Repairs Design Furniture

Dimensions of running steps of wooden stairs. How to calculate the ladder with running steps. First, it is a constructive feature

If a M-shaped staircase is installed in the room, then a situation is possible when in order to reduce the size of the staircase and save space you have to give up the site and instead of doing a running stages.

The staircase with rotary steps is more compact than the design with an inter-jar. At the same time, the ladders have a number of shortcomings, the most important of which are radial steps of incorrect shape and arising from this feature.

In this article, we will tell you how to properly construct a staircase with running steps to use it conveniently and safely.

Safety requirements for stairs

To smooth out the design drawbacks, the angular stairs need to competently design, performing the calculation of running steps, taking into account the following requirements:

  • the depth of the steps in the widest part should not exceed 40 cm, and in a narrow - to be at least 10 cm;
  • in the middle, all running steps should be the same depth, but not less than 20 cm;
  • the height of the steps may vary from 12 to 22 cm;
  • the edge of the appeal should not perform more than 4 cm;
  • designing M-shaped stairs, follow the implementation of the following formulas (where E is the depth of the stage, J is the height of the riser):
    1. formula Amenities: E - J \u003d 12 cm;
    2. safety formula: E + J \u003d 46 cm.
    3. step formula: 2 j + E \u003d 62 (60-64) cm;
  • if a staircase is built with a rotation of 180 degrees, then the distance between the marches should be at least ¼ the width of the stage, otherwise the depth of the rotary step in the narrow part will be too small (less than 10 cm), which is unacceptable;
  • the distance from the staircase march to the overlap must be at least 200 cm;

Calculation of stairs with running steps

After on the basis of the video, the main dimensions of the curved staircase are determined, you need to calculate the configuration and the number of running steps.

P-shaped staircase

First of all, it is necessary to designate the center of the arc that coincides with the inner radius of the stairs, that is, the point "A". Then determine the number of swivel steps: the more there are more, the less the angle of rotation falls on each and the more comfortable there will be a movement on the stairs.

Suppose that the steps in the seventh inclusive will be fattefully. Then, after the beginning of the eighth stage, direct DE is carried out. The line AB divides the ladder on the left and right parts. In the middle of the march it is necessary to conduct a curve aCcorresponding to the line of movement. From AB on the line of movement, a plot is postponed equal to ½ b.where b. - Width of the usual stage. We get a point 1. Next from it, lay the cut equal b. And we note the point 2. Similarly, at an equal interval, we mark the remaining points 3-7.

Next through point 1 and and we carry out the direct before the intersection with DE. We also carry out directly through points 2 and A. on the section DE receiving points 1 and 2. Decoration on a direct de segments equal to section 1-2, and we mark them with numbers 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, respectively. Now connect the point 3 on the line aC With point 3 on direct DE, then connect the corresponding points 4, 5, 6, 7. Thus, the steps configuration is determined. A similar calculation is made for the right side of the staircase with swivel steps.

As in the case of a P-shaped staircase, there is a point "A" and a direct speaker is carried out. There are two options for the location of the steps:

  1. direct AS divides the angular stage in half;
  2. two steps with their edges are adjacent to a straight speaker.

In the second case, similarly with a P-shaped staircase, a line of movement is carried out. aC. In the curvilinear site, segments are postponed b. (Width - straight steps). The number of running steps is determined. Suppose it will be steps 1, 2, 3 and 4. Then, through the end of stage 4, direct ev, where "B" is the intersection of direct ev and sa. Next, the AD segment is arbitrarily postponed from the point "A", and it marks points 2, 3 and 4 in such a way that the segment A2 is equal to two parts, the segment 23 - three, 34 to four. For one part, an arbitrary segment is taken equal to 1 conditional unit (cm, dm).

Now connect points 4 and V. from points 2 and 3 to the intersection with AV carrying straight, parallel segment B4. Founding on the section AB dots are connected respectively with points 3 and 2 on the line of the AU. These lines determine the configuration of running steps.

