Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a staircase to the second floor. Staircase for the second floor (120 photos): Modern options for design in a private house. The simplest plan for the construction of the stairs

Most of the private residences today have more than one floor, which implies the presence of a staircase to the upper levels. This article will contain the instruction, how to make a staircase to the second floor of the tree on your own and according to your own project, will tell what rules should be adhered to, as well as how to make calculations.

Calculation of the main parameters

The staircase made with your own hands will be not only cheaper than ordered in specialized workshops, but also to accurately meet your requirements and desires. The main thing with the mind and patience to approach its creation. For this, the first thing you need to carry out accurate measurements and calculate all the important parameters of the design.

Consider the calculation of the size of the steps and other parameters of the ladder on the example of the marching structure on the cosos, the same project. This design consists of bearing boards, steps or coming and risers. In addition to the size of the stairs, it is also necessary to determine its inclination. It is clearly seen what the angle range will be acceptable for the design in the diagram below.

As you can see, the most convenient, and the main and safe angle of inclination is considered to be in the range of 23-37 °. When choosing the tilt for your room, it is worth considering that with a small area, it is worth choosing the oldest, then the desired place under construction will be the smallest, and vice versa.

Attention! With a too high angle of inclination of the stairs on it, it will be problematic to raise anything or moved to the second floor. And if an angle is less than 23 ° - it is easier to install the ramp.

The march width is determined by the number of people that they can rise simultaneously. At least this value can be about 1 m, but it is recommended to build a structure from 1.25-1.5 m wide. The height of the staircase will be fixed depending on the planning of the house. It is the distance from the floor of the 1st floor to its ceiling plus the thickness of the overlap of the second level.

Now you need to calculate how many steps will need for our stairs. The calculation is carried out, based on the steps recommended for comfortable movement - from 18 to 20 cm. After selecting the height of the stage, you can calculate their number, separating the fixed height of the entire design to the height of the highest level selected.

In addition, it is also necessary to determine the width of the sticking, which should vary in the range of 25-30 cm. It depends on the size of the foot of the residents of the house - the length of the foot. By multiplying this amount on the number of steps, you can get a design projection on the floor of the first floor. It remains to determine only the length of the entire staircase.

Length is calculated by a simple formula that you may still remember from the school course - the Pythagoreo theorem. Figure above shows all parameters and calculation formula. When all parameters are calculated, you can proceed to the material harvesting and the manufacture of structural elements.

Production and installation of the stairs according to the calculated parameters

As a material for a wooden staircase, the masters, coniferous trees, a lip and so on are most often used today. Choose according to the overall style of the interior and its budget opportunities. Excellent railings can be made from blockchaus, and for bassine you can use wooden bars 500x500 mm.

To create a rower with accurate recesses under the step, it is necessary to mark the pattern by the template. Below is the illustrated instruction for this event. For marking, you will need patterns and the square, well, and the pencil of course. Kosur itself can be made from a tree bar of about 14x16.

According to notes, now you need to work round saw. Cutting steps, you need to move with extreme caution, so as not to go beyond the markup. When one Kosor is ready, the rest are cut on it.

Note! The more the cosomes in the design, the stronger and tougher will be the staircase. It will also allow to avoid unwanted deflection of steps and loosening the entire design.

Now only cutting steps and opposites remain, the size of the first will depend on the thickness of the latter. In addition, you should not forget about the protrusion of the stage about 2-4 cm above the steps. To create a more priced view of the steps, you can handle the edges with a circular cutter.

When all the details are ready, it is necessary to carry out a trial fitting. If everything is in order, you can proceed to grinding parts and assembly of the structure. The connection of all components of the staircase is wetted with carpentry or PVA glue, and necessarily for reliability is fastened with stainless metal screws.

The last final stroke will be a decorative design of the staircase - varnishing or coating by verses, paint and other means. The first thing is made a veil, and when the layer can dry in the lacquer (recommended in more than 1 layer) waterproof. The veil can also replace the Olife.

Attention! The coating of the veneer is even better to carry out the assembly of the whole structure, in this case the location of the compounds that will be missed by glue, you need to protect the molar scotch.

Building a house at least in 2 floors, you must certainly think about the stairs in it. And if the house will be built with your own hands, logical and staircase also do.

Different photos of stairs help make a preliminary choice and clearly understand what type of lifting you need. But before it is to take for work, carefully consider the future design for strength and sizes, it will save time and money, because the wrong calculations (or the absence of them) will lead to numerous alterations of the original project.

Types of stairs

There are a large number of different options for staircase marches. They differ in manufacturing material (wood, concrete or metal), lifting type (common staircase, screw, with a rotation of a certain degree).

The most common is a staircase made of wood. Also often build a staircase with a turn of 90 degrees. Not a rare option when these two types of lifting devices are combined into one.

In the case of limited space, make a screw staircase made of metal. The screw type of lifting allows you to save space, and the manufacture of metal is to increase the strength of the structure. Concrete is used for stairs in massive buildings (for example, mansions).

What to pay attention to

In a low-rise building, without having experience, it is better to order a modular staircase, a sort of designer, where all the details are drinking and numbered, and you just have to gather them using the instruction. So usually make wooden stairs.

When building a ladder from concrete, except for filling the frame, you will need to perform an exterior decoration (beautiful stone or woody materials). It turns out a double spending time and money. However, for cottages in 3 or more floors, they are mandatory for fire safety requirements.

By doing the staircase for the first time, you do not need to wade immediately on the complex design. The easier it is the model - the more likely that you will succeed with the first attempt to successfully build this lifting tool.

Pay attention to the angle of inclination of the stairs: if it is more than 45 degrees, the ladder will be considered an appropriate, and you can only go back on it back. The optimal angle of lifting is the indicator of 37 degrees.

A tree as a material for the construction is preferable, as it allows, due to its properties, to correct small construction of construction, which arose due to inaccurate calculations and inexperienced by the artist.

Also, after construction, the building can settle due to a loose soil, as a result, the staircase is capable of becoming higher or below the floor to several centimeters, and fix it is easier in a wooden structure.

When building lifting with a turn to meet, the distance between the spans should be at least 100 mm.

Stages of the building

Answering the question how to make a staircase to the second floor with their own hands, several stages of construction are distinguished.

