Repairs Design Furniture

The better to cover the floors in the nursery. Choose a coating for children's rooms. How color is created

We present you know-how in design outdoor coatings For children: a revolutionary invention, an environmentally friendly and comfortable soft floor for children's rooms. Any parent is primarily trying to ensure their croche security and comfort. Kids - big lovers crawling on the floor. Parents are always worried, will not hit whether it will not freeze. Carpet? But where is the small seeker of adventures - there and dirt, and constantly erase bulky palaces hard and uncomfortable.

New technologies come to help parents. One of the latest innovative developments is a modular soft flooring for children.

Floors in children's rooms are required to be warm, absolutely safe, practical and multifunctional. It was these conditions that the developers were preparing as a basis - the creators of the revolutionary material, wear-resistant, durable flooring.

EVA technology - a new look at the floor covering

  • EVA - ethylene vinyl acetate , microporous, foamed polymer, close to technical specifications to rubber.

Such a coating is steadily for any deformations, has hypoallergenic properties and special flexibility. Floors for the children's room made according to this technology are rapidly gaining enormous popularity worldwide.

Top 5 popular and safe soft gaming rugs for children:

Name Characteristics Design and price
Puzzle mat, without images, FUNKIDS "Mosaic-12" Rug puzzle 15 mm thick. A set of 6 square plates of different color size 12 "(30x30 cm) with internal slabs of size 6" (15x15 cm) FUNKIDS "Mosaic-12". Part size (plates): 30 cm x 30 cm x 1,5 cm Puzzle set area assembled: 0.54 sq.m. Ingredients: EVA FOAM (foamed polyethylene with ethylvinyl acetate) Firmness for Shore: 30-35 units - the most soft and high-quality material from the production of similar products.
590 rubles. See the store
DISNEY Mat Puzzle Attractive puzzle rug Alphabet Cars are able to decorate the child's room, give the opportunity to practice in reading. It is comfortable to sit at the floor on the floor - the product is soft and protects from the cold. And your favorite cartoon characters will certainly lead the baby delight and will attract his attention.
1193 rub. See the store
Puzzle Puzzle, 6 Plates Funkids "Sympl-12-10" Funkids "Sympl-12-10" for those who want to save on the price, but to get the same than the quality of the mat-puzzle as its 15 mm analog "Sympl-12". This rug has a thickness of 10 mm - this fact allows the manufacturer to reduce the price of this position. Funkids "Sympl-12-10" - develop with comfort! It really fascinates. Soft and pleasant to the touch material without smell will love your baby and will be an excellent gift and entertainment for him. Size of parts (plates): 30 cm x 30 cm x 1 cm Puzzle set area assembled: 0.54 sq.m. Ingredients: EVA FOAM (foamed polyethylene with ethylvinyl acetate) Firmness for Shore: 30-35 units - the most soft and high-quality material from the production of similar products.
400 p. See the store
Soyuzmultfilm Puzzle Rug with Machines Play Together, 10 segments Walk-puzzle Soyuzmultilm with machines play together, 10 segments, D18594T-CRT (12). The Puzzle Machine Puzzle from the Soyuzmult Film series from the popular brand "Playing Together" is an advanced mosaic for children aged 3 years. This model has a very soft basis, thanks to which the assembly of the mosaic rug and the further game on it will be incredibly pleasant for the child and are interesting. This kit includes elements of various vehicles that need to find the right place on the puzzle. The gameplay will hobble a child for a long time, will give a lot of positive emotions and, among other things, will help in the development of logical thinking and improves small motility.
420 rubles. See the store
Puzzle Puzzle Puzzle Learning Letters, 36 Objects The rug-puzzle "Soft puzzles" game will allow the baby to study the letters. Equipment: 36 puzzles with letters. The size of the collected puzzle: 54x54 cm. The size of one puzzle: 9x9 cm. Material: EVA (ethylenevinyl acetate).
203 rub. See the store

Important! EVA floor covering in modern European pre-school institutions is placed more often than wood coating or.

