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Standard ceilings height. What the height of the ceiling should be in a private house which height of the walls should be

When building a private house, each owner must take into account the normalized height indicators for premises of various purposes. But the height of the ceilings is not only the owners of houses, but also buyers of apartments, because the comfort of living, as well as the field for the embodiment of designer ideas. The standards of height differ depending on the construction time of construction and its purpose.

From the article you will learn what is the optimal distance between the floor and the ceiling in the apartment, as well as the height of the flow in the bath is permissible.

What documents are regulated by the height of the ceilings

The height of the ceilings in the apartment of the apartment building is regulated by SNiP number 31-01-2003, namely, it is paragraph 5.8. As the regulatory document says, The minimum room height depends on the following factors:

  • his varieties and destination;
  • the climatic region in which the house was erected.

Belonging to the latter parameter can be found from SNiP number 23-01-99. When dividing on climatic zones, the directions of the dominant winds, air humidity and the average temperature in different months are taken into account. At the same time, 4 main climatic regions are distinguished, broken into sixteen small areas. Regions with the most severe and cold climate are located in the zone I A.

According to climate division, the following standards in the altitude of apartments are adhered to:

  1. In the regions I A, B, G, D and VA, the minimum height from the pure floor to the ceiling surface is 2.7 m.
  2. In the remaining climatic regions, this parameter is 2.5 m.

Important! Compliance with these standards is important to ensure a normal microclimate and air exchange indoors.

Norms for residential premises

Apartments with high ceilings in our time - a rarity. The optimal distance from the floor to the ceiling surface in the apartment of a multi-storey building is 2.4-2.8 m. Below 2400 mm, the room in residential facilities is prohibited to design. Such a height of the room does not allow to mount interesting multi-level coatings and creates a feeling of grazing clamping space.

During the construction of a private house, you can not be guided by these norms and equip the ceiling surface from the floor at a distance of 3-3.5 m. It will increase the comfort of accommodation in the room and will give a greater space for the embodiment of various ideas in terms of the ceiling surface.

Regulatory indicators for residential premises:

  • residential Rooms (Bedroom, Living Room, Children's, Cabinet) - from 2.5 m;
  • kitchen - from 2.5 meters;
  • in the aisles and corridors with meresers, a comfortable height is equal to 2.1 m;
  • as for the attic room, the optimal height of such ceilings in a private house can be reduced to half the height of the room at an extreme point at the junction of the sheep roof and the wall.

The maximum height of the ceilings in a private house is not regulated, but usually it does not exceed 3.2 m. In the houses built in the past century, this parameter can be equal to four meters.

Norms for non-residential premises

Indicators of the altitude of premises in public structures are also governed by SNiP:

  • sanatoriums and various buildings of public destination - at least three meters;
  • dry cleaning and industrial premises - at least 3.6 m;
  • corridors and auxiliary room - 1.9 m;
  • technical floors - at least 1.6 m (depends on engineering communications laid);
  • administrative, commercial and office buildings are not lower than three meters;
  • medical, children's preschool and school institutions - minimum 3 m.

Standard ceiling heights in homes

In typical apartment buildings, the standard highness of the premises is used. It depends on the time when the construction was erected and on the type of structure. At the same time, the apartments of one era, built in different parts of the country, do not differ in their dimensions.


The construction of the old residential foundation is distinguished by the impressive size of the premises. At this time, there were no plans to ensure each family with their own apartment, therefore not observed special savings on the squares and materials. In this regard, the rooms boast of high-rise dimensions in the range of 3.3-3.6 m. The ceiling surface is often decorated with massive eaves and stucco.

Important! As the ceiling finish, Stalinok usually use stretch or suspended structures, allowing you to adjust the room parameters. Blooming, painting and pasting wallpaper in our time are rarely used.


During the Board of Khrushchev, builders and designers had a task - to provide every family in the shortest possible time with its own apartment. At the same time, the costs should be minimal. As a result, apartments were erected with small dimensions of the rooms and the ceiling height. As a rule, it is 2.48-2.6 m, and in the northern regions of our country - 2.7 m.

