Repair Design Furniture

A drawing of a miracle shovel and detailed instructions for making it. Digger for the lazy Miracle pitchfork drawings and dimensions

The owners of summer cottages, vegetable gardens and private houses are looking forward to the start of spring field work. The harvesting season begins. Then lovers of manual labor take up shovels and pitchforks - objects without which it is impossible to dig up the ground, plant or dig something into it. But their work is accompanied by lower back pain and enormous physical exertion. Today, thanks to the latest technical developments, it is possible to reduce the load on the muscles, and to speed up the work process several times. After all, scientists or ordinary people who are tired of tormenting and overworking have developed a supernova - a miracle shovel.

Here it is: a miracle of technology

The above tool is a combination of a ripper and a common fork. Such a shovel works on the principle of a lever. Its main details are:

  • stalk;
  • front and back support;
  • fasteners;
  • ripper pitchfork;
  • forks for digging.

If you just look at such a device, then you will not immediately tell how to handle it. Therefore, it is difficult to describe it. If you read user reviews, the miracle shovel becomes an understandable tool, and it is clear that there is absolutely nothing complicated about this unit. The main part of it is the traditional pitchfork, to which we are all accustomed. A handle is attached to them, and from different sides there is a rear stop mechanism. Another pitchfork is in the front. They, together with the main "brothers" converge in the castle. Their main purpose is to break up clods of earth. If the soil on the site is compacted or clayey, then this process is quite in demand. A front stop mechanism is attached to the ripper. Thanks to him, the shovel is stable, and the whole device resembles scissors: they crush large earth clods into small lumps. They, in turn, are fairly easy to level using an ordinary gardening rake.

The miracle shovel is mainly used on large land plots, but it can also be used in small areas. The miracle shovel, a photo of which can be viewed in our article, speeds up the digging process and makes this process much more convenient.

What are the miracle shovels

There are three types of miracle shovels: ordinary, such as "Mole" and type "Plowman". This division is carried out depending on what additional parts are present on the tool and what is the depth of loosening.

Reviews (the miracle shovel has already managed to collect them in large quantities) suggests that ordinary devices are made at home. They have a main pitchfork and a backgauge. This makes it possible to reduce the load and increase the digging speed several times, but it will not be an effective tool for breaking up piles of earth. Such a tool can only work on regularly cultivated soils - chernozems. In order to loosen the ground, there is a miracle shovel "Plowman". It was invented specifically for this purpose. For deep digging, experts have developed a miracle shovel "Mole". The depth of her bayonet reaches 25 centimeters or more.

Tilling the land is simple and easy

In order to cultivate the land not only quickly, but also efficiently, a ripper was invented - a miracle shovel. Agriculture is a rather important part of production, because agricultural products have always been, are and will be in demand. Therefore, innovative developments in the agricultural sector, such as the miracle shovel (ripper), cause extraordinary excitement.

The ripper is a handy and reliable tool. Thanks to the presence, ease of loosening the earth is achieved. At the same time, little physical costs are required. Thus, the miracle shovel can be used by elderly people and people suffering from diseases of the spine. The mechanism of such a device is simple, as they say, like a door: the earth is loosened by two pitchforks that move towards each other. In addition, the shovel does not need to be turned over during this process.

Using such a ripper (the miracle shovel gets the most enthusiastic reviews), you can cultivate the soil to a depth of 20 centimeters. At a time, the tool can process a piece of land one bed wide, which is from 10 to 20 centimeters.

Ripper "Mole"

Miracle shovel "Mole" is a gardening tool with a harmonious and uncomplicated design. It includes a frame, two opposing forks and a horizontal support. There is a footrest on top, so the forks can easily be driven into the ground. When the ground being picked up rises, the force is applied downward. "Mole" aims to eliminate the load on the back. When working with the Krot miracle shovel, you do not need to lift anything. It is only necessary to press the pitchfork into the ground with your foot, and then press on the handle with your own weight and the effort of your hand. In this case, the shovel will turn the soil, and the oncoming forks will knead its lumps. Weeds and earth will rise to the surface.

