessary.
Instead, a prepared-sized plywood sheet with a thickness of 8 ÷ 10 mm is placed on the upper end sides of the partitions.
Plywood is fixed on the end sides of the partitions and side walls with staples or self-tapping screws.
In this photo you can see assembled structure completely, and appreciate its quality.
Then the finished frame is gently pushed into place - in the opening under the stairs.
Before finally fixing it, it is necessary to check the verticality of the installation again.
It's not too late to make small adjustments by placing thin wooden wedges in the right places.
After the structure is installed perfectly evenly and fixed, the gaps around its perimeter can be closed with a neat narrow glazing bead, and a decorative plinth can be fixed in the lower part.

Drawer manufacturing

Now we should consider several important points for the manufacture of drawers.

In this version, the master chose plywood 20 mm thick, but high-quality 10 mm material is also quite suitable for this purpose. Chipboards with a standard thickness of 16 or 18 mm are quite suitable for these purposes.

The main nuances in this process are the preparation of parts and their fastening, which will be discussed below.

The first step from the opening in which the box will be installed, the dimensions are removed - width, height and depth - according to which it will be made. In addition, you need to accurately determine the place of fixing the guides along which the shelf will walk.

IllustrationBrief description of the performed operation
According to the dimensions obtained, all the elements of the box are marked and drawn on the prepared plywood sheet.
It is very important to ensure that all corners are straight.
In the next step, all the details of the box are cut out, and their edges are processed to smoothness.
To ensure that the assembly of parts is even and strong, first the side walls are installed on the edges of the back, and their attachment point is drawn.
The same is done with the front wall.
The next step in the marked places is drilled through holes with a diameter of 8 mm for furniture confirmations (euro screws), through which the back and front walls will be screwed to the side ones.
There should be two such holes on each side.
By drilled holes the centers of the holes at the end of the side wall are outlined, with a diameter of 5 mm and a depth of about 50 mm.
The walls are assembled, confirmations are inserted into the holes, and then they are screwed using a screwdriver with a hexagon bit.
The other junction boxes of the drawer are assembled in the same way.
Confirmates will provide good structural rigidity. True, if plywood with a thickness of 10 millimeters or less is used for the manufacture of a box, then confirmations will not work, and you will have to use ordinary screws with a diameter of 3.5 ÷ 4 mm.
To find out whether the box is evenly assembled, it is necessary to measure and compare its diagonals - they must be of the same length.
Next, a hole is drilled in the front of the box through which the handle should be fixed to the panel.
I must say that very often an additional panel made of thinner plywood is attached to the front wall, but somewhat larger than the main wall. It is first glued, and then fixed with self-tapping screws from the inside of the box.
The size of the self-tapping screw must be selected so that it is 5 mm shorter than the total thickness of the front wall together with the front panel.
After fixing the handle, the bottom part is fixed to the box - usually this is done using self-tapping screws. The bottom panel will finally fix the box in the required rectangular configuration.
After that, the finished box can be subjected to the required finishing- stripping sandpaper fine grain, polishing, painting, varnishing, laminating, etc.
Sometimes this operation is left for the very completion of work.
The next step on the side walls of the box is marking, along the roller guides that were previously installed in the cabinet structure.
A careful fitting is made, and if it goes well, the guides can be fixed with self-tapping screws, the length of which should also not exceed 15 mm.
All boxes are assembled in the same way, and, as we have seen, their front panel can have more complex shape, and the height of the side walls is different. But this does not significantly affect the technology of their manufacture and assembly.
After that, it will already be possible to conduct general assembly cabinet and its final finishing with all accessories to perfection.
As a result, a beautiful and very functional piece of furniture appeared in the space under the stairs.

For the space under the stairs, cabinets and another, simpler one can be made, or vice versa - complex design, which, for example, slide out of the niches on wheels, and the division into separate sections and shelves is already made inside. The advantage of this option is that the cabinets can always be fully pulled out of the under-ladder niche in order to perform general cleaning inside it.