Tip! To finish the ceiling in Khrushchev, choose materials that give light glossy surfaces. So the room seems visually wider and higher.


During the reign of Brezhnev, they began to think about the comfort of living in the apartment, so the layout and dimensions of the premises have changed. Separate entrance to each room, spacious squares, a spacious kitchen, an entrance hall, built-in wardrobes and mezzanine in combination with a height of 2.6-2.7 m significantly improved the characteristics of the apartments of the era.

Block and panel houses

The history of the construction of these houses began during the Board of Khrushchev. The first panels are typical five-story buildings with a distance from the floor to the ceiling surface not more than 2.5 m. Khrushchev layout remained virtually no change.

In the 1980s, new panel and block houses began to build, which have improved dimensions of apartments and planning. The elevation of the premises is within 2.65-2.75 m. Their difference from Khrushchev's panels in more floors and other planning of apartments.


The height of private business buildings is usually not normalized. It depends on the purpose of the premises and the construction region. In a conventional shed to store tools and utensils, the height of 1.9 m. If you plan to store more overall things here, you can increase this parameter to 2-2.2 m.

Ceiling height rate for additional rooms

In addition to the mainstream premises (residential rooms, kitchen), if auxiliary rooms in which a person is not constantly. When designing their dimensions are guided by several other requirements.


Since the bathroom and other auxiliary rooms of the apartment or house are located under the same overlap and do not overlap separately, their height is the same as in another part of the apartment or at home.

Important! To adjust the dimensions of too high with a small area, it is enough to install stretch or suspended ceilings.


If you are interested in the height of the ceiling in the bath, the standard is 2.3 m, provided that it is a low single-storey building. The height of the floor of the floor to the ceiling below 2.2 meters is unacceptable due to poor circulation of heated air. However, it is important to consider the parameters of the shelves, their number and number of rows.

At the same time, the ceiling surface in the steam room will lead to a long-term heating of the room to the desired temperature. In addition, there will be more electricity or other raw materials to heat the steam room.

How to correctly calculate the height of the ceiling

The height of the ceilings in a private house can be designed independently. In this case, followed by the following rules:

  1. In the kitchen and in residential rooms This parameter is determined by the growth of the highest family member, plus reserve meter. The meter supply of free space is needed from above for the reason that it circulates the greatest amount of dust and heated with heating devices of dry air, so breathe them is harmful to health.
  2. Consider the cost of heating. The higher the room, the more you will have to spend the means on its heating. For example, if the distance from the ceiling surface to the floor is increased by 300 mm, then the volume of the house will rise by 30 cubes, which will require the installation of more powerful and expensive heating equipment.
  3. In two- or three-story buildings An increase in the distance between the ceiling and the floor of each floor will require a high staircase mounting that will take a large area. At the same time, to do too steep slope is irrational due to its unsuccession.
  4. Consider the other room dimensions. For example, a high ceiling surface in a small room looks ridiculous and disrupts the harmonious proportions of the room. And the low ceiling surface in the spacious room makes it flattened, and it seems even lower.

It looks harmonious if the ratio of geometric sizes is sustained. In professionally completed projects, all standards, relations are taken into account. The concept of the "right" house changes over the years. Squatious log houses, estimated for more centuries, gave way to buildings from a bar, higher and light. Standards have been developed, the slopes, which are guided by the construction of the house.

Basic rules for the construction of wooden houses

The standard prescribes: a wooden house may be single, two-storey, with an attic or without that, with a frame height of not more than 6.5 meters. A higher house does not meet the safety requirements, strength. The roof is a bounce or broken. At the same time, the angle of slope should be 25-45 degrees. Such a tilt allows the snow to go under its weight. If the house with the attic, but the roof is broken, the angle of inclination of the upper part of 25-35 degrees, the bottom - 45-60 degrees.

The fronton roofing in height for a single-storey building should be equal to the height of the walls. If the upper part below, the house seems squat. The high roof dominates, which is not proportional.

The house should keep warm well. Therefore, in old buildings, the windows are small, and the ceilings are low. Modern fashion dictates construction of houses with high ceilings, large windows. The bar is insulated on both sides. From the inside, they create an air pad due to a canopy of falseland from drywall, blockchaus, clapboard or other facing materials. Outside the house is insulated with special plates, facing.

