Repairs Design Furniture

Polishing oak. Wood polishing: the choice of funds for finishing. Technology. Applying polishing for finishing

Wood polishing is one of the most complex finishing options. At the same time, polishing gives wooden products special beauty. This transparent coating gives wood a mirror glitter, while at the same time maintaining and even emphasizing its drawing and texture. Now the polishing of the tree is no longer so popular as a few decades ago. However, it is still used in certain interior styles, and not only for furniture, but also for the floor. In this article we will tell you how to make wood polishing with your own hands.

Polished tree looks beautiful, and no matter, whether it is a coffee table, a wardrobe or small decorative crafts. Water polishing can be useful, for example, with. However, the operation of polished furniture carries some difficulties, and we will consider them first.


  • Polished surfaces have the property of attracting dust, respectively, if not to care for them, they will quickly pollute.
  • On polished wood, traces of fingers are very noticeable, from getting droplets of water and other types of pollution, so that they will often wipe them.
  • If the product from a polished tree is standing in the sun, it will eventually sweep. It can happen if you use not suitable detergents or cleaning products.
  • Wood polishing has low resistance to mechanical damage, it is necessary to handle it very carefully. Note that scratches and chips on polished wood will be very noticeable.


  • Polished furniture looks sophisticated and expensive, and will become an excellent addition to the corresponding interior. In addition, such a product will look original, since now polishing does not apply as often as before.
  • The objects of furniture or the floor polished to the mirror glitter, not only visually expand the room space, but also make it lighter.
  • If you care for polished furniture correctly, it will last a few dozen years without losing her glitter.
  • Nowadays, there are many more diverse tools for cleaning and caring polished wood. Some of them are able to disguise small scratches. Others have antistatic properties, thanks to which the dust will not be attracted to the polished surface. Third when used creating a protective layer. In addition, there are several folk ways to care for polished wood, which we will talk about later.

Wood polishing with their own hands

Best of all, the wood is suitable for polishing, called small-layer. For example, maple, birch, apple tree, pear, red wood varieties. The largest breeds like pine and oak given to polish much worse. Especially if you produce it on your own.

Forms for polishing wood are called political. You can buy a finished polytema, and you can make it with your own hands. To do this, take the sixty grams of crushed shellacic resin and half-liter ethyl alcohol in 95 degrees. All this must be mixed in glass containers and close tightly. From time to time you need to stir the future polish. After dissolving the resin, the finished solution should be filtered and pour into clean dishes.

Wood polishing takes place in three stages, and then we will describe each of them.

Stage primer

At this stage you will need a varnish and cotton swab, wrapped in linen fabric. Remember, it is in linen, it is important. Such a fabric does not leave the villi, which will absolutely do not improve the type of polished product.

  • Tampon needs to be lacquered, but not much. Then you should rub the lacquer into a wooden surface with circular motions. Thus, wood is well soaked with varnish, which will fill all microcracks and pores.
  • When the lacquer dries, it is necessary to go through the surface with grinding paper shallow fraction. Then it should be removed all the dust formed with a clean piece of linen fabric.
  • For the next step, you will need a varnish and cotton tampon in linen fabric. This time you need to cover the surface with two layers of varnish, without waiting for drying.
  • After these layers are dried, you need to apply the last, fourth layer. For him, the lacquer should be diluted with the previously cooked polyurea in the proportion of one to one.

At this stage of the primer completed, and the product should be left in a closed room for two or three days before continuing to work.

Stage Plotting

At this stage you will need the same cotton tampon in the linen fabric, as in the past. And also politura and a pair of droplets of vegetable oil. The latter you need to drop on the tampon so that it slides well on the surface being processed.

  • Tampon needs to moisten the polish, but not too much. It is impossible to make the composition of the glasses and leaving drops and drips. Politura can damage the varnish and leave ugly stains.
  • Start rubbing the polytema follows the side, and do it with soft circular motions.
  • Treating this way the entire surface, you need to leave the product to dry. After drying, go through the surface with grinding paper shallow fraction and remove dust, as you have already done it at the stage of primer.
  • Further, you should repeat the second and third steps two more times so that in general the three layers of the polish in the wooden surface. If you are all done correctly, then after drying and processing the third layer, the wood will become a glossy.