The first stage of any structure, be it a staircase in the house, or an inter-storey staircase, is to create a project. Particular attention needs to be paid to the safety of building and its convenience in use.

The construction must withstand the average weight of an ordinary person with a fair reserve. Be sure to use the railing!

If there are no, another fence must be designed to ensure the safety-lifting safety.

Consider the creation of a wooden staircase with Kosomers

After you designed your construction, you need to prepare materials. In our case, choose the boards of suitable thickness and length, prepare balasins with railings and harvesting the boosters. It will be the second stage of construction.

As a material for the Kosomrov, a pine board is suitable for 4 cm thick. On it, they will place steps and drank the electrolovka.


We use the resulting product as a sample for the second (and if the width of the stairs is greater than the meter then the third) of the Kosher. I will write in size the required number of steps.

The third stage will make the assembly of all the details together. First of all, the cosos are installed on the places of their permanent placement. Then with the help of self-tapping screws attach steps to Kosomers.

Then, using studs, sit on the stage of the baluster, and they are attached to the handrails. The staircase is ready!

Stock Foto Stairs do it yourself


Staircase - one of the most complex building modules. In more or less solid construction organizations designing stairs, and only them, specialists are engaged. But now, with a constant increase in prices for construction work, incl. Design, and land for development, many individual developers prefer to build their home independently, starting from the project. And the cost of land in places with a sufficiently developed infrastructure immediately inclines to the choice of a house of two- or one and a half-story. In which there will be at least one staircase. Yes, and in a one-story house or a summer house, you need to climb the attic, go down to the basement. And it is best to do it more comfortable and daest. That is, in any house without a staircase can not do.

This article will talk about what you need to know to make the staircase completely with your own hands or choose a typical purchase of personal needs. And also - so that the reader can correctly assess the advantages and disadvantages of step-by-step and video instructions from other sources. For the visible simplicity of the stairs, a very solid natural basis lies, to see which you can, only possessing certain knowledge. And the continuous use of the staircase, the appearance as other, but designed slightly incorrectly, can lead to chronic health disorders.

In the construction guides and rules on the stairs, it would seem to be all to the smallest details. But they are focused on general use stairs in apartment buildings; It is impossible to take into account all the variety of individual characteristics and requirements. Regarding stairs in private houses and domestic SNiP, and "Zabigorny" DIN are limited to the most common instructions. We are also not going to withdraw a certain universal recipe for the construction of the stairs. But we will tell:

  • How to choose a staircase into your home.
  • How to calculate it under your specific family.
  • What ways you can "enhance" the staircase so that it, without losing convenience, took the minimum of useful area.
  • What are the features of the construction of stairs of different species.

The article uses materials derived from the most experienced designers and builders of stairs; Significant part of them are unique. Design and construction of stairs in the house with their help allows you to give out 3-7% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe building as to which it comes out when "squeezing" in the project of typical stairs, given and pay consultations. Knowing how much the construction of one common square in your region is worth it, you yourself will be able to calculate how much money your blood or mortgage, which you need to pay at least doubly, you no longer have to start to the wind, then you mean to burst under the stairs.

About screw staircases

The rifle stairs are not just a tribute to fashion, although they are really elegant and allow the designers to "include mad creative" using each other using almost any useful materials suitable in the most arbitrary combinations, see Fig.

A spiral staircase does not just save the area of \u200b\u200bthe building. Its main thing, invaluable dignity - it allows you to pull yourself up to any inadequate heights, limited to the same, and the minimum, area under the stairs. It is no less important that the screw staircase can be done by itself without having a builder skills, and ready-made sets for their assembly (see fig.) It is several times cheaper than any custom staircase and go on sale in a wide range with design on any taste.

However, Screw stairs are not devoid of serious flaws:

  1. The size of the work of the part of the stage is a sticky, see below - is optimal only in one place and just where they never step, exactly in the middle of it.
  2. The angle of inclination of the stairs within the width of the stage is changing threefold and more.
  3. Screw stairs for left-handers and right-handers must be performed in mirror reflection: for the right-hander clockwise (right), and for the left-hander.
  4. Furniture and other bulky items to the upper floors will have to be raised by anything, but not only on the stairs.

Let's give additional explanations. To p. 1: It is typical to walk, slightly spreading the legs, otherwise the body strives forging the side. The mannequins are rowed by long training and go only on shows (and there, it happens, fall), and in life - like all the other.

To paragraph 2: on steps with a variable tilt right and left legs have to be overpowering with different scope and frequency, which is not adapted to the tactile feeling (natural muscular memory). In addition, the center of gravity of the body is experiencing a jerk not only up-down, but also a lobby. This leads to increased fatigue and increases the risk of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, for more details, see further.

To clause 3: Leftches begin to climb the stairs on the left leg, and right-handed with the right. On the staircase, the tactile feeling and the actual necessary rhythm of movement turn out to be active, in antiphase. This aggravates the effect of the negative factors described in the previous paragraph.

All these impacts have a cumulative effect, i.e. until they are surpassed by some quantitative threshold, do not affect, and then affect immediately. therefore a spiral inter-storey staircase can only be used in residential buildings with clear zoning on floors: The first - residential, where the family spends most of the time, and the second is a sleeping, where they rise / where no more than 3-4 times a day are descended.

Video: An example of assembly and installation of a screw staircase

Why start?

To take for any staircase without a project - an outstanding business. But the design of the stairs without continuous accounting of the properties of the material used is impossible. therefore already at the stage of the draft design of the house, you need to choose a staircase material. Construction / alteration of it in the house existing also gives some freedom of choice, so the issue of material should be considered first. In the course of the presentation, we will reflect and essential features of technology, we will give examples of structures. And you can adjust them to yourself with knowledge of the case, having familiarized yourself with the design section, it is at the end of the text.

Selection of material

In private houses, homemade stairs are most often made of wood, metal or reinforced concrete. All of them without problems hold the required SNIP load of 150 kg, and most species and increased, 250 kg, as well as flooring.


using the technology is the easiest and affordable option. However, with the price everything goes wrong. Stairs from a long coniferous wood suwrought rather quickly, begin to creak and stagger. This disadvantage is largely compensated by the fact that the wooden staircase is poorly connected by the load with the design of the building and it can be repaired or repaired, not underground overhaul, but this is periodic excess costs and work, and the business wood will not be cheaper in the foreseeable future.

