Repair Design Furniture

Wood ladder paint. DIY painting technology for wooden stairs. Painting a metal staircase

At first glance, painting the stairs is nothing complicated - he picked up a brush and paint. But in order for the structure to serve as an interior decoration and remain beautiful as long as possible, it is necessary to correctly approach the choice of coating and apply it correctly. Therefore, further we want to tell you how to paint a pine staircase in the house, and how to do it correctly.

All existing paints that can be used for stairs are conventionally divided into two types:

  1. Covering- cover the tree with an opaque film of a certain color, as a result of which its natural pattern is hidden;

  1. Toning- these coatings preserve the wood pattern, but at the same time give the wood a certain color.

I must say that absolutely transparent coatings are also used for varnishes. Of course, our task is to paint the staircase, not to varnish it. But, varnishes are often applied over paint, which allows you to protect it from external influences and give it a deeper color.

Note! In some cases, the use of varnish is simply necessary, for example, if the stairs are covered with stain.

Choosing covering paints by composition

First of all, we note that pine does not possess any features that strongly distinguish it from other types of wood. Therefore, when choosing how to paint a pine staircase, all existing paints on wood can be considered as an option.

The most common and suitable for our purposes are the following formulations:

  • Alkyd and alkyd-urethane;
  • Polyurethane;
  • Water-dispersive;
  • Oil.

Alkyd and alkyd-urethane

These paints are made on the basis of alkyd resins. Alkyd-urethane coatings also contain polyurethane resins, which, according to manufacturers of paints and varnishes (hereinafter referred to as paints and varnishes), improve the basic qualities of the paint.

True, in practice, the properties of the coating depend more on the quality of the alkyd paint, and not on the presence or absence of polyurethane resins in its composition. In other words, if you get a good, expensive alkyd paint from a reputable manufacturer, it will be better than a cheap alkyd urethane paint.

Note! All alkyd paints and varnishes contain organic solvents, as a result of which they have a pungent and toxic odor. Of course, after drying, this smell disappears.

Of the features of these compositions, the following points can be distinguished:

  • They fit well on the surface and form an even glossy or matte film;
  • Have a rich color;
  • Resistant to moisture, detergents and abrasion. Therefore, they can be used for painting steps and landings.

Of the minuses, one can single out the fact that over time, these compositions fade in the sun and begin to crack. But, as we have already said, a lot depends on the quality of the coating. Therefore, if you do not save, the coverage will last a long time.

In general, we can say that most often the painting of a pine staircase is carried out with these paints. Therefore, if you do not have any special requirements for paintwork, for example, saving a tree drawing, then you can stop at them.


If you are looking for how to paint a staircase in a pine house so that you forget about this procedure for many years, use polyurethane paint. It is a two-component paintwork material, therefore it belongs to professional coatings.

Among the advantages of polyurethane paints are the following points:

  • Resistance to mechanical stress, including abrasion;
  • Resistant to UV radiation;
  • Excellent adhesion;
  • Durability;
  • Fits well on the surface, forming an even film;
  • Has a rich color.

The disadvantages include a fairly high price. In addition, as we have already said, the coating is two-component, i.e. before use, paint components must be mixed in certain proportions, therefore, it is not as convenient in work as ready-made one-component compositions.


These paints and varnishes are made on the basis of acrylate resins and their modifications. The most important feature of these coatings is that they do not contain organic solvents, in contrast to all of the above analogs. These paintwork materials represent the failure of an aqueous dispersion.

In other words, undissolved polymer particles form a suspension in water. After applying the paint to the surface, the water evaporates, and the acrylate resins polymerize and form a film on the surface, which can be either water-soluble or waterproof, depending on the type of paint.

Advice! Waterproof paint should be used for the stairs, as the structure will often be wet-cleaned.

Of the features of these coatings, the following points can be distinguished:

  • They form a thin film on the surface, as a result of which they can preserve the texture of the tree, even if it is weakly expressed, not to mention brushing;
  • Dries quickly. As soon as the water evaporates, the coating will polymerize immediately;
  • Odorless.

There are also disadvantages of water-dispersion coatings:

  1. Abrasion resistance;
  2. High cost, especially for high-quality waterproof paints.

Therefore, water-dispersion compositions are not very suitable for painting steps and staircases. Of course, you can paint with them, but you will have to update the coating a little more often than in the case of using other analogs described above.


These paints have been rarely used lately, since their properties are much inferior to more modern coatings, which we have already talked about. Visually, they resemble alkyd paints, but they are inferior to them in terms of durability.

Their main advantage is their low cost. Therefore, if you want to restore the staircase with your own hands at minimal cost, for example, in the country, you can also use oil paint.

