Repairs Design Furniture

Self assembly of the cabinet. Cabinet assembly tips

Actually independently collect a wardrobe Not so difficult, if you stick to a certain sequence.

Assembling Cabinet Case Couple Basic Principles

Decide how to collect a wardrobe coupe - in a lying or standing position

Take one of the extreme household walls of the cabinet and raise it as if you raise the collected wardrobe, keep in mind that the height of the cabinet coupe will be higher with a covered roof.

If the side wall does not hurt the ceiling angle, then the cabinet can be collected in a lying position, which will make it easier to feed the Fiberboard, and the compartment wardrobe will be completely simple.

Install the tips or mortise parts in the side walls

Before assembling cabinet coupe Details decompose in order of use when assembling, drive the tips or screw the mortise supports into the side walls.

For what the tips or support are needed - if the side walls are installed immediately to the floor, then when washing the floors, there will be a direct contact of the chipboard with water and, accordingly, the edge and swelling of the chipboard will occur.

Plastic adjustable supports

Plastic supports are the same as in the kitchens, and allow you to adjust the wardrobe with a height of the assembly. In addition to this function, when the cabinet load is loaded, the supports will not let fall and break the bottom of the cabinet.

Although there is a different approach: the sidewalls are based on the bottom of the cabinet, and the bottom on the base box or put immediately at the bottom to the floor. You can also meet such designs.

The size of the deposition of supports from the rear edge of the bottom depends on the width of the plinth and is about 50 mm. The front supports are fastened to the front supports, everything is very similar to both in the kitchen. By the way, the base is also an extra support for the bottom of the cabinet coupe.

The depth of installing the front support depends on how much you want to "trigger" the base, usually about 30 mm.

Cabinet Couple Case Build Sequence

The closet must begin to collect from the sidewall connection with the bottom. To begin with, assemble the design according to the drawing. This design has already defined stability and rigidity. If you do not follow this rule, the side walls and cabinet coupe will be raised and cut the confirmates, while the bottom and partitions are fired.

The last element installed is the roof of the cabinet.

Fig. eight. Installation of the roof of the cabinet coupe

Bringing the back wall DVP to the closet

Rear wall screw sequence when assembling a cabinet coupe

Fiberboard is screwed around the cabinet perimeter, to intermediate vertical walls and horizontal walls.

Before screwing the Fiberboard, it is necessary to set a closet diagonally to diagonal a \u003d c. The discrepancy in the diagonal is allowed to maximize 5 mm, otherwise there will be problems when installing boxes and sash.

DVP start mounting on top, check diagonal. If the diagonals are uneven, then align in a small press on the side wall.

After checking the diagonals, fix one of the corners and check the diagonally again. If the diagonal "left", then unscrew the corner and exhibit the diagonal anew. Further finish fiberp On the perimeter of the cabinet and the axes of the details of internal filling. 110 -200mm screwing step.

In the lower guide, it is enough to make 2 -4 holes along the axis.

Fastening the upper and lower guides for the door of the coupe

First, fasten the upper guide, so that it does not perform for the side wall of the cabinet compartment.

Services in professional assembly of furniture today are available to everyone. However, many men want to do everything on their own, and not so much of the savings, how much of interest. Detailed instructions, how to assemble a closet, very useful in such a situation.

Features of furniture

Before proceeding with the assembly, you need to know the features of the cabinet with which you have to work. By type of design, the cabinet can be:

  • All-class.It can be put anywhere. He has walls, bottom, rear wall and lid;
  • Built-in.It is put in niche. He may have no walls, lid and gender. Their role is performed by the walls of the room;
  • Partially built-in.He may have no pair of details, but not all. For example, the cabinet to the entire wall, which has the role of the bottom and the cover of the floor and the ceiling of the room.

By the type of doors distinguish:

  • traditional swing cabinets;
  • wardrobes;
  • models with lifting doors;
  • models with door-harmonica;
  • cabinets without doors.

The form differences:

  • straight;
  • corner;
  • radius cabinets.

Your future cabinet can be typical, created to order or nationally from different modules. It can have inserts from glass, mirrors or decorative panels. Each of these models will have their own features of the assembly that needs to be taken into account.


Before assembly, it is necessary to carefully inspect the installation site of the cabinet. With the help of the construction level, evaluate the floor and walls in this place in this place. As far as possible, remove the shortcomings: the smaller the surface will be, the more reliably the wardrobe will be in place.