100-300 years old and more serve stairs made of small-layer dense hardwoods: oak, beech, walnut, maple, ash. But the cutting of these trees is strictly limited by law, wood is on sale only well-sustained and processed by means of pest protection, so deciduous lumber roads, and the long-term - very expensive. There are almost eternal stairs from elm and eucalyptus, but the corresponding biocenoses are extremely vulnerable to these trees ecologically, therefore the rising and eucalyptus wood is harvested in minimal quantities and everything goes to the needs of the shoe industry (elm, on the pads for elite shoes) and mechanical engineering. There is no business elm and eucalyptus.

Note: large wood love fungus, worm and bug. Therefore, with the independent manufacture of stairs, the first production operation is the limit.

Nevertheless, in the life of the ladder from ordinary coniferous wood applicable in the following cases:

  • An attic staircase, especially folding or retractable, see further, at the end. The attic microclimate will provide it with no smaller service than that of rafters.
  • A staircase in a seasonally inhabited attic or on a one-hour floor, in the cold season, separated from residential premises with a dense door and unheard, for the same injury.
  • The staircase in the one-bed and two-story dacha, inhabited only in the warm season. It also solves the microclimate of the room.
  • Staircase in sleeping attic or mezzanine. Such stairs are easy to impregnate with a water-polymer emulsion, lay out or squeak out that it will protect them from drying out for a long time. And in the case of which it will be not very expensive to replace it, because Such stairs are performed in small-sized, see below.

On funeral stairs

Modern computer design technologies allow you to immediately print templates for the details of the wooden stairs of the most bizarre configuration, see fig. The project ordered on the Internet or developed independently online is quite a bit. To build a staircase itself is not much more complicated than the usual; The technology is the same, see below. The use of such stairs allows you to save up to 1.5-2 square meters. m. Square, which can solve the fate of the project as a whole.

But physiologically ergonomic requirements in the Programs are laid by general, averaged on SNIP or DIN, and for the sake of saving the default values \u200b\u200bof parameters are used. Therefore, ordering a project or configuring CAD, determine to start personal / family parametersAs will be described further, and inform them to developers or "score" by choosing a pre-online program that allows you to do.

About furniture stairs

Wooden staircase "3 in 1"

The tree is an extremely plastic design material. It allows, manifesting some fraction of fiction, to build a staircase, which is absolutely inconsistent in vain of useful area. For example, in Fig. On the right - the product "3 in 1": the staircase in the sleeping mezzanine (bed is the attic), it is the cabinet, it is also a storage room. If you still make the deaf railing to it, then you can not say that this is a staircase. And for construction, you need the most ordinary boards, saw, hammer, drill yes measuring instrument. Without any high-information technology.

Wood-staircase technology

All products made of wood are made in general along the usual "wooden" technology and the same tools. However, a wooden staircase, in essence, is a piece of furniture bonded with the building structure. But it is perfectly smooth walls and exactly straight corners only in theory even without finishing. And the wooden staircase due to its small weight, lightness and purity of technology, is attached to the first flooring flooring in a fully finished room. Therefore, as applied to it, some features appear:

  1. The milets for the adjusting beam adjacent to the wall (the guards, see the design of the design) is drawn on the circulation of wallpaper tapes or is printed on the A3-A2 printer first, on the scale of 1: 1.
  2. The leaf instruments are temporarily attached to the walls to the walls, following all their breaks with bends.
  3. The pattern of the taper is evaporated and corrects exactly in size at the place to zero gaps at the top, bottom and wall.
  4. With the help of imitating steps of the rails, tested horizontally, the template of the second carrier beam is adjusted. It is convenient to stick to this to the band of packaging card.
  5. By fitted patterns, horizontal dimensions of the steps and part of the site are corrected. The height of all the steps should be strictly the same, and the playground is horizontal!
  6. The exact heights of the backup are determined.
  7. According to the size of the upper open, the height of the railing and their racks - Balyasin.
  8. Details of the stairs are cut into size and assemble into one; Then - finishing finish.

Note: the staircase is free, not attached to the wall, to make much easier. It is about the results of measurements on the spot immediately focused. The upper supporting platforms of the beams (most often vertical - shoulders) are trimmed exactly into the plane. Then the stairs put on the place and customize the heels of the beams. But so only the stairs are attic and sleeping surpluses. The inter-storey wooden staircase must necessarily be fastened with the wall.

Video: Installation of a wooden staircase


Metal staircase in private construction is most often used in combination with other materials:

  • Frame - metal welded, left poses in fig.
  • Steps - wooden (average pos.) Or concrete.
  • Decorative finish - any taste, means and ability, right pos.

The total labor intensity and cost of the combined metal-shaped staircase is about 65% more than a wooden one. But her metal frame is eternal, and the decoration can be repaired or change, not stinging serious repair indoors and without interrupting the use of the staircase. The metal staircase can also be mounted in the already constructed building, but after its construction it will take repair of the finish of the average degree. General installation technology is as follows:

  1. Prepare 2 beams under the Schweller platform 60-100 mm. Sunset beams in the carrier concrete wall besides finishing at least 80 mm; In brick and wooden not less than 120 mm. Mount the metal staircase into the walls from the PGB or aerated concrete is undesirable; If you still need, then the beams should lie in the wall for all its thickness, but not less than 150 mm without finishing. These considerations should be taken into account when determining the length of the beams.
  2. Nests under the beams break through the walls; In the one that is thorough - a depth of 2.3 beams. If the walls of the PGB or aerated concrete, instead of the nests pierce through holes.
  3. I will start in the nest first long, and then the nearby beam.
  4. Displays beams in the horizontal level along and across, and the entire platform into the rectangle with a cord on diagonals. To remove the beam in the nests, we are bred by cutting sheet metal from below and from both sides. The paint beam should sit in the nest tight so that it can not be shifted by hand horizontally.
  5. The beams in the stone wall, sprinkling the nest with water from the spray, cementing. In the wooden - close up of a compound from sawdust, thick (to the consistency of dry cottage cheese) mixed on liquid nails.
  6. Remove flooring and tie to overlapping there, where the heels of beam will come.
  7. After 2 weeks, once again check the platform on the horizontal along and across and rectangle.
  8. Remove the size of oblique beams, prepare them.
  9. The beams are welded to the site, and their heels are attached to the overlap with anchor bolts M12x90.
  10. Restore the screed, but as long as it dries, boils from the corner the frames of the steps.
  11. Vertical shelves of frames of stages under concreting oriented up; Under the wooden stages - down.
  12. Sheet or concrete steps.
  13. Make the final finish of the stairs.