Choosing tinting paints

Tinting paints can be roughly divided into two types:

  1. Impregnation;
  2. Lapis lazuli.


Impregnations include stains and other compounds, which, unlike paints, do not form a film on the surface, but are absorbed into the structure of the tree, coloring the fibers.

According to the method of application, impregnation can be conditionally divided into two types:

  • Finishing- do not require additional coverage. These include all kinds of wax and oil formulations;
  • Requiring additional coverage- a transparent varnish is usually applied over such impregnations. These formulations include stains.

Separately, it should be said about modern stains, which allow you to reliably imitate various types of wood. You can use them to turn pine into mahogany or bleached oak, for example.


Lazuli, or glaze paints, are a composition based on varnish and pigments. In other words, these are translucent paints.

Since these coatings have the same composition as topcoats, they also have the same properties. Therefore, there is nothing more to tell about them.


When it comes to choosing clear coatings, parquet varnish is the best solution. It is abrasion resistant, not afraid of washing and exposure to sunlight.

You can also use yacht varnish. Unlike parquet, it can be used both indoors and outdoors.

In other words, the varnish tolerates weathering and low temperatures well. Therefore, for the processing of stairs in country houses, which are visited seasonally or from time to time, it is even more preferable than the parquet counterpart.

Painting technology

So, we figured out the types of paintwork materials. Now let's look at how to properly paint a pine staircase. Indeed, if you perform this procedure in violation of technology, even the most expensive and high-quality paint will not give the desired result.

As we have already said, pine does not have any features in terms of applying paintwork materials. Therefore, the work is carried out in the same way as painting a staircase made of larch, spruce, oak or any other species.

It includes several stages:

  • Preparation of working equipment;
  • Staircase preparation;
  • Painting.

Preparation of working equipment

In addition to the paint itself, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Wood putty;
  • Masking tape;
  • Plastic wrap or newspaper;
  • Wash off.

Note! If you have a blow dryer, you don't need a wash.

You will also need some tools:

  • Paint brush and roller;
  • Roller tray;
  • Putty knife;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Grinder;
  • Vacuum cleaner.

Preparing the stairs

Before painting a pine staircase, you need to prepare it. Please note that the quality of painting depends on the preparation, so take this stage responsibly.

Preparation involves the following steps:

Illustrations Actions

Cover the floor around the stairs with plastic or paper.

Seal the places where the ladder meets the wall with masking tape so as not to stain the walls during work.

If you are going to paint a staircase that has already been in use, it is probably covered with old varnish or paint. It is desirable to remove this coating completely.

It is very difficult and time-consuming to erase it with sandpaper, so it is better to use:

  • construction hairdryer;
  • grinder;
  • with a wash.

The hair dryer allows you to warm up the coating and then remove it easily with a spatula.

The wash is applied to the surface for a while and dissolves the old paint, after which it is also removed with a spatula.

Note! The wash is a toxic acid, so be careful when handling it.

If you are sure that the old paint is firmly adhered to the base and will not begin to flake off in the near future, simply rub it with sandpaper until a matte surface appears.

All cracks on the surface of the product, as well as gaps between parts and chips must be filled with putty. Apply the compound with a narrow trowel and smooth the surface.

After the putty hardens, do not forget to clean it with the same spatula or sandpaper with a fine abrasive.

Advice! If you plan to paint the stairs with a translucent compound, select a putty to match the color of the paint. Otherwise, the filled area will be conspicuous.

Upon completion of the preparatory work, be sure to vacuum all surfaces of the stairs, as dust and small debris can cross out all the work done.

Advice! After completing the preparatory work, try to immediately start painting so that the surface does not have time to become covered with dust.


The instructions for painting the stairs are as follows:

Illustrations Actions

Work should start with the preparation of paintwork materials. Too thick paint must be diluted with a solvent that is selected individually for the type of paint, for example, water-based paints are diluted with clean water.

Then the composition must be thoroughly mixed.

To give the coating a specific color or shade, add a color scheme to it. Keep in mind that not all paints can be tinted. Manufacturers usually report this possibility on the packaging.

The color scheme, like the solvent, is selected individually.

Pour a small amount of the finished paint into a flat container.

The preparation of the varnish is carried out in exactly the same way.

Start painting with the fences. Most often, transparent varnish is used for railings.

Apply it with a brush in a thin, even layer. Then wait until it is completely dry and repeat the procedure again.

When the railing is painted, proceed to the rest of the stairs. Paint the structure from top to bottom.

Start by painting large areas with a roller. Dip the tool in the paint and squeeze lightly to prevent the paint from dripping. Then roll the roller over the surface.

Treat hard-to-reach areas with a paint brush. Paint the entire staircase in this manner. After the coating has hardened, repeat the procedure at least one more time.

If you are using a waterborne paint, it is advisable to apply it in three coats.