Not surprising! After all, with a random fall on such a gender, the baby is simply there is no chance to get different injuries. But the soft EVA floor not only received deserved recognition.

  • Safety. A soft coating for the children's room, manufactured by EVA technology, has all the necessary certificates confirming its absolute harmability for a person. Such a floor is devoid of smell, it is environmentally friendly and very pleasant to the touch.
  • Mobility. EVA coating consists of separate modules that are easily mounted and disassembled. If desired, the soft floor can be transferred to another place and even take a journey with you.
  • Comfort. The modular coating has good thermal insulation similar to the "warm floor". Modern outdoor design quiz all noises and perfectly softens the fall, which is very important for young children.
  • Wear resistance. Soft EVA-floor is well tolerating moisture, the impact of household chemicals. It is easily cleaned, does not fade, resistant to increased / reduced temperatures and withstands any test with plasticine and paints. You will not see on such a coverage of traces from shoes, sharp catboats or dogs.
  • Hypoallergenicity. EVA-reservoir does not accumulate static stress even with long-term walking on it. Therefore, such a coating does not attract dust at all - this perfect material will secure children from the appearance of various allergens.

Colorful childhood world for your child!

Now and on the floor, young researchers will do something. The soft floor for children's gaming rooms is produced in the form of colorful, bright puzzles, different in color and texture. These are letters, numbers, butterflies, interesting animals, entertaining figures, leaves, fabulous heroes, landscapes of nature. Of these, you can make original drawings and compositions.

Attention! Pick the puzzle-floor in accordance with the age of your baby. EVA-Plast can have small details that the young researcher will definitely taste.

Enontending parents from soft modules are collected for their crumbling cozy houses, interesting big cubes, even manages and toys boxes.

On a note! For older guys, manufacturers offer puzzles puzzles, road rules, world map. Optionally, you can change the EVA-floor figure daily and create new fascinating classes for kids, which will develop its thinking, memory, logic, fine motor skills and motor activity.

Idea! Let's connect fantasy and make a multifunctional cellular coating from the usual soft floor. We need an ordinary, standard set of carpet-puzzle, but with such a calculation so that the puzzles are twice as much as needed to arrange the room.

Half modules using a sharp knife, we will turn into the original cellular design and incite the cellular puzzles to normal. After installing, we will have an amazing design, and in the resulting cells you can glue the healing dried

The choice of gender in the children's room is the more task! The wrong approach in this issue may in the future turn into such problems as asthma and allergic reactions in a child spoiled in the very first year of the expensive coating that rotted the floorboards under laminate and noticeable scratches. That is why it is necessary to approach such a choice with a special responsibility if you do not burn every summer to make a new repairs.

Children's room: one thousand and one requirement

So, how is a children's room different from any other? And why is the choice of floor covering always paying so much attention? The fact is that in this room always:

  • High dynamic load (children run, jump, and sometimes with friends).
  • The risk of moisture on the coating (children draw and drink juice).
  • Scratches, chips and scratching in the most unexpected places (children always play in the moving games).
  • "Marble" divorces from markers (favorite occupation of kids).

These are we at how much resistant to abrasion and stains should be coverage in the nursery. But it also has its own specific requirements:

  1. Ecology. The child should not begin to start torn from dust or allergens in a few months.
  2. Depreciation of steps. For young children, too solid coating is even dangerous to health: this is a serious burden on the spine and the risk of development of flatfoot.
  3. The coating should not be slippery - to avoid random injuries.

But, if you fold together all these requirements, then, perhaps, there is no such floor cover all over the world. Each of the existing species today has a certain advantage, and for the right choice you need more concentrated on the pluses, but on whether you can put up with what flaws. In addition, for each age - their own requirements.

Overview of suitable traditional flooring

Therefore, let's consider in more detail what kind of flooring are popular for children, what their composition and the process of laying, which substances are applied during the installation process (important question) and much more. Let's hit the road!

