Repair Design Furniture

Staircase to the attic: dimensions of the opening and construction, diagram and photo. Do-it-yourself staircase to the attic: we make a staircase to the attic with a photo instruction Outdoor stairs to the attic in a small house

When building a house, at least milestone is the arrangement of the attic to increase living space. True, you first have to build a staircase that will help connect two adjacent floors. And you can do it yourself.

Choosing the location of the future structure

Before do-it-yourself attic, you need to pick up for her the best place. Usually the entrance to the attic is made from the hall of the building or the living room, but if the room is open, then it can be done from the street.

Do-it-yourself mansard is considered an excellent option for country estates, as it allows you to save space inside the house. Another similar design is suitable for those who plan to permanently live in the attic. Made of wood or metal with luxurious lace railings, the stairs will not be able to spoil appearance Houses. They, on the contrary, will give it a European look.

The only drawback of external structures is that they will have to be constantly tinted and treated with anti-corrosion agents. In addition, you will definitely need to install on the steps.

Internal stairs to attic floor, made by hand, is a more common design, since it is more convenient to use. In addition, it is not necessary in cold weather to climb to the attic across the street. Such a design inside the house can decorate any interior, especially if it has an original and attractive look. The disadvantages of this method of going up can only be attributed to the fact that such a structure can take a lot of living space.

But the main thing is that the attic staircase, made with your own hands, meets the following requirements:

  • did not occupy a lot of necessary and usable area;
  • when choosing its location, the total height of the floor was taken into account;
  • had a comfortable and safe lift.

Varieties of structures for lifting and lowering to the attic

Attic stairs (do it yourself), the types of which may differ not only in location, but also in the type of construction, has its advantages and disadvantages.

A folding ladder is usually done if attic room they are going to rarely use it, otherwise it will instantly wear out, constantly require expensive maintenance and repair. The main advantage of such an attic staircase is the simplicity of design.

Screw structures are usually mounted in houses with a limited area. They have low rates of convenience and lifting safety. On top of that, a spiral staircase should not be installed if old people and children will live in the house, since it is difficult to move along it.

Simple is very popular. Such structures are considered the most durable and reliable, in addition, they differ from others in their attractive appearance and high safety.

The choice of material for the future design

You must always focus on interior design premises when buying the material from which the do-it-yourself attic staircase will be made. The assembly instructions will help you quickly assemble and install it. But remember that it is unlikely that a metal or glass structure will fit into a room decorated with clapboard, and a wooden structure will fit into a room decorated in a modern style.

Most often attic stairs made of metal or wood. But stainless steel designs are still more popular because they have a long service life and are perfectly combined with other materials. But wooden stairs are easier to do with your own hands due to the ease of processing.

More suitable option for the attic will be staircase design from concrete. True, it will be difficult and difficult to make it yourself, in addition, additional decoration costs will be required. However, if the house has a large hall, then such a staircase will fit perfectly. concrete structures have a long service life, are easy to repair and cope with high loads.

Manufacture of a hatch for stairs

The first step is to mark up the attic floor to avoid hitting the beam. In the absence of flooring, this is much easier to do, but the floor elements are not always available for inspection, because most often during construction, the ceiling of the upper floor is immediately waterproofed and insulated. If they cannot be reached, then a long, thin drill will have to be used to determine the best location. To find out the contour of the future hatch, it is necessary to make several holes in the ceiling. After that, it remains only to draw the surface.

You will need a circular saw to cut the floor covering. In this case, it is desirable to use disks with hard alloy teeth, since fasteners often come across on the way. As a result of the work, a through hole should be obtained, it will become the entrance to the attic.

Calculation of the size and number of steps

Mansard staircase, made by hand, - rational decision, which should start with preliminary calculations. For comfortable operation, it is recommended to adhere to the following indicators:

  • the width of the step should not exceed 28-30 cm, and the height - 14-16 cm;
  • the width of the ladder structure should be at least 1 meter;
  • the size winder steps in the narrow part should be about 20 cm.

