Repairs Design Furniture

Production of leather sheath for hunting knife. Hands for knife with their own hands: Recommendations for the manufacture. How to make scabbers from birch

WCe new - well forgotten old. I want to introduce readers with a very old technology of making practical and at the same time pretty sheath. I had to see her slightly so as not to cook the glue from fish or bark, but to use the "moment" accessible to everyone.

The statement that in the old days everything was rude, do not accept. The objects of the vital necessity, to which, first of all, do a knife, were made by the impertons of the centuries, decorated by the coast of the voltage. A foot sword, the knife was put in the cradle of a newborn, so that the children would grow with state and strong, like a blade. Yes, and weapons that modern experts are called cold, our ancestors were called white, that is, clean, noble.

Before proceeding with the description of the technology, I dare to express some disagreement with Mr. Meshcheryakov (the article "Production of leather sheath", "Rubet" No. 3 for 2008). When the skin is washed, in modern production, two-axis potassium is used - chrompik - K 2 Cr 2 O 7. Apparently, this salt of hexavalent chromium is mentioned in the article. But the chromepike, in my opinion, does not adversely affect the steel. I occasionally use it for the borders of carbon steels into a rich brown color and still did not notice that the blade surface is covered with sinks or worse, the cutting properties of steel decreased. Danger for steel, even conditionally stainless (stainless it does not happen), represents the residual chlorine iron - iron chloride (III) 6-water - FECL 3. H 20, used as a chrompik, speeds when taking skin. The appendage does not best affect steel blades PVA glue (polyvini-laztatate), which producers are added to dibutyl phthalate - dibutyl ether of 0-phthalic acid - C 6 H 4 (SOAP 4 H 9) 2, enhancing gluing properties. The evaporation of dibutyl phthalate, even in microDos, can weaken the connection of those two grains, which provide a razor sharpening of the blade. And here I will not crash from the seams dried apart, everything is one.

Now you can go to the machine manufacturing technology.

All your costs are the cost of half a tube of glue "moment" (as a little less than half of the tube is spent) and several hours of diligent labor. Well, yes, and it's not a pity, because for yourself you try to love. That's what else will need. The skin is the top of the old boots, which served their clothing items, published the lady's handbag released ... Yes, anything! One plate from a tagged box, which in the backyard of any supermarket is neuroran. Such a set of tools available in any house. The most important thing is your imagination together with the desire to high.

First, it is necessary to align the plane of the plank of sandpaper, alive on a flat surface, and then, attaching a knife blade, place the dimensions (photo 1a).

Scalpel or knife cutting line and choose unnecessary wood with a semicircular cutter or a knife to a depth equal to 2/3 of the blade thickness, on both halves. Such depth is due to the need to glue suede in the sample and the subsequent fit of the scabble under the blade.

We place, cut out and glue, suede in the sample (photo 1B).

The side surfaces of the blade in no way should come into contact with the wood. Otherwise, well-polished steel will scratch and loses the mirror glitter. At the ends of the workpieces, there is also a sample to bend suede, in order to avoid moving the latter when the blade is attached.

Now you should fit the sheath under the thickness of the blade. Fold the halves of the blank without glue and put the blade. If he dangles - and it will hang out - then stalking the surface with the file or sandpaper. When you achieve a dense, but not tight attachment and blade withdrawal, glue these halves of the "moment".

It does not matter how long there are bonded surfaces under the oppression, the force of compression is important. The stronger, the better. Therefore, it is enough to crimp the details of the pliers (photo 1B).

The next stage is the "clearance" of the sheath (giving them the desired form). I try to do this in the traditional way, namely, the knife that dresses. All irregularities after the knife must be smoothed with a flat file and stick to sandpaper. "Lingerie" is ready. Then follows the "decoration" or, in modern language, "decoration". Here you will need your feeling of beautiful and imagination.

On the "Lingerie" by a simple pencil applied the lines of the future relief (photo 2a).

In this case, we denote the "shield" in which the drawing will be located, your initials or that in the head will make up. I closer to the spirit of Slavic Runic Vych, but I had to do and "Merry Roger" and even the emblem of a football club. As they say, who is what is much.