Even if there is enough space in the house for all the premises necessary for comfortable living, the space under the stairs will never be superfluous, and it must be used to the maximum rationally. The farm will always find a lot of useful things that their owners do not use every day, but they must have an established storage place. An equipped under-ladder niche is also perfect for this.

Therefore, when planning the construction of a two-story house and the wiring of communications along it, it is advisable to determine in advance whether and how the area under the stairs will be used. Well, with the final finishing, all this can be decorated in the same style as the room in which the staircase structure will be located. And then a competently equipped and beautifully designed useful space will organically, without burdening the interior, fit into the overall design, and sometimes even become an eye-catching "highlight" of the room.

Even though there is a large number free space in country houses, space saving never hurts. In these cases, the space of the window sill is converted into a place for storing small items, and a cabinet is made in the free space under the stairs. The wardrobe is an integral item in any home, therefore, it is necessary to have a complete understanding of the process of its installation.

Before starting the installation work, it is necessary to prepare the space, freeing the space under the stairs from all foreign objects, accumulated rubbish and, if there is a partition, disassemble it.

After completing all the preparation work, stock up the necessary tools and materials. These tools and materials include:

  • finishing material for the interior of the cabinet;
  • drill;
  • roulette;

  • electric grinder or jigsaw;
  • bars 5 * 5 cm;
  • material for the manufacture of facades.

Then think about how you can protect the flooring from possible damage that may occur during the execution. installation works... After that, you can start making a cabinet under the stairs with your own hands.

Finishing from the inside

There are a lot of options for finishing the cabinet from the inside. The wardrobe can function as a pantry with a variety of shelves, a wardrobe, or without any doors at all. It all depends on the flight of your imagination. Let's take a closer look at such a cabinet design, in which there is a wardrobe at the bottom of the stairs, and a pantry at the top.

The first step is to tackle the interior decoration of the future product and delimit it with a partition. The partition can be made from a sheet of drywall and beams with a section of 5 * 5. This is quite enough for the shelves to be reliable enough.

The bars are fixed with self-tapping screws, after which drywall is attached to them. Before making a cabinet under the stairs, stock up on enough drywall, since they should trim the partition on both sides.

It is advisable to purchase the material from which the shelves will be made in a hardware store. It can be finished goods, ordinary planed boards, or baskets.

Fasteners of beams under the shelves

It is impossible to imagine a wardrobe without shelves inside. The main thing is to know how to make them correctly:

  1. Prepare the blocks and shelves, and then measure the width of the cabinet. Saw off the required number of beams, the length of which should be equal to the width of the cabinet.
  2. The number of finished bars should be twice as many as future shelves. That is, to mount 5 shelves, you need 10 beams. The blocks are attached to the cabinet walls with self-tapping screws. Choose the distance between the shelves based on what you plan to put on them. Then place the shelves on the fixed blocks. To make the shelves more reliable, they can be screwed on with self-tapping screws.

You choose the installation parameters yourself, starting only from your own convenience of future stored things.

Having finished fixing the shelves for the wardrobe, proceed to equip the second half of the space under the stairs. Since the height is much less there, the work there will be more laborious.

There is nothing to attach the shelves to, so another partition will need to be made.

You should not try to use the space to the very bottom. At the minimum point of the ladder, you still won't be able to store anything, so your efforts will be wasted.

Make an indent from the very first step at least 70 cm and make a partition for fasteners.

Installation rules for sliding doors

Your product is in two halves, so you will need to install doors for each. Sliding wardrobe is equipped with two sliding doors, and the pantry has one swing.

You will greatly simplify your task if you invite a professional in advance who will do required measurements and customize door fronts and frames for you. Since each cabinet under the stairs is different in size, it will not be possible to simply purchase doors in the store.

Of course, you can try to make everything yourself, but the result is unlikely to please you, since it is difficult to achieve perfect evenness.

Installation door frame shouldn't bother you: all the details of the box are fixed on self-tapping screws, and the platbands are attached with construction glue or nails without caps. After that, hinges are put, and the door is hung.