Stage Polling

At this stage, the glossy brilliance is brought to the mirror, after which the polishing of the tree is considered completed.

  • On the already familiar tampon from cotton and linen fabric you need to drop a couple of droplets of vegetable oil and add a bit of politics. Pouring should be added as needed. Oil - every ten square centimeters covered wooden surface. Let it be better than it will be less than, because it can damage the previous layers of the polish.
  • The surface must be polished with soft circular movements. After you have passed throughout the surface two times, it should be wiped with a soft cloth, which in front of it was moocked by water and the polish.
  • After that, you can walk a tampon with oil and politician several times.

Note that the polishing of the tree is not easy. It is necessary to observe all the steps and processing as many times as indicated. If you apply a varnish or polish to a smaller number of layers, then the polishing of the tree will be poor quality.

People's Methods of Polished Wood Methods

The choice of a variety of polyterols is very large, and you can not always get caught a good, high-quality tool. If you do not want to risk or deep into the equipment presented in the store, you can use folk methods.

  • Wine vinegar should be mixed with olive oil in proportion one to one. The resulting solution can be wiped with polished wood, applying it to the napkin.
  • To remove stains and force the polished tree to glisten like a new, use a ray oil. They need to wet a soft cloth and wipe the surface, and then wipe it with a dry cloth.
  • Another way to return the brilliance of the sweat polishing involves the use of three components. Namely - oil flax and turpentor fifty milliliters and vinegar thirty. The resulting solution needs to be treated with polished wood using a soft cloth or cotton discs.

When working with wood, in addition to simple sawing and supling operations, there are quite complex finishing procedures. These include grinding.

Before grinding, it is possible to place planing. At this stage of processing, burgers are removed, the surface acquires a smooth view. When planing using a flight (the machine that allows you to get the workpiece of the same thickness and width), a semi-finished product of the specified parameters is obtained.

High-quality finish is performed on solid wood grades, which are used for the manufacture of high quality products. Birch, oak, ash, maple, nut, apple tree, cherry and others have a dense structure. Such a material is even difficult to cut in conventional hacksaw. But in the furniture manufacturing they are used to make a wide variety of furniture and interior items.

Even traditional pine, spruce and ozin also require high-quality trim by grinding. For example, leveling floorboards using a manual or electrical tool, achieve a single plane. Hard and low-performance work, but without it, it is impossible to achieve good quality.

What are grinding

In the theory of cutting, when determining the tool, a cutter is considered to perform the process. He has cutting edges. They are introduced into the body of the material being processed. From the angles of sharpening, the peculiarities of the entry of the cutter in the material, as well as the formation of chips.

When it comes to a grinding method of processing, then there is no work of one cutter, but at once several. Often their number is measured by thousands. The more small cutters at the same time participate in the work, the higher the quality of the treated surface. Abrasive grains are the grains of the abrasive - these are grains that have a rather high hardness pasted on paper or tissue.

To classify grinding tools introduced the concept of quantity of grains 1 square centimeter. For example, in the designation of P36 it is understood that on average on each sq. CM there are 36 grains. If the abrasive is designated P200, then, accordingly, on each on average there are 200 grains.

When the black oven is needed, and it is required to remove a rather thick layer, use abrasive materials with a small number of grains. With an increase in the quality of the treated surface, the size of the grains themselves decreases, and their number increases.

Attention! When using abrasives with a high grain, rapid scoring is observed. To increase the duration of use, it is recommended to perform regular slightening of sandpaper. Then it will have to be less rarely replaced. Read the beginning of finishing works carry out the audit of the abrasive material. Assess the number of available emery skins.

Rough grinding is also performed using rigid brushes. They are made of spring wire. With the help of such a tool, brash (artificial formation of a tree).

For squeaking logs, plastic bristle is used instead of wire. It is made of a rigid line with a diameter of 3.0 ... 4.5 mm. To increase productivity, similar brushes are manufactured on disks.

Hand pads for wood grinding

When processing any boards, you can rub sandpaper on the surface. Some kind will be. Only quickly gets up the brush of the hand, and the abrasive will warm up, it will become inconvenient.

For fixing, many use the usual bar. They wrap a piece of sandwich. To perform the simplest work of this, it turns out to be sufficient. However, real masters make more convenient devices (Fig. 1).