In the case when direct AU divides the step in half, the calculation of the running staircase is performed similarly.

Staircase with a turn of 90 degrees - how to make it yourself

We will show how to make a running staircase on the example of the design with the following parameters:

  • the length of the staircase is 2294 mm;
  • width - 930 mm;
  • the height of the overlap is 2683 mm.

The angular staircase consists of two marches. Long march 8 steps, and the top coincides with the second floor site. In the lower march 2 steps. And three steps are magnificent, whose rotation angle is 30 °. The wooden staircase project will look like this:

The wooden staircase with a turn is performed on two cosoms with dimensions of 50x300x3000 mm, one of which is reinforced on the wall, and the other - on the support pillar with dimensions of 100x100x2500 mm. It is also necessary to purchase steps of 900x300x40 mm sizes, 900x900x40 mm turning pad from which running steps and balusters will be cut.

The wooden staircase with overtakers, having this form and parameters, is made in several stages.

Manufacturing of Kosoury

First you should prepare a template that represents a rectangular triangle, whose karts are equal to the depth of sticking and the height of the risk. For convenience, the triangle should be fixed on the rail guide, as in the photo. Using this template, placing Kosourg and cut out an excess circular saw. It must be remembered that in the thinnest part of the width of the Kooowar should not be less than 15 cm.

In the corner, we build an improvised supporting structure that will split the wall-free Kosor and serve as the basis for running steps.

The top ends of the cosomes are fixed using metal corners.

After the carrier elements are fixed, the following should be obtained:

When installing the Kosomrov, it is important to track the level so that the steps are subsequently easily horizontally. The most common mistake of inexperienced masters is that the horizontality is taken by the floor parallel. But the floor can be uneven, so it is necessary to define this parameter only with a level.

How to make running steps

Starting steps are cut from a rectangular board of 900x900x40 mm. For a staircase with a turn of 90 degrees there will be enough three steps. To make them, divide the board into three parts with lines leaving from one corner. Cut steps Customize in length.

Identifying with some varnish to cover the staircase, we apply to the steps at least 3 layers.

Installation of stairs with running steps

To secure the overall steps, the grooves are cut in the post, the height of which is slightly less than the thickness of the board. So we will ensure reliable fixation of the steps from the inside of the stairs. And from the outside - we refine the supporting structure so that the steps can be put on it.

From the outside of the staircase, the rotary steps are screwed to the support frame using self-tapping screws. The inner ends of the steps are inserted into the cuts and to enhance the structure are sampled by PVA glue mixed with sawdust.

The end of the rust is cut at a right angle regarding the floor so that you can install the input pillar.

Installation railing

Now you need to install balusters. Sometimes they are attached from the bottom through the steps with the help of self-tapping screws, but this method is unreliable. It is better to use the drums - wooden cylindrical rods.

To do this, the hole is drilled in the steps, the diameter of which is slightly smaller than the secting of the dummy, and is filled with glue. A similar hole is made in balusters, and it is very important that it is exactly in the center. If the balaasine has a rectangular shape, the center is defined as the intersection of the diagonals of the rectangle. Try to drill openings as closely as possible so that they are strictly vertical, because the position of the Balyasin will depend on it.

Between the first and last post, the rope is tensioned, according to which the angle of inclination is marked on all bassines. Next, the tops of the racks are cut on the applied labels. Thus, we prepare balusters to install the handrail.

The handrail can be fixed with simple self-tapping screws (wise), and hide fastening places with a putty.

Single-hour staircase with oversized steps is ready. That's what we did.

With this method of manufacturing the load on the lower rotary stage will act along the fibers of the tree, which is undesirable, as it loosens the design. In this case, you will need to additionally strengthen the step by the backup, which we have done.

When calculating and designing a staircase in a two-story house or a two-level apartment, a frequent problem is a lack of free space for its installation. In such a situation, an excellent solution will be a wooden staircase with overtook steps. But such a design has its own characteristics in the calculation and installation, about this and talk below.