Cork - warm and depreciation

This is today - the demand is the coating for the nursery. Soft, eco-friendly and quiet - what could be better? That's just a common situation when in one family, the traffic jam was only two years old and already has an exterposed look, and in the other it is faithful to dozen years old, and children in both families are equally active. So where, in fact, it takes so much negative reviews about this coverage, when alongside no less laudatory?

Everything is simple: plug plugs. Those. You can acquire a really high-quality material, and you can elementary stumble upon a fake. Let's figure out a little in all this.

So, there is such a concept as a technical cork. It is made of residues and apply as a substrate for laminate. It performs its functions of sound insulation and softening well, and it is precisely it that can be purchased by unscrupulous vendors under the guise of a full coverage. But in the conditions of the usual children's room, such a cork will not live for a long time.

The second type of cork floors is glue. They can be found on sale in the form of tiles, which are attached with the use of glue into the joint. The gaps are not visible, moisture is not afraid of moisture, but the very presence of glue of many parents is confused.

Cork parquet (cork laminate) - This is a cork floor from individual panels. Moisture is already afraid, and the seams over time are deformed due to the slightest dampness, and therefore is suitable for the bedroom and the living room. If you remember Dr. Komarovsky with his calls to make air in children's rooms wet and even control it with the help of a hygrometer, you will understand that the cork floor will have to forget.

Also, the plug happens different by the method of laying: Castle and adhesive, and in the first case, low-environmental glue is not needed. But in the second and the cork itself in the coating is very small, pay attention to this fact. Here is one of the laying options:

This cork floor has wonderful advantages:

  • Soundproofing. The result is grateful neighbors from below.
  • Heat. Less typical childhood diseases.
  • Share depreciation. A healthier spine in a child.
  • Ecology. There is no fear for all sorts of different volatile and hazardous substances.
  • Elasticity. Any dents are leveled fast enough.

But from the minuses it is worth noting that a warm floor cannot be installed under the cork coating. Moreover, cork laminate can be put on a warm floor system, but the cork sheets are not. Just this material will miss no more than 20% of thermal energy, such a property has it. Yes, and the price, of course, is high, given that the plug is also wear-resistant. And P. the couplings of the plug sufficiently roughly, the child will not slip once, but the home shoes and socks will be wicked quickly.

Serves cork floor for about ten years, and partial repair is possible - today is sold special for her lacquer. Modern cork floors are not at all like alone only the loose surface of the terracotta color - they are released today with a beautiful photo printing and with a variety of colors.

Laminate - Practicality and Accessibility

This is today - the most popular choice for children's rooms. It is easy to wash, it looks beautifully, on top of the can be put some rugs. The laminate is as adapted as possible for, it easily tolerates temperature fluctuations and without special difficulties is stacked even with the most complex intended schemes. It is impossible to put on the warm floor only the laminate of the cheap series - from 8 mm.

And now - about minuses. Let's just say, not everyone puts laminate in bedrooms or children's rooms - more due to fear, that this material sends formaldehyde, acrylic and melamine resins. Although the manufacturers themselves do not confirm this information. Therefore, if you are going to retain the laminate, buy it only the famous brand and ask the seller to see the relevant quality certificates.

Laminate is also a rather noisy coating. He likes to creak, fades in the sun and requires an ideal even base. Even a cat, which just walked around the room, is able to publish sound, no worse than heels. And if you do not think high-quality sound insulation for the neighbors from the bottom - you will be angry with you. Laminate is also slippery, which is not very good for the nursery.

But there is still such "but": laminate is a pressed cardboard, impregnated with glue and coated with melamine resin. Those. With all its attractiveness, this is not the most eco-friendly product. But practical and able to withstand pranks not one child.

Today, so many brands of laminate, which is not easy to understand them even a specialist. Therefore, if you purchase this coverage, be sure to go to the brand site (not seller), and look at the information about it. For fakes and low-quality product of its site, as a rule, no. In the meantime, experts recommend such stamps as Quick Step, Kronotex and Egger for children's rooms. Here is the laying of the first of those listed:

Parquet board - style and foundation

What is important, noise from the parquet board is much less than from the laminate, on which the roar even from the incident pencil. In addition, you are easy, unlike parquet. By the way, any scratches on a parquet board can be restored - special varnish and grinding.

