Repairs Design Furniture

Types of mansard roofs - features and requirements for construction. Drafts of the attic roof of the private house Types of mansard roofs of private houses with a garage


An attic roof is an attic room that is made as a residential. Such projects of individual houses with an attic solve a complex problem - an increase in living space without significant costs.

In particularly elegant embodiments, the appearance of the house with the attic has a roof with different corners of the skate. It happens that one of them is slightly raised, thereby significantly increasing the attic space (read: "").

By defining the plan for the future at home, it is important to clearly solve the roof design and its shape. Beautiful and rational attic of the attic, can decorate any home. One of these most vivid options is an attic roof in which a canopy is attached in the form of pergola. This option is implemented, if the house has a straight roof with unequnenable skates.

An extensive attic room will be able to save the territory of your site drawn by the capital structure. Otherwise, if the attic is designed as non-residential, then you will not add funds to the roof device of the roof of square meters (read it: "").

Types of houses with an attic

The main feature determining the kind of attic roof is its form, whose options can be found in the photo. Forms depend such factors as the number of useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the convenience of living in the attic floor.

The correct shape of the attic, in the case when it is planned at the stage of creating a project of the whole house, should be determined by a specialist based on the designation of the premises and the requirements of residents. Before starting construction, it will be a better option that will allow you to consider every trifle and build a attic in accordance with its functions (read: "").

The main varieties of attic roofs are:

  • triangular;
  • broken;
  • asymmetric;
  • can be located along the entire length of the building or occupy one part of it.

If the attic is created on the already existing building or in the process of reconstruction of the house, then the project is often the ridicated project (read: ""). But in any case, the building can always be given certain expressive features in small details that will make your home dissimilar to everyone else. You can also adjust the appearance inside with furniture and decor.

Species of mansard roofs

When the form of the roof is determined, builds to start the selection of the attic of the attic. Each optional has its advantages and disadvantages. So, if the choice fell on a single-table type, then the ability to avoid sidewall at the highest point or significantly expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in the event of a two-bucket option.

Consider the main types of mansard roofs of private houses:

  • Single roof is the easiest option. It has the form of an inclined plane, which is fixed on the bearing walls of different heights. One side of the attic in such a house has a maximum height, and the opposite is minimal. This option is rarely used and most common in attached premises to the main home.
  • Two or sometimes called a forcep roof. This form two skates, which are directed in opposite sides. This option is the most popular in private buildings, as easy to install and quite reliable.
  • Broken roof. This is a variation of a double roof and is often used in small houses.
  • Walm and semi-walled roofs. Are a kind of four-tight roofs. Their obvious advantage is the rational use of space space, although the silhouette of such houses is not as expressive as a classic two-tie.
  • Pyramidal, conical and dome-shaped roofs. Apply for buildings with a rounded or polygonal perimeter outline. This embarrassment is technically difficult, but quite implemented (see: ").

It is worth noting that whatever attic of the appearance you prefer, it is worth always considering the type of intensive loads, the location of your house relative to the sunny side and keeping the loads that will be reserved.

Horry roof

One of the technological nuances, which determines the homes of the attic, is the structure of its rafter system. It depends on how durable and reliable will be the carrier part of the roof of the house and the kind of attic from the inside. The main function of the rafter is the support and transfer of the load on the supporting structures of your structure (see: ").

What type of roof is longer and economical for a wooden house with an attic, in detail on the video:

There are several basic types of rafting systems:

  • Suspension type. The base of hanging rafters are two extreme supports, most often with the walls of the house. Such a system creates a horizontal load that will be transferred to the walls. To reduce the loads, tightening of metal and wood, which connect the rafter beams, located at the base of the rafter.
  • Inclined type. Performed in buildings in which there are intermediate columnar supports or where the bearing wall is located in the center. Ends of the rafter must have a support in the form of external walls of the building, and the middle part relies on the inner wall. This type of rafter system is the most simple and requires less cost.
  • Ski run. Performs connecting the function between the rapid elements. In places where there is no access to the bearing walls, the rafter legs are most often based on the heels of side runs, which are powerful longitudinal beams. This design is often used in. The size of such beams is calculated based on loads provided on them.

People who want to have a private house are often faced with questions relating to the size of the desired design, the number of rooms inside and their placement. And it is clear that the larger the area of \u200b\u200bthe house, the more expensive it will cost its arrangement. It is still due to the fact that land prices in our time are quite high. But in this case there is a solution: Create a house with an attic roof.

Thanks to such tricks, the hosts are able to equip an extra room without affecting the land plot that can be useful for other purposes. This article will consider the types of attic roofs, features, pros and cons, as well as what the cost of creation depends. For those who want to make an attic in their home - this is an indispensable information.

Let's start with the history of making attic

The history of the creation of a nursery roof began in the middle of the XVII century. It all started with the fact that people who would like to live in Paris were so many that there were not enough housing at all. Completely the situation and the fact that housing there was very expensive. Handicrafts, domestic workers and students had to live in the basement or a chest under the stairs.

In this era, one architect whose name was Mansar looked at the standard French roof that was with a break. He saw that such a design allows you to arrange an extra room under it. Now those who have not had the opportunity to live in the apartment began to use in the room under the roof. They were so grateful to the architect that they called this roof in his honor - an attic. Since in the summer, it was hot in it, and in winter it was cold, the cost of the room was low.

