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How do people think with usual and low IQ? What is IQ from famous people

Incredible facts

We often talk about celebrities with high levels IQ. We admire their mind, education and reading.

Beautiful, famous and ... smart.

They cause sympathy not only due tohis beauty , but also high intelligence.

What about the stars who do not shove the mind and whose level IQ is not so high?

Celebrities with low IQ

Here are 11 stars with an unacceptable low level IQ:

1. Paris Hilton (Paris Hilton)

The antics and phrases of this secular lioness have repeatedly confirmed its low level IQ.

2. Courtney Kardashian (Kourtney Kardashian)

The representative of the star surname Kardashian was recently recognized as one of the most stupid celebrities.

3. Kim Kardashian (KIM KARDASHIAN)

Looks like a rare member of the Kardashian family is distinguished by a high mind. Kim Kardashian is no exception.

4. Niki Minaj (Nicki Minaj)

Niki Minaz was also ranked celebrities with low IQ.

5. Nicole Scherzinger (Nicole Scherzinger)

Another star, better known, thanks to its appearance, and not at all intelligence, - Nicole Sherezinger.

Unfortunately, the former soloist Pussycat Doll, on rumors, does not differ in high intelligence.

Stupid celebrities

6. Jessica Simpson (Jessica Simpson)

In one of his interviews, Mama Jessica somehow stated that the level of IQ her daughter reaches 160.

However, few people believed this statement, considering how funny Jessica adds words to the phrase and how ineptly she leads dialogues with journalists.

7. Britney Spears (Britney Spears)

Pop Princess itself stated that her level of IQ is 104. It is also hard to believe, because the britney does not shine intellect, more than once they spoke her close and acquaintances.

According to rumors, the IQ level of Miley can be from 100 to 130, and most often exactly the number 119.

However, it is unlikely possible, considering how stupid and ridiculous star behaves life, as well as in a conversation with journalists.

9. Mariah Carey Maria

Like Mariah Carey could be on the list famous people With low level of intelligence?

But it is most likely true. And although, from some sources it is known that the IQ index of a sequapile singer of as many as 126, it seems that it is not true.

Numerous errors that the star admits in their speech, testify that it is not so smart, as she would like.

10. Courtney Love (Courtney Love)

Somehow Courtney said that the level of IQ her daughters is much higher than her. True, I did not dare to voice my level IQ.

People love to evaluate each other. It is easy to compare physical indicators and the material situation, but it is not easy to evaluate mental abilities. However, this task has always been in society: and when taking a person to work (especially in state and research organizations), and when enrolling students in educational institutions. Some qualitative characteristics Little, for objective assessment, accurate figures are needed. And how and how to measure the mind?

Successful experiments of Alfred Bin in testing French schoolchildren

At the beginning of the last century, the French psychologist A. Bina on behalf of the government developed tests for Paris schoolchildren. The task was to evaluate the ability of children to study. To evaluate the test results, the coefficient has introduced the coefficient, which showed how much schoolchild is higher or below its physical age. If a ten-year-old child solved the challenge of eleven-year-old, its coefficient was 110 units. When calculating the mental age (in this case, 11 years) was divided into physical age - 10 years - and multiplied by 100.

The tasks were compiled so that most of the children perform all the tests of their age group, that is, the average coefficient for the same year was 100. If the schoolboy did not cope with these tasks, but mastered only more primitive tasks, its coefficient of abilities was less than 100. In this case, Him should have applied a special approach to school.

Introduction and development of adult tests

The results of the French psychologist turned out to be very impressive and were picked up by the psychologists of other countries. His approach to numerical evaluation intellectual abilities was taken as a basis and distributed to all age groups. For adults, the calculation technique was invented another, but the idea remained the same.

The first scale of intelligence for adults created in 1939 by D. Veksler. IQ (Intelligence Quotient, the intelligence coefficient) shows how much a specific person is better or worse solves intelligent tasks relative to the average level. For the average level, the number 100 is taken. It is believed that the IQ gives an assessment of human intelligence. If it is 90-110, then the person has medium abilities. If IQ lies within 120-130, then the human ability is above average. If IQ is more than 140, then a man of genius. Those people who in tests show the results less than 70 are considered mentally retarded.

