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The thermostat into the outlet for household heaters: types, device, customer tips. Thermaller with work on switching on the shutdown of heaters Thermal sensors to turn on shutting down thermostat

In everyday life and the subsidiary economy, often need to maintain the temperature regime of any room. Previously, this required a fairly huge scheme, made on analog elements, we consider one such a common development. Today, everything is much easier if it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the range from -55 to + 125 ° C, then a programmable thermometer and thermostat DS1821 can perfectly cope with the targeted target.

The thermostat scheme on a specialized temperature sensor. This thermal sensor DS1821 can be cheap to buy in Ali Express (click on the drawing just above)

The mode of turning on and disconnecting the thermostat is set by th and TL values \u200b\u200bin the sensor memory that you want to program in DS1821. In case of exceeding the temperature above the value of the Logical unit, the logical unit appears on the output of the sensor. To protect against possible interference, the load control circuit is implemented in such a way that the first transistor is locked in the half-wave of the network voltage, when it is zero, thereby supplied the bias voltage to the shutter of the second field transistor, which includes an optosymistor, and he already opens the vster VS1 load control . Any device, such as an electric motor or heater can be as a load. The reliability of locking the first transistor must be configured by selecting the desired value of the R5 resistor.

The DS1820 temperature sensor is capable of fixing the temperature from -55 to 125 degrees and operate in thermostat mode.

The thermostat circuit on the DS1820 sensor

If the temperatures exceed the top threshold th, then the DS1820 output will be a logical unit, the load will turn off network. If the temperature drops below the lower programmed TL level, the logical zero will appear at the output of the temperature sensor and the load will be turned on. If incomprehensible moments remained, the homemade construction was borrowed from # 2 for 2006.

The signal from the sensor passes into a direct output of the comparator on the CA3130 operating amplifier. On the inverting input of the same OU, the reference voltage from the divider comes. A variable resistance R4 set the desired temperature regime.

The thermostat circuit on the LM35 sensor

If in direct entry the potential is below the output 2, then at the output of the comparator we will have a level, about 0.65 volts, and if on the contrary, then at the output of the comparator, we obtain a high level of about 2.2 volts. The signal from the OMA exit through transistors controls the operation of an electromagnetic relay. At high level it turns on, and when it turns off, swinging the load with its contacts.

TL431 is a programmable stabilion. Used as a source of reference voltage and power source for small consumption schemes. The required voltage level, on the control output of the TL431 microspectors, is set using a divider on RL resistors, R2 and thermistore with negative TKS R3.

If the control output TL431 voltage above 2.5V, the chip skips current and includes an electromagnetic relay. The relay commutes the control output of the simistor and connects the load. With increasing temperature, the resistance of the thermistor and the potential on the TL431 control contact is reduced below 2.5V, the relay releases its front contacts and turns off the heater.

Using resistance R1, adjust the level of the desired temperature to turn on the heater. This scheme is capable of controlling the heating element up to 1500 W. The relay is suitable for RES55A with an operating voltage of 10 ... 12 V or its analog.

The design of the analog thermostat is used to maintain a given temperature inside the incubator, or in the box on the balcony for storing vegetables in winter. Food is organized from a car battery by 12 volts.

The design consists of a relay in the event of a temperature drop and disconnects with increasing the laid threshold.

The temperature, the thermostat relay operation is set to the voltage level on the contacts 5 and 6 chip K561L5, and the disconnection temperature of the relay potential on the outputs 1 and 21. The temperature difference is controlled by a voltage drop on the R3 resistor. The role of the temperature sensor R4 uses a thermistor with a negative TKS, i.e.

The design is small and consists of just two block-measuring on the basis of the comparator on the OU 554S3 and the load switch up to 1000 W built on the power regulator of the KR1182PM1.

On the third direct input of the OU comes on a constant voltage from the voltage divider consisting of resistances R3 and R4. On the fourth inverse input, the voltage from another divider is supplied at the resistance R1 and the thermistor MMT-4 R2.

The temperature sensor is the thermistor in the glass flask with sand, which is placed in the aquarium. The main construction site is m / s K554SAZ - voltage comparator.

From the voltage divider in which the thermistor is also included, the control voltage goes to a direct input of the comparator. Another comparator input is used to adjust the desired temperature. From resistances R3, R4, R5, a voltage divider is performed, which is formed by a temperature sensitive to change the bridge. The temperature of the water in the aquarium changes, the resistance of the thermistor is also changing. This creates an imbalance of voltages on the inputs of the comparator.