Be sure to decide the question with a plinth. If your cabinet has a rear area of \u200b\u200bplinth environments - perfectly. If not - either make it, or remove the plinth so that the furniture stood exactly the wall.

Prepare tools for assembly:

  • Screwdriver, screwdrivers of different types;
  • Perforator (may be needed for mounting the built-in cabinets);
  • Line, roulette, construction level, "corner";
  • Pencil or marker;
  • A hammer;
  • Fasteners: nails, bolts, screws, dowel-plugs, etc. To fasten parts from furniture shields, you will need confirmates (Eurovintages), if furniture from LDSP or chipboard will be suitable for selflessness);
  • To bonding a number of parts you will need glue, and for mounting the finishing edge - iron.

It is desirable that at hand there was a closet assembly scheme with a description of all parts. If you have a factory instruction, read it carefully.

Total sequence of work

To collect a wardrobe correctly, it is best to take the case with the assistant. An ordinary wardrobe can be collected immediately at the wall, and you can collect the box on the floor. Specialists recommend the second option, because it turns out even more. True, not in every room is enough for this place.

First, the bottom, side walls, lid are connected. Then the rear wall is fastened (it is usually done from the slim sheet of DVP).

Next gather shelves. Usually they are attached to special corners and are collected from the bottom up. If the shelves are complex (for example, with partitions), they are better to collect them on the floor, and then on the finished form to mount into the closet.

In the closet for clothing, kitchen or wardrobe, there are often exit shelves, which roll forward for the convenience of use. There are special fittings for them. These are usually guides with small rollers. A guide is attached to the side walls of the cabinet, and the shelf is a detail with a roller.

The most important thing is that the guides are fixed exactly at one height, and the guide that goes into the depths of the cabinet, was located strictly horizontally.

According to the similar scheme, metal baskets are attached (for linen, accessories or shoes) if they are put forward. If fixed baskets, a metal holder is installed for them, and then they are hooked with hooks.

Retractable boxes are a separate topic. The frame of the drawer is going outside. For this, the side and rear wall are bonded. Then attached the bottom. After the facade of the future drawer, the handle is attached, and then everything together connects with the box.

On the side walls of the cabinet, to which the box will be attached to the metal guide is installed. The side walls of the drawer joins the right height of the second part of the guide with a small wheel.

The drawer with a folding lid is done with the facade and gas lift. First, the handle is attached to the facade, then fittings are installed. Most often to the sidewalls of the future box, the round part is fastened with a sleeve, and the facade is a hook fox.

The skill of the installation of retractable and folding boxes will help you make a wardrobe with a bedside table. Built-in stand below is usually made up of a large width shelves, which are closed with swing or folding doors.

After shelves and boxes can be installed in the closet of the rod, if they are provided by the scheme.

If you collect a built-in wardrobe, most fixtures will be attached directly to the wall. You can make it without the rear wall - then to the walls just need to attach the sidewalls (if you do not niche) and the shelves. If you want the built-in locker to look more solid, make the back wall of the Fiberboard sheet.

When all the filling of the cabinet is assembled, you can start the installation of the doors.

Door installation

Even at the design of the cabinet, it is worth thinking about the number of doors. This is a very important point in terms of convenience of using furniture. If the doors are swollen, the cabinet will be divided into sections. For each section "answers" or a separate door, or a pair of doors. For example, a four-rich cabinet may have 4 narrow sections, and may have two broader. To open the whole section, you need to open two doors at once. It is convenient for wardrobes, since in a wide section can be placed, for example, a long rod for clothes.

Swing Deries are attached vertically to the side walls of the cabinet. For their installation, loops will be required. Today on sale there are several types of door furniture loops. They are designed for different materials and work in different ways.

If you have factory accessories, use only it. If you designed a closet yourself, it is best to consult in a specialized store of furniture fasteners. The fact is that the number and type of door loops is determined by the material from which the canvas is made, as well as its weight and length. For example, for the average for the size of the facade 1.5-2 meters long, 3 loops will be needed, which will need to be attached to an equal distance from each other. In order not to load the vertical supports of the cabinet too much, it is not recommended to make the sash wider than 65 centimeters.

If the cabinet has glass doors, for them you need to pick a special fastener. There are hinges that require drilling glass, and there are those that simply clamp it. For heavy doors, it is better to prefer the first option.