The term IQ itself introduced a German psychologist Wilhelm Shtern in 1912. And what is the level of IQ from famous people? Politicians, government rulers, scientists? For example, what is IQ Einstein? We will discuss this further.

Aizenka tests are the most famous, but not the most accurate

Before you know which IQ was at Einstein, let's talk about the most popular test, with which you can define its level. One of the first to be intensively asked for the development of tests to assess the IQ for adults was the British psychologist of the German origin of Hans Jürgen Aizenk (1916-1997). He conducted research, wrote articles and books, spoke with lectures. Not all scientists have agreed with his views, but the tests of Aizenka at that time were the most thoughtful and easily applicable, so widely used in various studies.

Aizenka tests were intended for people with average and higher education Aged 18 to 50 years. The maximum IQ coefficient in Iizenka tests is 180 points.

Each test consists of text, digital and graphic tasks, the solution of which is learned by logic. The complexity of tasks increasing. The test consists of 40 questions, on which 30 minutes is given. The tasks are designed in such a way that the verbal, mathematical and visual-spatial abilities of the tested are fully manifested. All tasks not necessarily decide.

Aizenka tests are widely used now, although there are many tests created by other scientists (D. Veksler, J. R. R. Amthauer, R. B. Kettell.) And give a more accurate estimate of the level of intelligence. But all of them are more laborious. Unified Standard for IQ tests in this moment does not exist. And what is IQ Einstein in the test of Isaenka? Soon you will learn about it.

Communication between the value of IQ and the profession

Psychologists conducted mass testing of people in different social groups And they received quite expected results. The average value of IQ among unqualified workers is 87. Rural workers and working secondary qualifications have IQ 92. Office workers, sellers, qualified workers and IQ brigadiers in the area of \u200b\u200b101 points. Managers and administrators are gaining 104 points. In people with higher education, IQ is 114 points, candidates of science reaches 125.

It should be understood that these are average intelligence levels from a group of subjects. They do not argue that among farmers there is no person with IQ 110 points, and among the graduates of the institute will not be people with a ratio of 90.

And what figure had a scientist Einstein Albert? IQ should be according to the above information, not less than 125. What, now you will learn the answer to the main question.

IQ Einstein level and other historical personalities

The Creator Albert Einstein is perhaps the most famous scientist of our time. Most people know about him consider him a brilliant person. So how many IQ at Einstein?

By the time of his death, the study on the calculation of IQ was also typically gained momentum, and Einstein's tests did not pass. But scientists really wanted to answer this question, and they came up with indirect methods of intelligence assessment. In the Sveson-Crane method, for example, analysis of behavior and oral statements is carried out. The IQ Einstein test showed stunning results. According to all calculations, it was out that IQ of the Great Physics at least 160, or even all 200. The scatter explains different ways Estimates and different set of source data. Each researcher defends its own method and its results. There is no consensus on this issue.

IQ level of other historical personalities

The intellect of other historical personalities was estimated in the same indirectly. At the Philosopher Benedict Spinoza IQ amounted to 175 points, the Blaise Pascal - 171, from Isaac Newton - 190, Leonardo da Vinci - 180, near Charles Darwin - 165. You can find data and other scientific and political figures of the past. The question is that with this information to do next ... Einstein himself very skeptical about the ability to evaluate human mental abilities in numbers.

People with the highest IQ indicators

There is a Mensa International club in the world where people with a high IQ value take. Each person can take the test and, if there is a high IQ, be accepted into this club. To date, the club has more than 100 thousand members from all countries of the world. Among them are scientists, artists, politicians, students, drivers.

The highest rates have:

  • Tao Terens (Mathematics, Australia, IQ 230).
  • Marilyn Rosca Savant (journalist, USA, IQ 228).
  • Christopher Hirata (Astrophysics, USA, IQ 225).
  • Kim Ung-Yong (mathematician, South Korea, IQ 210).

