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Vitamins for pregnant Mamino Health. Vitamins for pregnant and nursing mothers during lactation. Vitamin Complex "Alphabet Mamino Health": reviews of doctors

  • Indications for use

Vitamins Alphabet for pregnant women (Mamino Alphabet Health) - a vitamin and mineral complex, which includes vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for the future mother and her child. A feature of this vitamin preparation is that it is created taking into account the interaction of all its components. This ensures hypoallergenicity of the means and increases by 30% the efficiency of vitamin prevention.

The composition of the alphabet for pregnant women

Vitamins Alphabet for pregnant women are produced in blisters of 60 tablets of different colors: orange, yellow, white with cream tint. The tablet of each color includes a certain set of beneficial substances.

Tablet yellow "Iron +" contains the following components:

  • vitamin B1 (1.2 mg) - normalizes the work of the nervous system, takes part in the contractile function of myocardium;
  • vitamin C (50 mg) is necessary to maintain immunity and cellular respiration functions;
  • folic acid (300 μg) - participates in hemoglobin synthesis, prevents defects in the development of the fetus;
  • beta-carotene (2 mg) - vitamin A predecessor, which is necessary for the biosynthesis of retinal pigment, growth and updates of the skin structure, dentin, bone tissue;
  • iron (20 mg) - is part of the hemoglobin of the blood, its deficit causes the development of anemia;
  • copper (1 mg) - takes part in the metabolism of iron and cellular breathing;
  • taurine (50 mg) - organic acid.

Blue tablet in the composition of the alphabet for pregnant women "Antioxidants +" contains such components:

  • beta carotene (2 mg);
  • vitamin E (12 mg) - takes part in the production of female genital hormones, hemoglobin biosynthesis, is a natural antioxidant;
  • vitamin C (40 mg);
  • vitamin B2 (1 mg) - activates the renewal processes in the body tissues;
  • vitamin RR, Nicotinamide, (19 mg) - participates in the metabolism of proteins, regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal organs, has a neurotropic effect;
  • vitamin B6 (2 mg) - participates in the growth and update of the structure of the gum, dentin, bone tissue, the process of formation of red blood cells;
  • magnesium (50 mg) - participates in the neuromuscular gear transmission of the pulses, is necessary for the mineralization of bone tissue;
  • selenium (40 μg) is necessary to preserve the chromosomal apparatus, protect the genetic functions of the organism;
  • iodine (150 μg) - one of the main elements of the hormones of the thyroid gland, regulates the activity of metabolic processes in the body;
  • manganese (1 mg) - participates in bone mineralization;
  • molybdenum (25 mg) is necessary to produce coenzymes and enzymes involved in metabolic processes;
  • zinc (12 mg) - an important component of many enzymes, takes part in the metabolism and biosynthesis of hormones, as well as in the formation of leukocytes.

White with a cream tint tablet "Calcium D3 +" alphabet for pregnant women has the following substances in its composition:

  • vitamin D3 (10 μg) - regulates the absorption of phosphorus and calcium in the intestine, ensures the mineralization of bone tissue;
  • calcium pantothenate (5 mg) - takes part in the process of oxidation, fat and carbohydrate exchange;
  • folic acid (300 μg);
  • vitamin B12 (3 μg) - normalizes the work of the nervous system, participates in the formation of erythrocytes;
  • vitamin H, Biotin, (30 μg) - participates in the exchange of fatty acids;
  • vitamin K1 (60 μg) - is the main factor in the blood coagulation system, regulates the function of the liver, heart, has a myotropic effect;
  • chrome (25 μg) - normalizes blood pressure, takes part in the metabolism of carbohydrates;
  • phosphorus (125 mg) - regulates the metabolism, acid-alkaline balance, activates the division and growth of cells, improves the functioning of the heart;
  • calcium (250 mg) - activates the coagulation system of blood, is necessary for the mineralization of dentin and bone tissue.

Features of the pharmacological effect of the Alphabet Mamino Health

As noted in medical reviews about the alphabet for pregnant women, the peculiarity of this vitamin and mineral complex is a biochemical full compatibility of vitamins and elements that are contained in one tablet. Due to the separation of vitamins and elements, simultaneous reception of active substances are eliminated, which can affect each other, thus reducing the effectiveness of drug intake.