When installing it is very important to accurately measure the attachment points on the door and on the wall of the cabinet - only the door will be perfectly smoothly. First, the loop is fastened to the door, then the door is substituted with the closet and a mark is made on the side wall, where the retaliation of the loop will be attached. It is very convenient to do this if the looping mechanism can be disassembled: both parts are attached to the wood separately, and then the loop is connected.

The door coupe is a bit more complicated in the installation. There are different sliding mechanisms. The most common option is: on top and bottom installed guides "Rails", and on the doors at the bottom and the rollers are attached.

First you need to cut off the upper aluminum profile. In shape it is W-shaped. This is done exactly in the width of the cabinet opening from the edge to the edge, regardless of the width of the flaps. Next, you need to chop in the profile of the hole under fastener at an equal distance from each other (4.5-6 cm) after that the profile is attached to the cabinet lid.

These special mechanisms will restrain the doors from "slipping" when the cabinet is closed. On the left side, they are attached to the recess on the profile on the left, with the right - right.

Next, the bottom profile is applied to the bottom of the cabinet (and if the cabinet is built-in directly to the floor). It is not necessary to mount it. Together with the assistant, insert the first door to the top profile. It follows from that sash that will "ride" from behind. The top wheel of the door should get into the rear "rail". Then you need to gently clamp the lower wheels and insert them into the rear groove of the lower guide. Similarly, the second (front) sash is inserted.

When both doors are in place, make sure they cost smoothly. If necessary, adjust the position of the lower profile. After that, you can fix the lower guide. The final barcode is sticking on the door on the side of special brushes, which will soften the doors blows about the wall of the cabinet.

To date, every wishes can make a wardrobe with their own hands, orders all the necessary materials in specialized companies. This piece of furniture is one of the most popular, as it has a number of benefits. If you also want to install in your apartment it is a convenient storage for different things, you need to read this article to the end, and you will learn how to collect a wardrobe coupe yourself.

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade furniture

Purchase or order a finished cabinet is much easier than collecting it with your own hands, but in fact there is nothing complicated. An independent assembly according to drawings has a number of benefits, such as:

  1. Savings up to 10% of funds that you would give to specialists for the assembly.
  2. When assembling furniture, with your own hands, it will fully answer your requirements.
  3. The house does not have to let out of foreign people.
  4. You can collect furniture at a time that you are comfortable, and not to collectors.
  5. In the eyes of friends and loved ones your credibility, as the masters for all hands, will increase.

With self-assembly, the cabinet according to the drawings or photo do not forget that this work has some drawbacks, namely:

  1. It is impossible to avoid unforeseen costs that are associated with the purchase of materials that you can ruin by mistake. You also need a set of special tools.
  2. The absence of an assistant who will help you when this will be needed (to hold the shelf, feed the self-tapping screw).
  3. It takes the time for the assembly with your own hands, which you will leave at times more than an experienced specialist.

If all the listed difficulties are not scared you, and you are resolutely configured, let's figure it out in more detail how to collect a wardrobe yourself yourself?

Selection of place and definition of sizes

Decide where you set the future cabinet, and make measurements. To do this, you will need some set of accessories:

  • roulette;
  • paper;
  • plumb;
  • pencil.

First you need to measure the distance between the two walls where the cabinet will be installed. Measurements should be taken from below, for greater accuracy. You should also determine the distance from the floor to the ceiling to the left and right, finding out the height of the furniture. It is necessary to do this from two sides, as far from always the walls are quite smooth. It is necessary to roughly define the depth of the cabinet. On paper, draw a rectangle and write down the sizes of future furniture. Exact dimensions will be required later.

Sketch of the cabinet

Visit several furniture stores by taking a sheet with me with measurements. Look at different models of cabinets and decide which specifically you want to make with your own hands. You can also see photos on our website. From sellers in stores you can find out the specifics of the materials used, fittings and components. If the time is missing, invite your designer home. For a certain fee, you will be advised by materials and create a sketch of future furniture.

Detailed drawing

To create a detailed drawing, you will need a school skill or some computer program for designing furniture. Not everyone is needed, so you can always choose the first option.