"Mole" can only dig up previously plowed soil.

Do it yourself

You can buy a miracle shovel at any agricultural store, but if this is not possible, then you can make it yourself. To do this, you need to prepare metal blanks, a sharpening machine, a welding machine and a square pipe.

The first step is to determine the depth and width of the shovel. How long the bayonet will be depends on the goals set by the master (either digging or loosening) and the depth of soil freezing. It only seems that the do-it-yourself miracle shovel is difficult to do. There is nothing difficult here. If it is necessary to build a device for loosening, then a bayonet length of ten centimeters is sufficient.

What will be the width of the miracle device depends on your own preferences. The most optimal size is 50 centimeters. Then everything is done strictly according to the instructions or drawing, which are easy to find.

Purchase or not

There are quite a few disputes over whether or not to purchase a miracle shovel. After all, along with its advantages, there are also disadvantages. Therefore, before a miracle shovel appears in your house, the price of which ranges from 1200 to 1600 rubles, weigh the pros and cons of this purchase.

So, the following facts can be attributed to the disadvantages of the tool: the impossibility of making a figured dig; for work to be productive, a person's weight must be at least 80 kilograms; there is no way to dig holes; repair in case of breakdowns is rather difficult.

But this is all nothing in comparison with the fact that the miracle shovel is suitable for any soil, reduces physical activity, has reliability and ease of use and increases the digging speed.

Who says what

To prove the whole truth of our words, I would like to cite some reviews (the miracle shovel receives them in abundance) from people who have already tried it in practice. Many argue that even though they use this tool throughout the season, they do not feel the load on the spine. Those who have already tried this device always recommend it to their friends and relatives, and they, in turn, do not get tired of thanking them when they understand what a valuable acquisition they have made.

Miracle shovel manufacturers

This tool is an invention of domestic manufacturers. The import market does not produce such devices, since the Yekaterinburg priest, Father Gennady, became the developer of the first miracle shovel. And the first person who made a tool into mass production was a private entrepreneur A. N. Bessonov. The shovels are also produced by the Mezon company located in Chelyabinsk. The Volber plant specializes in the production of tools based on the Mole type.

Spring is a wonderful time of the year when all nature wakes up and begins to bloom. However, for many, this season is associated with the beginning of field work. Summer residents strive to make their work as easy as possible, and therefore they come up with various devices for cultivating the land, because this is quite hard work. One of these useful devices was the miracle shovel.

Description of the miracle shovel

The most common version of such a device is a bayonet shovel, which is perfect for processing any type of soil. This tool is a combination of a pitchfork and a sled, which greatly facilitates the process of cultivating the land.

Gradually, people come up with more and more new objects of labor that can facilitate work and make it more enjoyable and less laborious. The miracle shovel or miracle pitchfork, as this recently appeared device for cultivating the land is called, is designed to help the worker on the farm, make his work more efficient and productive, while not having a negative effect on his health and well-being.

In the age of modern innovations, the shovel for digging the earth, as it was indispensable for working on land, has remained.

There were varieties, a miracle of the instrument, created for various purposes, but the essence remained the same - a tray (canvas) and a stalk (handle) planted on it.

It is impossible to imagine life in agriculture without a shovel for digging the ground. Without it, not a single gardening work can be done. Since ancient times, on the farm, our ancestors used a "digging stick" made from tools that came to hand.

Now, this is an improved tool that is produced in factories from special materials. Titanium is added to the alloy for working with heavy and hard soils.

For comfortable work and less effort, the product is manufactured with ergonomic handles.

The main three components of a conventional shovel are:

  • canvas
  • fastening part (tulle)
  • lever

Cloth (tray) - the lower, main part of the tool that performs the work of transferring, clearing or digging the soil. For convenient immersion of the shovel in the ground, there is a step in the upper part of the blade. When making a canvas, its upper part is bent at a right angle - offensive. When digging and pressing on it with your foot, the shovel easily enters the soil.