Most people famous in the world also have a high intelligence coefficient. For example, the founders of the Microsoft Corporation Paul Allen and Bill Gates have IQ 170 and 160, respectively. A. Schwarzenegger IQ 135, the ex-president has IQ 137. Brad Pitta IQ 119, Angelina Jolie - 118.

Interestingly, people with medium intelligence have popularity. Here are the owners of a low IQ, which everyone knows and loved:

  • Bruce Willis is an American actor, IQ \u003d 101.
  • Britney Spears is an American pop singer, IQ \u003d 98.
  • Mohammed Ali is american boxer, IQ \u003d 78.
  • Sylvester Stallone - American actor, screenwriter and director, IQ \u003d 54.

What dependences revealed psychological research of intellect in different groups of the population

  • Intellect actively develops in children and youthful age and reaches its peak for about 26 years. In the future, it is saved at the same level or falls. But with the right lifestyle and regular training, the intelligence coefficient rises.
  • To a greater degree of IQ is determined by genetic features (about 80%), but living conditions, especially in childhood, also affect its magnitude.
  • There is a link between the value of IQ inhabitants of the country and its economic condition, the development of democratic institutions and religiosity.
  • Crimes are more often performed by people with IQ 70-90, and this indicator does not depend on the race.
  • Poor nutrition in childhood reduces the intelligence coefficient. The disadvantage of iodine and the use of marijuana also lower IQ. The decrease can reach 10-12 points.
  • Breast feeding of a child contributes to increasing its level of intelligence.
  • In people with high IQ life expectancy higher, they are less likely to suffer.
  • As a rule, beautiful people have a higher IQ.

Is it worth passing the test

Despite the more than a century, the history of studying the intellect, scientists did not come to a single opinion, what is intelligence and how to measure it correctly. FROM general definition Intellect, as the ability to reasonably act and successfully cope with all life circumstances, according to most psychologists, but the discrepancies begin. Therefore, all IQ ratings should be considered approximate, which characterize the person only in part. You now know what I was IQ Einstein and other famous personalities. Take the test is still worth everyone. And suddenly will be taken to the club MENSA INTERNATIONAL?

IQ, or an intelligence coefficient, is a concept characterizing the level of development of a separate personality regarding the average person of the same age. The average IQ value is taken for 100 points. The most popular test for defining intelligence is the Aizenka test. There are also methods of Waxer, Stanford-Bine, Kettella, is equal to Amthauer. They are more accurate, but more complex. For testing, a person needs to solve a number of logical tasks, the solution time is strictly limited. Normal is the level of intelligence in 90-110 Points on Aizenka.
In people who have a high level of intelligence, there is a special society - Mensa. Persons are accepted there with IQ levels higher than 98% of people.

Celebrities with high level IQ

Many people who achieved success have a high intelligence coefficient. The famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking boasts 160 points. Despite the disability and practically full paralysis, Hawking is one of the most authoritative scientists, the author of several books and has 14 different awards. The outstanding chess player Harry Kasparov at one time became the youngest champion of the world, and in this he helped the intelligence coefficient in 190 points. Entrepreneur Paul Allen, billionaire, co-founder Microsoft, apparently, also often used his intuition prompts and was able to correctly develop his business. Its intelligence is estimated at 170 points. Many Hollywood celebrities are also not lagging behind their colleagues scientists. Dolph Lundgren and Quentin Tarantino have intelligence in 160 points, Sharon Stone - in 154, Reese Witherspoon - in 145 points. In Russia, the tests for intellect among celebrities were not conducted, but experts note high rates in Nikolai Baskov, Alla Pugacheva, Lena Lenin.
The highest level of IQ has Marilyn Rosca Savant - Writer and Journalist from the USA.

Low IQ - not to interfere with fame

What is interesting, not all famous personalities Can boast impressive digits of IQ levels. How many points can Bruce Willis have a brutal hero? It turns out that only 100 is the average indicator. And the awesome boxer Mohammed Ali does not reach the middle level - its IQ was 78 points. Low and the level of intelligence of the scandalous actress and singers Lindsay Lohan - 92. Although her girlfriend Paris Hilton scored even less - 70 points. Well, the lowest level showed the famous actor and director, famous for his roles in militants, Sylvester Stallone. The test for the "Italian stallion" intelligence showed a disappointing result of 54 points. From domestic low-intelligence stars, experts allocate Sergey Lazarev, Dima Bilan, Masha Malinovskaya, Zhanna Friske.