The staircase with overtakers is a marching staircase with a turn of 90 or 180 degrees. Its feature are running steps, allowing to significantly save the area which takes the staircase after installation. Starting steps are installed in the place of rotation of the stairs instead of an intermediate platform.

Staircase with running steps and turning 90 degrees
Staircase with overall steps and turning 180 degrees

Consider the main advantages and disadvantages. The pros of the stairs of such a design can be attributed:

  • occupy little place
  • aesthetic attractiveness
  • visually make the room wider

by minus:

  • completion complex
  • ring steps are already ordinary, which causes inconvenience
  • elevated trauma

How to calculate the ladder with running steps

Before proceeding with the design, you must understand that any calculation is a complex procedure that requires certain knowledge and the use of special formulas. Therefore, to avoid errors and problems, it is recommended to use special programs, such as AutoCAD, StairDesigner, Compass, or use the services of specialists.

The manufacture of any ladder from the tree begins with the calculations of the dimensions and representing it graphically. Before the calculation of the dimensions should be remembered about the recommended sizes of the elements of the stairs, namely:

  • the width of the march of the staircase in a private house should be 600 - 700 mm for one person, but do not forget about the possibility of counter movement, so the optimal width is 900 mm
  • tilt angle. The ideal ratio of the height of the march to its horizontal projection is 1: 2 - 1: 1.75, in this case the slope of the stairs is about 30º. If there is not enough space, 40º is considered the maximum allowable slope, which in the march ratio to the projection is 1: 1.25
  • the thickness of the sticky usually depends on the width of the march in the ratio of 1:20, for example, for a march 900 mm wide, the thickness of the sticky should be about 45 mm
  • there are no special requirements for the approach, it can be made of any tree, and the recommended thickness of 15 - 25 mm. Also often for the manufacture of risers used veneered plywood
  • kosomers must be straight and without bitch, the width of the board from which they are made should be 250 - 300 mm, and thickness 40 - 70 mm
  • for convenient descent and railing, the railing is installed at about 900 mm.
  • the dimensions of the steps must correspond to the formula 2 * H + B \u003d 600 ... 650 mm, where H is the height of the stage, and b its width. Comfortable height is considered size 140 - 180 mm, and width 250 - 300 mm
  • the number of running steps is recommended to do three, less often four pieces. It all depends on the specific situation

Staircase with three oversized steps (marked green)

Wooden staircase with running steps do it yourself

Start calculations stairs from wood It is necessary from determining the number of steps, for this you need to take the distance from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second floor and divide to the approximate height of the stage. Consider on the example where the height of the stairs is 2700 mm, and the length of the free space of the allocated for the staircase is 3300 mm.

Dimensions of the future staircase

By dividing the distance between the floors of the first and second floor to the average recommended height of the step 2700/155, we obtain the number of steps equal to 17.41 pieces, rounded up to 17 pieces and take one step, since the floor of the second floor is already one of the steps of our future staircase. Thus, we obtain the number of steps equal to 16. Dividing the height of the stairs to the number of steps, we get the exact size of our stage, equal to 169 mm.

At the next stage of the calculation, it is necessary to decide how many straight steps will be up to the turn of the stairs and, accordingly, up to running steps. Suppose that there are three straight steps. The next element of the stairs is a turn with overtakers. First of all, you need to decide on the width of the staircase march, since for the turn of the stairs by 90 degrees, it is necessary to highlight the space for running steps in the form of a square, the sides of which have a length equal to the width of the staircase march. Take the width of the staircase march size in 900mm. Now knowing the size of the element with overtakers and the number of steps after, we can calculate the width of the stage. In our case, the number of steps in the upper march 10 pieces (total number of steps 16, 3 steps to rotation, 3 running steps)

(3300 - 900) / 10 \u003d 240 mm

Having a width and height of the stage, we can check whether they will be comfortable for walking using the formula 2 H + B \u003d 600 ... 650 mm.