Fastening part (tulle) - the connecting part, located between the blade and the handle of the shovel. The tulle usually comes complete with the canvas, they can be one piece (whole stamped), or they can be attached to each other with special fasteners (rivets).

Handle (handle) - this part of the tool, with which the work process takes place. It is usually made from wood, plastic or aluminum.

Shovel with oval holes

This type of shovel is intended for work on land plots. It is very convenient for them to dig up ripe root crops, dig up and loosen the soil. The design is a bucket with a pointed end and oval narrow holes in it.

The holes in the blade of the shovel allow the soil to not stick and form clods on it, which greatly facilitates the work on the site. And when digging, they perform the function of a sieve, retain stones, plant roots and various large debris.

Thanks to the holes, the shovel is lighter than a regular one. It can work on any soil, it performs two actions at once when digging: it digs and loosens the soil. The shovel is made of steel and has an anti-corrosion coating.

Spade Fork

Shovel pitchforks are similar to ordinary pitchforks, but on one edge they have a "tooth" that differs from the rest - a bayonet, which is much sharper and wider than its other relatives. Due to the bayonet, which takes on the hard work in the country, in the garden or garden plot. The tool becomes indispensable when working on heavy soils. He is the first to enter the soil, and behind him are all the others, which greatly facilitates digging.

When digging up the crop - a shovel pitchfork, carefully, without damage, will help to collect root crops. The soil will leave between the tines, and the crop will remain on the forks, which will allow it to be immediately stored on a wheelbarrow or in a bucket.

When choosing a tool, for work in the country or in, it is worth paying attention to the forks with a shovel tip - this is an irreplaceable miracle of a shovel for digging the earth. It will relieve the muscular work of the back, because mainly, when using it, the muscles of the shoulders and arms work, and when harvesting, you do not need to squat and bend over often.

Shovel with rudder

A shovel with a steering wheel, the greatest invention of a simple monk from the Russian hinterland. An inventive monk-genius, he took a canvas from an ordinary shovel, a stainless tube with a diameter of 2 cm, a spring adjustment device and a handlebar from an old bicycle. Combined all the components and got a miracle shovel for digging the earth.

A shovel with a rudder is a homemade tool that works several times faster than an ordinary shovel. Mainly used for digging and planting.

Principle of operation:

  • The blade of the shovel is driven into the ground by pressing the foot.
  • When you turn the steering wheel, the ground tilts to the side.
  • Take a step back and repeat all the steps from the beginning.

Thanks to the adjustment device, the shovel relieves stress on the back and makes gardening work pleasant and healthy.

A homemade tool is considered the best shovel for digging, but only for work in garden areas. It is not suitable for digging trenches and holes.

A versatile, indispensable tool for, dacha and vegetable garden, is the Fokin plane cutter. This tool looks unusual - it is a curved metal plate with several cutting surfaces sharply sharpened at bendable angles. To facilitate physical labor in agricultural work, a flat cutter was invented.

They use a flat cutter in many types of work. From the planting period to the harvest. To facilitate physical labor in agricultural work, a flat cutter was invented.

The main advantages of the "hoe":

  • Formation of beds.
  • Leveling the soil.
  • Backfilling of seeds during the planting period.
  • Hilling plants.
  • Loosening, crevice, breaking of large clods of soil.
  • Cleaning of weeds and its rhizomes.

Flat cutter, an excellent tool with versatility, but not a single mower would exchange a scythe for it.

Shovel Tornado

A versatile tool, and also the best shovel for digging the ground and performing various works on the site. Its three-piece design makes it easy to transport. Consists of: revolving handle; the central rod and the main working part. The assembly uses bolts and nuts.

Popularly, the shovel is called "female", because when working with the tool, you do not need to make much effort. The shovel is placed vertically, the teeth rest against the soil and the handle is turned 360 degrees. The tool slides into the soil without difficulty, making work easy and effortless.

Types of jobs:

  • Site preparation for the planting period.
  • Loosen the soil in the beds, around shrubs and trees.
  • Weed weeding.
  • Garbage collection, dry grass.