Round file deepen the lines along the entire surface of the sheath, that is, on both sides (photo 2B).

We put on the "underwear" sheet of paper and the fingertips of the right hand to press the borders of the "shield". Then enter the selected pattern into it. We glue the drawing on the suede and cut out with scissors and scalpel along the contour (PHOTO).

Cutted drawing glued to the "shield" of the sheath. "Lingerie" is almost ready for a meeting with the skin. Lack of some volume. In the photo ZG, you can consider how to cut the lines to create the impression of the "diving" of one line under the other.

Photo 3. Relief on the sheath

Surely someone is so simple in fact, the operation will seem difficult for execution. Nothing terrible, try to make the "Svary Staircase" from the discharge "easier nowhere", but looking pretty (photo 4a-d).

We proceed to the markup of the skin.

We will need the following details: the end, the tripler for hanging on the belt, "shirt" of the shelter themselves, tassels. We apply the "linen" end to the skin and supply the fountain pen, then on the print, mark the slot for the blade.

The tripler cut the size of 180x56 mm and denote the longitudinal axis. The tripler must be punctured so that it is two-layer and amplified glue "moment". We harvest the "shirt". We put the sheath on the skin and supply the fountain pen. We rush the sheath through the eyebound and supply the second side. We indicate the end line (5 mm below the lower edge of the end of the "linen") and, retreating 100 mm from it, cut off the edge of the pattern. By the way, it can be performed in the form of a wave.

I usually leave 20 mm on the sides of the sides, just in case (photo 4a). Billets of tassels in the number of two pieces with dimensions of 65x55 mm and lace strips 200x5 mm are also placed and cut out. Rectangles of tassels "Shining", underwear to the edge of 10 mm, and with the help of "moment" twist in brush. Cut and glue the ends of the sheath (photo 4B).

The skled tripler is sewn to "Rubakha" and make a cocked bend (photo 4B). Tightly, without gaps, we glue the "underwear" of the course.

Each side put on the "moment" tightly - it is very important. The allowances also carefully wrapped with glue and slightly crimp. In principle, such an assembly does not imply a mandatory firmware. But we are for themselves, native, try. For light skin, I prefer to take a thread for a few tones darker to be glamorous. After flashing, retreat from 4 mm stitch and cut the allowance. According to the principle of the removal, hang-hanging brushes, but this time it's not entirely in the decoration or decor.

If necessary, they can be born with dirty blade - it was for the first time they were hanged. As brush pollution can be replaced with new ones.

Again, we use the nail of the thumb with the right hand - we press the relief of the sheath. That's all (photo 4g).

Why did I put on the "moment"? Did you guessed?

The wooden part of the sheath is almost completely (and with snoring and 100%) Cream from the effects of moisture. Even if the sheaths with a nested knife fall into the water, then nothing will swell. Check out.

At the end of several tips with appliances:
1. With long-term storage, the sheath and knife must lie separately from each other.
2. Lubricate the blade before storing and all metal parts with vaseline.
3. The perfect skin care agent is silicone protective cream.

Respect your knife. Someday he will save your life.

Oleg and Yana Rudik Photo: Yana Rudik

A good knife is also needed to tourist, and a hunter, and a fisherman. It is very important that in the "field" conditions it was convenient to store. Our article will tell you about making leather sheath with your own hands.

Washing Materials

  • Sewing accessories, tools for mounting buttons
  • 1 large semiring (photo 5) and 1 small (photo 14)
  • Strong thread (photo 27)
  • Paper
  • Striped plastic 2 mm thick, in the size of the blade knife (photo 13)
  • Glue, which can be glued with natural skin, and which remains elastic after drying (photo 18).

Knife manufacturing tools

  • Cutter (knife)
  • Metal ruler
  • Shilo with crochet at the end (photo 27)
  • Tool for piercing holes in the skin (can be replaced by shirts) (photo 7)
  • Scissors
  • Emery paper (average)
  • Tool for clamping buttons - phenoshek (sold in stores with accessories, is inexpensive) (photo 10)
  • Clothespins
  • Compass
  • Simple pencil or marker.