2*169 + 240 = 578

As we see 578 mm much less recommended 600 - 650 mm, so to increase the width of the sticky, we need to reduce the number of steps after turning. To do this, you can increase the number of steps to turn or increase the number of running steps to four. We will increase the number of steps before turning to four pieces, thereby reducing the quantity after turning. Let's spend our calculations with the width of the sticky:

(3300 - 900) / 9 \u003d 267 mm

Width increased. Check now the comfort of movement with such dimensions

2 * 169 + 267 \u003d 605 mm

Now knowing the size and number of steps before and after turning, we can calculate the angle of inclination of the stairs and whether it hits the recommended range.

To do this, we need to find out the height of the last march and the length of its projection on the floor. The height we can get multiplied the number of steps to it on their height and subtract this value from the total height

2700 — 7*169 = 1517

The length of the projection will be equal to the difference of the length of the niche and the platform for running steps

3300 — 900 = 2400

Knowing these data and using the Tangent Angle formula. We will be able to determine the angle of inclination of the stairs, which is approximately 32º, this result falls into the recommended range.

Exemplary appearance of the finished staircase made in size taken above

It remains only to calculate the size of wooden running steps. When prescribing the size of wedge-shaped running steps, the calculated values \u200b\u200bare taken in the middle of the march. From practice I can say that on average, the square goes 3, less often 4 steps all depends on a particular case. With three steps, the angle of rotation of the stroke of 30 degrees, with 4 steps, the algorithm is different. The angle of the first stage is 24º, the second 45º, the third 67º and the fourth, respectively, 90º.

Rotation angle of running steps

Of course, 3 steps are more comfortable than 4 as the average sticky value at three steps will be equal to 290 - 300 mm, and at four 210 - 220 mm. This can be seen in the figure below.

Size steps

The latter, but the optional stage is recommended to draw a ladder in real size on the wall in the place where it will be installed. Such actions will help you submit a design in space and check the correctness of your calculations.

Before starting the manufacture of a wooden staircase with gag steps with their own hands, you need to decide on the tree of wood from which it will be made. The most common breeds for production are oak, ash, beech, maple and larch. Pine is also very popular, but in comparison with the listed rocks, it does not have the same density, but significantly cheaper.

The list of tools that may be needed to manufacture and install the stairs:

  • drill
  • screwdriver
  • electropolitanzik
  • hand saw
  • a hammer
  • plane
  • stamente
  • roulette
  • level
  • screws, selflessness, nails and other mounts

The staircase with overtakers can be made in two ways: on crouches or asserts. An option with the growths is more common and easy to install, in the case of Kosomers, manufacturing and installation is more complicated, but this design looks more elegant and more beautiful.

Installation of a wooden staircase occurs in stages:

  • installation of cabinets under running steps and first march
  • installation and fastening of the supporting structure of the second march
  • installation of steps, should be taken from below
  • installation of supports, balasine and pillars
  • installation and mounting rail


In this article we reviewed How to make a running staircase and how to calculate it. Production of a wooden staircase with overall steps is a complex process, but if you have certain skills in working with wood and sufficient knowledge in geometry, then this process is quite fulfilled personally. Do not forget that with proper care and exploitation, the wooden staircase will serve you more than one year, so conducting calculations follow the recommendations set out in this article, it will help make it safe, and walking onthe stairs all these years will bring you only pleasure.

The staircase with a rotation of 90 degrees is called M-shaped. Such stairs are close to adjacent walls. The playground can be separated unequal staircase marches. Turning 90 degrees is most common in the manufacture of stairs, which become equally good to accommodate in the country or in a two-story apartment.

How are M-shaped ladders divided among themselves?

The stairs differ in the material, the vector of rotation, appearance. The second paragraph is deciphered simply: either the staircase turns to the right or left.