If you can’t do the calculation yourself, then it’s better to ask for help from a design company.

Calculating the angle of inclination

When constructing an attic staircase, it is necessary to adhere to the standards. Therefore, a vertical passage should be made no larger than 2 meters from the ceiling to the step. This also applies to the distance between the strapping of the upper hatch to the attic and the step.

The angle of inclination of the structure depends on the height of the lift. For example, a staircase with a slope of less than 35° takes up a lot of free space. But on a design with an inclination of more than 55 °, it will be very difficult to move around, since you will have to go down backwards. It is better to design a functional element that provides vertical connections with a slope of 35-45°. It turns out the most comfortable is the attic staircase made in this way with your own hands.

How to make braids?

The main details of the staircase structure are stringers. As these load-bearing beams, boards with sawn notches for steps can be used. They should be approximately 50 mm thick and approximately 250 mm wide. Most often, two beams are used, but when more than 120 cm is made, an additional stringer is installed.

First of all, it is necessary to stretch the twine along the wall from the ceiling of the attic to the place where the staircase begins. Then, changing the slope of the rope, you should check the number of expected steps and the length of the carrier beam, comparing with the calculations.

Then you need to measure the angles that have arisen between flooring and twine, and also between the rope and the ceiling. At the place where the stringer is fixed to the ceiling, a protrusion of at least 10 cm should be left to secure the structure to the attic floor.

After that, the stringer is fixed to the surface of the wall and the attachment points of the steps are marked on it. To determine the verticality and horizontality of the lines under seats should be used building level. The board must be detached from the wall and notches should be made according to the markings. It is necessary to ensure that the cuts are even, and the level of the grooves is suitable for the device steps. The second kosour is cut out similarly to the first.

Do-it-yourself attic staircase: installation

First, the ladder base is mounted on a bar at the bottom. Then attached to it bearing beams, and at the top, spikes are inserted into the recesses, pre-lubricated with carpentry glue. The resulting structure is connected with metal corners. To strengthen the attic staircase, as a rule, they are used. With the help of these fasteners, additional load-bearing beams are connected in several places.

Installation of steps

They should be installed from the bottom tread. Steps can be fixed with self-tapping screws. Joints must be treated with wood glue.

When installing a riser with reverse side stair construction treads are screwed. After that, they are sewn up to the top of the stringer, and the side line of the steps should be ennobled with a board or plywood.

Handrail installation

If the attic staircase, made with your own hands, has a width of more than 120 cm, then the railing is not needed on it. It's easy to make them if you want. To do this, bolts are fixed to the beams vertical racks, and then fences are already attached to them. Optimal about 85 cm.

It’s good if you think over the layout of the house in advance, which will include the presence of an attic floor - a rather profitable and practical element that helps to effectively manage the interior space. However, the owner of the house does not always have such an opportunity, most often an already rebuilt building with an attic, which has to be converted into an attic, is at the disposal.

And the first thing you should take care of is the stairs to the attic, the dimensions of which can be calculated according to this instruction.

Note! If you take on handmade production stairs, its design must meet the basic requirements.

These requirements include:

  • high level of strength;
  • ease of use;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • safety when climbing to the attic floor;
  • comfort of use.

Planning and calculations

The planning stage of the future design consists of several points, each of which should be carefully calculated.

The planning stage includes:

  • choice of installation type;
  • selection of materials;
  • choice of type of ladder construction.

Note! All calculations should be entrusted to an experienced designer.

But if you still take all the work on yourself, the answer to the question of how to calculate the size of the stairs to the attic will consist of answers to whole line questions related to its design and installation in your environment.

First, determine for yourself how the stairs to the attic floor will be located. by the most in a simple way to solve this problem will be the installation of a staircase from the side of the street.

The simplicity of this method lies in the fact that you will not care at all about the size of the opening under the stairs to the attic, since the need for it is completely eliminated. In addition, you do not have to adjust the presence of the hatch to the interior of the room.