As a result of the competently thought-out composition of each tablet of the vitamin-mineral complex, it increases twice the absorption of iron, by 30% vitamin B12, by 36% calcium and 34% manganese.

In addition, according to the reviews about the alphabet for pregnant women, the reception of this drug is much less likely causes the development of body allergic reactions, ratified other vitaminatives that have the same composition.

Indications for use

As indicated in the alphabet instructions for pregnant women, testimony to its application is the increased need for vitamins, micro and macroelements during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is also recommended that this drug is recommended for intrational nutrition, intense mental and physical exertion, long-term treatment with antibiotics, in the postoperative period.

Alphabet for pregnant women - use method

Tablets of different colors of the alphabet Mamino Health is accepted separately, at intervals of at least 4 hours. In total, three tablets of different colors take.

The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor. As a rule, it is one month, after which a two-week break and re-receiving course is required.

Each tablet of the vitamin and mineral complex is used inside during meals and is powered by a sufficient amount of pure non-carbonated water.

Contraindications and side effects of the alphabet for pregnant women

According to the instructions for the alphabet for pregnant women, this drug is contraindicated to people who have hypervitaminosis or excessive mineralization of the body. Also contraindicating the reception of vitamins is thyrotoxicosis and children's age up to 12 months.

The only side effects of the mamino health alphabet may be allergic reactions to some components of the drug.

During the tooling of the child, saturate the body with the necessary substances can be used, if you fully eat and take vitamins alphabet for pregnant women. Complex "Mamino Health" is used as an additional source of vitamins, mineral substances during the period when the body does especially need them. Doctors are not recommended during the baby tooling to abandon complete balanced nutrition. The complex must be only an additional, and not the main source of substances that are needed during pregnancy.

Form release

Vitamins Alphabet "Mamino Health", designed for pregnant and lactating women, are produced in tablet form. Packaging is 3 types of tablets:

  • pink or orange (iron +);
  • blue (antioxidants +);
  • white, it is allowed to appear a light cream shade (calcium-d3 +).

They are placed in 3 different blisters. In the cardboard packaging of them 60, 20 pcs. each color. Of these, 40 pcs. Weight of 0.5 g, and 20 - 0.9 g excluding the shell.

The composition of vitamins alphabet for pregnant women

A feature of the Complex "Mamino Health" is the composition. It is selected so that the body is as satisfied with all the necessary vitamins and elements. Active substances are distributed taking into account the recommendations on separate and co-withdrawing some substances.

Vitamins and minerals in a complex for pregnant women are divided into 3 tablets that differ in color

It is recommended to take them separately (during breakfast, lunch and dinner) so that components that are poorly combined with each other entered the body at different times. Subject to recommendations, it is possible to obtain a daily rate for most substances that make up the complex.

Attention! The separation of components that must be taken at an interval of 4-6 hours increases the efficiency of the complex for pregnant women by 30-50% compared to conventional vitamins.

Pink tablet

The pink tablet No. 1 contains iron, copper, organic acids and vitamins that are well combined with each other.

The composition is presented in the table:

Pregnant women taking iron, can prevent anemia development. Other components included in the drug are involved in the energy exchange and ensure the fruit of vital substances.

Blue tablet

The main components of the tablet blue are antioxidants. It consists of vitamins and minerals:


Percentage of day need,%

Nicotinamide (PP)

Beta carotene (Provitamin a)

Vitamin E.

Ascorbic acid (C)

Riboflavin (B2)

Pyridoxine (B6)



Substances included in the tablet No. 2 of the vitamin complex alphabet for pregnant women, help to get rid of free radicals, contribute to the strengthening of immunity. Due to the availability of iodine, the tool warns the appearance of thyroid diseases, both in the woman and the fetus.

Cream tablet

Attach the body by calcium and vitamin D3, which is necessary for his assimilation, if you drink 1 tablet daily for 1 tablet. It should be white with a cream tint.

Calcium-D3 + cream tablet helps strengthen the teeth, bones, lowers the likelihood of osteoporosis. Incoming biotin has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and nails, and Phillaxinone strengthens the vascular walls.