Ceiling height in a wooden house

Construction standards offer the minimum permissible sizes of ceilings in the residential room. SNiP 2.08.01-89 sets the minimum height of the ceilings in wooden houses:

  • residential rooms - 2.5 m;
  • kitchen - 2.3 m;
  • corridor - 2.1 m;
  • country structures - 2.2 -2.4 m.

Lower ceilings are crushed, make the dwelling uncomfortable. However, high ceilings are appropriate not always. The rate for the house is the height of 2.5-3.0 meters. Due to the ceiling, the living area does not increase, there are more airspace.

If the room is small, with a high ceiling it looks like a well. For spacious premises, the raised dome is aesthetically won. Therefore, the layout on one floor of the structure of large rooms, and on another more compact, justified. In the lobby, living room, dining room at one level, there may be high ceilings. In the bedrooms, cabinets, belles, a lower ceiling will create a pleasant comfort.

Pros and cons of high ceilings

Highly considered ceilings more than 3 meters. The builder of his own home prefers to create high ceilings. The advantages are visible. Designer for project implementation there are many possibilities:

  • you can perform an external or suspended ceiling, patching electrical wiring under the trim:
  • create a multi-level design with decorative backlight;
  • use a beautiful chandelier.

On this and end the advantages of high ceilings. Experts warn, the construction of the house will become more expensive for obvious reasons. In the period of accommodation in such a house, inevitable factors will manifest:

  • with incorrectly selected furniture in the room, a feeling of a well is created that uncomfortable;
  • high acoustics, suppress which can be used using wave absorbers - upholstered furniture, heavy curtains;
  • it will be necessary to use more costly ventilation and heating systems.

It is recognized as a comfortable room with a 2.5 meter ceilings, and their height 2.8 meters leaves space for a designer imagination. Service of such an outline requires optimal costs.

Our catalog contains more than 130 projects of houses from a bar.

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When building a private house, solving the question of the height of the ceilings, many intuitively make a choice in favor of standard.

It is advisable to understand how it is advisable to, it will be possible only after the end of the construction of the house and accommodation in it. But to understand some nuances, it is possible to evaluate the pros and cons at the planning stage.

Adopted standards

It should be considered, first of all, some existing standards and standards. In addition to purely practical norms depending on the complexity of the performance of work and cost, there is a legally executed SNiP (building standards and rules). This document establishes the minimum permissible height of the residential premises, based on the fire safety and safety of the structure of the structure.

According to him:

  • the height of the rooms and kitchen premises should not be below 2.5 m;
  • the height of the corridors and halls is 2.1 m;
  • the height of the attic depends on the angle of inclination and is 1.3 m at an angle of 30 ° and is not rationed at an angle of 45 ° and more.

Making a height less will not only be uncomfortable, but also unsafe.

The minimum height, normalized by the rules, is not always optimal. Among the builders there are standards, supported by experience and knowledge of the case. Of course, it all depends on each specific case.

For example, for a luxurious stone mansion, it is not worth making the ceilings of the same height as for a modest wooden house in the village, but if you proceed from the average sizes of a brick or wooden cottage, the standard height is 2.7-2.9 m.

Advantages and disadvantages of standard height

The average value for the construction of a private country house is most often optimal. When the goal is to build comfortable housing without extra costs and delights, then the best solution will be following standards.

Disadvantages of high ceilings

  • Construction of premises with high ceilings is much more expensive, they leave more material. This is especially true of two-storey houses, so the ceilings on the second floor are usually done lower than on the first.
  • Due to the increase in the volume of the room, the cost of heating increases.
  • Very often there is no point in this: several dozen of the upper centimeters remain in no way involved, hanging unnecessary space.

Disadvantages of low ceilings

  • Psychological feeling of compresses and discomfort.
  • The complexity of the choice of furniture and fittings. It is necessary to choose furniture in such a way that it does not compress space and did not deliver inconvenience.

The choice of standard height will allow all these disadvantages and make stay in the house as pleasant as possible.