In this regard, the expression is still preserved in Paris, according to which the Great Man is only the one who crushed and watched in the attic. On the one hand, you will not argue with him. Even some celebrities engaged in art, juts in such rooms. However, today the situation has changed dramatically. An attic roof has become not only warm, quiet and comfortable, but beautiful and original. Dersighted roofs of private houses were transformed and became very popular.

Is it profitable to economically do the attic

The question will be logical how much money needs to be spent to make a roof of a mansard type. Let's start with the fact that the process is profitable because it is not necessary to spend money on creating bearing walls. Most of the funds will be spent on the rafter part of the structure, the value of which depends on the species of the attic roof (we will talk further about them). An important role is played by wood prices in the region.

The second point is the arrangement of the attic. In order to live in it, it was comfortable, warm and comfortable will have to hold a number of complex and costly work. We are talking about the insulation of attic, vaporizolation and finishing. For the Russian climate, a layer of insulation is not less than 200 mm. And the vapor insulation and waterproofing layer is added to it.

Do not forget about the windows that the roof of the attic is equipped. Without them just no way. The installation of mansard windows will cost one and a half or twice as expensive. The windows themselves are more expensive for the same. The attic tools tools with two types of windows - vertical and inclined. They can be placed both individually and in one project.

I would like to pay attention to the roofing material recommended for attic. The roofs should be not only beautiful, but also practical. For example, the use of hard roofing materials made of metal, such as metal tile, professional flooring, folding roofing and others, is not recommended. Why? There are several reasons for that.

  1. The quality of thermal conductivity.Metal is not famous for its thermal insulation qualities and misses heat. This means that it will be necessary to apply a thick layer of the insulation, which is more expensive. Otherwise, the attic winter will be cold, and in the summer is hot.
  2. High noise. Everyone heard which sound is published from the metal when rain is falling on it. The noise is loud and nasty. No one would be nice to live in the attic when the rain drums on the roof and does not give rest.

So it turns out that at the disposal of the attic, it is recommended to use a soft roof, ondulin, rubberoid, bituminous roofing, etc.

What can be concluded? Calculating all the costs associated with the creation of a similar structure, it is possible to understand that the attic will cost them so cheap, as it would like. But, all this with more than paying up the advantages of the construction.

Advantages of the attic roof

Before spending money, it is important to know what you can get for them. Let's consider a list of advantages that will bring you the creation of a nursery roof in your private house:

  • allows you to increase the living area and use it for your own purposes;
  • this reduces the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house, and the free land can be used to create a recreation area, vegetable garden, etc.;
  • the construction occurs quite quickly;
  • all work on the creation of the attic can be done with their own hands;
  • you can build a attic on the existing home;
  • mansard has an excellent appearance.

This is more than enough for the average person. Even the fact that he will receive an additional living space, it already encourages to think. It is clear that it is not necessary to do without minuses here, which are expressed in bevelled ceilings caused by the types of roof, a small space, high cost and inability to create a attic. But many make a choice precisely in the building of the attic roof.

Separately, I would like to draw attention to the features of materials for work and the specifics of arrangement. There are several rules here, which is important to consider:

  1. All materials for mansard work must have a small weight in order not to load the design.
  2. Wooden elements are mandatory protected by impregnations and antiseptics, in order to avoid rotting.
  3. Finishing inside is made with lightweight profiles and plasterboard.
  4. Thermal insulation materials must be high quality and easy.
  5. It is important to provide high-quality waterproofing and vaporizolation.

Now, when everything became clear with the attic roof, it is possible to consider the types of roofs of private houses for the attic. After all, the internal space and design features depends on it.

Flat roof

Each of the types of roofs for homes with the attic has its advantages and disadvantages. The choice of one or another option may depend on many factors, ranging from the complexity of work and personal preferences, ending with the cost. The easiest option of the roof for the attic is a flat roof. It has an inclination no more than 2-3 degrees that people often do not notice.

Note! This tilt is needed so that the precipitates do not accumulate on the roof, and the glasses on it.

What is the feature of such a roof? Let's look at it on items:

An example of a flat roof of private houses Photo:

Single Roofing for Mansard

She reminds something flat, only here is the angle of inclination in this case can be the most different. In addition, in this case the location of the rafter is distinguished. They are located at various heights of the flat wall structures. The slope is chosen taking into account what style you need to achieve which precipitation falls in the region, as well as the presence of an attic roof.

What is noteworthy like a roof? She, like the first option, is also quite economical and simple. Costs are reduced, since all the work can be made independently, and the materials on the device will take a little. Let such a roof look very simple, but it is not devoid of beauty and grace. Especially if you correctly pick up the finishing material. These options are distributed in Russia much more. This option is complemented by storm sewage.

Here's what a single-skate roof looks like from the inside. With such a design of space inside the attic, do not expect much. A feature is that one of the parties will be quite spacious and high, but the second, on the contrary, is low. This is not very convenient. But, such places can be used to use, installing a small dresser or decor elements there.

Duscal roof for attic

Perhaps is a classic. Such a roof is the most popular in our country. Here, instead of one slope in a certain side there are two, which create a good design for the attic. Its device will require a little more strength and means, but such a roof allows you to embody many design solutions.