Separation of substances in the vitamin and mineral additive "Mamino Health"

Indications for use

The alphabet for pregnant women is prescribed as a source of vitamins and minerals, which the patient does not surfaches from products. It is recommended to start taking at the stage of pregnancy planning. Pour the body by all the required substances and prepare for conception, it is possible if you include a means in the diet in advance, 2-3 months before pregnancy. Vitamins for pregnant and alphabet are desirable to continue to take and during lactation.

A complex for the prevention of avitaminosis is prescribed. But it is possible to use it for therapeutic purposes when identifying a lack of some of the vitamins or elements in the body.

Useful properties of the drug

The alphabet for pregnant and lactating women allows you to fill the deficit of the main substances that are needed for the full-fledged intrauterine development of the fetus and preserving the health of the mother. The properties of the vitamin complex "Mamino Health" from the alphabet are influenced by the components included in its composition:

  • folic acid is necessary for the correct formation of the nervous system, including the infection of the nervous tube in the embryo, is responsible for the timely offensive of childbirth and the restoration of the female organism after them;
  • calcium in combination with vitamin D3 is responsible for the formation of teeth, bones, muscles, hearts, nervous fabrics;
  • iron - reduces the risk of anemia.

The separation of components allows you to depone their digestibility.

Comment! Calcium reduces the absorption of iron by 50%, and about 30% of kobalamin is oxidized with simultaneous reception with ascorbic acid. The inclusion of these components in different tablets makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the vitamin complex.

How to take vitamins alphabet during pregnancy

The manufacturer offers pregnant women to independently decide which scheme to take the alphabet. Use the drug is preferably during meals.

It is best to take different color tablets separately, making intervals between them duration 4-6 hours. During this time, vitamins and minerals from the previously adopted pills will have time to worry and will not enter into interaction with other components. The order of reception does not matter.

But you can take all 3 tablets at the same time. In such a situation, the effectiveness of the means will be the same as with the use of other vitamin and mineral complexes.

Day dose of vitamin additive Alphabet for pregnant women

Contraindications and side effects

Before buying the Alphabet "Mamino Health", pregnant should consult with her gynecologist. Some women vitamins are contraindicated. Refuse to receive additives follows to patients who, who:

  • intolerance to the substances included in the composition;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

Side effects when taking the alphabet are not observed. When creating funds for pregnant women, the manufacturer pays special attention to their hypoallery. When receiving preventive doses, problems should not occur. The exceptions are cases when the patient has the intolerance to individual components.

Interaction with other drugs

Before the start of admission of the alphabet for pregnant women should be clarified by the doctor if vitamins with other medications can be combined. When using the alphabet for pregnant women:

  • the process of suction of tetracycline and fluoroquinolone derivatives is worsen;
  • the therapeutic effect is enhanced and side effects from sulfanimamides are developing;
  • reduced iron absorption when receiving a pink tablet simultaneously with calcium, aluminum, magnesium preparations;
  • increases the risk of hypercalcemia when combined with diuretics.

Combine the reception of the alphabet for pregnant women with other vitamin and mineral complexes is prohibited. This can lead to the development of hypervitaminosis or an excessive increase in the content of some minerals in the body.

Analogs of Vitamins Mamino Health

Replace the complex Alphabet "Mamino Health" can be any vitamins for pregnant women. If you need to choose analogs to the alphabet for pregnant women, doctors advise to pay attention to:

These are the most popular vitaminized additives for future mothers.

Comment! In all the vitamin and mineral complexes, with the exception of the alphabet, the necessary components are contained in one tablet or capsule, therefore the negative interaction between them cannot be avoided.

The doctor may advise other vitamin and mineral supplements, focusing on the patient's condition and the need for substances from the outside.


Vitamins Alphabet for pregnant women are developed by Aquion. With their production, all recommendations of researchers associated with joint and separate reception of vitamins and mineral elements were taken into account. Components that do not have to enter the body together are divided. Substances that complement and strengthen each other's actions are grouped together.

Mamino Alphabet Health is a combined drug that contains a complex of vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary for women during pregnancy and in the postpartum period.

The composition of the drug

Mamino's alphabet Health contains the following substances with a daily dosage.