Parquet board due to the more natural base is subject to scratches, and dents. You need to handle it carefully, and in the children's room, you can only make such a floor if you have a very neat child. Moreover, the eco-friendly parquet board is designed more for grooming, where small permeability. Also, a parquet board is poorly tolerating the fluctuations of humidity and air temperature - quickly compresses and swells.

Summary: Parquet board - the floor is arrogant, but beautiful and quite environmentally friendly. For children's rooms - for quiet and neat children who spend almost all day in schools, and active games are preferred outdoors. So, there are specially created collection of parquet board for children's rooms - for example, Barlinek Young and some others. Usually such a floor consists almost 100% of wood, has an antibacterial system and antifungal properties.

But what does the styling process look like:

Carpet - Comfort and Security

It is not convenient to play on the solid floor with a child - after all, usually during all mobile clauses have to crawl or rely on the knees. For such kids is more fitting.

But many modern parents, sciences of multiple gears and the Internet, are actively throwing away from children's all "dust collectors", leaving only the sterile-pure space of plastic and wood. But just forget that children's rooms should not be similar to research laboratories or operating rooms - the comfort is important here. And the designers of the whole world will agree that the first steps in this direction are textiles and soft materials.

So, modern carpet manufacturers offer a variety of coloring and design, thickness, quality and dressing. Choose what soul! After all, just a few years later, when a handsome child wants to radically change the interior of his room, this flooring will be dismantled quite easily.

There are expensive views of the carpet, which are designed for children and they can be safely put on a warm floor system. Yes, and the process of installation of this coating is extremely simple:

Market News with Claims on Ecology

And now - all about new items for children's rooms, and not only.

Marmoleum - Eco-friendly Linoleum

In another literally five to ten years ago, Linoleum in the nursery was considered blasphemy. Non-environmental, sometimes with a well-tangible chemical smell, cheap. Although still, for the sake of savings, such a coating is a steering and children.

But today, thanks to the emergence of his new variety - - you can reconsider this option again. This coating which is 97% consists of natural raw materials. Its main advantages: environmental friendliness, naturalness, antibacterial properties and every year improving strength characteristics. It can consist of such materials: linen olifa, jute or wood flour, chalk, natural dyes. Laying must be professional, and the care of it is a little more difficult.

An ordinary cheap linoleum serves about 5 years, is not durable and not subject to recovery. Many who tried to lay it in their hallway or in the kitchen, noted that it was even difficult to breathe in such a room. So linoleum has become more used in offices, corridors of government agencies and removable apartments.

The marmoleum is still good for the children's room, so this is the fact that it is possible to put a thick substrate for it, and it will be soft and comfortable for walking a one-year-old kid. But how is the standard laying of this natural linoleum:

PVC tile - will lead everything!

You will be surprised, but this material is becoming more popular as well as for children's rooms. After all, new:

  • Warm for sensations.
  • It is not afraid of no humidity, no dryness, no heat.
  • It is easily repaired by sticker a new item to the place of damaged old.
  • Well withstands heavy furniture.

This is the perfect option for the most noisy and mobile children, to which the company also loves to look. This tile is easy to repair, and at the same time you do not need to do anything with all the floors. Easy to wash, even by automatic means, and in a year or another, it is not a pity to throw on a new one with a new design.

Oddly enough, initially PVC tile was developed for the kitchen, but today those who understand well, what to raise two-three children in the same room, prefer this option. By the word about environmental friendliness: PVC tile - the material is not natural, but it does not highlight any harmful substances into the air. Therefore, it can be called to some extent eco-friendly. Moreover, PVC covers even have a special hygienic certificate that allows us to use both educational and medical institutions, and this is already talking about many things.

If you get a children's child and not the cheapest vinyl tile, it will serve you much longer than laminate. It, by the way, is called "flexible laminate". You will be surprised, but to break or pierce PVC tile is much more complicated than Linoleum. Such tiles are also resistant to form fungus, mold, to rotting and refractory processes (remember children's fun with matches). Moreover, the vinyl tiles for the floor, oddly enough, have a good anti-slip property that for the children's - undoubted plus.

