Repairs Design Furniture

How to get a hole in the concrete correctly. How to drill a concrete wall with a regular drill: what to choose a tool and nozzle, practical tips. Nuances of the correct drilling of concrete

The repair process in the apartment includes many works related to the creation of holes in the walls: To do this, the tool of various design and power can be used. Many masters and those who are going to carry out repair on their own, want to learn how to drill a concrete wall with a regular drill and is it possible at all. For such work, the perforator is usually used, but it is not always suitable for this, besides, if the tool has to be bought, then its cost is much higher than that of a drill.

Features of the choice of tool

In most cases, it is better to use a perforator: it has an enlarged power, designed to penetrate solid surfaces, allows you to do large on the diameter of the hole. The use of the tool is inappropriate in the following cases:

  • need to drill the wall to a depth of 10-12 mm;
  • work with which crumble when processing perforator;
  • the paper requires no more than 10-15 holes.

Before drilling the wall, it is important to choose the drill itself: it should not be unknown, since such a kind of ineffective when drilling concrete, nozzle and cartridge almost immediately come into disrepair. The nozzles themselves must be winners, are intended for concrete works, a tip with a carbide coating.

In some cases, a successful solution will be the acquisition of a perforator drill: the device is more expensive than the classic model, but is characterized by an increased power, which can be adjusted.

What nozzles to choose?

Before driving a hole in a concrete wall, it is necessary to choose the nozzle of the appropriate design. For work apply the following varieties:

  1. Shock-type gear crowns designed for drilling. When working with concrete, it is recommended to use varieties of separate soldering teeth, made of the most durable metal alloys. Many crowns are equipped with SDS tails for installation in a drill with a quick-sample chamber. The drills are well suited for concrete walls, however, when contacting the metal can begin to collapse, so before drilling a reinforced concrete wall, it is necessary to check that there are no fittings that are used to enhance.
  2. Diamond crowns that are intended for unstressed drilling holes. Such nozzles are more modern, with their help make a hole in the concrete wall easier. The edge of the crown has an abrasive structure and special cuts, in production it is treated by spraying diamond crumb or corundum. Before making a hole in the wall, it is only necessary to choose the desired nozzle length: a variety of up to 100-120 mm with a diameter is used in everyday life, larger crowns are used in professional work. A distinctive feature is the possibility of drilling without risk to damage the adaptation of the reinforcement.
  3. COP crowns that have a cutting edge with crystal diamond particles. Such nozzles are used for most solid walls, including concrete slabs, external walls and stone structures.

Before drilled or partition, it is necessary to make sure that the wires or cables will not be affected during the work, if so, are laid inside.

How to drill a concrete drill to drill?

Usually, similar works are performed in the following cases:

  • rough decoration of premises;
  • installation of embedded furniture and technology;
  • installation of wiring and plumbing when communications are required to concrete.

When using a winpe nozzle during the work, it takes from time to time to use a metal displacement, which is selected for the size of the formed hole. Such a tool allows drill to do not swap with deep dive drill: the dispersion is placed in concrete and deepen through the hammer blows to make a hole in the wall, destroying the seal.

This process is quite a long, alternative to the use of diamond crowns: a drill equipped with such nozzles will not be stuck in concrete.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Before driving a hole in the wall, you need to install the desired nozzle, previously making sure the tool and the integrity of the drill.
  2. A drilling concrete is required carefully, when using low-power equipment, the duration of continuous operation of the drill should not be more than 10-12 minutes. If the drilling has been dragged into time, it is required to take breaks to make the motor cooled.
  3. After drilling the concrete wall it became clear, then in addition it is worth considering that for each new opening it is required to handle the nozzle. You can moisten the surface with water to facilitate the procedure and save the metal from the deformation.

The whole work process can be viewed on the video:

If you are confronted with a drill jam, you can not extract it by force: it leads to the rustling of the device, as a result of which the tip will remain in concrete. The nozzle is required to be disconnected, select the crown of the reduced diameter and with it to pull out the stuck item.

Before deciding than drilling concrete walls, and get started, it is worth paying attention to the following recommendations:

  • if the hole diameter exceeds 12 mm, and the depth is 10-11 cm, it is better to use a perforator or a hybrid device (drill perforator);
  • if the holes are made under the plastic dowels, the depth must be more than the size of the fastening element by 7-10 mm, since concrete dust and small particles remain inside;
  • the beginning of the work is recommended to perform on small revolutions so that the nozzle is not shifted due to the increased torque, and the shock mode includes when the drill is 2-4 mm in depth;
  • dust, which appeared in the process of drilling, can be removed by a vacuum cleaner, it is advisable to perform this in the process, periodically stopping the drill and cleaning the hole from the particles of concrete;
  • be sure to comply with the security technique: it is necessary to put on gloves to eliminate the risk of sliding handles and safety glasses so that the crumb does not get into the eyes and damaged the mucous membrane.