How do people reflect on low intelligence?

David Stewart


"I work at school for children with a delay in mental development. All of them were tested, and the results showed that their IQ is below 70. Educational program, designed for ordinary children, it does not fit. When I talk about them, others think that my day completely fills communication with idiots. Everyone represents it as a constant fight against cave people who fight their heads about the wall and screaming "my brain hurts!" When I ask students to remember own names. But the truth is that if you planted such a teenager in one class with "normal" children, you would not notice the difference. In most cases, their thinking is the same as in ordinary children. They grab phones when they hear what they call them, read text without articulated movements with lips and are responsible as quickly as other children of their age.

I have a student who could fight with any other child of his age in knowledge about football teams. He can tell you everything about today's team, its achievements for all the years and about the games of the current season in detail. He is not a scientist with photographic memory, he is just a teenager who is fond of football and no different from his peers. Some guys, which I teach, go crazy on Minecraft, mastered the game in the original and several modified versions. Some students spend fluent in two languages. One girl for the year herself learned English, looking at Australian television. She taught the tongue in their native country, but he began to talk freely on him, like her peers, thanks to their own efforts and practice.

You can see the difference when you are trying to teach such children with new things. Most often they need to repeat new Material More times than their peers, and they do not always immediately remember what you think they already understood. They often need to explain something new on several examples before they digest information. But in most cases they reflect on the same way as we are with you, and sometimes they can even be smarter in some issues. The idea that the difference is 20 points IQ or so is the difference between a normal person and a different form of life with otherwise functioning brain - simply not objective. "

Alex Tabarrok


"If you sleep a little, the IQ level decreases. So you can make sure your experience after several sleepless nights. True, because of the lack of sleep you are tired, and the mood deteriorates, so the comparison is not entirely correct. Be that as it may, before the exam, it is better to get enough sleep. "

R. Eric Sawyer

handelor funeral

"I had to work in a night shift with a person who had rather pronounced physical restrictions - and this is at work where non-lightable power is required. But in fact he was my "Savior." Johnny could make only 70% of what the usual man of his growth and weight can, and because of this, many thought he had for them. But Johnny gave her 70% all the time for each task and each shift. You would get everything from him, to which he is capable.

I managed internships, some of which were real athletes. These people who had from 100% to 110% of opportunities ordinary personSometimes you need to search to make one or another job. And Johnny himself searched for a job. "Normal" people were given only half of what they could. But I would choose these 70% of Johnny on any day, and not 50% of the guys who are capable of all 100. So I break up for 20 points forward.

In my experience, people with low and high levels of intelligence sometimes work equally. Show me someone not such a gifted, but interested and motivated who will try to get to the truth and listens attentively. I always prefer such a person instead of a smart guy who thinks he is a genius that he has nothing to learn more and that everyone should listen to him. "

qUORA user

Suppose there are two guys in a football team, Bill and John. John - athlete, which is good in any sport, while Bill should work all the time in order to achieve success. Time goes, John counts only on the skills that already possesses, while Bill is trained every day. Bill with enthusiasm refers to the game, and John sees only one more sport in it. For a long time John shows the results better than Bill, but finally Bill overtakes John. And all because while John did nothing, taking advantage of innocent talent, Bill persistently and with enthusiasm sought his own.

The same with the level of intelligence. IQ is an indicator of the potential that you have in order to succeed in solving problems, reflections and the like. But this is not the only success factor. With sufficient perseverance and working not to twist the hands of a man with a lower IQ will ring a person with a higher IQ, if he does not attach strength. In the end, the main thing is not what you have, but how you use it. "

Hollywood stars are more often known for their external species And talent, rather than the level of intelligence. Based on the choice of career, about actors, models and musicians are often mistakenly thought about the people of superficial and not far.