As for the ecology, any PVC coatings, then the manufacturers themselves are called them as so that they do not hear up to 30 ° C. For example, the same warm floor heats up much less.

If you look at the substrate under PVC tile, then only two options are suitable for it: screed or tightly laid and covered plywood. Such such tiles are easy: just stick their "butt into the joint", and the finished floor looks like a seamless monolithic parquet or laminate. You will see it on this photo instruction:

And, most importantly, the vinyl tiles on sound insulation characteristics are superior to the plug!

Soft floor - new word technology

Also also pay attention to the modern soft floor. It is made according to the new EVA technology, and consists of soft granules painted in the desired color. Usually manufacturers produce it in the form of individual puzzles with inserts, and you can collect in minutes and put the floor according to your own design idea. At the same time, it is easy to clean, soft, warm, feeling and always very like to children.

But sometimes you can meet, among the proposals, exotic floors are also from rare wood or an interesting composition. Here you already need to approach individually, but usually such floors are also not compatible with infrared, electrical or water, unfortunately.

That's all the advantages of modern flooring for children's rooms. We wish you a good choice!

Flooring in the children's room should be harmless to the child, practical in terms of cleaning, wear-resistant and have good noise insulating properties. Among the wide variety of materials, which today are presented on the market, laminate, linoleum, traffic jam, carpet are very popular.

Special children's rugs deserve separate attention, which also contribute to the comprehensive development of the child. Each of the above-mentioned variations of the floor cover has its own characteristics.

Best Flooring for Children

We look at the video - what floor coverings are the best for the children's room:

Laminate for children's room

Laminate has a wide range of colors. Such material can mimic wood, stone or tile. This variation of the floor covering is made on the basis of cellulose and wood chips. Laminate is distinguished by resistance to mechanical effects and high thermal insulating potential. With all its advantages, such a material is very bad to carry the impact of moisture.

Laminate one of the most common coatings for children

Advantages of laminate:

  • high wear resistance;
  • easy to wash;
  • ideal for a warm floor system (can well withstand resonance temperatures);
  • a good option for implementing intricate laying schemes.

Parquet board - it is not cheap

Cons of laminate:

  • low noise insulation;
  • slippery surface;
  • poor tolerate moisture.

Council. So that such a flooring could be operated for a long time, it is more expedient to give the preference to moisture-resistant variation of the laminate.

Linoleum on the floor in the nursery

Linoleum is an environmentally friendly material that does not accumulate static electricity. It is most resistant to external factors and can not lose its color for a long time. Linoleum is the perfect option for the children's room.

Linoleum inexpensive option on the floor in the nursery

Linoleum Pluses:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • does not accumulate static electricity;
  • it is well suited for the device of a warm floor system, as it is a reflare material.

Linoleum is very practical

Cons Linoleum:

  • low resistance to moisture;
  • the laboriousness of the installation (a crack may appear with a strong bending);
  • high price.

Cork coating

Cork coating has unique properties. Color solutions of such material are not limited, due to which it can be resolved design tasks of any level of complexity. The cork floor is ideal for use in the nursery, as it has high ecology, high heat and sound insulation.

Tube increases sound insulation

Advantages of cork floor:

  • high environmental friendliness;
  • good sound insulation;
  • elasticity material;
  • resistance to mechanical damage.

Cork floors - warm

Cork flaws:

  • the impossibility of using a warm floor in the systems;
  • high price.

Important. When buying, you should make a choice in favor of the adhesive plug. Such a flooring variation is used as a substrate for laminate. It does not have high wear resistance.

Carpet in children

Through the use of carpet covering, you can create the most comfortable and cozy atmosphere indoors. Such a soft flooring has high strength and hypoallergenia. Wear-resistant material as easy as possible in laying.