The grinding pad is manufactured in the following sequence.

Fig. 1 grinding pad with wedge mount

A simpler block can be made using two self-pressing and two stationery for paper (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Grinding block with self-drawers and stationery clothespins

Fig. 3 Grinding pad for processing concave surfaces of a large radius

When working with a tree, sometimes you have to handle not only the plane. Often, the curvilinear grooves are cutting into the original form or give a complex shape. In order for and in this case, stick the surface, the pads are made with a curvilinear working surface (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4).

Fig. 4 Grinding pad for processing concave surfaces of a small radius

If there is a need to obtain a strict angle, then an angular block is used (Fig. 5). On it is only one working surface. Another surface is used to withstand an exact angle. More often to treat at right angles (90 °), but you can make a similar grinding device under any desired angle.

Fig. 5 Grinding Corner Shoe

Mechanized wood grinding

Handmade is valued. But when using the simplest means of mechanization, wood processing is faster. Elastic supports for the grinding of different materials were the greatest propagation for the grinding of different materials (Fig. 6) and the cut-glare machine (Fig. 7) with velcro. Somewhat later, the manufacturers of support began to implement such a universal support (Fig. 8).

Fig. 7 Elastic Support with Velcro For Cornel Machine (Bulgarian)

Important! When using this support on the grinder, it should not be strongly pressed to the surface being processed. The turnover of the working body is high, breeding is possible

Fig. 8 universal elastic support with velcro for electric drills or corner

When working with similar means of mechanization, the safety regulations should be observed strictly.

  1. A lot of wood dust is formed, so the respirator and glasses will protect organs of vision and respiration.
  2. The gloves with the rubber working surface will protect the hands of the worker.
  3. It is advisable to wear apron, then it's easier to shake dust from clothes.

Special grinding circles are available for working with elastic support (Fig. 9). They are put and removed by one movement.

Fig. 9 Replaceable abrasive circles for power tools

Vibrationreficate machine

For the processing of large areas of the wooden surface, it is convenient to use the vibratingrene machine (Fig. 10). She has a vibrator that causes the sole to perform small reciprocating movements relative to the case. On the sole fasten the strip of abrasive skirt. It grinds the surface, under the tool sole.

Fig. 10 Vibrhliform machine

The performance of such small electrical machines is quite high. For the hour of work, you can carve several square meters of surface. The only drawback is to stop them after 5 ... 7 minutes of work. You need to cool the vibrator. He has no fans.

On the sole can be attached to the sandpaper of different roughness. Manufacturers recommend using an abrasive on a tissue basis. Then he serves longer.

FlatShelipheal tape cars

The most productive are plane oxylipheal belt cars. They use an abrasive skin glued to the tape (Fig. 11). All similar tools are equipped with a small bag for collecting wood dust. When working more than 80% of the dust formed accumulates inside this pouch.

Fig. 11 Ribbon grinding machine

Manufacturers recommend intermittent mode of operation: 5 ... 7 minutes perform grinding, and then give a respite tool. Even the presence inside the fan does not effectively cool the device. After a three-minute break, you can continue to work.

Manufacturers provide tool with auxiliary fixtures, with which you can fix the grinding machine in space (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12 Installation of ribbon grinding on the table

The crafts for ribbon grinding machines make special sheets, with which the device is significantly expanding (Fig. 13). With the help of such options, it is possible to qualitatively pollize the ends of products. The substole itself is fixed at any angle, which will allow efficient processing.

Fig. 13 Podstole for ribbon grinding

Industry produces stationary belt grinding machines (Fig. 14). They are called Grinders. With the help of such devices, it is possible to grind out products, resting them on a special support table. Grinder is in many ways similar to a ribbon grinding machine. In fact, it is a stationary machine, where you can spend satisfied complex wood finishing operations.

Fig. 14 Grinder

Petal tools for grinding

Another big class go special petals. They are made in radial (Fig. 15) and the end (Fig. 16) performances. They are comfortable enough at work. The surface of the tree is easily and quickly processed by a similar tool.

These abrasive drums and discs are installed on a drill and a grinder. The craftsmen adapt them to specialized woodworking machines.