I must say that the technique of applying impregnations is somewhat different from ordinary painting, since the composition is not just applied, but rubbed into the surface. Therefore, when applying it, you need to make multiple circular and longitudinal movements. In ordinary painting, one should try, on the contrary, not to carry out the tool twice over the painted surface.


That's all we wanted to tell you about how to paint a pine staircase with our own hands, and how to do it correctly so that the result, as they say, is “pleasing to the eye”. Finally, be sure to watch the video in this article and thereby consolidate the information received.

Wooden stairs can be great element home interior, as well as a bright decoration exterior... The main thing is to choose high-quality and ideal colors. paintwork materials.

What and how to paint a wooden staircase with your own hands, is it necessary to carry out the staining procedure, are there any special technologies?

You can find answers to all these questions in this article.

Painting wooden stairs

The whole structure of a wooden staircase, especially its steps and, is different low the level of wear resistance and, accordingly, needs a good protection.

The staircase, whether it is located inside or outside the house, is subjected to serious stress every day, therefore scratches and scuffs (in the absence of proper protection) appear on its surface very quickly.

Painting wooden stairs, as well as with special compounds - effective a protective measure that can help extend its useful life. Special materials for painting wooden structures provide an opportunity reduce as much as possible the intensity of the influence of various unfavorable factors:

  • Mechanical influences;
  • A sharp change in temperature;
  • High humidity level;
  • Direct rays of sunlight and etc.

In addition, wood paints are endowed with disinfection properties - they contain substances that resist the appearance of woody pests.

Also the composition of paints includes fireproof impregnation reducing the risk of fire in wooden structures.

Thus, painting a wooden staircase is performed not only for an aesthetic purpose, but also to extend operational construction period, improvement of its functional characteristics.

Which paint to choose?

Materials, suitable for use:

  • Dye- allows you to get any needed shade;
  • Impregnation(tinting varnish) - emphasizes natural the shade and structure of the tree;
  • Clear nail polish- attached to a wooden structure reliable protection and pleasant external view.

Paints can form glossy or matt coating that differ both externally and in terms of practicality.

Advice! The surface obtained by painting with glossy paint is more slippery and unsafe, therefore it is recommended to choose a matt or semi-matt type paint.

The composition of impregnations (tinting varnishes) includes special pigments dissolved in synthetic substances, alcohol or water, which are capable of permeate deep into the wood, giving it the desired color and to underline naturalness.

Due to impregnation, it is also formed thin film on a wooden surface, characterized by a glossy sheen. The use of impregnation requires mandatory application consolidating coating - colorless varnish.

Lucky best suited for stairs that are outside premises. In this case, the basis of the material should contain oil-resin or oil composition. Especially popular is the varnish used for painting ships built from natural wood.

It bears the appropriate name - "Yacht"... The material has proven itself as a reliable coating for wooden structures.

Advice! Choose semi-matt or matt varnishes that can hide imperfections in the surface, while retaining the original shine, even in those areas that are most susceptible to wear.

How to paint a wooden staircase in a house?

For painting inside the house, you can use one of the three paints and varnishes ( paint, varnish, impregnation) - it all depends on the desired decorative result and basic the purpose of staining, or to combine several types of coatings.

For example, you can use an impregnation, over which a layer of clear varnish is applied. Or anchor transparent varnish paint. Often happens confusion between plain paint, enamel and enamel paint.

Enamel does not apply to paints and varnishes, it has a different purpose. Difference between simple paint and enamel lies in the reliability of the coating, the smell of the material and other features (enamel provides more effective surface protection and has a persistent odor).

It is recommended to use enamels only if the staircase is located inside dry protected from precipitation of the room. Otherwise, the staircase will soon suffer from superfluous moisture.

How to paint a wooden staircase on the street?

If you prefer paint, then it is better to choose paint based alkyd, oil, or alkyd-urethane substances.

Natural drying oil, which is part of such paints, is known for a higher level of resistance to various damage, both mechanical and atmospheric.

Surface preparation for painting

Before staining necessary surface wooden stairs:

Wait until the filler is completely dry before sanding (depends on specific material grade).

After the sanding procedure, it is also necessary wait some time (no more 2-3 days). This is necessary in order for the natural fibers of the wood to become even and with re-grinding, they could be gotten rid of.

Need in applying a primer is due to the fact that with its help clutch between the surface of the stairs and the paint will be much better, and the available limitations become invisible. The primer is applied only under the paint- if varnish is selected as a coating, then in it No necessity.

How to paint a staircase with your own hands?

Recommended paint the stairs in disassembled form, but it is also allowed to perform the procedure on site if the staircase is already installed... Coloring should start with small elements ( butts, railings).

To use the ladder during the painting process, paint not the entire ladder, but each second step. When they are dry, paint over the remaining steps.