Carpet creates a comfort in the room

The advantages of carpet:

  • soft coating;
  • a wide choice in the plan, thickness, colors and design;
  • ease of installation;
  • the ability to use in the context of the system a warm floor.

Stylish carpet solution solution

Disadvantages of carpet:

  • the complexity of cleaning (pile that collects a lot of dust requires careful cleaning).

Council. Buy carpet with short vile. It will be easier to clean, which is very important, because the purity in the nursery is the prevention of disease.

Children's floor mat

Children's mat is a very useful attribute for the development of the child coordinated movements, the definition of colors, forms, gaming hobbies and other abilities. To maximize training areas, various skills on rugs use surface relief, pictures with animal images and fabulous characters.

Soft rug in children's

Also, with the help of a children's rug, you can create a safe zone for the fall of the child, because it is made of soft, harmless and non-toxic materials. Some models are equipped with an additional noise insulating layer, which is very convenient for families living in high-rise buildings. Rugs are easy to wash due to materials that do not absorb moisture.

Children's rugs are presented in the market with a wide range. When choosing such a variation of the floor covering, the age of the kid, for which this attribute is intended.

How to choose the right flooring for the children's room? What is better - traffic jam, parquet or laminate? Or maybe it is worth putting a practical linoleum or a soft and comfortable carpet? Reply to these and many other questions.

Flooring for a children's game room: What should be the material

When choosing an outdoor coating in children's parents, you should forget about such evaluation criteria as the price and simplicity of laying. You need to focus on other characteristics, namely, such:

  1. Ecology. The material should be natural or at least not to highlight toxins and carcinogens.
  2. Safety. The coating should not be too solid or slippery, have irregularities, metal protruding elements (corners, screws, nails).
  3. Hypoallergenicity.
  4. High wear-resistant qualities. Children not only crawl and run on the floor, but also ride cars with metal wheels, scratch with different toys.
  5. Moisture resistance. The flooring for the children's game room should not have absolute protection from water, as it is, for example, it is required in the bathroom, but still children are constantly shedding something, which means you need to do so that the child's oversight becomes a disaster.
  6. Resistance to burnout in the sun. Children's room, as a rule, are trying to make the most light, and therefore the exposure to ultraviolet will be exposed to the floors.
  7. Easy to care and resistance to the effects of staining substances. These characteristics are most important for parents, since the kids are often painted with paints and markers on the floor, and moms have to remove the room several times a day.


Although it contains synthetic components, but is considered an eco-friendly and safe coating. It is resistant to damage, it is easy to clean and retains warmth well. The advantages should still be attributed to the fact that recently the price of high-quality laminate has decreased somewhat due to high competition, it also looks quite modern.

This flooring for the children's room is the perfect option for those who want to install the "warm floor" system.

There are also their cons: laminate can be very "noisy" if it is wrong to put or use too thin substrate, in addition, plasticine is poorly considered with it, it is quite slippery and often flashes in the sun. A low-quality laminate allocates formaldehyde and harmful resins, so you must necessarily require a quality certificate in the store.

PVC tile

Flooring for the children's room should not be made of PVC tiles. This simple rule was previously based on the characteristics of the material: the floor was obtained by slippery, cold, moreover, the synthetic inspired fears in terms of safety and health of children.

Today everything has changed. Modern PVC tile is a high-quality, comfortable, warm, wear-resistant material with shock-absorbing properties, immunity to high humidity and temperature drops. Despite the fact that the coating is 100% synthetic, it has a special hygienic certificate. It is not deformed under the weight of heavy furniture, it is easy to clean and cleaner, and any spoiled tile is easy to replace.

Initially, the PVC tile was intended exclusively for the kitchen and the corridor, but in some homes they began to be flattened in children's rooms.


It is an outdoor coating for the children's room of economy class - inexpensively and practical. This material is not afraid of water, it has good wear resistance, especially in semi-commercial or commercial, and with good scenario it will serve not one dozen years. Wash linoleum is very easy, you can make wet cleaning in the children's several times a day.