Video: High-quality wood grinding

One of the most common materials can be called a tree. It is used in the manufacture of various products. The high degree of workability allows you to get products of the most different shape and quality. One of the most common operations can be called grinding. It provides for the removal of a thin surface layer when applying special tools and equipment. Consider the features of the conducted process.

How to grind a tree?

Grinding of wooden surfaces is a complex technological process, which involves the use of special consumables and tools. Among the features, we note the following points:

  1. The grinding of the tree provides for a thorough preparation of the surface to the operation under consideration. The billet should have accurate dimensions taking into account the allowance.
  2. Grinding involves the use of abrasive with a different grain rate. A common question can be called how to span a complex product consisting of several planes.
  3. When working, the workpiece must be securely fixed. Otherwise, the quality of processing is significantly reduced.

The tree is considered easily processed material. That is why problems with grinding, as a rule, does not occur.

The better to grind the tree

Wood processing can use a variety of tools. In many workshops and garages you can find almost everything you need to carry out such work. There are several tools that are the answer to the question than to grind the tree:

  1. Drill.
  2. Bulgarian.
  3. Ribbon grinding machine.
  4. FlatSheliform machine.

Bulgarian received quite a big distribution. It is a universal tool, the grinding requires a special nozzle of a petal type. To other features of the process carried out the following points:

  1. For the manufacture of nozzles, pieces of sandpaper will be required. They must be fixed on a tough basis.
  2. Circles with different stiffness indicator are on sale, each suitable for a specific case. An example can be called the use of circle No. 40 to remove the paintwork. To give smoothness, a circle with grain №120 is used.

The question is also commonly related to how to grind a tree when using a drill. Such a tool can be equipped with a special nozzle, which has a central pin for a cartridge. Among the features of the application of this tool, we note the following points:

  1. All circles have a small diameter, the largest indicator is 125 mm.
  2. Various graininess also makes it possible to conduct various kinds of work: from draft, to chistoons.

Allocate several varieties of circles for a drill. Most have a solid base, some rubber. An adhesive agent can be used for the hitch of sandpaper, as well as various velcro. If the disc flexibility increases, the quality of processing can be improved.

You can find a plane oarsal machine on sale. Such a mechanism is characterized by the fact that the attached sandpaper quickly makes a reciprocating movement. Many nozzles for abrasive are created so that, if necessary, it was possible to quickly replace the skirt. In comparison with the drill, the instrument is characterized by high productivity, but it is difficult for them to handle the surface large in the area.

The largest productivity is characterized by a ribbon grinding machine. It can be used to process the most different tree. The main disadvantage will be called high cost, as the professional equipment of this category costs 7,000 rubles or more. A special nozzle can be used as a working tape, which can have a different grain rate.

Grinding with a plane grinding machine and an uhm grinder

Most often for grinding of a tree, a special plane oxyl eye machine or bump mills is used. Such tools are characterized by high performance, as well as ease of operation. When choosing the most appropriate nozzle for such devices, the following points are taken into account:

  1. If you need to remove the paint from the tree at home, then the attention is paid to a major abrasive. It is characterized by high performance, can quickly remove a rather thick layer of material from a tree.
  2. In the case when it is necessary to remove a thin surface layer due to its high roughness, it is required to abrasive with medium grain. This version of the execution was widely distributed.
  3. Special smoothness can be achieved when applying fine-grained abrasives. Clean the tree to this quality when installing a high speed of rotation of the nozzle.

When using this tool, it should be borne in mind that the removal of wood is carried out not along the fibers, since the nozzle used rotates in a circle around the attachment axis. Only some models have the function of adjusting the speed of rotation, the feed is adjusted only to the eye. Using the ESM is recommended only if it does not need high performance.

Special equipment is represented by a plane grinding machine. Among its features, the following points can be noted:

  1. The nozzle makes reciprocating movement, and the surface layer is removed along the fibers. Due to this, high quality is achieved.
  2. Sand paper moves at high speed. This indicator allows you to reach smoothness.

The design of the plane grinding machine is quite simple, problems with its use, as a rule, does not occur. But in the case of wood processing with a large area there are difficulties. Some models have a large working surface, which increases the quality of the product.