The show business is the easiest to get in a young age, and many are forced to miss the study or at all throwing school or university, thereby strengthening in the minds of people the view that celebrities are most often uneducated. People like Justin Bieber, who believed that North Pole - This is a continent, only add oil into the fire.

However, unexpected a large number of Stars are not only famous and rich, but also incredible smart people. Many celebrities are actually tuned to the sciences and have diplomas prestigious universities. So, Actress Maggie Gillanhol received a bachelor's degree in Literature and Eastern Religions in Columbia University, leading a talk show Conan about Brian (Cinda O'Brіne) graduated from Harvard, and Cindy Crawford (CRAWFRD) won an academic scholarship to study Chemical technology in Northwestern University.

Other celebrities have enviable linguistic abilities. For example, Kate Beckinsail (Kate Betzkіnѕа) freely speaks four languages, while Tom Hiddleston (TDM HIDDLEN) is five. More impressive them business grip: Even Paris Hilton (PARІѕ HІLTON), which seemed to be so far from all serious, has impressive entrepreneurial skills.

The average intelligence coefficient (IQ) in the United States varies within 98 points, but stars from this list are so smart that they overshadow the general public, demonstrating high or incredibly high indicators. And some even claim messia (MENѕ), and if they become members of the community, it will definitely bring some gloss and glamor to the most famous organization for people with a high intellect ratio.

It makes a feeling that some people really give everything at once ...

15. Luke Gallow (Luke Gallows) - 123

Professional handler Luke Gallow performed under such large quantity The images that it is already difficult to remember that one day he played Kane's impostor. Another time he performed in the image of a crazy peasant. But in all these characters there is something unchanged: Luke Gallow always looks like a bloodthirsty faded criminal.

This huge, tattooed and bald guy is one of the most angry persons you have ever seen. He looks like never smiling in his life. Is it possible to imagine that this person has an intelligence coefficient higher than that of the overwhelming majority of Americans?

14. Arnold Schwarzenegger (Arnold Schwarzenegger) - 135

Most possibly loves him for the role of the Terminator, but did you know that IQ Arnold Schwarzenegger is 132-135 points. In principle, this should not be a big surprise, considering how it, once who came to America without a penny in his pocket, managed to build his own empire.

He graduated from the University of Wisconson University in 1979, receiving a bachelor's degree in Fitness International Marketing and Business Administration.

Arnold Schwarzenegger has a frankly striking level IQ - 135! The "Terminator" star and the former Governor of California is famous for loves to puzzle society with public statements. For their acting work and an antodle physique, it is often paroding, and under muscular mass The actor who has become a politician is well hidden in a brilliant person, although it remains unclear, purposely or not.

13. Matt Damon (MAtt DaMn) - 135

Do you know that Matt Damon studied at Harvard and began writing a script for the film "Umnitsa Will Hunting" still during study? He knows how an excellent actor, although his personal life proves that this person shows his talent in every sphere, and his education also talks about it!

12. Jodie Foster (Jodie Foster) - 138

The fact that Jody Foster is very clever, it was obvious already in her early age. She learned to read at 3 years, attended prestigious preparatory school In Los Angeles with teaching on frenchwhich graduated on "excellent." She received a bachelor's degree in Yale University, and later the university assigned to her the honorable doctoral degree.

After graduating from the high school, the star of the film "Taxi driver" entered the University of Yale, who graduated with honors, although in parallel and filmed in the cinema. And all this because its IQ is equal to 138 points.

11. Natalie Portman (Natalie Portman) - 140

Natalie Portman was born in Jerusalem and moved to the United States in 1984. She stand out against the background of other students in his school. During the studies, Natalie Portman in collaboration with two scientists wrote research work On the theme "Enzymatic Development of Hydrogen".

During his studies at Harvard, she was a scientific assistant of the famous lawyer Alan Dershowitz (Alan Dershowitz). The star "Black Swan" graduated from Harvard, receiving a bachelor's degree in psychology.

The actress can speak at least six languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese and Hebrew. And, according to teachers, she was an exceptional student.

10. Shakira (Shakira) - 140

Shakira is a genius in the literal sense of the word. Viewers can impress her dance movements on stage, but IQ of Columbia beauty demonstrates that it is far from being so frivolous, which it may seem during his sensory speeches.