All-metal stationary stairs are not very aesthetic and therefore rarely used in everyday life. For example in fig. Right showed screw welded metal staircase. On both overlaps, the upper and lower, under its rack, steel spikes with a diameter of at least 180 mm are needed. To the slabs of the overlap they are attached with 4 anchor bolts M8X120 each.

This staircase can be somewhat resolved by placing on the stage from the bottom to hide the soot, wood or EPPS and rounded overlap on the pattern. After mounting the railings (preferably from the stainless steel) and painting the stairs on the sticking steps are glued with corrugated rubber, linoleum or carpet.

Video: Combined metal-shaped staircase

About stairs at the parodes

Bolzen in German bolt. Forests are called the Poles called the power, carrying the exploratory loads of the stairs bolts in contrast to the fasteners. And the staircase on the parodes means the staircase without supporting beams, only on bolts, see fig. on right.

Battir stairs are among the combined metal-dressing. Important parts of them are vertical hospitals in closures, connecting the hanging edges of the steps. They distribute the load on the steps, so the staircase at the parodes is no less reliable than the beam.

Sets of parts for the hospital stairs are not less available than for screws, and they are still cheaper. With independent design, the stairs on the bolsters need to be taken into account as follows:

  • Installation of the staircase on the bolsters is possible only on bearing concrete or brick walls.
  • Steps - a robust blackboard with a thickness of 40 mm thick. Wood replacement on MDF or WPF (modified high density wood, HDF) is not allowed.
  • Wall hospitals - M8X (120 + finishing thickness), in metal collet anchors, 2 on the step. Apply the screws in dowels can not!
  • Vertical Bolsters - M12x (the height of the oppon date, see below + 2 thickness of the steps + 35 mm).
  • Balaasins from pipes with internal threads under the Boltz can play the role of nuts, but the loading railing themselves are not carried, it all falls on the hospitals.

Video: Assembling stairs at the parodes


The stairs from reinforced concrete are most used in mass typical construction. There are practically no alternatives here: all others need to be collected in place, and concrete brings ready with the LCBC and are assembled along with other parts of the national team.

Concrete ladders of two types are being built in private homes: combined with metal (not to be confused with reinforced concrete!) And monolithic. In the first plates, the steps and platforms are made by the pouring of concrete in the same frame as for the metal-treated staircase, reinforced by reinforcement. Horizontal surfaces less susceptible to wear are separated by any other way.

The combined concrete staircase is quite accessible to self-making. Its laboriousness is approximately twice as high as the metal-shaped, but it pays off by the fact that the staircase and regular repair of the ladder can be forgotten times and forever.

For steps and playgrounds, you need a special, with increased resistance to bending. The solution is mixed only in, a manual mixer should not be kneaded to complete uniformity. Its composition (parts - voluminous) and method of preparation:

  1. Cement PC-400 - 1 part.
  2. Small dry river sand - 2 parts.
  3. Marble crumb - 2 parts.
  4. Water - 0,7 parts.
  5. Plasticizer C3 - 0.01 part.

For the knead, include a blank stirrer, the sequential marble crumb, dry sand and cement are loaded. 1 min We are dry, then water is injected with a thin jet. More than 1 min, plasticizer is introduced and have a minute. The solution is suitable for filling for 20 minutes at the end of the knead, so you do not need to overdo it. Let the mixer be better running not under full load, smoothly moved.

The manufacture of a staircase from concrete poured into metal has the following features:

Explanations. The solution of the described composition is characterized by increased plasticity, keeps any finish well, and after polishing and it looks well. However, it is inclined to the allocation of the T. Naz. Cement milk, which dramatically impairs the quality of the finished casting, so the leakage of milk should be prevented by all possible ways.

The stove under the vertical load works in general on bending. In this case, its top layer is compressed, and the lower stretch. Compression concrete is held canceled, but stretching is disgusting. This circumstance is explained by the recommended armature location.

Video: Frame concrete staircase

As for monolithic reinforced concrete stairs, it is only suitable for individual construction in the form of ready-made typical or custom products. The staircase-monolith itself is not recommended for the following reasons:

  1. To prevent the cement milk and support for very heavy concrete mass, a solid special design is needed from expensive high-quality lumber: weathered wood, waterproof plywood from 25 mm, MDF, see fig. on right.
  2. To coordinate the shrinkage of stairs and buildings, concrete must be vibration. In industrial environments, casting shake on special stands, but manual handicrafts can not be applied. It is only one day to hurt the tip of the vibrator for the reinforcement, and in the thickness of the concrete, cavities filled with cement milk are formed. They subsequently crawled cracks, and to repair the monolithic staircase associated with one with the power construction of the building, it is unlikely possible.

Video: Making a monolithic concrete staircase

Construct stairs

Above no longer once used specifically stair terms. The drawing explains them, add a little:

  • The string is the beam of the ladder, perceiving both vertical and horizontal load. For this stage, the stairs are crashed into a tutor.
  • Kosur - beam, holding only vertical load; Steps on Kosor are stacked.
  • Disposal - length (because the steps are elongated in the width) of the part of the stage on which they put the leg. Equal to the length of the foot of the walker in the shoes.
  • Starts - a slice of a spiral staircase embedded between straight marches. "Burning" is used if it is impossible to guess the place for the staircase, because They possess all the shortcomings of the screw stairs. They were also named after all who can jump through them.
  • In the monolithic stairs, the size of the riser and the height of the stage coincide.
  • The risers can be empty, then it is called a lumen, and the entire staircase is a staircase with lumens.
  • The concentration makes that on a steep staircase to get the necessary arid steps, see below.