Grinding machine ribbon type

As previously noted, the grinding machine of the belt type is characterized by high performance. In this case, the grinding of wood occurs at high speed, but the equipment used is expensive. Among the features of the grinding machine, we note the following points:

  1. The effect on the treated surface turns out to be a round grinding ribbon. In this case, the graininess may be the most different.
  2. The design carries out the tree removal along the fibers.

When applying the tape machine, it should be borne in mind that the design cannot process the angles, as the tape has low flexibility. Often the tool is used to grind the floor, walls and furniture.

Handmade Wooden Surface Method

In the absence of a special tool, the grinding can be carried out with manual surface processing. This requires only a special bar, as well as skins with graininess suitable for a specific type of work. Among the features of this process, we note the following points:

  1. The design has a special fastener, at the expense of which the sandpaper is secured.
  2. A rough skin can be grinding the product with high roughness. This is due to the fact that the small rapidly wear out. Grinding should be carried out in several stages, due to which the high smoothness is achieved.
  3. Manual grinding is often conducted in the case when the product has a small area.
  4. When using a bar of various sizes and shapes, you can process complex products.

The manual method was used for a sufficiently long period. It should be borne in mind that it is possible to achieve a requirement that requires a lot of experience.

What are the advantages of manual grinding?

If there are no special tools in order to polish the tree, then you can make this manually. It is enough to have just a skirt and a special bar, which can be made and with your own hands. Benefits, we will draw the following points:

  1. Low cash costs.
  2. You can grind any surface and hard-to-reach places.
  3. Grinding can be carried out in the absence of an energy source.

However, there are several significant drawbacks, among which can be noted low performance.

About grinding pads and their hands creating them

The easiest tool can be called grinding pads. They can be used to work with various billets. Among the features of common pads, the following points can be distinguished:

  1. Most version options consist of three main parts: pads and locking mechanism and handles. The housing is used as a base, the locking element does not allow sandpaper to move at the time of work.
  2. Branded pads make a wide variety of forms and species. In most cases, plastic is used in the manufacture of the housing, which is characterized by a low weight, but also the strength is also low.

If desired, such a tool can be made with your own hands. For this, an ordinary wooden block is used to which the skin is mounted with nails or screws. The handle can be attached to the bar to simplify the grinding and polishing process.

In the manufacture of self-made design, it is worth considering what kind of size will be processed. With too large sizes, the work area should be done more, but problems may arise with the selection of the most suitable skins.

How to choose emery paper to work with wood?

When choosing a consumable material, quite many different moments can be taken into account. For example, let's call:

  1. Grain size.
  2. Type of abrasive used.
  3. For which tasks the consumable material is designed.

As a rule, when marking, the abrasive grain is indicated according to ISO. When choosing, special tables can be used. It is processed by fine-grained emery paper with a small amount of defects and before polishing.
Dry or wet grinding

Most often dry grinding. Such technology is easy to perform, the consumables costs cheaply. Also found and wet grinding, which provides for the use of special paper.

Wet grinding and polishing involves water supply to the processing zone. Due to this, wood softened. Today, such technology is applied extremely rarely.

Grinding technology

Working with a tree to achieve the required roughness provides for the implementation of several main steps. They are as follows:

  1. Preparation of coating.
  2. Primary rough processing.
  3. Thin grinding.
  4. Putty the smallest elements.
  5. Finishing polishing and grinding with finishing coating.

The final stage provides for polishing. Due to such actions, you can achieve high quality surface.

Preparation of coating

The preparation phase provides for the primary surface treatment. Among the features of this process, we note the following points:

  1. It is recommended to operate with abrasive P120 and P150 before polishing. The choice is carried out depending on how much defects are manifested.
  2. The next stage is grinding the P180 and P240 skunding. Due to this, the required roughness is achieved to cover the paint product.

At this stage, the main thing is to remove all defects that will not allow paintwork to evenly host the surface. With high-quality preparation of a tree, it will look attractive after applying the finish finish.

Primary grinding

Primary detection of defects involves the use of emery paper with a small grain rate. This is due to the fact that the small skin can wear quickly.

The surface treated with emery paper with a large abrasive is similarly prepared for thin grinding.

Thin grinding

It is possible to reduce the degree of roughness of the tree when using a small abrasive. When conducting such a work, it is worth considering the following moments:

  1. The skin will quickly wear out.
  2. It is necessary to ensure the rapid movement of abrasive.

After thin grinding in most cases, the tree is covered with varnish or paint. Further processing is carried out only when higher quality is required.