In most cases, the concrete wall is drilled by a perforator, going around without a drill. If, as part of the repair, no more than 15-20 holes or wall are made of foam concrete, the use of a drill is the optimal choice that will save time and means.

Before you break through the hole, you need to make sure that the wiring is not held in this place, and whether the nozzle is suitable for such works (from how the drill will be equipped with a drill, the duration and efficiency of work). I solve how to dry the wall, you should pay attention to the winners of the crowns: such a drill using a drill without much difficulty can be breaking the hole with a depth of 10-12 cm.

The ability to drill holes in concrete is a fairly useful and convenient skill. With him, you can easily hang the shelves, hang pictures, install lamps and make a lot of work on home fast and safe way. The process of drilling concrete is simple enough, but with the right selection of tools and understanding the principles of work, you will save yourself a huge amount of time.


Part 1

Preparation for work

    Buy or take a shock drill. Drill the holes in the concrete is easier by a shock drill or a perforator (in the case of large works). These tools will allow the concrete with reciprocating drill strikes and remove the resulting crumb to rotate it. The completion of such a job with a regular drill will be slow and difficult, as concrete will not be drilled so easily like wood or metal. For any work, which will be the volume drilling of several holes in decorative (and not structural) concrete surfaces, such as in modern softer kitchen countertops from stone crumb, do not misquain to pay a little more means for renting a shock tool.

    Explore the tool. Read the user manual and remember the purpose of all buttons and switches on the tool. You should know well how to handle the tool before switching to the next step.

    • Observe security measures. Including put on the protective glasses so that concrete crumb did not get into the eyes, take advantage of the earnests, so as not to damage the rumor, and thick working gloves to protect your hands from high friction and red-hot drill. For long work under which there is a lot of dust, it is also recommended to wear a respirator.
  1. Insert a high-quality drill on a concrete into the tool. Drills for concrete with carbide tips (or, as it can be indicated on the package, "shock drills") are specifically designed for shock drills and withstand the load arising from the drilling drilling of a strong concrete. The length of the working part of the drill with grooves should be no less than the depth of the hole, which you are going to drill, as these grooves are important for extracting the resulting dust from the hole.

    Set the depth of drilling. Some drills have the ability to set up a drilling depth or a special limiter. Read the user manual for the tool to find out how to use it. If your device is not equipped with a drilling depth limiter, measure and mark the pencil or painting tape with the necessary depth of the hole on the drill itself. If you are not sure which depth of the holes you need, follow the recommendations below.

    Right take the drill in hand. Keep drill with one hand like a pistol, putting an index finger on the start button. If the drill is equipped with an additional handle, take it with the second hand and use for more reliable tool capture. Otherwise, just pick up the drill at the bottom of the second hand closer to the rear of the case.

    Part 2

    Drilling concrete
    1. Mark the point for drilling the hole. With the help of a soft pencil, put a label on the wall as a point or cross in the place where you want to drill a hole.

      Drill the markup hole. Put a drill drill to the label and briefly run it at a slow speed (if it is adjustable on your device) or make several short clicks on the Start button (if the speed adjustment is missing). You should have a deepening of 3-6 mm size, which will help you correctly send a drill when driving the main opening.

      Continue drilling, but already with great effort. Switch to the shock mode (if you have your drill). Pret the drill to the strictly perpendicular to the concrete surface. Start drilling with confident, but not excessive pressure on the drill, so that the drill began to dive into concrete. Gradually increase the speed of rotation of the drill and pressure on it, if necessary, but remember that at the same time the drill must remain under your complete control and in a stable position. Concrete is sufficiently inhomogeneous and the drill can easily slip if it falls into the air pocket or emptiness.

Sometimes when repairing must be done. The masters use the perforator, but it is not in the farm. If you know how to drill a concrete wall with a regular drill, then the task copes with a simple tool.

What are the walls of concrete

Drilling concrete walls and a ceiling is difficult - crushed stone, which makes it difficult to process.

To solve this task, use several tools:

  • drill with a shock mechanism;
  • ordinary electric drill;
  • powerful screwdriver;
  • machine for diamond drilling.

For a large volume of repair, a perforator is more suitable, which is designed to drill holes in solid building materials: brick, concrete.

He performs this work due to its capabilities:

  • increased engine power;
  • you can use various chisels;
  • available Application drills of large sizes.