The stairs can be made of wood, metal and concrete. There are combined vessels with metal.

Features of stairs with a turn of 90 degrees:

Such models do not differ from the single-sighted one by the presence of a rower or the guards, steps and fences, in the form of a balasine, railings, handrails.

However, one-hour stairs have a platform and running steps.

When creating the drawing of the turning structure, preference is given to either a platform or running steps. The choice depends on the number of available area in the room.

The second option is selected with a deficiency of the place, and usually such steps are made without coming, which gives the staircase airiness.

Stages of construction:

How to calculate the height and width of running steps

With its own calculations, it is best to rely on reliable data of optimal values. The march width is 90 cm, the width of the middle part of the running level - from 20 cm, the height of the steps is from 10 cm, the angle of inclination of the stairs is not more than 45 degrees, the width of the narrow spot level - from 10 cm.

Instead of the staircase install the ramp when the angle of inclination is no longer possible. With an angle of inclination of more than 45 degrees, the alternative staircase will be folding design, since on such a steep staircase will have to go back back.

Production of details


Typically, the installation starts from the upper march.


  • At first, Kosur is fixed on the wall.

  • After concreting the support pillars.
  • External Kosur is bonded with a support post.

  • Steps are connected to Kosomers using backups and fasteners.

  • After the overall levels are mounted, which must be firmly "sitting" into place.

  • After installing the risers.

  • After mounted balasins with railings.

Calculation of a wooden staircase with a rotation of 180 through the groove steps on the second floor with their own hands

Stairs with a rotation of 180 degrees are called P-shaped. It is based on a rectangular platform, dividing the staircase for two march. The design takes more space than the rotary staircase 90 degrees.

The main thing is that it is taken into account when designing stairs with a rotation of 180 degrees - this is what the height of the steps should not be more than their width. The height from the staircase to the ceiling must be at least 1.9 m.

  • First you need to draw a circle, the radius of which is equal to the amount of the width of the staircase and 0.5 from the distance between the marches.
  • From both sides of the circumference, marches are drawn with a given width and length. The line is carried out through which a person will go, as well as direct steps.
  • Next, you need to spend a segment of the aircraft, which starts from the highest point of the circle, ending with the lower. His marking should pass through the middle of the main overtook stage. It is from her who will be killed other steps.
  • The final straight stage is marked as a segment DE.

3D calculation program, online constructor

There are about a dozen programs capable of available data to calculate the future staircase. Some of them design 3D models, create a full-fledged graphic picture and a common staircase interior. Such programs greatly facilitate life, allowing you to see the future result most realistic.

There are paid programs on disks, such as Arcon Eleco 2010, its license is paid and costs about 40,000 thousand, the use of such a program is suitable for landscape designers and designers. Its opportunities are unfolded at the professional level and allow design of ladders of different shapes and design, winter gardens, cottages and landscape.

Staircon is also a program with a paid license, gained widespread when creating projects of stairs. Among its capabilities design 3D, counting the number and final value of materials, the creation of a statement based on materials.

There are two free online services intended for calculating and designing stairs.

"Lestenka - Online design of stairs" allows you to create a project for four steps. You need to specify the desired form, the size of the stairs and at the output to get the finished project. In addition, there is a function of choosing a company that can embody the sketch of the stairs into reality.

The "Calculation of the WebSR Ladder" service allows you to calculate the optimal tilt, the size of the opening in the overlap, the magnitude of the sticky and the riser, as well as choose the type of stairs and the view of the opening.

Calculation of a wooden staircase with a turn by 90, 180 through the long-term steps on the second floor with your own hands, 3D calculation program, online constructor, sizes of rotary staircase from wood, photo


Reliable are called the steps whose width increases from the inside to the outer. Naturally, the calculation of running steps should be made with special care at the stage, as the safety and convenience of the entire staircase depends on this, whether it is a spiral staircase or a direct march. Most often, running steps do when it is necessary to reduce the dimensions of the stairs by eliminating the inter-weapon site from its design. At the same time, the place with non-standard steps becomes not very convenient, especially for descent, because the closer the person steps to the inner edge, the less space remains for the legs.