Puttles of gaps and smallest defects

Most problems arise with spatlements of gaps and minor defects. As a rule, such work is carried out manually. With its features, let's call the following moments:

  1. The skin is chosen with the most shallow grain.
  2. Inaccessible places are processed by hand.
  3. When working periodically, the resulting dust should be removed.

Such work is carried out extremely often in the case of the manufacture of furniture and other utensils from the tree.

Finish grinding

This stage is often finishing. Among its features, we note:

  1. All defects are deleted.
  2. Credit material is carefully selected depending on which roughness needs to be achieved.
  3. It is carried out when manual and automated equipment are applied.

The finishing grinding allows you to get a very high-quality coating that can be covered with paint and varnish material.

Printing and finishing coating

Apply the finish coating can be different. Most often, the process is carried out as follows:

  1. Kraspopult.
  2. Brushes.
  3. Soft material.

Priming is carried out for smoothing irregularities, the finish coating extends the service life of the tree.

Polishing wooden coatings

High quality can only be achieved when applying a special skirt. Polishing of coatings of simulats are carried out in order not to apply the finish coating. Among the features of this procedure, we note:

  1. The skin is selected with the most small grain, suitable for polishing.
  2. A special substance is added, intended for polishing.
  3. The speed of displacement of the abrasive during polishing should be maximum.

Due to this, the lowest roughness is achieved.

Applying polishing for finishing

Polishing is often carried out as finishes. Such technology is characterized by the following features:

  1. There is no need to apply the finishing material, as polished makes the product smooth.
  2. It is used in the case when you need to save the texture, since the polishing does not deform the texture.

Today, polished products are found extremely often. They look quite attractive, comfortable in use.

Funds used to polish wood

Polishing makes it possible to achieve high quality. To do it, can use:

  1. Polish.
  2. Olif
  3. Wax paste.

All necessary materials can be purchased in a specialized store.

Polishing technology

The technology under consideration is very common, it can be applied at home, it is represented by several main stages:

  1. Grinding.
  2. Applying soil.
  3. Listing.
  4. Polish.

Each should be given a lot of attention, since, for example, the wrong grinding will not allow high-quality polishing.

Grinding surface

Wood surface processing provides grinding for surface preparation. It is held in several stages:

  1. Emery paper No. 46-60.
  2. Skirt number 80-100.
  3. Abrasive paper No. 140-170.

As a result, you can get a glossy state tree. It is recommended to use special equipment to work.

Application of soil

Only after applying the polytema can be polished. Technology Next:

  1. A substance is applied with a tampon that you need to impregnate.
  2. It is maintained for a while required to dry the substance on the surface. The tree is cleaned with a clean rag.
  3. Two more layers of varnish are applied.

Drying wood takes about two days. After that, it is possible to carry out the finishing polishing.


After applying a special substance, the following work is carried out:

  1. The tampon is impregnated with vegetable oil. Due to this, the degree of slip increases.
  2. The product is covered with a uniform layer.
  3. After each stage of the polytone, you need to wait a bit.

After drying the last layer, the emery paper is carried out, the tree is rubbed to remove dust and polishing.

A tree, as one of the most sought-after materials for the manufacture of furniture products, requires a special finish that will emphasize its natural beauty, extend operational time.

This process is called polished. Of course, O. folded performed, takes a lot of time, and all actions should be done very carefully. Despite the difficulties, the polishing of the tree allows you to create glossy surfaceThe main thing is to know the subtleties of the process.

What is polishing

As a result of polishing a wooden surface retains its natural color and acquires a mirror glitter. For polishing, it is necessary to apply a special composition several times on a tree, which is called the Polite. Unlike alcohol-based varnish, the polythip contains three times less resin, which makes it possible to obtain a more subtle and transparent decorative coating.

The technology for creating beautiful textures requires quality surface preparation, in particular, grinding and removal of pile, dust particles. Then the tree is processed by the primer emulsion, perform the layout and the final stage makes polishing.

Which breeds can be polished

Immediately it is worth noting that not all breeds are suitable for polishing. For example, loose wood is poorly polished.