Ladders with lumens are very widely used in private homes. Their trauma is higher than that of solid, they are easier to knock down their shoes socks. But if the staircase is all the time all the same people, these shortcomings are reduced to no. But the staircase with the lumens is much cheaper, it is easier to manufacture and smaller the light. If the staircase begins in the residential room, then the option with the lumen is most preferred.

Additionally about steps

Next, in the process of calculating the stairs, we will see how harmful values \u200b\u200bare coming and the height of the stage, and how they do not tolerate each other. Recommended SNOP them for general use ladders and service are shown in Fig. on right. To get acceptable sizes, most often have to do with a sink. But in private houses, where they are not walking with the staircase, its permissible size turns out to be a little, and the big Sve makes the staircase at traumatic and destructive for shoes.

The output found designers of the very first Khrushchev: the risers need to make an oblique outward. It is best concave, as shown in Fig. On the left, but can be flat. If the entire staircase is separated by a linoleum or carpet, then without harm and for her, and for the walker, and for its shoes you can bring the concentration to 60 mm.

Man and staircase

A person as a biological object was not formed in the highlands, and his whole kinematics and the physiology of motion are designed for moving along smooth surfaces, horizontal or inclined. The walking in the stairs forces the human body to do something, he is not peculiar, so the staircase must be designed so that uncomfortable factors have affected smaller.


Without going into the details of the physiology, we take into account the immediately that human muscles can work on two energy cycles: glycogenic and oxygen. Glycogenic - our usual. On glycogen, every long time develops medium power in accordance with its physique and physical training.

The oxygen cycle is included in an unprepared person in critical circumstances. On oxygen muscles work at the expense of their own energy reserves. The oxygen cycle allows you to develop very greater power, but briefly - your own energy muscles will fade in 2-3 s; It takes about the same time to replenish it. The known cases of manifestation of the usual people of incredible force are explained by the operation at oxygen.

Note: the most ordinary person in the most common circumstances, stepping on the staircase march in 17-18 steps in one spirit, jumping through the steps, develops by 1.5-2 with a capacity of 600-1500 W, or 0.8-2 hp.

Each inclusion of "oxygen" causes an involuntary cutting of the muscles by about 0.1-0.2 C, which is consumed by the muscular depot energy. Those. 20-30 oxygen inclusions are completely depleted by muscular superposses, even if no useful work was made. This process is similar to the fuel consumption for breasts and heating KBS.

Man on stairs

For a clear understanding of the future it is useful to imagine that the whole mass of the human body is concentrated in its center of gravity (CT). The CT person is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe loaf a little inside from the spinal column. When moving along a flat surface, up or down, the CT moves approximately evenly and straightforwardly; The whole evolution of man adapted his kinematics to this.

On the TsT stairs, leaving rods up and down, and on the screw more and the sidel. At the same time, each time the body has to accelerate and immediately slow down. Human inertia is not small: Try to drop the cargo at 75-80 kg from the height of the step at 14-18 cm, make sure. The vegetative nervous system perceives rhythmic shocks like force majeure, and on the stairs at each step includes oxygen.

Staircase and man

From the previous one, important conclusions are already followed: to increase the number of stages of one march Over 20 can not even for the most common stairs, the walker will exhale without any visible cause. The second - between marches is extremely desirable to arrange the platforms of at least 1.2-1.5 meters wide. Only 2-3 steps on glycogen, and can be turned on oxygen again.

Further, a simplified calculation of zero derivative gives a minimum of common energy consumption on the staircase with a rather than a stick to the height of the stage 2: 1, which corresponds to the angle of inclination of the stairs at 30 degrees. Really, the minimum is at a larger angle, approximately 32-34 degrees. The fact is that overcoming / incoming inertia does not occur instantly, and during the muscles reaction, 0.1-0.2 s.

In the direction of a smaller tilt of energy consumption rapidly, see fig. There is again a complete analogy with a car: gas without measure on the first second, before the entire tank and the motor will bury than you reach somewhere. Specifically: Energy consumption on the power on / off oxygen turns out to be much more than the movement itself. We make the third conclusion: too gerier stairs are useless; The slope is less than 28 degrees are inconvenient and tedious, and less than 25 - only ramp.

Large slopes are saving. It affects the fact that the CT has a large proportion of the swing of the step moves relatively evenly. An ordinary person will not need to restore oxygen, going up 4.5 m along the stairs in 75 degrees, this angle is considered limit for general purpose stairs.

"Lream" is told no wonder. During the descent on the stairs, another factor comes into force, namely the body balance. So that CT did not go beyond the limits of the reference area and did not happen "Buku", it is necessary to cross, lean forward. But, taking over a steep staircase, you will not lead the leg, there is air. Therefore, on very cool stairs, it is necessary to descend back forward, and the urgent inclination of public stairs is considered to be 45 degrees.

Builders for calculations are not used by energy curves, and consolidated sector diagrams, see Fig. There is nothing not clear from physiology, but the permissible angles of inclination are clearly shown. They are somewhat different from "energy" because statistically averaged.

Staircase for himself

We need, designing a staircase, to give out as many squares as possible. Natural path to this - Turn the slope more. But it is impossible to overdo it, sometime, the cumulative harm will appear, which is mentioned at the beginning. How then without difficult research to find our own energy capabilities, and on them - the angle of inclination of the stairs?

The first thing that is done is to determine the average growth of τ adult physically full-fledged family members. The "small" kinematics with physiology is essentially different, they once again be affected only for the benefit. And the elderly and weak normal people on the second floor do not drive.

But why is the average height without sexual difference? Because women, firstly, CT is located below relative to growth. Which of the men furtively lied on appetizing forms? Secondly, the width of the female step (the most important parameter, as we will see below) is also more relative to the growth.

Are you surprised? This is just so not visible, because Women's gait smooth, and male swallowed. But look at the street: Lady Rising 165-170 goes about hand with a cavalier in 175-180, no one is implicated to him.

All this theory is needed in order to determine:

  1. The limit of the staircase in degrees as α \u003d t / 4 - 2;
  2. Normal width of step as d \u003d 0.36

Formulas are valid for the growth limits of 160-180 cm. For a brief α \u003d 38 degrees, and for Dilda - 45. We are not engaged in the smallest slope, firstly, because it is very energy unprofitable. And secondly, a gentle staircase takes too much square, which costs its money.