The paint and varnish material is applied from the top step towards the bottom. You can apply paint with any convenient tool - roller, brushed etc. A wide brush is best for painting pine stairs.

The last strokes are performed along woody structure. Paint application is First step works. When the coating is completely dry, you can start the second stage - applying topcoat and, if desired, to around the stairs.

Look video instruction for painting a wooden staircase to the second floor:

Modern private houses and cottages are distinguished by the presence of two or even three floors. Due to the superstructure, you can get additional space, equip several rooms or set aside a storage room. For a quick and convenient transition to the second floor and above, stairs are built, which are often made of wood. And this is not surprising, because the material lends itself well to processing, it is easiest to make a staircase from it with your own hands.

Of course, wood has a beautiful texture and natural color, and stairs made of it can act as a spectacular addition to the interior. Nevertheless, this material is susceptible to external influences, and over time, even the most beautiful wooden staircase loses its attractive appearance. The performance properties of wood also decrease.

To avoid such consequences, experts recommend covering the wood with special protective compounds. And in order to give the stairs a more aesthetic appearance, you cannot do without a painting procedure. From this article you will learn how and, most importantly, how to paint a wooden staircase, which paint is best for this, consider the features of the staining procedure.

Painting requirements

The procedure for painting a wooden staircase should be considered carefully. First of all, you need to decide what result you want to achieve in the end. This will help with the choice of a particular dye composition, working tools and processing technology.

Before going to the store for materials, you should familiarize yourself with the basic requirements that apply to the procedure for painting wooden stairs:

  • If the structure is made of an expensive type of wood with a beautiful texture, it is better to emphasize it, rather than paint it over. In this case, it is worth abandoning the preliminary priming of the surface, and choosing the paint with a low degree of hiding power.
  • Varnishing is an alternative to painting that also enhances the natural grain of the wood. You can choose clear or tinted varnish. In the latter case, it becomes possible to significantly change the appearance of the stairs.
  • If you plan to paint inside the house, give preference to paints or varnish with fast drying properties. It is recommended to choose formulations that do not have a strong pungent odor, but rather those that are marked "odorless" or "eco".
  • For painting the stairs installed outside the house, which leads to the attic, more resistant paints or varnishes are more suitable that can withstand the negative influences of the external environment. Typically, these formulations are made on the basis of solvents.
  • Regardless of the location of the stairs (inside or outside), the steps must be treated with a coloring material that is resistant to abrasion. This will preserve the aesthetic appearance of the wooden structure for a long time.

Important! Before buying this or that composition, it is worth examining the content on the package and familiarizing yourself with the recommendations for its application.

A wide range of paints and varnishes, presented in hardware stores, allows you to choose the composition that is suitable in certain conditions and meets the requirements of the consumer. However, for those who do not understand the properties of paints of different groups, the choice becomes much more complicated. To buy a really suitable product, you need to have at least some idea of ​​its composition. Next, we will consider what types of paints exist, and which ones are optimal for processing a wooden staircase to the second floor.


This type includes paints based on alkyd resin. This substance is obtained by mixing alcohol (glycerin or pentaerythritol), acid and vegetable oil. Due to their chemical composition, alkyd paints tend to dry quickly as a result of polymerization (when interacting with air molecules). And this is one of the most important advantages. In addition, dyes based on alkyd resins may contain antiseptics, which are essential for treating wood against decay, mold and mildew.

Alkyds form a protective film on the surface that protects the wood from mechanical damage. They are non-toxic and suitable for indoor use.


Such paints are most often produced on a water basis, due to which they are able to dry quickly, do not have a pungent odor due to the absence of harmful chemicals in the composition. It can also be noted that acrylic solutions do not fade in the sun and do not lose their original color. The maximum service life of the coating is up to 20 years.

Additional advantages: water-based acrylic paints allow wood to "breathe", there is a wide choice of colors.


Such paints and varnishes have been used for a very long time, and today they are no less in demand. Its main advantages are low cost and long service life (up to 5 years). And on this all the advantages are uploaded. Wood covered with oil paint is not able to "breathe", the decorative layer dries for a long time and wears out quickly, the staircase is not protected from mechanical damage.

Oil dye contains harmful chemicals, so this material is best used for outdoor use.


Enamel paints for wooden stairs are considered the best option, especially if staining is planned in a residential area. And all because these are fast-drying, high-quality formulations, based on no harmful components. The coloring enamel lays on the surface in an even layer, ideal if you need to completely cover the wood without gaps.

It is also important that the enamel has high protective properties - it forms a dense film that minimizes the effect of ultraviolet radiation, moisture and temperatures on the wood.