  1. Vitamin A (beta-carotene or retinol) - 4 mg: normalizes protein synthesis and participates in the oxidative and reduction processes of the body, which contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, stabilizing the function of cells and membranes. Takes part in the formation of teeth, bones and fat deposits, which is important for the proper development of the fetus. Improves fetal food, contributes to what is important with a small mass of the child.
  2. Vitamin B 1 (thiamine) - 1.2 mg: normalizes carbohydrate exchange in the body, stimulates the growth and development of the skeleton, nervous system and muscles.
  3. Vitamin B 2 (Riboflavin) - 1 mg: normalizes acid oxidation processes, splits alien substances in the body, participates in the formation of a number of enzymes and other vitamins (in 6, folacine), contributes to the normalization of the proper operation of the reproductive system, the production of blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, antibodies), hair growth and nails.
  4. Vitamin B 3 or PR (Nicotinamide) - 19 mg: Promotes the normalization of tissue respiration, has a vasodilatory action, improves suction in the stomach and intestines of useful substances.
  5. Vitamin B 5 (Pantothenic Acid) - 5 mg: normalizes the exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, synthesis of enzymes, which contributes to the right development and growth of the body.
  6. Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine) - 2 mg: Stimulates the metabolism, in particular the exchange of proteins. Promotes the formation of erythrocytes (red blood cells), supplies the nervous glucose cells.
  7. Vitamin B 7 (Biotin) - 30 μg: contributes to the division and growth of cells, improves hair growth, moisturizes the skin and mucous membranes, improves appetite.
  8. Vitamin B 9 () - 600 μg: One of the important components of the vitamin complex that affects the development of the nervous system of the fetus and the growth of the body as a whole.
  9. Vitamin B 12 (Cyanocobalamin) - 3 μg: Stabilizes cell membranes, improves metabolic processes, which contributes to the full development and growth of the body.
  10. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 90 mg: normalizes the redox processes in the organism of the mother and the child, contributes to the best digestion of food and the absorption of beneficial substances.
  11. Vitamin D 3 (cholecalciferol) - 10 μg (400 me): Enhances the absorption of beneficial substances in the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the work of the kidneys, participates in the formation of bones and teeth.
  12. (tocopherol) - 12 mg: affects the growth and division of cells, forms a visual analyzer, a newborn head and spinal cord. Improves fetal power.
  13. Vitamin K 1 (Phillokinon) - 60 μg: Improves blood coagulation, normalizes the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiac activity, ensures the growth of bones and periosteum.


  1. - 250 mg: It is a building material for a skeleton and teeth, is part of hormones, contributes to blood clotting and muscle contractions.
  2. Magnesium - 50 mg: Participates in the synthesis of protein and a number of enzymes of the digestive system, ensures the supply of the body with energy, normalizes the operation of the head and spinal cord, the heart, enhances the intestinal peristalsis, expands blood vessels.
  3. Phosphorus - 125 mg: takes part in cellular division and the growth of the body, forms a bone skeleton and provides the right increase in bones.
  4. - 20 mg: Participates in the process of breathing the body, is part of (compound that transfers oxygen from the lungs along the vascular grid to each cell).
  5. Manganese - 1 mg: It affects the development of the reproductive system, stimulates blood formation and lymph, slows the processes of cell aging.
  6. Iodine - 150 μg: It has an impact on the proper development of the thyroid gland and is a substrate for the production of hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine).
  7. Copper - 1 mg: normalizes intestinal function and liver, helps to strengthen the body, growth and development of the musculoskeletal system.
  8. Molybdenum - 25 μg: Participates in the exchange and utilization of uric acid (toxic substance that is formed as a result of protein disposal), improves immunity.
  9. Selenium - 40 μg: It is part of proteins that are building materials for all systems and organs.
  10. Chrome - 25 μg: takes part in the exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Stimulates the growth and development of the body.
  11. Zinc - 12 mg: affects the growth and development of the men's sexual system, normalizes the function of prostate and testicles in the intrauterine period.

Amino acids

L-Taurine - 50 mg: Participates in the exchange of fats and carbohydrates, stimulates the development of muscles, skeleton. Affects the growth and development of the fetus.

13 vitamins and 11 minerals and taurine.Dosages of vitamins and minerals are designed according to the needs of pregnant and nursing women.