Production of leather sheath with her own hands

Leather sheaths will be made here for such a classic knife.

First of all, it is necessary to make a pattern. To do this, put the knife on the paper sheet circle it with a pencil.

From the side of the blade, leave the allowance on the seam 8-10 mm. It should turn out something like that.

Bend the sheet and cut the template. In part of the handle, it is needed only on the one hand. Here we consider the manufacturing technology of the sheath for wearing on the right hip.

Improve the pattern. The fact that it looks like a handle, in fact there will be a loop for fastening the sheath on the belt. At it, we will additionally install half rings so that the sheaths can be hung on the hook, the bitch, etc., so welcome the width of the handle (fastenings) under the width of the semiring.

It should turn out like this:

Apply a template to the skin. Consider the fastening length, it should be wider than a belt by 3 - 3.5 cm.

In the example of the length of the template in the part of the attachment, it will be necessary to increase by 3.5 cm. If you are not limited to the length of the skin, then it is better to make a detail "with a stock" and cut off the unnecessary later.

In addition, pay attention to the "ears" marked in the photo. They need to be done so that the Bulb button fit there and there were about 1-2 mm of skin around it.

Transfer the template on the skin from the inside. In the corners, where the base of the sheath goes into a belt mount, a special tool to produce round holes. This is necessary so that the skin in the process of use does not rush in the corners. If there is no tool, you can use the screwdriver, for example, pick up the hollow tube of the required diameter and cut holes.

Cut out the pattern. Scroll in straight cut is better to perform a cutter using a metal line. The finished pattern looks like this.

Secure semiring. Bend the fastening strip so that the belt is inserted, it remains 1.5-2 cm on the rings and 1.5 cm on the mount to the base. Seaclips place inside the loop.

To attach a semiring, use the phenus buttons. Hold them with a special tool.

Device for piercing holes Make holes under the ring and clamp it with buttons.

Fix the mount at the base. For this, the buttons will also be suitable. If an extra piece of skin remains, cut it off.

To make shears for knife, insert the plastic strip cut into the blade form.

In our example, the scabed will have another little half ringing so that it can be attached to the bottom of the sheath to the hip or wear not on the belt. To make this element, we need a length strip of a long 2-4 cm and width with a semiring.

To attach a semiring to the sheaths, we make a slot. To the skin does not burst, in the width of the strip, fool the holes and connect them with the slot.

Button Connect a strip with a semir.

Fasten the clinker in the sheath using the button.

Stick plastic flap to leather.

Stick a piece of leather onto the site that remains between the rounded edge of the plastic and the rounded edge of the sheath. Cut the appropriate billet. Do not align it in width, leave more, and later it can be cut. Consider that the strip of the skin should not reach the top base of the scabble, to the "ears", since the buttons - the baubles will not be able to bore three layers of the skin, only two.

Stick the skin to the skin.

Now bend the workpiece over the smooth edge and glue, applying glue through the bent edge of the base and the glued leather seal.

While the design of clothespins and dry.

When the shears are dried, insert the button in the "ears" and cut the extra skin pieces.

Purge the curved edge of the sheath. In order for the seam line to be smooth, swipe the line on a distance of 5-7 mm from the edge of the sheath, superchain in it.

Make a stitch holes at a distance of 5 mm from each other.

Tool for making holes, type holes to turn thread in them.

Sew the edge of a sheath with a crochet.

Prepare the lock for the knife handle, it will take the skin strip 2 -2.5 cm and buttons.

Striped the skin Attach the buttons - with bastards to the front part of the spout to the belt, cut the desired piece over the thickness of the handle, fasten up the edges with the buttons.

Treat uneven skin slice sandpaper.

The finished product looks like this.

Production of sheath leather. Step by step guide.