Depending on the voltage difference at the inputs, the output state of the comparator will be changed. The heater is made so that with a decrease in the water temperature, the aquarium thermostat was automatically started, and when it turned off, the opposite turned off. The comparator has two exits, collector and emitter. To control the field transistor, a positive voltage is required, therefore, it is the collector output of a comparator that is connected to the plus line of the circuit. The control signal is obtained from the emitter output. Resistance R6 and R7 are the output load of the comparator.

To turn on and off the heating element in the thermostat used the IRF840 field transistor. For the discharge of the shutter of the transistor there is a diode VD1.

In the thermostat scheme, a bat-trifle power supply unit is used. The excess variable voltage decreases due to the reactive resistance of the C4 container.

The basis of the first structure of the thermostat is the PIC16F84A microcontroller with the DS1621 temperature sensor with the L2C interface. At the moment of power on, the microcontroller first initializes the internal temperature sensor registers, and then holds it. The thermostat on the microcontroller in the second case is already executed on PIC16F628 with the DS1820 sensor and controls the connected load using the relay contacts.

Temperature sensor with your own hands

The dependence of the voltage drop on the P-N transition of semiconductors from temperature, as it is impossible to be suitable for creating our homemade sensor.

Completion of modern heating equipment is rarely without temperature regulators. Such devices allow without unnecessary manipulations to adjust the unit to the appropriate operation mode in accordance with current requests. Moreover, control is performed in automatic mode, without requiring the participation of the owner itself. How does such a system make decisions during self-control? Everything is quite simple. For the commands, the operated equipment protrude thermal sensors to turn on, shutting down and other functions. These are sensitive elements that fix the values \u200b\u200bof the microclimate and transmit them on the thermorel, directly controlling the heating system.

General information sensors

The main control complex is a controller through which signals are fed to the target object in the form of a boiler, boiler, radiator or other heating installation. By the way, thermostators are used not only in heating systems, but also in ventilation, refrigeration units, etc. In any case, the thermal sensors on / off the heating act as a source of the parameters of the served medium. The fact is that the boiler or other heating device must maintain a certain zone. Depending on the current indicators, the operating parameters of the boiler are changing in this area. Accordingly, for this, the equipment should receive information from the source in the form of a sensor about which current temperature is optimal.

It is necessary to distinguish between the thermal sensor and controller functions. The sensitive element only acts as a temperature indicator and sends the corresponding data to the controller. And the microprocessor of the controller sends the corresponding teams to the boiler. But before that, the information that the thermal sensors are sent to switch on / off or other tasks are processed in accordance with the user-laid program.

Varieties of device

The developers of control thermostats offer sensors of different types that differ in the principle of operation, a structural device, the method of transmitting information and other characteristics. The simplest element is considered to be the thermal sensor for the boiler, which converts the temperature value into electrical resistance. In essence, it is thermistors, which externally resemble the conductive elements, for which they are considered the simplest indicators. The disadvantages of such models include low accuracy and problematic in organizing stable interaction with thermostats. More technological performances of thermal sensors demonstrate gas and electrochemical sensitive elements.

In addition, the sensors are wired and wireless. The thermostat with a remote temperature sensor operating on a radio signal is characterized by wide installation capabilities. Such models can be installed on the street if necessary. The wired devices during installation are limited to the cable distance, the length of which is usually 20-30 m.

Installation and connection of the sensor

To begin with, you should choose a suitable place where the temperature should be measured. Next, the cable track is stretched, along the entire length of which it is desirable to avoid contacts with metal elements, too warm or cold surfaces. When installing it is important to take into account that the flow of the measured air environment and the electrical inspection of the element must have a counter direction. After fixing the contour, you can connect the thermal sensor for the boiler to the pre-installed relay. This is done with the help of complete fittings. As a rule, the black wire is fed to the "minus" of the terrier, and the red - on the "plus".

Additional components

In its sets, manufacturers sometimes provide adapters and fuses that are also connected via the corresponding connectors. The adapter, for example, serves to implement transitional points and branches between sensors, relays and controllers. But this refers to complex industrial schemes. As for the fuse, it provides electrical protection equipment. An important component to be complemented by modern thermal sensors to turn on / off is also an antisipator. This is a specific heat device that adjusts the temperature indicators, providing a higher heating change rate. In other words, the antisipator makes a sensor sensitive element more susceptible to the change in ambient air temperature, which has a positive effect on the accuracy of the fed signals.

User's manual

Work begins with on the appropriate mode of operation. Next, you should make sure that the thermostar sensor shows the correct data and is ready to use. By this time, the connection must be organized and tested. In order for the device to show faithful values, it should be safely protected from external physical influences. It is advisable to provide a solid housing, but without hermetic isolation.