Skates are symmetrically arranged relative to each other. Another roof shape is called forcep, because the triangle formed between two slops is called a tongs or a bomber. According to architects, similar designs are the most stable loads in front of various types. If you build a dunned row roof correctly, then it will not be terrible wind, shower and a lot of snow with ice. Outside, the roof looks very worthy, and a lot of space appears inside the attic to implement a variety of ideas. As for roofing materials, you can use any of them for a bone roof. But, as mentioned above, it is better for the attic options with better thermal insulation and noise absorption.

But what does the attic look like a bounce type of roof? You can recall a single-piece roof, at which one side was spacious, and the second one is narrowed. Here the situation is very similar. Only here in the center a large useful space is formed, which can be used for different purposes. And only on the sides there are squeezes that it is not so convenient to use. Look at the photo to understand how you can perform the design of such an attic.

Walm roofing for mansard

It can be said that this is an improved duplex roof. Only this type has not two skates, but four. At the same time, two skates are trapezoids, and two others are triangular. Thanks to this, it turns out an unusual and original design. Such a roof option is ideal for those regions where strong precipitation often falls out. All because thanks to such a device, it is easier to get rid of them.

In the classic version, the four-tight hip roof has an angle of inclination equal to 45 degrees. Although in our time, due to the development of architecture, other options for inclination angle are also provided, which are more selected with a smaller angle. A similar design is the most difficult and most of them will be very hard. But the roof will be perfectly cope with winds and precipitation.

It is worth noting that the attic with such a roof design is very spacious, comfortable and most reminds the usual room. Working with finishing and arrangement of the design is very easy. You can implement any designer solutions. In the photo you can see an example of the arrangement of the attic of this type.

Tent roofing for attic

This type of roof is set for those designs that are made in the form of a rectangle or correct square. With such a roof, the rods are obtained triangular. If you look at the photo of this roof, you can see that she resembles the Egyptian pyramid.

Such a design is quite attractive and unusual. From the aesthetic side, everything is done just with a bang. As for the complexity of the performance of work, then everything is not so simple. This is a complex rafter system, the creation of which only professionals can be created. This will some extent makes creating such a roof costly.

As a roofing, we choose a soft roof, slate or metal tile. But how does the attic look at the toll type of roof.

Dome roof for attic

You can easily meet such a roof. The thing is that it is intended for a house with a complex design that has an extension. With a similar roof, do not do without a large number of angles with a variety of slope. This is the most complex roof that can be created. It will cost more. If we talk about the convenience of using attic and appearance, this is a very worthy option.

Since the roof surface is round, the use of traditional metal roofing materials does not pass here. You need to use soft material that can be formated. Bituminous tile is perfect for this purpose. And for the attic it, in general, the best option. This is how you can realize the attic at the dome roof.

What kind of root for the attic to choose

Now, when we reviewed the options for roofing to create an attic room, it remains to be decided what kind of type to give preference. What should be guided by? Here are some tips:

  1. First you need to understand that the roof is basically a functional structure, and only then external beauty. Therefore, it is important to repel from the functional features.
  2. It is important to think about what kind of attic room you will do. If you need a small office where you have to retire and focus on work, the roof can be single. And if you need a living room or a full-fledged spacious bedroom, then you already need to choose a double or other option.
  3. Evalnamed and cost of construction. Calculate the budget is the first thing to do. It is important to remember that besides the creation of the roof itself, money will be spent on the arrangement of the attic.
  4. Consider the region and climate in which you live. With severe precipitation, it is better to stop on durable structures.
  5. Well, do not forget about personal preferences, because to live in this house will have to you.

Given all these wishes, everyone can choose the option of the roof that he will like most.

Let's summarize

Mansard is more than a useful room. And even if it is necessary to spend your blood tools, but its further use will pay it all. And thanks to a variety of options for the roof of the attic, you have the ability to choose. Each type of roof is unique in its own way. It remains only to choose the best option for yourself and embody everything.

Thinking about the construction of your own house or even cottages, I want the house to be beautiful, unlike the neighboring, convenient and functional. It would be not bad for him to be inexpensive. The roof of the attic type allows you to solve almost all these tasks. The appearance of the house is interesting, and the building can be decorated in different styles - all variants of the combinations of roofing, the species and shape of the roof, windows and balconies, and it is probably impossible to count. As for the cost, it is worth talking separately.

The combination of rods directed in different directions gives a very unusual effect. Exactly such a house you won't call us

How much does it cost to build a attic

The device of the attic floor is considered advantageous due to the fact that there is no need to spend money on the construction of walls. This is true only in part.

First, a lot of money will go to create a rafter system. Its cost depends on the chosen type of the attic roof (see below) and on the price of lumber in your region.

Secondly, you will have to lay out a considerable amount. It is clear that only the roofing material is far enough to provide the required air conditioning for residential premises (if the attic is planned by residential). We will have to warm, with the insulation layer must be significant. For example, for the middle strip of Russia, the layer of mineral wool high density should be from 200 mm, plus a layer of waterproofing and vaporizolation.

Thirdly, the windows are much more expensive. If you make them with auditory, build a special design from rafters, which complicates the roof relief, and therefore increase the costs of materials and installation. Even on an ordinary bounce, you have to think about the device of endands and snowstands over the windows.