The varnish is not paint or enamel, it is a translucent compound mainly intended to emphasize the natural color of wood and its texture. It is glossy and matte. To shine or renew an old staircase, you can paint it with a high gloss varnish. Coloring pigments can also be added to the solution, but they more perform a toning function - such a color is not able to completely cover the pattern of the tree.

According to their composition, varnishes are water-based and alcohol-based, there are also nitrocellulose solutions. The latter are more suitable for outdoor work, as they contain hardeners and plasticizers, which means that the decorative coating will be durable and resistant to weathering.

If you want to process a flight of stairs inside the house, then you should choose a water-alcohol-based varnish. For decorative purposes, shellac varnish is used, which is used for finishing.

Stains and impregnations

Stains and special impregnations are another varnish-and-paint options for wood. With their help, you can process the entire staircase or tint its individual parts (steps, railings). In addition to giving the tree different shades, such solutions also perform a protective function, since they have bio- and fire-retardant properties. It is to cover the wooden ladder that wax and oil-based compounds are used.

What to look for

Above, we examined the options for paints and varnishes that can be used to paint the stairs with our own hands. To choose the right product and get the expected result, you still need to take into account many points related to the location of the staircase and the intensity of its operation.

Let's list the main factors that determine the choice of one or another type of paintwork materials:

  • Mechanical and other loads. If the stairs to the second floor are often used, it is worth choosing a durable and abrasion-resistant coating.
  • Wood species. If the flight of stairs is made of soft wood, for example, pine, then the surface must be painted with enamel or alkyd paint. Larch has a beautiful natural pattern - it is better not to paint it, but to cover it with colorless or tinted varnish.
  • The presence of ventilation. This factor determines which composition is better to choose for painting inside the house - odorless or enamel, solvent-based varnish. Most often, the stairs are installed next to the entrance area, so there should be no problems with ventilation.
  • Financial opportunities. If there is no money to buy expensive paintwork materials, then you can buy cheaper products, the main thing is that the choice should not be at the expense of the quality of the decorative coating.

Dyeing technology

Many specialized firms offer their services for painting stairs from different types of wood. You can contact one of these companies, but do not forget that painting work can cost a pretty tidy sum. If you are not ready for impressive financial costs and want to save your family budget, it is better to do the whole procedure yourself, especially since it is quite simple.

Any painting technology, be it paint coating or varnishing, includes such stages as surface preparation and application of a decorative layer. Moreover, the choice of painting tools and the technique of their application are not as important as the first stage. The final result of painting depends on how well the wooden surface is prepared.

Preparation of the base

First of all, the surface of the stairs must be cleaned of dust, dirt and large debris. Further, the condition of the steps and the march as a whole is assessed, since in the presence of serious defects, additional materials for restoration may be required. If the structure is completely new and was made of coniferous wood, a mandatory preparatory step will be to remove excess resin from the inside.

Important! The resin contained in the fibers of coniferous wood can interfere with the good absorption of the paint and varnish material - over time, such a coating will begin to flake off.

To get rid of the resin, you can prepare a special solution: 1 liter of hot soapy water, 200 ml of acetone, 10 g of ethyl alcohol, 50 g of potash and the same amount of baking soda. The resulting liquid is applied to the surface of the boards with a wide swinging brush, after which the ladder is left to dry for several hours. As the solution is absorbed, the resin will gradually come out from the back of the boards.

Regardless of the type of wood from which the staircase was made, the preparation of its surface includes the following work:

1. If the staircase has already been painted, it is necessary to remove the old coating. For this, specialized washes are used (sold in any hardware store with paints and varnishes). After applying the product, the old decorative layer can be easily removed with a spatula.

2. It is especially important to process the surface of the stairs in order to obtain a smooth and even surface for painting. Coarse sandpaper is used for this, but the sander will save you time and reduce labor costs.

3. If there are chips and cracks, they must be sealed with wood putty. Such products are also sold in any building supermarket. But you can also save money by preparing a leveling mixture of wood dust and colorless varnish.

4. At this stage, total surface grinding with fine-grained emery paper is assumed. After such processing, the steps, railings and balusters should be perfectly smooth.

5. For better adhesion of paint or varnish to the surface, a primer is indispensable. It is advisable to take a composition with antiseptic properties. It is necessary to apply the primer so that it penetrates well into all cracks, recesses, and threaded places (if any). Wait until it is completely dry.

After completing all the preparatory work, you can safely proceed to the finishing of the stairs. How to paint correctly, which tools are better to use, will be discussed further.

Paint coating [application instructions]

Before painting a staircase, it is important to be well prepared. This means that you need to find work clothes that you do not mind getting dirty, pick up the right painting tools. If you have purchased paint of a sufficiently liquid consistency, then it is easier to paint with an electric or pneumatic spray gun. Such a tool will significantly reduce your labor costs, and the whole work will take only a few minutes.