Hello. Recently, I once again gave a knife. Very, by the way, not bad. The knife was successfully sharpened, but here it turned out a regrettable fact: the knife did not have a scabbard. Not order. After a short meeting with the owner, a decision was made: to be! There were no restrictions on me with the owner of a knife, and the sale of the sheath remained completely at my discretion. The only thing we discussed is the material. We have a pretty traditional knife and all sorts of fashionable kayides and corduras looked at it not quite appropriate. Therefore, it was decided to make skin sheaths. The material was the valve from the officer tablet. In the amount, manufacturing took about five hours, but for the technology from the beginning to the end of the work passed five days. Further step by step description of the manufacturing process and photo.

Day 1.
1. From paper and scotch make a layout-pattern of future sheath and suspension loops.

2. Transfer the pattern to the skin and cut, leaving 7-10 mm tolerance in the future seam area.

3. Machine the skin in warm water for about 20 minutes.
4. From any thin and largin plastic cut and bend the liner. The fold line is better to additionally pump, for example, a nail. LINE LINE LIND must be straight independently of the Blink's Line. The fold line is better to warm up. The fold should be volumetric. After the fester, the stationery knife or file is brought to the liner to symmetry.

5. We protect the knife with a food film or cellophane package and fix a narrow stationery tape.

6. When the skin is splashing and becomes soft, turn the knife to it and fix the clothespins.

7. With any rod and clothespins, we form a bend on the suspension loop. If you use metal clothespins and a rod, then the metal must be wrapped with a scotch. Otherwise, there will be divorces from rust and paint on the skin.

8. We leave it all for a day or dry longer. Better in suspended state.

Day 2.
9. glue the suspension loop with glue moment or similar. At the same time, we take into account the width of a possible future belt, on which the sheath will hang and give tolerance of 15-20 mm.
10. After drying the glue by a stationery knife or scalpel, it is completely forming the edges of the loop. Cut better on the metal line.
11. We place on the loop of the hole under the thread and do it. I did it with a 1.8 mm drill.

12. Remove the clothespins with the sheath and glue a loop to them.
13. After drilling the glue drill holes through the sheath and sew a loop. For sewing we associate a thread with a needle and a native loop with another needle, as shown in the photo.

14. Take a thread in the first hole. At the same time, the loop with a needle should be outside, but a single thread from the inside of the sheath. The node is stretched into the skin. When sewing, there may be needed passage. I also used the intravenous catheter No. 14 (the diameter of the needle 1.5 mm) for marking and cleaning the clogged holes.

15. We do in the neighboring hole of the needle from the loop ear forward. We produce a single thread between the needle and two hinge threads. After that, pull the needle from the loop back. Watch that the resulting interweaving of the threads did not get out of the cut.

16. To secure the thread on the last stitch, we produce a single thread more than once, and turn it around three or four times. Owning gently tighten, watching it does not get confused, and hide inside the skin.

17. We fold together the blank of the sheath, liner and knife. Everything is carefully measured and incur insert. Leave to dry under the press. For example, on the shelf between books. So the press will be stronger and evenly than on clothespins.

18. We glue the bottom 2/3 of the sheath, leaving the bottom of the gap for water drain, and again wear clothespins. Leave to dry.

Day 3.
19. With the help of any heated metal wedge (for example, a powerful slotted screwdriver), a little divorced the mouth of the liner to facilitate the entry of the knife into the sheath.

20. From trimming skin, cut another part. It will be an expansion wedge for the mouth of the sheath. Nonde wedge thinning the stationery or emery paper.

21. We apply wedge, and if it is suitable, then we glorify it in place.
22. All the same stationery knife on the metal line cut off excess skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe future seam, thereby process the skin of the skin completely.

23. With a caliper with sharp sponges, we mark on the front side of the sheath line of the future seam. An indentation of the skin cut is 3-7 millimeters. The thicker skin, the more you can make an indent.

24. Also, on the front side, placing holes with an interval of 3-5 millimeters. Drills.
25. We associate the thread, as shown in paragraph 13.
26. Half you like the needle with a single thread in the second hole below. At the first bottom of the hole, we make a needle with a double thread. After that, we have done the needle with a double thread through the second hole. Tighten the node inside the second hole. Thus, the first stitch consists of a double thread, both outside and from the inside.