Polish more efficiently dense breeds:

  • the Red tree;
  • birch;
  • sugit;
  • nut;
  • pear;
  • hornbeam;
  • apple tree;
  • maple.

Beautiful texture After polishing, the beech wood receives, although it is difficult to polish it. Oak is notable, therefore, it is also composed of polishing. Rarely polished pine due to the cause of wood looseness, it is preferably grinding and lacked.

Wooden Product Polishing Formulations

The market presents a rather extensive range of funds intended for wood processing. It is possible to purchase a composition in the finished form in any specialized outlet, if you wish, it can be made at home based on varnish or wax.

To prepare with your own hands the working mixture for polishing a tree, you will need grinding checlack resin in the amount of 60 g and alcohol 0.5 liters. The components are mixed in a glass container, closed tightly with a lid, periodically stirred so that the shellac is completely dissolved. After that, the working fluid is filtered and overflow into the clean container.

For decoration of children's furniture, dishes it is more expedient to use oliff or wax paste. It is prepared from wax, turpentar (solvent) in a ratio of 1: 1. First, the main component is heated in the tank in the water bath, and then solvent is added to it. To achieve a homogeneous consistency, the mixture must constantly stir. To work with wax fits a tampon from felt. This is a safe view of a wood polyter, which does not emit harmful substances and is absolutely harmless.

If there is wooden lacquered furniture in the house and it is necessary to refresh it, you can use polyrol for wood in aerosol or liquid agent. A good effect is given in this case with silicone compositions.

Note! Furniture wasting for polishing is applied to a tree without a varnishing coating.

Can be prepared polyrolol from olive oil (2 parts) and lemon juice (1 part or a little less). Products must be mixed and apply from the sprayer to lacquered furniture or dipping a rag into a polyrolol.

Polyrol is also prepared from turpidar and beeswaxBy taking them in equal amounts, warming up in a water bath and mixing. Furniture polish uniform movements to shine, paying attention to all bends and catcakes.

Stages of work

The process of polishing the tree consists of several stages. To the surface after polishing perfectly looked, it must be at first, then coat with a layer of soil And only after carefully polished.

Grinding surface

This procedure does not cause special difficulties, but takes a lot of time to give the tree a perfect species.

The surface must be without chips, burr, cracks and other defects. At first, the tree is processed by grinding opening No. 46-60, then with abrasive material No. 80-100 and in completion we are ground with emery paper No. 140-170.

Tree after grinding it becomes clean, smooth, without protruding fibers and vile.


At this stage, the prepared wood is ground with the help of a shellated polish and a tampon of linen fabric. Cotton, woolen fabrics are not recommended for these purposes, they leave after themselves small fibers, pork, well visible on polished product.

For applying the soil, a small amount of political is gained on the tampon and start rubbing in different directions. With this approach, small cracks are most effectively filled, pores, impregnation happens better.

Note! Initially make smears on a test surface. Politura should quickly dry and do not form bubbles. If it is much, then the surplus is removed, wiping the trial surface.

Processing Product leave for drying for 2-3 days. After the lacquer is good dry, it is necessary to abandon the tree with fine-grained abrasive material. The resulting dust is removed by the rag.


After the primer, the so-called layout is performed. On a tampon made of linen fabrics apply a couple of droplets of vegetable oil (This contributes to a lighter slip) and poured a little liquid shellated polish. For work, you can even more dilute the composition based on the shellac (8% solution is usually used).

Tampon come in side and produce smooth circular motions. The arrangement is carried out in three goeswhere each layer must dry, pollen with fine-grained emery paper and clean from dust. Light gloss can only be seen after applying the third layer of the means.


To polish the tree, that is, get the perfect shine, should be treated with fine-grained abrasive material in vegetable oil in vegetable oil (skin) wood surface, when the third layer of distribution is completely dry. After that, pour some vegetable oil and polish on the swamp.

Improve the strength characteristics of the polished coating can be if not alone, but several layers. At the end of the grinding, the product is recommended to be treated with a soft cloth moistened in a solution of polytheus and water. Excess oil can be removed, rubbing ethyl alcohol. In this case, the surface becomes more even.

Considering that the quality of polishing affects the observance of all the subtleties of the process, do not reduce the amount of layers applied and time to dry. Otherwise, this will lead to a deterioration in the decorative qualities of the coating.