However, many parents do not even consider this option, since such material is considered non-environmental. In addition, the wet linoleum can lead to drops, injuries and bruises. Another unpleasant moment is the smell. A cheap low-quality linoleum smells very strongly even in a huge trading room, and if it is sought in a small room, the smell becomes simply unbearable. But this deficiency can be found in other coatings, whose manufacturers neglected quality standards. For example, carpet or PVC tile can also have a specific aroma. From such a purchase it is better to refuse immediately.

Today in the markets you can meet marmoleum or environmentally friendly linoleum. It consists of 95-97% of natural substances, care for him is more difficult, and it is not so durable as other materials. But this coating is safe, and its wear resistance manufacturers are raised from year to year.


Many parents choose a soft flooring for the children's room, namely the carpet. The room seems comfortable and comfortable with him, and taking into account the fact that the kids are spent the same time on the floor, this option seems quite logical. But the carpet has a lot of flaws: it accumulates electricity, as it is made of synthetics; It collects a lot of dust, which is why he is insecable for children, even if it was made from hypoallergenic materials. Even this coating does not like high humidity in the room, and the kids, on the contrary, doctors recommend breathing with wet cool air. The carpet is very easy to spoil or stain, from plasticine and other substances there are spots on it, so there is a possibility that it will quickly lose its original appearance.

Currently, more and more families refuse carpet in favor of other materials or make a combined floor (laminate + carpet) with separate functional zones. In addition, buyers are useful to know that, in addition to hypoallergenic, there are antistatic synthetics.

Cork floor

Cork is the best flooring for the children's room. The photo below shows how good this material looks like, but they appreciate it not only for an attractive look. The cork floor is warm, elastic, with high amortizing properties, which means that children will have less load on the spine. It is 100% natural, and therefore safe. The minuses of this material should include the intolerance to high humidity.

However, this outdoor coverage has a lot of negative reviews. The thing is that under the guise of a full material, unscrupulous sellers (producers) are handed over to the buyer the usual screed for laminate, the so-called technical cork. Such a floor will not serve both years, since it has low wear resistance, it is quickly deformed.


What is the floor covering better for the children's room? Of course, then manufactured from natural materials. Parquet in this regard has only advantages - it is safe, eco-friendly, warm, not noisy (compared to laminate). The minuses include the fact that the parquet is easily damaged (scratches and small irregularities can be easily eliminated). In addition, this material does not like differences of humidity and temperature. And, of course, the cost of finishing is important for parents, and a good parquet is expensive.

Warm floors and soft puzzles

Flooring in the nursery is often complemented by a "warm floor" system. But it can be mounted not under each material, but in some cases it is simply impossible to do it. In addition, it is not recommended to lay a warm floor in the nursery. This is due to the fact that electromagnetic radiation will affect the child. Therefore, in rooms where kids spend a lot of time, it is better to install a water warm floor.

Recently, more and more often in the rooms you can see light colored tiles made of foam polymer, going as a puzzle, in a large canvas. It is unlikely that it can be called a full-fledged flooring, rather an alternative to carpet and a palace. This material is good in all respects - it is soft, safe, well washes, and the children are interested in playing with him. In addition, any spoiled piece of this puzzle can be removed or replaced.

There is an erroneous opinion that the child, while he still does not understand anything in beauty. This is absolutely not true, I don't even know how to talk and walk on your own, the baby is susceptible to the comfort.

In order to grow out of it, a harmonious personality is needed from the moment of birth to create an appropriate heat and comfort atmosphere, both in the whole house and in his room. And the most difficult question, most often, it is necessary to choose a suitable floor covering in a nursery.

After all, it should not only harmoniously fit into the environment, but also comply with certain requirements.

Where to start?

A huge range of flooring is capable of anyone to confirm, especially if it concerns the choice of material for the children's room. What should they be? Be sure to environmentally friendly and natural.

Little children spend a lot of time, playing exactly on the floor, so the floor covering in the nursery should be not only beautiful and aesthetic, but still practical and necessarily natural.