Primary requirements

When creating a ladder with run-down steps, you need to adhere to several basic rules:

  1. The outer part of the steps should not be wider than 40 cm.
  2. For a minimum for the inside - 10 cm (meaning its useful plot, and not the edge).
  3. The middle of the march is 20 cm, and this value must be respected throughout the construction.
  4. The radius of the curvature, which is characterized by the rotary part, is 30 cm at the minimum.

Important! The move of the grooved steps should not be winding, otherwise it will be not only inconvenient to walk on it, but also dangerous.

Calculation of a well-staircase can be produced by various methods, depending on which angle turns the staircase.

The method of proportions, with some amendments, is used in order to calculate the rotation parameters for a straight angle (90 °). It should be noted that this is the easiest way, other graphic methods is more difficult, they require basic knowledge of drawing and design.

The method called Danish, also applies when calculating the turns of the stairs by 90 ° and 180 °. First of all, a horizontal projection is built on which, as well as in the method of proportions, the middle march is carried out. This line is also divided into segments with a width of the stage. Then you need to decide on the beginning of running steps, the border is noted by the point A. Another important point is the beginning of the running step in the middle of the turn, is denoted by the letter B.

Then, half of the middle of the march marks with marks, they unfold so that it turns out a straight line, and the perpendicular is painted from each mark. For a mark, which denotes the first running step (after direct), the perpendicular length is selected equal to the width of the sticky. For a mark on the opposite end of the unfolded straight (mark of the running step, which is in the middle of rotation), the length of the perpendicular is taken to be equal to the minimum width of the steps. The two obtained perpendicular are connected to each other, and the values \u200b\u200bof perpendicular lengths are obtained for all other marks. The segments obtained are laid in an increase in one direct, which is projected to directly, in length equal to AB. This gives complete information about the narrow sections of the steps. The sizes found are transferred to the horizontal projection (on the AB line) and connecting points with marks on the middle march line, the full dimensions of all running steps are obtained.

Other methods

When using the scanning method and lines method, the horizontal and vertical curvature of the rotary structure are taken into account. In the scan method, the first thing is to determine the boundaries of the steps, after which the drawing is transferred to a vertical projection. Similar to the manipulations produced in the Danish method, the markup is placed so that the resulting segments can be transferred to another plane by carrying out perpendicular lines.

Here you also need two projections. The horizontal paint is drawn similarly to the previously considered methods, the middle march is also held on it. In addition, there are points corresponding to the beginning and the end of running steps. The line of the middle of the march is divided into segments of the values \u200b\u200bin the width of the steps, is usually 200 mm.

The vertical axis of the vertical projection, in turn, is divided into segments equal to the height of the steps. Next, the straight steps are selected and, by connecting them with ribs, the corresponding segments are obtained, with the help of which they find an intersection with the axis of the horizontal projection. The resulting point is used in the future to build circles that are needed to determine the vertical projection of the line rise line. To find the peaks of steps, use the vertical axis - they carry the line perpendicular to it before intersection with the linen line. The projections of the obtained points on the horizontal axis will give the size of the narrow parts of the running steps. These sizes are used to find all other parameters of running steps.

Sliding staircase

An important characteristic of the staircase is its steepness, in other words, the angle of inclination. Not only the convenience of operating the staircase equipment depends on the steepness, but also safety. Human step, its average value, is the main reference. In other words, the convenience of movement on the stairs requires compliance with a certain proportion between the height of the human lift at each step and the range on which it is moving forward. Normally, the ratio of the height of the staircase to the length of its projection on the horizontal axis is in the range from 1: 2 to 1: 1.75. When expressing these proportions in angular units, it turns out that the slope of the staircase should not be greater than 30 °.