The second option - windows in the plane of the roof - require a particularly thorough embelling so that the precipitate cannot get inside. This makes the installation more expensive 1.5-2 times. Approximately the windows themselves are even more expensive: they must have a reinforced frame and reinforced glass, capable of enduring snow loads. In addition, for the maintenance of the frame should be swivel, and this is an increase in cost.

In the attic put two types of windows - vertical and in the roof plane. Both types can be used in one project. In the photo below, a successful example of such a combination. For sure, do not say that the house is unsubstantified. And how many more options can be?

Dersighted roofing in several levels - this is also a common reception

In addition, such popular and inexpensive roofing coatings are metal-based materials of the type of professional leaf, metal tile, roofing iron - use the private house when the indoor roof is not advised. The reasons are two:

  1. High thermal conductivity. Due to the fact that the metal is very well conducting heat, it is necessary to lay a large thickness of thermal insulation materials. Otherwise, in the summer in the attic it will be too hot, and in winter it is cold.
  2. An increased level of noise created by the coating during the rain. Even the usual roof covered with metal, during the rain sounds like a drum. The attic is much larger in the area and the "instrument" it turns out more powerful. If with the level of noise indoors, you can fight additional sound insulation, then on the street the sound you will not remove anything. If the neighbors are located on a solid distance, it may be unstable, but if the building is dense, conflicts may arise.

If it is good to calculate, additional thermal insulation and sound insulation will be minimized in value when buying roofing material. It is possible, another, more expensive initially roofing coating, as a result will be more profitable. So here you need to calculate the options.

All this was described to ensure that you had a more complete picture of whether the attic of the attic really is so cheap. It turns out - not very. Nevertheless, such a solution has its advantages:

  • Mansard floor is easy. Therefore, the foundation for private houses will require only a little more powerful than when the device is one floor. Since the cost of the foundation is a significant part of the cost, then the winnings turn out tangible.
  • With a shortage of funds, the insulation of the attic and putting it into operation can be deleted for the required period. And this delay will be useful. That's why. During construction, high humidity forest is almost always used. If you start warming right away, the moisture will be absorbed into thermal insulation. If "Pie" is made correctly, it will go naturally. But if there are violations, problems may arise. If the roof under the roofing material is for some time without insulation (but with a necessarily laid under roofing with waterproofing), then the wood dries well and there will be less problems.
  • Mansard allows you to make a house with original and non-standard. In any case, the building is obtained by more expressive and individual - variants of the mass.

We tried to most fully describe the minuses of the attic roof and its advantages. If you are difficult to scare you, choose which design you like more.

Types of mansard roofs

The roof of the attic type used in the construction of private houses has various variants of the device. You can make all existing types of roofs, except, perhaps, flat. All others can be implemented both in the "pure" form and in combination.


Non-standard look at home with single planted roofs. Its device is the most simple due to the lack of skates and problems associated with its arrangement. Beams are based on Mauerlat, fixed on the multi-level walls. Scope is formed due to the difference in the height of two opposite walls. At the same time, the angle of the skate should be around 35 ° -45 °. A smaller tilt will lead to the accumulation of a large number of snow, which requires strengthening beams and installing additional supports, and this reduces the already not very large living area in such a nursery floor.

If we talk about the external design of the house, the buildings look no standard. Most often in the high wall of the attic floor there is a large window: the design itself has it. For examples, see the photo below.

A single-piece roof device is obtained cheapest if the distance between two opposite walls does not exceed 4.5 meters: you can lay the standard length of bars onto the walls and do not make supporting structures. Apparently, the solution is due to the photographs below, but it turned out very interesting.

If the distance between the walls is smaller, the design is quite simple


Two-tight roof - the most widespread: with a general structure, solutions can be a lot. The design itself is the most optimal: with relatively low costs, it allows you to satisfy various requirements for the necessary area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

The easiest thing is realized by the attic under the usual double roof, but its height should be sufficient so that the living room can be highlighted under it (if the floor is supposed to be done by residential). May be:

  • symmetric - Konk is located above the middle of the building;
  • asymmetric - the horse is shifted relative to the center.

Frontones are straight. The room turns out a trapezoidal, in fairly wide buildings you can allocate a square. The lack of a dual-tie roof of an attic type with that a large space is compiled on the sides, which is not always acceptable in private homes. So that considerable areas have not walked, they are used under the device of storerooms or cabinets.

With such a device, the windows are made in the roof, the location of their location depends on the angle of inclination. They may be auditory, as in the photo at the top or in the roof plane, like a photo below.

There is another option of the devices of a naked roof of a private house with two slopes - one-hour floor. It is installed on the wall departed to some level. The house is then called "a half-floors" (one of such houses in the photo above).

These are two types of two-tie attic roofs. There are still the third - broken. They can be allocated in a separate category - the device has significant differences.


The device of a naked roof and more difficult and easier. In essence, these are the same two skates, but consisting of two parts with a different slope. Such a structure allows not spending money on the construction of walls, get a living space, only a little less than on the lower floor (by about 15%). In this sense, its device is easier. But the rafter system has a more complex structure, and in this sense its device is more complicated.

The design of the nuclear roof is the most commonly used version of the rafter system - with the removal of the part of the rafter behind the wall. Thus, a sv, protecting the adjustment node to the walls from precipitation

This type is most common during self-construction. It can easily increase the useful area, to buy small buildings such as a garage or, get additional, almost separate, housing. Since construction materials are usually used, the lungs are used, the supporting ability of the foundation is usually enough, but the calculation does not place. ().