The evidence that the sensor interacts with the relay and the controller will reflect the specific temperature indicators on the control panel. Some thermal sensors on the switching on-shutdown of heating can also send information about humidity and wind speed - subject to the installation of the element on the street.

How to choose an optimal thermal sensor?

Experts recommend purchasing sensors already in a single set with heating equipment and thermostat. Although it often happens that the same boiler according to the characteristics meets the requirements, and the sensor with the thermostat is not suitable. In this case, it is necessary to acquire individual devices, fully focused on the conditions of application. It should also take into account the functional orientation of the device. The basic option represents the thermal sensors to turn on / off, the readings of which will not allow the controller to make more complex solutions. Multifunctional sensors provide the ability to fine automatic adjustment with an accuracy of 1-2 ºC.


Many users of home heating equipment consider control electronics as a useless functionality and an excessive energy consumption. In fact, it is not. Of course, such a equipment costs money, but high-quality thermal sensors, prices for which vary in the range of 2-3 thousand rubles, will be able to return the extensions spent in the first months of operation. The fact is that the regulator is not just a means of ergonomic support, which makes the operation of the heating system convenient for the user. This is also an effective energy optimization tool, since the underlying control programs may well eliminate the vain use of equipment resources are not intended.

Industrial and household automatics of control systems of heating are necessarily equipped with various temperature control thermal people, which turns on the shutdown of heaters or actuators. As a result, the temperature in the house at a given level is maintained. Such a mode of operation of the equipment makes it possible to obtain significant energy savings in a comfortable microclimate in the house.

Types of thermostat

The easiest (he is the cheapest) temperature controller has the form of a small electronic unit with a handle of a temperature setting installed on the wall and connected with the actuator wires. On functionality, regulators are divided into the following views:

  1. With the ability to program. They are equipped with liquid crystal displays, and with a control object can be connected with wireless wireless communications. The program can be made in such a way that during the absence of people the temperature will decrease, and an hour before their return - to rise.
  2. Programmable with GSM module, which allows you to remotely control the operation of the installation using SMS-cores. Advanced models have special applications for installation on smartphones.
  3. Power regulators from batteries, that is, possessing full autonomy. The disadvantage is the need to regularly shift the batteries.
  4. Wireless with outdoor measurement sensors. They are considered the most efficient, as they provide the principle of regulation, taking into account the temperature changes outside.

By destination temperature regulators Classified as:

The main characteristics of thermostators

Regulators are adjustable and with a rigid setting to the specified parameters. There are models working as alarms, that is, the supply signal when the specified temperature is reached. When buying a thermostat, you should consider the features of the available heating system - the type of boiler and the place of its placement, the value of the heated area, is there a need for simultaneous heating of all rooms, etc. Relying on these criteria needs to choose a thermal parameters:

  • the response rate is the temperature value at which the relay contacts will be closed or open;
  • the return rate is characterized by the values \u200b\u200bin which the device goes into its original state;
  • differential is the range of temperature values \u200b\u200bin which the state of the regulator does not change after triggering;
  • the value of the switching current and voltage determines the ability to connect to the instrument of actuators of a certain power;
  • the magnitude of the contact resistance;
  • response time;
  • the error can reach up to 10% in both directions from the specified value.

Choosing an optimal thermostat

The best option, of course, will be the regulator included in the kittel kit, however, it often happens that its parameters do not correspond to the presented conditions. In huge assortment Models and prices, where models are presented from the simplest mechanical to systems running through a computer, it is difficult to make the right choice.

The functional for home automation is perfectly suitable for the Kit BM4022 thermal. With it, it is possible to control and adjust the temperature of not only air indoors, but also the heat carrier in the heating system, if using a remote sensor. Possible option to turn on the fan for cooling Any object if he was heated to the set temperature. The ability to adjust the trigger threshold in the range from 0 to 150 ° C allows you to maintain the temperature at a given level. The powerful electromagnetic relay can directly control the heating devices with a capacity of up to 2 kW. When buying it is possible to select a complete set for certain requirements.

Connect thermostat

After installing the regulator, it is necessary to supply power from a separate machine installed in the camshaft. For this, used two-wire The cable that is connected to the input terminals of the "zero" and "phase" regulator. If the value of the current commuting by the device corresponds to the power of the connected heater, the wires from it are connected to the output terminals "plus" and "minus". The cross-section of the wires is better to choose with a margin so that they do not heat when passing through them the maximum current.

In case the current consumed by the heater exceeds the terminal limit parameters to the output terminals, you need to connect a magnetic starter with a corresponding current load. A starter will also be required to connect multiple heaters to one regulator. The heater body must be grounded. For grounding, a separate wire with a little resistance is used. After that, the regulator can be included in the work.