Important! When working with a spray gun, you need to take precautions. It is recommended to wear safety goggles to keep paint splashes out of the eyes and a mask or respirator, especially when using solvent-based solutions.

If a spray device is not available, you can use both a brush and a roller. The main thing here is to choose the right tool. For applying a liquid coloring composition, wide flute brushes with soft bristles are more suitable, for applying a thick one - harder, but smaller. A roller is useful for painting wide steps.

The process of applying paint or enamel is as follows:

1. First you need to prepare your workplace. Cover the floor next to the stairs with covering film or old newspapers, and cover the area adjacent to the flight with masking tape.

2. After opening the jar, mix the composition thoroughly with a long wooden stick until homogeneity is obtained. There should be no lumps or watery liquid on top of the paint. If the paint is too thick, it can be thinned with thinner.

2. When using a brush, dip it into the paint and, holding the tool at a 45˚ angle, apply the compound to the surface. In this case, movements should be along the grain of the tree.

3. Usually a wooden staircase is painted in two layers. However, if the composition was chosen to be water-based, and you notice that it is absorbed into the wood material like a sponge, more than three coats may be required.

4. After applying the first layer, be sure to wait until the coating is completely dry. This rule must be observed with each subsequent layer.

5. Especially carefully you need to process the joints of balusters and railings, grooves, carved parts, figured elements.

6. At the end, the steps, railings and handrails can be opened with a colorless glossy varnish - this will give the surface a shine, and the whole product more gloss.

In the video: painting a wooden staircase (instructions and recommendations).

If you do not know which color scheme to choose for decorating the stairs, you can apply the classic method, when the color of the decorative coating is slightly different from the shade of the walls and floor. At the same time, it is important that the staircase blends harmoniously with the interior and complements the overall color scheme of the room.

Solid color is the preferred option, but some people paint in multiple colors. This approach allows you to highlight the staircase against the general background and make it the main decoration of the interior.

Varnishing [application instructions]

Before such finishing, the raw staircase is sanded only once. This is due to the fact that after application, the varnish will still raise all the villi of the surface fibers of the wood, and you will have to re-sand it. The best option is interlayer sanding 180-220. It is also recommended to apply a special primer before varnishing, which will smooth out all irregularities.

After sanding the first layer, a wooden staircase is always a pitiful sight. But do not be alarmed, after applying the second layer of varnish on a properly prepared base, the situation will radically change.

The varnishing process itself is not so complicated and includes a few simple steps:

1. First you need to prepare the composition itself. If a two-component varnish was purchased, mix it as directed in the instructions on the package.

2. Dip a working tool (brush or roller) into the varnish, then walk over the surface, applying a thin layer along the grain of the wood.

3. It is imperative to wait until the varnish is completely dry. This will take approximately three hours. Depending on the type of composition chosen, the drying process may exceed this time limit.

5. Reapplying the varnish requires special care; apply the material evenly in a thin layer. Subsequent layers are applied only after the previous ones have completely dried.

The finished lacquer coating needs to grab and gain strength. Drying time directly depends on how many layers were applied to the surface. The more there are, the longer the drying process. On average, the coating dries up in 7-10 days.

High-quality painting of a staircase made of wood includes the right approach from the master painter. In order for the result to meet your expectations, and not to have to re-stain, we recommend using the following tricks:

  • Experienced painters paint stairs even at the stage of building a house, when the structures are not assembled, since it is easier and more convenient.
  • If the ladder is already installed, it is best to paint it one step at a time so that there is something to stand on, and after the finished steps have dried, cover the rest.
  • Painting work always starts from the top step. However, if the house has another exit (descent) from the second floor, you can start from the bottom.
  • The last two layers of paint or varnish must be applied along the structure of the wood - this will eliminate the appearance of visible streaks after the coating has dried.
  • If you are not sure if the paint is dry, walk in a small area with socks or soft knitted slippers and see if there are marks or not.
  • To make the painted stairs completely dry, add another five hours to the allotted drying time.

The staircase leading to the second floor is one of the important components of the interior decoration of a private home. The impression of guests about the owner of the house depends on its appearance. It can be two-tone, can be painted with paints, varnishes, and toning stains. The choice of material is based on your personal preferences and expectations. And so that the end result does not disappoint, it is worth mastering at least minimal skills in working with paints and varnishes.


What is the best way to paint a wooden staircase to the second floor of the house with your own hands?

Modern residential buildings often have multiple floors or an attic, which are accessed via internal staircases. Often flights of stairs and landings are performed. To create an interior in a uniform style, a wooden staircase to the second floor can be varnished or painted with environmentally friendly paint. This article answers the question of how and with what to paint the stairs with your own hands.