You can make the staircase on your own or with the help of the masters, but in any case the start of the work should be postponed until the calculation of the ladder with running steps is performed. Make it can be followed by the instructions on this page.

Graphic method

Calculate the parameters of the ladder can be a graphic method that comes down to the fact that the configuration of future rotary steps and the adjacent to them is drawn in the drawing on the scale. For example, we make the calculation of the stairs with running steps on 90 o.

Stages of calculating the turn of the stairs on 90 °:

  • In scale, black is a rectangle with the sides that correspond to the overall dimensions of the future staircase. Taking into account the side of the rotation, we postpone its width (L) vertically and horizontally, and then from the noted points carry out a line parallel to the sides of the rectangle to the intersection point. We connect this mark from the top of the angle (C). The line is prolonged and we find a point from which the part of the staircase is performed with the radius R. It will be a point (a). After that, we remove all auxiliary lines;
  • We carry out the central line of the stairs (ABC), which is assessed by the convenience of the stairs. The rotation radius of the midline must be at the point (A);

  • In the midline from the point (c) lay off the segments, in width equal depth of steps (chords). We perform their numbering, ranging from the first swivel. In order to run down the steps less, the line (speaker) must divide the central stage in half. Then, on the markup on the midline (marks 1 - 7) conventionally indicate the steps;

Note! We call the marking conditional, since the configuration will be changed for rotary steps.

  • At the border of the stage, after which the size is adjusted, we put the point (E) and laying off the line by its edge to the intersection with the line (AC). It will be a point (B);

  • Starting from the point (a), the line (AD) is stuck. This segment can have any angle of inclination. Upon this line, starting from the point (A), deposit points 2 - 5 at a distance from the point (A) equal to two, three and four parts, respectively. The size of this part is selected arbitrarily;

  • Connect the point (D) and the point (B). Parallel to this line from points 2, 3, 4 and 5 carry out the line to the intersection with the segment (AV);

  • The intersection points of parallel lines on the segment (AB) connect with steps that have the same numbers as the markup (AD) and bring these lines throughout their width. These lines are the desired configuration of rotary steps.

The calculation of the rotation to 180 o uses the same method as on 90 o. In the same way along the central line of the stairs, the layout of the depths of the steps is made. The steps that will retain their size and those that will be fattened are determined. For such steps and adjustment to obtain a smooth transition.

The difference is that the segment (DB) ends at the intersection of direct steps. From the point (a), a straight (AC) is carried out under any inclination, and for the same technique as for turning in 90 o, segments of parts are deposited, the configuration of which must be changed. At the end of these segments, the point (C) is set and connected to (B). In parallel (Sun) from the points 3 - 7, direct to the segment (AV) are carried out, and then through points with the corresponding numbers on the midline to the entire width of the staircase, they carry out straight, which determine the final configuration of rotary steps.

How to quickly calculate the parameters of the stairs

The graphical method of calculation in any case gives some error that may require fitting the design already at the construction stage. This is due to the fact that the drawing is performed on a scale and a small error will significantly affect the transfer of ordinary sizes. The same result can be obtained if you perform the calculation of the stairs with running steps online. In this case, all calculations holds a computer based on the size of the outlook for the staircase and the distance between the floors. To do this, use a special calculator. A special program according to measurements will make a detailed calculation of all elements that can be obtained to an email address. After that, it will only be accurate to follow the drawing.

Procedure for calculating on the calculator:

  • Carry out the measurement data;
  • The obtained data is made in the cell of the part of the program field, where there is a request for data for the calculation;

  • After making all the data that the program requested, click the "Calculate" button, which is usually under the data for the calculation. After that, a drawing will appear, which can be saved and sent to your mail.

Note!The calculation can be repeated many times until the ideal parameters of the stairs are defined.

Whatever the method of calculating the structure, the result is a drawing, which will create a staircase without distortion, with reliable fasteners capable of withstanding permanent loads.