The shovel was called a hand cultivator for a reason, it will add variety during the autumn harvest from under the ground. With one step into the soil, you can remove all the roots completely from one hole.

A miracle shovel of invention "for the lazy". Which consists of two pairs of movable forks.

The principle of operation is to grab the soil with the first pair of forks, transfer it to the second, as a result, the soil is dug up and loosened. The process also breaks up clods of earth and removes weeds. You can also use a shovel when harvesting root crops.

Plane cutter Genius

Flat cutter - consists of a metal blade, along the edge there are four cutting teeth and a comfortable handle. Can replace shovel, hoe and pitchfork. It is very convenient to work "Genius" between rows, in flower beds and under bushes.

What else can you do with a flat cutter:

  • Prepare a site for planting.
  • Loosen the soil.
  • Cut and remove the topsoil.
  • Remove weeds and their roots.

When working on the soil with a flat cutter, the top layer is not affected, which allows you to maintain the integrity of the structure and soil moisture. Working with a flat cutter allows you to reduce the load on the back.

To preserve and extend the service life of garden tools and equipment, it is necessary to thoroughly clean it after work and not leave it in places with high humidity.

Where and how to store garden tools

After the summer season, it is necessary to prepare a place for long-term storage of garden tools and equipment. Rooms with good ventilation and low temperatures are well suited for this. If there are no such rooms, you can wrap the entire inventory in dense synthetic material and put it away under a homemade awning. The synthetic material will protect from the sun, rain and rodents.

Miracle shovel, digger for the garden, a device for digging - on the video.

Digging up a plot of several hundred square meters is not an easy task, buying a walk-behind tractor justifies itself if there is an allotment of land of at least half a hectare, and miracle shovel, do it yourself made of metal or plastic, for many it becomes the best solution.

What is this miracle shovel, the design of which is so popular?

It has long been known that loosening the soil has a much more favorable effect on its condition than digging it up. In addition, working with a spade requires a lot of endurance, and often both strength and time consuming. Each movement when cultivating the land is associated with a load - stick the plane of the bayonet of the shovel into the ground, press your foot on a special footboard, press the handle like a lever, lift a large lump of earth and throw it aside. Nothing from the sequence of stages of a simple technique has been forgotten? Even if something is missed, the essence is conveyed correctly. However, for work on hard ground, special digging forks made of hardened steel have long been used. It is this garden tool that has become part of the miracle shovel today.

Who invented this tool is not known for certain, there is an opinion that it was first developed in Yekaterinburg, but it is rather difficult to verify the reliability of the information. Therefore, we will simply consider the design of commercially available fixtures. As already mentioned, the pitchfork was taken as the basis of the idea, however, not the usual two- or three-pronged, but much wider, from 35 centimeters. With a step between the working rods of about 5 centimeters, this amounts to as many as 7 teeth, the length of which is a quarter of a meter. But, of course, this is not the whole miracle shovel, the drawing is usually represented by a diagram, more complex than just a pitchfork.

The main components of the ripper

Let's go in order. In most models, the forks are fixed movably on a horizontally oriented frame extended forward with a transverse stop at the rear (sometimes the frame is replaced with a slightly upwardly curved slide). Between the teeth, oppositely directed rods are passed, somewhat shorter, a kind of analogue of a rake. The tool may have two handles, but most often it is an ordinary handle, like a shovel or the same pitchfork. In this case, it is far from always convenient to use a wooden handle, since such a lever can break if the teeth catch on the roots. As a handle, you can use a metal pipe, for example, aluminum.

If the wooden handle breaks in the gardening tool nest at the base, it can be difficult to remove the piece and it is best to try drilling it out with a drill.

There are also simplified models. They consist only of a frame, which along the way is also an emphasis, since it is located behind the working part. The teeth are fixed directly to the front bar, at the ends of which there are fasteners for two handles. It is this type of miracle shovel that is most often made in home workshops in suburban areas by zealous owners. An ordinary pipe with a diameter of 20 centimeters, metal or plastic, can be used as a material... The latter option is somewhat less durable, but easier to manufacture.