Types and dimension of stairs

Before you start counting, let's see what we need to choose and design. The main types of stairs for private houses are shown in Fig. In the top row, the first 2 left are cantilever, or hanging. Monolithic is designed at the same time with the house and the finished purchased is taken. Nearby - the staircase at the Bolts, which is already said. The next 2 hangs belong to the discharge, on the cosos strokes cubs. Their advantages are more aesthetic, they visually do not diminish the size of the room.

Single-hour stairs (first left below) in private homes are rare; With normal sizes, they are most often not placed there. The stairs turns are more built, the following pos. The angle of rotation is recommended at 90 degrees, if the staircase goes up from the room, and 180 degrees, if from the corridor. Such angles facilitate design.

Stairs with overtakers on curvilinear beams are discussed above, in the subsection on funeral wooden stairs. Spiral stairs build, rubbing from the inside the lantern, semi-trip or erker.

Calculation of stairs

The calculation of stairs is indisputable in 3 "whales" - impact principles:

  • All steps - with an accuracy of 0.5 cm of the same height. "Jumping" steps are knocked off the tactile feeling from the rhythm, because of which injury over time is inevitable;
  • The staircase should be between the rooms with the same temperature regime. Uneven heating of the staircase into the heating season can lead not only to its spoilate, but also to the violation of the supporting structure of the building;
  • The calculation necessarily ends with the exact drawing on the scale and with the detail, the example for the wooden spiral staircase, see fig. Sketch "Navdivdka" does not guarantee even an experienced specialist from the failure.

Note: The staircase between heated and unheated premises is permissible to build if the passage to it with a warm side is tightly closed with self-heading doors.

Singing and proportion

The size of the ladder in the English system for the calculation is shown in Fig. on right:

  1. L is the length of the stairs.
  2. H is its height (lifting).
  3. G is the height of the passage.
  4. B - overall width.
  5. W is the width of the passage.
  6. N - the number of steps.
  7. A - Length of the opening in the overlap of the top floor.
  8. P - height of the railing.
  9. C is the gap between the balusters.

The work of LXB gives a staircase area on the lower floor; AHB - on the top. Their amount is the total area under the stairs. These values \u200b\u200bare needed to compile estimates and minimizing costs. G According to a DIN standard for private houses, you need to take from 185 cm, on SNiP - from 190 cm. It is really better to adhere to the value of 195-200 cm. Then the high inclination does not take place instinctively head in the passage and will not turn into a passage.

Here, in the figure, the method is visible to which the designers of private houses, not tied rigidly to type elements, are burned to 5 cm g and up to 30 cm L: the lower edge of the upper opening is performed bevel. The thing is that the upper way you need to fencing and the good halfer to the side of it almost do not experience the operational load.

W You should take from 1200 mm for general inter-storey stairs and from 900 mm for the stairs to the bedroom. For service or individual (in the attic, Andresol) - from 700 mm. N for calculations take as n-1, because The floor of the upper floor is the last stage of the stairs. On admissible in one march N said above.

P take 800-900 mm, depending on the growth. Its magnitude is not critical, do as more convenient. With in families with children, you need to take no more than 100 mm; For an adult family - up to 170 mm. This is the standards, really better than a sewn, and at the bottom to put a strip of a solid fence, so safer.

Note: not so long ago, in the news, the curiosis flashed several times. A certain couple decided to have sex right on the stairs, why the girl's head pushed himself between the balusters and stuck. To rescue, I had to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations and ambulance. See, the mind is there just in the size of a stupid ...

Calculation of steps

The main difficulty in the calculation of the stairs is to determine the size of its steps. Optimal energy angle of inclination of the staircase α \u003d 32 degrees; Then the ratio of the height of the step L to its sticking will be equal to TGα \u003d TG 32 \u003d 0.625. But the optimal minimum of the occupied area (and the cost of construction depends on the square), determined by personal parameters, as described above, α will be about 40 degrees, and TG 40 \u003d 0.84. These two stubborners need to be reduced in one harness so that it was convenient for us.

The method of calculation is as follows:

  • Based on TGα \u003d 0.84 and H \u003d (ceiling height + overlapping thickness + height of the upper floor, the thickness of the floor laying in the same place) we calculate the length of the ladder L \u003d H / (TGα) \u003d H / 0.84.
  • On the sketching project of the house we are looking for a place where this length is placed with a margin, subject to the overall width of B. Here you need a creative vein and some experience: we will try directly and rotate foresters, we use project tricks, some of which see below.
  • At the selected place, we define the structural length of the LK stairs.
  • According to it and h we find the valid angle of inclination as α \u003d arctg (H / LK).
  • We take to start n-1 \u003d 15, i.e. n \u003d 16 and find the height of the H \u003d H / (N-1). h should be in the range of 140-180 mm for the average growth of the family 160-180 cm; Optimum find the proportion. If H is far away from it, adjust N.
  • Calculate the length of the sticky as L \u003d H / (TGα). It is most likely less than 280 mm, then we determine the removal of the concession as B \u003d 280 - L, it should be no more than 60 mm for steps with an inclined riser and no more than 40 mm for all others. For stairs with lumen, we always take B \u003d 0, otherwise the injury is inevitable.
  • If the steps "do not converge", repeat the calculation cycle starting with paragraph 2.
  • When everything seemed to come together, check the result for general stairs according to the formula from SNIP 2B + L \u003d D, where D is the above width of the "family" step.
  • For individual and service stairs, use the formula B + L \u003d 0.75D to check the formula B + L \u003d 0.75D.
  • If our specific results converge with statistical SPIPOV formulas with an accuracy of 10%, UV-F! From the stairs smashed.
  • If not - again to paragraph 2.

In the calculation of the spiral stairs there is a nuance: the angle of discrepancy between their steps β should not exceed 60 degrees, and it is best to be less than 20 degrees. Therefore, radius stairs are considered according to the residual principle: set the balance of the total height of the lift h, which comes to the radius part is proportional to its share in the total length of the stairs, calculate the height of the direct portion and they determine their number on the radius. Then check the opening of the stage, sharing the corner of the stairs to the number of steps in the arc. In ordinary houses, there are almost never emerging problems.