According to Forbes magazine, the singer is recognized as one of the most influential women in the world and one of the most successful artists in the music industry today.

The belly dance lover itself writes to himself songs, fluently owns Spanish, English and Portuguese, and also speaks a little in French, Italian, Catalan and arabic. She nourishes a passion for history and world culture, and in 2007 he entered the University of California in Los Angeles for the course "History of Western Civilization".

9. Gena Davis (Geena Davis) - 140

Gina Davis is much more than just beautiful face. The actress and the former fashion model is a member of Mens and received a bachelor's degree in the drama. She owns Swedish, playing piano, flute, drum and organ.

8. Madonna (Madonna) - 140

During study in Western School (West Middle School), Madonna was distinguished by unusually high average estimates and strange behavior. The result of the test on the IQ, which she passed in 17 years, was 140 points, and it is not surprising, given that she made a stunning career who flourishes over four decades.

Madonna is a very successful performer, composer, songwriter and entrepreneur. The singer has achieved tremendous success and has accumulated a state of hundreds of millions of dollars, not even graduating from college, although he was considered gifted students. She quickly made a name for himself and is the most sold singer of all time.

7. Nolan Guld (Nolan Gould) - 150

The actor Nolan Guld is well known for his role Luke Hookan in the popular Sitkom of the ABC Channel "American Family". At 17, he is the youngest in this list, but his IQ is one of the highest.

Member of Mesa, Nolan graduated from high school at the age of 13 and planned to go through online learning in college. The actor is also a skillful musician: he plays a double bass and banjo.

6. Maim Bialik (Mayim Bialik) - 150-163

Actress received scientist In the field of neurobiology at the University of California in Los Angeles. Her dissertation was devoted to research of hypothalamic activity in patients with Prader-Willy syndrome. After school, she was accepted in Harvard and Yale University, but Maim chose learning closer to the house.

5. Sharon Stone (Sharon Stone) - 154

The actress and former fashion model became widely known after his role in the film "Main Instinct". Stone was smart not by the years ago: in the second class she went to 5 years. At the age of 15, she had already received a scholarship at the University of Edinborough in Pennsylvania, but threw it two years later, becoming a model.

4. Quentin Tarantino (QUENTIN TARANTINO) - 160

The director and screenwriter Quentin Tarantino wrote scenarios for several criticized and commercially successful films, including "Criminal Chivo", "Dzhango liberated" and " Mad Dogs". The films themselves are talking about high intelligence Tarantino for themselves for themselves, but his artistic genius and amazingly high IQ gives an incorrect idea of \u200b\u200bhis unfinished education.

Throwing school at the age of 15, he got a job in a video rental shop, where with other employees discussed and analyzed films. According to Quentin Tarantino, the work in this store inspired him to become a director and when he was asked if he went to the film school, he answers: "No, I went to the movies."

3. Ashton Kutcher (Ashton Kutcher) - 160

The profession of the model clearly did not help people see in the eston of the intellect's deposit, however, despite this, the actor has the same as in Stephen Hawking.

He studied at the University of Iowa and planned to receive a specialization in biochemical engineering to find a medicine for his Michael twin brother, suffering from heart disease.

However, instead went into the model. He also studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but later he was kicked out for misconduct, because of which he had problems with the authorities.

2. Dolph Lundgren (Dolph Lundgren) - 166

Dolph Lundgren is perhaps the most famous for his role to Soviet Boxer Ivan Drago in the film "Rocky IV".

He studied in many universities around the world, including at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (Sweden), at Sydney University, where he received a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering, and was a scholarshot of the Fulbright program of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The actor is an experienced director and martial arts master.

1. James Woods (James Woods) - 180-184

Being a teenager, Woods coped with the academic evaluation test (SAT), having received excellent results: 800 points for literacy and letters and 779 points for mathematical abilities.

He won a scholarship for training at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he specialized in political science, but threw the institute to start an actor career.

In this list, James Woods has the highest IQ - 180-184. So that you have an idea, let's say that people with an intelligence coefficient of 160 points are considered unusual geniuses.