Finding out how the miracle shovel works, no video

Above we described the process of working with a regular spade, now is the time to shed some light on how exactly the ripper in question should be operated. So, the factory standard version with a frame is set on the ground at the edge of the area to be worked. Raise the tool slightly by the handle and guide the forks into the ground. Next, press with your foot on the frame (an action that does not require much effort). The teeth easily penetrate the soil to the full length, now it only remains to press the handles so that the rods of the working part cut through the soil, loosening it and raising individual layers. This is where counter teeth are needed. The purpose of this part is to break up the clods of earth lifted by the pitchfork.

You can figure out how a miracle shovel of your own production works without a video, since everything is simpler here. Firstly, due to the closer arrangement of the teeth on the frame, the working part does not lift large lumps of soil, breaking them in the process of movement. Secondly, in factory models, the hinge of the moving part is sometimes clogged with earth, which is why it starts to turn worse, and wooden handles inserted into special slots often break. In a homemade device, the parts are rigidly connected, and therefore breakdowns and jamming are excluded. There is a possibility of deformation of the weld or soldering seams, as well as breakage of plastic parts, if any, but this can only happen after a solid service life of the tool.

Instructions on how to make a wonderful shovel with your own hands

At home, it is better to make a simplified model, which differs from the factory one in the complete absence of moving parts. If you have a welding machine, it is best, of course, to make metal inventory, otherwise the best solution would be a plastic pipe structure. It is undesirable to assemble the ripper on the bolts, since such connections will loosen during operation, and the nuts will have to be tightened all the time. Regardless of whether there will be a fixture from plastic pipes, or from metal ones, you still have to weld them, so just step by step we will consider the process of how to make a wonderful shovel with your own hands, without focusing on the tools.

How to make a wonderful shovel with your own hands - a step by step diagram

Step 1: preparing the parts

We will need two pieces of metal pipe, 60 centimeters each, and the same amount 25. We will also need a pair of corners (namely triangular plates) and 6, 7 or 8 teeth from the pitchfork, or just rods made of high-carbon steel. If you intend to make a frame of plastic, then in addition to pipes, you need 2 corners and 8 or 9 tees, depending on whether the ripper is six or seven-tooth. Also, for the PVC variation, adapters for connecting to metal pipes may be needed. In any case, it is advisable to make the handles steel, adjusting them according to their height.

Step 2: Assembling the frame

It will not be difficult to assemble the necessary workpiece of the future structure from metal; it is enough to make 4 seams with a welding machine. It's another matter if you do not know how to work with this unit and have never taken a holder with an electrode in your hands. Then the most affordable option is PVC, fortunately, the blanks listed above are not difficult to get. First, using 4 corners of pipe sections of the above length and two tees, we assemble the rear part of the frame. To do this, weld equally oriented corners on the sides to a sixty-centimeter piece of a round profile, from which the sidewalls will stretch 25 centimeters. Next, we fix the tees on them with the twigs up, and then, using short segments, 2 more corners, with which we close the frame contour. Now the front part. We also weld tees to the last corners with small pieces of pipe and continue this way until we connect all of them. The side outlets of the tees must point downwards.

Step 3: Securing the Teeth

We weld the rods onto the metal frame so that they bend forward, so it will be easier to move the working part in the ground. On the plastic, we position it in the same way, however, if the teeth are thinner than 13 millimeters at the base, they will not only have to be fused, but also filled in the void in the tees with epoxy glue or automotive putty based on it. But it is best, of course, to weld thin rods onto thicker bases and melt into PVC.

Step 4: attach the handles

We weld the handle to the metal frame in the front part in the corners, additionally fixing it with triangular plates (as a result, we get 3 joints, two end joints and one circular seam). It is also better to attach steel handles to the plastic structure, but only after having previously cut the threads at their lower ends. We weld adapters from plastic to metal to the tees, the side exits of which look up, using short sections, and screw a pipe with a diameter of 20 centimeters into them. The miracle shovel is ready to go.