Sliding doors are a little more difficult to assemble: first, the upper and lower rails are attached, then the rollers are screwed to the facades, and only then the doors are installed.

Having an idea of ​​how to make a cabinet under the stairs, there is nothing difficult in bringing your idea to life.


In an expensive country house, in the country house or in a bunk apartment, a built-in wardrobe under the stairs will always fit perfectly into the interior. It will not only save space, but can also become a highlight in the overall furniture design of the room. The cabinet under the stairs is a practical, original and stylish solution!

Types of built-in wardrobes

Based on the general design, the following types of cabinets can be distinguished:

  • Simple models with swing doorstraditional version cabinet with a wide variety of internal filling.
  • Coupe. More complex in relation to storage under the stairs, but also quite relevant.
  • Drawers under the stairs. Convenient for storing not only small items, but also bulky items, seasonal clothes.
  • Shelves under the stairs- a great option for arranging various interior details, as well as storing things that need quick access.
  • Showcases with glass. They will look very elegant and original, as well as protect the things behind them from dust settling, this is their undoubted advantage over open shelves.

A closet under the stairs in a private home is often a combination of the above types. Each design is unique and must meet the individual requirements of the owners.

How to choose a wardrobe under the stairs

So, you have decided to place a staircase with a built-in wardrobe in your house. When choosing the best option we recommend that you pay attention to the following criteria.


In the very classic version a ladder with a wardrobe is a single whole and are made of similar materials. However, depending on the design idea, various variations are possible. And the variety of materials offered by the modern market gives a wide scope for the embodiment of the most interesting ideas. What can a cabinet be made of?

  • Natural wood different breeds - the undisputed leader. Solid wood furniture looks expensive, high-status and is capable of ennobling any room. The main disadvantage is the high price. However, over time, you will understand that the costs were not in vain, the wooden cabinet will serve you for more than a dozen years, perfectly preserving its beautiful appearance. Economical option will be using furniture veneer. It is made from natural wood but much cheaper.
  • Chipboard - more cheap option... Lightweight, durable, moisture resistant material. Walls, shelves, a base for mirrors, etc. are made from it.
  • MDF . Durable, environmentally friendly, resistant to moisture, superior to wood in strength. Easy to mill, which will allow you to create parts with an original pattern. It can be painted in any shade.
  • Bamboo . Gaining more and more popularity within the framework of the creation of eco-interiors. It is beautiful, lightweight, resistant to external factors, and environmentally friendly. Furniture made with bamboo is distinguished by an amazing combination of classics and exoticism, looks incredibly stylish and has a special energy.
  • Rattan another eco-friendly, durable, lightweight, practical and incredible beautiful material... Will fit into any interior style. However, it should not be used in rooms with high humidity or near heating appliances, open flames.
  • Glass is not an aging classic. It is environmentally friendly, beautiful, and will add sophistication and lightness to the design. It is desirable that the glass used in storage systems under the stairs be protected with a special film glued from the inside. Then, if the glass breaks, the fragments will not fly around. Triplex - glass highly resistant to mechanical stress - is somewhat more expensive, but also much more reliable. Stained-glass windows will look very elegant and impressive.
  • Acrylic - in comparison with glass, cheaper and more durable. Easy enough to handle.
  • A mirror is a great way to visually enlarge a room. Mirrored doors have additional functionality and are simply beautiful. They can be decorated, tinted or sandblasted. Graphite mirrors look very stylish.


The configuration and filling of the cabinet are selected individually, depending on the design of the staircase, the room where it is located, the required functionality and overall design.


An excellent solution in terms of space saving. Outerwear, seasonal items, shoe boxes, umbrellas, bags, hats do not always fit into closets located in bedrooms and hallways, and a dressing room under the stairs will help make their storage as comfortable as possible.

This option assumes closed structures with various combinations of elements. A very good solution would be a wardrobe under the stairs. Internal wardrobe configuration can include sections different sizes and forms. These can be shelves, drawers, roll-out sections, rods in one or two rows, baskets. Instead of sliding doors, you can also use conventional swing doors. Low drawers can be built directly into the steps. Several pairs of shoes will fit perfectly in them.