Although this approach has its drawbacks:

  • the internal placement of the stairs is more practical;
  • the structure is exposed negative impact weather conditions;
  • restrictions are placed on the use of some materials that are not suitable for outdoor placement;
  • when operating a wet or icy staircase, not only the level of comfort decreases, but also the safety of climbing to the attic;
  • you have to go outside in order to climb to the attic floor;
  • a staircase with a street location implies the presence of an additional front door, which must be reliable in order to ensure the safety of your home from the penetration of strangers.

Selection of material and type of construction

After you decide on the installation site of the structure, you need to start selecting suitable materials. If the stairs to the attic, the size, diagram and photos of which are given in the figures, correspond to the parameters of your room, then you can safely take on wood. It is best if you choose hardwoods.

Wood, as a material for the manufacture of stairs, is quite easy to handle and malleable, it can be perfectly processed with conventional tools which can be found in almost every home. As a result, you get an attractive design that will perfectly fit into the interior of the room.

Note! Before use, all lumber must go through a curing procedure: for at least three days, the wood must lie in the room in which you will install the staircase itself so that the material can adapt to the conditions of the room. It is best to use wood after chamber drying.

Space saving plays an important role in choosing the right design. In addition to complying with all basic safety standards, as a result of the appearance of stairs in your home, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room should not be much concealed or shaded. The safest design option for lifting takes up the most space, these designs have a gentle angle of inclination.

You can make a staircase, as shown in the photo below, which shows a rotary structure with corner placement. As you can see, it takes up minimal space in the room and does not obscure it from the light at all.

Spiral staircases also help save space in the room. They look quite impressive, but at the same time they have a design that is too intricate to manufacture, and the descent along such steps is not as comfortable as in the case of ordinary mid-flight stairs.

Parameters that define the stairs:

  1. Rise height level - the distance between the floor and the ceiling, together with the thickness of the threshold of the upper floor.

  1. Area - this indicator will determine the angle of inclination of the stairs, as well as the width of its design and the dimensions of the hatch, which will go to the attic floor.

  1. The tread width indicator is calculated so that when a person climbs the stairs, the leg can fully rest on the step, and at the same time there are no extra unused centimeters left. The optimal tread width is three dozen centimeters, the march width is from 80 to 100 cm, and the riser height should not go beyond the range of 15-19 cm.

It is these parameters that are used in the calculation of the stairs and its further manufacture. Assembly is quite simple, the main thing is to complete all the parts and connect them in a reliable way in the required sequence.

The attic floor saves both money and Construction Materials, and place. Cold attic can be turned into useful space. It is necessary to insulate the room, make a finish, and you can build a staircase. Let's find out what options for such constructions are, how to do it correctly so that the work is successful.

So, there are several types of stairs for the attic. The design scheme depends on the type and size of the room. Important to do correct calculations to make the stairs durable, comfortable, and reliable. Suitable stairs of any shape for this purpose. Most often they make ordinary marching structures, the simplest ones. They also make different spiral staircases. They are beautiful and save space in the house.

How to choose right place location of the future structure? The choice depends on which room is upstairs. If it is heated, then the stairs can be made in the living room, or in the hallway.

If the room is cold, the attic is summer, it is better to make a staircase on the veranda, or even on the street. The main thing in choosing a place is that the slope is forty-five degrees. Then the design will be convenient. If there is a lot of space, you can make a staircase with two flights. If space is limited, we will make a spiral staircase.

If there is only an opportunity to build a steep staircase with one march, then we will make running steps. They are more comfortable. The stairs to the attic should be comfortable and safe. Also, it should be placed so as not to steal a lot of space from the ground floor. Another thing to consider is floor height. Let's look at how to make a spiral staircase, because it saves space the best. Let's take wood for materials. And let's decide on our design. The features of the stairs are such that there is an octagonal support post, as well as flat handrails. The steps go around the rack.

Such a staircase can be located in one of the corners of the room, taking up very little space. If she ate the only rise up, then the opening needs to be made a little wider.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to lift objects such as furniture when needed. Having chosen a place, the shape of the opening, we will begin to calculate the diameter of the structure. We measure the height, find the lower level of the structure, and determine the direction of the spiral of our future stairs. We choose the height of the risers, and determine the number of steps. Installation is carried out from below. All parts are fastened with special studs.