Design subtlety

Here are 2 pretty well-known ways to save on the stairs, not degrading its ergonomics and functionality:

  1. "Russian layout": the staircase is made or in a wide corridor ("Novorusskaya") with a turn of 180 degrees, or on the veranda / in the hallway with a turn of 90 degrees. The first march is long and high. Under the staircase, an additional combined bathroom, a guest toilet, boiler room, etc., are shoved under the flight, and under the march it is arranged in a basement.
  2. "Spanish layout": the villa is designing a semi-storey. Sleeping semi-entrances are placed over the built-in garage with a removal over the entrance to it and, perhaps, to 1 m. Then in semi-stretch it is possible to place 2-3 small bedrooms. And at the expense of the base of the building, overlapping and floor of the first floor, the semi-approach is shifted down by 1 m or more. The height of the stairs is reduced for the same amount. In this case, it is most often possible to make a single one-one.

Video: Production of the stairs - on the calculation to the construction

About attic stairs

The staircase in the attic is needed in any house. Its known design that does not take away the useful area is shown in Fig. Lack one: it is in sight. You can get rid of it, hiding the staircase on the rail from a piece of pipe and in a folded position rushing for the furniture. Then it makes sense to attach a decorative lining to the external tutor.

Now popular and widely offered by sellers of various kinds of compact attic stairs. The most common types of them are shown on the trail. Fig:

On basement stairs

In the instructions manuals often advise the staircase in the basement to build on a separate foundation. Like, so fast will be. This is a typical amateur error, the house as a whole sitting faster and the staircase over time simply will be discovered or torn off.

On the contrary, the basement ladder is better to attach up to the wedge to the wedge to the horizontal swivel hinge, and the heels rounded. Then, with shrinkage, only its tilt angle will be reduced. If the lap of the steps will become tangible, the heels sufficiently cut or cut.

Summing up

In general, for the intestine ladder of public best should recognize metal-shaped or metal-concrete. Their increased comparatively with wooden labor intensity and costs are accurately paid off with strength and durability.

For budget housing, in which it is not possible to carve out the place under the staircase, optimal wooden modeled on the computer staircase in the assets of a complex shape. To make such a thing, you will have to strain the ability and intelligence, but the living area is torn and the material will take at least. The same staircase is well suited for cottages, and if the family is physically developed and not lazy, then the "Funky" hybrid with the "Polyachka".

(No ratings no)

Detailed and simple scheme for standard staircase on the second floor.

Planning the construction of a private house for two floors or more? We recommend planning immediately, what a staircase will be. And we will help in this - in this material it is described in detail about species for cottages, cottages and private houses, design requirements. Also, with the help of diagrams and drawings, we will tell you how the staircase is calculated and built. The design is quite simple - it is not compared with the roof, so the owner can make it, which has only minimal construction skills. We will tell how to make so that instead of a wooden staircase did not work like a ladder. After studying the drawings and schemes, you can make a high-quality design.


In private houses, for centuries, two types are used, which we briefly consider:

  • Movie. This option is the easiest performed, while the design is distinguished by reliability. If a newcomer is taken for business, then the wage wooden staircase will be an excellent solution. Also, the design can be divided into single-hour and two-hours. Despite the differences between these species, their complexity is the same.
  • Screw. Work for professionals, as it requires careful measurements and calculations. One miscalculation can spoil the whole design, so it can only make it a master. The main advantage of such a design is compactness, because the design takes the minimum number of spaces in the house. Often the screw wooden staircase is the center of the interior composition. The only minus is a rather steep rise that adversely affects safety.

Of course, we will disassemble the marching staircase, although we recommend familiar with the screw options. It is easier to carry out the marching version to which there are drawings.
Another lack of a screw staircase is that it will be uncomfortable to carry overall objects from one floor to another.

Preparation of materials and work features

Before thinking about the construction with your own hands, you need to create or take ready-made drawings, as well as prepare tools and materials for the stairs connecting the second floor with the first.

Let's start with materials for building construction to the second floor:

  • screws;
  • thick boards, which will continue to move into the steps;
  • bruks - the cross section should be at least 40 millimeters.

Without a drawing, it is impossible to perform work, in the image below it is shown in detail what you need to measure so that in the end it was possible to calculate the dimensions of the future design.

Also cost to take into account the following sizes when planning the design to the second floor from the first:

  • the angle of inclination of the stairs;
  • width;
  • height of the whole design;
  • number of steps.

If there are skills in working with a 3D editor, you can make a detailed scheme. For example, the project will demonstrate whether the ladder will not work. It is also recommended to study the drawings.


The simplest drawing of the marching staircase on the second floor, which the owner will be able to make it yourself. The drawing is demonstrated quite large design, but sometimes such a staircase leads to the second floor.

Knowing the distance between the floors, you can calculate the number of steps. For example, the floor height from the floor is 290 centimeters, the steps are selected by 20 cm. After simple computations, 14.5 steps are obtained. It is necessary to round up to 14 or 15. In the first case, the height of each step should be 20.71 cm, and in the second - 19.33 cm.

In the example, integers are used - the height of the stairs to the second floor is 260 cm, each step goes 20 cm, as a result, it turns out 13. With regard to the size of the staircase march, its width should not be less than 70 centimeters. In the large side, the bias can be any. In the example, considered in this article, the stair march has a width of 1 meter.

It is also worth thinking about the platforms that will be at the bottom and above. Dimensions should correspond to the dimensions of the staircase march. An ideal form will be a rectangle or square.
These are the simplest schemes for the manufacture of a wooden staircase to the second floor. The main thing is to choose a convenient angle of inclination so that in the end there is no stepladder.

The most reliable option is the direct staircase. The P-shaped option is suitable for private houses where a large area. M-shaped newbie design is unlikely to master.

Selection of installation method

The design of the future staircase may present:

  • Taitives. This word is called beams that support structures on both sides.
  • Kosoury. The second option is the beams that keep the stairs from the bottom.


When the steps, platforms and beams are ready, you can move to the installation of the stairs with your own hands. The example describes the option with Kosomers. You need to make a note for the place of installation in advance. On the floor of the first floor, the boosters are installed on the support timber. In a place where the staircase moves to the second floor, the support elements are placed in the gaps in the ceiling beam. In some cases, metal supports apply to the same goals. The attachment of the cososov is performed using anchor bolts.