It can combine drawers under the stairs, open shelves, pull-out elements. Such a storage system will conveniently accommodate various household items, household items, canned food. Here, on special fasteners, you can place the vacuum cleaner, ironing board, a mop, a children's ice sled, and even a small bicycle or scooter.

Living room wall. This option is possible provided that the stairs are well positioned. It will combine small hinged or roll-out drawers, open shelves and racks on which decor items will be placed. You can envisage a niche equipped with a special mount for a TV.

Library. A bookcase under the stairs will look gorgeous. If the owners are connoisseurs of books and have a solid library, this design will allow you to conveniently place the collection, saving space and decorating, for example, the living room or hallway, if the staircase is located there. Of course, books will look most advantageous on shelves from noble tree, but simpler materials are also suitable, the main thing is that the cabinet harmoniously fits into general style rooms.

Bar under the stairs can become a real highlight of a private house. It will elegantly fit into the interior of the living room, bring coziness and will be a spectacular location at various receptions and buffets. Quite often, bottle holders or showcases are placed under the stairs to store a collection of wines.

Wine Vault. It is rather an option of a storage system not under, but above the stairs. But we can't help but mention it here, as the spiral staircase, surrounded by wine racks, looks great without a doubt.

Kitchen set sometimes, too, it can quite successfully sit under the stairs that descend into the dining room.

Working space under the stairs may not be the most comfortable option. Here you will hardly be able to retire and isolate yourself from the environment for quiet work. However, under certain conditions it can be a good solution to the problem of a shortage of free space.

How to make a closet under the stairs

V this issue you can trust experienced specialists who will design and manufacture a structure according to your individual parameters, or make a cabinet under the stairs with your own hands.

Let's divide this process into stages.

Niche preparation

Here it is important to decide whether the storage system will take up all the space under the stairs or only part of it. In most cases, the niche is a triangle, and the section in the area of ​​the lower acute corner will not be complete. You can place a draw-out box for small things, a niche for interior parts there, or completely abandon it by sewing up this space tightly.

The same goes for the top corner. It can complicate the situation if, for example, you have chosen the option with compartment doors. It can also be eliminated by creating a rectangular area under this space for a standard cabinet, or used as a shelf or drawer in an irregular shape.

The standard depth of an ordinary cabinet is 65 cm, the width of the staircase is much larger. If you equip all the free space under the stairs under the closet, the sections will turn out to be very deep. In the case of storing large and rarely used items, this will be very useful. But for a wardrobe, for example, this option is not very convenient - you will have to reach for the things located at the back wall. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the depth of the sections to the standard one by sewing the back wall or leaving a part of the under-ladder space in front of the cabinet free.

The load-bearing elements must necessarily be the staircase and the walls of the room themselves. Gibsokartonovaya and other cladding may not support the weight of structural elements.

Internal filling

Taking into account the selected model and the requirements for the functionality of the cabinet under the stairs, a detailed drawing plan is created. On it, mark the dimensions of the length, width and depth of all sections. Do not forget to take into account the thickness of the partitions. The internal configuration of the cabinet should include the optimal number of sections of the required dimensions.

If part of the space is supposed to be used for outerwear, we recommend making two niches: in one you will hang clothes that you wear during this period, in the other you will store things for other seasons. The booms can be arranged in one or two rows if the height permits.

Leave the distance between the shelves about 30 cm, if it is a bookcase, then 25 cm will be enough. The length of the mezzanine should not exceed 1 m, if you want to make it longer, make sure that it has a support every meter.

If you are going to store in a closet linens, it is better to use baskets. In them, the linen will be perfectly ventilated, keeping it fresh.

The entire internal structure of the cabinet can be assembled from chipboard (thickness 16 mm) using confirms and self-tapping screws for the screed. Cut the components exactly to size according to the drawing.