On a sheet of paper A3, a drawing of the future cabinet should be made, shutting up all the details and indicating their dimensions. At the same time, consider that from the walls should be made by about 1 cm, and from the ceiling to retreat at least 3 cm and from the floor - at least 10 cm. This is required in order for the cabinet to fit into the assembled niche. From the floor it is necessary to retreat so that the cabinet stood on special legs with adjustment in height. After applying all the shelves and boxes on paper, all items should be distributed to the table, specifying all the sizes.

Production of cabinet elements

Having a detailed drawing of future furniture on the hands, contact the company, whose specialists will cut out for you from the chipboard, mirrors or glass items you need. You can also purchase all spare parts, accessories and materials that may be required.

Of the additional materials for the assembly of a wardrobe, with their own hands on a photo or drawing, you will need the following:

  • confirmates called Eurovints;
  • drill for evrohovints;
  • universal screw with a countersunk head 2.5x12 mm;
  • adjustable legs;
  • furniture corners for shelves;
  • door opening system.

Recently, the popularity has increased on the system of topping the doors, but it is better to choose the usual aluminum mechanism that has become traditional.

Cabinet assembly

From all the accessories and parts that you get, you will need to make a wardrobe through the photo. During the day, it is unlikely to do everything, since the process is quite laborious. For the assembly you will need the following set of tools:

  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • screwdriver.

DNA installation

The assembly always starts with the bottom setting. On the bottom, facing the floor, you need to install legs in two rows of 3 pieces. They should be securely secured with screws. Middle row of legs need to be placed on the axis of movement of door canvases. Turn the design and push into a prepared niche where the cabinet is planned to be installed. With the help of a construction level and legs with the possibility of adjustment, align the design in the horizontal plane. After that, the base should be pulled out for subsequent assembly.

Filling of bot walls

The side walls should be attached to the ceiling of the cabinet using confirmates. There should be a design of the P-shaped form, which must be put on a pre-prepared basis, and secure from the bottom of the confirm. Collect the closet is necessary in the position in which it will stand in your niche.

Installing the back

It is necessary to take the back closet of the future wardrobe and attach it to the overall design of screws. To increase the rigidity of the frame, you can fix several shelves with the help of ebroins, and to kill the back wall to them. The resulting frame can be accurately inserted into a niche.


Using the corners purchased in the store, secure the shelves. To do this, you need to attach the corners and set the cut shelves on them, as well as set the drawers of the retractable structure.

Holding doors

Sliding doors must be installed at the very end. It is necessary to align the outer edge of the aluminum guides and attach them from below and on top to the base of the furniture. One you need to insert the doors: first start the top into the guide installed on top, and then put on the lower guide bottom roller.

So, your wardrobe should now be completely ready, and you remains to fill it with useful things.

To collect any wardrobe (ready-made serial, purchased in size to order or built-in), there are two options: order an assembly when buying a wardrobe or collect the cabinet yourself. The built-in wardrobe fits in the size of the room, so it is quite difficult to collect it. In this case, it is worth contacting the professional collector so that the cabinet will be assembled without defects, and therefore served for a long time. To build a separate cabinet enough and its forces. Cabinet furniture is usually collected without any problems, moreover, detailed instructions with a description of the number of parts and the order of the assembly are always attached to the finished furniture.

Before starting an assembly, check for the presence of the necessary tools. Main - screwdriver, hammer and hex key. You may also need a laser level to check the flatness of the floor, the square for checking direct corners and roulette. By connecting the box with the details of the cabinet, check their design matching and the number of fittings. It is also worth ensiting for the absence of chips, scratches and other defects on the panels. Pay attention to the instructions: To properly collect the wardrobe, the scheme must be correct. Compliance of the instruction and the model of the cabinet-compartment is checked by a short designation based on the number of doors and filling type. For example, SC-2.1 is a 2-door cabinet with a filling option No. 1.

How to assemble a wardrobe mechanism

The ready-made serial wardrobe is assembled in the following order:

1. A separate base is mounted - immediately with the cabinet floor. After assembling the base, it is worth postponing away: it will be needed with further assembly.

2. The frame of the case is assembled, which consists of side challenges, ceiling and floor (with basement). It is best to collect frame on the floor if the cabinet is small.

3. The cabinet case is installed in a vertical position. Stems for splitters-flippers are attached to the side walls and partitions, and the shelves are installed.

4. With the help of the roulette, the equality of the diagonals of the cabinet is checked - you can determine that there is no distortion.