There are different nuances, and not always the standard height turns best. For the construction of a simple, cheap, but at the same time a comfortable and cozy home - certainly, but in cases where it is important to make the house also and unusual, distinguished, intricate, it is better to act otherwise.

Standard height is optimal, medium in all indicatorsBut in this and its main drawback, if the goal is to build something unique. In addition, private approaches exist for different special cases.

In the case of construction of a skeleton house, height is usually done less, reducing the ceilings up to 2.3-2.5 m.

For example, in Finland, most houses are constructed in this way. This is explained by the speed of construction of construction and savings. Nevertheless, life in such houses from this is no less pleasant: becoming more closely, housing acquires more comfort.

Brick houses to erect and increase a couple of dozen centimeters quite easily, besides if there is proper insulation, they are easy to fuck, so the ceilings in such houses can be made above. Raising a height of up to 3-3.2 m, you can attract interesting design solutions and achieve modern beautiful interior design.

In brusade houses, the increase in height can fly into a penny both in terms of construction and in terms of content. Therefore, it is for such houses that the standard velocity of the ceilings will be the most ergonomic. The bar is not easy and care for it is needed special, so it is important to take into account its features during construction.

For attic, as well as two-storey houses, as mentioned earlier, there are other standards. In order to save on construction and heating, the ceilings on the second floor are usually made by 10-20 centimeters lower than on the first. If there is a attic, then it all depends on the angle of inclination. The main thing is that the beetles do not bring discomfortAnd everything else is the question of the price. You should consider the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the functionality of space. For extensive living rooms, higher ceilings should be made, and for bathrooms and corridors - low.

In case of individual design projects, the laws are completely different and depend on the personal desire of the customer and the designer.

To make a residential space of a private house more aesthetically enjoyable, there are many interior solutions that most people just do not know. People who have chosen the ceilings of a standard height to add visual beauty and volume of the room the following recommendations can be given:

  • it is worth using shiny stretch ceilings - they pull the space saturating it with reflective light;
  • in the decoration of the walls you need to add more vertical lines and mirrors - this will make the space deeper and visually above;
  • walls and ceilings are preferably painted in one tone, and the floor - on the tone below, that is, darker;
  • the ceiling is better made light;
  • windows should be placed closer to the ceiling so that there is more light on it than the floor.


The choice of standard height ceilings opens up prospects for a variety of and inexpensive design: from banal wallpapers (it is better to prefer wallpaper strips, as they make the appearance more sophisticated) to intricate copyright patterns that can make interesting ideas in the interior of the room. Taking advantage of a small ladder, you can easily get to the highest sections of the walls and decorate them.

The room with a standard ceiling height can be compared with a standard sheet of paper, so familiar to creativity. There are, of course, there are large formats, and small, but it is standard that is so familiar and convenient to create something.


At home are built for people and people to live in them, their feelings and impressions of living in a particular house - the main thing to which you should navigate. A normal height is the one that does not cause unpleasant emotions: does not prescribe, does not make it feel uncomfortable, but at the same time does not create a feeling of staying in a public place.

Each developer still at the stage of dreams about her future house asks itself a question about the height of the ceilings. On the forums, the topics of the topic about life in close "crushes" with the ceilings in 2.5 m and tips not save on this little joy. Let's figure out where the gold is the middle between the ceilings with a height of two and a half meters and the second light of the houses that are so tempting to look at us from the pages of glossy magazines.

First you need to understand for yourself that in this house you will not only enjoy life, but also the fact that the house needs to be built, and then all this beauty to serve.

Minuses of low ceilings.

Of course, the main minus of low ceilings is a psychological component that will not allow a person in good health at the twenty-first century a building with ceilings in 2.10 m, and then knock his forehead about the door shoals and burn her head with a light bulb. The house should be comfortable, spacious and light.

Pluses of low ceilings

The price of construction and further maintenance of such a house. The lower the ceiling in the house and below the wall, the smaller the material on their erection will take, less material will go to the decoration of these walls, you will need smaller windows dimensions, reduce the volume of rooms, and the costs of heating will decrease accordingly. Agree, heat the 37.5 cubic meters of air in a room with an area of \u200b\u200b15 meters cheaper and faster than 52.5 cubes in the room with the ceilings of 3.5 meters similar area.