Polishing of lacquered wood should be carried out in strict accordance with the technological process, only then can be obtained as the most spectacular, sufficiently strong surface with mirror glitter. If there is no experience in this area, it is first recommended to practice on small samples, and then proceed to more expensive products.

Wood products - bedside table, shelf, drawer for the radio and so on. P. Look much more beautiful if they are decorated. Tree painted with oil paint, as rude and ugly, as not completely trimmed.

You can, of course, cover the wooden surface with alcohol varnish (transparent or color), but it is much better to polish it.
Best of all, the wood of hardwood is suitable for polishing, especially solid: oak, beech, walnut, maple, birch. Oak polished with difficulty, but he has a beautiful pattern, which can be even more rehabited. Birch is well stained and polished under nut or red.
Wood coniferous breed of resinist and succumb to decoration worse, but as we will see, and it can be polished with success.
The polishing process, usually used in a joinery, although it is not difficult, but requires high labor, time and patience. At the same time, it can be significantly simplified and getting the results no worse.
The surface intended for polishing should not have deraides, gaps, fibers, cracks, glue flux, etc. on it should not be bitch.
First of all, the surface of the product is thoroughly polished first with a rough skin (No. 46-60), and as smoothing - smaller (No. 80-100). The final grinding is made by a very small skin (No. 140-170). We need to grind the surface, moving the skin, wrapped around a smooth wooden bar, along the fibers.
As a result of this processing, a smooth, monotonous matte color surface should be obtained. It must be slightly moistened with warm water and immediately wipe it with a dry cloth, and then dry for 1.5-2 hours at room temperature. This operation is needed to raise the pile - the smallest fiber of wood. The pile is then removed by the skin No. 120-140. Sometimes moisturizing, drying and removal of the pile have to repeat even twice, until the surface gets a smooth matte gloss with a light gloss.
This end the carpentry work and it can be embedded to staining the prepared surface with transparent coloring substances.
"For staining in the brown color, the" Bez "paint is dissolved in hot water. The concentration of the solution is taken depending on the desired shade. The paint is applied with cotton swab, after which the product is dried at room temperature for two or three hours.
You can use another dye: acid chrome brown-15 g, acetic acid - 10 ml, aluminum alum - 55 g, water - 5 liters.
A reddish brown color will turn out if you take 20 g of walnut veil, 2 g of "Rubin" dye and 1 l of water.
To decorate under the red tree, 50 g of copper mood in 1 liter of water and 100 g of yellow blood salts are also 1 liter of water. Mix solutions.
The dried painted surface is wiped along the fiber lump of a horse-hairy or wood chips, after which it becomes smooth and glossy.
On the painted surface using a conventional pulverizer used for spraying cologne, polite No. 13 or No. 14 is applied. It should be applied evenly, not allowing the formation of drops and drows. For one reception, you can apply five or six layers of political, after which it should be dried for 6-8 hours at room temperature. Then the poliet is applied again and dried again. It is repeated until the political cover the surface to the smooth layer so that the pores of the tree will not be visible.
If some areas are covered with polishes not enough, they can be sealed by a condensed polytemo. It is obtained by evaporation of the usual politico in a small vessel (for example, in a saucer) within 10-18 hours.
The material covered with the polytema is dried for three to five days, after which its surface is pretty shallow skin.
Polishing is made by cloth, screwed onto the wooden bar and grated paste "GIO" (instead of the "goy", you can also use a paste to edit razor or oil paint "Chromium Oxide"), and richly moistened with sunflower oil. To the cloth did not intend to the fold, it is pinned with the buttons from the outside.
The polished surface gradually acquires a mirror glitter. Sometimes you need a small area of \u200b\u200bthe surface to wipe with clean cotton and check the quality of the patches. When the polishing will be completed, the entire surface must be wiped with a clean cotton, then the tampon, moistened with sunflower oil, and then pure cotton wool again.
Although the resinous wood species is usually not recommended to polish, it is possible to do this as follows: the surface is covered with glass paper and the surface of the Baiti with a solution is covered with very liquid joinery and give it well. Then, with the help of the pulverizer, five or six layers of shellated varnish are applied and the way it was indicated above.