5. The wardrobe rests on the floor again, after which the rear wall is fixed, and the cabinet is installed in place.

6. Holders for rods are attached to the side walls and partitions, then the rods are fixed.

7. If the cabinet filling consists not only of rods and shelves, modules are collected with drawers: first set the base and lid of the module and the guides in the cabinet housing, then the retractable boxes themselves are collected and put in the closet.

How to collect a wardrobe more than 3 meters wide

2-door wardrobe assemble easier than the 3-door: too wide wardrobe hard to move during the assembly and constantly transfer from horizontal position to vertical. Wide cabinets in most cases are embedded, the assembly of which is engaged in a professional collector. To build a wide cabinet for order to order, too, better call the collector: in fact, to assemble the wardrobe, the price is not high and mainly depends on the complexity of the design.

But if you ordered a separate wider wardrobe and want to assemble it yourself, when assembling, follow several rules:

The wide cabinet is assembled in the same order as the cabinet of the usual width;

To avoid damage to the panels, the wide wardrobe is better to collect in a vertical position;

It is necessary to check the absence of distortions more often.

How to assemble sliding doors for a wardrobe

After assembling the cabinet case, it remains only to install the sliding doors system: guides and doors themselves. First, the guides are attached: the upper and lower, and it is necessary to follow, so that there is no inconsistency between them and the distortion, otherwise the doors will be stuck or at least creak.

The number of doors does not affect the assembly method. Instructions, how to collect a wardrobe 2-door and 3-door, with respect to the door system the same:

1. For a long door, the top edge of the door is started into the long-air guide, and the rollers are installed in the long-range guide.

2. To install the near door, the same process is repeated.

3. Using the hex key, the doors are adjusted so that they do not flip.

4. It is checked, smoothly do the doors.

After that, you can lay things in a new wardrobe. Collect the wardrobe with your own hands or call the collector - this question is worth deciding during the purchase of a closet to negotiate in advance with the collector at a convenient time for you.

Popular wardrobes

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To begin with, explore the place where your closet will be put. If the wall, the floor or ceiling have some features, for example, in this place there is a pipe of the water pipeline, or there is a niche. Then you need how your closet will look like. Apply all sizes: height, width, wardrobe depth. Do not forget that 10 cm must be added to the desired indoor space, since the wardrobe is "eaten". Draw all the shelves that you want to install in the closet, mark them and their size too. It is best to plan the internal space of the cabinet as follows: the upper shelf-, separation for the top, the shelves for underwear on all family members, from the bottom - the shelf for shoes. So, the drawing in which you drew the schemes of all the parts of the cabinet is ready, it remains only to buy material, place it, cut it or cut, buy accessories and collect.

But before you go to the store, make up the assembly instructions. In it, step by step write the process of assembling all the parts, all the necessary accessories, which will also be needed. After all, it will be offended when when assembling it turns out that it will have to disassemble and collect anew.

The next stage is the purchase of materials, tools and accessories. In principle, it does not need special tools for assembling a wardrobe, if you have a standard set (hammer, screwdrivers with a different sting form), then it is enough for you. From the fittings you will need metal corners, dowels, self-tapping screws, rollers and guides for the coupe. The easiest material for the cabinet is a laminated chipboard. You can cut the boards in the construction supermarket itself if it provides such a service. So the mud at home will be less and the tools are professional you will not need.

Now the most important thing is to build a cabinet. Put the board on the floor, which will be the foundation of your cabinet. Attach the side boards with the help of dowels and corners - three on each side. In the same way, attach them to the wall, observing the horizontal and verticality of the attachments. If 1 compartment for hangers is provided in your closet, then the next fastener is a vertical board, which will split the cabinet space. Shelves are better to do non-removable so that they do not constantly fall. Since we are built on the closet, then let it all be fixed. Fresh shelves on the same corners and selflessness.

The most difficult thing is to install the doors to the guides. First screw the guides from the bottom to the screw. Do it strictly in terms of the level, otherwise the doors will take off the inclined. It is impossible to cope with the insertion of doors, so be sure to call assistants. You need to insert both doors together, put on them upper guides. Be sure to get to the lower guides. When the doors are inserted, alternately move the doors and screw the upper guide to the screw.

As you can see, collect the wardrobe yourself is independently difficult, but quite real.

Video on the topic