27. Next, we also sew the suspension loop in claims 15-16.

28. From the same plastic from which we did the liner cut two parts repeating the shape of a sheath in the seam area. It will be lined clothespins for uniform compression. Without their clothespins, ugly traces will remain.

29. Matching the sheath in warm water is about 10 minutes.
30. Insert the knife protected with a food film or cellophane package into the splashing sheath. Press the seam clips through plastic gaskets, and leave for drying and final forming for a day or two (better in suspended). With the help of a wire or an electrocabylon at this stage, you can additionally define the mouth of the knob on the handle.

D. river 5.
31. The dried legs are so impregnated with shoe wax. At the same time, special attention is paid to the edges of the skin and seams. To wax faster and deeper, the sheath absorbed is better to warm up the construction hairdryer or just above the gas. Instead of wax or along with it, you can use any cream for shoes. With the help of a cream, the skin can be painted in the color you need. When wax is absorbed, the sheath is ready. Everything.

To protect, safety and safe reasons, a knife case is needed. Basic requirements - durability of operation, convenience and reliability. At the first stage, the manufacturer's material is selected from which the knife rolls will be made. It should not change its properties under the influence of moisture and temperatures, have a stiff base for protecting the blade.

General Instructions for Manufacturing

First you need to decide on the design. It is recommended to use the standard configuration - to make the sheath with additional compartments and the beginner sections will be difficult. Then choose the material of the manufacture - leather, wood, dense fabric. Making a design of plastic is not recommended - there is a possibility of the appearance of a burr on the inner part, which will lead to a constant scratching of the blade.

Production Stages:

  1. Template. A tight sheet of paper is folded in half, a knife is stacked on it. We supply the contours, taking into account the allowance on the seam from the side of the acute edge. For the sheath for the knife from the skin it is about 10 mm. Fastening is best done separately to be able to dismantle it and install another.
  2. Billet. The source material is cut according to the template, the allowance for the connection is taken into account. Wooden sheaths are made without them, as often halves glue with special glue. The blade entry is checked - it should not be resistances, but at the same time the backlash is minimal.
  3. Insert. Located on the inside, on the side of the sharpened blade. Recommended manufacturing material - soft wood or tight felt. This is necessary to preserve the sharpening of the blade. This is one of the additional functions that skin screams should have.
  4. Method of wearing. The most common - suspension. On wooden or leather shears, a loop is made in the top of the design. It is attached to the belt. The horizontal location is convenient for small blades. In addition to the top loop, one more, in the other edge of the design.

To protect against moisture, the surface of the manufacturing material can be treated with special compositions. It is important that they do not have a negative impact on steel - did not lead to its rust, the rapid wear of the blade.


The easiest way for self-making leather sheaths. Material - Shornly saddle or raw leather. They are well handled, retain the form. Connecting crosslinking provides tight adjacent edges. It can be done with a shill or with an overclock.

For the sheath of this type, the following materials and tools will be needed:

  • Shilo or Overlock. If this is a single manufacturer - you can stay on the sewer.
  • Thread thick up to 0.7 mm. It is processed by paraffin for better sliding.
  • Glue and diluent. This composition is treated with seam so that the cover for the folding knife has maximum tightness and reliability.
  • Insert from felt. Alternative - install a plastic insert.

Stitched components are tested for strength, homemade sheath should be comfortable. The knife is extracted without effort, it is possible to fix it on the inner surface, closer to the loop, set a small rubber insert. She will press the blade without allowing the knife to fall out when walking.

In the video material you can familiarize yourself with the phased instruction on independent production:


How to make a wood cover, and in what cases will it be appropriate? This design has better aesthetic qualities than a leather product. But on the operational characteristics is inferior to them. For the manufacture of a knife for a knife from a tree Take solid rocks - Walnut, oak, beech. They are complex in processing, but in quality will be optimal.