Small premises made of logs at the bottom, and from above - an extensive attic, resting on the racks


These are already complex systems that need to be counting. The surface is obtained large, insulation costs increase significantly, at the same time dimensions of the attic room are reduced: parts of the premises from all four sides are cut off.

Their plus is high resistance to strong winds: all surfaces inclined and wind load not so much pressure on the skates. The structure is such that the sows can be made low, protecting the walls from the effects of precipitation and winds. In addition, many are considered the most attractive at home with such roofs. Classic option - hip.

One of their kinds of four-tight roofs - a hip and attic room under it. In full growth, it is possible to stand only in the central part

With their device, inclined rafters increase - they account for most of the load. In general, its rafter system is one of the most complex, material intensive and, therefore, costly. So that you can appreciate the entire scope of work and costs, consider its design in the photo below.

At the top of the picture, all the stops are visible, the covers that need to be put on the second, the structure and location of the rafter are more clearly drawn.

There is still a transitional option - half-haul. It is something mean between the double and four-sheet roof. In this case, the Walma makes only part of the height of the floor.

Only the main types of attic roofs are described. There are also their combinations. For example, the hip can be also broken, like a single one. There are really a lot of options. The main thing is to prevent gross errors in the development of the rafter system, and then implement everything correctly.

Roof of a mansard type with a balcony

How do the attic windows in the roof have already been described above. Almost the same principle build balconies. There are even special window systems that allow it to do in the surface of the skate. Although the implementation is easier, but it is worth the window decently.

If the bearing wall capacity allows, increasing the size of the auditory window, you can make a hanging balcony.

The balcony site can be written columns. Only in this case, the removal is made above the entrance. Then the columns fit organically, and serve as decoration.

The balcony on the front of the house with a mansard is built on another principle. Protects it advanced overhead, if it allows the wall, the platform is made hanging.

In small houses, it is more often a balcony due to the fact that the plantant of the attic floor is shifted from the carrier wall. Due to this deposit and the platform is obtained. The visors in such roofs do continued to roof at least to one level with an outer wall, and even better - further. This protrusion will protect and the wall of the front and will reduce the amount of precipitation, which will fall on the open area.

The design of this type of roof is such that it can be done even with an indoor terrace. The edge of it can rely on the decorative wall or on the poles.

The complexity of this project is long rafters

A similar idea is implemented in this project, but the roof is multi-type roof. It is difficult to calculate it yourself, even more difficult to make endanders correctly, because they are rare

If we talk about non-standard solutions, then "G"--shaped attic roof - from two single-sided functional. In addition, this is an inexpensive way to arrange such a non-standard building.

"G" Shaped Single Derside Roof

A large number of people already have or wish to get a private house. It may be a house in which you will live daily, and maybe a country house, or a cottage, where you will travel to your holiday every weekend.

It's no secret that today, the value of land is very high.

This became the root cause of the fact that more and more people began to look at such an excellent option as.

Precisely thanks to this you have a lot of extra. Here you can make another bedroom room for guests, billiard or gym and everything is like you.

If you have already decided to build a house with an attic, then first of all you need to pick up what kinds of attic roofs are suitable for your option.
This causes the whole cost of all at home. The roof of the attic is predetermined in the image of the roof.

  • . Bearing walls are fastening for an inclined plane. This is perhaps the simplest variation. It does not require any special specificity for its execution. Her privilege is minimal expensesthat do not require large investment.
  • . In this option, roofing is provided by two slots, divergent in opposite sides.
  • or half a hip (semi-degrees). In this case, there are four skate. In this case, you will be able to most of the use of the resulting space Mansard.
  • Broken roof. This is a modification of the roof in two skates. Such a modification of the design is considered one of the most successful and practical. Especially wide it is used for small and small houses.. His irreplaceable privilege is the creation of extremely large and spacious size of the household rooms. For this type of roof, additional cash costs are required, because here the installation will be more complex and intricate.
  • Roofs in the form of cones, domes, pyramids. This is the most expensive and sophisticated look. It is widely used for those houses that are allocated to their not easy design and configuration.

Types of mansard roofs

Types of mansard can be divided into two categories:

  1. Single-level - They are combined with a double and broken roof. In addition, they may have remote modilions.
  2. Two-level - arise, due to the combination of various supports.

The main task is clearly and without any deviations, calculate all possible loads during the construction and, of course, further when using.


In order for you to decide whether you need it, it is very important to get acquainted with all its advantages. Such an extraordinary building has a number of advantages and advantages that make it so widespread.


  • Significantly multiplies the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, which can be used with a large benefit.
  • This amazing design will allow you save a lot of territoryThereby reducing the total building area.
  • It is always possible to expand the house. Attic is quite realistic to complete the existing house.
  • The speed of all construction processes. You do not have to wait for several years until the foundation falls, as if you want a good benign house that will serve you, your children and grandchildren.
  • Available cost. You can allow yourself to afford such a luxury if you want. This design will not stand crazy money..
  • Amazing, attractive and non-standard appearance. Such a building will perfectly complement your home and make it even richer and more attractive.

Of course, like all that surrounds us, having dignity, unfortunately, there are disadvantages. They are important to consider.


  • Ceilings of beveled forms. It is not always suited to everyone and like it. They create a certain originality of space that is not convenient for residents in all cases.
  • Expensive windows for mansard. Alas, but such windows cost more than normal.
  • No attic room. Having additional cute rooms for themselves, their family and guests, you can forget about the attic room where you can add all sorts of things.
  • First-class . Without it, it is not necessary if your home has a naked roof.
  • High quality . It is needed to maintain a suitable level of humidity in the entire room.

Considering the suggestion of the attic roof, be sure to pay attention to all positive and negative parties.

Types of mansard roofs of private houses: photo options below.

Diplot roof of mansard type options

Four-tie attic roofs of private houses

Single mansard roof

Slinge system

One of the most important elements of the roof can be distinguished by a mansard roof.

It is she solves how much roof will be reliable, durable, high-quality and functional.

The rafter system is a roof support. Thanks to her, the load from the roof goes to the carrying structure.

In direct duties come in withstands such factors like snow, wind, rain, hurricane. The development of this system is very carefully and scrupulously.

Types of rafter structures:

  1. Hanging - external walls and there is a support. Here I use a tighten from a tree or metal. From what height is the tightening, the hardness and stability of the entire rafter system depends.
  2. Current - Most often, they are used on such objects that have intermediate bearing walls. Ends of rafters are based on the outer wall and the inner wall. Such a rafter system is financially affordable and inexpensive.

Definitely always use the principle of a sliding support that gives to work rafters for bending. You can also lay a rafter one to another, fixing them with each other with special metal plates.

Drawing plan timer

Mansard with balcony

If you are a lover of chic and sophistication, then the option of an extension of the balcony is perfect for you. it contributes to the influx of fresh air to the room, will provide natural ventilationAnd also give a chance to penetrate the sun rays right into the room.

You must not forget about some requirements for the attic:

  • All materials used for the roof must be not heavy.
  • The inner cladding has lightweight profiles (for example, such as plasterboard).
  • Thermal insulation materials must be top quality.
  • Perfect hydro and vaporizolation.

Do not ignore these some of the most important rules. Considering them, you will get a wonderful house that will serve you for many decades.

Accessory option

Optional roof with balcony

Useful video

In this video you will learn what kind of roofs of houses:

In contact with

The arrangement of attic in a private house allows you to increase the useful area. For this, the roof is erected, the design of which can be different. Therefore, the design is important before construction, which involves the accounting of all the features of the roof.

Specifications of plantic roofs

The standard duplex roof is simple in the construction and does not require high time costs.

Pointed options are less popular than standard. It is due to the fact that such structures have an angle of inclination of the slopes from 60 ° and are suitable for narrow houses, the width of which does not exceed 6 m. For the construction of a pointed roof, a larger amount of materials will be required than for a standard roof. At the same time, the height of the ceiling in the attic is much higher, which is not always convenient.

Pointed roofs are spectacular outwardly, but impractical in operation

For the construction of a duplex attic roof, a rafter system of hanging type is required, where the beams of the frame are based on each other on the ridge of the roof and fasten on the carrier walls of the building. In this case, there are no central supports that can be used when erecting a roof with a conventional attic, and not an attic. Before construction, you need to create an individual drawing of the future rafter system with an indication of the location of each element. Such a process is best done with the help of professionals in this matter.

In the system of hanging rafters there is no central support

It is worth considering that the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe future attic depends on the angle of inclination and the parameters of the building. The greater the width of the house, the higher the slope is required to ensure the height of the attic ceiling from 2.2 m, which is the minimum indicator for the highest point of the roof.

Before construction, it is worth determining the appointment of the attic and the necessary beneficial area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

The main features of the duplex roof are expressed as follows:

  • the standard version of the bartal roof allows you to get more useful area than a pointed look;
  • the construction of the drawing with the finished dimensions of the elements is easy to implement independently;
  • for a bartal roof, any roofing coating is suitable, for example, metal tile or soft roof;
  • roofing cake includes vaporizolation, rafters, insulation, waterproofing, roofing coating.

Roofing cake requires the use of high-quality materials for comfort in the attic

Video: Construction of a rafted banta attic roof

Singite roof of mansardes

One of the ordinary kinds of attic roofs is a single, having only one inclined plane. For the arrangement of residential premises under such a roof, a rafting system is needed, the parameters of which should ensure the comfort of attic operation. When designing and building, the roofing skate is placed from a leeward side, and the optimal angle of inclination is 40 °. The volume of extinguishing costs is significantly less than for a bunk design.

Single roof is simple in the construction and looks very impressive

The main feature of a single-table roofing roof concludes that from the side of the skate, the load on the carrier wall is greater than on the other. Therefore, it is important to observe the angle of inclination at least 40 ° to observe and additionally increase the rafyled. This will avoid snow drifts and reduce the load on the coating. To determine the exact angle, the type of roofing, snow load, building parameters are taken into account.

Simple drawing and minimal calculation will ensure the creation of a comfortable attic

Calculate the angle of inclination of the slope depending on the intended roofing coating. For a soft roof, a 5 ° bias is recommended for a profile - 8 °, for metal tile - 30 °. When calculating the inclination, formulas L Bc \u003d L SD * TGA and L C \u003d L BC / SINA are used, in which: L BC - the length of the walls is measured between rafters and a skate, L SD - the length of the walls of the building, LC - the length of the beams (rafter legs ), A is the accepted angle of inclination of the skate, respectively, the selected material. The values \u200b\u200bof TGA and Sina Sinus Tangens are calculated using Brady's tables.

Single roofs are best suited for warm climate

When calculating, such features are taken into account:

  • if the slope is less than 30 ° and the length of the span is up to 4.6 m, then the rafter legs are based on Mauerlat;
  • during the length of the flights, 4.6-16 meters establish additional supports, and on the highest wall laid a burrow from the bar with a cross section of 10x15 cm;
  • if the length of the span is 6-15 m, then in the center, parallel to the walls, the additional liter is placed;
  • with the length of the building, more than 15 m requires the installation of two vertical supports, and the racks under one rafter are associated with a jumper. The step between liters should not be more than 6 m.

Many roof indicators depend on the building parameters

Video: Construction of a single house roof

Mensard with a four-screen roof

Thanks to the construction of a four-piece roof, it is possible to get a spacious and comfortable attic. Four-tight calls several types of structures, among which are particularly common. Such a design in length on each side of the house there are rectangular skates consisting of two planes. This option allows you to get a spacious attic without significant construction costs.

The broken roof can be equipped with a "cuckoo" with a window

The bias of the upper skates can be 20-30 °, and the lower angle is often 60-80 °. Such parameters are suitable for buildings with a width of no more than 6 m. The framework frame consists of farms involving rafted racks. In places of breakfast, stretch marks are installed.

The broken roof refers to bounce options, but ideal for creating a spacious attic

The Danish roof is a variety of four-tight and differs from the classic holm that it has frontones at the top. Thanks to this, the attic can be equipped with vertical windows and prevent leakage through slots in the field of these openings.

Straight rafters rely on horseback, the length of which depends on the building parameters

Conducting a four-grade roof calculation, as well as drawing up the drawing, it is best to entrust the professional. Only after these stages are the construction of the design, taking into account the location of each element.

Video: Features of the construction of a four-grade roof

Holm roof with attic

The classic hollow roof assumes the presence of four slopes, two of which are located on the ends of the building and have a triangular shape. Two other skates are characterized by a trapezoid form. All surfaces are connected in the roof skate area. The calculation of such a design is complicated and requires professionalism, knowledge of the projection of the design.

The classic hip roof is practical in operation and beautiful outwardly

The greatest height of the ceiling in the attic under such a roof is in the middle of the room. The angular space is not as functional as possible, but often serves to accommodate low items of furniture, things. At the same time, the rafters of long rods are placed in the same way as for a bone roof. The horse is not throughout the entire length of the building, since the ends are shut down on the ends.

The rafting hip roof system is simple, but it takes the accurate calculation of the parameters of each element.

The classic hollow roof is characterized by the fact that it does not have frontones, like a double. Thanks to this, the resistance to the wind and the snow load is much lower than when there is only two slides. To achieve a spectacular appearance and functionality, the holmic roof can be equipped with erkers, a balcony, additional scenes, but the arrangement of each element is calculated individually taking into account the parameters of the building, the climatic characteristics of the region.

Windows, equipped under the protrusion of the roof, are reliably protected from leaks

The design of windows is not on the protrusions, but on the roof is optimally only for regions with a small amount of precipitation and a warm climate. With a large snow load, the windows are exposed to precipitation and cracks appear, leaks. And also the construction of a holm roof is more expensive than simple duplex.

Video: Phased construction of a holmic attic roof

Half-type roof

The roof of a half-haired type has shortened end rods that combined with the frontones. Short Walves do not reduce the height of the ceiling in the attic and therefore the room is more convenient for operation.

The semi-haul roof is more complicated in design than hip

The design of the semi-union roof involves a more complex rafter system than for a hip version. At the same time, the rafyled can be vague or hanging. In the first case, the rafting legs are based on the ski bar, the inner bearing walls of the house and Mauerlat, and the hanging fix only to Mauerlat and Konke. The cross section, length and number of rafters are determined depending on the size of the roof. Optimal is the distance between rafters at 50-60 cm, but it all depends on the weight of the roofing material, climatic factors.

Svet can have a different length depending on the functions assigned to it, for example, as a veranda canopy

The construction of a semi-union roof for the attic is characterized by a large consumption of building materials, the complexity of the calculation and the need for professional skills. It is worth considering that the end walls are erected depending on the form of the future half-raid roof and the sizes of the valves, as well as an angle of inclination.

Video: Features of the device of the semi-haul roof

Multi-line mansard roof

Multi-type roof is a complex of several angular projections forming the inner corners of the roof. Such an option is suitable for buildings of a large area, as the multi-type roof is quite voluminous and requires stable bearing walls. The complexity of the design is supplemented by the fact that the roof will be equipped with an attic, which requires the height of the ceiling from 2.2 m and a large useful amount of space.

Multi-line roof with an attic is a complex element requiring professional design

A large number of protrusions implies the construction of a rafter system, the weight of which is much larger than that of the duplex or holm. Therefore, carrying walls should be as strong as possible, and the load calculation is performed after the exact calculation of the weight of roofing materials, rafters, insulation, taking into account the roof area.