Among other things, it must also be warm to play the floor to the child was not cold. Of course, it is impossible to forget about one aspect - simplicity in care, you need to give preference to such materials that are easy to clean or clean and have the maximum service life.

What flooring to choose?

So that the room was not only comfortable, but also liked the child, he should ask himself what he represents it. It will be nice if you choose all the materials for finishing and especially for the floor.

  • puzzle mats
  • flock coating
  • carpet
  • natural Linoleum or PVC Tile
  • laminate
  • cork
  • board

Wooden floors - aesthetic and safe

The most environmentally friendly, of course, is a tree, it is well kept warm and looks very beautiful. When processing high-quality compositions, the wooden floor will last long.

It is easy to wash and clean, it is not afraid of large loads and organically fits into any interior of the children's room.

Cork - warm and soft floor

This flooring also relates to natural materials and has a lot of advantages, and in some indicators even superior to a tree.

The floors from the traffic jam are pleasant and warm to the touch, they do not attract dust and easily wash or clean. But they have one drawback - the plug can be used under the influence of sharp objects, as well as under the weight of furniture.

Laminate - easy to install and easy to clean

Material having an upper layer made of natural wood. It is very easily mounted, easy to leave and quite suitable for the children's room.

But he has his drawbacks, he does not like to interact with water, and since the children love to play with her, he can very quickly come into disrepair.

PVC tile

Old good linoleum is familiar to everyone. It is unpretentious and often used as an outdoor coating in the rooms for children precisely because of this its own property. Today, PVC tile has come to replace him. It happens different sizes and differs in the laying method. There are options:

  • stacked on glue
  • having a castle system

For children's more fits the second option. It is simpler in the installation and, if necessary, can be easily disassembled, for example, to replace the damaged segment.

Carpet - soft and cozy, but ...

Another of the frequently used for children's rooms is considered carpet. This material is not natural, but produced by modern technologies, it is completely safe for the child. But the opinions relative to this floor cover are diametrically opposed.

Some consider it the best for the children's room for his:

  • softness
  • heat
  • noise absorbing properties

Others, on the contrary, belong to the materials capable of harming the child's health. The faster right, those who do not consider it an ideal floor covering.

He is very much collecting dust and stains with it is quite difficult to remove.

Flock coverage - revitalized children

Decorative finish of floor materials by applying dry polymer particles of various colors and shapes. This technology has already been known for a long time and successfully applies in children's and public institutions.

Most often they are used in the nursery, if they want to achieve original color solutions with limited timing for work and means on them.

Tile mats - modern and original

Children's flooring of puzzles is elements based on EVA (ethylenevinyllacetate) or foamed porous polymer. It was designed specifically for children's rooms and therefore complies with all the requirements for such materials. Between themselves, tiles are connected by special hooks, called the "Lastochka Tail".

Puzzles are produced different:

  • sizes
  • thicks
  • external decoration

Create a children's style

To teach the child to the sense of wonderful from the first years of life. And it should be based, first of all, on the design of his own room. Therefore, choosing a floor covering in a children's room. You need to take into account the overall design of the whole house, as well as furniture items that will be in it.

At the same time, it is necessary to give preference to calm colors so that the entire atmosphere corresponds to warmth and comfort. But this does not mean that they should be neutral and fading colors, the most ideal option is to choose something average.

Very well fits into the interior of the children's room floor covering of puzzles with various plots or interesting colors, only not too screaming, so as not to fulfill the eyes of a child. Do not forget to ask and the opinion of the owner of the room, of course, to fully rely on his choice should not be taken yet, but take into account His interests are simply necessary.

What is better?

Floor coatings selected for the children's room must largely match the age of the baby. If he is just beginning to make his first steps, they will be a good version of a natural carpet with a short pile or carpet.

They are soft and when falling, the child will be less injured.

If the owner of the room at that age, when he does not have any desire or a time, then it is better to use a laminate, a cork or a board - they are easiest to wash away from various klex and spots.

Very well suited for this age and soft flooring tile puzzle. It not only represents an eco-friendly modern material, but also a kind of developing, thanks to the large selection of various original colors.