Woods made of wood are made according to the following scheme:

  1. On two dies, the contour of the blade is cut. Its dimensions must be larger than the blade of 2-5 mm.
  2. The dies are trimmed, the inner surface is processed by the chisel. The treatment depth is 1-2 mm more thickness of the blade. Then grinding the sandpaper and polishing.
  3. Compound of blanks and checking weapons.
  4. Bonding two parts. For this, standard wood adhesives are used.
  5. Processing of the outer surface.

Wooden sheaths are complex in production, but in the subsequent can be applied the pattern or drawing on their surface, to be treated with varnishes or paints. For fastening on the belt, a leather loop is mounted.

You can still make a knife for a knife from the fabric. But such homemakes will not last long, since additional processing will be required to improve their operational qualities. This may affect the state of the blade.

Needlework has always been distinguished by its unusual and originality. If you lead an active lifestyle, spend your free time in campaigns, fond of fishing, love overnight stay in open air and food cooked on the fire, then you will need special equipment. The main thing in such extreme conditions is convenience, comfort and safety. The question arises, as possible for a knife that serves as an assistant, use purchased sheath? Therefore, in this article we will tell how to make the skin of the skin with their own hands.

Today's master class on the manufacture of a sheath will help learn how to make them out of the skin with their own hands, without having experience in this matter. It will be useful to know how to perform this craft and for experienced masters, and for beginner craftsmen.

To gain your exclusive decoration is very important for the blade, so for the ax. It does not matter which item will decorate this leather masterpiece, the main thing - it should be made with a soul. As for kitchen knives, everything is simple with them. Usually it is not needed for them. Since they are constantly used in everyday life, it does not allow wear-resistant material to spoil.

But in the case of knives that rarely use, for example, on hunting or fishing, everything is much more difficult.

Lowering for a while without using, your knife, even if made of high-quality metal, can lose its appearance and functionality. Therefore, you need to take care where to store it.

Skinny skin sheaths will be relevant if the knife is often not used or calmly lies in the safe and waiting for the best times. Then this method of storage and the material for the knife will be the most appropriate. Skin has many advantages and disadvantages. It is not easy to work with it, painstakingly, the result is not always expected. Therefore, we assume seriously and carefully to the method of manufacturing and choosing a material.

Consider a step-by-step instruction for making a skin knife for beginners.

For the manufacture of crafts, such tools and materials will be required:

  • Dense cotton fabric, pre-impregnated with resin;
  • Cut of high-quality leather;
  • Capron thread and robust needle;
  • Clamps stationery;
  • Shilo and pliers;
  • Calipers;
  • Sharp knife and cutter;
  • Durable wire.

Now we can proceed to work.

Step-by-step instructions for execution:

  1. First take cotton fabric and make a liner from it.

  1. Then cut the desired piece of the skin, wetting it, put on the liner on the knife so that it is located in the center of the cut.

  1. Next, you need to wrap the knife with the flap of the skin and tightly fix with the clips along the seam contour. In this position, the product must be fully drying.

  1. We remove the clips and begin to cross the sheath with a selection and thread. Silo also use for markup for the following holes that should be evenly located. Holes easier to do with a drill with a thin drill.

  1. We sew the sheath to the end of the line into two needles, and the needles are displayed with pliers. At the end, firmly tighten the categorous thread as shown in the figure.

  1. Next you need to trim and melt the ends of the thread above the match or candle. I cut off the knife, leaving a small supply. Abrasive skin process cut.

And a couple more strokes. For softness, you can handle leather sheath with shoe cream. Then the knife is inserted into the sheath, pre-wrapped with polyethylene.

Now our sheath is ready for your own hands! Merry and successful to you outdoor activities!

Some impressive, exclusive photos from folk craftsmen:

If you compare the skin from modern materials, it has many drawbacks. It contains tubyl substances that, when contact with water, have a bad effect on steel, in other words, spoil it. Never leave the blade in wet sheaths. They must completely dry. After drying, leather sheaths can give shrinkage and change their shape. Therefore, it is better not to wet them at all, and if they were coming, they need to dry them in vivo. Avoid driving direct sunlight, as well as stoves, a campfire or heating instrument. Water and irregular drying can make hard products and spoil their appearance.

You can see a selection of video on the topic and inspired by this craft.

Video on the topic