The central support is made of a board about thirty millimeters thick. Octahedrons for her need to be glued. The stand should come out straight. The base of the rack is a sheet of steel, to which a metal pipe is attached. Attach the stand to the floor. Now install the stairs. They rest on octahedrons on one side, and on consoles on the other side. We also make the handrail in a spiral shape. Job is done.

Design stairs to the attic

The attic can be very useful. In this room, you can make any room. There you can equip a bedroom, and a nursery, or an office. You can make a very comfortable room if you implement various design solutions. It is also important to take care of the stairs. It has to be safe first and foremost. You can also apply some design ideas decorating her.

The staircase for the attic should be a durable, high-quality construction. It must also be aesthetically pleasing. Design can be very different. Fantasy can work for everyone.

Let's first think about what types of stairs for the attic are. The choice depends on how often this room will be used. If this is a country house, it will do. simple staircase. If the room itself has a spirit of solidity, you can choose a more interesting option.

So, there are several types of stairs. There is a screw, folding, attic stairs. And there is a design with one or more marches. Most effective option, it's a spiral staircase. It allows for many stylish ideas. Design depends on general style building, and personal preference.

A lot also depends on the materials. There are wooden metal stairs. And there are also designs made of glass, which allows you to especially distinguish yourself in style. Those who love the classics prefer wooden options stairs. But metal also allows you to make a sophisticated, and unusually elegant design. Therefore, it is possible to combine these two materials by combining them. You can decorate a wooden staircase with wrought iron details. It will be a delightful way to decorate your home. The stone staircase also looks very nice.

Well, you can calculate the size. Do not forget to take into account the angle of inclination, as well as the width of the steps. This is important for comfortable use of the stairs. Sometimes it is difficult to find the line between practicality and aesthetics. But it needs to be done. Since the most important thing is the safety of users of the future design. The interior of the stairs can give the whole house an atmosphere of comfort and warmth.

In any private house there is an attic space. But for easy access to it, a reliable ladder is needed. If the structure is made inside, it will be more comfortable and cozy, especially during the cold months. But it happens that the house has already been renovated, everything is in its place, and you don’t want to clutter up the space, especially if there is so little of it. Therefore, sometimes stairs are made on the street. Let's talk about this ladder.

There are several types of outdoor attic stairs. You need to decide on it. some types can only be installed in a spacious yard, while others are suitable for narrower places. Another type of stairs depends on the chosen material. There are electric stairs. They slide out vertically and are very convenient. But making such a ladder is not easy. You need an electric drive, the ability to work with metal, and the height of the ceiling must be appropriate.

Another type is an accordion ladder. You can often see such options in stores. The elements are connected and work like scissors. When the ladder is assembled, it attracts almost no attention. This design is easier. Another type of stairs marching structure. It takes up enough space. Marches can be prefabricated, and solid. They are either straight or curved. Maybe one march, or maybe three sites. They can be metal or they can be made from wood. They are easy to make. It is this type of ladder that we will now consider in more detail.

It is important to observe safety precautions, this is the most main point in all work. The ladder must be made strong and stable. So you need to think for her good material. There must be reliable railings. It is better to make the opening as wide as possible. It will need to be insulated. Also, the ladder must be stable in terms of cargo, so that you can lift things and heavy objects along it.

It depends on the material what dimensions and characteristics the staircase will be.

Most available material, this is a tree. You do not need special skills to make such a ladder. So that the tree does not rot over time, you just need to process it by special means and it will be durable. These funds will help the material become resistant to fire and weather precipitation. What can be said about metal? This is the most popular material for outdoor stairs to the attic. It is very reliable, and durable, withstands heavy loads, and does not deform. But skills are needed to make such a structure. Therefore, let's look at how to make a wooden staircase.