Finishing wooden stairs

There are two types of finishing for a wooden staircase:

  1. Transparent - with this type of finish, the wood grain remains exposed. Under a layer of colorless varnish, a unique pattern of natural wood perfectly complements the overall interior decoration of the interior in the same style with the overall design.
  2. Opaque finish - with this type of finish, a tonal finishing layer of the coloring composition is applied to the wood surface in a continuous layer, covering the wood texture.

Varnish compositions for finishing wooden stairs

Varnish compositions for wood structures are special compositions that form a durable layer with a matte, transparent, shiny surface.

The properties of varnish compositions are quite different:

  • Lacquer compositions based on alcohol resins- these finishing compounds are characterized by a short drying time. The coating dries completely within 2 hours. Polishing the finishing layer is also straightforward. But alcohol-based formulations have significant disadvantages: low moisture resistance and insufficient frost resistance. These restrictions allow the formulations to be used only in warm rooms.
  • Lucky based on nitrocellulose- the improved formula of the varnish allows the use of the composition for external and internal works.
  • Formaldehyde varnish compositions- the most common for finishing structures of internal wooden stairs. The varnish perfectly covers surfaces, allows you to achieve a high quality finish.

Important! A huge disadvantage when using this composition is a persistent unpleasant odor that does not disappear from the room for a long time.

  • Alkyd varnishes- made with the addition of various oil formulations that are well absorbed into natural wood. The top layer of alkyd varnish is resistant to mechanical stress, but the coating quickly deteriorates - it quickly wears out. Such compositions should be used to cover wooden stairs that are of secondary importance, which are rarely used.

Opaque finishes

Opaque coatings can be applied in several layers, completely hiding the texture and imperfections of the wood. Before applying the finishing compounds, it is required to completely clean the previously painted surfaces, to carry out a preliminary set of works on the primer and putty. The putty is able to hide small cracks and wood imperfections, the primer layer increases the adhesion of the paint composition to the surface.

Tools for applying finishing compounds

To carry out work on finishing the stairs in the apartment with your own hands, you will need: bristle brushes and flutes; drying oil; primers; turpentine; varnish or paint.

Advice. Before starting finishing work, working brushes should be carefully prepared, they are soaked in drying oil, then washed in turpentine.

Surface preparation

Before applying the paint composition, it is worthwhile to clean the surface of dust, paint or old varnish, remove dust, putty the stairs and cover with a primer.

Important! Lacquer or other paint composition should be thoroughly mixed before use.
The composition is applied to the surface with wide strokes, then the layer is leveled, while the brush is held slightly obliquely.

Painting stairs: video

Any staircase structure needs to be updated from time to time. And if you consider that the staircase is also an element of the interior, it is extremely important to choose the right paint and varnish. Let's consider the most popular paintwork materials, and also analyze how to paint the stairs to the second floor without involving specialists.

Before you start to act, you need to mentally draw a picture for yourself, which should turn out in the end. This will help you find the right paint or varnish. When choosing a product, you must also take into account the advice of professionals:

  • If your staircase is made of high-quality wood with a beautiful natural pattern, then you should not paint over it. It is better to emphasize this advantage with a semi-gloss or matte varnish.
  • In order not to destroy the texture of the wood, do not use a primer. Buy "light" types of paints that allow the material to "breathe".
  • When painting staircase elements indoors, choose products that dry within a short period of time and do not leave a persistent and pungent odor.
  • Long-term protection of the staircase from external factors, as well as its beautiful appearance, can be ensured using only abrasion-resistant varnishes and paints.
  • Use for processing additional means of protection against fungi, mold, insects.
  • It is not recommended to cover the steps with glossy enamel. Otherwise, you will not walk on them, but slide.

What can and should be used to cover a wooden staircase

When you enter a building materials store, you start to get lost. Therefore, it is important to know not only the types of these products, but also their features. The most common options for paintwork materials for painting stairs are:

  • dye;
  • impregnations and stains;
  • butter.


Today there are 3 types of them:


To emphasize the natural beauty of the tree, varnishes are used. When choosing the appropriate type, pay attention to the features of the material of construction and the conditions of its operation. Lacquer coatings, like paints, come in several varieties:

  1. Alcohol. This coating protects the stairs from biological and mechanical damage. But its significant drawback is the low degree of moisture resistance. Therefore, it is better to use it as a base coat to give the wood the desired shade.
  2. Alkyd and alkyd-urethane. They are used for external and internal structures. A hard transparent film with a subtle tint serves as a reliable barrier against moisture and other negative factors.
  3. Formaldehyde. The structure will become more resistant to wear and tear. The resins included in the composition improve the adhesion of the varnish to the wood. The only drawback is toxicity and a characteristic odor, which quickly disappears, but requires wearing a dispenser during application.
  4. Polyester. After curing, they form a hard, durable film that protects the stairs from moisture and other negative influences. If you want to make your design shine, use a polyester varnish.
  5. Epoxy. These are two-component solutions that are used with hardeners. They prevent the destruction of the structure under the influence of moisture, alkalis and provide it with mechanical strength.
  6. Polyurethane. They are distinguished by a high degree of wear and resistance to mechanical stress. The high price of varnish is justified by its long service life and high performance characteristics.
  7. Yachting. The hard and durable lacquer coating has good elasticity. This means that when the structure is deformed, the varnish layer does not flake off or crack. Due to its composition, yacht varnish is distinguished by wear resistance, good resistance to fungi, increased resistance to UV rays, and moisture resistance.