But not always the perforator is appropriate to apply.

It does not fit:

  • if you want to do the holes of a small depth - about 10 mm;
  • for foam blocks - the material crumbs;
  • if a lot of holes are required - the perforator overheats.

For home, the electric drill is used. If it is bought for drilling walls, they take into account that the drummer is better, because In the unstressed drill with long-term use in such conditions, the cartridge is quickly spoiled. You can buy a drill perforator - a powerful tool.

Make a little holes can be a regular drill, while using special nozzles and devices that help in work. Instead of a drill, high power screwdriver is also used.

For professional structures use diamond drilling. Special expensive equipment is used, which makes no sense for home use. If the hole is complex, it is better to entrust work to specialists.

Diamond drills and other devices

Types of diamond drills for a drill.

The rods for concrete have along the entire length of the attack, which give special strength. Even when working with solid materials, they retain technical properties.

Externally, they also differ, which does not allow them to confuse them with others:

  • the blunted end of the attacked will win, which is hardly inferior to the diamond;
  • white products, in contrast to black metal and bright for wood;
  • the tip is wider than the rod.

Drills for drills are relatively small, with shanks in the form of a cylinder or a polyhedron. For perforators - large, marked with SDS, they are often called not drills, but by boots.

The design distinguishes:

  • screw - to drill deep holes;
  • spirals - for high-diameter holes;
  • shot - they make small holes.

At the drills thickened shank, they are inserted into the cartridge snaps.

If you need to drill a wide opening, and the perforator did not turn out, will help the special nozzle. It is called a crown, has teeth, which are inserted drilling in solid surfaces. Performed with diamond spraying or from winning.

The cross section of the nozzle is 35-120 mm. The special demand for crowns with a diameter of 68 mm is the size of the opposition. Drilled at the maximum depth of 150 mm, if required more, lengthen. Crowns for perforators have attacked teeth, and in the carbide sputter intended for a drill instead.

It has some advantages: such a nozzle is equally well awe of concrete and tile, and the highly specialized nozzles for the perforator have to be changed. The crown can be used with an electric drill with a capacity of more than 1 kW.

For drilling, various types of nozzles will be suitable:

  1. Shock crowns with soldered teeth.
  2. Diamond - for unstressed drilling without a perforator. They with abrasive on the edge, work faster than shock.
  3. COP crowns - with spraying on the edges.

Quality products are offered by Bosh, Makita, Metabo, among the domestic - "Interskol", "bison". Chinese products can also be high quality if their price is high.

It is important to use tools and adaptations correctly. Prepare a set of drills with various performance. Concrete walls are facing with wood, tiled, stone for which different drills will be needed. Before work, we are convinced that under the plaster in the site there is no wiring.

If the wall drill the walls on the reinforcement, the metal drill is inserted. Professionals sharpen their own tool so that it passes concrete, metal and other materials, but for this you need a lot of experience.

Before drilling pay attention to important points:

  • for holes deeper than 10 cm and a diameter of more than 12 mm, a perforator is used;
  • work starts on low revs, the shock function includes when the rod is deepened by 5 mm;
  • holes under the dowels are drilled by 10 mm longer than plastic housing.

If drill drill, deepening, stuck, it takes out and develop a hole with a punch to break down the stone and advance further.

Diamond drills are more expensive than winners and are used only without switching on the impact mechanism. They are required every 10 minutes to cool, it is necessary to do it without water, only in the air.

Several nuances how to drill a concrete wall

If you need to drill a concrete, the usual drill is suitable for several small holes. For larger volume, the perforator or shock drill is used.

The best devices are diamonds, which are easier to drill, if an electric drill without a shock mechanism. They work with interruptions to avoid overheating drill. The drilling of reinforced concrete is an excessive load for the engine, gearbox, bearings, the drill is not intended for such a job, so it is used carefully.

Holes in ceramic material that walls are often lined with a concrete drill, pressing slightly so as not to split the tile. A tree, plastic is not amenable to him, so first pass drill for the corresponding material.

Drill a shock drill stone or solid concrete is a rather laborious process. In particularly difficult cases, when it is necessary to do a hole in the bearing wall or overlap, it is better to use the perforator (switched to the drill mode). Do not even try to work a drill when you need to drill holes to secure on the concrete overlap of profiles (when mounting the suspended ceiling). Just lose time and come out of the forces.

What are the drills on concrete

To work, use drills on concrete and drill (borants). Concrete drill has a standard form shank (like conventional drills for metal or wood) and is intended for a shock drill. For perforators, drill drills are designed, which have shanks under the SDS-design cartridge with a diameter of 10 mm or 18 mm.