Cons of high ceilings

The cons of high ceilings themselves flow out of the lines described above in this article, so we will not stop on them.

Pluses of high ceilings

The advantage of high ceilings is the unique atmosphere and freedom of a private house, which many people move "having prepared" in grace of high-rise buildings. It is impossible to imagine a cozy, larger living room with low ceilings. You will not leave the feeling of something gulling or what you are in the old building. The design of the walls containing vertical bands will eventually be able to somehow smooth out the insufficient height of the ceiling, but this is not the best option at the stage of reflection of the future developer.

Optimal ceiling height in a private house

If you are still finally confused, let's compare the height of the ceiling in various buildings known to us.

Thus, the optimal ceiling height for the private house is 2.70 - 3.10 meters. The house with such ceilings will delight the owners with its cozy atmosphere and will not ruin their accounts on gas or any alternative fuel.

The standard height of the ceilings in the apartment is a very convenient value. If you have a typical apartment, then you always know exactly what the ceiling height in it. Buying an apartment, a house, or independently carrying out construction, each owner takes into account this, this is not a little important point - the height of the ceilings. This indicator is one of the main, and it depends on it not only how the space will be perceived, but also the possibility of the embodiment of various design ideas in the interior design, selecting one or another method of finishing the ceilings.

Regulatory documents regulating the height of the ceilings

The ceilings often actually act as elements of decorative design, therefore, in addition to the minimum set of operational characteristics defined by the minimum set standards (height standards, environmental friendliness, security), they must have other additional qualities. These include:

  • heat resistance;
  • waterproofing;
  • ability to absorb and reflect sound;
  • resistance to mold, fungus, etc.

In addition to compliance with sanitary standards, it is greatly valid for convenience and installation not only the ceiling, but also lighting devices.

The technology of the surface under consideration is also subject to control, therefore is regulated by the relevant rules and documents.

Earlier to save space, the buildings were built in such a way that the distance from the ceiling to the floor was not more than 2.4-2.8 m. According to modern construction rules for the SNiP, ceilings having a height ( h.) less than 2.4 m, can not be designed in residential facilities. However, the standard ceiling height in the apartment 2 m 50 cm is not always appropriate and convenient. It significantly limits the design opportunities, creates a feeling of the grace of space.

If you decide to build a house yourself, do not limit the standard indicators, do not save on space. It is worth making spacious rooms (with h.\u003d 3-3.5 m), then you can use a variety of designs in the finish.

According to standards h. The ceilings for individual premises are determined by the following indicators:

  • residential premises, kitchen - 2.5 m and above;
  • corridor - minimum 2.1 m;
  • boiler room with heat generator - 2.2 m or more;
  • basement - minimum 1.6 m.

But, h. Ceilings in one room can vary greatly. For example, for attic on the top floor under the roof design, the ceiling height parameter can be significantly less than the set standard. Then max h. The ceiling space in such a room should occupy at least 50% of its total area.

The height of the ceilings in such structures is also regulated by the bottom and includes different standards for individual premises:

  • public buildings, sanatoriums - 3 m;
  • production facilities, dry-cleaners - at least 3.6 m;
  • additional premises, passing corridors - minimum 1.9 m;
  • for attic floors it is possible to reduce ceilings under the tilt. Then the technical requirements and the functional purpose of the premises must be met, and the maximum height of the ceiling space should take at least 60% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  • for the floors of the technical purpose, the indicator is established individually depending on several factors: the appointment of the room mounted in it equipment, engineering communications;
  • for premises where only engineering communications will be placed - at least 1.6 m;
  • for offices and administrative premises - at least 3 m.

Standard ceiling height

For high-rise buildings of a typical building, the minimum ceiling height is determined by the type of building, as well as the time of its construction. Apartments that are in different parts of the country are identical to each other not only on the planning, but also the standard height of the ceilings, which can slightly disperse several centimeters.

This is perhaps the only option of buildings that are distinguished by a large scale. The height of the ceilings in such houses is approximately 3-3.5 m. Previously, the ceiling spaces were often decorated with stucco elements to give the room an extra comfort and harmony.