This type of impregnation is characterized by antiseptic properties. On top of the stain, varnish is often applied as an additional layer. But at the same time, you need to pay attention to the compatibility of these funds.

Under the influence of the stain, the natural color of the wood becomes more intense, and the texture of the wood is more contrasting.

For stairs made of wood, impregnation with an oil or wax base is best suited. Sometimes a dye may be part of the stain, which gives the material a certain color.

The palette of possible colors is very diverse and depends on the taste preferences of the owner of the house or summer cottage. But first of all, you need to build on the style of the interior.

The staircase can be of any shade, from muted to bright, radiant colors. But most often they prefer a single color.

But sometimes there are more original designs that include up to five shades. They often experiment with contrasting colors, painting the steps in one tone, and the railings and handrails in another. It looks very impressive and unusual.

In order to avoid mistakes when choosing a color, you must take into account the following recommendations:

  • when using several colors, it is recommended to paint each part before assembling the entire structure;
  • to get a darker shade of the stairs, mix the impregnation with the topcoat. This will allow the agent to penetrate into the structure of the material, which will ensure the preservation of the color of the product for a long time;
  • to lighten wood, translucent glazing compositions with light coloring pigments are used.

Processing softwood stairs

Staircase made of pine differ from products made of beech, larch, oak or other types of wood in that they require additional processing.

Before final processing a wooden staircase made of pine wood inside the house, it is necessary to de-resin it for a number of reasons:

  1. The resinous substance protruding from the wood forms a film on the surface of the material, which prevents the penetration of paint into the fibers. As a result, layers of paint will chip off during operation, worsening the condition of the stairs.
  2. The resinous areas begin to darken over time.
  3. On the resin surface, the coloring matter is applied in an uneven layer.

Resin removal refers to the process of cleaning the surface from excess resin. To carry out this procedure, you will need solvents.

For conifers, a 25% acetone solution is ideal. To apply it, use a brush. The surface of the material treated with the solution is washed with warm water and allowed to dry completely. If very gummy spots are found on the structure, they should be removed with a knife. The resulting grooves are leveled with a putty.

To prepare a solution for demineralization, you need the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter of hot water;
  • potash - 50 g;
  • baking soda - about 50 g;
  • crushed soap - 40 g;
  • acetone - 1 glass;
  • alcohol - 10 g.

Painting a pine wooden staircase is done after the wood is completely dry. As a rule, 1-2 days are enough.

The better to paint a pine staircase

  1. Enamel paints, as well as alkyd and polyurethane yacht varnishes are considered the best means for covering a pine staircase.
  2. To preserve the beautiful structural pattern of wood, diluted products are used.
  3. To hide defects in the material or to give it a new shade, the paint is not diluted before application.
  4. In order for the coloring matter to lay down in a beautiful even layer, the surface should be cleaned of debris and dust.
  5. Pigmented dyes are used to mask defects on the steps.
  6. For previously painted structures, urethane-alkyd solutions are used.

Step-by-step instructions for painting stairs

Sometimes they resort to the help of specialists from construction companies for painting. They, of course, know their business and do the job 100% efficiently, but you will have to fork out a lot for their services.

If you are not ready for this, then you can do it yourself. Just be extremely careful and follow the instructions clearly:

  1. Before starting work, remove debris, dirt, dust not only from the structure, but also from the room in which it is located.
  2. Seal existing chips and cracks with wood putty.
  3. Let the putty dry completely for 1 day, and then clean up any imperfections with sandpaper or a sander.
  4. Remove the resulting debris and dust, as even subtle dust particles will ruin the appearance of the stairs.
  5. Apply a primer or stain 2 times on a flight of stairs at intervals of a day.
  6. Before applying paint to the surface of the material, it must be well mixed - this will break up the clots and lumps formed there.
  7. The dye can be applied with a spray gun, roller, brush. Avoid the formation of caked paint droplets.
  8. To prevent cracks from forming on the stairs when the coloring matter dries, the air in the room should be moderately humid.

With such simple actions, you can easily update the staircase.

Stylish color options for stairs in the interior