A concrete drill is made from a special solid alloy, in addition, it has an argued tip (made of top-base alloy based on titanium and tungsten). You can boot with such drills with concrete, brick, marble, stone, ceramics and other similar materials.

  • It should be borne in mind that the use of drills on concrete is needed solely for work with concrete, ceramics, stone. Drill with metal or wood extremely undesirable. If, when drilling a carrier wall of the boring, it will be strengthened into steel reinforcement, it is better to drill it with a metal drill, and then continue to be drilled by concrete.
  • When working a shock drill, a solid stones can come across in concrete, which the drill does not always "take." In this case, use a special bump or an old drill on concrete and a sledgehammer to manually crush the stone. After this, drilling can be continued.

  • When working with solid concrete, it is necessary to ensure that the drill does not overheat, letting it cool every 10-15 minutes.
  • Sometimes when drilling the wall, pieces of plaster can fall off from the opposite side. To avoid this problem, it is enough to reduce the turnover. Although the work will go somewhat slower, but for the safety of the wall do not have to worry.
  • To drill ceramic tiles, use drill on concrete, but set a normal drill mode. At the same time, press should not be very much so that the tile is not split.

Sooner or later, most people living in houses with concrete walls occurs the need to suspend the locker, a lamp, a shelf or a picture. At this point, an urgent question appears on how to drill a concrete wall. It is no secret that every home master at least once in his life came across this problem, but not everyone knows how to solve it. Many courageously torture drill and their own strength, but, without achieving the desired result, they throw everything until the next attempt to make a hole in the wall. But the drill, ultimately, breaks, and the shelves remained to stand somewhere in the corner of the room or dust in the storage room. But options, nevertheless, there are - they just need to know and be able to use them.

Concrete structures are strong enough and poorly drilling. In addition, quite often the drills are stuck on crushed stone, which is part of the concrete mix, from which wall and ceiling plates form.

Holes in concrete have to do quite often, especially in the process:

  • finishing works;
  • furniture installations;
  • air conditioning suspension;
  • additional device of electricalization;
  • mounting plumbing.

Solve the problem of holes in the concrete wall in two ways:

  • shock drill, and better perforator, with a winning drill;
  • diamond drilling.

It is worth noting that the usual drills make a hole in the concrete wall will not work, so before work it is necessary to purchase drills with specially sold-up plates from high-strength winning alloy, which are superbly coped with concrete and bricks. But for soft materials, it is not recommended to use them, since the winning drills do not cut them, but crumble.

What will help the home master?

In domestic conditions, when it is necessary to make 2-3 holes in concrete, you can do the usual drill, without impact function. To do this, it is necessary as the winning drill is immersed in the body of the wall from time to time to smash the concrete with a solid metal pin (a platter), which coincides with the size with the hole diameter. It is used in the case when the drill begins to "stop" in the wall. At this point, the steel path is inserted into the hole and begin to beat the hammer or sledgehammer on it, trying to crush too dense areas and break the hole deeper. At the same time, the pin turn a little. Then a unstressed drill can come to work again.

All the above-described actions repeat each other until the hole increases to the required depth. This method is quite laborious and tedious, but for a pair of holes is quite admissible.

Alternatively, when drilling a hole in concrete, you can use universal drills having a diamond spraying. They are highly effective when working with metal, rubble and concrete. You can only install them on the usual electric drill, or to the tool with a disabled vibration function.

It is necessary to work with a drill, it is extremely careful, otherwise it will fail too quickly. The advice that professionals give - to avoid overheating drill, it should be made from time to time with cold water.

How to determine the tool?

For a larger work, a perforator or a drill, having a shock function, and drill with winning tips. The shock drill combines the rotational with a reciprocating movement, which helps her perfectly copes with a light concrete, and to the question how to drill a concrete wall, which is a carrier, there is a simple answer - the best assistant will be the perforator, the main purpose of which is the punching of concrete fences. There is another difference:

  • the shock drill is designed to drill holes not more than 12 mm in diameter;
  • the perforator is able to drive a large hole holes.

Armature should be drilled in the body of the concrete wall.

What drill big holes?

Professionals who are constantly facing the problem of drilling holes in concrete use special equipment, which includes:

  • powerful electric motor;
  • drilling drive;
  • diamond drill-crowns of different diameters;
  • fastened based on the guide rack.

Diamond drilling allows you to make holes of a large diameter - up to 40 cm. The process occurs fast enough, effectively, without extra dust and noise. Water is automatically fed to the drilling site, which simultaneously cools the diamond crown and flushes dust.