It is clear from the name that these residential buildings were erected in the time of Khrushchev. They are represented by standard five-story buildings in which Russian families live for several decades.

Such apartments are distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • the height of the floor to the ceiling space is small (a person with great growth can easily reach his hand to the surface of the ceiling);
  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment is also small. So, the kitchen is 6 m², rooms - 12-14 m².

Standard height in Khrushchev 2.5 m, but due to low ceilings, such apartments have some advantages:

  • less means is spent on the payment of heating;
  • ceiling structures are represented by reinforced concrete slabs, so they are durable.

Similar apartment buildings began to build in the 70s of the 20th century. The average height of the ceiling in the rooms of such apartments is 2.5-2.7 m, and the total area of \u200b\u200ball housing comes to 80 m.

These values \u200b\u200bmake it possible to embody many decisions of designers without the need to spend large funds for repair and finishing. With the distance from the floor from the floor to the ceiling of 2.7 meters, you can lower the ceiling space for no more than 20 cm. Therefore, it can be installed in such rooms even complex suspension systems or two-level stretch structures.

Their initial construction was in the 80s of the 20th century. For such houses, the presence of a large number of floors, spacious rooms and kitchen premises. The height of the ceilings in block buildings is 2.65-2.75 m.

The ceiling finishes makes it possible to use many different techniques.

In modern new buildings, the apartment is distinguished by the variety of layouts. The real estate market can be found like elite apartments and economy class. The main differences between them are the area and the degree of comfort, which are directly related to the height indicator. For example, if it is a small studio apartment, then for savings, when determining the height of the ceiling surface uses a permissible minimum in a residential room. As a rule, it does not exceed 2.7 m. Large elite apartments boasting ceilings 2.8-3.2 meters high.

Repair of apartments with high ceilings better entrust designers. They will help to choose the optimal distance from the floor to the surface of the decorative design, which will express the dignity of the finish, and will hide the deficiencies of the planning.

His home provides limitless opportunities for fantasy development. Here you can already choose absolutely any layout and height of the rooms. Usually, with the latest indicator helps to decide the architect.

In order not to be created by the feeling of emptiness, and the room was cozy and comfortable, ceilings should be made not higher than 2.9-3.2 m.

Separate ceilings in private houses can be different ways. Under the wooden beams, tension canvas or suspended ceiling structures are most often installed. Combined options are often used. With reinforced concrete ceilings, it is allowed to apply almost any method of finishing - from traditional painting before installing complex systems.

On a note! It is necessary to determine the type of decorative finish in advance, then it will be easier to choose the optimal height of the ceiling.

Economic buildings and premises

For such premises, strict restrictions on H is not. It is determined by the functional purpose of the structure. For example, for a sauna or a bath, it is better to make the distance from the floor to the top of the smaller to shorten the time to warm the room.

For the garage h should be such that the transport for which the structure is intended freely placed in it.

In addition to the standard H indicator, regulated by the relevant documents, choosing an apartment for accommodation or in the construction of a private house, it is necessary to take into account the optimal height of the ceiling, which is comfortable and comfortable. It depends on:

  • the growth of people who will live in an apartment / house. From the elongated man's hand to the ceiling should remain at least 30 cm;
  • room area. If this is a large hall, the index in question can be from 3.5 m, a kitchen or dining room in 20m² - 2.8 m. This method of determining the optimal height is suitable only for a private house when the project can be drawn up before it is erected. Despite the fact that in terms of the cost of a multi-level design will be more expensive, living in it will be much more comfortable;
  • the remaining distance from the floor covering to the ceiling construction after the repair is completed. For example, the installation of tension and suspended structures together with warm floors in the apartment can take up to 20 cm height.

When determining the height of the ceilings in its apartment, take into account your own preferences. Some people feel comfortable at a minimum height of 2.5 m, while others consider a comfortable figure of 3 m. Also do not forget that the height of the ceilings plays a decisive role in the interior design. With a sufficient distance from the floor to the ceiling, you can install not only ceiling lamps, but also other original lighting devices, as well as mount complex multi-level structures.

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