In the process of installation at hand, there should always be a construction level, it is also possible to determine the position by body kit so that the ladder does not work. Wooden design elements must be installed perfectly smoothly. The panels of the appearance must be consolidated from the top of the cosome, to do this is the most convenient self-drawing.

Steps are ready? So you can start the installation of the baluster on the floor. Upstairs and downstairs are mounted support racks that limit the handrails. They are also decorative and supporting elements.

Now installing:

  1. Ready balasins need to cover with handrails (railings), which are mounted on support racks. If the design is large, then the stairs will not interfere with the additional support.
  2. Sometimes it takes 3-4 racks. In this case, it is not worth spending the forces on the balusters, as the smooth boards will be a more rational solution.
  3. After completing the assembly, the wooden surface must be carefully polished. You can do it with your own hands or with the help of the power tool.
  4. Next is preparing before painting: all the garbage and dust are removed, it must completely dry. If necessary, a putty is performed after grinding. Of course, for this work, we need coatings for wood.
  5. When the preparatory work is completed, you can paint elements from wood. Primer is applied, and then 1-2 layers of paint. After drying, it is necessary to cover the design of varnish. Alternatively, you can take a veil.

As a result, it turns out a convenient staircase, with which you can use comfort and safety to the second floor. If the angle is calculated correctly, then the stepladders will not.

When building a skeleton house sometimes there is a question how to build a wooden staircase? Most of the projects imply the presence of a second or attic floor. The stairs are the most from a variety of materials.

But the tree is the most popular and simple material, as well as environmentally friendly and comfortable. Anyone can cope with this material. The structure and installation of the stairs do it yourself - it is a tangible savings.

There are two main types of wooden stairs - screw and marching.

The marching stairs are the most common and simple, and if you are new to construction, choose this option for stairs.

As a rule, such schemes are electronically. There are special computer programs and applications that will allow you to create such models. Professional programs for construction organizations have a 3D function. Although, for the construction of the march staircase, it is not at all necessary, it will be quite usual on paper.

Standard inter-storey wooden stairs are installed on the cosos, or on the growth. The difference is as follows: the tents are located on the side of the steps, and the kosyrs are under steps.

The marching staircase usually has two lateral instruments. Her steps are fastened from both sides. Consider the installation and installation of the staircase with such technology.

Installation of the marching staircase

Initially, we compile a detailed scheme for the staircase and its parts. Pre-cut the steps from the board, we make 2 tents and special support bars. Next, we connect the steps with the assets. Under each step we make supporting bar. All the testers are mounted to the floor and to the walls.

Kososoire and Taitives

Print inter-storey wooden staircase

Oak spiral staircase

If you build a staircase in your own hands, you can not be able to stop your choice on the finished screw wooden design. The advantage of this staircase is that it will significantly save space in the house.

It is important to take into account when building a screw staircase its angle of inclination. If it is too cool, it can be dangerous to health, especially if there are children and elderly in the house.

A simple way to install and mount a screw staircase is a purchase of already ready, extinted design. Installation will also bring you significant benefit.

A sponge wooden staircase consists of three main parts: stand, railings and steps. When choosing a tree for steps, choose oak. It is not only one of the most durable materials, but also features a beautiful view and excellent characteristics.

Before buying a screw staircase, detail the dimensions in detail to find the desired design for your home. There is another option - to hire a specialist who will do all measurements itself, and then make an order to the stairs. If you have construction skills, you can make steps yourself, ordering only the rack and railing. Usually, the racks and handling railing makes accurate, although there are rectangular.

Screen Staircase Device

  • On the one hand, the steps are attached to the rack, and on the other there are holes for the rail.
  • Racks most often metallic. They have a flange to which the steps are attached.
  • The most common design of the staircase is "in a duck step." It implies a special form of steps.
  • The rack is mounted between the floors. It is fixed with the help of anchor bolts.

  • After installing the rack, the installation of steps is made. The distance between the steps should not exceed 20 cm. It is necessary for your safety. When installing and installing steps, count so that the latter stage of the staircase approaches exactly the second floor semi.

At the screw staircase, as in the marching many decorative elements and details. And each set has its own decorations and different parts, and elements of fasteners. When installing and installing a simple march staircase, the calculation comes otherwise, the geometry of the opening is rectangular here. The opening of the screw staircase is a circle.

If you decide to order a finished wooden staircase, please contact a proven and reliable company, with good reviews. Buy a finished wooden staircase or make it with your own hands to solve you.

Staining stairs

Painting stairs

Painting the stairs is divided into three main parts:

  1. preliminary preparation of all parts of the stairs;
  2. painting the stairs and its details;
  3. painting the stairs by a protective lacquer layer.

Before starting work, you need to prepare every element of our staircase to staining. And this means: and. Shpening needs to be made by special mixtures for wood. Apply compounds that are not suitable for wood, strictly prohibited.

When the shasphal layer is dry, proceed to the surface grinding. Grinding goes in two stages. The first stage is rough, it is also called superficial. After it, you need to wait a few days. You will notice that VILROWS is formed on the surface of the tree. Before the second grinding, blow them with air.

After completion of grinding work, the board will become perfectly smooth and smooth. Now boldly proceed to apply the first coating.

Before proceeding with painting, apply a layer of primer on a wooden staircase. And the primer is better to choose to the paint.

When choosing paint, stop your attention on alkyd or urethane coverage types. Such paints are ideal for a staircase march. From the color scheme, choose brighter tones.

If you wish, instead of paint, you can use, or use a simulator or varnish. The advantages of the simulation is that it perfectly emphasizes and highlights a unique drawing of a tree. Your staircase will look perfect. Choose a veil along with varnish. And when buying do not save. The better the coloring composition, the longer you will serve as a staircase. Morilka is not only a decorative finish, but also protection against various factors.

After the paint dried, apply the finishing layer of varnish. Choose a matte or semimatite varnish. Petrol coating is carried out in three stages. Moreover, before each subsequent application, the previous layer of varnish must dry. If air bubbles are formed on the varnish, then at the end of the color simply stick them.

Direct stairs video

Vicious Staircase Making Video