We create a drawing on which we indicate everything necessary calculations. We buy materials for construction. We choose a tree so that it is not wet or overdried. Also, it should not have cracks or deformations. To make steps, we will need boards, we will also need a beam for stringers. We put markings on the beam. We cut out the teeth, and put the steps.

Assembly is easy. We fix our steps.

Glass spiral staircase

design and dimensions of the stairs to the attic in a private house-photo, attic houses outside and inside: external staircase to the attic - entrance from the street, interiors of designer attic spaces - photo gallery


Equipment additional premises in the attic is good option increase in living space in the house. After the attic has become residential, you need to take care of installing a beautiful one. Even when designing, it is necessary to consider where the attic staircase will be installed, what kind it will have, and what material it will be made of.

At the place of installation, the attic staircase can be internal or external. The internal ladder structure is the most used option, but takes up a lot of space. outdoor staircase for the attic, it is mounted from the outside of the buildings, it is an element of the facade of the building. By type of construction stairs to the attic are:

  • Single-flight staircase to the attic. Such an attic staircase is easy to manufacture and install.
  • Two-flight (turning) staircase for the attic.
  • With running steps. In this case, the turntable is replaced by steps in the form of a trapezoid. Such an attic staircase takes less space than two-march.
  • Screw. This type of attic structure occupies a minimum of space, is the most acceptable option. A spiral attic staircase will add originality to any interior. A helical attic structure is assembled from winders, which are mounted on a supporting pole.
  • Foldable. This is the most economical type of construction. It is used in the case when attic stairs are rarely used. The folding staircase to the attic consists of separate sections and fits into the ceiling hatch. It is easy to install, easy to operate, small space occupied, reliable and simple.

Material selection

The main material for the manufacture of stairs to the attic is wood, less often metal and very rarely stone. Sometimes the march to the attic is combined, when the bowstring is made of metal, and the steps are made of wood.

More commonly used inside the home wooden staircase for the attic. Wooden staircase can be of any type and shade. Wood is environmentally friendly, reliable, easy to process. The lumber prepared for work must be even, free of knots, cracks and deformations.

The staircase to the attic, made of metal, is mainly installed indoors. Such an attic structure is reliable in operation and is characterized by high strength.

An attic staircase made of stone is installed outside the building. It is reliable, made thoroughly. After installation, the stone staircase structure is plastered and painted in the color of the building's facade.

Marching design and calculation of elements

The attic staircase is the easiest to build. It may have one or more spans. To flight of stairs was operated for a long period, it is necessary to carry out the correct calculation of all elements during the design:

  • The bowstring and kosour are the main load-bearing elements of the entire structure. An attic ladder on bowstrings is the most used option. The bowstring is either made of wood or metal. A bowstring made of wood is most often used, as it is easy to process and install. The recommended dimensions of a bowstring made of wood are: length - 2000-5500 mm, width - from 350 mm, thickness - from 25 to 50 mm. The stairs to the attic with stringers look prettier, but are difficult to manufacture and install. For installation, you need to know what length and height it will be, the depth of its steps, the height of the riser.

The difference between a bowstring and a stringer is that on the bowstring the steps are located between the beams. Kosour is the same beam, only the steps are already installed on top of the beam

  • Steps and risers. They are made from a flat, processed board, with a width of 0.2 to 0.3 m, based on the free space allotted for the flight of stairs. All steps must be sanded, cuts and irregularities removed. The risers are selected in height, in the range from 15 to 20 cm.
  • Number of steps. The length of the flight of stairs must be divided by the allowable step height. If the ladder structure has 18 steps or more, it is recommended to make a U-turn platform.
  • Turnaround area. The attic staircase can be rotated 90 and 180 degrees, based on the shape of the stairs. The width of the landing should be the same as the width of the flight of stairs. It is necessary to provide for a platform length of more than 1 meter, which is commensurate with the length of a person's step. This will ensure normal movement around the site.
  • Steepness. The slope of the flight of stairs should be in the range of 30 to 45 degrees. This meets the conditions for its safe use and ergonomics. When the slope is more than 45 degrees, carrying heavy things and moving people will be very inconvenient. With a slope of less than 30 degrees, the stairs to the attic will turn out to be longer and take up a lot of free space.
  • Structure length. To calculate it, you need to take the fastening points of the march in the floor and lower floors. Having received the height and width of the structure, we calculate its length using the hypotenuse formula of a right triangle.