If there is no minimal skill skills with electrical equipment, then in order to avoid troubles, it is better to invite a qualified electrician.

Effective heating management is a vital part of the rational work of the boiler and the home heating system. The competent use of control elements will reduce energy consumption by the unit, when creating a comfortable temperature in each room at home, avoiding overheating of rooms. And manages the operation of the boiler the thermostat (or programmer) depending on the room temperature.

Up to 20% of the volume of energy consumed can be saved using this kind of automation. And the prices of energy are large enough and the desire of each normal person to reduce their costs.

We consider the situation when the boiler is calculated correctly, the necessary insulation of the premises is performed, and the heating system functions normally.

Main types of boilers and temperature regulation

There are several types of boilers: solid fuel, gas, electrical and liquid fuel.

The boilers were widespread worldwide. There are domestic samples, there are boilers and imported manufacturing. Material manufacturing steel or cast iron. Easy to operate, economical, with a function of adjusting the temperature of the coolant. In cheaper models, this feature is implemented using a special device - thermoelement.

A constructive thermoelement is a metal product, the geometric dimensions of which under the influence of temperatures decreases or increases (depending on the degree of heating). And this change, in turn, the position of the special lever, which closes and opens the damper of the thrust. The photo shows a sample of such a regulator:

Photo: Sample thermostat

The more the damper is open, the stronger the burning process, and vice versa. Thus, the amount of air that enters the combustion chamber of the closed type is fully controlled by a thermostat, and if necessary, its feed stops and the combustion process fades. In more modern models, controllers are installed, which, depending on the specified thermal modes, control the air flow, including (or disconnecting) a special fan (see the photo below):

Gas boilers are the most common and cheap in operation of the aggregates. Boilers are single-mounted and double-circuit. Single-mounted boilers have one heat exchanger and are intended only for heating. The inclusion scheme is shown in the figure below:

Single-mounting boiler

Dual-circuit boilers have two heat exchanger and are intended for heating and obtaining hot water. The inclusion of the boiler is presented below:

Some boilers have separate regulators for heating and hot water temperatures.

Electric boilers

A fairly common alternative to gas and solid fuel boilers. Weights of advantages, big efficiency, but a long payback period. Connection Simple, like the gas boilers, but without the flow of cold water. Provide temperature control and overheating protection.

Mechanical timer of the boiler

Using a simple mechanical electric boiler timer three options for starting the central heating system:

  1. The boiler is turned off;
  2. The boiler takes warm water;
  3. The boiler turns on and off at the set time.

Mechanical timers usually have a large round dial with a 24-hour scale in the central part. Turning the disc, you can set the desired time, and then leave it in this position. Turning on the boiler will occur at the right time. The external part consists of a set of tabs of a 15-minute period, which are inserted for the convenience of adjusting the operation and setting modes. An emergency reconfiguration is possible, which is performed when the boiler is enabled.

Mechanical timers are simple in the setup, but at the same time the boiler always turns on and off at the same time every day, and this may not satisfy the owners if the family is large, and the bath procedures are held several times a day at different times.

Types of thermostators

By type of functions, they can be divided into several groups:

- with one function (maintenance of temperature);

- with a large number of functions (programmable).

By execution, thermostators are divided into types: wireless and with wires for communication with the boiler. Install thermostators at a convenient place, connect the temperature sensor, connected with the boiler control system and use.

Room thermostats need a permanent air flow for normal and proper operation, so they should not be closed with curtains or blocked furniture. Neighboring electrical thermostat devices can interfere with the correct operation of the device: lamps, TVs, heating devices nearby.

The programmable electronic room thermostat allows you to select the desired and comfortable temperature at any time, it is easy to reconfigure and change operation mode. Time timer allows you to install another template for heating on weekdays and weekends. Some timers allow you to install various parameters for each day of the week, it can be useful for people working part-time or shifts. Such thermostats are equipped with many TERNEO models and CCM.

The programmable room thermostat allows you to establish individual heating standards for every day according to the lifestyle and maintain the temperature of the house all the time, regardless of the presence or departure of the hosts.
Video: Connecting room thermostat to gas boiler

If the heating system is responsible for the boiler with a radiator, as a rule, only one programmable room thermostat is needed to control the whole house. Some templates must be adjusted in the spring and autumn when the clock went forward and backward, or a certain change of climatic conditions occurred. We also recommend changing temperature settings when changing the day and night.