Lighting can be provided in the storage system. Illuminated showcases look great, however, in the wardrobe, a light bulb will also not be superfluous. The fact that electricity was supplied to the closet should be taken care of in advance, preferably even at the stage of finishing the common room with a staircase.


In the process of making a cabinet under the stairs with your own hands, you can use swing doors, coupe, cargo systems, by choosing one option or by successfully combining them.

Do not forget that swing doors need enough room to open freely. For a cabinet under the stairs, this is the easiest option to install. However, in conditions of a lack of space, as well as in order to increase the comfort of use, they resort to coupe designs. The difficulty is that if the door leaf is exactly the same as the space under the stairs, some of them will not be able to walk freely on the rails. Therefore, most often the niche for the cabinet is reduced to a rectangular one, or one corner is left beveled. An excellent solution there will be a combination of such doors with one or more hinged or drawers, shelves.

Louvered facades look very impressive in a country house or in the country. They will also contribute to better ventilation of the understairs storage system.

In order for the cabinet to serve you long years, it is necessary to use a reliable sliding system... The sliding mechanism consists of rails, rollers and metal profile... Aluminum components have much more advantages in comparison with steel ones (lighter, unlimited color palette, the ability to use a soft-close closer), but they also differ in a higher price. The length of the doors should not be more than 1 m, this will not create too much stress on the fittings and will increase its service life.

A ladder with cargo drawers is an incredibly comfortable storage system option. You can build boxes or baskets on telescopic ball or roller guides of any configuration.

All components can be purchased in stores specializing in the sale of furniture fittings. Installation is carried out according to the instructions.

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Our company promotes an interesting and practical interior project as a universal model of a wardrobe under the stairs. Pull-out wardrobe
, consisting of several storage modules, which are compactly and organically hidden under flight of stairs... The concept is far from new. However, in our case, much attention is paid to retractable mechanisms and finishing of pull-out modules.

This deserves special approval and sets us apart from other manufacturers of similar furniture. Also, a distinctive feature is the advancement mechanisms. Applicable patented the runners are nou-hau and allow even a child to use the wardrobe without effort. An electrically driven version of the drawer is available.

In each of the modules, due to the great depth of the stairs, many things and objects can fit that did not have a place in the closets or dressing room. Or if there is a need for quick access to a certain category of things. For example, a wardrobe in the hallway, as a clothing and shoe or as a household wardrobe.
In addition, the presence of a storage system such as StairsCloset, can save the room itself in the house where the staircase is located, or adjacent rooms from cumbersome separately standing cabinets providing more free living space for you.

And the color of the spacious sections built into it, matched as much as possible to the stairs, makes the structure less bulky and easy for visual perception.
In addition to spacious shelves, pull-out modules can accommodate clothes hangers, mesh systems for storing shoes, drawers, specialized furniture fittings and other volumes for household accessories.

As already noted, the extension mechanisms are easy and very reliable in operation, so even a child can use them. This feature, the quality of the pull-out mechanisms, allows you to use the capacity of the cabinet to accommodate the children's department, for example, for toys.

The indisputable advantage of this a good decision its not high cost is also. For various interiors we offer facades matching in color and style. And we recommend
various convenient options internal filling systems Ladder Wardrobe.

/ Pushkin district. Vacation home. Wardrobe under the stairs with pull-out shoe sections. Cost 52.000 (Video on our channel)

/ Novogorsk. Townhouse. Pull-out cabinets for household use under a wooden staircase. Price 37.000 (Video on our channel)

/ Podolsk region. Cottage. Pull-out wardrobe under the stairs in the hallway. For outerwear and footwear. (Price 95.000) Video on our Channel

/ Istra district. Private Wooden House. A simple small cabinet with deep utility drawers. The facades are made of Larch, similar to the style of the stairs from the same material. Cost 48.000

/ Vnukovo. Bristol. Wardrobe under the stairs. Sliding pedestals and swing doors. Cost 80.000

/ Leninsky district. Cottage. Wardrobe under the stairs with pull-out sections combined with an open hallway. Cost 124.000