March installationladder construction

This installation order is typical. The set for attic stairs includes a bowstring, balusters with railings, treads, risers. To install the string, top floor equip grooves for its installation. Sometimes these grooves are not performed, but metal stoppers are mounted and tightly fixed. In the place of the lower attachment of the bowstring at the level of the first step, a locking bar is installed and fastened to the floor so that even minimal movement is excluded when the ladder is loaded. Installation of steps is extremely simple. The grooves prepared for the steps in the bowstring must be smeared with adhesive and the risers should be installed. After that, you need to make sure that the risers are aligned with the edge, and attach them with nails or self-tapping screws. Treads can be laid on the fixed risers and fixed. Glue in this situation does not allow the steps to creak.

Advice! For ease of use, it is recommended to start the installation of steps on attic stairs from the first lower step.

When installing balusters, you need to ensure that they are all installed at the same height.. To do this, you need to mount identical balusters on the first and last steps, stretch a rope between them and install the remaining balusters along the line of the stretched rope. On the fixed balusters, handrails are installed and fastened, which can be made of different material. The assembled attic stairs are polished again. Polished stairs are opened with impregnations that repel water and protective equipment from tree insects. Installation of a mid-flight ladder

Screw design, the order of its installation

The screw attic design looks more attractive, but its production and installation are much more expensive than direct marching ones. When installing a spiral staircase in the attic, a carrier pillar is most often used, where trapezoidal steps are mounted on the axis one after the other. For stability and reliability, the column is set exactly vertically and concreted at the base. Cylinders are cut from a pipe, which is several millimeters larger than the column in diameter. Steps are attached to the cylinders and mounted on a pole. After the steps are put on the axial pole, they are set to the desired angles and attached to the pole. The tread should be a depth of 10 cm at the post and up to 40 cm at outside. The riser must have average height 20 cm. The staircase to the attic is equipped with railings. Standard railings have a height of 1 meter, which can be increased if necessary. Installing screw structures for the attic, do not forget that they are all due to design features limited in use. Installation of a spiral staircase

The arrangement of the living room under the roof of the house has become practical solution, increasing usable area. To climb into the room, it is necessary to install a reliable ladder. Manufacturers offer big choice finished structures, but their purchase is not always justified due to the high cost and inappropriate sizes. A do-it-yourself staircase to the attic is a reasonable solution, its dimensions are individual and correspond to the size of the room. By installing the structure yourself, you can be sure of its strength and safety.

Material selection

  1. A wooden staircase is a popular option for installation in a private house. Environmentally friendly, easy to process and beautiful material used to create various models constructions: on stringers, straight single-march or folding. Wood of 1-2 grades is used, without knots and defects. Among conifers, larch, pine, and cedar are popular. Durable and solid stairs are made of oak and ash.
  2. Metal stairs are designed for long-term and safe use, they are durable, not afraid of moisture, do not burn. This material can be used for a structure placed outside the building. Metal elements become a stylish addition to the interior.
  3. Concrete stairs are durable, but they are heavy and are installed in spacious stone buildings.
  4. Combined designs made of metal and glass look light and impressive, they are quite strong and durable, but they are more expensive than other models.

Designs: which one to choose

classical marching ladder with one or two spans provides a convenient lift to the attic. The design with one march is installed at an inclination of 30-45 degrees. It is suitable for a room with a ceiling height of less than 2.5 m, otherwise the steps will be too steep. The two-flight model is installed in the corner of the room, it requires less space than a single-span design. The turn between marches is 90 or 180 degrees, it is performed in the form of a landing. The design of such stairs is carried out along with the drawing up of a general plan of the house.

