Repairs Design Furniture

How to install a compact toilet. Plumbing under control or installation of the toilet with their own hands. What you need to install

The toilet is a thing that, depending on the number of people in the family, is used with enviable regularity. And although manufacturers make it strong enough, nevertheless, there are a number of reasons for which the toilet requires replacement. For example, ceramics and a toilet mechanism broke unsightly made, plus there is a natural physical and moral wear of things. Therefore, the question of how to install the toilet, interests many who have not bypassed the problem of replacing the toilet.

Types of toilet bowls

In the sanitary product market, all kinds of toilets are presented, which differ in particular signs:

  • by configuration of the output plum: horizontal, oblique, which is located at an angle of 45 degrees and vertical;
  • in the form of a bowl: visor, where the walls have a different angle of inclination, a plate with an inner platform and a funk-like, which is considered the most practical option.

Before proceeding with work, it is necessary to figure out how to install the toilet correctly, depending on the main toilet systems, the disassembly of which may have significant differences:

  • Hinged or wall mounted. With such a plumbing design, it does not touch the floor, but only attached to the installation - a special wall system that is able to withstand any load. Aesthetically, everything looks attractive, because All communications are hidden. However, significant financial costs are required to install such a design, the smallest repairs turn into a huge problem, and the question of how to install the toilet with their own hands remains open.
  • Potted. With such a system, the toilet is attached to the floor, and the drain tank with all communications is hiding in the wall. Plus - the appearance of such a device, and minus is the difficulty repair of the hidden parts.
  • Coffee. Such a system is applied in public toilets when the installation is done directly into the deepening of the floor. However, for apartments and houses this option remains in many unacceptable.
  • Outdoor. The most popular standard structures with the floor toilet and the flush tank is adjacent to it. An indisputable advantage of such technologies is the ability to install and repair toilet independently, without resorting to the help of specialists.

Installing a new toilet, regardless of the specific type of product, consists of two stages:

  • removal of old toilet
  • installation of a new product.

Dismantling toiletza

When removing the old toilet bowl, it is necessary to make special precautions to avoid water leakage, which, in the worst case, will require further reconstruction measures. Therefore, in order to avoid typical errors, there is a step-by-step guide for non-professionals.

Water overlapping

The first step in the dismantling of the toilet is to turn off the water. This can be done with a simple overlap of the crane. However, there are situations where the valves are no longer used for a long time, and they have time to rusted. In this case, it is necessary to block the main riser and in the process of repairing to change at the same time and the crane.

Tip! In order for cranes not rust, they should be used to prevent at least once a year.

After overlapping the crane, the water should be completely lower from the tank.

Disconnecting water supply hose

From the side of the drain tank there is a flexible hose, which enters water to wash. It is attached using ordinary nuts that are unscrewed very simple.

Removing the drain tank

The tank for drain is attached to the toilet with two long bolts. In order to unscrew them, you first need to remove the tank cover. Then, if necessary, get into the sponge of the excess moisture (if water remained inside, it will definitely go to the floor through the holes of the bolts taken). There may be a situation where the screws rusted, because For many years, it was contacted with water, then a special remedy for rust will help.

After weakening the bolts, you should carefully remove the drain tank, swaying it into different directions for uniform extraction.

The toilet, as a rule, is attached to the floor, several bolts (option is possible when the wooden board is first put under the toilet). To facilitate the workflow, at first it is necessary to remove the cover from the toilet. Then be sure to put a rag on the floor or substitute the bucket. The toiletz has a hydraulication where water is constantly located - this is a kind of barrier from unpleasant odors with common sewage. When removing plumbing, the fair amount of fluid is poured out, as a result of which the neighbors can be flooded.

Then you need to unscrew the bolts at the base of the toilet. If they rusted, you need to use a special tool or cut them with a grinder.

Throughout the base line, you need to walk with a sharp knife or blade, because Often the junction between the toilet and the floor is wicked by a sealant.

Fastening to a common sewer pipe, very often, fixed by cement. In order for it to get rid of it, you can apply a drill with an average drill.

Important! In order not to breathe gases with open sewage, before removing the toilet, you should prepare a homemade plug, for example, old rags. After quick cleaning of the pipe from the remnants of the construction garbage, it is necessary to immediately shut down the hole prepared by the rag.

Now the old toilet can be removed, and on this work on dismantling is completed.

Removing the mounted toiletaz

When dismantling the mounted toilet, the procedure for approximately the same:

  • initially, we need to weaken the bolts on which the toilet in the wall installation is held;
  • then turn off the toilet from the drain tank and the total sewage;
  • finally remove the toilet.

Before the direct installation of the plumbing product, it is necessary to make some actions:

  • To carry out the exact measurements of the old toilet bowl so that when buying and subsequent installation of the new to avoid unnecessary problems. You also need to pay attention to the length of the bowl so that it does not accidentally blocked the door.
  • Choose a brass fastening that is not corrosion. However, some metal bolts for the toilet have a yellowish zinc coating that makes them like brass, so the goods should be carefully checked.
  • Repair or good.

When installing the toilet, you can use one of three methods:

  • Mounting on the taffeta. With this method of installation, the taffeta is laid under the base of the toilet. This is pre-treated with oil, a special solid boards. It must be laid or on the same level with the floor, or a little higher. Taffeta must be consolidated by anchors and pour the place of installation by cement. After the solution is completely driving, you can start the installation of the toilet. All joints with the sewer pipe should be treated with sealant and compact the packles, and toilet base is screwed to the prepared place for screws. Then attach the drain tank and check the tightness of the system.
  • Connection with glue. One of the most simple ways can be considered to mount the toilet with epoxy glue. To do this, it is necessary to clean the contacting surfaces well, and then degrease them with one of the substances - solvent, acetone or white spirit. After that, it is necessary to give them a roughness for a greater coupling and repeat the degreasing procedure. Then dry. The next action you need to connect the drain tank with the toilet. Then, it is necessary to apply a thin layer of epoxy glue to the floor, put a plumbing product on it and press well (you can just sit on the toilet). The glue should dry at least 12 hours.
  • Dowel installation. The correct installation of the toilet is easily feasible with the installation on the dowels. This practical method involves fastening the toilet directly to the floor, without preliminary installation of additional structures under its "leg".

Installing the toilet with your own hands will consist of several steps:

  1. Pre-fitting. On the prepared floor you need to put the toilet and check the inconsistencies between the neck and the sewage pipe. It is also necessary to check the angle of inclination. If necessary, make a correction.
  2. Marking design. Initially, the width of the room should be measured and find the middle that will be the toilet axis. On it, about a distance of 10-15 cm from the outlet nozzle of the sewer, install the toilet. Then, in the mounting holes, you can insert a marker and make the corresponding marks. In the end you need to circle the base.
  3. Build a drain tank. In accordance with the recommendations of the instruction, you need to assemble the tank, after which you score it to the toilet. To check the quality of the work performed, you can connect all communications again and make a trial start. After a successful experiment, it is necessary to drain water again and continue the process of replacing the toilet bowl.
  4. Preparation of mounting holes. In the places scheduled marker, with the help of a drill or perforator, you need to do holes. Then score plastic dowels in them.
  5. Sealing corrugations. First you need to wipe the pipe and waves to apply silicone on, hidden in a sewer, ribbed gum. The same actions must be carried out from the opposite end of the corrugations, processing a plot that is put on the neck of the toilet.
  6. Connecting a device to sewage. Initially, part of the corrugations (to the edge of the gum) you need to insert into the sewer tube. On the opposite side, it is firmly putting on the release of the toilet. Then, on the place previously outlined by the marker, you need to put a special rubber gasket or apply a good silicone ball.
  7. Equipment installation. Initially, you need to put the toilet to the prepared place, press it and fasten to the floor. Surplus silicone formed when mounting, can be cleaned with a wet rag, spending it along the contour of the device.

On this installation will be over. Now you can spend a test start of water. If the work was carried out without errors, then the tank is filled with water to the required level and its receipt will stop. Pereliva should not. After draining the water, the process should be repeated without failures. You should also thoroughly check that the newly installed design will not have led anywhere. If everything matches the criteria described above, the installation can be successful.

In recent years, the hinged toilet has become very popular, so the question of installing the suspension toilet is relevant, more than ever. Installation of such a plumbing equipment is carried out on the wall without any fasteners or contacts with floor. In order to securely fasten the toilet, first it is necessary to build a metal frame. It is attached directly to the bearing wall, and the toilet itself is already to her. This concerns that case if the tank and pipes need to be hidden behind the plasterboard wall. In some embodiments, the open tank mounted toilet can be mounted directly on the wall. But then you need to induce the sewer tube into the thickness of the wall. The fastener itself is made with the help of anchors that are mounted in the wall or frame.

Installation of toilet on tiled floor

The tile must be integer and beautiful, regardless of the workflows on the installation of the toilet. To do this, there are checked rules, the list of which is shown below:

  • When installing the toilet, it is necessary to wear rubber gaskets for anchor nuts and dowels. They will prevent cracks in the toilet when tightening and exclude rusty drums on ceramic tiles.
  • If the tile is already laid, then the best solution will attach the toilet with epoxy resin or dowels.

Important! For dowels, deep holes can not be done, because You can disrupt the waterproofing layer, which in turn can lead to more serious problems.

Today it is difficult to imagine the bathroom without such an important and necessary plumbing device as a toilet. It was already necessary to make it installing it or, at least, to observe how a professional does it. If you only have this job, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the subtleties and find out the technology of proper installation. It is also very important to know what is needed for - what materials and fixtures may be needed. From how well you prepare will depend on the final result and service life of the device.

Necessary toilet facilities

Initially, it may seem that the installation of a toilet to communicate, a rather simple process that can perform each. However, in this case it is very easy to allow an error that can cost expensive. If you do not read the instructions and act inattentively, the equipment can be spoiled. This can not be allowed. We will analyze more, what tools and materials will be needed in your work:

  1. Gofrotrub, which is used to connect the toilet bowl with sewage.
  2. Burning hose of a certain length. Through it, cold water will be served to the tank.
  3. The ball valve, with which the water supply is adjusted.
  4. Sealing agent with silicone. They process all joints and connections.
  5. The tape-seal, necessary for the tightness of the input pipe of the water pipe, in case there is an internal thread.
  6. Cement for alignment of floors in the bathroom, if necessary.
  7. Fasteners for the toilet, which, the cup of everything, comes complete with the product. Usually the bolts are attached to it, dowels from plastic, gaskets and stubs for bolts, as well as screws.

In the event that the toilet complex does not include all these devices, they will need to be purchased independently.

List of plumbing tools

But the installation of the toilet on the tiled plate is impossible to produce without the following tools:

  • Perforator or drill;
  • Drills of two types - for concrete and for ceramics;
  • Adjustable key that is used for mounting the hose;
  • Curne for chips on ceramic tiles, it will reduce the slide of the drill;
  • Hammer to clog dowels;
  • Rubber spatula to remove excess silicone sealant;
  • Pencil, which will have to outline the contour of the base of the toilet, as well as celebrate the places of attachment of the bolts;
  • Screwdriver that you will spin fasteners.

If you are not just installing a new toilet, and make a replacement, you will also have to dismantle the old device. And in this case, it may also be necessary to align the damaged floor surface. Whatever it may be, before starting work, be sure to turn off the plumbing device from the water supply system.

How is the installation of the toilet?

After all finishing works were finished, and the floor surface was leveled, proceed to the installation. In order to connect a plumbing device with a sewer system, a corrugated grinder is needed. One end is put on a drain nipple of the toilet, and the other is on the tap of the sewage.

Well, if the tube's removal coincides with the drain, then you can do without a corrugation. Here the connecting element is a rubber seal with edging. If you want to apply the seal, then in no case cement the place where the drain goes into the sewer.

How to ensure the flow of water to the drain tank? You will use a flexible hose. It is screwed onto a water crane, feeding water to the tank inlet. Then you need to trace that the diameter of fasteners from both edges of the hose was the same.

While the connection is made, you can start mounting the device to the floor, or to the wall. It depends on the type of plumbing device. Of course, the toilet must be pre-assembled. When the base is securely mounted in the floor, the tank is attached to it and the pipe from the suspended tank is enshrined, which is fixed on the wall.

After these works are completed, you need to test the operation of the device, as well as configure the tank. To do this, include water that should fill the tank. Adjusting the float, adjust the level of water you need. Then water will be able to constantly gain in a certain amount. In attaching the lid. To do this, in the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe bowl from the other side that the walls are mounted on the holes, which are provided by the manufacturer.

Features and methods for fastening the toilet

Now we know what you need to install the toilet and it is time to consider the process of installing the sanitary service on its rightful place. There are three main ways to install the toilet to the floor:

  • Fastening with the help of dowels or anchors that are poured into the screed;
  • Fastening based on wood, which was mounted in a screed using screws;
  • Fastening to the floor on epoxy resin.

Professionals give the following tips on installing the toilet in all these cases. Consider the mounting option using anchor bolts, as well as on the basis of wood. Very convenient, if at the same time there is a major overhaul of the floor in the bathroom. Then these two procedures can be combined at the time on the floor there will be a screed.

In the place where the device should be placed and its attachment is assumed, an anchor is placed. Over the surface of the screed, they must perform on 5-6 cm. It will be better if you have to cut up too much than the length of the anchors is not enough. Then it can not be fixed in it.

The wood stand must fully comply with the size and outlines of the base. Following chess order, nails are clogged throughout the area. They must speak on the back. Now the board can be turned over and install it where the toilet will be located.

The screed is poured with concrete so that only the outer side of the stand can be seen on the surface. The toilet is placed on the substrate and insert screws into the holes. If you need to fix the toilet to the tiled floor, then resort to the next technique. To prevent crawler cracking, rubber washers are put on a dowel and anchor. It will also help with non-psycho rust flops on the floor. Anchor or bolts at the same time it is best to choose with a nickel-plated coating. In this case, you will easily remove fasteners when they fail and they will need to be replaced.

If the tiled floor you do not change, and there is no possibility to mount the device in the screed, what is required to install the toilet in this case? Ideally, it will be installed on a dowel or an epoxy resin. In this case, the coating will not be corrupted.

In order to use a dowel, you need to first do holes through the tile and tie, you screw the screws. So that the waterproofing of the floor was not broken, it is important to correctly calculate the depth of the holes. With too thin tie, in these holes you need to pour a little sealant on silicone. It is better that the screws are "dressed" into rubber washers, then they do not scratch the floor in the process of twisting.

It is better if the base of the toilet and the floor will be separated by a layer of sealant. It must be applied to the spin of the bolts. If you do not want to use any fasteners, then resin will help you out. Also this method is suitable if the installation will be made on the wall.

Before changing the resin, the floor must be cleaned with the help of sandpaper. This will make the surface with a rough and help the better grip of two surfaces. The adhesive base is applied to the toilet and on the floor with a thin layer, just a couple of millimeters. Do not touch the toilet to completely dry the resin.

Installation of suspended toilet

Recently, it is becoming increasingly popular. It is easy to install with your own hands. The advantage of this installation can be considered that the floor does not remain non-wellwork traces from fasteners and generally any traces. The toilet is mounted on a frame from metal profiles. It is installed on the carrier wall. The tank and pipes at the same time will easily hide behind the fake wall of the drywall.

If the frame design is not provided, then the toilet can be attached directly to the wall. But then, most likely, you will have to carry the pipe sewage inside the wall. The device is mounted using anchors.

Installation of plumbing equipment is carried out in strict accordance with the construction rules and norms. Homemade masters, often feel fear of such work. This uses service companies that request very decent money for fulfilling enough simple operations. Meanwhile, the molding of the toilet to the floor is quite affordable for independent execution of the event. It is important only to carefully read the existing technologies of work, choose the most appropriate, and accurately follow all instructions.

Regardless of the selected method of fastening the toilet bowl, the installation work starts from the assembly of the drain tank. The device is collected according to the instructions and is fixed on the place intended for it. Also, before installing the toilet, it should be prepared nodes of the supply and displacement of water. There are several methods for fastening devices. The main selection criterion is the floor material to which the equipment will be installed. Let us consider in detail the most common ways.

Method number 1: Installation on a dowel

The most practical method allows you to install a device with the lowest costs of strength and time. Optimal for use on a smooth smooth base, since the slightest height differences adversely affect the quality of the flush. It is preferable to use this method of fastening for lightweight compact structures, since fixation may not be completely reliable. Plumbers advise to install equipment on a special gasket, which can be easily made independently from old linoleum or thin rubber sheet. The toilet is installed on the workpiece, it will be burned over the contour with a marker. After that, there is a sharp knife or simply scissors, the laying of the desired form is cut.

The device is fixed to the floor with a dowel or special plumbing fasteners. Fasteners usually comes complete with new equipment. It can also be purchased in specialized stores.

Now you need to mark up. On the device prepared for the equipment "try on" the toilet and supply it along the contour. Remove the device. We assign a thin layer of sealant and glue the gasket on it. This design will be the most reliable, although some masters prefer to do without a substrate. You can proceed to drowning holes under the fasteners. As practice shows, if you highlight the laying and select the diameter of the boosa so that the holes under fasteners are a little more, then the further installation will be much easier. This is due to the fact that the rubber substrate acts as a peculiar "contact spot" for the floor and device.

It happens that it is required not to just fix to the floor toilet, but also a little lift it. This is relevant if several devices are located in the apartment. Then the latter in the system should be lifted by about 3-4 cm. In this case, a segment of a two-link board is used, which is used as a stand. It is cut exactly along the contour of the toilet bowl and stacked on the floor, a rubber substrate lies on top of it. All this is bonded by sealant and forms a reliable and solid construction. Holes for fastening drills directly on the laying.

Tightening the mount on the base of the toilet is very neat. With an excessive force you can damage the ceramics from which the device is made

Long metal dowels or special plumbing fasteners can be used as secrets. The latter usually come complete with new equipment. The quality of consolidation is approximately the same, so you can use both options. We score to the dowels prepared in the floor. Install the toilet and gently screw it. It must be remembered that with overly strong tightening ceramics from which the device is manufactured may be damaged.

Now you need to connect the device to sewage. At this stage, pay special attention to corrugation. Abundantly lubricate both of its edges with silicone. One of them is inserted into the sewer of sewage, and the second we put on the release of the toilet. All sections of the compound should be thoroughly pressing with their fingers so that the sealing is high-quality. As an additional measure, you can use metallized tapes that can be stuck joints. We carry out the connection of the water supply and the device is ready to work. There is a similar method of fastening, which is presented in detail on the video.

Method number 2: Glue installation

Of all the methods, how to fix the toilet to the floor, this simplest, but at the same time and the most costly time. To clarify the epoxy mixture, which is used as glue, is about 12-15 hours. This method can be used only on a smooth surface. Most often it is used to fix the equipment on the floor tile. The method is very simple in performance. First, both bonded surfaces need to be well cleaned from dust and garbage. Outdoor tile can be cleaned to make a sharpening. This will improve the adhesion of the material. Surfaces are degreased by any solvent or acetone.

Preparing glue. You can buy a ready-made epoxy composition or prepare it yourself. To do this, take 100 parts of the ED-6 epoxy resin, 200 parts of cement, 20 parts of the solvent or plasticizer and 35 parts of the hardener. The sequence of adding components into the solution is important. At first, the resin is heated to 50s, the solvent is added to it, after the hardener and at the very end - cement. The composition must be constantly interfered to form a plastic, homogeneous mass.

In order for the toilet to be reliably fixed in place, the flooring is prepared: cleaned for better adhesion and lubricate the glue with a small layer. Excess the composition, speaking under the weight of the equipment, immediately remove the wet rag

Properly prepared adhesive mixture can be used for one and a half hours. We apply it to the bottom of the toilet so that the solution covers the area at least 20 square meters. cm, and the layer thickness ranged at least 4 mm. The prepared equipment is set to the desired location, combining sewage sewage with the release, and with an effort we press it to the floor. After that, we leave the device for at least 12 hours. This period is necessary for harvesting the adhesive composition. During this time, it is not recommended to even touch the toilet. Then connect the equipment to the water supply and sewage.

Method # 3: Taffett mount

Most often, this method is used to install the toilet bowls on the wooden floor. Taffeta is called a strip of durable wood, to which the equipment is attached. The thickness of the board, from which the element corresponds to the form of the supporting rack of the toilet is cut, should be 28-32 mm. To protect the item from dampness, it is necessarily thoroughly treated with oil. For reliable fastening to the floor, the anchor mounts the anchor. The easiest option is the nails robbed in checked order, which should perform from the part by 2-3 cm. The excavation prepared for the installation of the toilet is poured by cement mortar. In the anchors, the taffet is treated down anchors. As a result, it should be flush with a floor.

After about 12 hours, during which the solution finally dries, you can start the equipment. The device is fixed with screws. Under their heads, the washers-gaskets made of rubber, which will prevent the possible damage to the toilet bed when tightening. Experts advise before working to lubricate the screws with tavot or graphite, so that they can be easily unscrewed if necessary. Taftie from wood can be replaced with a substrate from rubber. It is cut out of a sheet material with a thickness of 5 to 15 mm, perhaps even from an old rubber rug. Such a substrate must be 1-2 cm less than the reference to the toilet.

Fastening the toilet to the taffeta involves the use of a special wooden insert. The diagram presents all elements of such mounting.

Methods for fastening the standard toilet to the floor are diverse. They differ significantly in difficulties and time that is spent on the installation work. It is important to choose the fastener method correctly. It depends on the material from which the floor is made indoors. Installation work can be carried out independently, but if there is no experience or desire, it is better to turn to professionals. They will quickly and competently hold all the work, guaranteeing a long and impeccable service of new equipment.

Making repairs in the bathroom or toilet, it is very important to choose correctly and install plumbing. If the owners perform repair and finishing work on their own, then the installation of the toilet is one of the most important tasks for them. Prepare for this process and learn everything about the installation and dismantling of various types of plumbing, you need in advance. Careful preparation will allow saving time and strength that will necessarily need at various stages of repair.

Selection of sanitary ware

Assembly and installation of the toilet - responsible work, requiring some skills and patience from a person who will mount the design. But even before the installation itself, it is necessary to decide on the choice of plumbing. Modern manufacturers offer consumers with different types of plumbing structures that differ not only in appearance, but also in their functionality.

In the store you can find models having different shaped bowls (as they look, you can see in the photo):

  • visors;
  • funnel-shaped;
  • plateless.

The types of drain eyeliner of plumbing structures are also distinguished. They are:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • located at an angle of 45 degrees.

Also, the hosts can choose a plumber having different mounting methods:

  • traditional (drain tanks are attached to the stool or to the wall, there are also models with combined tanks);
  • with installation (the tanks are mounted in the wall, only a drain button is seen, the stoolchak itself can be suspended against the wall).

When choosing plumbing in the store, you need to take into account the area and configuration of your toilet. The shape of the bowl may be any, but from what will be the drain eyeliner and the type of installation (with or without installation), the amount of preparatory and repair work depends on the owner of the apartment.

Demonstration rules

Installing a new toilet - an important thing, but before performing this work, it is necessary to dismantle the old Sanfayans design located in the toilet. Experts recommend dismantling with the following rules:

  • before starting work in the apartment you need to turn off the cold water (you also need to not forget to drain the water accumulated in the drain tank);
  • when the water supply is discontinued, it is necessary to gently disconnect the pipes supplying water into the tank;
  • after disconnecting the pipes, it should be proceeding with the removal of the tank itself, unscrewing the fastening bolts (it is necessary to do it carefully, so as not to drop and not break the Sanfayns design);
  • the next step should be revealing the bolts on which the stools itself is mounted to the floor (if the bolts are closed and not unscrewed, they can be poured by kerosene or special lubricant fluid sold in stores with building materials, and leave to dump for some time);
  • after the bolts are unscrewed, it is necessary to disconnect the drain pipe from the sewerage (if the drain pipe is reinforced with cement, it is necessary to gently knock on it to knock off the remnants of the building material);
  • if the owners do not plan to set their old stools in the toilet again, they can simplify the process of removal, for this they can simply smash the Sanfayans design of a sledgehammer and bring fragments to the trash in parts;
  • the removed design must be tilted several times in different directions to drain the remnants of water from the knee;
  • when the dismantling is completed, the hole of the sewer pipe must be closed with a dense cap for a while (the plug must stand until the installation of the toilet to the tile or other sexual coating starts).

Required tools

Before proceeding to such a process, like installation of the toilet with your own hands, you need to prepare tools and materials that may be required during the work. While working with plumbing, the owner will need:

  • perforator;
  • adjustable keys;
  • line or roulette;
  • marker;
  • thin hoses;
  • corrugation;
  • fasteners;
  • tape FUM;
  • rubber gaskets;
  • silicone sealant;
  • level, etc.

All of the above items, as well as everything else that is needed to be installed, can always be purchased in the store with construction materials. Like many other assortment, tools and fasteners, will be found in the departments with plumbing.

Preparation for work

So that the installation of the toilet, which is performed independently, has passed successfully, after dismantling it is necessary to take care of pipes and sex coverage in the toilet. Before making a plumber, the owner should pay attention to the floor:

  • if there is a smooth tile on the floor, and its replacement is not planned, the floor can be left alone and immediately go to the inspection of pipes;
  • if the tile in the toilet is lined unevenly, but the owners do not want to change it, it is necessary to tighten into the floor of the Cooks, to put them in terms of the level and to fix the sanitary design (if you leave the floor uneven, plumbing will be crooked and will not be dumbered);
  • if the toilet is planned to be fully replaced the sexual coating, it is necessary to remove the old tile or linoleum, pour a smooth tile of concrete, and after it is frozen, it is gently putting a tile.

Installing the toilet to the wooden floor (including the installation of the toilet in the private house) must be performed on the same principle. The sexual coating can be perfectly smooth if possible, otherwise you will also have to score chips. If it is planned to install the built-in toilet (suspended), then the flooring can be changed after editing.

After the floor is prepared, the condition of the pipes should be estimated. Old cast iron sewer pipes are best to change on light plastic structures (when necessary, sewer can be cleaned). Water supplied pipes can also be replaced by new (for example, copper) and put a crane on them, with which at any time it will be possible to overlap the water supply.

Montaja rules

Often complete with plumbing is a detailed installation scheme. The owner must examine her to understand how to properly assemble and install the plumbing design. There are certain rules for installing outdoor plumbers in the toilet that should be followed in order to obtain the expected result:

  • first of all, it is necessary to put the design to the floor (to the place where it will be fixed), to circle its leg and mark the attachment points;
  • plumbing design must be removed to the side and drill holes in the marked attachment points, the dowels must be screwed into the finished holes;
  • then the plumbing needs to put in its place, insert seals and fasteners and tighten the bolts in the holes and gently tighten the bolts (tightening fasteners, it is necessary to ensure that you should not damage the foot of the plumbing design and do not thread the thread);
  • in some cases, the plumbing feet have no holes for fastening, in such situations the plumbing design is attached without bolts for sealant (for silicone);
  • when plumbing is securely fixed, it is necessary to make sure that it is perfectly smoothly, for this you can use a special construction level (level adjustment does not take much time, but will allow you to see and quickly correct possible errors);
  • if everything is done correctly, and plumbing is exactly exactly, it is necessary to put on the masking plugs onto the fastener, and to attach the seat and the lid on the stoolcake, which always come in a set with plumbing (installation of the seat and the cover of the toilet will not take much time, how to perform such work, you can see In the instructions for the plumbing design).
  • installation of the angular toilet may be slightly complicated than the installation of the usual plumbing structure, but in general this process passes through the same rules as the mounting of the direct model.

After the correct installation of the bowl of the toilet will be completed, you need to go to the sewage connection. You can connect the horizontal or angular plums with the sewer pipe directly by scraping them with a sealing cuff. If this action is made for some reason it is impossible, then you will need to install corrugations on the toilet. All connections should be woven with a sealant, which securely creates the design. Installing the toilet with direct release into the wall, as well as the installation of the toilet with the oblique release, with their own hands, does not deliver special problems, almost any man can cope with this task.

If the vertical plums goes to the floor, then the connection to the sewage will need to be carried out before attaching the bowl of the plumbing design. It is necessary to install a screw flange into the drain hole, and insert a drain pipe into it. Due to the special locking ring, the sewer tube and the drain will be securely interconnected. After that, you can mount and fix the floor toilet itself.

The next stage of the work is to install a tank for launching water to the toilet. Typically, a drain mechanism located in a tank is sold in the already assembled form. If parts of the reinforcement are disassembled, they will have to be assembled, following the instructions attached to the plumbing. When the entire design is ready to connect, it is necessary to put a special gasket into the water hole, carefully put the drain tank and connect both parts by bolts.

When the installation of a separate drain tank on the toilet will be completed, you need to connect the water supply. To do this, you need to take a flexible hose and connect the tap tube with a tank with it. To check whether there are no leaks, you need to open the valve of the pipe supplying water, to fill the installed drain tank to the maximum, and then lower it (you can repeat this procedure 3-4 times). If with one or on the other side the hose leaks, it is necessary to pull the bolts.

This is where the installation of an outdoor toilet with a compact tank is passed. Installation of the suspended toilet with installation is carried out differently. The owner who decided to spend all the repair work independently, you need to know how to correctly perform the installation of such structures.

Installation of suspended structures and installations

Installation is called a design needed to hide the pipes and a drain tank. The stoolchat can be mounted in the usual way, and the installation of a hidden toilet bowl is carried out in bulk the wall on which you can only see the buttons to start the drain. Similar structures look very stylish and modern, but not always suitable for small-sized toilets, because Creates a useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Installing the installation of the toilet with your own hands (the video of this process can be found on the Internet) is carried out as follows:

  • it is necessary to build a metal frame with frames to which the built-in drain tank will be fastened (the finished design should have a width more than the tank width);
  • the next step should be the installation of a separate drain toilet tank, which must be attached to the frame (the drain button must be placed at a distance of about one meter from the floor);
  • the finished installation must be attached to the floor and walls using durable screws (at this stage it is necessary to use the level to install the frame exactly, and not at an angle);
  • after the design is fixed, you need to connect the water supply to the tank, and then remove the sewer pipe to the drain (for this you can take a corrugated cuff);
  • when all the basic works are completed, it is necessary to build a metal-powered framework, in the center of which will be placed, and to strip it with plasterboard;
  • the last other step will be the installation of the toilet to the tiled floor or other sexual coating;
  • after installation of the suspension toilet, the plasterboard surface is finished with tiles or wallpapers.

The installation of the suspended toilet is carried out with their own hands on the same principle. The owner of the apartment needs to build the same design as for the built-in tank, and hang the bowl on the pre-installed pins. The height of the installation of such a toilet should reach approximately 42-45 centimeters from the floor (most often the distance to the outboard toilet from the floor is calculated individually).

Installing the system of frame installation for the toilet with your own hands is one of the most complex tasks during repairs. The installation of mounted plumbing structures and the built-in tank can only be a person who has at least minimal experience in plumbing and repairs. It is much easier to purchase plumbing equipment with a finished installation system and assemble it by the attached scheme. For example, the installation of the installation of the Grohe toilet bowl does not deliver special hassle and will look very attractive.

Professional help

If an independent installation of mounted toilet, installations under the toilet or conventional outdoor plumbing design presents complexity for hosts, they can always ask for help from professional plumbers. Experts who have all the necessary tools for installing the toilet can be qualitative and quickly fulfill all the work.

People who have decided to trust professionals are always interested in how much the installation of the toilet is. The price for work usually depends on the type of mounted design:

  • installing conventional toilet bowls with a separate tank, directly attached to the bowl, will be from 1 to 2 thousand rubles and higher;
  • installing the installation frame for toilet to the toilet will cost from 2-2.5 thousand rubles and higher (how much accurate installation is worth installing, it always depends on the complexity of the design);
  • the installation of wallile toilet will cost 1.5-2 thousand rubles and higher;
  • the cost of dismantling plumbing will vary from 400 to 700 rubles.

The cost of certain works may also differ in different plumbing firms. Customers are best known in advance how to install a floor or suspension toilet, and what the price of this service will be.

In custody

Dismantling and installation of the toilet - a responsible thing, which may seem like an ordinary person very difficult. In some cases, it is better to trust such work by a specialist who will take into account all the wishes of the client and will install in a short time.

To know how to install the toilet, it is necessary to understand the models and evaluate the possibility of sewage in a private house. It is much faster and easier than paying the masters the amount that equals the value of the plumbing itself.

Moreover, in the installation instructions, everything is described in detail, even there are pictures. Therefore, the installation of the toilet in the private house does not have to deliver hassle, especially if the sewage is new.

In contact with

Tools and materials

Plain set of tools It is found in every home:

  • drill with a drill with a diameter of 10 mm;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • marker for marking;
  • screwdrivers and set of wrench keys;
  • knife for cutting the gasket.

May also need a spatula To eliminate chip ceramic tile. Materials required for installation, except for the bowl and tank:

  • corrugated hose;
  • the gland is a rubber gasket;
  • water supply hose to the tank;
  • sealing tape for sealing;
  • a crane that will overlap water in the plumbing;
  • silicone.

Important! When choosing a bowl, you need to consider the size of the room to subsequently do not rest on the knees on the door.

It should also be provided for installation of the product, which flow is available. Of course it is better when the bowl model and method of its installation are planned at the construction stage. But it happens that it is necessary to simply replace the old plumbing for a new one. Then you have to connect to the old sewage system, and use the drains that have been made for a long time.

Corrugation prices for toilet

corrugation for Toiletza

How to choose a toilet bowl

The bowl must easily clean, be comfortable. The dimensions are selected, based on the growth of all family members. You can buy a model you like that is inconvenient to exploit, because it will not correspond to the parameters of a private house or apartment.

Installing the toilet in a private house with your own hands is associated with certain costs and wants them to pay off in terms of convenience.

Primarily models different by price:

  • economy class;
  • middle class;
  • elite plumbing.

Details of elite plumbers are designed for a long service life and just do not break. Buying an expensive thing you can be sure that it will last long.

Another parameter - color spectrum. In large supermarkets, you can choose any shade and implement the most courageous design solutions.

There are models on sale:

  • from natural stone - durable and reliable, service life is unlimited;
  • glass - completely transparent or with a pattern;
  • faiences;
  • ceramic;
  • metal;
  • porcelain, which can reach up to 50 years;
  • plastic.