Such a climate controller has several options that expand its capabilities:

  • "Party", which stops heating for several hours, after renewing;
  • "Overlapping" allows you to temporarily change the programmed temperatures during one of the configured periods;
  • "Holiday", increases the intensity of heating or reduces it over a certain number of days.

Central thermostat

Such a thermostat is located away from your boiler and usually allows you to turn on or off the heating throughout the house. Old versions are connected by wires with a boiler, newer systems, as a rule, send signals to the device command item. It is the fixes of a new type that are fairly expensive, but effective devices: double-circuit boilers Ferroli, Beretta and domestic AOGV.

The most famous room thermostators for the two-circuit boiler of the GSM brand and Protherm. They have a built-in dilatometric thermostat for a boiler, which, depending on the model, can be remotely operating, often this technology is used for an electric boiler or solid fuel units.

Room thermostat disconnects the heating system as needed. It works by measuring air temperature, and inclusion of heating, when the air temperature drops below the thermostat installation, and its shutdown, when the set temperature is reached.


  1. It is recommended to install a thermostat at 20 ° C;
  2. At night, the temperatures installed should be within 19-21 ° C.
  3. It is desirable that in the children's room there were about 22 ° C.
  4. Temperature should not fall below 22 ° C indoors for the elderly and people with disabilities.

As a rule, only one microcontroller of the climate in the heating system is based on the temperature of the entire house or individual premises. The best option for its location in the living room or bedroom, which is likely to be the most visited place in the house.

Room thermostats need a free air flow for temperature measurement, so they should not be closed with curtains or blocked furniture. Neighboring electrical thermostat devices can interfere with the correct operation of the device. These include lamps, televisions, neighboring boilers through the wall, sensory switches.

Thermostatic regulating valves

Thermostatic valve is a simple solution to the problem of obtaining the coolant of a given temperature due to the implementation of the submetion of colder water to a more warm. The type of three-way valve is presented below:

The radiator thermostatic valve allows you to control the temperature in the room by changing the hot water stream through the radiator. They regulate the flow of hot water through the radiator, but do not control the boiler. Such devices must be installed to adjust the temperature that is needed in each individual room.

This idea should be considered as an addition to the installation of thermostat. Also, such devices need periodic reference and regular performance test (every six months during the change of operating modes).

Homemade external thermostat for boiler: instruction

Below is a scheme of a homemade thermostat device for a boiler, which is collected on the ATMEGA-8 and 566 series chips, a liquid crystal display, a photocell and several temperature sensors. The ATMEGA-8 programmable microcircuit is responsible for complying with the defined temperature control settings.

Actually, this scheme includes or turning off the heating boiler with a decrease in (increase) the outdoor temperature (sensor U2), and also performs these actions when the temperature is changed in the room (sensor U1). It provides for the adjustment of the operation of two timers that allow you to adjust the time of these processes. A piece of diagram with a photoresistor affects the process of turning on the boiler in time of the day.

The U1 sensor is directly in the room, and the U2 sensor on the street. Connects to the boiler and is installed next to it. If necessary, you can add an electrical part of the circuit that allows you to turn off the high power units:

Another scheme of the thermostat with one control parameter based on the K561L chip 7:

The thermoregulator based on the K651L7 chip is characterized by simplicity and easier when adjusting. Our thermostat is a special thermistor, which significantly reduces resistance when heated. This resistor is included in the electricity voltage divider network. In this circuit, the R2 resistor is also located, with which we can install the required temperature. Based on this scheme, you can make a thermostat for any boiler: bucks, ariston, e / don.

Another scheme on the thermostator based on the microcontroller:

The device is assembled based on the microcontroller PIC16F84A. The sensor role performs a DS18B20 digital thermometer. A small-sized relay manages the load. Microswitches set the temperature that is displayed on the indicators. Before assembly, you will need to program a microcontroller. First, we will erase everything from the chip and then reprogram, and then make an assembly and use on health. The device is not capricious and works fine.

The cost of parts is 300-400 rubles. A similar model of the regulator is five times more expensive.

Several tips finally:

  • although most models are suitable different options for thermostats, it is still desirable that the thermostat for the boiler and the boiler itself be produced by one manufacturer, it will greatly simplify installation and the process of exploitation;
  • before buying such equipment, you need to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the necessary temperature to avoid "downtime" of the techniques, and the change of wiring in connection with the connection of higher power devices;
  • before installing the equipment, you need to take care of the insulation of the room, otherwise high heat loss will be inevitable, and this is an additional cost of expenses;
  • if, unsure that you need to acquire expensive technique, you can conduct a consumer experiment. Get a cheapest mechanical thermostat, adjust it and see the result.