The spiral staircase saves free space and has an original appearance. The design consists of winders attached to the central support post. Climbing such a ladder is inconvenient and unsafe, so reliable railings are always installed.

A folding ladder is made of wood or metal, it is installed if the attic room is rarely used. Such a model does not create problems with free space, is easy to mount, and does not require preliminary planning. The design consists of several sections, which are folded and removed into the hatch.

The staircase to the attic can be located not only inside the house, but also outside. Separate entrance into the room makes it more private. The external staircase is chosen in a style close to the decoration of the facade of the building. If the structure is mounted from wood, then its service life is extended by applying an antiseptic and varnish.


For convenient and safe movement on the stairs, the recommended values ​​​​of structural elements are derived:

  • step height up to 20 cm;
  • minimum span width 80–90 cm;
  • step width 30–40 cm;
  • riser height 15–20 cm;
  • the width of the flight of stairs from 80 to 100 cm;
  • railings are installed at a height of 90 cm;
  • the angle of inclination ranges from 20 to 45 degrees;
  • an odd number of steps is preferred.


practical and affordable option for making with your own hands is a single-flight wooden staircase on stringers. The manufacture of the structure begins with marking and cutting out a place under the hatch for passage to the attic. Overlap is cut circular saw according to the dimensions of the flight of stairs. The opening is performed rectangular shape. All details of the stairs, their dimensions and location are marked on the drawing. The number of steps in the span is counted; for this, the distance from the beginning of the stairs to the attic floor is measured with twine. The height and depth of the steps, the size of the tread depend on the angle of inclination, the steeper the staircase, the smaller the width of the steps. If the structure has two spans, then they should be located at the same angle, and landing set before making braids.

Stair elements

Kosour - a side beam, which is the bearing support for the steps. For it, glued laminated timber is used softwood, its thickness is 65 cm. The outer part of the stringer is milled and processed grinder. A 50–100 mm spike is made in the upper part of the board, which will be required to secure the hatch. Under the spike of the kosour in the ceiling, a groove is knocked out with a chisel.

Tread - the surface of the step, which is stepped on when walking. For it, boards with a thickness of 35 to 50 mm are used.

Note! The wider the span, the more secure the step should be.

Riser - a vertical plank between the steps, it is not always installed. The thickness of the element is 1–2 cm.

Installation steps

The kosour is applied to the wall at a selected angle and temporarily fixed. It marks the places of the cuts for fixing the steps. For marking, the height of the riser and the depth of the steps are taken. After marking, the board is removed and cut along the lines. For joining the stringer with the bottom transverse beam 5 × 5 cm is washed down. The second kosour is performed similarly to the first. If the span exceeds 120 cm, three stringers are required.

The wall kosour is installed first, its Bottom part rests against the bar, and the upper part adjoins interfloor overlap. In this place, a groove has been prepared for the spike of the kosour, the elements are connected using carpentry glue. The second beam is installed parallel to the first, the angle of inclination is strictly observed.

Note! For reliability, the parts are fastened metal plates. The fastening of the stringers must be rigid and exclude the possibility of shifting the structure. The beam against the wall is fixed with self-tapping screws.

Installation of steps begins from the bottom, self-tapping screws are taken for fasteners, their recessed heads are closed with wooden plugs. The second option for fixing the tread is the use of glue and screws. For wooden steps fastening dowels of the same material can be used. After the first step, a riser is installed. All planned elements are attached sequentially one after another.

After the installation of all steps, balusters are installed, to which the railings are attached. Racks are placed on each step and fixed with bolts. The height of the fence should be 85–90 cm.

Note! All parts are carefully polished, their surface must be smooth, without roughness.

The wooden parts of the structure are treated with an antiseptic composition and flame retardant. You can apply protective solutions after mounting the stairs or on individual elements before they are assembled. The attractiveness of the design will add a coating with a layer of varnish.

The staircase to the attic is an integral element of the house, its shape and size are chosen individually. Observing the manufacturing technology and having some carpentry skills, you can make a solid and attractive design yourself.


Instructions for making a spiral staircase: