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Curtains in children's hands. Curtains for children's room for girls: Photos, what are the way, how to choose, design ideas. The best materials for children

When children appear, parents want to make their personal space in the best way, spending enough time to contemplate the design of the baby's children's room, the most appropriate items, ornamental jewelry located in a newborn bedroom. Any detail is important. Products in children's premises must comply with security measures for your child. Also, the interior of the bedroom must necessarily contain the appropriate curtains. So how to choose the curtains in the bedroom of the girl?

Curtains in a children's room for a girl

Curtains in the nursery

Choosing curtains for the children's room, some factors should be taken into account.

  1. Age
    If in the family is not one kid and everyone has their own children, then choosing curtains, you must take into account age and gender. What is good for a 2-year-old baby is not suitable for a 5-year-old, and even more so for a school-age teenager. Male girls love bright colors and ornaments, as we grow up, they begin to prefer curtains with the image of toys, fairy tale characters or cartoons . Regarding the girls of adolescents, it is better to ask their opinion here before choosing the objects of the room. In the course of growing up girls prone to different things, let's say if you choose scarlet curtains with a thin floral pattern for the room, then obviously you do not lose. It does not mind. It is better to periodically change, in order to update the interior of the bedroom. In addition, buy new curtains is more profitable than painting the walls or change furniture in your girl's cell.
    Curtains in a children's room for a girl
    Pink curtains in a nursery for a girl
  2. Fabrics
    The main reason to be taken into account when selecting a suitable material for products adorning windows is how much light will receive a room for a day. It is advisable to use the most dense fabrics in well-lit rooms, especially if the baby goes to bed early, when there is still quite light in the lullace. Or when the baby is already older and she likes to create a setting of mystery in his bedroom. Among other things, try not to use overly bright color, do not use decorative curtains in well-lit bedrooms, they fade in the sun and deteriorate. It is better to choose the curtains from natural fabric. True, some materials (for example, natural silk) are too delicate and not suitable for frequent cleaning. Choose easily washable fabrics.
    Curtains with a picture of a nursery for a girl
    Curtains in a children's room for a girl
  3. Lighting
    For a girl suffering from any type of allergic diseases, such as tick-free sensitization, or a reaction to pigments and chemicals applied on soft products, thin curtains containing fewer fabrics are suitable. Taks, if your daughter's bedroom does an excessive amount in the bedroom Light, then to protect the room from excessive lighting, it is advisable to use transparent and dense curtains together, and you can simply choose blindness and shutters that combine with transparent curtains.

    Curtains for girls in the nursery
  4. Safety
    Security is the most important condition when choosing something. As for the curtains, the lungs are undoubtedly less dangerous for the child, than very dense and much weighing, as the kids, often jerking them, wanting to get up or playing, more adult children often try to trust them from parents or peers. Vigilant when using drapery, as the latter have long cords and rods. They are dangerous due to the possibility of suffocation. Among other things, make sure that the curtains do not contain small bright details, kids can swallow them.
    Curtains in the interior of the children's room
    Curtains in the nursery
  5. Mood
    This is the last, but, of course, one of the most important factors. Buying curtains for your girls, make sure that they do it happy.

Pink curtains
Bright curtains in the interior of the children's room
Blue Curtains in Children's Room for Girl

The newborn baby is just beginning to make the first steps, in the world uncharted for her, full wonders and adventures. It is necessary for the environment of its bedrooms to be as peaceful, serenity and gentlemen.

First of all, parents should pay attention to the nature of the newborn baby, determine how calm the baby is calm or the opposite often capricious. In the second case, if the child constantly requires attention, it is worth changing the interior of the room, protect the baby from exciting tones, for example, to exclude bright red colors or their shades. The best option in such a situation is calm colors, it does not necessarily indicate that only gray or beige colors should be used. It may well come up with azure, turquoise, salad, light yellow. If it seems to you that the curtains look completely monotonously or dim, you can try to dilute them with brighter paints, but you need to do it carefully, you should not neglect the health of the baby.

Curtains in the nursery
Bright curtains in the nursery
Curtains in the nursery

Curtains for small princesses up to 6 years

Often parents seek to create a warm and friendly atmosphere of the room. This is not just a natural desire of caring parents, but also a completely right decision. After all, even from the point of view of pediatricians and leading psychologists, girls who have not reached the age of 6, prefer quiet shades and small colorful images. But too sharp contrasts, very bright colors, overall drawings, "unfriendly" accents may well have a negative impact on the only developing inner world of a small girl. Therefore, curtains for the children's room for girls up to six years are preferable to choose in cozy and warm colors. These are: cream colors, crimson, lilac, the colors of the sea wave, etc. Also, the composition of the curtain fabric also plays an important role, it is advisable to use natural.

In addition to the above, you can try to diversify the curtains in the nursery using a variety of ribbons, fun pickups in the form of toys or simply decorate the figures of cartoon characters.

Curtains with butterflies in a children's room for a girl
White Curtains in the Children's Room
Beautiful curtains in the children's room

Curtains for girls primary, middle classes (7-12 years old)

If the parents felt the parents at their discretion, based on the personal fabrications and the child's behavior, now with the opinion of the girl older, in any case, will have to be reckoned. After all, now it is her personal space. In fact, there is nothing wrong with that, because it says that the child is already beginning to navigate in the world and now takes steps to becoming their personality. Do not forget about the appearance of your own preferences in the child. The girl from seven years old, like an adult, already has their views on surrounding things, including curtains.

The decor can be completely different: dense or thin, elongated either shortened, color or monotonous, with or without patterns.

Red Curtains in Children's Room For Girl
Curtains in the nursery

As for the color scheme, depending on the preferences of the girl curtains can wear different character. But many girls, of course, romantic nature, so they prefer the corresponding style. The most common colors for the rooms of this age:

  • pink;
  • blue;
  • beige;
  • peach;
  • lilac;
  • salad.

Typical coloring theme - floral abstractions and patterns. As for the fabric of products, the quality is always in the first place.

Bright curtains in the children's room
Curtains with flowers

Curtains for girls teenagers 13-17 years

Having reached this age in boys and girls, it comes a rather difficult period. Personal space for them becomes necessary, its own bedroom is now not just a place to relax, games and lessons, but also is a kind of barrier, wall from the outside world. Now the children should be as comfortable as possible and convenient.

Curtains should not only approach the interior of the room, but correspond to tastes and preferences of their owner. It is important to understand that girls teenagers want to be different, originality goes to the fore. Therefore, the curtains in the bedroom must have a corresponding style, a unique shape, an exciting pattern.

Curtains in the nursery
Pink Curtains in the Children's Room

Modern technique allows you to create bulk images on a different tissue type, the so-called 3D printing. Such a gift is undoubtedly pleased with your daughter and give her reason to be proud of its room.

Curtains for a children's room for girls are not only an important part of the design, but also the share of interaction with the perception of the external world of your girl on the basis of its values \u200b\u200band interests, starting with her birth and ending with the formation of a person closer to the majority.

Video: Curtains in a nursery for a girl

50 photos of curtain ideas in a nursery for a girl:

Despite the purpose of the room, in any space should be comfortable and cozy. Especially when it comes to a children's bedroom, you need to adhere to many rules and exceptions. Any little things and nuances are important here. After all, according to psychologists, the design of the children's room is largely important for the general development of the baby, considering and personal growth.

Does not bypass the question and the question of the choice of curtains in the children's room. It is about them that we will talk in this article, discussed what of them should be chosen, based on the floor of the child, or if the room has to be divided into two.

Individual preferences for everyone

When choosing a curtain, or tissue to sew them, it is important to take into account the preference of each kid, which is interesting for him and what he is interested in. After all, no one besides him personally can not know which color gamut should still choose. There are situations where adults do not consider it necessary to even consult with children regarding the choice of the design of the children's room, but draw up her exclusively pink or blue tones, in line with a boy / girl. In fact, this approach is completely wrong, because each kid has its own character, in short and preferences.

You can also repel from the child's temperament. For example, if the kid is energetic and fidget, choose curtains in pastel colors that will relax and calm down. If on the contrary, the child refers to the category of calm, it is recommended to choose bright. And aggressive tones in order to increase its level of activity. You can view all kinds of photos of the photo curtains for the children's room in the proposed photos located on our site.

Material density - An important nuance

When choosing a curtain, you should consider what fabric is used for them. Materials in the nursery are recommended to choose natural, even despite their high ability to quickly pollute.

Among other things, the tissue density must be special. Through it should penetrate the daylight. At the same time, the sun's rays should not shine too brightly, that in the morning the child could sleep sweetly and calmly.

Curtains in a children's room for a boy

And so, you have a boy and you think about the suitable curtains for the design of his bedroom, and even so that the design was in accordance with the tastes of your baby?

The best option will be curtains, the design of which is absolutely true what your son is enjoyed. For example, they can be with cars, pirates, cosmic subjects, appliances, with soldiers or cowboy / Indians, in sports topics, etc.

It should be remembered that the room of the child should be such that it corresponds to his taste, and even more so if it comes to the boy. If he is still too small age, and he himself is not yet able to express needs, and preferences, choose one-picture light fabric.

Curtains in a children's room for a girl

If you have a little beauty, curtains in her room should be selected in accordance with the preferences and mood of the girl.

Before designing the interior, you should make sure of your baby's nest. For children of a very small age, it is worth choosing shades of pink, orange. These prints can be applied as: snowflakes, flowerfish, small animals, or carters, fairies and others.

Accordingly, the bedroom is easy to turn into a real kingdom of a little princess, where your daughter will be in full comfort and comfort.

Design Curtain for Children's Room

If you have two children, the curtains should be more neutral. Do not need to focus on a boy or a girl. For example, you can hang non-hard fabrics with geometry, or by some applications, stars, and other pictures, most optimally suitable for any interiors.

A good version of the curtains in different colors that will be sewn from the pillars of different sizes, accidentally stitched with each other. Also, one-photon fabrics can be decorated with special paints. In addition, this option will definitely enjoy your kids. Make it is very easy using oil types of paints with the addition of a nitro-solvent.

The main thing is to remember that in every age category of the child it is important to revise the interior of its premises, because the laments with the preferences of kids are changing with their development and growth.

Stock Foto Best curtains in the interior of the children's room

Sew curtains in children's own hands is easy. For moms and grown children, this is a fascinating occupation. The creative process will bring pleasure and joy from the result. Curtains determine the mood of the room, they are the final chord in the design of the room. In the nursery they are of particular importance, because the child loves to fantasize, he has a living imagination and each decor element should contribute to the development of these qualities.

Curtains in children

Determining with the curtains in the nursery it is necessary to take into account many points. Fabrics are better to use natural or with the addition of synthetic fibers so that they do not cause allergic reactions. These are materials based on flax or cotton fibers. Do not sew heavy, multilayer curtains due to the fact that they collect dust.

The curtains should be practical, because the child loves to leave traces of its turbulent activity not only on the wall, so they should easily be removed and stitched.

In addition, it is necessary to consider:

  • theme and color range of the room;
  • what a child likes, favorite heroes;
  • coloring bedspread, pillows;
  • the magnitude of the window (the smaller the window, the more bright curtains should be);
  • curtains should create an atmosphere for sleeping baby;
  • age features (the decor of the teenager windows will differ from the room of a small child).

Therefore, starting to sewing the curtains, you need to take into account these details.

How to calculate and pick up fabric

First of all, we simular at three points length from the eaves to the floor: along the edges and in the middle. If the surface of the wall or floor is slightly uneven, it may not turn into the eye when there is no curtain. With their appearance, this flaw will be visible. This is especially true of old buildings. Therefore, repel from the smallest length. Of course, measuring and the length of the eaves.

On video: How to sew a curtain ribbon to the curtain.

Selection of curtains depending on the floor of the child

It became traditional that the girls choose tender tones (shades of pink, purple, lilac), boys more often shades of blue and green. Accordingly, the thematic design is different. But you should not hurry with the choice.

Take a closer to your child, what colors it most often uses when draws. It is this color range to him closer and defines a trait of character. The current tradition only summarizes the observation of psychologists. Everyone has his favorite color and not only in children.

How to decorate curtains for girls:

  • traditional techniques - Ryushki, ruffles;
  • decorative tape;
  • bows and made with their own handicrafts from the tunic volume flowers;
  • gambling magnets with butterflies and dragonflies;
  • you can put beads on top of the tissue, colored buttons;
  • make a hard lambrequin based on adhesive fabric and fliseline;
  • instead of tulle, use dense curtains with beads.

For boys:

  • Sea topics. As a supplement to the curtains, take the curtain mesh. Make and hang hard lambrequin in the form of a ship.
  • Football theme. Gardin-grid and exhausted on a tight frame of adhesive tight fabric balls.
  • Space topics. Hard lambrequen-rocket and blue curtains with cut stars. The edges of the stars are migrated or sample.

Your child will actively participate in the creation of an ensemble, joint creativity will make a small masterpiece from the decor.

There are some interesting solutions for the smallest. Curtains with outer colorful pockets will be suitable for the defensive. In this case, it is better to choose a fastening on the champs. Special soft toys with magnets can be used as retainers.

When creating an interior of a children's room for a son, it is especially important aesthetically and rational to arrange the window opening. The room should be well covered in the daytime, be inaccessible to light at night, so that nothing bothered a full sleep.

The premises of the children's room for a son should be well covered in the daytime, to be inaccessible to light at night, so that nothing bothered a full sleep

Given that the owner of the room is the future man, it requires a maximum of space, functionality and safety of space. Successful textile design will help create an appropriate atmosphere.

Before purchasing products to finish the window, you should consult with a children's psychologist, designer, see the photo of the rooms for children. What to draw attention to the selection of curtains in the boy's room?

Before purchasing finishing products, you should consult with a children's psychologist, designer, watch photos for children

The children's room will certainly succeed in a cozy, the boy will be comfortable in it if its design subjugate some simple rules.

  • The age of the child should be taken into account when decorating a nursery.

After all, comfort, silence, security is important for the newborn. A little teen baby needs comfort, the opportunity to know the world, play, develop.

The child's age should be taken into account when making a children's

For a schoolboy, the presence of a convenient workplace. A teenager always dreams of the possibility of expressing herself, to realize his secret plans to reality, he needs comfort, and even more importantly feel his own demand. It is the curtains that help create a special flavor of the children's room.

It is the curtains that help create a special flavor of the children's room

  • Take into account psycho-emotional features of the child.

The vivid curtains of complex structures, consisting of numerous layers, equipped with ropes, chains, will not become an energetic and restless boy. A quiet or often ill-friendly child needs curtains in pale colors.

  • Remember about safety rules.

In a room for a child, it is advisable to choose curtains from natural materials, in the manufacture of which chemicals harmful to health are not used.

In the room for a child, it is desirable to choose curtains from natural materials

The room should be light, access to the windows is free to be able to venture at any time. It is necessary to eliminate excessive lighting. Curtains are needed dense, non-transmitting light, easily swallowing, fully freeing the window.

The premises of the children's room should be light, access to windows free

  • Do not get involved in using a large amount of tissues.

On them and countless decoration elements will settle dust, which is harmful to the child's respiratory system. Loading, ties, chains, fringe will certainly attract the attention of a young gentleman, causing a desire to play with them.

Do not get involved in using a large amount of tissue

This may entail injuries, so the curtains for the baby's children's room should be simple, not overloaded baubles. It is unreasonable to acquire curtains made of expensive tissues, for they can be hopelessly spoiled for a variety of reasons.

  • It is important to consider the dimensions of the room.

The miniature room, the less and easier should be the design of the curtain. The color gamut of the window finishes depends on the nuances of age perception.

The color gamut of the window finishes depends on the nuances of age perception

We select material for curtains

Often the curtains in the boy's room are traditional canvas with a bright pattern. It is impossible to stop the choice on easily flammable materials, even if their colors are perfect for the interior. Products are needed only from natural fabrics that will be easy to get stuck, it is too easy.

In the children's room, products are needed only from natural fabrics.

How to choose a view of curtains

Embed the window door, unnecessary without overloading, can be curtains of different structures:

  • Rolled. They join the sash of the window, consist of a shaft on which the fabric is wound. The lower part of the curtains is straight or figured.
  • Cassette. Located in such a way that the glass is closed, merging with the window frame. Watching the curtains are very modern.

Fashionable curtains in the nursery

  • Roman. Permanently performed from the rails through which cords that promote tissue drapery.
  • Japanese. Be sure to please people seeking to be fashionable and modern. Curtains are a narrow cloth cloth fixed on special cornices. Opened like a closet - coupe, look original and fresh.

Original curtains in nursery

Curtains can be decorated with traditional lightweight curtains, tulle, organza for giving charm the interior of the room.

With the arrangement of a children's room for a boy, the advantages of such curtains are that they are perfectly protected from excess sun, replacing the tedied traditional curtains. With their manufacture, all kinds of fabrics are applied.

Curtains can be decorated with traditional lightweight curtains, tulle, organza for giving charm room interior

Such products, if necessary, can be very simply replaced by any other or upgraded. They are easy to care, clean from dust with a vacuum cleaner, their use helps save space. You can choose the curtains by photo in the catalogs.

Nuances of the selection of curtains in the room of a newborn boy

The room for the newly born boy is better to choose traditional curtains, for example, from dense jacquard cotton. At this stage, their main task is to reliably protect the room from sunlight, tightly close the window opening.

The room for the newly born boy is better to choose traditional curtains

You can revive the window design by lambrequin, an air curtain from an organza that is slightly attached bright sunlight without reducing the illumination of the room. You can please yourself with ruffles and ruffles.

Revip the design of the window by means of a lambrene, air curtain from organza

In the room of a newborn boy, the curtains of pastel tones will look beautiful, for example, blue or gentle green.

From 1 year to 3 years

At this age, the child's rapid development occurs. He intensively meets the world around. A joyful and bright, certainly with a large pattern can be replaced by one-photon pale curtains. The drawing on the curtains should be simple, the most understandable child is the most important thing. There is no need to classify the design on sexual sign.

The drawing on the curtains should be simple, the most understandable child

From 3 to 12 years

There is time, the boy will grow up, the man's temperament begins to manifest itself, the first hobbies arise. At this age, ruffles and rushes who served the decoration of the room of a newborn, inappropriate. To replace them, they come simplified cut, the minimum number of decorations. Curtains acquire brighter shades, it is possible to use complex geometric patterns.

Brown curtains

Already with preschool age, the boy can be involved in the arrangement of your own premises. Coloring, the design of the curtain is preferably choosing with it, looking through photos with various types of design.

When the boy becomes a schoolboy, the children's interior will need to be completely changed. Here without the right clear lines can not do. It is the type of curtain that can emphasize the special meaning of change in the child's life.

Curtains in a baby room

It is permissible to create a similarity of the atmosphere of the office through the use of Roman curtains, blinds from textiles or a portor without bulky and thick patterns. It should be remembered that too large drawing will respond to a child from classes, it will reduce the concentration of attention.

Any strict, even a little ascetic design is appropriate, can be experimenting with asymmetric web. For each season, it is permissible to have a separate set of curtains: summer light from flax, winter cotton in warm colors.

For each season, it is permissible to have a separate set of curtains: summer light from flax, winter cotton in warm colors

It was in this age category that the right choice is especially relevant, since it is able to calm or excite, strengthen or dispel attention.

  • The red color is allowed to use in the room of a quiet and peaceful boy, and for an active and motor child he is not suitable. Given the fact that the red color is annoying, tires, it can be used on the curtains as a finish.
  • Orange tones are charged with energy without awakening aggression, bring joy to a child, give him confidence.

Marine Curtains for Children

  • Yellow shades have a positive effect on intelligence, accelerate creative growth. Excientable children get tired of him.
  • Blue color apply relaxing and peaceful. In the boy's room, the curtains in denim tones look unusually spectacular.

Blue curtains with a drawing in the nursery

  • Green color contributes to the concentration of attention, makes effective thinking. Curtains in green tones are especially relevant in the schoolboy's room.
  • White color will raise the self-esteem of a young man, but he can upset the baby, causing an association with a medical institution. White color is good to combine with bright colors, having shaped them, he makes the room of an elegant.

Separately, it should be said about pink color. For the boy's room he is non-traditional. In rare cases it is useful to use it, for example, in the window finishing, to make the dracan and the scandalousist to make softer and calm.

Pink curtains in the nursery

From 12 to 16 years

A teenager is inconspicuously turning into a young man. His room is already difficult to consider room for children. Youth's self-expression is always reflected in the interior of the premises. The design clearly traced minimalism. At the shift, the bright and motley curtains again come by monophonic.

Monophonic curtains in a nursery for a child

Flavor looks like textiles with a combination of black and white shades. The style of Haytechka, curtains with a metal glitter effect becomes relevant. Roman, rolled curtains will ideally shade male character and laconicism.

Minimalism allows you to fantasize, for example, you can revive the lambrequin curtains with the corresponding interior of the unobtrusive pattern. Appliques are permissible to change places, add, modify so that the view of the window does not boring.

Revive the curtains can be lambrene with the corresponding interior of the unobtrusive pattern

Security and once again safety

This is a priority condition for the arrangement of the children's room. Correspondures should be made safe, which is ensured by reliable fasteners, preferably wooden or metal, not having sharp edges. On the curtains it is necessary to locate strong loops, chammetes. Curtains should not be exorbitantly long - no folds on the floor surface.

Curtains should not be exorbitantly long

Care of curtains in the children's room

The curtains in the children's room must be arranged so that they can be instantly removed or change. Care is to ventilate, cleaning, periodic washing in compliance with the tips for care for materials.

The most cozy, tender and warm is a room for children. There is an opportunity to show your fantasy and equip it with bright and bright colors. An important part of the design is a window.

Correctly chosen curtains in the nursery will give a special focus for the room. This article will help you arrange a room so that your child felt comfort and comfort.

The main task of the curtain is that they protect against excessive light, make a room slightly shaded. But another feature is the decoration of the interior of the children's bedroom. Therefore, everything should be carefully thought out.

Tulle or organza will be perfect for the curtains.

If the window will have accessories, such as various hooks or cornices, then they must be securely attached to not harm the child.

Curtains from a fine material will be perfectly looked in the room, making it bright and spacious. Such curtains can easily change or push out.

If the room is located on the sunny side, then for the window you can buy blinds or Roman style curtains.

Fabric for curtains can be different, such as flax or cotton. They perfectly fit into the room design itself, and will create a harmonious setting. But it is worth remembering that it is still a children's room, so the cloth should be chosen not only beautiful, but also from natural materials - those that breathe and not collect the saw.
Photo curtains for nursery:

Selection of curtains in the bedroom of the boy

According to our traditions, girls and boys differ among themselves in education. Boys are brought up by courageous, strong, with a solid character, and girls are small ladies.

Curtains in a nursery for a boy should choose drapeted, which will be fortified by reliable mechanisms. Better if it is a drape of the London curtains.

In the afternoon, a dense fabric will distort all unnecessary light, and at night they can be completely lifted.

Of course, the choice of curtains depends on the boy himself - its age and character. Someone loves the green color of the porter, someone is blue or blue.

Before you choose, you need to consult with the child. Curtains can be painted with heroes from their favorite cartoons, various types of animals, knitting warriors.

Marine curtains in the nursery will look good, as in the bedroom for the boy and for the girl. Fill the room with sea freshness and sootayfully affect the condition of the child.

Curtains in children's girls

Selection of classic style curtains. You can choose, both with different colors and monotonous. Since this is a girl's bedroom, the curtains should be decorated with various bows, ribbons or ropes.

If a older girl, then you can put small pockets on the curtains, where it will save their little things. The curtains of gentle tones will be wonderful to watch, which are combined with the rest of the room.

Choosing rolled curtains

At the moment, the rolled curtains in the children's room became very popular. The advantages of such curtains:

Multifunctionality. Such curtains can easily be wrapped and hard to dye.

Increased safety. If high-quality details for fastening, then such curtains will not be able to harm your baby.

Convenience. Such curtains can even adjust your child.

Short curtains in the interior

If you have a small child, then the best option will be the use of short curtains in the children's room. So they can protect the room from excess light, and at the same time be a beautiful window decoration.

The child will not be able to blur them, and they will always be in beauty and in order.


At the interior of the room you can also add blinds. They can be different options - protective, rolled, horizontal or vertical.

If the curtains do not fit your interior, then the blinds are an excellent option for replacement.

Making up your baby's bedroom, we should not forget that, first of all, you should make a spacious and bright room, so that he can be comfortable there to be, playing and relaxing.

Stock Foto Curtain design in nursery