Iron +. Tablet number 1 (pink)

Vitamins % *
C. 50 mg 50/42
B1. 1.2 mg 71/67
Beta carotine 2 mg 40/40
Folic acid 300 μg 50/60
Iron 20 mg 61/111 **
Copper 1 mg 91/71
Amino acids
Taurin 50 mg -

Antioxidants +. Tablet number 2 (blue)

Vitamins % *
Nicotinamide 19 mg 86/83
E. 12 mg 71/63
B6. 2 mg 87/80
Beta carotine 2 mg 40/40
B2. 1 mg 50/48
C. 40 mg 40/33
Magnesium 50 mg 11/11
Zinc 12 mg 80/80
Manganese 1 mg 45/36
Iodine 150 μg 68/52
Selenium 40 μg 62/62
Molybdenum 25 μg 36/36

Calcium-D3 + Tablet number 3 (white with cream tint)

Vitamins % *
B5. 5 mg 83/71
Folic acid 300 μg 50/60
B12. 3 μg 86/86
D3. 10 μg 80/80
K1. 60 μg 50/50
Biotin (h) 30 μg 60/60
Calcium 250 mg 19/18
Phosphorus 125 mg 13/13
Chromium 25 μg 50/50

* - Percentage of the daily need for pregnant / lactating women according to MR "Norms of physiological needs for energy and food substances for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation", Table 5.2. "The norms of physiological needs for energy and food substances for women" and Table 5.3. "Additional energy needs and food substances for women during pregnancy and child feeding."

** - does not exceed the upper permissible level of consumption.

*** - Information on the food value of the product is determined by the calculated path of the average value of the content of the biologically active substance in the product.

How to use

Daily dose - 3 tablets of different colors. Taking tablets with a gap in time: for example, in the morning, day and evening, you will make vitamin prevention more efficient

Order of reception
Tablets Nevzazhen

between receptions
4-6 hours

During this time, vitamins and minerals that are part of the same tablet are fully learned and will not interact with the components of the following.

Twice a day

For example, one tablet in the morning
and two in the evening or vice versa -
The effect will be higher than when
receiving one-moleculture

Three times during the day

This method of reception will allow
Get maximum benefits
from taking alphabet -
It will be 30-50% more,
than from the reception of traditional
Vitamin Mineral

Alphabet Mamino Health can be taken throughout the entire period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as in preparing for pregnancy.

Remember that the degree of lack of vitamins and minerals is an individual indicator. As a rule, to solve the problem and eliminate the lack of useful substances in the body, it is necessary to spend 2-3 courses, with an interval of 10-15 days between them.

Form release

60 Blisters Tablets

to use

as an additional source of vitamins and minerals (macro- and microelements) for pregnant and nursing women.


Individual intolerance to components, thyroid hyperfunction. Before use, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

Not a medicine. HRP number RU. dated 09/12/2018


Time when a woman awaits his baby's appearance, surprisingly and unique. Often the question arises: Do I need to take vitamins during pregnancy and in breastfeeding period? Most experts consider such a reception necessary. Moreover, since the mother and baby need a large set of beneficial substances, it is convenient to take a full-fledged balanced vitamin and mineral complex, such as the alphabet of Mamino Health. Consider the role of some beneficial substances that are included in its composition:

  • the complex of vitamins for pregnant women must necessarily include folic acid, which is important for the normal development of the circulatory and nervous system of the baby;
  • in a small period, during the risk of spontaneous interruption of pregnancy, vitamins of groups B and magnesium are of particular importance;
  • calcium and vitamin D are necessary for the formation of a musculoskeletal apparatus of crumbs, and also help the mother to preserve the health of their own teeth and hair.

After the birth of a child, the reception of vitamin and mineral complexes is no less important than during pregnancy. Vitamins when breastfeeding are prescribed by specialists, taking into account the general state of the mother, with signs of avitaminosis or lack of any substances. The period of breastfeeding is very important, therefore, before taking vitamins for breastfeeding moms, you must consult with your doctor.

Put and remember and remember vitamin support. We wish you health to you and your baby!

Contains a dye that can have a negative effect on the activity and attention of children. *

* - According to TP TS 022/2011 "Food products in terms of its marking" Art. 4, h. 4.4, p. 18

18. Food products containing dyes (Azorubin E122, Yellow Hinoline E104, Yellow Sunset FCF E110, Red Charming AC E129, Punchy 4R E124 and Tartrazine E102) should be applied to a warning inscription: Contains dye (dyes), which (which (which are ) may (may) have a negative impact on the activity and attention of children.