When buying, you need to look carefully, which is included in the equipment kit. It may happen that the bowl and the tank sold separately.

In addition to external characteristics, you need note:

  • to the height of the equipment;
  • type of design - suspended, floor, wounded floor;
  • what type of flushing is reverse or straight;
  • the method of drain from the tank is one or bicycle.

It will be more expensive, but the design elements will be hidden in the wall, which will save a little place in the room. The reverse washout is better, because it is cleaning the bowl completely. Allows save water.

Important! When choosing a design, it is worth checking it on the presence of cracks, chips.

Prices for toilets

Varieties of toiletzes

Plumbing products are distinguished by drag design:

  • horizontal - the stock is located in the floor;
  • vertical - parallel to the floor;
  • oblique - at an angle of 30 degrees to the floor.

Tacks are:

  1. Divided when they are connected to a cup of pipe. How to assemble the toilet and the tank - shown in the instructions.
  2. Compacts, if attached directly to the bowl. The design scheme is drawn in the instructions, fasteners are included in the kit, so that the assembly does not make it difficult.

Chat design:

  • flat washed;
  • with vertical wash.

The location of the neck of the bowl is front and rear. More common front, as it is more convenient in use. The toilet scheme in the instruction makes it possible to determine what is suitable for use.

Preparation for installation

If it is meant, then first need to dismantle Old equipment and in its place to install a new one. The correct installation of the toilet is key to cleanliness and security for new repair. The seams should not flow, the housing is fused or shake.

If the ceramic tile is already changed, the plumbing is carried out directly over tile. In this case, you need to carefully use the drill so that the tile does not cracked.

If the old plumbing is removed, and the repair has not yet been, then before the start of dismantling you need to cook rags, because water will flow out of the toilet. The cup needs to be washed and handled by a disinfectant. You should also turn off the water supply and pull out the remains of the tank.

First, all available hoses are disconnected, screws are spinning, the tank is dismantled. Next, you need to knock out the tile leg. For this use lomik.Out of the base of the bowl.

Before disconnecting from the sewer tube, you need to make a plug from the rags and immediately shut up the pipe so that the smells do not get into the house. Building assembly does not take a long time, so you can use a new thing In an hourIf the room has already been repaired. If there is a new tile laying, you will have to use a street toilet for some time.

How to collect the toilet can be viewed in the scheme. Step-by-step instructions are applied to each equipment model.

Step-by-step instruction installation of toilet

How to install a toilet bowl? First of all, you need to connect the cup to sewage. This requires a corrugated hose. The rubber seal is put on the graduation end of the product. The other end is attached to the sewer tube. Previously, you need to pull the gag out of the rags.

When the product is already in its place produce The following operations:

  1. Denote a marker of the hole on the floor, looking in them the marker.
  2. After moving away the bowl, drill holes over the marks (the diameter should coincide with the fasteners, which are included with the plumbing, you need to use special drills that can be drilled tiles).
  3. The product moves to its place and is attached to the floor.
  4. Junction seat and floor sealant poured, Another option is to cut the laying of fine rubber on the shape of the leg and put it before fastening.

To Connect the tank Need:

  • fastening bolts - 2 pcs.;
  • rubber gasket under the drain mechanism.

Installing the toilet tank begins with the attachment of the bolts. Next puts the gasket, and the tank is placed in its place. The holes are combined, and the attachments are delayed manually. Build a toilet bowed.

Replacing the toilet with their own hands ends with a connection to the water supply and sewage. Installation of toilet bowls with a tank directly attached Does not require fastenersSince it is a monoblock.

Features of connecting to water supply and sewage

Installation of the toilet is over, then you need to figure out how to install connection to water supply and sewage. To connect to the tube there is a flexible hose, at both ends of which have nuts.

Sealing from sanitary equipment occurs with the help of rubber gaskets or a special tape.

You can simultaneously put the tap on the pipe so that you can overlap the water entering the tank. In this case, other water intake points will work.

How to install the toilet, if the drain differs from the previous equipment? We will have to change pipe laying so that they match the new model.

Installation of toilet with oblique release

Outdoor models are with oblique, vertical or horizontal drain. Installation of toilet with oblique release differs from a vertical or horizontal method.

To The junction did not proceed, need to:

  • lubricate the outlet with Surikov - oil paint, mixed with olphos;
  • wind fiber and after to smear paint;
  • fix the nozzle in the sewer tube.

Installation of toilet with oblique release is carried out if the previous equipment had the same stock.

Installation of toilet bowls with an attached tunic

The monoblock serves a long time, so when buying a model, it is recommended to immediately purchase spare internal parts, as models on the market are often changed, and after time they will not be released.

Installation of toilet bowls with a tank immediately attached It is as follows:

  • the pipe is connected to the sewer;

    Instructions for the assembly of any model is designed for an ordinary buyer or a novice, so it will not be difficult to presented. It is necessary to study the stages of work, prepare the tools, materials - and you can proceed to the procedure for replacing plumbing equipment.