Multi-line sump system is very complex both in design and in the construction

One of the main difficulties of the construction of a multiple roof is that it is necessary to thoroughly hydroize and strengthen the inner corners and roof endands. This will ensure the strength, tightness and durability of the structure.

Video: Creation of the Endament Multi-Top Roof

Tent roof house with attic

For square-form houses, the roof tent shape is suitable for which it is easy to equip the attic. The design has 4 and more identical than the magnitude of the skate. The design of the tent roof is carried out with the obligatory intervention of professional masters, since the construction is very complex and requires the extremely accurate calculation of the weight of the roof, resistance to the wind, snow stability.

Tent roofs are diverse, but complex in self-erection

The complexity of the tent roof depends on the number of skates. The more such elements, the more complex the rafter system is equipped under each row. The highest ceiling height in the attic - in the middle of the room, and at the edges, the space is not used actively due to the low ceiling.

Attic under the tent roof has a small square

In the design of the four-grade tent roof there are 4 main rafting legs supplemented by narcents. The presence of several inclined rods reduces the roof resistance to the wind and minimizes the snow load. To calculate the length of the rafter, it is necessary to determine the center in which the ends of the rafter legs will be connected. The distance between narters, racks and other details is calculated individually.

Video: The features of the tent roof on the example of the layout

Attic under the asymmetric roof

Duscal roofs are symmetrical, as they have two identical skate. If you lengthen one of the roofing surfaces, then the asymmetric roof will be used, which is easy to equip the attic. Thus, it is possible to combine lungs in the construction of a structure, giving the house with an original appearance and seating functional attic.

When creating an asymmetric roof, it is important to accurately calculate the load and make it uniform on each bearing wall

Asymmetric designs, despite the simplicity, require accurate calculation of parameters. It is important to ensure a uniform load on each carrier wall, because one slope is longer than the other and, accordingly, has a greater weight. The central edge or horse can be located both in the middle and be offset in any side.

Asymmetric roof is suitable for buildings up to 3 floors

When an asymmetric roof is erected, it is worth considering that the useful space of the attic on one side will be greater than on the other. Therefore, you need to pre-create not only the roof drawing, but also the attic project with the location of functional zones.

Children's roofs: Mounting and Material Selection Features

Residential and functional attic should be carefully protected from moisture, cold and wind. Therefore, during construction, roofing pie is built, which includes several layers providing an optimal atmosphere in the attic.

Roofing cake is required both for attic and for a warm attic

When building the roof for a residential attic room it is worth considering the following features:

  • the choice of high quality materials is the pledge of durability and comfort of the attic;
  • windows must be maximally protected from rain, wind and snow, since these loops are a vulnerable roof area;
  • all wooden roof elements are necessarily processed by an antiseptic or means for protecting wood from moisture;
  • the ventilation of the roof is provided by ventilated skate, the ventilation between waterproofing and roofing;
  • the use of light roofing materials, such as professional flooring and metal tiles, will reduce the load on the foundation and wall of the building.

The main stages of work

There is no universal instruction for the construction of an attic roof, but there is a certain sequence of work. This allows the phased construction of a roof with an attic and take into account some important points.

Roofing pie Create gradually using high-quality materials

The main activities are as follows:

  1. In the design process, the roof parameters and each element is calculated, for example, the calculation of the cross section of the rafter, depending on their length, the angle of inclination. A drawing is created on which the location of each element is displayed.
  2. After the design, it is embarked on the preparation and cutting of the rafter, the installation of rafter legs and additional elements is carried out.
  3. For mounting rafters, Mauerlat is required, which is made from the bar. To him and fix the rafting legs.
  4. After creating a frame on it, the waterproofing film is placed on it, strengthen it with brackets and fix the risks of the roach.
  5. The roofing coating is mounted over the roofing. In the endowes or under the soft roof, a solid dry thing is required.
  6. From the inside labeled between the rafted insulation, for example, mineral wool slabs. Then the steam-insulated film is fixed on rafters, given that there should be a gap from 5 cm for ventilation between the insulation and vaporizolement. If this gap is not provided, you need to build rafters with additional boards.
  7. After installing vaporizolation, it is possible to carry out the finish finish of the attic.

Photo Gallery: Derside Roofs

Unusual architectural solutions for the power to implement only professional craftsmen The semi-walled roof can have windows protected by protrusions The original roof requires a thorough approach and competent calculation of parameters A hip four-tight roof consists of two triangular and two trapezoid rods The lone of the roof makes the attic spacious, and the house is beautiful The semi-haul design is appropriate for home of any floor. Multi-line version is complicated in the construction, but is distinguished by a solid view. The row roof is simple and easy to operate The tental roof of a simple type has a row connected in the middle

Features of mansard roofing

The roof should reliably protect not only the attic, but also the whole house as a whole. Therefore, for the construction you need to choose high-quality materials that do not require careful care. When operating, it is also necessary to follow these rules:

  • it is impossible to clean the roof of snow with sharp or very hard tools, which can cause damage to the coating and leaks;
  • the outer holes in the roof are in time close to the materials that provide waterproofing;
  • the roofs of any type are necessarily equipped with drainage systems for rapid moisture removal;
  • the inner finish of the roof of the attic can be as easy as possible and simple, which will provide quick repair in case of leaks.